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But do you put your friends in rankings though? Yeah. Do you do that? Yeah, we always do that. Like, yo, late night discord? So you put your friends in a rank? Bro, last night we're talking about... Like you dropped some two points. Yo, no ditty, but last night we were talking about, yo, rank our friend group on the cuteness scale. Like no ditty though. Yo, that's gay. We was talking, bro. You were in top three most of the time. Nah, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
No, because we asked around and we were ranking like, oh, who's the ugliest in the group? You know what I mean? Damn, though. It's like 3am talks, bro. Leave down in the comments right now. Would you do that to your homies, bro? Yes, bro. I wouldn't do that. It's just like we have nothing to talk about. So it's like, fuck it. It's that bored. You guys got that bored. We got so bored. We started ranking who had the biggest rooms. What the fuck? Who has the biggest rooms? Why does that matter?
Menser's saying, Menser's trying to say like, oh, are we counting Carlos' pickering room or Carlos' dog dog?
Fam, these shits are serious, bro. But what is it, Matt? Do you think low-key, those little rankings, they actually add up sometimes. Yeah, they do. Because even if it doesn't matter, it kind of does matter. You know what I mean? It's like the more information you have, you never know where it's going to be handy later. Yeah, yeah. Who knows if I'm making a team for fucking Jeopardy. You know what I'm saying? Like even someone having a small room or a big room. Yeah.
Loki, I would choose the person with the big room. Okay, on all the guests that we had on Jumpers, and you had to make a four-person Jeopardy team. Because I wouldn't even put myself on that because I'm not a fast thinker. So I'm not putting myself on that Jeopardy team. Damn, that's hard, bro. But who's witty right away? No, they have to know random shit, though. Emson, I would put on. Emson knows a lot of random shit. I would put Emson number one, boom. Fuck. Fuck.
Look, if I could have myself. No, you can, you can. Okay. You can have yourself in the four. Okay, okay. Yeah, so you, Emerson, will be fire. Yeah. Ah.
Who knows like witty? Denzel actually knows some stuff. Loki. Loki. Denzel. He'll snap on some categories. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you guys don't know who we're talking about, just look at the old Jumper Jump episodes and look at the guests. Because soon... Oh, actually. Special announcement. Real quick. We're going to be having a whole bunch of guests back on the podcast that you guys might have seen from before. So if you don't know them, go back and look at the old Jumper Jump episodes. You're going to see some familiar faces. I know who would kill it.
Think about it. Really think about it. I'll give you like five seconds. A person who knows random shit, just random. John? Jets.
yo he does kill that shit jet does jet always brings up like rent random music that nobody's heard of random facts and nobody lived life like yeah you know what i mean but he's our age though yeah you know the term renaissance man yeah yeah people say that a lot about me but i don't i don't know what a true renaissance person is yeah because renaissance is supposedly apparently like during the time during the renaissance yeah everybody would be um a
pro at everything, not just one thing. But nowadays, do you think it's like that? Or do you think everybody sticks their own lane? I think everybody sticks their own lane because it's like, they know that if they can master that one thing, they'll go further than, you know what I mean? Mastering a bunch of things but master of none, you know what I mean? I hate that term though. I hate the master of none shit because...
Like my whole life, I just do everything. Fuck it, right? I remember the interview asked me like, where do you see Carlos in like a year? And she was like, like fucking confused when I said, oh yeah, I might see him at a concert. Him playing guitar at a concert. You don't know what I'm about to do. Yeah, she's like, what the hell? He's a guitarist, dude.
I don't know what I want to do. No, honestly, if you really, really bag it like this, everybody can change their life in a second, fam. You can decide tomorrow you want to do a different career and go ahead and take the steps toward it. I'm not stopping you, fam. Somebody at my church recently said, yo, I quit my job because I realized I'm at that point where I had that midlife crisis. Oh, that sucks. And she was like,
I have a tombstone waiting for me. What do I want? That's dark. No, no, but it's facts though. I think that's the beauty of life. Like, you know you're gonna die so you want to do stuff with your life. Damn. Because say you... Someone told you you're gonna live forever. Kind of boring, bro. Like, there's no timeline. That Wolverine type beat. Like, you just live and see everybody else pass away. Yeah, I get you. Because then you don't have no purpose. Exactly. Elon Musk said that recently. Elon Musk's the antichrist. But anyways, Elon Musk said recently, he said...
Once we get all the technology we ever needed, humans are going to be depressed because we don't have purpose no more. Which is fucked to think about. Because eventually it is true. Because all of these little jobs, it's being replaced by robots, by AI, whatever. What are we going to want to do?
