Yo, you know what cheesed me? Every time I regrow my mustache, I always like lose a section. I don't know why. I remember the first episodes. It was the left side. No, the left side, like it would be like completely like, like no hair at all. And then this side, the ones that are showing, you would have like full set of hair. And everyone was like, wait, this is weird. Does Carlos have only half his mustache?
I don't I think when I grow it Something like It just falls off I don't know why It's some bullshit I don't know Cause remember Like you have to realize Like people don't see This side of our face And it's blessed Cause this side of my face Gets all the pimples Is it? Yeah Cause I always sleep On this side of my face Oh yeah And I think my pillow Usually gets dirty Cause I barely like Change my pillow sheets out That's why I get All the acne right here
Oh yeah that's true I think you're supposed to actually Like change your pillowcase Every month Or some shit like that But nobody does that eh Nobody does that You know what nobody does Nobody fucking changes their towel No okay Hold on hold on I do No I change it But if you bag it If you bag it You take a shower right Let's say during the day You take a shit
And then you wash your ass. Oh, yeah. Tell me if I'm wrong. You just pretend like the towel forgot everything. Yeah, I'm not kidding. That's so true. Because I'd be in there with my towel just...
But I don't take it. Like, I probably use that on my ass. Yeah, yeah. No, hold on. So do you have a separate towel for your head and a separate towel for your body? No, I don't. Yeah, me too. I don't. And sometimes I'll think about it. I feel like it's a waste. Right? Sometimes I'll think about it. I'm like, yo, I really wipe my, like, genital parts on here. And I'm wiping it on my face right now. That's how men get pink eye, bro. Word. That's how we get pink eye. Because, like, if you're washing your ass.
No, like if like remnants or whatever, even just the juices and shit. Yeah. If it gets on your eye. The juices? Yeah, then it gets infected. That's how you get pink eye. Yeah, that's true. I need to invest in a bidet. What's a bidet? You don't know what a bidet is? Oh, the thing that shoots the water up? Bro, just go to your, if you have a shower head. Yeah. Do you have a detachable shower head? Yeah, I do. I do. Okay, your blood turned out on like jets. No, but I'm not, after I'm taking a shit, you don't go in the shower right after. You just wipe your ass right there, right then and there. That's why I think. What do you mean?
I hopped straight in. After you shit? No, no, no. You wipe and then hop straight in. Oh, so you don't use toilet wipes? Oh, I don't use wipes. I just use paper. Yeah. Paper first. Get like the...
I don't want to get into detail. If you only use paper, I don't use, I don't just use paper. Nah, that's only like emergencies. Even if, nah, this is a life hack. This is a life hack right now. So when I used to go to Ryerson, sometimes I had to go so bad. Like I have to go in the public area. I would take like, like paper, tissue paper, bring it to the sink and then wet it. And then like keep it to the side when I'm finished. Oh,
So I have wet wipes on hand. You know what I mean? Damn, I don't think I've ever shitted in public. Unless it's like a true emergency, I'm not going in there. Never in public? No. Because I hate it. It's so awkward. Probably like top three most awkward things when a guy is next to you and you're taking the fattest like, you're gonna like everything. You feel me? Like that's the weirdest. No, the funniest shit, I was at a movie theater, right? Yeah, yeah. I forgot what movie it was. But anyways, I walked into the washroom. I went to the urinal.
And then some guy walked beside me and he's like on the third urinal, right? All of a sudden, we hear the nastiest like... And then the guy beside me is like, you okay there, buddy? Nah, that makes it worse. If I'm diarrhea-ing, don't ask me if I'm okay. Like just pretend you're not there with me, you know?
I think one of my most traumatizing experiences in the bathroom. I like how we're going so deep into this, but this is my first experience of bullying. So I was in SK and whenever I take a pee, I always pants down to the floor. Why? Why? Or that was just what was in my memory. So I go and there's like these grade 8s, right? I'm this little ass kid, first time going to the washroom, and I
Pull my pants down All the way to them And they're sitting on the sink Like Look at his ass bro And I'm like What the fuck I'm just trying to piss This is how you piss And then I go home And my mom's like Bro you don't You don't fuck with me
take your whole pants down bro I used to I used to actually do the opposite I used to try you know the the little zipper and then you know I used to try that I used to try that like obviously it's not smart to do it but I just did it when I was little because I thought that's what it's for it's like a pocket for that right but one funny story my cousin told me it wasn't even my cousin told me he just took a picture right
It was in the group chat. Nah, nah, listen, listen, listen. So, I received a picture in the group chat. The family group chat. Like, what is this? I open it. It's him in like the, you know, the wheelchair accessible washroom. But he's taking a picture outside the door and there's a man with a wheelchair outside. No. Nah, nah. Those are the words. You feel so shit, man. You feel so shit. He's like, I'm trapped. Yeah.
Because when you really go out, I remember there was like a vine on it. It was like the guy pretended to walk a bit funny so it doesn't feel like guilty. Oh, okay. That's smart. That's smart. I know. You just like finesse it, but still, that's dark, man. That's like using a, what do you call this? The free parking for the disability parking. Oh, yeah. That's slag. Just for a quick minute, you still feel guilty though. Right.
There's this bitch. I don't know if you want to still go and wash your jokes. Let's go. Let's go. There's this other joke. No, this is his vine. Yeah. It's like this guy taking a shit. And then this Mexican kid, he pops in. He pops his head out like, hey, bro, what are you doing, man? And he comes up to her. He turns the camera a little bit low. He turns it up. And he's like right beside his face. Oh, I see this. I see that.
I seen that still. I seen that. Okay, we gotta get off the washroom, bro. We gotta get off the washroom. Oh, one more thing before we move on. The weirdest shit. I remember Bobby Lee said this. He wipes from the back to the front. I do both. You're weird. No, that's how you do it. You have to go...
Okay, I don't want to get into detail bro, but like both ways you just don't go just like this because if you go one way then you're gonna make like Okay, for example, look at my zen garden, right? If I stick my finger in my zen garden, yeah, it creates like a thing right there Uh-huh, right now if you keep going this way It becomes like a bunker, you know what I mean? So there's like hills so those hills don't get touched So if you go the other way feel me
It gets touched. - No, that's too much work, bro. - That's how you do it. - That's too much work. That's why I just need a bidet, a little on your ass. - I don't know if I'm about bidets though. I don't know if I'm about bidets.
And you're out of there. How fast is it? How fast is it? No, it should be like normal temperatures. So the fact that you don't go like, you don't jump. Is it? Is it? No, it's like regular pressured water. No, but it's got to be strong enough to like. Yeah. Does it go like, or is it like a sprinkler type of thing? I feel like the sprinkler is useless. Yeah, sprinkler is useless. So it's got to be a jet, man. It's got to be a jet. Straight up.
It's just gonna be fast. We just have to go to Japan because they're known for like the automatic. Yeah, my cousins went. They have everything, bro. They have like freaking, it's a robot. It talks to you. Oh, yeah? And it has like so many different settings. But in my mind, I'm like, how many settings do you really need?
How many settings do you really need? Maybe people's got sensitive bumholes. You know what I mean? Yo, even, you know those newer toilets with like the three buttons? Three buttons? You know what I'm talking about? Oh, like what? It's like on the top of the toilet and there's like two buttons? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, why? What about it? What's the point of that? Why is there just one flush? I know, yeah, low key.
