Sound like a tech pro, even if you’re not! Award-winning popular host Kim Komando is your secret wea
Scammers don’t just target seniors. So who’s really at risk? The answer, and some other common scam
Want a cheaper iPhone? The iPhone 16e is here. It’s still not cheap, but under $600 is easier to han
Think closing apps saves your phone's battery? Let’s bust that and three more phone myths you’ve pro
Think OnlyFans is easy money? One model made $43 million, but the average creator makes just $1,300
No, a magnet won’t erase your hard drive, and yes, Macs get viruses. Let’s set the record straight.
Goodbye home button, tiny screen, and Lightning cable. Apple is set to unveil a brand-new iPhone SE
4K always looks better? Leaving your TV on saves it? Pricey HDMI cables improve quality? Let’s bust
Big names like Elon Musk, Jamie Dimon, and Trump are demanding employees return to the office. Some
Retailers change prices based on location, but a simple trick can unlock hidden discounts. Use a VPN
New Apple and Amazon products are dropping soon. If you’re thinking about upgrading, wait a few days
Your car stores your home address, call history, and even credit card info. Before selling it, make
Elon Musk offered $97 billion for ChatGPT. Sam Altman fired back with a $9.7 billion bid for X. The
The Markup's Blacklight reveals hidden ad trackers, keyloggers, and session recorders in seconds. Fi
Where are the computers? Believe it or not, federal retiree records are still stored underground.
Hackers are mailing fake Amazon packages with QR codes inside. Scan it, and malware hijacks your pho
The Chinese spy balloon was packed with American tech from at least five U.S. companies, and the gov
Snap a pic, get answers. Google Lens helps you shop, translate text, and solve problems fast.
China’s AI just outperformed ChatGPT — but they rigged the results. I’ve got the inside story on wha
Type less, talk more! Voice typing lets you cruise past 160 words per minute. That's four times fast
Fake parking ticket and toll texts are tricking people into paying. Don't fall for it. Here's how to