cover of episode Did you vote? Your party affiliation is now public

Did you vote? Your party affiliation is now public

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Kim Komando Today

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kim Komando
Kim Komando: 本期节目讨论了美国大选的网络安全状况,VoteRef网站公开选民信息的问题,AI在合同谈判中的应用,英特尔公司因处理器缺陷面临的诉讼以及一些网络安全建议。在谈到美国大选时,Kim Komando 指出,根据美国网络安全和基础设施安全局的报告,本次大选中没有发生成功的网络攻击,这与之前的担忧形成对比。她还提到了一个名为VoteRef的新网站,该网站公开选民的投票记录、党派、地址和年龄等信息,引发了人们对隐私的担忧。在谈到AI时,Kim Komando 讨论了沃尔玛使用AI机器人进行合同谈判的情况,这使得沃尔玛能够降低成本并减少中间商。她还提到了一个男子因英特尔电脑故障而起诉英特尔公司虚假广告的案例,以及英特尔公司因处理器缺陷面临的集体诉讼。最后,Kim Komando 给出了关于网络安全的建议,提醒人们不要在网上发布个人敏感信息,例如配偶去世的消息,以免成为诈骗目标。她还讨论了纹身行业中,传统纹身艺术家和使用AI辅助设计的纹身艺术家之间存在的争议。

Deep Dive

A new website, VoteRef, allows anyone to look up your voting history, party affiliation, address, and age.
  • VoteRef makes public voting information easily accessible.
  • Users can find out if someone voted and their party affiliation.
  • This could lead to political discussions and potential confrontations.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, it's came commander today, your daily podcast to keep you up to date with all things digital and beyond. And i've love to have you be a part of our podcast. You can make an appointment to speak just had over to commented a common on the top right there's a button email kim, go let out and that hit imagine if you were the CEO of a three point three trillion dollar company.

There's trillion dollar companies about the video.

a no of the apple okay? And you your tim cook and he says he asked to get up between four and five am, or he can't keep track of all the email he gets. How many emails do you think tim cook, the C E O of apple, gets per day?

First of all, he should have a person that sits there and reach the emails, and that makes you one email of a synapses of all the e mail.

Or that's where apple intelligence does as well.

Let's not get crazy. Okay, i'm going to say he gets about, oh no, what crazy in a number would be like three thousand years, day eight hundred. So yeah, three.

That would be really crazy.

Does he getting spam?

Think I am not sure, but I love IT when I get an email but that says, like you you've won something like if you get this lately.

yes, they're in smarter I still don't click on him, but I do a second do a second take on the subject line like are you sure you to send this that would always on, oh, did I meant wait to minute?

That's efficient. Sm, yes. IT is you win a trip to hawaii ah and like you don't waiting for the day I get one.

Like, hey, it's exciting. You went a free coin, Oscar, be. yes. What does that mean? Be amazing.

Why would you are you waiting for the corn can day?

I would that night. You know, that's a whole another issue. What you mean? I am just.

I am you peace.

my interest. I have heard too many harar stories from people who have gotten them yeah and like my friend, well, he went, got one. It's like almost paralyzed .

because of a colonos cafe.

And then I world then I another friend, he had won when we used to be a friend. He not a friend anymore. He had one, and they, they didn't make sure everything was cleaned out. And then he got almost one septic.

I'm never getting glass now. It's just all of your friends are getting all these tragedy. Then god, you don't like me, i'll be fine.

That's why you need use color guard OK, which we're not even gonna go. I don't know how come we're talking about.

That is a friday show here and .

we should be drinking.

Imagine if we weren't drinking. Let's try to. We should broadhouse we. You've jumping up .

and down on the chair. Remember when I did that? You be like I .

was on the phone. This is like fifteen, twenty years ago was screaming a call and all the sudden SHE came in during a break. And there's a chair across the desk from where I was screened. And SHE just got up, has had to jump up, up, up, down.

I said, look and tall and ecod.

I think it's at one time you had coffee.

man, I can have got that is bad. It's bad. Maybe that's my profile today.

Your team, you drink in real team. It's I can't and it's the same .

thing you tell .

me you can so .

it's king commander today that is it's a podcast about things that are tech, right?

Don't we use to everything digital.

digital, which was the con. Ask me that kind of through me there four minute.

It's everything, digital and colonos pes and we're .

giving a way of free iphone. Yes, you want to go to win from canada com. No purchase required.

