Simplify offers innovative options-based strategies to help build better portfolios. Tune in for ins
Michael Green and Harley Bassman are joined by global macro expert Michael Howell to discuss the sta
UCLA Associate Professor Valentin Haddad joins Michael Green and Christopher Getter to discuss his w
Leland Miller joins Michael Green and Harley Bassman to discuss what the China Beige Book reveals ab
Bloomberg Economics' Anna Wong has been nailing the data. Join Michael Green, CFA and Harley Bassman
Michael Green, Harley Bassman, and Barry Knapp go old school. For more information, https://www.sim
Mike and Harley check in on the state of the economy with Mark Blyth, Professor of International Eco
Andy Constan and Cem Karsan join Mike and Harley for a debate on market structure. For more informa
Mike and Harley are joined by former Fed staffer and founder of QI Research, Danielle DiMartino Boot
Neil Howe joins Mike and Harley for a discussion of cycles and saeculi. For more information, visit
Harley and Mike welcome Anupam Ghose from System Two Advisors to discuss the economic dynamics and i
Professor and Author Peter Atwater joins the Simplify crew to discuss this special K-shaped economy.
Cameron Dawson joins the Simplify crew for a debate on what’s really going on in the economy. For m
Industry legend, Jim Grant of Grant's Interest Rate Observer, joins Mike and Harley to discuss t
Matt Stoller joins Mike & Harley to discuss the growing issue of monopoly power and the role of
Tian Yang of Variant Perception joins Mike Green and Harley Bassman to discuss what opportunities an
Chris Whalen brings his banking expertise to Keeping it Simple. For more information, visit simplif
Erik Townsend of MacroVoices lays out the case for an energy revolution NOW. For more information,
The famous Green Chicken, Doomberg, joins Mike & Harley for a molecular view of the global state
Famed economist William White joins Mike and Harley for a near future discussion. For more informat
Brent Johnson joins Harley and Mike for a discussion of the US dollar. For more information, visit h