I was thinking about that. What's the point? I was like, you only clicked the main one. Yeah, you only clicked the main one. What's the point? Is it like pee and poo? Is that what it is? I don't know. I don't know. It might be. I don't even know. Let's get off the wash shoe. I already saw the wash shoe topic. This guy, bro. Okay, anyway, I just copped a Cobra bag you saw, right? Oh, yeah, yeah. Bro, I'm not gonna lie. That's just, oh my God. This
This shit is hard as fuck, bro. That shit, I don't know how Ryan Garcia makes it look so easy. Nah, because he's a trained professional. But fam, the first time using it, did you hit yourself? Yeah, I sent you the video. No, but it was a little hit though. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's a professional one that bounces back to you fast. Mine, okay, I bought like a $200 cheap one. So the Cobra bag is slow, but the top is sluggish.
Oh shit. You got a bloody nose from a Cobra bag? What? Yeah. I'm like, bro.
bro. I'm, I'm doing dodges. Like I'm fucking thing. And I throw a jab. I tried and be like, cut her thing. And it hits me right here. And I go up and I'm like, Oh shit. My nose is mad sensitive. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was weed. So I'm like, I go upstairs. My, my mom and dad comes home. He's like, I'm like, mom, I have a buddy. Oh my God. My mom's like, bro, return that shit, man.
Yo, and that's like the cheap one, bro. I know. Try this one. Try this one and tell me. Tell me. I threw one punch and that shit came back so quick, bro. It's too fast. It's too fast. But fuck, that's what, that's what. Training. Yeah, you gotta train. That's how Ryan Garcia got Malou. Exactly. Malou? He got Malou? You never seen that video? No. What the fuck? So, you know.
You know how Ryan Garcia is married, eh? Or he's not married. I swear he is married. But he has two kids. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He has two kids. But I think like a couple months ago, this was probably a while ago. Okay. But he was posted out with Malu, the TikTok star. Yeah. And they're like making out in the street. Yeah.
What? Like a real video? Yeah, there's a video out there. That's why LeVar, when he said to Melo, he's like, when you get all these riches, you're only going to go through all these like LA thotties. Okay, that's a good one. What do you think? You think that's true? Yeah, for sure. You think that's true? Because look, let's say you're on a degree. Okay, just you right now. You think people have like a preconception or at least like they see you differently now? Of me? Yeah. Of like a thought? No, no, no. I'm just saying just because like people know you. Oh.
Yeah, I feel like because when you have some sort of clout, I feel like that's when the assumptions start. And then, you know, the usual, oh, he changed up on us. But if you ask, if you really ask my real friends, fam, when I'm with a group of friends, I never talk about the podcast. True. We barely talk about that with our usual friends, right? Yeah, that's true. I don't really talk. Yeah. But I feel like for you, since you're a bit bigger, you definitely people are like, oh, I don't I don't know.
I don't know because I'm not out in the field like that. Yeah. You know what I mean? That's why I feel like a person who has a really big following and is like, I guess, married and shit has a way easier opportunity to cheat and shit just because he knows in his body that he can get another one real quick. Okay, I have a theory. I have a theory. Okay. Do you think every single celebrity marriage is an open relationship? It's an open relationship? Oh.
That's my theory. Every single celebrity marriage is an open relationship, but it's not. It's like on hush. Because I feel like when they're that status, they're already woken up. I would say yeah, if there was any evidence, but I don't know any evidence. Look at, okay, Will Smith. Oh, yeah. For example. Rasheed, I got done so dirty.
But who's the other one? There's another one. I forgot. But they're like famous, famous. Kanye and Kim? I guess Kanye and Kim too. Because Kanye is with Julia Fox now. Yeah, he's with Julia Fox. Okay, do you think they're... Like all these celebrities, they're just open just because they have so much access to it? Because if you think about it, if you think about it, I don't think anything changes. Do you think you will change, let's say...
Let's say you have all these options, right? Yeah. You have all these options in the world. Do you think eventually you're just going to be like, okay, I don't want to be like held down by one person. Yeah. Yeah. A good example is no jumper. Best example. Why? Because he's the biggest and he's dating Lena the plug. They're both big in their own like categories. But Adam has threesomes with his girl. He fucks other girls while his girl is watching him. Oh.
Like, come on, bro. Like, if I was Adam, I would be doing the same thing. Like, if my girl's okay with it, hey, man, let's do it. Okay, maybe that is open. Yeah, that's totally open. That's like, we're barely in a relationship no more. It sucks how much the media has changed everything, though.
You know what I mean? Like, that's kind of unheard of. Let's say in the 60s, 70s. Right? That shit was unheard of. But now it's the norm. Just because it's so easy. Because, like, they literally can just go on Tinder. Boom. All these options. I had a conversation with another person where someone broke up with their...
significant other. And then she was trying to tell me that girls have it way harder than guys. And I'm like, there's no way. What's her point? She was just like, oh, guys are sweet talkers. They can go out and get any other girl from a club. I'm like, bro, if you shot your shot right now in any of your DMs, 90% of it will go in. It's like 90%
five for a girl for a girl yes okay i kind of i kind of agree but i agree in a different sense where she doesn't have to do much yeah exactly she doesn't have to do much for the guy like you have to be let's say you have to build your social status yeah
Whatever, workout. Okay. And then on top of that, you have game. Okay, so I have a question then. Is there such thing as a platonic guy and girl relationship where the guy never thinks about like... Oh, yeah, for sure. What if that happened? For sure, for sure. Yeah. I have a relationship like that, like platonic. Like a lot though? No, because I think it's only certain people that can be in those though. Yeah. You know what I mean? You just...
It's got to be like all the doubts are in the air. When you say platonic, you mean like friends, right? Yeah, that would never consider like being in a romantic relationship together. Yeah, I think it's possible. At least I think so. Yeah, I know it's possible. It's just like I feel like those are really like rare for other people because the usual story is...
You get together with a girl And then boom One person And it's most likely the guy Who falls in love with the girl And then boom The guy admits that he likes her Boom The relationship is over Okay do you Mmm
You know? Maybe it only works if the guy's not interested. Because the guy's usually the one that makes the move. Yeah, yeah. Is that a good theory? Is that a good theory? That's exactly it, I think. Because if the guy's not interested, then it just works. Yeah. I feel like you got to talk it out, though. Like, yo, I would never ever want to do nothing romantic with you. Because, you know, there's feelings towards... I don't think you got to talk it out. Just, like, just not... Don't move like that. I don't know. Because you never know what the girl or guy is thinking. Right? So the girl might assume that the guy likes her. But no...
But it's their fault if they assume bro, you can't be assuming nothing. Assuming is weird, man. You can't be assuming anything. Cause look, if you assume anything, anything in life, um, what's it called? Expectations to reality always gets crushed. You know what I mean? So you don't assume you have like, um, I guess intention, but you don't have assumptions. Yeah. But that's kind of like, I'm, I'm kind of a hypocrite on that. Cause I'm fucking jumping. Yeah.
Yeah, that's fine. Okay, then I'll ask you another question. Yeah. On to that. Is an open relationship possible? I think so. Do you think it can work? I think so. But I think it only works with people that are like, they're on a tier where they're so confident or so comfortable with themselves that little things don't bother them. Yeah.
Because it will never work out if somebody is like insecure. That's why, that's my, okay, this is my theory. Remember I was saying like, I think every relationship is based off insecurity. What do you think? Look, let's say this guy, he's insecure and this girl looks better than him or whatever, right? He's going to want to hold her down, right? If there's the same insecurity, she's going to be thinking the same thing. That's kind of a connection in itself. Like that's going to hold it together because they don't want to leave. They don't want to leave. Yeah.
