The podcast discussing fitness lifestyle, the keto diet, science, nutrition, contest prep, the fitne
Erika Schwartz, MD is the founder of Evolved Science, a world renowned medical practice based in New
When you run a business, or even if you don't, workplace culture is crucial to being satisfied in yo
Electrolyte balance is important, especially when following a ketogenic diet. Jordan Wilson is the f
In case you haven't heard the news, Baby Savage #2 is on the way! For this episode, Crystal and I di
Are you interested in weight training but don't know where to begin? Niki Sims is passionate about h
Are you concerned with how your nutrition can affect your mental health? Dr. Georgia Ede is a Harvar
Have you ever dreamed of pushing yourself to the limit? Matt Dawson ("Dawson") is a M&A investment b
Dr. Jenny Powers is a mother, a writer, a scientist, and an athlete from Colorado. Jenny's PhD is in
Have you ever heard of dry fasting? I welcomed Theo Lucier to the podcast for this episode and I do
07Do you struggle with debilitating gut issues or IBS? Abativa Minoudis struggled with her symptoms
If you've followed me for a while, you know I'm not a big believer in New Year's Resolutions, but I
Do you suffer from autoimmune or other health issues that just won't go away? Scott Everson suffered
I met Wyatt at a Christmas tree farm this season and was impressed by his strength and traps. We sta
If you've ever wondered about the benefits of mouth taping for sleep health, this episode is for you
While this episode covers a topic far from my norm, it was a great discussion and a pleasure to reco
With over 18 years of dedication to health and wellness, Vince Pitstick stands as a testament to the
Have you ever considered psychedelics as a way to handle trauma? Jillian Acosta has worked with nume
Mark Tourcotte and I have been in contact through Instagram for years, and it was a pleasure to invi
07For this episode, I welcomed back good friend and colleague Jen Pittaro. She illustrates her comp
Are you looking for ways to turn back the clock? As a specialist in anti-aging, regenerative, and fu