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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript

Deep Dive

The episode discusses the impact of COVID-19 on sports, particularly the NBA, and how the pandemic led to significant changes like the creation of the NBA Bubble.

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What'd you do? I kissed her bro by mistake. I was like I was practicing I was like oh I fought the Rudy Gobert man. But yeah. F***ing Rudy Gobert. He ruined the NBA for everybody bro. Bro it was actually crazy because that is really what set it off. Yeah that was when everyone's like oh f*** this is serious. Yeah I know and he ruined everything. Was he the first celebrity to get it? Yeah I think so. One of them. Or like Tom Hanks. But you I think he was the first one to clown it because he was like after the interview he was like

I don't believe in that shit. And he's the one that got it. Every single mic, bro. This guy. And then one game was canceled. Boom. Other game was canceled. Now they're in the stupid bubble, bro. Yo, where's Toronto right now then? Are they in a bubble again? Nah.

They're not in the bubble. They're not in the bubble? Nah. So where are they? Actually? I actually don't know. I don't know. Because the season started. I think they are back in the bubble. Are they back in the bubble for the season? Yeah. Oh, okay. You know the NHL bubble was supposed to be held here? Oh, really? Yeah. Someone told me that. They're like, yo, you know, we can just see bare NHL players. No way. Yeah. Oh, maybe that's because we have bare ice rinks and shit. Yeah. No, that's what I'm saying. And that hotel right beside the...

The stadium? Is that where, that's where all the players stay? Oh, where? Yeah. What's it called? It's Four Seasons? Yeah. Something like that? Yeah. No, remember at the Raptors parade? Yeah. Where that road and then that was a big hotel. That's where everyone like. Oh, that spot. Damn, that's sick. I know. Was that last year? What, the Raptors? Yeah. That was last year. 2019. That's so crazy. Oh, that was 2019. That's crazy. I know. That's why I was like, yo, we really won a championship last year. A lot. When's the next time that's going to happen? Like,

Not for a long time. I think I was sick at that time. But I still went to that game five. Because I knew in my... If you were downtown, there was some good luck about to happen. There was some good luck about to happen. So I'm like, nah. I'm going to go. That was crazy, bro. I know. I still remember. Freddie hit that three. And he was screaming.

and the slow motion i swear i wanted to cry i almost teared up that was when we're like oh we won yeah that moment that moment he screamed like that's like oh we won we won that's game the blood on his eye and shit like yeah that was so hard bro that was iconic bro i want to relive that man a lot not sick because i had to go home early and the trains and stuff okay yo

let's say you could relive memories like in a simulation type thing would you do it yeah for sure because you know how you know there was always talks about like a dream simulator like you can live your dream whatever dream you had you can go in back into that dream and live it yeah imagine if you could do that with memories i think there was a movie with uh peter dinklage yeah it was it was a movie about like

he can replay memories and then go back into that exact moment. Yeah. And it was like a murder mystery movie. It was so dope. I forgot what it's called though.

if someone knows hit me up in the comments i forgot that i would relive the moment where you went to the killi concert because i didn't go because i had an exam because i remember what was that story you told me because you you like you you had an exam the next day or something crazy oh yeah i had an exam the next day but i'm like okay i'm gonna go to killi yeah and then i was standing in the crowd like near the front and i pull out my phone to start recording because i know oh something crazy is about to happen i i pull out my phone my phone's coming up

And then Killy's in front of me because he jumped into the crowd. You have to put the video. Yeah, I'll put the video up. It was you at your party and then you tilt the camera. Yeah, and Killy's right beside me. It was crazy. Like when he jumped, he was literally right on top of us. No, facts. Like right in front of me. And then when I took the video, he was already like moving towards the stage. But damn, I could have got like a selfie with him if I had my phone ready. No, facts. But I was like a split second late. Yo, the video was so funny because you're like, hey, hey.

And then you tilt it just like a centimeter and he's right there beside you. Yo, no cap. I think that Kelly concert was so much crazier than I want to say like... His now? No, any artist...

that's outside of toronto just because the toronto culture yeah with killy at the time at the time oh yeah it was crazy because he just dropped the album yeah he just dropped the album he was i want to say the peak of his career facts for sure no that's why that's why you told me yo you have to go because any concert after this might not be exactly yeah exactly i know and it was it was true yeah i was trying to go to the next one but he he cancelled yeah because he did that was like peak peak killy yeah after that what was his um album with

with a blue surrender your soul that's such a slept on album I know and people like remember when Tekashi69 said people like his record label the only reason why he's not at poppin cause they don't spend money on him like that yeah Kili has so much potential you don't want people don't understand it's because they only choose people that are very marketable yeah

so if they see an artist like let's say let's say a roddy rich roddy rich fits the category as a marketable face you know i mean a man like killy half filipino half half black yeah like loki he and the music he makes isn't as marketable as let's say a roddy rich type of type of rapper right so that's why man's like him don't make it out which is sad yeah i know because that's what we want to see in the city right we want to see diversity like that that's all but like drake too like

He hasn't really opened the doors for like... I mean, he has. He has, but he could do more. He could do so much more. How can you be... I don't want to like slander on Drake like at all, never, never. Like Drake's a goat. But he's the key holder of the city, bro. Yeah, he can put on so much more people. He should. He should. Yeah, facts. I feel like there's going to be...

become a time and a point where Toronto starts finally building a community. Because take in like Atlanta, they put each other on. Yeah, we talked about this. Yeah, we talked about it. Oh, we didn't leak that episode. Yeah, that probably is never going to come out. But like, yeah. Well, yeah, like Atlanta rappers, you're right. Atlanta rappers, they put each other...

They on the ladder, like they help each other out. It's like hand by hand, hand by hand. If you want to have a career in rap in Atlanta, if you get the right connections, you're already up there. Yeah. They'll, they'll push you up there. But Toronto is just hate, hate, hate. I know Toronto is like jealousy, like murders and people jealous of how well you're doing. If you're almost at the mainstream, they see that shit and they get jealous. They'll pop you. That's why, that's why they tell once you make it out here, get out.

A lot. That's the only thing. Like, Preso. Oh, yeah. Preso's smart. He stayed in LA. Oh, did he? He's out in LA right now. Really? I think. I don't know. I don't know where Preso's at right now. But he did. He definitely moved to LA. Yeah. That's a good move. Yeah. Like, that's the smartest move, fam. Exactly. You know the Rowdy Rich? I remember you talking about Rowdy Rich. Who's the Corvette guy? The Corvette, Corvette. They said if Rowdy wasn't rich, that's how he looked like.

I haven't seen him. What's his name? What's his name? I don't know. He's just the Corvette guy to me. But yeah. That's the thing about TikTok, bro. Like, there's so many different tracks and so many different rappers now. I can't keep up. Bro, take in. TikTok made that guy's whole career. And he linked... This is another thing. He's from Philly. Yeah. And Uzi made a song with him. Oh, really? You see how Philly and stuff like that just... They're collaborating. That's crazy. Exactly. That's crazy. I feel like Uzi only did that because he was in Philly, though. He's a Philly native, so... So that's kind of like Drake...

putting on someone else? Because out in Philly, Uzi's like... Okay, wait. In the past five years, out of Toronto, who has Drake put on? I don't think anyone from... Because he's... Kromos. No, no, no.