So came to on wednesday, I said we were eighteen hundred people away from one hundred thousand yeah subscribers on youtube then you said we are and you said he was such vigor. You made me question myself. Yes, but IT is accurate.

We're now only seventeen hundred people away for one hundred thousands of you're watching on youtube. Or if you just listening, if you're listen to the podcast, go over the youtube kim commander 点 com。 No, it's a youtube dot com slash kim command.

Do youtube docomo slash kim command do subscribe. You'll know when we go alive every monday once and friday for the kim commander today podcast were back to posting shorts. We had a little bit of a breakdown because we didn't have anybody making them.

Now we do. You've on is on the case and get a notification when that happens. He is crushing IT. SHE is the user.

Yeah, like million. Yeah.

a million and one hundred thousand. Another on every single platform instagram, you have six hundred followers on tiktok and you have multiple videos of one hundred thousand.

That's crazy. Yeah, because he's doing a great job. It's because I am just so lovely and talented.

So I when they follow them.

oh, I hope, what are you talking about today?

And yes.

very trouble. Intel inside .

is a layer, layers of trouble for intel.

I know, you know, they got to be listed from the national deck.

thanks. spoiler. I guess ask me to tease the story and then just just tell you, I tell everything else.

I don't know you were going to talk about that part of OK. Well, forget, I didn't say that you I just don't know anything. I'm just .

beautiful blood. Yeah, i'm the informed commander.

I just don't do anything. All right. So this is big news. You know we had in the election this past week.

we did what was that on wednesday.

not tuesday, wednesday morning, know on tuesday, uh, the cyber security and infrastructure security agency that's a .

little done to have security and there twice well.

it's a federal thing. Yeah okay, let's see. It's a cyber s security and infrastructure security agency.

Six work .

well by because infrastructures, okay, fine today. Uh, they came out the best we can sit. We did such a great job. No, that doesn't .

sound like a government agency at all. Panting themselves on the back.

We had no successful hair in the election.

Guess that's actually pretty good. yes. I mean, we were scared about IT. We were worried about IT.

Yeah, we had, like russia, all over social media. The chinese is trying to hack everybody's phones.

but but no hacks with the what is that? Again, the cyber security infrastructure current security, the everybody .

is listening in the federal government, and you are looking for somebody to be in charge of the cyber security and infrastructure security agency.

You would not want that job. Now that sounds horrible.

How long do you .

think at last to an hour?

I feel like. Bb, you people, you want to take like five days to right? Report, no.

GPT do. IT, it's.

everything's all that.

Can I do? Another election were not political. We don't keep political, but I find IT very interesting. Yes, on an election day, super tuesday, do you know one of the highest searched election related phrases was on that day?

Came commander.

No, what i'm like you're thinking of yourself. Did joe biden drop out of the race? No, yes, your kids.

So people went to the ballot and they're like, who might you? I'm going to vote for jill biden. We're going to go home and keep them in office, joe, by a nope, no.

Where is his name? And they stood there. And google did joby talk about an uninformed electric.

And I am from, I was from a middle age, a middle class family. yeah. Think so. Now I thought .

that was quite interesting.

That is interesting. People don't pay attention. Poor come. They're like, where is joe? Yeah.

we wanted to go for joe.

Did he leave? Oh my god, that is so bad. That's wild. That is wild. Um there's a new website that popped up called vote ref v ref. You know many states its public information if you voted, but you have to maybe file request or get a fee or whatever may be anyway. This new website allows anyone to look up your name, your address, your age, your party affiliation and whether or not you voted.

but just whether not who you voted for. But it's just whether you not or not you vote or because that's been polled information for exactly now.

It's just easier put one side. Oh, look, I you know people .

going to throw that in their face, like two people going bank, having a political discussion. Well, you are even.

I I thought I did, I did.

I did. I didn't a different county that I can find IT I vote for. Joe.

let's see, this is interesting. So if you wanted to go sell something at walmart OK, or sell something to warmer, whatever, maybe is that you would deal with a contract negotiator, alright, and that contract negotiator try to get you down in Price and you know, so like so and then give you certain terms. And and that contract negotiation could .

take a couple weeks.

So but now they're using A I, and so the A I bots are doing all the contract negotiations with vendors and suppliers.

So this walmart eliminating paying the middle man by using A I to negotiate everything. Yes.

okay. And so when they finally get to a point where the negotiation is done, that's when a human gets involved. Isn't that interesting?