I don't know. We're getting close to that. Super close to that too. What would you do? Like what do you think? If one thing... Yeah, like let's say... I guess entertainment is the only thing that you can't... No, but even with entertainment, you can AI that shit. I would probably... No, I would get rich off AI for sure. Because I know how like... Since like this new generation, we're young and we know how to use technology. 100% I'm getting rich off... I would never work a job in my life knowing that I have AI beside me. You know what I mean?
Wait, knowing you have AI, what are you saying? Knowing I have AI on my side, I would never, I would even consider a job. You know what I mean? I would probably program my Gavin to go get a degree for me.
That's f*ck. You know what I mean? Yo, it's raps. The sh*t that I would do, man. Yo, that sucks though. So there's a theory, right? There's a theory that since there's proof of AI becoming a thing and simulations becoming a thing, there's proof of that right now.
means that we're low key already in it. So us perceiving reality as this, us seeing the advancement of AI, us seeing the advancement of cloning, this and that and that,
Just means that we're already in it because there's proof of it or we're eventually gonna get there Yeah, if not this right now is that reality we're gonna see it happen Yeah, and then once it reaches that threshold, we don't know what's real or what's fake. Yeah What would you do?
Yo, there's nothing to do fam. There's no answer. The real question is, yo, the real, real question is, I don't know if you ever, you ever watched that movie Ready Player One? No. No, I haven't. Yo, this is the, oh my gosh, I hate thinking about this. Yeah. But you know how, you know how when you die, you don't know what you're going to see yet. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah.
I have this weird like panic moment sometimes that I think, fuck, I'm about to exit. I'm about to exit. And I'm about to like leave simulation and then see like the creator of the game or something as like a cut scene. Word. There's not really like simulation shit, but there's another movie. I think it's called, have you seen Project Almanac?
I heard of it. Yeah, because it's only on one streaming service that like nobody has. But it's like, it's based on like, oh, kids find a time machine and they go back. But like it does a 180 because like man's like fuck up the whole tide. Like there's a ripple effect. So a guy named David, that's the main character. He finds an old camcorder in his basement. And once he plays it with his friends, he sees in the back of his 10th birthday video that...
uh him in the present right now is in that video so he's like what the fuck does my dad have something like a time machine so all his friends he calls all his friends yo that's me like we have to try and find the thing yeah so they find it they go back in time they do all this shit oh uh i'm gonna i'm gonna do the numbers for the lottery they win the lottery they have all their fun but what the thing is like i'm not gonna spoil it but like all the events that they did
led to people dying, led to people, like, loved ones, like, not knowing who they are no more. Because they changed the timeline. Yeah, damn.
Like one of them was um, they did something at a concert that made a plane crash and kill like maybe 77 people. It was f*cked. I have a question for you. Do you think in life there's certain pleasures and certain successes and great things you can have, blessings that you can have, but at a cost of other blessings? Oh, at a cost of other- Cause certain people might have amazing, amazing lives, but you don't know what they sacrificed to have it, right?
True. Because... Fuck, what would be an example of that though? I don't want to get deep into it, but like for example, there's certain millionaires that don't have their parents or they lost them tragically, whatever it may be. But you think that's fate though? That just because they have millions of dollars, they would lose someone? No, it's not that. What I'm saying is, do you think...
I guess you can't ever have it all though. Yeah. It's the truth. Cause like say, say, yeah, you, a rich kid does have these parents and they die off. I don't think that's, that's God saying, Oh, you have this. Let me take away this. You know what I mean? I feel like that's no, what I'm, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying is, um, do you think if certain people have great success in one way, they lose something, right?
because for example a celebrity child okay they won't have a regular childhood but they have other things you know okay i thought you're talking about like how you know how asap dropped an album and every time he dropped the album a person passed away that he he knew no so that's so that's it's not like that you mean it's not a theory it's true
every single time oh no he planned it though no what he planned it or what no he didn't he just dropped it oh i thought i thought as a tribute yeah no like every time he dropped a family member would die that's why he stopped dropping me member would yeah that's why he stopped he stopped dropping um albums that's messed up yeah that's that's like the devil was cursed like that's what i thought you're you're thinking but no you're thinking about like um yeah like just recently i watched the you know robert johnson
No, who's that again? He's the one that started... He's the first member of the 27 Club. Word. Yeah, the first member of 27 Club. And he's still alive. He's the first person to quote-unquote sell their soul to the devil. Shit. Now, Robert Johnson, he's the famous story about the guitarist that didn't know really how to play. Oh, and he met the guy. He disappeared.
