Kim Komando Daily Tech Update

Sound like a tech pro, even if you’re not! Award-winning popular host Kim Komando is your secret wea


Total: 3652

Do you remember the Uber self-driving car accident in Arizona that killed a pedestrian? The driver w

Do you remember those times when you held a crying infant and couldn’t quite figure out why it was c

We hear about the government tracking us but what about tracking our kids? A staggering 25% of paren

Even though iOS 12 won’t be out until this Fall, you won’t have to wait. You can get the Beta Test v

Have you experienced this? You have a private conversation about a particular product and you start

An auto industry report is slamming carmakers for using misleading names for vehicle technology. Thi

The Supreme Court ruled allowing the states to collect sales taxes on online sales. Let’s get to the

Are you one of the millions who ended their relationship with Facebook? Breaking up is hard to do bu

When you get a hotel room you expect privacy, right? That’s why not everyone is happy about Amazon a

Can you tell a real story from an opinion piece? According to a new poll, most Americans cannot. In

After a family proved that Alexa was listening in on private conversations, two U.S. Senators want a

Apple’s next upgrade will make it impossible for crooks to crack the code on your iPhone. But the ne

Two big mergers happened in the last two days, and neither of them is good for you and me. With At&T

It’s a multi-billion dollar takeover and it’s bad news for you and me. Listen to this Consumer Tech

As you head out for vacation, you can bet that scammers are working hard to snag your hard earned mo

Great news: America once again owns the world’s most powerful supercomputer, performing at 200 Trill

The U.S. is a target of cyber attacks and cyber terrorists. An FBI agent mapped out the biggest thre

There is direct clinical and medical evidence that heavy smartphone users experience physical sympto

We always want the latest and greatest gadget but this time around, iPhone users may be happier with

DNA testing companies promise to break down your genetic code if you send them a sample of saliva. T