Low-key, Drake put on chromas, though. Did he? Yeah, he said... He shouted out chromas in war. Yeah. Did he? Are you stupid or dumb? No, that's... Headshot chromas, something like that. Okay, that's... No, that's not... I don't think that was a... He shouted out chromas. I don't think that's a direct shout-out to chromas. In war? Yeah, it was. Headshot chromas, domas. Because chrome... Chrome is like a gun. No, but he said...

Are you stupid or dumb? That's what Kromas says. Oh, okay. Yeah, you're right. You're right. Headshot Kromas. Right? But you see how little a bar like that can build someone just coming from Drake. No, not only that though, Blake. I think he, I think he said something in an interview one time. Oh, it was when we won. It was when we won the championship. When you won the championship. Are you stupid? Are you dumb? Yeah. But see, if, if Drake says, yo, uh, jumpers jump.

sales yeah much hey Drake says that crazy TikTok clout everything bro nah but for real I don't know if I can name a Toronto rapper that got put on by Drake like that yeah off the top of my head nope damn cause he's put on everyone else like Lil Durk yeah Blockboy JB

Yo, do you know about the Drake effect though? Oh, like anyone he collaborates? Like Lil Baby? Yeah. No, no, no. Falls off. Usually falls off. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. People don't want a feature with Drake just because they don't want him to... Because Blockboy JB, like you said, what is he doing right now? Lil Durk. No, bro. He didn't really blow up after that. I'm going to tell you something. This is why Drake's a GOAT. Drake...

He's so smart with his marketing. Yeah. He finds rappers that are on their way to the top and then catches them right before they hit it. So look at, look at Lil Baby when they drop. What's that track? Bad New Whip, Got New Key. That one, right? The Lil Baby track with Drake. How do we not know the name? I know. I'm bad with names, bro. Okay. Anyways, that track with Lil Baby.

that track would have bumped anyway without Drake. Yeah. But the fact that Drake's on it, people say Drake put Lil Baby on. Oh yeah? Feel me? Now, he did the same thing with Block Boy JB. Low key, that Block Boy JB track would have bumped even without Drake. Like this is hypothetically, right? Hypothetically. Oh no, for sure. But the fact that he's on it,

Said Drake put him on. Yeah. Feel me? Because it's featuring Drake. It's not. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. No, no, listen, listen. Look at Travis, Travis and Drake on Sicko Mode. Oh, yeah.

Like before, I'm not saying Drake put on Travis, but before Travis became this huge franchise, this huge figure, like he was already big. Don't get me wrong. He was huge. But before he wasn't as big. And when Drake dropped that track Sicko Mode, all of a sudden, boom, skyrocket. Yeah, that's crazy. Did you see the DJ Academics reaction? So he played Sicko Mode on stream and then he was like, he was like, yo, because when Drake said, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yo, yo. It was so drunk. He's like, let's go. Yo, DJ Akonem is the biggest Drake dick rider, bro. No, no. And the Tekashi dick rider. No, but he's friends with Tekashi. I mean, yeah, but he...

bro dj academic is just a dick rider in general yeah he is that's the thing but yeah shout out act low shout out act imagine we go on this thing he loki he loki researches a lot bro yeah he does he does and he dissed to him he'll take it so personal bro like relax bro you're up fam you're up that's what discord does to man nah nah he's a goat in that realm of like content creator though he's a goat he's a goat for sure because who did that who started all that um rap

Rap drama. Rap news, rap drama type thing. It's act. It's act, yeah. DJ Academics. That's facts. I always think about f***ing, remember Joe Budden and Lil Yachty? Oh, yeah. When Joe Budden's like f***ing flaming Yachty and Yachty's like, yo, chill. Yo, chill out. Like, I'm just having fun. Yeah. Like, that's really all it is. It's all heads versus necks. Yeah, I know. And the Migos. Remember Joe Budden with the Migos? Oh, yeah. He's like, wrap it up, bro. The Migos said, what? What?

I know. Yeah, it's crazy. But yeah, about the go back to the memories type thing, that was definitely one thing I would do. Any concert. Because I missed the Cardi concert too. That was crazy. Damn, Cardi concert for sure is like one of my favorite moments as like a hype moment. I mean, no, Kili concert. My bad. Okay, Kili concert. I missed the Cardi concert. Yeah. What would you do again in your memory? In my memory if I go back? Yeah, and just redo. Um...

I definitely want to do prom again for sure. Really? Yeah. What would you change? No, I just want to relive it. It was fun. Okay, yeah, it was fun. It was fun. Yeah, it was fun. I want to relive prom again. Facts. I don't know. That's hard. How about you? I don't know. I have to think about that one. Yeah, I know. Oh, probably my LA trip. Your LA trip? Yeah, because I feel like there's way more to do in LA, but we were more of the sightseeing. No, but okay, okay. Would you say your LA trip as like...

As like the whole thing? Or would you just say it because like you wanted to go back to LA? Because you can just go back to LA, feel me? You don't have to relive that exact moment. Oh yeah, that's true. Okay. I'm saying like exact moment. I don't know. Low key, I want to relive...

The first day I dropped WeGo Studios and I sold out. Really? Yeah, that was so crazy. I knew you were so proud. Because I dropped it on my birthday. Yeah, yeah. Sold out in literally like first two hours. Oh, it was two hours? First two hours. Yeah. Damn. And that was because that was the beginning, right? Yeah, that was like the first online. Little did I know, two months later, I'd be selling out in minutes. Like 15, bro. It's crazy. It's now, it's...

Now it's crazy because it's like a numbers game. You know how in rap, like, oh, how much you sell out first week. Right? Between me and you, it's like, okay, I did two hours. Oh, I did 50 minutes though. That type of thing. But it's like good, friendly competition that keeps you going. Yo, but it's never like a comp...

Cause I look at it as I never compete with someone else. I compete with myself. Oh, then you're never going to lose. Exactly. You're never, that's how, that's how you never lose. You compete with yourself. Yeah. If you can do better than yourself, then you're, you're the one that's winning. Yeah. But you're definitely one of my biggest inspirations to that. Like I'll compete. I'll just like fake compete with you. Cause I know that was just pushed me harder. That's fair.

respect respect because negative negativity kind of drives me bro yeah i feel i feel because because someone needs that that like uh rivalry no fact to push them harder you know if there's no inspo then what are you doing i see i see all the stuff you you post like the tie-dye muse stuff okay back to the lab you know like damn i gotta go harder yeah no that's good though that's good because that's how that's how people grow yeah because if you're always like

I want to say... Focus on... It's not like... If you're focused on yourself, it's bad. But if you're only focused on one thing... You don't see how others are doing it. You know what I mean? Oh, facts. You kind of have to study other people... To find the best out of yours. Yeah, exactly. Like Tarantino said...

