Hey, it's came command today, your daily podcast, to keep you up to date with all things digital and beyond. And i'd love to have you be a part of our podcast. You can make an appointment to speak just had over two commanded a common on the top right there's a button says, male kim, go that out and that hit. Have you heard about Bobby?
Yeah, the dull. yeah. I think they're so like three trillion of them kind of heard about barby.
Can you see .
IT the on a Bobby girl in a Bobby world? And fantastic made a plastic? No, I can't.
I've never heard this time. No, you heard about wicked. No.
the broadway show. Oh yeah. And there's make a movie out of.
So can I an erupt? Can I buy bar real quiz? The movies coming out, right? I've never seen the boy show. I love musicals kind of goes like, oh, that's cool. I can watch a movie for me.
It's only half to show.
What do you only have to show the rest of the play comes out next year? No, yes, but they are not IT doesn't say wicked part one. IT doesn't say anything like that.
It's only half of the story. Ah.
that's not right.
I know it's messed up. They should give you, so have to pay like full Price .
for the ticket. Just have the movie movie in a year, okay? And they already made IT well just tack IT on in the .
end arbery coming out with four different wicked Barbies okay, so so just in time for Christmas too. Great idea. Um on the side of the box we could learn more about the wicked barby right is that you could go to the wicked movie website. sure. Except for what they didn't put the right website in.
What website did they put?
They went, it's going to a wicked porn sight. No.
yes, I need to buy me an, I need to do research on .
this a little bit different of girl and girl action there.
How many I did they print that .
they are not saying, so that must be a crapped.
That is awful, hilarious af. A girl a on a graphic .
isn't IT fantastic. But yes, that's right. So that happy? Not it's kim commander today, each front podcast about all things digital.
And of course, you know, kim commander, all that was you, yes, radio holo famer. Ww, yeah. That I think what I think .
you're going to rattle off of a bunch of accomplishments, but you side track .
yourself by talking about the radio hall fame yes. Yeah, i'm there is like, you know, Albert.
now I worked on the show, the chem commander show, every year where you complain that you weren't getting into .
the hall of thing .
and now you love IT.
but you know know which one .
i'm not in which .
one the orizzont broadcasting of .
but you're not local.
I am local on my local station.
but you're national show. I that kind of make sense just because you based here in arezzo a you're not you don't do local.
Are you in the arizona?
This was all this is about this. I just wonder, I honestly.
I did IT no, I I obviously you're not.
I mean, I just wonder.
I was just, I could tell you weren't to be like that attitude that you're having right there. Like, 哦, okay, like you were just rub IT.
I just celebrate my fifth anniversary on the radio in zona.
excEllent. Are you still doing the toilets?
Yeah, of course.
OK good. It's part of the job. It's radio. yeah. OK.
So what do you have come .
up on the show today? The secret .
service is tracking me. No.
without a search one really or they were yes, there's a question .
on if it's legal or not .
OK talk about interesting .
way that they would ve obtained how to track .
you um we have in enjoying this oh no yes, Jenny made easy. Yes, it's going to be talking about that. Just a reminder to like comment share, follow please .
on youtube. youtube. Don't come slash kim commander. We are sixteen hundred .
people away.
The big deal from one hundred thousand. I mean, that's nothing. It's like a small comedy. Audience, yeah. So if you have sixteen hundred friends, please tell them to go to the youtube chAllen subscribe. When you subscribe, you get notifications when we go live on live every monday, wednesday, friday, anytime we drop a new shorts. Were back to .
doing that full force. Oh my god, millions and millions .
of you I know job is doing amazing job. And you get a notification of that and you like comment share trick. The algorithm, as kim likes to say, to make him a seem more interesting than we really are. I mean, we are interesting, but people have to find us first. And when you like common and here that helps them find us so we can keep doing this show.
And i'm still given the way the iphone sixteen OK go with apple intelligence. IT works so great.
I be some architects just .
every time I try to use IT like IT just gives you like this glow like and that happens. I'm like, stupid theory. Just demming.