I mean, and obviously there's other other chemistry blah blah. I could never do it. Nah, what would you call those? I'm mono. No, it's mono and poly Polygamous polygamous. Yeah, I think that means something totally different. Okay, but I'm like mono like one person polygamous I think that's the word. I don't know. No, man. We got to step on vocabulary, bro How often you been reading? Huh? How often you been reading? Reading?
Not a lot. I think we got to read more, bro. Yeah, for sure. But I read like, I don't know. What's the point of reading when you can just watch a YouTube video? Because our brain, bro. Our brain, we need to like read stuff to comprehend it. Well, at least some of us. I don't know. I feel like. Because look, look. For example, you watch a movie, right? Everything is already given to you. Let's say you read a script of a movie. You make the whole movie in your head. You see it differently. Yeah.
So I think it works like the creative aspect of your brain where you see like sequences in your head. Like when you read a storybook, do you not see like the scene come out? Yeah, I do. Yeah, there you go. I think it's just naturally born in me though. What do you mean? I think I can just naturally do that. It's just something I can do. Yeah, but you got to practice it, no? Because I read books when I was a kid, but...
as soon as like grade six hit you know that that little um in high school where you have to read books and do tests on it yeah yeah yeah i never did like i never read them i just read like the cliff notes cliff notes yeah yeah okay i guess yeah
That's different though. That's different. Okay, what's one thing do you think that you never lose the skill of? I never lose the skill of? Like you just learn it once and forever you have it. Like it's in your arsenal. I feel like there's so many things that aren't. There's so many things that aren't. Like for example, boxing isn't. Like you can't just...
Like you'll have a good foundation, but it will never be as sharp as if you're training. You know what I mean? Okay. For example, another one is like anything like swimming. Actually. No, but that's something that you have to... Swimming is a skill. Like you just know, I think. Yeah.
Actually, swimming's not. Swimming's not. You hold on. You hold on. Something that we always know and never changes? Yeah, biking. Riding a bike. Riding a bike. Yeah, true. You never lose that shit. Yeah, true, true. Once you learn it and perfect it, then you never forget. Would you say public speaking? Nah. Or...
so like social nah interaction really that shit you could lose that shit really yeah you don't think so once you have it though once you're like yes if you don't practice it you can lose it really you don't think that because like i'll oh actually are you serious hold on yeah no never mind because like what when there's like breaks in the podcast and i don't come here for a bit we like flow different yeah i guess but i think i think those skills that we
we have, what do you call it? It's like permanent. Yeah. Those are the ones that we don't have to worry about too much, but the ones that we need to practice, like, fuck, I got to pick up more reading. I got to pick up more boxing. Whatever I learn, because me, I have so many hobbies, right? Yeah. I have so many different things going on. If I leave one away, shit, I might lose it. Yeah. You think so? And I think the number one thing is just the repetition, because I remember, um,
Like, I started taking cold showers. Yeah. Oh, you do? Yeah, yeah. I started taking cold showers and just trying to get okay with it. Yeah. It's okay.
hard man i don't know once i started doing it i got used to it you know and there's a guy that does um cold training so he sits outside of his university every day yeah and just gets used to the cold he'll sit there for an hour and read a book why just being in the cold helps clear your mind better i think i think it's like uh stress reliever reliever you don't get depressed as often okay what about the opposite what about heat heat's bad for you actually it's bad yeah because you're it's bad for your skin um
what do you call this it just makes you more tired because after you've done a hot shower yeah what do you want to do okay just relax yeah interesting cold shower gets you up in the morning like oh okay so but why why is it that like in africa the the villagers yeah they're like super strong they're super deezed and they're super fast again okay and why why do people train in nevada a lot of a lot of maybe because it's close to the boxing
I'm trying to pick up a few here somehow, but like, you know. I don't know. I feel like, no, for working out, it would probably be best, but I don't know. In cold? I don't want to work out in cold, man. You're so stiff. That's why you gotta, you gotta like, warm up, no? Yeah, but why do people take, you know, those ice baths after?
Exactly. That's recovery though. Yeah. So while you're working out, you recover while you're in the cold. I don't know. Maybe. Who knows? Nah, but one of the craziest shit I've seen was when David Blaine, he went into like the ice and shit. Remember that? Yeah. Do you think we're going to see another person like David Blaine doing these crazier feats in the future? Or do you think everything's been done? I don't think everything's been done.
But there's only so much you can do, no? Is there only so much you can do with a human body? Yeah, but wait, hold on. Isn't David Blaine, all his magician tricks were like illusion? Like did he actually stay on the ice? No, some of them were real, like actual things. Exactly. I feel like it's going to get a step higher just because we have like technology that can support us and like help us do it. But I think, no, but look, our body right now compared to a body in like 1960s, you think it would be different? Oh yeah, for sure.
Fam, we have this debate all the time. If you look at NBA players now, compared to later, you have 6th graders doing windmills while you have mailmen that can't even do a layup back in the 60s. Okay, you're right. I think everyone is getting genetically more stronger, more developed. It's crazy how it's coming now. But not everybody. Just athletes.
Okay the average You think the average Yeah average Do you think the average Is getting stronger or weaker But cause Because if you think about it The average in the 60s 70s 80s They're outside Doing exercise Playing whatever Yeah Walking Biking Nowadays Kids are just inside Playing Fortnite I think I think Um
Physically, we're getting stronger. Mentally, we're getting weaker. I think it's the opposite, no? Really? It might be the opposite. Physically? Yeah, physically, like, our bodies, like, you have sixth graders doing these crazy things. But we're on social media so much that that just plays with our emotions too much and we're just weak. You know what? I'm going to say both. I'm going to say both. What if it makes us both mentally and physically weak? Physically weak? Because look, look.
Did I ever tell you about that chart? It's like good times equal weak people and then weak people equal harsh times and then harsh times...
equal strong people you ever you ever hear that no i didn't you didn't ever show me that that's that's like the cycle i forgot exactly what it's called but no matter where we are in history we're going to be in one of those sectors we're either going to be strong people weak people in in a harsh environment or in or in good times yeah no matter what no matter what so imagine you have good times yeah people get weak like we've seen that already like good times eat
It's easy going, whatever. Then people become weak. And then weak people equals harsh times. Because we can't adapt to it now. Now that we adapted to the harsh times, we become strong people. And then strong people equals easy times. And easy times goes back. Because you overcame it. Yeah. It's a constant cycle. No matter what, right? I don't know what cycle I'm in right now, to be honest. I think we all go together, though. The human race. The human race just comes together. At least the...
is it yeah the economy yeah economy so what phase do you think we're in right now are we i say harsh times i say harsh times yeah for sure because we're we were weak people going to harsh times now harsh times are going to be strong people but aren't we aren't we strong people because we just came out of the 2018 2019 era and now we're getting hit with harsh times i feel like it's longer than that though it's long
I don't think it's just it just ends like in a year. Do you think it's gonna get worse? We don't know man. It's still it feels like we're still in the movie Do you ever bag like anytime you look at media or even just look at your television You ever take in that we kind of place it on an altar. It's almost like we worship media. Oh, yeah Yeah, like whenever I put my what do you call this phone desk? It's always higher than me
And like the first time when I wake up, I got to grab my phone. Oh, shit. No, because look, look, there's a theory, right? Okay. That we're starting to worship technology. Technology? Subconsciously, we're starting to worship it. Look at any single piece of television in somebody's houses. In anybody's house. They have it like on an altar, at least on like a dock, a deck, whatever. And look at right there. I have a TV. What's surrounded by it? What the fuck?
does that look like it looks like fucking like uh altar or idolism imagine in religions where where you're worshiping and then you put all these different things around it that relate to it it's like a shrine it's like a shrine so i remember too since we're getting smart tvs yeah and whenever we plot it we we have like the the wall hangers the tv is usually always looking down at us
Okay, it depends. It depends. Sometimes it's lower. I was going to say, because not all TVs are on a shrine. I know a lot of people that have the big smart TVs that are looking down, like, you know, with the wall. Mm-hmm.