What's emotionless? right? Yeah, I mean this. no. But I guess with walmart, like walmart, not going to say what will take your Price because we really want your pop arts walmart's pretty emotionalist as is.

Yes, but you totally take all of the emotion out when IT comes to deal with A I, and you know what they about contracts? What do they say about contracts? Kim command.

do what the big print give us. The small print take up away. I thought .

I can be a joke. Ah it's just one of your expressions and .

like that you like it's .

good presentation.

Well, do you use microsoft paint? No, yeah.

i'm trying to think I use the old one. I like the old. So if I want to crop a picture really quick, yeah, I actually will pull up paints because I can know how to do IT really quick. So, yeah.

I do use them. How about note? pad?

No, no use. No use.

No microsoft. That doubt is all big Price, at least the other day. And i'm like, oh, this is fabulous.

This is great. No, pet is now going to have A I. I wait to rephrase sentences, adjust the tote and treat the content .

what's next, and can be baked into mine.

Sweep a almost in microsoft paint gona get A I with is IT .

going to be like a dobe photoshop A I like fill in all that time.

You can add an image with a prompt that's .

actually cool.

Uh, you can have a new a race tool that race parts of a picture for paint.

which is like a simple editing product that's pretty cool.

No, it's like putting high og tang gas in a mini Cooper.

yes, or just pouring .

out on a try. So I still carefully that I baked into no pet. I mean, could you try to see that like you're worked for microsoft and you know you're like, okay, i'm in charged no pad that nobody uses IT.

right? That's a very, very, very lonely wing of the microsoft building.

But we're going to put A I N.

We're not be relevant, i'd promise.

Um well, I have to do this. I hate to do sad stories, but IT is a sad story. why? Um elwood? yes. Well, here, let's look. Let's let's run the video for.

After coming on the show, I would now to prove that it's really you can you say the classic? You've got maline welcome. You've got mail.

That voice at the end, he died.

The yoga now going died.

Yeah, he died. He was a stable at tvo hio station, where he was working at as a computer was and a graphic designer and a camera Operator.

And then how do you become .

a voice over guy? In one thousand and eighty nine? He, he recorded a couple of lines. You've got mail and welcome and goodbye. And he got two hundred dollars for that.

Boys everywhere.

Oh my gosh. What this company are?


no. And he also did files done.

Oh yeah, member, then I remember that one files done. IT was really a beat.

welcome. You've got mall. welcome.

You've got rigor mortis.

哦 哦哦哦 oh, I am sorry. Anybody was listening for that soon? The guy just died yesterday. And red. Oh, out. Oh, mad. And I was thinking, like, where will be today like inside of you ve got mail, right? You've got .

you've got a scm waiting for a click on grandmother. I hope you didn't t want .

your savings BIOS. Whether your car has small tires, big tires, tires, they go fast tires with extra grip or tires that just get you from here to there, they can be an unexpected expense. Don't wait any longer at bio tires.

We have no created needed financing available. So no matter your budge, no matter your situation, we have the west Prices on every kind tire everyday with multiple lending partners, our financing is tailored to you. Don't wait another day, take advantage of our no credit needed financing, only a big go tires. It's can commander today, we would love to get your question, and I think we're going to start taking a few calls here.

What's well, if calls like on the airline.

I think we should sweet mean, I think be fun. So if you want to be part of the fun is that you've got to let us know that you've want to be part of the fun, right? okay.

And so to do that, to go over to commanded a com and then up at the top of the page as a link that has ask camp, right, ask kim. And then i'm kim. That's where .

you can ask .

A O and I read every single te. They get sent to me through the website. So, you know, and people wanted like DMi all over, social leave comments all over over.

which is how a lot of people contact each other.

It's not crazy. Yeah, but I just can't I can't contract everything. No, so so this is the best place you go to.

Commander com, K O M A N D O, commander 点 com。 And then there's a look at the top. This is, ask kim enough. Erl, yeah. So have you ever been sitting .

at your computer now? You you're a mac user now, but before we had a PC and you ve got blue screen of death and they're like, I wish I could show somebody is a man of doing that. He's suing hotel for false advert.

Windows doesn't a crash.