Came back to his town after a couple months. And all of a sudden, he was the greatest guitar player the world has ever seen. And he was making hits on hits on hits. And everybody was confused. And the story goes, because in one of his songs, the lyrics said, he met the devil at the crossroads. He went down on his knees. And now he walks with him.
That's part of the lyrics. That's literally part of the lyrics. You feel me? So that's the theory is that he sold his soul literally at the crossroads because that's apparently like where you find the devil in those times. And he gave him his guitar and tuned it. And he said, once you take, he said, once you take this, that's right. Once you take this guitar, I have your soul.
That's what he said. And pretty much what happened was he just took the guitar and ran with his music and ended up doing really well. But the backstory is crazy. What happened? Because I actually didn't know the backstory so recently because I watched the documentary. Was he like poor and like he needed to like make money off music? Kind of that too. That too. But it's kind of sad because...
He had a wife and his family didn't like that he played music. Because at the time, I think he played the blues. At the time, the blues were considered the devil music. And the reason being is because when church would happen,
It would only be filled with the women because the men, the night before, they would hang out at the juke, at the juke place. So churches wouldn't... So they would hang out at the club and listen to blues music. Okay. So the church is like, oh, you know why the men aren't coming? Because of the music. So that's the devil's music because that's why they're not coming to church. Word. Anyways, the girl he was married to or wanted to live the rest of his life with...
That girl's parents like hated him so much because he was a blues player. He plays the devil's music, blah, blah. Anyways, he got her pregnant and she was going to have a baby. Bro. So when she had like the child still in her stomach, she decided, okay, I'm going to go to my relatives so I can take care of the baby. Right. Said, okay, it's okay. I'm going to keep working, make the money. And he decided, hey, you know what?
let me pick music back up. Because he gave away music. Because it wasn't making him no bread. Yeah, he gave away music to live a normal life for the wife. Okay. But decided when she left, because he's like, oh, everything's all right. Let me just continue playing again. Yo, literally, you know, and the theory goes like, the curse is with the music. The moment he started playing the guitar again, his wife passed away with the baby and died. Like,
he wasn't able to see them again. He just passed away in like the other town. Yeah. That's like the monkey pot thing. So what ended up happening, he just dropped everything else of his normal life and said, okay, I'm going to dedicate my life to music. This is all I have now. And that's what led him to do the crossroads because he just gave up on everything, right? Shit. Now there's another theory though. This is straying away from the regular lore. The regular lore is that he just sold his soul at the crossroads. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But there's something new. What happened? So apparently, this is coming from his relatives. I think he has a grandson or something. But the story goes, there's a mentor that he came to meet. His name was Ike Zimmerman. And he was one of the best guitar players at the time. Now, it's said that when Robert Johnson disappeared...
He went and met up with the mentor, Ike Zimmerman, and he taught him how to play the blues. But the way he taught him is questionable. So his method is fucked up. What he told them was, there's only one way you can learn the blues. And the only way you can do that is if you go to a graveyard, you bring your guitar. The fuck? And wait till midnight.
You have to sit on one of the gravestones and play. And eventually, one of the spirits will come to you. Oh, that's fucked. Shit.
Go to your happy place for a happy price. Go to your happy price, Priceline.
I thought it was like you have to sit at a specific guitarist like grave and then his body would go to... That would be crazy too. But maybe it is that too. Who knows? Because he used to always bring him to the graveyard like...
almost as practice imagine band practice yeah imagine band practice but your homie's like bringing you onto a gravestone like yo okay play now no that's weird and then wait till it's dark and shit and then the spirit will come and teach you how to play yeah but that's what they say about it so that's why it's kind of considered it's very taboo and shit back in the day because
what's crazy about the blues not only is it considered the devil's music it stems into every single genre of music that we hear now or at least most of it for example um blues made the modern blues made ended up being r&b yeah ended up being rock and roll and it ended up pretty much every other music that we hear now so there's a little bit of blues in everything because i'm thinking about blues and i'm like how is that like out of everything i would have thought rock
Like that's my first. - Yeah but blues came- or rock came from blues. - Word, I didn't know that. - Yeah all of it stems from just this. So this is like the seed of everything. - 'Cause blues- fam are we- oh no I'm thinking about jazz. No jazz and blues are kind of the same thing right?
similar similar yeah similar so i'm like yo if i'm thinking about the right thing there's no way that that's the no but the blues is different the blues is um the emotion yeah that's how that's how you know we're young i'm young because i'm fucking i don't know nothing about the music man yo brought in your taste damn my first my first introduction was young thug my music taste was cooked from the starfam
Like, you know, that whole thing is like, oh, we're done with the 90s. Like the whole we're done with the 90s trend. Yeah. So all the old heads are like battling with the new heads. And how we're saying like, bro, Michael Jordan would have last a day in the new generation. And you have uncles going crazy on the internet like, you guys never knew how good fucking Michael Jordan was.