But it's always like looking down on us, you know? Okay, but do you think that's what the Bible meant when we shouldn't worship idols and we're idolizing the TV? I don't even know. What do you think? Because the things in the Bible, right? It's almost as if it can work for anything in life. No matter what year, no matter what century, no matter what it is, like it somehow relates. Some teaching, some teaching will relate. Do you follow it? Do you actually read the Bible? Yeah, we studied it, bro.
We're in Catholic school for how many years? Yeah, I know. But I feel like Catholic school didn't really do it. It was just like something we did to do. Oh, you didn't like... You didn't like... You don't remember much? No, I don't remember much. So when I'm looking at these... When I actually go into the Bible and actually read a passage, I'm like, oh shit. Like I can relate that to my life. But back then, I feel like school just teaches you passive...
Like bro just do this Just for the mark now Oh so you think You think it's too much of a chore Yeah That we didn't like Take it in on our own Yeah yeah exactly And we don't take a lot of things I know you don't remember What happened in like
sixth grade science class or seventh grade history because i don't i kind of do okay me you're like the one person i kind of do sixth grade we learned about like native american studies but do you remember like the dates and shit like that because that's all i was studying okay i'm not in jimmy neutron like i'm not gonna remember the how are you gonna how are you gonna remember dates and shit like but i remember the stories though i remember the stories that's that's how i can like push it out of my ass so quick yeah yeah that's true pause
No, but like I can like push it out and talk about it on the podcast because I remember stuff. Oh, back to the shrine thing and having things on a high level. There's a thing in the Philippines where there's coffins that are placed on cliffs. Why? You know why? So it's like a thing with the afterlife. It's like putting it on the higher level. The spirits in that coffin will reach another like higher level of afterlife. Like a higher level of heaven? Yeah, it's a higher chance that they make it to the afterlife just because they're higher placed. They're not down in the ground. Mmm.
Oh, okay. That kind of makes sense though. I can see that. I can see that, like the concept behind it. Because being low in the ground, they thought hell was always low. Exactly, exactly. But what if, what if like…
What if hell's not even under us? What if it's... Because hell isn't under us, right? Yeah. I mean, we've never been that low. I know, yeah. I've always felt like this is... It's kind of weird, but this is like hell right now. Oh, you think that? We're just trying to get to heaven, you know? I don't know if I agree with that one. That's just my mind. Yeah, this is a... Because I think this is more of like the testing field. Really? Yeah. But all the bad shit happens here. Like, this is the only way you can get...
um, but so much good stuff happens though. Yeah, I know. So much good happens here too. I think it's, it's your perspective on it. It's your perspective. If, if you think more bad stuff happens and more bad stuff does happen, if you're looking at that, but, but they say also that the devil is in hell, like the devil is in hell, right? Yeah. So how do you explain, um,
um people right now who have sold their soul on the plane on this plane like the devil met nobody on the crossroads type shit but the devil does roam earth no do we know that yeah isn't that like in the bible i don't know lucifer fell down from heaven didn't he right i don't know that's what i remember i remember i just i can't agree with with it because i haven't read it oh okay you're the only source yeah i swear i swear that's what it is that's what it is on the bible no
no i'm pretty sure that's what it is like he fell down to hell but like he he can still access earth that's why he tempts people okay that's why when jesus was on he's like walking for 30 days he was tempted by the devil because he was there okay right so he's just roaming around fam and do ghosts have ghosts are on earth is that a scientific fact that they roam hell or or heaven or what is it i don't think there's no scientific fact that's the thing right yeah because there's so many like spiritual shit that happens but why don't they study it i feel
Yeah. Why don't they study that? There's only stories. There's no like... And then after, they have nothing to explain it. Because like... Nothing at all though. Have you read that? Yeah. Have you read it? Nothing at all. Like they didn't even... They didn't even do one little piece of research. Not even one. Yeah. Okay. Because I'm going to tell you the story. And that goes into your theory. Yeah. Because I was reading this story about a taxi cab ghost. Right? In the Philippines. So...
A girl randomly one day, right? Went in a taxi cab. It was labeled number 45, right? She stepped in and she was trying to conversate with the taxi driver. She was like, hey, I'm trying to go to here. The taxi driver never responded, right? Yeah. She got to her destination, right? She was like, okay, here's the money. When the taxi driver turned around, it was a ghost. Oh, shit. Like the face was all bloody. You couldn't see it. Yeah, yeah. Right? And she ran out of her car. When she was in the gate of her house, she looked back.
Taxi cab was gone Oh shit Like at all And there was no Scientific proof To why number 45 Like it wasn't a registered Taxi Oh so Yeah At all So how do you explain that There's another story Where something happened But they can't
Explain it. I don't know. Okay. Do you think these coincidences where physical things get changed? Yeah. You think that can change again once they're gone? What if it's like an aura? Let's say a ghost is here right now. Okay. Change the whole environment. And then when he leaves, he dips. It changes back. It changes back? What if it's like that? I don't know.
man because it's all a vibration right yeah yo so i've been looking a lot into molecules and vibration and shit and how you can manipulate it yeah how can you manipulate it did you know that water when you freeze it and you say things to it depending on what frequency you give off you can change the snowflakes and how they appear when it freezes really yeah look at this so look so
So this one, you talk about truth or you give off peace. If you say, I love you, it turns into that beautiful, right? Now, if you say negative shit, like you fool, look how it freezes. Wait, no, this is real? Yeah, this is real. This is real study.
So depending on what vibration you give off when you say things, it will affect the water. And when it freezes, it will show that image. Word. Yeah. Just like, bro, if you think about it, to sand, you saw the sand on different sound frequencies, right? It shows different patterns. Mm-hmm.
Now, a step further, water. Water vibrates a lot. Like if you just look at a lake, you'll see the ripples and shit. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. Remember, we're 70% or 80% water, no? Yeah, yeah. So giving off that frequency all the time or always saying these things, 100%, that shit affects you. Would it not? Yeah. I know.
I know you can. So if it does that to the water in the cup and it freezes, imagine what it does to you. Yeah. No, I feel like that's why energy is so important because when you meet certain people, they give you a certain vibe, like certain vibe, you know? And when that vibe is going wrong, maybe they send off the wrong messages in your body. Yeah.
yeah yeah yeah that's why that's why i think that's why yeah because no matter what like if i see somebody that's giving off that bad energy i right away i just want to yeah because i i can feel it like changing or at least like manipulating my my shit you know i mean you know what's also related to water there's there's a theory that if you pee in the pool yeah you can actually kill people no no way you're lying no no there is that's cap no no no no there's like scientific proof okay so
So when you pee in the pool, right? Yeah. You mix your pee in water. It creates a molecule called centric acid. Okay. Or something like that. I'll put it up on the screen. Right? And that is used in biological warfare. Oh. And the planes dump it to kill people. What? Yeah. In chlorine. Yeah, in chlorine. So chlorine mixed with your pee. Yeah. Makes that molecule, which can kill people. But it has to be a lot, huh? It has to be a lot. So it's not like one time. But like, if you really take in.