The last process there, the thirteen thousand and fourteen, the generation of the processor, they knew, according to this lawsuit, they knew that he was defective. They knew anyway when they sent IT out. But then they market IT as the best processor for streaming and for video games OK. So there's a lot of customers, I mean that there's a lot there's so many redit sub credits about this. There's even game gaming companies like fortnight and games that use a the unreal engine that when you started the game and IT detects that you have these processors, IT gives you a prop that is, click here so we can give you a step by step way to manipulate computer. So this will actually work because if you don't, it's going to freeze and it's gonna crash.

That's how bad IT is. That's bad is so there's .

this contest action lawsuit that was started by one guy and this now just getting get bigger and bigger and bigger because they saying they're falsely marketing. They knew these we're gonna fail. They knew these were gonna work.

But instead of wasting the money and taking them off the shows, they still continued to sell them and mark them this way. And it's bad for people like you said at the top of the show. They were just taken off of the dal index here and replaced by video, right? And it's getting so bad and intel that they brought back three coffee because the morale is so low for .

all of the employees didn't have free coffee.

This is a point of contention that i've had for a long time. So you know, locally here we have local TV stations, and fox ten is here in the world. Click in my radio station, nine point. I K, Z. I go over the morning .

shop on one station.

Why can I just have the pluck? please? Just let me get IT out .

because I just, I know you say that like, oh, I wasn't being.

I was just trying to get the attention like.

I was the most like, like really like go pro down to you.

And if you want to listen, then load the free irr radio APP .

and all Christmas all the time.

Yes, we have flipped to Christmas .

music that goes.

So we have a relationship with fox ten. And when they come over, they are all getting to go to our breakroom because we have free coffee and free snack.

They don't have free coffee at fox hand.

How do you not have free coffee? How does every offers an amErica you is to .

the benefit of the employer to offer the free coffee? Because IT jack people often makes them work fast.

That's the whole thought, right? That's why I was started an offer for free in the first place. But it's also a nice little benefit that probably costs you, I don't know, couple of hundred bugs a week yeah if that for smaller companies, even less. But they took IT away at into and now they bringing IT back because the moral is so low. Then I read another charge for toilet.

the paper too.

I read another story that basically asked the question is, intellects big to fail is until in the verge of falling apart, and there's so big, the governments going to have to say, I mean, how many government contracts they have come? It's got to billions. yes. So are they too big to fail?

I don't think anybody's too big to fail OK. I think they probably get acquired. I mean, where you know pennies on the dollar, right? Maybe from somebody like AMD.

what AMD would just be essentially buying equipment in the brand .

government contract, okay. And then also displacing people in those contracts? I mean, I don't have any knowledge this on the inside.

This has been going on for about eight months now.

So crag, if you are living in crag, bett is the former chairman of intel. great. You can come down to the studios anytime .

you can interview and for a job.

You know what? So funny. He didn't come down for an interview and and I was sitting at my job interview. No, no, no, no, no.

Just interview to interview him all my I was broken around.

No SHE work here was he gonna do so he came down and and so that the front test says, you, mister berets here for you, for your interview so and so I go to meet him, doctors, and i'd look at, like, what they did. They made him like, sign the non disclosure and put on a name. Now, the stuff I like, my god, it's guys like .

the former city .

down to worry.

is still trade secrets from combined to dock com.


I have a great joke. Is this an intel joke?

Well, it's a kind of a computer joke, right? Okay.

and you're ready, ready, locked in.

This is when you going to want to tell people, okay, actually have two. Do you want to hear? I have one that I think is kind of funny and one that I don't think is funny. Or let's go with .

the one that you think don't think it's unna at all. Why would .

you even write in town a Harry? Okay.

let's hear the not funny all first. I'll give you a genuine reaction.

Okay, why did the windows user put their computer in the blender?

I don't know why .

they wanted to make a soft reboot.

Genuine interaction.

nothing you are holding back and you're holding back. No.

not you are. I honestly don't even .

understand that I knew you. D like.

why would a computer be put in a blender, make a soft reboot.

play a like a smoothly, okay.


Alright, so this sounds bad too. Oh, no, so it's really bad. I was in a hurry. I just.

well, it's okay. You know, I gave you genuine and reaction of first one. I'll help you out with this one.

okay? yeah. And then maybe we can impose, we connected. So sounds really good.

What do you call a windows laptop that can sing? I don't know.

What do you call a windows laptop that can sing?

I dalt like .

that one. That's cute. okay? Yeah, not funny, but is cute. Not even laughed. You know, one left your jokes more than you.