Quentin Tarantino said Good artists Copy But great artists steal Now if you look If you look at any piece of art right now I don't want to generalize it But take a look at any piece of art

that piece of art was inspired by something no matter what i mean whether it have been a moment in time whether it had been something they've seen before it was inspired yeah and a lot of the times it's inspired by another artist yeah now it doesn't necessarily mean they're copying but it may mean they're stealing it in a good way in a good way yeah right because look

You can steal, let's say, a design, right? You can steal a design, but get away with it as in making it your own. When I say steal, I don't mean steal and rip off. I'm not saying rip off. Rip off is terrible. Like, don't rip off nobody. But I'm saying like,

design take inspo from this now you see another artist take inspo from that I see Virgil doing this take a little bit of this I see Sean Witherspoon doing this take a little bit of that right I mean then you make your own and that's yours now cuz everything's been done yeah you can't literally come up with it you can come up with the original idea I guess 100 like 97% that our ideas already out somewhere exactly yeah yeah so yeah they look at even ancient aesthetics like

Like if you're looking towards Japanese culture and stuff like that, a lot of the designs with like what's even going on right now with a lot of Neo Japanese kind of designs and aesthetics and like with the Zen gardens and stuff like that. Like that's ancient stuff. People just like brought back, brought from back then from other artists. It's all just like inspiration. That's what I'm saying. And shout out to the guys who copied the Juco Studios designs and just like that. Okay. That's rip off. That's rip off. Yeah. That is rip off. If you guys are just,

copying my shit exactly and doing the exact same design exactly bro and doing the exact same three months off come on bro exactly i started that shit exactly like no but i see it it's crazy because i see it on pinterest i see it everywhere oh yeah men follow me yeah not knowing that i'm your friend like i'm one of your best friends yeah not knowing that and they follow me and with the fake account and they're like yo you should check out my account like bro

And I sent your account there. Oh, shit. And then they blocked me. Yeah, bro. But that's how you know you're doing something right when other people see you. Yeah. And they're like, damn. Yeah. I want to do that too. So they cop, they try and rip off your shit. Yeah. That's low-key a big way of flattering. This is totally like out of the blue. Some guy DM'd me, right? Yeah. And you know that necklace I always wear? Which one? The Vivian West one? Yeah, yeah. He's like, yo, where'd you get that? I'm trying to cop one for Christmas. Yeah. And today he sent me a picture of him wearing it.

But yeah

But yeah, LA trip, I would definitely redo. Yo, you know where I want to go, man? Where? I've read so much. Like, I do heavy research on Japan and stuff. I've been trying to go. I've been trying to go. I just want to go to Japan, bro. Yeah? Bro, you can go. I've seen, like, you can cosplay and dress up as your favorite Mario character and go go-karting. Yeah, you can go-karting in the streets. That's so sick. That's why I wanted to get my international driver's license because you need that to drive. Oh, for real? Yeah, something like that. Really? Yeah, because when you literally drive on the road. Yeah, yeah.

yeah like in tokyo it's dope it's dope imagine seeing that like that's so sick but yo have you heard you know about kawaii right like the kawaii and the fashion stuff out there kawaii kawaii lettered yeah i know i know kawaii bro i've seen i was i watched this documentary last night i don't know if you've heard about yami kawaii what's that it means like sick cute so like so like the fashion stuff in japan there's there's that nice kawaii side but then there's like a dark side of that

Where they wear like syringes around their necks. Oh, yeah. Their accessories are like some... All the grotesque stuff that you can believe. Yo, Japanese people are different, bro. They're really different. They're living in like 2025. Honestly. They have food vending machines, dog. Yeah. Like imagine, okay, I'm going to work, get

Get like a quick get like a hot meal like out of the vending machine ramen like yeah all that like the additions to that's why they're so healthy too eh I know have you seen those videos where they go to a japanese like grocery store or not grocery store to a gas station japanese gas station and they have like the healthiest food in a gas station 7-eleven you get wings here like they're freaking rotten yeah you get fucking taquitos what do you get like pizza yeah nasty pizza that's been there for like the whole week

And then when you go to Japanese like gas stations, they have like full bowls or ramen, like full ready meals, hot rice. I watched all the fun girls. Yeah. What's your favorite? Like Asian snack, Asian snack. You know what? I like the high choose. I choose. Yeah. I choose. I say high, high choose or go to the, because it's like gum, but it's not going, you know, it's just candy. Um,

My hands down favorite though is the panda cookies with the cream inside. You know what I'm talking about? Hello Panda. Hello Panda. And the Pockys too. Pockys like it too. Pockys go to too. But yeah, the panda stuff, I always get those. Those are my favorite. Okay, do you like the chocolate or strawberry? I like the chocolate. I like both, but I think strawberry for me is more nostalgic. Really? Because I had to...

I didn't think about strawberry flavored snacks, bro. Strawberry milk back then is nostalgic to me. People roasted you on strawberry milk. I know. What's wrong with strawberry milk? I don't know. Strawberry milk just doesn't taste like anything to me. What? Strawberry milk is fire, bro. Okay, strawberry milkshake.

you're telling me strawberry milkshake doesn't taste good exactly it's the same thing it's just like it's like a bit of taste of strawberry and just just water it's not it's not like i don't like chocolate i love chocolate chocolate's my i probably like chocolate more than strawberry but strawberry to me just the fact that when i was little i used to always eat the strawberry flavored stuff really yeah so it's like nostalgic so it just brings me back oh no that's facts yeah strawberries you know that um that's quick thing where

That's the one. That's the one I'm talking about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's one of the biggest childhood memories I have. Just get in camping and having all your cousins around you just patching around the syrup. Just mix it up. Yeah, I know. Yeah, you ever do the chocolate and then the strawberry? No, I haven't. I did it a few times. It's kind of gross though. You weird ass kid. You know what I used to do? What? I used to go to like Chuck E. Cheese and then when you get the...

the cups for soda yeah i used to put every single drink in the soda really yeah only at chucky cheese though i don't know why i did it there they shut down right yeah they're gone bro you know the theory about the chucky cheese there's no theory there is there is yeah what's your theory do you know how they recycle their pizza no no they don't they do 100 what do you mean recycle the pizza so so uh the pizza that they got from the garbage they would shut oh you don't know about that they don't do that you don't know about that

That was probably one of the biggest news in like 2019. They recycled their pizza? They recycled their pizza. That's what they're saying. And that was actually proven. That's so dirt. Yeah, I think that was one of the biggest reasons they shut down. Damn, what the f***? And do you know about the Five Nights at Freddy's? It kind of goes to the same thing. Some person was... Nah, yeah, yeah. It was based off of Chuck E. Cheese. Oh, yeah? Yeah. I didn't know that. Because when you go to Chuck E. Cheese back in the day, you see those like...

stuffed animal animatron people like singing and playing guitar and shit yeah that's the same thing in Five Nights at Freddy's facts yo I played Five Nights at Freddy's VR oh f*** that it's literally as soon as I put it on I was like I looked through the doorway and I was like it's literally like you're working there bro damn and it walks by you I'm like ah

I'm like, oh, what the fuck? And no, it's... That's something else, man. Yo, I'm looking too... I'm looking too scared of VR games. Yeah. Because especially the horror ones, that shit's going to fuck with me. We should... Yo, we should start a gaming channel and just play all the... Because we're that...

our niche is kind of like scary yeah we should play that i think we should do something like that yeah it's funny because i feel like people think i'm into like scary shit but you're totally the opposite i'm not in a scary shit at all we have a friend that's literally like not in like if you try to scare she's not yeah we have a friend that's like not scared remember you went into the the tell the story about that oh so we went to the we went to this escape room right the escape room is pitch black when i say pitch black like you can't see nothing right

So the whole story was you're in a cabin and a murder happened in the cabin. And what you have to do, you have to listen to a little girl's voice for instructions and how to escape. Yeah. So there's moments in the escape room where you have to do a conjuring at a table. So you literally have to hold hands with like your team members and then they do a conjuring at a table. And this whole time you're listening to a little girl's voice. Nah.