Not only one person is peeing in the pool usually. It's usually like three, four people. Yeah, no, no, no. Like at a water park or some shit? That's a lot of people. Oh, water park is... Might be deadly still.
If you intake that so much. That's why, like, it can cause heart... Like, your heart to clog up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, all these different types of consequences on your body. So, what if some next, like, terrorist group, bro, instead of doing, like... They send a team in, bro. Alright, y'all drink up. We're gonna hop in the pool, take off that piss. That's so f***ing... I actually thought about that. That's...
Instead of like a bomber squad, it's just peace squad. Yeah, because it's not illegal, right? Don't give them ideas, man. Don't give them ideas. I don't know why I thought of that. I don't know. But that's mad creative. That's mad creative if they did that. They turned that shit into a poison. That's f***ing rad. Is that, that's real like chlorine? Yeah, yeah. You know what? I really hope, I really hope there's no harmful effects of chlorine because I spent like
Probably a year of my life in water. In chlorinated water. Yeah, I know. You especially. It's called syngan chloride. Interesting. So this is used in biological warfare. And I know they use chlorine gas in the war for sure. Oh, yeah. I know that. Yeah, they dump it out to planes. Damn. Yo, you know what's crazy? What? So when I used to work as a swim instructor, my leg hair, that shit would turn blonde. Like after... Oh, yeah.
Did I show you? Did I show you? No, no. My friend though, who's also a lifeguard. Yeah. His whole leg is blonde. Yeah. That's how it is, bro. That's how it is. I swear. It's so weird. And then like, sometimes I'd catch, even on my face, like a strand of like blonde or in my eyebrow. It's weird. Yeah. It's so crazy. And you definitely get those, what do you get? The wrinkles. The webby.
Does a baby come out wrinkly? Yeah, it does. I think so. Yeah, it does. Like the fingers turning out wrinkly? Yeah, it does. It does. Oh, did you always... There's a Chinese ritual when babies first come out on their first birthday. It's called Zhang Zhao, right? So the gist of it is they put a bunch of like items in front of the baby. Yeah. So you can have like a pen or paper, a golf club, right? And that baby is like free to choose whatever it wants. Yeah. So there was a video on TikTok where a baby crawled up to the golf club
and swung it no really and swung it perfectly like it knew like that was its destiny damn so that's gonna be like its passion yeah
That's hard. That's fire. That's fire. I feel like I want to do that with my baby. Cause did you do that? Something like that when you were young? Nah, never. Like, were there any foreshadows of how you became Carlos today? Nah, I don't, I don't know. I always knew though, when I was little, when I was really, really little, I used to always in try and be a business man. Like I always like make stuff and try and sell it. Like my mom has memories of me doing my own shop or like doing my own inventions. Mom, this is my invention. This is my invention. Yeah.
So that, exactly, that's a foreshadow. Because I always thought that I was going to become a cameraman. Yeah. Because my dad, whenever we went out, he has so many videos, like home videos, of just me, him recording us, like him trying to do all these movie things. And I was like, oh.
I... Instead of behind the camera, I ended up in front of the camera. Damn. Yeah, because I did... I did camera work too when I was little. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, super little. Yeah. I told you before, right? I played with, like, action figures and I made, like, a whole scene. Oh, that's good. I made, like, a whole movie with it, like... Yeah. Because I used to talk to myself a lot, man. Oh, yeah. I used to talk to myself a lot. Did you talk to yourself? Uh-huh. Bro. And people would make fun of me all the time, but, like, I think...
It's just something cool to me. Yeah. Like, they don't see what's in here. That's the thing. I feel like a lot of people, they're not going to understand you. A lot of people, they might hate on you, whatever. But as long as you stay true to yourself and, like, just believe in what you're doing. Yeah. Yo, you live in your own world. Like, that shit doesn't have to bother you. Exactly. The most important relationship is the relationship you have with yourself. And if you're good up here, you're good anywhere, you know? Yeah. Going back to the baby thing, though. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yo, what happens? Imagine if they...
You know how people talk to like a pregnant belly? Oh yeah, yeah. Do you think you can turn a baby... We talked about this. We talked about this? Yeah, yeah. Remember we were like, what if we tell the baby, yo, you're gonna do great things in life. Yeah. And the other baby. Because the plant. Oh yeah, because the plant. That's right. Deadass, I think I want to try it. If you want to try it.
Later in life. Later in life. Later in life. It better be all positive stuff. Yeah, like positive stuff. Positive stuff. Like imagine you tell him you're going to be seven feet tall. Something crazy is going to happen. I feel like genetics though is just based on like what you have. Yo, I have a theory though. I have a theory. So there's a theory that if your sibling or your older sibling grew up with a rat's tail,
you're going to be a boy. Word? Yeah, so there's a theory that if you have a kid with a rat's tail, the next kid will be a boy. Word? Yeah. So listen, listen, listen. I have cousins, right? Yeah. Somebody told me this in my DMs, but I see it myself too. I have cousins. The firstborn is a boy with a rat's tail. Okay. Right? The secondborn is a boy without the rat's tail, which became a girl. Whoa, what the...
It's real. It's real. It's real. Okay, do you have a rat's tail? No. No, I don't have a rat's tail. And you have a sister. Do I have a rat's tail? No. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Okay, hold on. Hold on. Because my cousin... Yeah. My cousin has a rat tail. And what do you say after the rat tail comes a... A girl. I mean a boy. A boy. Oh, no. No? It was a girl.
No, but it's not necessarily a rat's tail, rat's tail. It's like, it's like it ends on a, on a spike. The hair ends on a spike. Oh, I get what you're saying. I get what you're saying. You know what I mean? I don't have that. I don't have that. You don't have that. That's why you have a, you have a sister. Oh,
Apparently this is like a Mexican superstition. Yeah. Or like a Spanish superstition. Something like that. Yeah. Remember I told you too that my right foot is bigger than my left? Yeah. Like half size? I searched it up and there was whoever has a right foot bigger than your left
is destined for some type of greatness. Really? Yeah. What you said, Michael Jordan? Yeah, Michael Jordan has one. Is the biggest example of that because his... I think his left is bigger than his right. Yeah, it's 0.5. It's 0.5. And that's like a unique...
foreshadow of like being different in the world. Maybe it has something to do with athleticism too. Oh yeah. You think? Because I think maybe it makes you like a little bit faster or something. I don't think a bigger foot would make you faster. No, but I mean the balance, right? Because did you know if you're missing a foot, they wouldn't, I mean, if you're missing a toe, they wouldn't take you in the army because of your balance. In World War II, if you're missing any piece of your toe, they would not take you in the military.
Because of balance. I didn't know that. Yeah, because you stay 10 toes down. Nah, that's weird. I think it might have something to do with speed then. Maybe that's why Uncle Jordan was like that. He was totally in control of his body. Because if you think about like physics...
Let's say you're flat like this, right? If you're on an angle, you're faster. Oh, you're right. Because that's what physics is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's potential energy. Shout out. Yo, the fact that you remember physics. How do I remember that, bro? Oh my God. Finish that class with a 70. You know what's up.