I'm various the days.

We are so glad that you're joining us for kim commander today because otherwise you would just be, you know, me telling my jokes to me and just lapping alone with me and not your .

bell bottoms .

you know what they are groove. I like remember that guy said that I wasn't groovy.

yeah but he didn't call you after after being this is the place of point you are.

I am so gravy. So grouping.

I like this and now involved IT head to toe.

You call this a smoking drag.

Looks like a smoking jacket.

Well, no, this shirt silk. Okay, and these aren't. Well, I guess .

these are a little. They even if they might.

they look at, yeah. And then the .

vack super graphs.

I so groovy. yeah. So that guy, he did, he wrote me, he said I wasn't gravy. He's wrong. So grivet, you want spend .

hundreds of dollars to prove that comment wrong. congratulations. Or you just found that the back, your closet that you bought years ago never wore.

How did you know? See, that's the thing. I've been the same size my entire life.


that's good. Oh no, it's good. Yeah but sometimes I pull things out and i'm like, oh yeah, we just those .

still Price tag on IT.

some of them doing again as matter of fact. So I did this in the newsletter er that you don't get but almost five hundred and fifty thousand people do.

I'm trying to be number one millions now date.

if you're not already getting the news letter, you're just missed IT out. You are I made you're like me. That's why he is where he is and he's only on one station. If he's got that newsletter, he'd be smarter, he think so.

and you'd be on more stations. Let me see if that's gonna work. IT won't continue.

I was trying to like that was a good ploy though, right?

Sure, I really did.

Yes, you want to sign up, get cda come, get him to come. So we put together this list about things that you shouldn't post online OK. Like, for example, you never want to go online and say, my husband died because then you become a target.

But that's like the number one thing people put on line.

I know, but but it's back. Rosey Douglas SHE started talking about being a window on facebook, other places. And then when you signed up for a dating profile.

SHE said, well.

okay, uh, so two different scammers got a hold over. And then SHE lost almost a half million dollars.

Okay, but the two aren't correlate right and is not because you can go online and say, oh my gosh, my heartless feel the sorrow my husband passed away and then not be stupid and don't fall for the scan.

Now trying to be mean, mean.

don't fall for the scm.

You're mean to our family too.

So you don't .

to do say, a widow in your dating profile OK because that that just is just like honey .

opens the door. Yes.

a Tiffany SHE posted her. We actually had her on the show, but he went online on facebook and he is like, so we're so excited. I was going on accountable. Crew, crew and SHE went up there .

and then got robed.

got robed. No, no, no. They took the crews. They change.

They took her ticket. They called up fake as if they were heard and store the cruise from her.

Yes, they want to do that, a woman on tiktok, but in the name of sam, so that a shady brand store her face and use that to promote their own products.

But there's nothing SHE did wrong. He did was posed her face.

That's the problem.

I mean, you can, if you're gonna be until the media, it's hard to avoid hosting your face. Your likely .

ss guy in south CarOlina listed a limited edition playstation. The buyer he met with pull out a gun, stole the playstation and the month, phone.

wallet and watch. That's why you always meet in public places. I said a lot of stuff online. I always mean you like a wall Greens or grocery store because these are places that are gone to be populated at all times at the .

day yeah and they always have things behind. There's a little little plastic boxes, if you notice that anytime you go to well, grants you like, where's the aspirin .

and they .

like locking king, locking king. I'm like aspirin I .

did under on the ordering. Thank you. Up under on the older really yeah and then the layer opens the thing, and I would go to reach that.

Just tell me, tell me, what do you want? What do you think i'm going to do still? I have the underarm order and can run up the store.

I guess .

people do SHE had to Carry IT up to the .

register so I can check out into was IT IT like jumbo size?

No, just regular. Just declare stuff.

Declar stuff. yeah. Wasn't like, what's old spice? Yeah, you know, you smell like old spice.

do. yeah. Okay, what are you do that? H, and i've used, didn't been using IT for so long.

I have PH baLanced my body to only work with this brand because I tried to switch, because as I go, I like to smell of this. When I don't remember what I was, I like smell of IT. And the next day I smell like bo, because IT didn't work with my body.

I have to stay with geek, do you? And it's underworked key at all. There's armed guards standing around the underside ot.

you know, I got off the pellet last night and I struck, have ever done you like? You like, wow.

And if .

you then in. I off the pill time, I thought abby farted.