Where can I win the iphone sixteen? Oh.
you're a love IT with apple intelligence. You should win from kim duck, right? Win from kim duck. Here's some things that are happening, the tech world that you need to know about. A thirty three old nigerian man was sentence to ten years for a fishing scam that stole twenty million dollars and nest eggs from four hundred americans. They actually caught .
and arrested someone. I know that's .
why I wanted to bring IT up so often. We're like, we talk about these scams. This one was the real estate scamp OK, like where you're going to buy a house and then the title company says, you know, why are the money here? And then they intercept IT. And then you just sent to two hundred, four hundred, five hundred thousand dollars to somewhere.
And the way they were doing IT was so. And I might hate to give them credit and genius that they would get in through the title company services. So when you ve got the email, IT looked like .
IT was an official real email. Yes, so, yes. So they railed in a big one. I get at the fishing skin.
One hundred .
ernest. But wait, I got a one line, or you.
I say about that. Wait, okay, let's say, okay, when you go to jail. Yeah, if you murdered somebody.
Now, i've never been to jail. No, i've never been to prison. You been arrested? No, I have.
Now you've never been arrested. I, no. O, K, I get close.
but I never did really .
have close trust passed into into the back offices of car wash. O OK.
I went .
the car wash. They ripped off both my sidemen. I said, this is ridiculous, you enough to pay for this? And they pointed to a sign that we're not responsible for any damage.
And I followed the manager back into the office, and he called the cops. And the copies that you have two choices. You can either leave the office or I .
rest and you left yeah so if you murder somebody from what I understand and you go to present, they're like, okay, he killed somebody. Don't go here. I mean, he's tough, then you're part of a gang or like don't go here.
you get some creed, you have prison .
creed and and then but if you have if you most with a kid, then they really go .
after because that's awful. Discussed the worst of the worst.
What happens, do you think, to like a nigerian thirty three year old guy.
you to fix everybodies ipad? Yeah, and though they're broke and cell phones, you have to do all the IT work. Yeah, become the IT guy here.
Takes this the drown. Just dropped ed off my phone. I needed to turn IT on. Yes, not a problem. Uh, apple, the apple .
vision pro .
and that warp warp, no, not saying it's totally dead, but they're saying that they're onna seize production.
What is no buying IT? Pretty much the definition of dead.
right? They said this was just an early adopter product.
okay, that they marketed the pop out of for the .
and why would they invest .
time over and .
money and energy and to develop and out for the vision pro.
make any money off because there is not enough users.
This next story is interesting to me. A guy on reddit said he wasn't feeling good OK. So he fired up ChatGPT and he said, my chest feels tight, feel nauseous and getting dizzy.
I'm a little shorteners breath and I just started really sweating. What do you thinks wrong with me? And the chat bott came back and said.
think you're having a heart attack really that's a good response. Okay.
stead of go into the checked for me.
you want to call .
nine one but at .
least I didn't say all that's diary. Go take some capital bismuth, at least IT diagnosed them correctly.
okay. But if you're feeling if you have symptoms like this that looks like a heart attack, right? Okay, you should just call nine one.
But so many people go to away in the md and find out that they have either .
the flu or cancer or doing the danger ay fever of this time.
But this is a new people go on. It's it's expensive to go to the emergency room. And if chat chy P T told me it's just chicken parks, I would go home and then I would die in my sleep. I was heart attack.
Say to her, do you remember I ever tell this story when we had that party, there was a male doctor there, okay? And they know both vary myself, right? And and so they were all just all the mae doctors, they were just all congress around in the bar area.
And so I just went today, how has been doing and like that and one of them said, you know, so how's berry doing and I said, oh, you may like, since he had the cancer and I said, oh, we didn't know that and I said, well, he's doing Better but now he but he he might have the danny fever and then another torture looked good we did know I had a decay and I said, yeah and then he thinks he might have there's a tumor maybe too the back of was neckin that's not tune then he's got this bad rash. H awful. okay. Then they finally got they started laughing right, said, you know, he goes online, times of stuff in is .
not helpful. Ever to put symptoms into a search now.
ever. No, he doesn't do anymore, really. Yeah.
because he learned this lesson.
That's good for him. Well, yeah, there's .
There's something called a digital condom. You heard about this. No digital condom.
Let me guess. This is condom obviously protects you, yes, from S T, S. And pregNancy. So digital condom is going to protect your passwords.
What you're going to do is an APP, kay, that you're onna put on your phone and on your partners phone. And when you're having sex, do you put the phones together and then IT disables the microphone in the cameras and anything from being recorded .
that's unique. I would have named something different.