No, but you're right because you're flat-footed right? I'm flat footed we raced and yeah Yeah, you have arch you have arch I think I think me being flat-footed Yeah is big disadvantage for for running at least running at yeah, because yo, you're literally like You're you're bouncy you're um more agile I guess yeah. Yeah. Uh, no, there's another word. It's um, I
Explosive. Explosive. Yeah, explosive. That's a word. Okay, yeah. That's a word. Because you can move off quick. Yeah, that's true. You know what I mean? Okay, speaking about feet, fam. Yeah? There's a theory that Nickelodeon has a foot fetish. Oh, I heard about this one, bro. Okay, so you watch all the shows back, right? Yeah. And you start realizing that, bro, there's so many foot scenes and scenes where characters don't have their socks on. Yeah. Right? Okay, so...
So on Victorious, if you noticed, there was a show where she hosts. It's called Tory Takes Requests, right? And in the first episode, it was a request to dump ketchup all over her feet. Oh.
And she was playing with it. And you know Ariana Grande? Yeah, that was the worst. That was the worst. Kat, Kat. She also held her show. And in the first episode, what did she do? She stuck her big pinky toe in her mouth. Yeah, they're doing all this nasty, like putting slime on it, all that, bro. I'm telling you, look, look, look. There's a Nickelodeon logo with the foot. I was going to say that, bro. It's so funny.
Yo, what's his name again? Is it something? Dan Schneider. Dan Schneider? Yeah. Crazy. Crazy. This guy's messed up, man. It's fucked. This guy's messed up. Bro, the most fucked up thing too, they had a Twitter page, right? Yeah. On Victorious. And the tweet was, send us a picture of your bottom foot. Why? Hashtag, like, Victorious. What the fuck?
And everyone did it. What the hell? Dan was probably in there like, oh my god, this is a gold mine. Yo, there's another scene too in Victorious. They're copying like the Breakfast Club. And they're supposed to show off like her talent, her secret talent. Yeah, yeah. Her secret talent was shooting a bow and arrow with her feet. With her feet. Why? Who wrote this, bro? Who's writing this? Nah, that's crazy, bro. Like, why can't you just do it with your hands, bro?
I know why was she in that position to like do it with her feet man? Oh, there's there's like crazier theories - yeah that you know How is all you want to 101 so you 101 was directed by Dan Schneider? Yeah, and why did the show stop why because uh, Jamie Lynn Spears got pregnant by who but the theory is that it was Dan Schneider No
And you can look back at like behind the scenes and shit. He's a little bit too comfortable with the girls. Dan has a weird past because I think I remember seeing a quote where he was like, oh, he tried to deny it because he's like, oh, I couldn't touch on my actors because they were all minors or some shit like that. But the fact that it's getting brought up. Yeah, yeah. The fact he had to think about that. Think about it is weird. That's sauce. That's sauce. And do you know he's like delivering pizzas now? Is he? Yeah. He lost money?
All of it fam Why Cause I think he went He went broke after Nickelodeon And he's trying to Pursue an acting role Yeah But he was spotted On the streets of LA What Delivering pizzas Nah that's crazy This guy was on top He had how many shows bro I know
That's like That's sad But like at the same time It's weird man Yo you know Quentin Tarantino too He's like He has a huge foot fetish In all of his movies For real? Yeah like Almost all of them Have a scene with like feet bro What? Yeah Where? Especially the most recent one In Once Upon a Time in Hollywood You'll see it Like whether they're Chilling in the car They have a full on shot Like right in your face Yeah
Like they'll have, you know those shots where it's kind of artsy? Like with a blur in the back? They have those type of shots but with like feet together and then like their head in the foreshot. You know what I mean?
yeah i swear even in kill bill remember i don't know if you if you watch kill bill but no she was trying to like wake up her wake up her body because she was paralyzed right and the the whole time she was looking at her toes trying to move it trying to move it but it was a foot shot for like how long like five minutes yeah that's weird do you think all these like big directors have foot fetish maybe i don't
Aspiring director Maybe because you're An aspiring one You don't have it yet But once you become Big in the showtime business You're gonna develop That'd be crazy What if that's a theory Yeah You have traits You have traits Like in film school There's like a certain Like lesson of Just straight on Furnishes
That only goes on in theaters. Or what if that unlocks like a certain part in your brain that makes you more like inclined to make scenes and shit. Oh, that's weird, man. I don't even know how you can get attracted to a feet, man. I don't know. That's weird. I think it has something to do with like dirtiness because feet are dirty, bro. Yeah.
You know, in Muay Thai, if you get teeped in the face, it's very disrespectful. Oh, like kicked straight on? Yeah. It's very disrespectful. I don't want to get kicked in the face like that. Like, I'm pretty sure in... You know how they have Muay Thai fights in the public, right? Yeah, yeah. If they do a teep in your face and you get hit with one, it'll start like a street fight too. Word. Like, it's magic. Because...
It's like taking what's dirty on the floor and bring it to your face. And kicking it to your face. Yeah. Yeah, that's... I guess that's like a little tradition or like... What do you call this? I don't know if it's a superstition. It's more of like a middle finger. Because who got kicked in the face by Anderson Silva? No, Anderson Silva kicked Vitor Belfort in the face. Yeah, Vitor Belfort. And that was the cover of like every UFC magazine game. That was a nice kick though. That was a nice kick. But if I was Victor, I would be pissed. Yeah.
But it's clean. It's clean. Yeah, that's true. That's true. But you know, definitely another superstition that we Filipinos have is, I don't know if you do this, you eat longevity noodles on your birthday. Oh yeah, my Lola always does that. Always. Because like the long strings of like thing is supposed to be like long life.
I'm pretty sure it's in more Asian cultures too, not just Philippines. I'm pretty sure the Chinese, because fresh off the boat, they did the same thing. Oh no, I think Chinese do it too. They have like the birthday noodles. Yeah, yeah. Even in Kung Fu Panda. Oh, the duck. Yeah, the duck gave them shifu. Is it shifu? No, po. Po, yeah. Po, po, the noodles. The birthday noodles, right? Yo, did you know that Kung Fu Panda is a full rip-off?
Kill Bill huh yeah okay I didn't watch Kill Bill so I didn't know that oh shit but there's so many there's so many like little scenes or little hints yeah going back to Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill like first of all you watch you watch Kung Fu Panda yeah so you know how there's like the six of them or the five right Furious Five the Furious Five right that's what it's called yeah so in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill uh-huh
They were part of an assassin team. I think it was called the Furious Vipers. Something like that. But in human form. So it's human form. Yeah. So they all had their special technique and they were all like named after a snake or whatever. Yeah. An animal. Also, the scene where Shifu's fighting Po. And then you know how he has a long beard and shit. They're like flying. Yeah. That whole scene is in Kill Bill 2. What the fuck? There's a sensei that has a super long beard. He's like flying and shit. Doing all these things trying to train her. Yeah.
Exactly the same. What else is a rip-off? Because I know there's movies of rip-off stuff. Well, Lion King, we talked about that one. Yeah, Lion King. And I hate now how Cobra Kai is getting compared to the Karate Kid. Cobra Kai will never be as good as Karate Kid. I can't watch it, bro. Yeah, I can't. It's just cringe to me. I don't know. Exactly, exactly. I don't know. But Shaolin Dre will fuck up the Cobra Kai in any...