Like, there's no instructions. You can't read nothing. You can't, like, find clues like that. You have to listen to a girl's voice to tell you to touch stuff, right? So it's a little girl's voice. She's like, okay, hold hands. We're going to do the conjuring, blah, blah, blah, right? And this shit's like 4D. So they have a fake axe that...

bangs on the table and you feel the wind come to your face and shit like that and there's just one room where you put your hand into the wall and there's a hand that grabs you what's fucked bro and shorty didn't flinch the whole time yeah this shorty was like nah she she's like velma and scooby-doo bro she's like ready i wish i was there i was in mexico but yeah man

escape rooms yo you know there's online escape rooms now online escape rooms so it's like if you no no online escape rooms been a thing though yeah but it's not it's haven't been popularized now it's popularized you know no because i remember back in the day like um crazy monkey games and like minico they used to have escape room flash games oh really yeah that's how it started actually because i remember my uncle this was like i was like grade one yeah my uncle was already playing like

escape room games yeah on on like a flash website and and it only happened until i want to say 2012 2013 that's when they started making physical escape rooms i could be wrong i could be wrong but that's that's when i think it happened don't take our word for it by the that's crazy yeah but yeah i've seen because there was like top things to do if you're a couple right now and you don't have date ideas it was an online escape room and it's not like no flash game it's like professional like

I think they'll take a camera and you'll guide them or something like that. That's dope though. I know. That's dope. But yeah, you don't like the scary stuff too. Like you're easily scared but you know every like single scary stuff. Because it's interesting. Yeah. Because if I'm gonna dive into like a scary movie or like a horror thing, it's not for me to like enjoy necessarily. It's for me to like

get interested into it. Or like, just for me to find out. Yeah. Like when I watched Midsommar, I was more intrigued rather than scared. You know what I mean? Yeah. But Midsommar is not even like scary. It's not scary. It's not scary. It's disturbing. It's disturbing. Yeah. Same with, did you watch Hereditary? Yeah. Yeah. You watched Hereditary. So Hereditary, for example, I,

I didn't watch Hereditary because I wanted to get scared. Because I don't want to get scared. Really? I watched it because I'm kind of like, I want to know the story. Nah, I watched Hereditary because everyone's been telling me. Like, yo, watch Hereditary. All the jump scares are perfect. Your mind for the next week is going to just be on that movie. Yeah, see, because I didn't want to get scared myself. I just wanted to see what it's about. Yeah. You know? Because when my cousin put it on, she was like, oh, my friend, when she watched it. Yeah.

ever since she watched it she was depressed for like a week what? I'm like damn I gotta watch this movie then what the hell? no cause I'm like interested in that right? there was one time that I got really scared I'll tell you probably the most scared I've been so we were out in Pennsylvania right? and

we were out there just for a family trip, right? With all my cousins. So me and my cousins are staying in one house. And then my parents, my parents like, let them have fun. We'll go to another cottage. Yeah. So this is literally us teenagers in a big ass, in a big ass cottage. Right. So at night we hear, we hear knocks on the wall. Yeah. We're sleeping. It's like 3am. Right. We hear knocks. So four, four dudes were like, yo, what was that? You heard that?

And we're out in Pennsylvania. No one is around us. We don't have a vehicle to go. It's mad creepy out there. We go out the window. We don't see anything. We go to sleep again. We go to sleep again. And me and my... We're all sleeping in the basement. Yeah.

Where we have The doors Where like There's a big window So if anyone pops up It's the creepiest thing Damn bro So this is what The girls did They put a speaker Under our bed They put a piece Oh my god But it failed Because it said Something not connected All the guys All the guys were like What the hell was that

was that? Right? Cause they were gonna play a knocking sound so the door would open or something like that. Oh shit. But it said speaker not connected. I grabbed the ball like a bowl from the kitchen. I swear to God I was about to throw it out the window. But yeah, that's probably the biggest time I got scared cause I was like what is going on? Like where's my mom type thing? Like bro,

Like, bro, I get scared so much. I'm one of those jumpy ones. Those jumpy ones. But I swear to God, if it connected and there was a door knock, I would have pissed myself, man. Wait.

Because we were downstairs, bro. That was probably the biggest time I got scared. That's like you inside the haunted house. Oh, yeah. Facts. Anything that pops up, I hate jump scares, bro. Yo, jump scares are the only thing... Nah, it's not the jump scares necessarily. It's the music that leads up to the jump scare. That's the shit that gets me. Yeah, that's facts too. Yo, music is so powerful that it can make you feel that. But you kind of know it. With music, you kind of know it's coming. Nah, but even though I know it's coming, the...

You know that sound I'm talking about? It keeps rising. And you kind of brace yourself. Yeah, and you're like, whoa, what's gonna happen? What's gonna happen? Okay, now I get it. That shit scares me. No, facts. But yeah, Christmas coming up, man. Well, what's your top Christmas movie? Do you have one that you always watch? Top Christmas movie? Home Alone? No, no, Elf. Oh!

elf is my favorite for sure elf is my favorite i don't think there's gonna be another movie that can top elf like that really i don't think so no for me for me no i love elf and home alone but you know there's some guy dressed up as elf and you know in that scene where they kind of surprised i don't know if you saw that video where he dressed up as an elf and surprised his uh daughter at school he was like look oh yeah i saw that i saw that that was on instagram yeah it was so funny but yeah bro

Do you know the real origin of Christmas? Wait. You told me this already. No, there's another one. No, stop. There's another one. No, no. Tell me. But this one... Okay. So this theory about Christmas. Yeah. This is more...

Of a corporate type of side of Christmas. Okay. Yeah. All right. Look at it like this. Now people are saying like it's Illuminati shit, stuff like that. Really? Now I don't want to, I don't want to say like Illuminati. That's kind of a reach for me, but it does make sense as a business standpoint. Now, listen, what's one thing Christmas does? It gets everybody to buy shit. Yeah. Right. Right.

Now, Christmas, you can look at it as the stimulus check for the economy every year. Now, that makes sense. Because look, during COVID, we got stimulus checks to fix the economy, right? Christmas is that stimulus check to keep the economy rolling every single year. If you look at it, Christmas is the biggest time everyone spends. Yeah. True or false? That's true. Right? Yeah. Now,

If I was the government, if I was like the, let's say, Illuminati, right? That's controlling the population. I would want to push. You're going to make sure. I'm going to make sure everyone takes part in Christmas, right? So everyone spends their money like that, right? Because that's what gets the ball rolling. That's what gets the economy rolling, right? Now, the theory is Santa is actually...

uh image of satan huh in the words of like illuminati okay i'm not saying i believe in this shit yeah like this is a reach for me but like yeah santa if you reorganize the letters what does it spell it's about satan bro all right what's the color of the devil the color of the devil is red no bro all right what is the devil attached to

Greed? Yeah. Right? Uh-huh. And what is Christmas attached to? Having lots of things. Having lots of... Whether it be toys. Whether it be like... Gifts. Like... You want to have a lot of something, right? Yeah. Okay, okay. Now...