It's called the calm dum OK to the condom cam dum. What do you use that? No, no. First of all.
i'm not going to have sex with anyone that I don't trust enough because that's obviously someone who's worried that they are going to be filmed during intimacy for sure. And then that would be used either against them or put online or send to strangers her nose. Yes, yes.
But here is the big problem. We put our phones together, and I have another phone or an ipad, and his camera IT really doesn't protect you there. So that mean that is A A sense of security. That really probably isn't because I think anyone is gonna set well, they might set up their phone, but if someone really wanted to film, well.
it's Better latex than never.
definitely tic.
You know they're coming to just look at our eyes. You see IT come in every time. In our eyes, it's Better, but there a joke.
Be and .
that IT is a tag. Okay, over and .
left right they're going to have some competition in houston, das and Austin. Uh, it's uh uber with guns, right? Yes, it's a start up. They're looking to .
find the name of IT though right now they can come a Better name than uber. With gods.
they should like black rioter, something like that. They are trying to find drivers that fit the background. We like clean license, a spotless federal background check and a permit Carry guns.
Didn't launch this week too. Oh, did IT yeah, it's just starting up and I get IT. I understand that people want to be secure. Most people are weird out either were lift driver already.
So I don't know if you wanted hundred percent guardie that your driver is packing, but as long as they clean, they pass background checks. Former cops form a military pride with IT that very well. It's got to be expensive though.
right? And not really. It's a ten to fifteen percent .
more then no member.
Yeah no, I don't think very much said they're really looking for former secret service. yeah. I mean, I think that would make sense. We're speaking of. You're going okay.
Is that now, right, that president trump is now president trump no longer president, you know, former president, right? Is that the secret service? Then they have greater detail with them. Do they guess with what .
is the greater detail?
Well, they have to be around him like twenty four seven. And there are no longer allowed to say, like get down.
Why not?
Because now they have to say, Donald duck.
such a way, so many times you couldn't end that.
No, would not have .
been to tell the duck time.
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It's came came today in case wondering, this is not the kim command to show. That is the big show. I don't know, thousands and millions of listeners. Lions, six point four million. That's a lot, a lot of people, but is is a lot of people and it's something described this as like a more serious yet funny version of the show wit someone .
described was that someone you know.
it's Dennis I don't know Dennis last name, but look, he said, yes, it's more serious but also a funny version with calls yeah.
sy colors, you got a little deeper in the tech side of stuff but of course it's funny. It's you, it's kim commander. She's so hold.
So if you're looking for the show, head over to where we get packets. S to search for commander with a ky, that's commander with a ky, sometimes it's not serious. You my first color, unless we can show why IT was hard to talk to her.
Her name's hailey and SHE was on A A tender date. But he met this guy and tender come here like in february and then they they just chat to chat to chat, chat, chat IT. They had their first state, like three months later.
Wow, yes. So we've spent three months just chat their first day. They went out and they went to ika. They went, had coffee, did hold things and and SHE SHE met his .
parents on the first day.
yes, first day. Then they decided that they would go on another day. He was like, really into IT. So he did a whole powerpoint presentation about how the date was gonna, because they really liked each other.
SHE is, and like what he should bring to the picnic and what he should bring to the picnic, and where the picture was gna be and where he should park, where he should park, you know, all kinds of good things like that, so he would feel like really good. And as she's like walking with him to the spot with the picnic, SHE notices like like a park bench full of all all these people. And he said, like they were bishops and elders in the church, obviously. L and then while they're walking to the picnic, the guy pulls out a knife and starts like slashing her with that.
this was a car on your show.
Yeah okay and and she's like, what are you doing and they and then he is like, no. Then they get back to the car and locked in the car.
And then he like, what of the bishops? And as they were on the bank.
he breaks out of the car and then runs towards them. And as she's running towards them, he takes the knife and stamps in the back.
oh my god.
kay. And then SHE, one of the bishops and elders, there's a doctor there, said they start taking care of her OK the guy then leaves, goes down the jogging path, finds a sixty four year old woman, and stamps, hear a few .
times this is psychopath .
that so anyway, now we can talk about him, right? Because he's in jail. I think a crazy story, I know a really crazy story you .
ve got to that everyone you meet but he did everything right .
exactly and there was nothing really bad about him on social media right I mean, he said there was nothing about him on social dia really um and he was seventeen years old I mean.
that's crazy. yeah. So was the point of the calls like to inform people this kind of stuff can happen?