Andy Rock. No, it's fine. It's fine. I don't know. There's some shows that just have a vibe to it. Yeah. And I can't like, I can't watch it. It's too Disney or something. One of them is Riverdale. I can't watch that shit. I can't watch that shit either. Because there's no like diversity. I know people are going to hate me for this one, but The Flash too. Like, I don't, I can't watch that.
Like The Flash or like Gotham. Teen Titans especially, they ruin Teen Titans, man. Teen Titans? They ruin Teen Titans from like the animated at least. Yeah, that's true. Because that shit was like amazing. That was top tier. I started watching Hunter x Hunter too. Hunter x Hunter? I can't continue it. Why? It's like, oh, this kid wants to be the best hunter. Like, okay, we get it, man. It's kind of like Naruto. It's kind of like Naruto. Wait, is Hunter fishing? No. Okay, don't say that. I'm going to kill you. No, okay. So I got it all wrong. They're like bounty hunters. Okay, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Okay, never mind. Okay.
I might keep that in for the community. Yeah, it's funny. It's funny. Because no, because I was, whenever I watched Hunter x Hunter, I was doing the, I was like editing the podcast. So I wasn't really listening to it. Oh, okay. But one of the first scenes was him fishing for something. So that's what I thought it was going to be. And the guy got on a boat. Yeah. So I thought they were just going to become the best fishers. No, but back this, back this, back this. Tell me how stupid this is. Okay. His weapon is a fishing rod. What?
That's what I'm saying. He fights people with a fishing rod. Exactly. I'm not paying attention to it a lot, but you see the fishing. But I mean, it's anime, bro. Anything goes. Anything goes, man. That's true. I watch dub. I watch dub, though. You watch dub? Some shows I'll watch in dub, but some shows I'll watch in... Attack on Titan, you have to watch in subtitles. I know. But some, I think they're more like the comedic. It's funny. It's funny to listen to it in English. Yeah.
Because you get the vibe of it. You know what I mean? Because I think, okay, do you think this is true? Japanese slang and humor might not translate the same. Oh, yeah, it doesn't. It doesn't. So you watch Singles Inferno. Oh, like in Korea? Yeah. In Korea, the lovey-dovey, cringy stuff doesn't translate to English. In English, it's way more cringy than we actually think. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And in Squid Game too, yeah. Because there's a lot of words that you can't express in English. It's got to be in that language. Yeah, exactly.
Because it has like multiple meanings and shit. Yeah. I think that's exactly why. It gets like lost in translation, right? Because I know Squid Game, they had to dub it two times. They had to fix mistakes. Oh, really? Because it wouldn't, some words wouldn't match up with the plot or like it wouldn't move the plot forward. That's why I watch everything like Korean movies. I always watch it in subtitle. I wish I watched Squid Game first in... You shut up, man. I don't know. Yo, episode, was it episode six?
oh episode 6 I dead ass almost shed tears cause that's the expression they had in Korean like even though I don't know what they're talking about you can just hear it in the cadence it's like you know what I mean like see I'm cheesed cause I watched it in the dubbed and the lip syncing didn't match so I was like I love you but they're like
Thanks for being my friend. Oh my god, that's crazy. Yeah. What other shows, man? Do you have, you should watch like, you never watched Parasite, eh? No, I don't want to watch that because I watched the trailer. It was kind of f***ed up.
it's not scary it's not scary Parasite it's more like it's just like a it's kind of like a it makes you think differently you know but Oldboy you still haven't watched Oldboy you gotta watch that and Handmaiden so Handmaiden this was this was directed by the same director as Oldboy but Handmaiden damn this is the first movie where like I didn't see any piece of like the plot twist
coming out. Like, I was mind blown. I was like, what the hell? It's crazy. It's crazy. It's crazy. There's a funny thing where it's like, um, uh, that I saw all the Asians. Oh no. You know how in euphoria, there were no Asians. They're saying that all the Asians are in Riverdale. Riverdale.
That's why they're not there. They didn't go to Euphoria High School. They went to Riverdale. No, bro. That's the most not accurate depiction of what high school students... In Euphoria? Yeah. Where? You know what, though? You know what? What I like about Euphoria is that they keep it very raw, though.
yummy because there's a lot of that too it's just it's just more you see what do you call it it's blatant it's blatant in your face yeah you just see it like the drugs the mental it's not hidden it's not hidden exactly so that's the shit they're showing off because it's never been shown before in a high school show or at least movie before yeah because everyone in that show has their own inner problem yeah yeah you usually don't see that that's why i didn't like it at first because it's like it's too real it's too real it's too real yeah i was like i don't like this
Cause it's like bringing, it gives you the emotion, right? It gives you the emotion. I can see that though. I can see that. That's why I didn't like it that much. I loved it though. I love, cause I think just the, just the art of it, man. Yeah. Like they're really, really dive deep to make, how do you make high schoolers?
very contemporary and very like, you know what I mean? Like a masterpiece like that. Usually high school movies, that shit is cringe. Yeah, that's true. They try to lead off jokes and shit that don't work. You know what I mean? The cringy shit. But this way, like they had funny moments, they had everything. I think it's just a masterpiece. That shit was too deep for it, man.
It's crazy. Do you have any theories about euphoria? Nah, I don't have any good theories. I'll give you one. Yeah, I want. Yes. So do you know Nate? Yeah. Right. So there's a theory that one of his brothers died. Oh, and that's the reason why he's so fucked up. Oh, that's. Is it the one in the family picture? Yeah. Oh, I know that. Yeah. So there was a family photo. And then in the recent one, when they were taking family photos, there's only two brothers. Oh, right. So the option number one, that brother died. And that's why Nate is so fucked up.
up in the head yeah two the screwed up brother probably killed him just cause he um I don't know he was drunk in the car driving yeah yeah or number three is um since their family is so homophobic the other brother was probably gay or trans which is why something happened to him or he like got put in an institution or some other house oh shit cause you know that their family is like yo so I have a theory to add on to that actually okay
We've never seen Nate's mom in Euphoria. Never seen Nate's mom. Oh, I can't spoil it for you though. No, no, let's spoil it. So in season two, episode one, there's this drug dealer lady and she's just like, she's the queen of the drug world in Euphoria, right? Word. She just runs, she runs everything. Yeah. And there's a theory that that's actually Nate's mom.
which we have yet to see here. No, I could believe that. So if you think about it, a kid growing up like that with all of these tendencies to be like malicious and intent, like strategic, look, look at the things he's doing. He's manipulating people. He's putting pieces together like a chess game. Damn. Look at his dad. He has that crazy side with the dad, but the strategy isn't with the dad. Maybe it's with the mom. Oh,
Oh my god. So that's why he's like that. That was a good spoiler though. That was a great spoiler. It didn't really spoil it much. It didn't really spoil it much. Oh, that's a good theory, bro. Because yeah, I feel like
Nate is so aggressive just because he doesn't know how to express his feelings. You know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And there was another theory how he was just exploring his sexuality. Oh. Because back this. Yeah. Why did he have dick pics in his phone? Why is he asking Maddie how big...
Oh, no, but Tyler's dick is. No, but that's because he found his dad's thing and then he just had it all in his phone, no? Really? And he was trying to get rid of the information. Isn't that why? I don't think he wanted to get rid of it, fam. Oh, that's a theory then. Yeah, exactly. Okay, I have another theory actually. Okay. Oh, just going to spoil it. I don't care. I can't spoil it. I don't think I'm going to watch it. It was like, I low-key didn't even want to watch season one. Nah? Okay, okay. So, yo, you know, you know, Ashtray? Oh, yeah. The kid? Yeah.