Christmas, Christmas, no doubt was originally the celebration of Christ. Yeah, yeah. No doubt, no doubt, right? But the theory is that the Illuminati wants to separate that idea that Christmas is part of Christ. Because look at it now, bro. Like Christmas before, it used to be the nativity scene. We're thinking about baby Jesus in the... That's all that, yeah. Baby Jesus in the manger, right? But now look at it. It's all...

Santa Claus wearing red, Santa Claus giving gifts, this and that Christmas tree, snowflake, whatever, right? That's all it is now. That's all it is now. Commercialized. It's so commercialized, right? Yeah. The plan of the, this is the theory. Yeah. The plan of the Illuminati was detach Christ from Christmas and make it this thing that just makes everybody buy stuff.

That's crazy. What do you think about that? I mean, it makes sense. It makes sense, right? But, like, yo, the fact that you said, yo, mix around the words for Santa. And then I was like, oh, shit. Like, how do you spell Santa? S-A-N-T-A. Mix it around. Bruh. Bruh. Nah, how do you want to think of that? Because, literally, Christmas is about Jesus, bro. Yeah, like...

For everyone that believes in Christmas, Christmas is about Jesus. Christmas is about that, right? But you have to take in, why are we putting all of these other images attached to it, right? Yeah. I know I was going to say, why did they commercialize it so much? Because it was Coke, Coca-Cola. A lot of people have been commenting this. Coca-Cola kind of brought the image of Santa, but they're the ones that created the artwork of Santa. It's not that they created the idea of Santa. Oh.

Because the idea of Santa came from St. Nicholas. Yeah. St. Nicholas, right? And there was already an idea of someone, I forgot, it was a pagan tradition. Just like the shroom theory, right? Oh, yeah. It's already a pagan tradition where they celebrate like stuff going down the chimney and stuff and like that, right? Yeah. Now, if you look at Santa Claus, Santa Claus really has nothing to do with

with Christianity. Yeah. At all. Yeah. That's something. I know for a fact there's some like super religious families that don't celebrate like Santa Claus and shit like that because low-key they... Because they know about that thing? They know about like this isn't real. This isn't true Christmas. Where'd you read that off of? I found this on YouTube still. Really? Yeah. Yo, we about to ruin Christmas. First, we ruined Christmas already with the shrooms. Now it's Santa Claus. Santa Claus devil merch coming out soon.

No, but I'm not saying Santa Claus is the devil. I'm not saying that. Like, this is just theory. This is just fun and games. We're just opening up your mind to stuff, bro. But yeah, there's a theory. Because I read up on the... Because I was watching Christmas movies. I was like, yo, is there any theories about the Home Alone? Do you know any about them? Nah. Do you know in the movie Old Man Marley? Yeah, yeah, yeah. When they were in the church and stuff or like sitting. That's Kevin in the future. Oh, you think that?

That's what they were saying. I think I heard that theory somewhere. I think I heard that. And they're saying, this is the craziest thing ever. They're saying that Kevin grew up to be that kid in Saw. You know the kid riding the bike? How? Because.

Because he grew up around... Oh, you know what? Yeah, I think I heard that theory. Because Kevin was so obsessed with making booby traps. Exactly. And he knows all the interesting and malicious ways to hurt someone. Yeah. So that's why he's the kid biking around on socks. So his jigsaw... His jigsaw...

Jigsaw yeah no I heard that before I heard that before cause it's so true cause like he's so good with those meticulate kind of booby traps and shit yeah and that's what that's what Jigsaw does that's what Jigsaw does and that's why he's that's Kevin right there yeah

That's dope. But yeah, fam. That's a dope theory. That's a dope theory. But I was just reading up on that. I was like, there's not a lot on Elf and stuff because it's just a happy movie. Yeah. But people's imaginations, fam, they think our imaginations are weird. Bro, imagine these people making up the theories. Facts. Like, bro. Facts. It's hard to come up with a theory yourself. I mean, I have a few theories, but I don't want to give them out yet. And just show me can't see on you. Facts, facts, facts. You have to pay us for those. A lot of money.

Nah, but we'll save those for y'all. Stay tuned. Stay tuned. But yeah. You have a new theory for us? Me? Yeah. Nah. Nah? Nah. Cause I was... Do you have one? Let me think about it. Cause bro, I was just... Last night, I was just into all the... Cause one of my biggest fears is what's below... Like open waters. Yeah. Yeah. So I was like...

bro what is what is like i know there's definitely way more stuff underwater yeah bro you ever heard of the cthulhu no what the hell is that never heard of the cthulhu no is this some hawaii thing nah so the cthulhu is like this octopus monster it's kind of like the kraken oh i know about the kraken but it has wings oh hell yeah octopus yeah all right so listen listen so the cthulhu is said to live in like

the very depths of the ocean right yeah see this one i open waters well what really like boggles my mind is how these ancient like civilizations they would come up with stories like this yeah out of nowhere you know what i mean yeah they would come up with stories out of nowhere in my mind i'm like nah this gotta come from some type of like inspiration at least inspiration whether it be something they saw yeah but like just just like inspiration they thought of like oh maybe this could be that right yeah

All right. So the Marianas Trench is the deepest part of the world. Yeah. Right? Oh, yeah. We haven't even explored, what, like 80% of the ocean? I was reading about this too. For all we know, the Cthulhu could live in the Marianas Trench. 100%. Yo, for all we know, the city of Atlantis could be in the Marianas Trench. Yeah. But we don't know what's down there. That's the thing. Bro, do you know what?

There was a You know that angler fish With the light sticking out Yeah yeah yeah And Nemo Yeah I did I didn't know that was an actual fish Until There's pictures of it Like underwater and stuff like that Yeah that's a real fish It lives in the Mariana Trench I'm like yo what the hell Like who knows what's down there right Yo Scientists can tell us more about the moon Than they can tell us about The earth's water Yeah

yeah they can tell us more about the moon than the earth's water which is crazy you know in the mariana trench too they found i don't know it was in 2011 or something they found a rock structure yeah it looked like a ufo fam damn what yeah and i was reading up on it i'm like where where did they find this in the mariana trench where yeah it was like a rock a rock structure that was kind of built like a ufo damn and i was like yo

Are aliens real? Bro, dead ass. Okay, come on. Like, there's no way we're the only beings in this universe. Yeah, no, 100%. Right now, aliens can be whatever we want them to be. Yeah. Because if an alien is probably like, yo, what are we? There's probably an alien out there like, yo, what do humans look like? Exactly. Okay, yo. All right. There's this theory. Mm-hmm.