That was really, that's what he wants to do. There been a years that this has happened and he has a little bit of dark humor with her. Good for her.
But i'll say I don't know because, I mean, when he was talking about, he is like, you know, he slip my hand, he cut the tendance and three of my fingers. I am. And I think SHE needed sixty stitches on her face. Thank god he survived and and she's you but now she's out saying, like, SHE is an advocate. Yes, he is saying, like, if this can happen to me, then you really to make sure also, SHE was seventeen.
SHE was minor. This is information that you need to get to your kids. You have for sure that if you are in tender, seventeen years old can be on tender.
Yeah and then you know the other side of vate is that, you know, of course it's it's pretty religious to family church. Could be the parents first time anyway, I know he was on a ten. I know.
Interesting no.
but so so have different colors. no. And you know and i'll tell you about the cars, if somebody must call and say like a what kind of ipad I should buy? No, no. Do not get on the here you .
just go by the ipad that you can .
afford the the not the .
newley one the second .
to neopets one waste .
in that right? Let me paint a picture for you and and you you have an older child that but I says you had A A grand one of your grandchildren.
You have grandchildren.
You do have very good children, has children.
Those are your grandchildren. Now they're, why are they not? Because those are his grandchildren.
There your step grandchildren.
you know what I they call me here.
so what? Let me tell why, okay? Sure, is that a member of the family came up to me when the first grandchild is born and said, just want to set the registrant. These are not your grandchildren. They are my grandchild.
I know the member of the family is now.
I said, and I said at that time that, well, thank got for that because otherwise I would have had your son when I was twelve. All right.
let's say in has a kid? Yes, I about that to with the scenario Harry told .
them that soon. okay.
And you the your grandchild, your nigh bors kit, whatever a Young kid downloads and APP on your phone. yes. And this APP is so they can have, uh, a modus or anything, anything, a Normal APP little game, whatever. Don your phone now, the FBI contract you now the secret circuits can track track you now border patrol is allowed to track you, isn't that crazy how? So download the APP the ipad permissions you give the the permission to the APP to track you in a real time.
Because as part of their terms .
of conditions, they then sell that to data brokers online. Data brokers that online sell that information to an up called locate x who has a customer which is the secret service, who then within two clicks contract in real time even that nuts that now there's .
a fine inside .
of the secret service and border ral U. S. immigration. All of these government agencies, whether or not this is legal, I mean, it's information that's available for sale out there through third parties. People are a Greening quote and quote for all this access to them.
And it's so focus of Green because you don't read that.
create whatever, but you I wish they would do something about that. I mean, if congress wants to do something important that helps the american people, let's go here and make the terms and conditions pretty clear.
I know this been for twenty five years.
I know, but it's so basie now and it's so much information now. Before IT was you didn't open really own a copy of a video game you're buying. You would just have the rights to IT now if you can track me in real time yeah and the scenario that they track, they track people here who here are illegally. They tracked a woman who is in her home in one state, cross state lines to an abortion clinic and cross state lines to go back to home. O, but that's everything is every move you make.
They were looking at another portion clinic in a sporting part of the country, and they were just tracking how many people came to the abortion clinic, and then where did they go afterwards? Ds, and then where where did they go after that? Is IT legal? Do they need to search for ant, for us volunteering, going to vote? Now we just we gave and we said hello.
we said you can do IT.
but that's the fight inside of the secret service. And the secret service to stop using locate as of right now because they probably are gonna have to get a search warrant in the future because even though we're volunteering the information when the government is steps in and bit so they are not .
doing that anymore. The secret services, not, which means any other branch government possible.
possibly. And I wish I could sit here and say, we read your terms and conditions, but a and maybe too laid. I mean, how many after you download A A month by two .
or three or use and you don't even .
realize correct or websites, cookies that you that was another thing. I was looking at a story online a couple of days ago, and IT popped up. Do I want to enable all of the permission? And I was like, no, was like, okay, they you enough because .
they can't track you, they can sell IT, right? And so they're .
not going to give you anything so nothus for free.
but you have to put that notice up.
Yes, but it's it's not in plain english. IT is in small.
I know we have IT on our side. We have to have .