You know in real life He's actually like a boxer Oh word? Yeah he's like an MMA prodigy He's like He's sick with it He's sick with it I didn't know that Yeah he's like I think he's a champion In a couple like divisions Yeah Yeah but anyways So there's a theory That
ashtray and euphoria is actually nate's long lost brother no it can't that can't be no way listen listen though listen listen listen so in season two episode one we see that ashtray was abandoned by his mother but we never see the mother right yeah now listen going back to my theory how the the drug lady might be nate's mom yeah so
So when all of them went to the drug lady's house, Astray, they hid him in the closet so the lady never got to see his face. So Astray might be Nate's brother, aka the long lost brother with that mom. Yeah, because we never seen his face. Never seen him.
Why is his name Ashtray anyways? Oh, that gets explained in season two too. I mean, yeah, episode one, season two. Do you think that since the mom is a drug dealer, Ashtray... No, no, no, no. Cigarettes. No, what happened was... Because he grew up with Fez, right? Okay. So Fez is obviously the drug dealer. Oh, okay, okay. Yeah, and Fez, he was... Now, Ashtray was his brother. Like his, I guess, adopted brother now. He took care of him. And there's a scene where like...
the baby took like a cigarette from the ashtray and put it in his mouth that's why he's ashy and that's why he has the the at tatted on his face yeah that's fire that's the at imagine you're a kid like that with a face tat that's crazy you're the coolest one in school i remember um one of my classmates this was in grade 10 in history class he walked in with like that's that paper on your arm after you're done with a tattoo like that yeah yeah the rap and my my history teacher lily
There's no way you just did that. And I know he felt like the, the,
- Yeah. - 'Cause no one was getting tattoos at the time. - Oh yeah, in high school, not a lot, not a lot. - Exactly, and you get a full sleeve. It's raps, you're the guy, you're that guy. - Yeah, facts, facts. - You feel me? And he always sat at the back of the school, at the back of the thing, you know, the cool guys. - Hey, yo, yo, this is off topic, but I really wanna bring it up. - I bet. - So check out this video. - Okay. - It's of Washington, D.C. recently. And they're showing how everything is abandoned or at least like really empty right now. - Okay.
Recently. Recently. January 12th. So this is recent. Yeah, that's mad recent. So do you think something's going to happen soon? If all of these people working for the government are dipping or at least not there, you think something's going on. That's a red flag, no? Yeah, that's definitely a red flag. Empty city might mean...
zombie apocalypse, that's what I'm thinking first. Because why would everyone be out of the city? Yo, why did the CDC put out like a prepare for the zombie apocalypse ad? You saw that? Oh, they did. Yeah. Why did they do that? No, I think there's something about zombies on a book I read. There was a book called Eye of the Darkness that predicted 2020, 40 years ago. Oh, shit. And there was like a passage, right? And it said...
It said in around 2020, a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Also, the attack will re-enter 10 years later and then disappear completely. Yo! So did they predict that 2020 to 2030...
It's gonna be our shit years. And right after that, something else will happen. Damn. So they predicted kind of coronavirus. They predicted the pandemic. 100%. It said pneumonia-like disease that attacks this. What does pneumonia attack? Bro.
fam okay see shit like that man i think that's meant for us to see though like who knows who knows right it could just be bullshit but why does it make why does it actually add up why does it actually add up i don't know i don't know man are there that's why time travelers man if you if you time travel please help us bro okay well i want to show you another video okay so i know we talked about before with mandela effects but do you remember the mandela effects with the monopoly guy and the and the
The eyeglass? Yeah, the eyeglass. So he doesn't have a monocle, right? Yeah, yeah. Check this out. Somebody used one of the really old BlackBerry phones and tried recording his Monopoly board and look what happened. No, no. There's a monocle. Oh, what the fuck? There's a monocle on it. Yeah. But only through his phone. What? What?
So what if what if the only way we can see the past is to use our past technology Oh
VR VR VR is next that's a whole different thing that's a whole different thing what if that changes our perception of everything else now yo is that why is that why when new phones come out the old phones they Apple like says yo for all those programs stop like stop production yeah they stop it they stop it it becomes worse
You think that's why? Because we can go back and look? I don't know, man. I think they really tried their hardest to, like, get rid of this shit, too. Yeah. Because that's evidence. The fact that that person was using a Blackberry. I don't know if that video is real, but still. It's just crazy. It's just crazy. The fact that it went like this. You take a flip phone and then, like, you look at your old chin. Like, wait, why is it? Right? You look at Pikachu. It doesn't have the black tip. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, wait, it does have the black tip. It doesn't. No, it doesn't. It doesn't.
I don't think it does. Oh yeah, it doesn't. It doesn't. And there was also another Mandela effect that I recently found out. Yeah. You know the popsicles with like the faces on it? Oh yeah. The Spider-Man one, SpongeBob. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So there was a... Have you ever got the Dora Explorer one? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And have you ever got the Boots one?
yeah yeah yeah there's no boots one no stop stop you're lying there is a boots one there's no boots no there is a boots one it's proven that there was with there was a door one but there's never a boots one no there is a boots popsicle no there isn't 100% and you can look it up no you're lying stop lying to me i promise it was it was femme you're gonna love that one buddy no no no you're lying there is a boots popsicle it went viral recently yo
No. No, you're lying. I remember eating the Boots Popsicle. You don't remember it. You don't remember it. There's no Boots Popsicle. What the f***? It actually never existed. And there was a Bugs Bunny one, which was similar. I never had a Bugs Bunny one, but I had the Boots one. You didn't have the Boots one because it didn't exist, bro. No. No.
I remember it! No! I remember it! No! Cause in the pictures, if you look in the ice cream truck, there's always just one singular one with Dora. Never a partner with it. I had the boots one, bro! No, you didn't. No, you didn't. What the f- No, that's crazy. That's crazy. That would be the craziest Mandela effect.
I have a vivid memory of me like eating on the sidewalk a Boots popsicle. No, fam. It wasn't... That was never a thing. Nah, that's crazy, bro. That was never a thing. My mind's kind of blown. I need to get like a flip phone.
Go up to the ice cream truck with a flip phone and you see the boots box right there. It's like on the menu and pops up randomly. Yeah, it's a secret menu. That'd be fucked. Or, or, what if every single ice cream truck is owned by the Illuminati? Shut the fuck up. And there's a secret menu. Oh my god. You know what was crazy too? They said that Kanye, Mayweather, Julia Fox had an Illuminati meeting. When? Like recently? Yeah, because it was the most mixed, like the,
the people that you would never expect together in one room so it was like julia fox uh kanye mayweather angelina jolie or some shit what and they were all in a room being uh why for what illuminati meetings bro they gotta meet up what the hell see why is all this stuff happening like right now i know exactly people are disappearing all that shit yeah you can't you can't say that man
Oh, the boots popsicles disappear. Oh my God, man. After this podcast, you're just on your bed. Like, what the fuck? Actually, I remember it clearly. I remember it clearly. It was never a thing, brody.
but yeah that shit hurt my head man that's gotta be real just give it up bro and the pod let's go i blew your mind on that note all right thank you everyone for watching this episode of jumpers jump podcast make sure you guys check out the links in our bio follow us on instagram all that good stuff please comment like subscribe and yeah damn that was nice okay you're getting your routine down jumpers jump out deuces