I forgot who it was. It was like a Russian senator or some shit like that. Yeah, yeah. He was like a very highly, highly respected person. Okay. And he was like kicked out of the Senate or some shit. Really? And he said, don't quote me on this. He said there's like a council, an outer space council.

And Trump is part of it. The US is part of it. Russia is part of it. Like very high superpower. If you look at the superpowers of the world, he's saying they're all part of this like space council and they communicate with extraterrestrials. I believe that...

I kind of believe that because you know about Area 51, right? Yeah. That's a locked off space. There's even, I saw this guy on Joe Rogan's podcast. He was talking about like someone that used to work in Area 51 and he'd straight up said there's aliens and there's fucking spaceships. See, but no, do you know like why they started Area 51 though?

Because, like, they just wanted to try out a recon drone. And that recon drone flew so high up that it was just, like, a spectacle, right? Yeah. So people were saying that's the UFOs. Oh, right. But it was a recon drone. So planes fly at, like, a certain height. Yeah. And then it's, like, the recon drone is, like, way higher than that. Yeah. But there's a lot of things that you can't really explain. Yeah. And when everyone's looking for answers, it's so easy to, like...

oh yeah okay that's that's that's what it was yeah you know what i mean yeah if the government's telling us like oh yeah that that this is what it is it's so easy for us to go like oh okay yeah that's what it is like we can show you can show exactly yo all right this is the this is probably the craziest theory i might say on the podcast okay yeah the

the Illuminati was low-key planning a new world order, right? You heard that theory, right? I'm not saying I believe in the Illuminati. I have to say that a lot. But the theory is that from ancient times, from ancient times, right? Ancient civilizations. They knew the only way to control the whole world as a whole is to have the aliens attack us.

Listen, listen. So from ancient times, I forgot what Roman philosopher said it. The only way for everyone to work together or for there to be a one government system is for an outside threat of the world. So then we band together type thing. The church knew this too. The church knew this too. Yeah. Because look at it. Look at it. There's so many different leaders. There's so many different...

Powers in the world, right? You can't really control the world. There's no way one person can control the world What's one way we can bring everyone together if we're fighting against something a common enemy? Yeah, the one time the world has ever fought together Was when the world wars world war two nazi germany the common enemy everyone worked together to fight them, right? Yeah now listen

what's on a different scale to get the whole world attached yeah a threat from the outside world has to happen for us to all work together all together yeah just the military like all of us yeah exactly so you think there's gonna be an alien attack nah okay this is what i think this is what i think i think low-key they might fake an alien attack they might fake an alien attack call it right now not like they might fake like aliens coming to earth yeah or a threat

So that we all join this new order. Oh, shit. The FBI just texted me. Bro, like... Nah, that's f***ed, man. It's crazy. Like...

this this i forgot who it was i i saw this online yeah like i don't know if this is true like don't yeah anything i say on here i i don't know exactly if it's true but yeah but i saw this online this this this person he was like a highly credited person he said there's a a council in space and if you look at it donald trump what he just announced space force uh

Donald Trump just announced Space Wars. Like this year or some shit. Right? Yeah. So what is Space Wars? Come on. But you think aliens are like... So what's like your image of an alien? Bro. An alien to me... Do you think they have like those high-tech guns? Nah, not even. Not even. To me, an alien could just be someone that looks like me. A human, right? Exactly. A human, right? Yeah. Now, they could look like a human, but...

they could be way advanced or they could be way behind. But if they were to be in contact with us, they're definitely way advanced. It can't be the opposite. It can't be the opposite. Or else it would be us finding them. Feel me? Yeah. I asked you that because there was something

Something I read about too They held the UFO convention center Yeah Where they got a whole bunch of people That had contact with these extraterrestrials Yeah And they told them to draw them To draw or describe what you've seen And every single one looked the same It was always like It looked like a tall doctor That was white skin And like white robes Damn

Yeah. Damn, white robes? Yeah, white robes. That's like the Uzi cover. Yeah, Eternal Take type thing. That's why I asked you, like, what do you think is... Yo, do you ever hear about that story when this guy, he was... He did so much studying about ancient aliens and research like this and that. And he did like rituals in his bedroom. No, I didn't. And he disappeared. What? What?

You never heard about that? No. I'm gonna look for the story, but like... Okay, yeah. Yeah, there's this guy that was doing all this research about aliens and he had like paintings of him... Yeah. Like joining aliens. And he disappeared. No one found him. Oh, shit. See, it's something like... The government's... The government's definitely hiding something, bro. Because... Look at it. Like... If there is aliens...

would you want to tell everybody no probably not probably not especially if it's not uh a straight away threat yeah if it's like an et type alien where it's like i come in peace yeah like if it's not an urgent threat yeah there's no way like we're gonna know about it right they won't tell us that yeah i know because if it's not an urgent threat if it if it's like coronavirus oh and their fuck is killing people on site then yeah we're gonna hear about it but if it's something like

people or out like even look at it as a country. Yeah. If in like

um people from other country way back in the day like came towards the the new country and talked to like the king the king's not gonna tell all these people right away exactly they're just gonna communicate with them see what they want what are they saying right that's what you said about the the fairy and the elf stuff too like unless unless you're not seriously harmed why tell anyone exactly but yeah even that there was like i've seen some some asteroids there was an asteroid built like a

a rocket ship out in space or something. What? It's crazy, bro. I truly believe there's this way. There's so many things out there that we haven't seen yet. 100%, bro. And there's also scientists are saying there's low-key a filter that stops us from seeing other things. What do you mean? So...

Humans with our eyes, we can only see up to ultraviolet or something like that. Or infrared or something. No, we can't see infrared. We can only see up to ultraviolet. I think that's the level. Because infrared is like... I think. But anyways...

If our eyes, look at a dog, right? A dog can only see certain colors. It can't see the color we see. It can't see the things we see. Dogs are blind, right? Yeah. Now look at a dolphin. A dolphin can sense waves. A bat can sense sonar waves. We can't see that stuff, right? What if there's things out there that are alive, but we can't see them with our consciousness? With our consciousness.

Now it goes into like people taking DMT and saying they saw aliens. It goes into that. Dang. I've read about DMT trips. It's crazy. So a DMT trip, it literally brings you into a different level of consciousness where you can see things that...

Are low-key already there? I know. But you won't take it in with just your regular consciousness right now. Yeah. Because it's literally, you go into some other life type thing. I've heard it's like, it feels like you're dying type thing. Yeah. People sense like, that's what it might be like when we die. When we die, yeah. And now you can see all those things that we can't see now. Yeah, a lot of people on DMT, they have the same experience where they say,

It felt like an outer... Literally, you're disconnected from your body. You're part of the universe. Which sounds like to other people that haven't taken it... I haven't taken it. But it sounds crazy. It sounds unfathomable, which is understandable, right? But if all of those people have similar experiences, then damn. It is. That is true. Yeah. Who knows...

what if this like this is kind of bringing it back to assimilation but what if this like base right now like this reality let's say isn't like the final destination where we're supposed to be at right yeah just like death the afterlife right yeah what if we need something to take us to that

to that level or to that next tier of where we're supposed to be what do you mean take us to like our consciousness oh now it goes into like spirit spirits and like all of that yeah it's really it's really interesting i don't know it is it is god yeah

you always come with this okay yo you ever hear you know who are you shafir is no i've heard i swear i've heard of him though so listen to this are you shafir was a comedian right oh now he did a live stream on his podcast where he took a huge dose of salvia you know salvia is no it's

It's like a drug similar to marijuana. Okay. But this drug is like different. It's not marijuana. It's very potent. It's very strong. It's a very different trip. Yeah. Ari Shafir took this on the podcast. On the podcast? He took it on the podcast live stream. Now, he passed out for two hours. Oh, what the fuck? He took, I think, like five or three hits. Like, he took huge doses, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He passed out for two hours. Uh-huh.