IT on our right. But a how many people think actually read IT on your site? Zero percent. Robert is the only on the history of partner or that i've met that actually reads terms and conditions.
We should have uncle rapper don.
He would be a president to acquire because, I mean, he he's in the tech world. He knows what's in there. But we don't we we just zoom by IT and what we are giving up is way more important than zooming by well.
because it's like, whatever you know, you can have my first pair rent child, right?
I'm fine with that, but he also was IT too late. Have we already given permission to enough tech companies that are gonna ll IT and buy IT?
Well, it's the number of data points, right? And every time we use our phone, every time we go somewhere more data points and more data point point, they were added on to that, which is kind of crazy to think about IT. But it's interesting that this story came at four, four media.
They are actually do a great job. We had them on show quite a few times. So cox over there. And but the secret service and that you have like, you know, the FBI that always, like I was always funny to me that you tried like this is like that I get their press releases.
And like, so the FBI, I will like issue an official press releases, right? If somebody dm show and offers you at thirty percent return and crypto do not answer them back, kay, right. But how what we say i'm looking at like OK, where were you like four, five years ago?
Where are you every single day rolling after the social media companies that take no responsibility .
for any of this? But if somebody, dm, you that. Your windows machine is off or don't don't google search microsoft phone number or anything like that. Like, you know, come on.
just quick opinion. Yes, you know, should they have to have a search on? Yes, I agree, even those public available, if the governments can track you, I think they need .
to search or is like this big alert comes up .
on your phone, they are not they're not going to go for that. You're being tracked .
criminal or you're being track you're not a criminal or you know then you'll .
never find the criminals.
okay. And then what if they're tracking you and then you have filled out all these like on your knowledge for your taxes and they are tracking you and you went like you claim you went twenty miles that day for your business when really that was twenty miles three to go to the the title bar. I wonder if the IOS is GTA come back and go like I was not a business lunch.
Do you think they would put that much effort in IT?
I think IT would be a lot of easier for them to do IT.
Now with the A I, I don't do. I do, but I don't know. It's worth the effort.
probably not for the tidy.
Yes, it's what the meeting were going to for a tea bar. Not worth.
Are you sick, tired of passwords just driving you crazy? Every account you have really needs a different one. Upper case letters, lower case letters, symbols and IT has to be twelve.
And more characters are already never passes here to end the madness for good. You're gonna love this. You can forget jug ling, dozens or even hundreds of passwords. You only need to remember one password that's IT nor passed, remembers and auto fills all your passwords, credit or and personal information details, so that you can focus only on what matters most.
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Already it's came commander today, and we are so happy that you're here with us because otherwise I would just be the one laughing at my own jokes. right?
I think it's still the case. And the last, that's no okay .
in left .
of my job, 要不要 see?
You know, that's why he's here, right? So he laughs. What I do think i'm funy .
just funny SHE could be funny from time .
to time I have from time to time .
it's when you snakes IT in but it's do you know why they're doing this then you know .
it's coming Better late text than never I can't say that front .
of you yeah you don't .
want to know. No are IT. So in case you know, um in is my son, it's any so handsome.
Look at, thank you. So cute. Yeah, don't make IT awkward OK. No, it's what you talking about.
So are you familiar with john y smelly? No, no. Are you? no. Are you familiar with an I R L .
stream in real life?
So actually someone who just basically streams everything .
they do throughout the entire day, I never .
understood by people.
I don't understand what ninety four percent of the things that happened on social media.
To be honest with you, I don't feel so bad. I don't .
understand streaming in general. Don't to go watch some guy play video games or walk around or do that kind of thing. Seven, twenty four, seven.
Did they make big money at IT?
So that's what he's trying to do. He's trying to make some big money and get some some big numbers because it's hard to blow up as a streamer when you are nobody now. So he is a new gig in which he goes to different countries. And he harasses and annoyed the locals until he's either sent to prison or he's kicked out. He went to jail in japan this year for three months.
Mother must be so proud.
So I know I didn't know the name, but I know him. Yeah, I absolutely.
Japan, you know, that's a very.
that's what he does. He go system more polite countries where people, you know, I might give a little leniency right away. And he abuses that.
And he harasses the locals. I know he was on the subway screaming out people. He was in a seventeen, eleven.
He was throwing an items around. And when the lady at the front was yelling, adam, he cursed out. Then he ran outside.