You trying to blame the door and you looking around.

oh god, hey, what do you mean I don't like? Oh no, that's me abusing .

around. Like, we don't know.

Smell, you smell rough.

So this is not kim command to show. No, you know, people stop me. All the IT happened three .

times during this podcast. Just random strangers of the street came and stopped to you and they say.

hey, is this a show?

Is this the kim commander?

Joe and I say, now the show is a big show, right? Is how many stations are you want to get? Just one.

Oh yeah, I forgot at me. You hate you, I know. But I can tell you're looking at like an.

I talk a lot of crap about you. I drive home but .

I don't hate you know, just that one one and it's lot of Christmas music right now.

We believed to Christmas .

really for that really yeah why would you say that? I don't know.

It's like it's and I was the day after the election, at least fifty percent of people wanted to listen to Christmas music instead of the result. That's sure we were there.

So the show is like colors. It's more serious. Yeah we cover a lot of different topics and there's it's actually four hours. I don't know you know that I do four hours so you can get that as a picket.

Talk about corn. Ask on the to show, but in a much serious tone.

Well, on the cave you want to show, we might like go to the somebody who's actually getting a call .

and whose have a question for.

That's that's smell. All right.

What do you got? You ve got to sell a fight for me. kay. Ten, two artists are fine amongst the community.

Give that to, I don't. I want everytime.

I'm so indecisive every time I decided I want to get a tattoo and then I come up with a design and like, this is IT. And then like, an hour later, and my that stupid, I hate IT and then I come for another one and I do IT again and again.

Glad you wait, because otherwise .

should be stupid that exactly. So tattoo arts are fighting in. It's a big fight in the tattoo community. I want to see which side you side with. There is the traditional tattoo artist where they go. And you say, this is what I want you describe a design, or you showing like a reft draft. And then they they come up with a design for your tattoo and then they inquired on you.

And then there's the other group who you go to them and you give them your idea for a tattoo and they go and put a prompt in A I and they have A I generate image of the tattoo and then you say, yes, that looks great and you get anything done OK. The traditional tatti artists say the other tattoo artists are cheating. It's like playing sports .

on steroid. what?

Because I is so good right now ah especially with the images.

Well, yeah but if i'm going to get a tech too on my body, right I wanted to be like great. I don't want like some little guy or gal like doing like a ech sketch on my ARM.

It's not about the performance, right? I mean that it's all the tattoo artists and their skill level is all different. It's the design side of IT.

And the traditional tattoo artists are saying you should not be able to use A I, you should be able to IT is in an art form and you should have to create the art orginally. And they hate the fact they're losing business to some tattoo artists whose good mechanically, but artistically. And using A I to make the images .

is IT training. It's my body I said I wanted have, like, the most beautiful image that I can. So you're saying IT is not .

that it's cheating. It's what the consumer wants, obviously, because the A I people are .

stealing business. I mean, you've been to and sometimes you look like and you're like, oh, what is that? I can't really say at a lot of times I was less time was in how I I was like, I don't know fries or something like that and this woman wasn't front me and you must have been probably like eighty OK. And but he could you could tell IT SHE spent her whole life in the sun, and so now i'm standing behind her and on her, share her hair in a poly tail and on the back of her neck at some point, IT said surfer girl OK. But today was like today's tattoo on her was like series.

Is all wrong of man.

And look, did that you can .

get that touched up?

No, that's just no. So if you could get attached to.

what would you get?

I want my kid's names. So why is that such a big deal?

Because I don't just want, first of all, calm down so that too it's not something just go Willy nearly and do and .

ask the private that too. You get one, you get two.

you get three. That's when you say that we did A A segment on my one radio show of something that you never thought you do, but you did in loved. And this nine year old woman calls up and she's like, I went and got a tattoo.

And when when we were like all that so cool, what was in love? IT was like a rose or something, her mom. And we're like, all, what would you ever do that again? She's like, I already have seven more and he was ninety.

Yeah, see, that's the thing.

But I want to show, I want to unique representation of my kid's named. I want the font and the designed to represent who they are as a kid, my kids. That's why i'm struggling because everything I come up with I don't like, yeah.

they all look stupid. Everything about get at at two of myself on me yeah.

make the chiller .

but all like your wife. This program is a coffee ride production of western multimedia entertainment and protected by the copyright laws. Any rebroadcasts ery al mo is strictly prohibited.