In those two hours, they were looking at him and he was just like out. He was just out, right? Now, when he woke up, he was so distraught. He was like, whoa, what is this? What's going on? Now, he said in those two hours where he was passed out, he said he was living in a different world with a job, a family, friends, a community for six months.

And then when he woke up, it felt like six... He's been in six months, but it was in reality just two hours. Like the Ricky Morty shit. Yeah. Oh my gosh. And was it like he woke up because he died type thing? Or he just... Nah. I don't know exactly, but from his words, he said...

he was in this like underwater civilization underwater yeah i don't know he said he was underwater and he had this life with a family kids blah blah blah like friends everything like imagine a life like this and he was living in it for six months yeah but he woke up from that trip and it was just two hours really yeah that is so that's crazy that's what dmt it was a dmt or no salvia right he was taking salvia oh shoot it's crazy bro i

I gotta research some drug stories because there's some crazy things. Yeah. Like even like we were talking in the last podcast, Midsommar. Midsommar is crazy about shrooms and stuff like that. And all that. And you're seeing all that? Yeah. I was like, what the hell? But yeah. The thing is though, like this is real. These substances are real. I'm not... I do not promote substances at all. I do not promote that shit at all. Yeah. But these experiences people have, it's not like...

Oh shit. It may sound stupid. It may sound crazy. It may sound like out of this world, but what if what they're saying is like true experience from what they seen, you know what I mean? Which is fair, you know, if you choose to believe them or not.

Like there could be some secrets they've seen that we don't know about. Yeah. So like that drug you're talking about, the salvia thing. Yeah. Imagine people just, if they don't, they're not happy with their life there. They just take salvia and just go into some next life. It's f***ed up, bro. It's f***ed up. Do not take that. Do not take that. Please, please. Crazy. Holy smokes. So I remember I was watching the video. I was watching the video and I saw a comment. It was like,

It's like, what if this life was all a trip and then you just wake up with your alien buddies? What the hell? No, I swear I've seen that on a Simpsons episode like that. They just wake up and it's a bunch of aliens. Oh, how was your trip? Yeah, like, how was your trip type thing? What if this life is... I'm telling you, what if we just wake up and it's like, dang.

- It's the funniest thing too, 'cause everyone says like, yo, these two are high. - Yo, we're actually sober. - And I don't drink or smoke. - Exactly. - Like fam. - Exactly. - This is all our imagination. - We're actually sober. - Exactly.

Like if you have a conversation with us, bro. Yeah. Well, we'll let your imagination run free. I'm telling you. Like low key, we have fun at parties. Like people go to parties and they have to drink and shit to have fun. We go to parties sober and we still have fun. Exactly. Not like every party, but like we go to a party sober and we have a lot of fun. Because it really just depends on the energy. If you're showing energy, that's all I need. Exactly. Yeah. Like bro, I was in S-Trip.

And then that's like the grad trip for anything, right? Everyone out there smoking, everyone's high, everyone's having like this. But fam, I was sober the whole time. I had a great time. Exactly. You don't need all of that. You don't need all of that. To each their own. If you want to do that stuff, that's for you. That's for you, right? If you get a benefit or it helps you, please. Yeah. Like who are you?

If that's what makes you happy, sure. But like, just be careful. Make sure you know what you're doing. And don't just fall into the consumerism of like, all of these rappers are doing it. Maybe I should do it because it looks cool. All my friends are doing it. Maybe I should do it because it looks cool. Nah. Nah. Like, be yourself, bro. The coolest, in my opinion, the coolest thing is just like,

Saying fuck all that. This is who I am. I'm not going to copy you guys. I don't need your influence. I don't need to be like you guys. This is what I'm going to do because I think this is what's right for me. The most important thing that someone told me while coming up in this fashion and clothes game is just the person who

who messes with himself the most will be at the top because that's, that's genuine. It's genuine. Yeah. You're not copying. You're not taking anyone else's. Exactly. And people, the people that recognize that will cling onto you. And I promise. And people like, they've been asking us like, yo, how'd you start your business type thing? And whenever someone tells me like, build your personal image first,

Because if they trust you and your personal image, they're going to buy the stuff you like because they trust you. That's true. I agree. I agree. Yeah. You have to know this is because building, building, let's say a clothing brand. Yeah. Building a clothing brand is an art form. It's hard, bro. It's literally art form. Like you have to, you can't just, I want to make a brand. I'm going to call it this. I'm going to put that title on my t-shirts. Nah. Like you,

Like you can try that. It's not going to work. It's not going to work. You have to have a meaning behind it. You have to have a message behind it. It's a form of art. People don't buy art because of, I said this before, they don't buy art for just the materials put together. They buy the art for the message and the story behind it. Just like movies, just like anything. They buy it for the message behind it or the story that's attached to it. Yeah. Cause we didn't start our bands right away. We didn't just put a t-shirt out like that. Yeah. You know, we've been building this kind of rep, uh,

what do you call it reputation i guess yeah for years like it doesn't come right away yeah yeah and you also build your build your ideas build your creativity things that you enjoy things you don't like as much yeah and you kind of build your resume of like these are the type of aesthetics i like exactly this is what i'm gonna add into my things right before all those aesthetics pages had i had an aesthetics page like way before 2017 2018 remember that yeah yeah i'm not gonna say i was with the

There was definitely a lot of people first to do that, but... There's a lot of people that do that. Early stages. But now I see there's different aesthetics. You have the cyber. It's crazy now. It's crazy how it evolved. It's dope. We're living in a different time. Yeah, we really are. It's so... Like...

Yo, if you look at in ancient Greece, little pieces of art back then, we would look at it now and be like, wow, that's amazing because it's like how many thousands of years ago. Shit, they might look at like a week old sock with the reflective on the sock, like years from now and be like, whoa, this is like ancient art. You know what I thought about? You know how you have those old pictures of your dad and stuff, right? Now it's like all the pictures on our Instagram. What if we just show it to our little sons and yo,

dance. I know. Our dance were sluggy dance. That's crazy. But the thing is, you don't know what the style is going to be then. I know. Which is crazy too, right? What do you think? What do you think it's going to look like? I don't know. It's so hard. It's so hard. I feel like it's going to... I don't think you can ever predict fashion anymore. Yeah. Because everything moves so quick and everything dies so quick at the same time. 100%, yeah. It's so hard to predict. It just transits. Because stuff...