And when the cops come, he cries, racism. That's what he does. He says, i'm an american citizen and you have no right to detain me.
Everything is okay. I do anything. Then he gets arrested.
Then he gets rested. Then the live string shuts down for a while.
for a long time.
I don't think they are going to let to a stream right .
from the jail there. I don't think this is not a good business model. No, I just say john's.
what are you have to do is build an audience. I want you have the audience build, then you can totally switch what you're doing. So he does not have to do this forever. He's just got to get a follow a base and then he can stop harassing people and going to jail.
Yeah, well, the issue is his followers kind of dissipated after want to jail for three months, obviously. So he decided to come back with a bang, and he went to israel, and he was walk around israel. The cops were following him, and he thought, i'm gonna believe israel before I get arrested. So naturally.
he went to south korea. Okay, yes, yes, I would think is a little more eleni an than what he would get in israel. But you not the most leninist.
definitely not the most lenient. But he was, he was living in up in south korea until he went up to these statues are called the statues of peace. Okay, now these are figures of women that were put across the country after world war I to embody some sort of comfort and peace with the people. So he had a grand idea of going up and fondly, the woman pouring baby oil all over them. He then addressed, and he then unstressed himself, and then he danced on them.
So now he was sent to jail again. He also made a deep fake video where he was making out with one of south korea's biggest celebrities. Now she's suing him, and that's another seven years that's added on. All in all, he's looking at twenty nine years in prison right now.
Twenty nine .
years in more on a statue is really .
much smart. Yeah.
he also, I wish, did you give for funding that teenager?
Twelve x .
kidding, kidding.
He also went to a fish market. He bought, sent up a sam and or or he, he left on the sun for about five hours. So IT really smell pretty disgusting. And then he went on the subway, and he showed in in people's faces with that hand a smell .
that amErica bro say.
what was the .
story of the kid would put the bubble gum on the street like from the nineties? And they came, do you remember that? Oh.
I don't know about that.
Was that was, I think that was in singapore?
yes. Okay, you're right. Course they them go. We're talking about to facing very, very, very important monuments and this guy is going to have for twenty nine years yes.
Well, I told you is not a good business model.
I'll come back and thirty years get about .
very is probably like really good in person .
the ad and thirty years so I comment from the sky, well.
yeah, we actually have .
a clip pull up, he says about his motivations.
Going to come to me, bro, why you increase es other people, another country. Why are you bully in people in other country for money, like for cloud? I've said at many times, I don't give up, I have no more so yoga, I don't give off that all like period.
Okay, he's going to do really .
well in a south great person is honest. I mean, had some therapy because he's really in touch with himself. And what he is the money.
but simple. You know.
you might ask why? What does he do? What he does is that simple. He'll go out there .
and admitted first. And I like the cloud and money I have.
I work hard for IT years. Prison and .
everything always reach IT on the up and up.
Well, that's that you're supposed to do IT.
Now the prison for twenty four baby oil on stcheuadack ance on them.
I like the daily treatment. How much baby oil did they find with .
that guy I see was a thousand bottles.
really? Are they like? Were they like gallon jug?
We are cos, is .
bathroom .
just lined up in this bathroom public .
is bathroom I mean.
enough to over thousand eight O I mean.
you could you imagine go to costco? yeah. Can you help me?
One chicken and two thousand bottle of baby. I go to a dinner party.
Do you need tissues?
Were fun.
Hey and ryan, als at mid mall, we d like to do the opposite of what big wireless does. They charge you a lot. We charge you a little.
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It's going to adult today. And I tell you, we just have a great time doing this every single monday, wednesday, friday. So if you are listening to the audio version, as you're walking around and your laughing and people are didn't looking at you like going like, what are they laughing with that person? With that person, you can never tell you.
I was time I was that safeway and I had, I was looking at like some stakes and stuff. And this guy comes right up to me. Go, that's a good piece of meat there and I look on that big you're part in and it's like talking to my wife sure.
he was the life.
I think it's very light too.
Was a fail picker blacker?
All right. So if you're listen to the audio version you wanted, get the video version. You just want to go to youtube that com slash kim commander, that's youtube that comm slash can when .
you do to subscribe. Yes.
hundred to described .
for week.
