Nobody asks sharper or more impertinent questions than Andrew Keen. In KEEN ON, Andrew cross-examine
How to beat Trump? In his new book, Turf War, the architect Steven Robinson shows us how it can be d
Former New York Times reporter John Markoff has been writing about Silicon Valley for almost a half
Few Americans have been as consistently critical of Donald Trump’s morality than the New York Times
It’s hard to know if F.H. Buckley is keen on Donald Trump. On the one hand, Buckley and his wife wro
So how can The Dude and The Boss save America? According to the cultural critic, David Masciotra, Je
So was November 5 a moral catastrophe signaling the death knell of American liberalism or just anoth
“There is one winner regarding the most significant story this week,” Keith Teare writes in his That
In association with our friends at Digital-Life-Design (DLD), Europe’s iconic annual tech conference
The endless culture wars rage on. In his new book, The War Against the Past, the sociologist Frank F
As the author of The Rise and Fall of the Neoliberal Order, the Cambridge University historian Gary
Gary Shapiro is my Pivot Guy. As the longtime president and CEO of the Consumer Technology Associati
It’s the race that will change the world. In Supremacy, one of the FT’s six short-listed best busine
Might November 5 mark a new dawn for both Silicon Valley and America? Palo Alto based serial entrepr
The election is over and, is spite of Trump’s clear victory, America remains as divided as ever. So
If there’s a disease that captures the toxic spirit of our times, it’s what the therapist, Vanessa R
War is never pretty, but its privatized high tech future dominated by companies like Palintir and Sp
I did this interview with John Driscoll, co-author of Pay the People! Why Fair Pay is Good for Busin
Lauren Oyler’s “Revenge Plot”, a literary diary of her trip to this year’s Republican convention in
The good news is that the interminable 2024 election is almost done. The bad news is that the 2028 P
This was the week of Techcrunch Disrupt, one of San Francisco’s biggest technology events of the yea