It literally is Fashion is just trends coming back Because what came back The vintage Vintage will never die But it'll have its low points But it'll always come back Yeah It will always come back But I feel like It always gets like revamped Somehow Like someone will bring back Like let's say overalls Yeah Shit no one has brought back Overalls in a while I just took that in I mean yeah

but let's say let's say let's say overalls and then someone could make like a new type of overall with like different type of pockets maybe cargo pockets or whatever you know um someone's looking to steal that no there was a theory about um you know how uh Harry Styles wore a dress yeah there was a theory that or someone else wore a dress and they're trying to normalize this masculinity thing and they're saying that Harry Styles is part of the Illuminati and he's pushing that he's pushing that um

more feminine way of fashion. Well, why is it Illuminati though? I don't know. Cause you know how they just try to dictate stuff. I mean, for me, when I see something like that,

I see that as just like he's trying to break free of a certain pattern and he's trying to get noticed for that. I guess, yeah. But I've seen a lot of fashion trends become more feminine. Before it's all the big chains hanging down low. But now as time comes by, the chokers. Yeah, you know why? It's because male fashion is very simplistic. We don't have a lot to work with. Females have so many different things. So many. So many different pieces. So many different types of clothing. Like,

You can get a dress. You can get a tunic. You can get like a cardigan. You can get so many different things that dress like whatever, right? Yes, bro. Guys don't really have all of that. Yeah. So look like Lil Uzi was wearing girls clothes too. Bro, rappers now say that, yo, I don't shop at men's anymore. There's no option. But at the same time,

It's a lot of... They're trying to get attention from that too. Because even in rock and roll era, they used to wear... You know Motley Crue? No, I haven't. It's a rock band. They used to wear girls' clothes. Oh, yeah? Even Poison, they used to wear girls' clothes. They used to have really long hair, girls' clothes, really tight pants, you know? Okay. Crop tops. They used to wear that stuff. Yeah, but...

Like the fashion man's like, I guess they're doing it for attention, but at the same time, it's like, that's their steez, you know? Yeah. Of course. Of course. I'm not hating on no steez. Like it's, it's drippy. It's drippy. But like, I feel like at the same time it is to, to get that attention too. Yeah. To get that attention. Yeah. Makes sense.

But like even Like I've seen the braids Yeah And like bejewels Yeah yeah That's so sick to me too Like now It went from Bejeweled To diamonds Yeah yeah Now they're diamonds Like that's crazy Like fashion is crazy Yeah But yeah I see so many Yo You wanna hear a theory about gold Why everyone wears gold Why

I don't wear gold. So this is episode of Rick and Morty. Yeah. Where they see a car battery. Uh-huh. And then Rick's like, why is this car battery not working? Okay. So he goes inside the car battery. He shrinks himself and goes into the car battery. And this whole car battery is a universe in itself with a world that's working to create battery power. Okay. So they're like mining something. Yeah. And then they're creating this, this, uh,

mineral and they put it in a machine to create that fuels that whole thing. Now, listen, what if the whole world is actually something like that where we collect something and we're actually feeding into a bigger purpose?

Now, ancient civilizations from the beginning of time, what did they all ask? Where were they all after? Whether it be like Spanish, whether it be like the Egyptians, they were all after gold. Okay. Rappers right now. What are rappers wearing? Gold diamonds. But why diamonds? But why? I don't know. Tell me gold. Yo, gold is not even that rare. Oh yeah. No, I,

I swear. Gold is rare. Don't get me wrong. But gold is not even that rare. But there's definitely other types of things that are out there that are more rare than gold. Yeah. That makes sense. We can recreate diamonds. You can synthesize diamonds. Yeah. You know the amethyst, the rubies. Yeah. We can make all that shit.

well why are they still mining and why are they still creating what if there's a bigger meaning behind it what if there's a bigger purpose Loki there's a theory that aliens brainwashed us to get gold and they're gonna come back one day and then take all the gold we collected because it fuels something they need okay nah I agree

You're out of pocket with that one, fam. I know. It's just crazy. This is not my theory. It's not my theory. But imagine... Okay, listen, listen. Yeah. No, but imagine because what if we're meant to like mine something and collect all of this shit? So somebody else just takes it. So someone else can come and take it. I swear I've watched a show before like that and that's the exact plot. That's the whole plot. I don't know.

It's plausible. I don't know. I swear that's another Simpsons episode. I swear that is a Simpsons episode, bro. Nah, that's Rick and Morty. Oh, it is? It's Rick and Morty. Yo, but it's crazy how the Simpsons predict everything. Yeah. Have you heard about that? I don't know. Yo, do you think it's just a coincidence or... It's hard. Or do you think it's something they're trying to warn us?

okay do you think if you had a cartoon show yeah would you hire like a psychic to predict stuff that probably wouldn't go through my mind that wouldn't go through my mind either right but like what if it did go through someone's mind and they did make cartoons that predict stuff then you know what i mean whoever at the end credits whoever's written by yeah we need to capture that guy still there must be something on his head

That's crazy. Like, look, because I'm thinking, like, hella deep into it, obviously. But, like, what if there is a cartoon that did hire, like, a psychic to predict shit? That might be The Simpsons, bro. Because they... Never know. The vaccine? Fucking...

Yeah, Trump being president. But they also predicted, I don't know if it was real or just a Photoshop picture, but Trump dead? If that happens, bro, oh my God. No, no, no. I'll actually believe, bro. It's crazy. Yeah, they predicted a lot of stuff. But yeah. Who knows, man? The world is a mystery. It really is. The world is a mystery. Yeah, bro. What are you doing for Christmas? For Christmas? Just chilling. Just chilling with the fam. Yeah, that's good, fam.

I don't even play games like that anymore. I might just play some COD or something. Video games? Yeah. I hate video games. I know. Like, I don't even play video games. If you're a hustler, I forgot what Boosie said. If you're a hustler, do not buy the PS5. Stick to your hustle, fam. No, it's not that. Like, I don't hate video games, but like, I never find time to play. Yeah. Because we have no time, bro. Yeah. It's always a constant go. Yeah.

It's kind of sad because when I was little, like, I used to love playing Xbox. I used to love playing Game Boy. Halo, come home, play Halo. Like, I'll play for hours, right? But right now, it feels like whenever I'm playing it, I feel like I'm wasting, like, time. I could be doing something else. But I don't hate on video games. I love it, right? I just wish I still had that feeling towards games. Loki, I miss it. I miss it. It's like a piece that's missing for me now. Oh, yeah? It's kind of sad. It is, Loki. It's kind of depressing.

Go play a game after this, bro. I try, though. That's the thing. I try. But then it's like... I try and then I'll play for like 30 minutes. Oh, yeah? Which is kind of sad, bro. 30 minutes is not even... Maybe I'm just growing up. Yeah. No, it is all growing up, bro. Yeah. I think everyone gets to that stage, though. Yeah. I've gotten to that stage a long time ago. But we're still hella young. 100%. Yeah. But yeah. One hand right there. Yeah. All right. I don't know. All right, go.

Alright, merch. We have t-shirts coming out. Bangers. Bangers. Yo, we got some fire for y'all soon. Don't sleep on the merch. We're going to drop that for y'all soon. I think this episode is going to come out on Christmas. So happy holidays to you guys. Hope you guys have a good Christmas. We celebrate. And yeah. Alright, jump to jump out. Deuces.