I just have one rule though, no, pick up blinds .
with my mom so I don't go .
up to and see what is really nice .
outfit and look Better on my bedroom floor.
I do not say just the outside.
yes. And what about all? What about the people that say them trans?
Well, I don't know how that would be possible.
So I. Me, one hundred percent of girl, I have a link. I talk somebody. I called somebody yesterday and they said, oh, that yes, mr. Commando, yes is my voice yeah.
And how do you do .
your responding? Get angry.
Now I just say.
what is the alarm, right? And I gave them the secret code. And like, is, is this is that this is like, oh, guys, fifth ones. Like, like does IT.
It's even a secret from you.
There is a secret code word.
So we may have found the best gambler in the history of nf fell sport spending sports line A I kay. They have developed an A I, which is self taught, where IT is going to predict the outcome of every single n fell football game every single weekend. Now it's not guaranteeing in a winter all because IT grades them a five star pic, a four star pic, three star pic, and they have three, ten weeks of the fell season.
We've released their numbers and they are hitting in a sixty percent rate. Does that could okay, i'll tell you if you are just a dude, walk around and you are hitting between fifty three and fifty six percent, you are considered a sharp. A sharp is a professional gambler. wow. I guess if if you .
think about this way, like you can put in ten box and you've got a fifty percent chance that doubling in your money .
or whatever is right. But mean, sports spending is so unpredictable and you're also you you're competing against the strongest algeria in the world, and that's the vegas sports books. I mean, they know what they're doing and they manipulate the lines based on emotion, based on trends.
They're just trying to make what it's called their vig. I don't want to get too boring and deep into IT, what a big okay. Do you really want me get into IT? yes. okay. So a sports.
But if you bet ten dollars, you're expecting to get back ten box, right? Well, the sports books will baLance IT out where if you buy ten dollars, you only get back nine books and that one dollar is there vig. okay.
And they're what they're trying to do at the end of the day is make sure the same amount of money is back on one team that's Better on the other, minus the vegan, which is what they keep. They're fine and happy paying you out and taking money from you as long as they get their vig, and it's hard to compete against that. I mean, this is decades of professionals. They have their own algorithms, they have their own AI.
they have their own computers, and they also have their own like superstitions. Like, you know, if the sky is this gray blue.
there's trends, there's absolutely trends support spending. But if this sports line A I is really, really, truly at a sixty percent clip, that is amazing. And if you want to access IT, send back a month.
I slow.
But now is that true? You can bet on like the color of the gator .
aid during the super bowl only. And those are the official, those only online wages if you're in lost biggest in the sports ebook IT has to be a statistical result to bed on IT. okay. So that would only be online.
What are some other?
We are things you are the length of the national landing. I mean, one year of body mean a couple of bodies. We ve got a lot of money on the over of a national anthem, and we were sitting their account like two minutes, ten sec of two minutes ever.
We had, they are all all. Yeah, we had IT the biggest bett ve ever made in my entire life was that there would be a punt before a score in the super bowl. And I was in vague about hundreds of dollars that now you, you know, want punch.
Is that where they kicked them all? They're so you shine to you. You plan IT away, right, that almost eight hundred dollars on there would be a punt before a score.
And the team got down to the third outline on the first drive, which means they're probably going to kick a field goal. So I am very sad at this moment because I am going to lose. Then he got sacked. Then he got sacked again, they pointed, and I was the only one in the entire building that was screaming at the top of their ones .
for a this is great. So if if the number is true.
I would, I would recommend looking and do IT. I mean, sixty percent clip, even even if they are, they're not going to hit one hundred percent. But that's a prety china because from ten dollars.
but what I pay you, you can afford IT. I hope so.
You know, football.
kind of what we are. Game though, mean, you think that.
oh, did you think about IT? Do you think about football? How .
there's .
no joke .
about good one? No.
no, there's no joke. I was just like you, like you have a bunch of grown man going around in type pan, like thrown a ball and then they huddled together and they say, wow, that was fun. Let's do again. The show that was.
that was great. What is that good? Just that was my .
conversation .
is a joke over yet or we still go in.
You're going to be good. I'll take what you like laugh, right? Nobody just say was .
a good one 吗?
And was, I was even trying to be funny. I was so funny.
this program is a copyright de production of western multimedia entertainment and protective about the copyright laws. Any rebroadcast cio strictly .
proved IT.