It's true though, because nobody really... We don't understand. I don't even understand stuff. I try to take part, but we'll never really know. Yeah, but that's the thing. It's like there's so much beef between shit now. There's civil wars. And we have to talk about this real quick. Wait, hold on. Before you say that, I have a solution for this. The old head, new head thing? Yeah, I have a solution for it. Check this out. Like we were talking about with the simulation shit. What if you could just prove a point by putting bone in a simulation? Like, yo, you thought that shit was sick?
Put this shit on right now, fam. And it just puts you in the simulation. You see MZ. You literally see the NBA at that era. You see everything at that era. Yo, because if you take it in, if you really, really take it in, if this is a simulation right now, we're living at the era of where most of the GOATs are alive. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you bag it, though. And they're about to all retire, to be honest. Yeah. Tom Brady, LeBron's old, Kobe died. Michael Jordan's still alive.
Yo, Mike Tyson. Holy shit. Muhammad Ali was still alive. You know what I mean? Facts. Like, if you were in a simulation at this moment, this is low-key where you can see everything. That ass. Even, like, you go to, like, niches. Fam, John Cena, Rey Mysterio. They're all old. Yeah.
But yeah, the, what do you call this? The whole Drake and Metro thing. There's a theory about that. Oh, with the song, right? Yeah, yeah. So Metro did this thing where it's like, I don't know, it's still a conspiracy, but I feel like Metro was petty enough to go out of his way and do this. Because remember in LA when I played Trance,
Yeah. And we played the Drake version. Drake was supposed to be on it, but Metro, like, I don't know if it was petty or not, it took him off. He took him off because he didn't want Drake attached to it. That's what I'm saying. To, like, blow it up. That's a petty method. Yeah, yeah. So, like, what he did with the new track list for his new album, he did the whole SZA thing. So, you, like, when Drake did the album, I know, the song with SZA, Seek and Destroy and Search and Rescue. So, I'll list the names. Oh.
I'll list all the shit that he did. So it matches up to his album title. Like the song titles. Yeah, yeah. So look, it was low-key a dristack to all of Drake's songs. So Drake has a song called Slime You Out. Yeah. Metro Boomin, Slimed In. Oh, what the fuck? Drake, Furthest Thing, Metro Boomin, Claustrophobic. This guy's weird, bro. No, this is a funny one. Drake, The Shoe Fits, Metro Boomin, Cinderella. Ah!
Trust issues. We don't trust you. Won't be late by Drake. Running out of time. Treacherous twins. Where my twin at? Oh, wow. And then this is the funny one. I don't give a fuck. So IDGAF. Yeah. Metro has one WTFYM. Oh. What the fuck you mean? Bro. Oh, they have some jokes on too. A night off by Drake. Everyday hustle. A night off. Everyday hustle.
I'm telling you, this shit is all just petty stuff. I know, it's just petty. You think it's all marketing? Yeah, for sure. It could be, right? Yeah, yeah. Are they really beefing over like that? Why did man just turn like that? You know why, though? Why? And this theory stems from fucking iCarly, bro.
So remember iCarly had an episode with Fred? Yeah. And what happened in that episode was she had like a sneak diss by Fred, sneak dissing iCarly. Okay. And all of a sudden, the fucking views went up for both channels because everyone was tuning in. Yeah, in that episode. And they were pretty much talking about how like...
oh, I never really cared about you. I'm just doing this because like, you know, it's going to get us views. And look at your stats. It went up. And Carly's like, oh shit, you're right.
And that was the end of the episode, pretty much. Holy shit. So if you think about it, every single time there's a feud or a beef or whatever, that's the most attention somebody ever gets. And it really pops off. Yeah, that's weird. No, that's so weird how iCarly, out of everything, is connected to the Civil War. If you bag it, if you want to go deep with it, the Ricegum Theory, fam. What's the Ricegum Theory? With Drake and Thing? No. Like, literally, the reason he became popular was because...
beef oh yeah yeah okay every single one and since that's the most viral thing you can do on the internet or get attention for yeah that's the only thing he was even known for if you bag it yeah no because yo and it still works today because i think like like we said twitter beef will always attract people like drama will always attract people so if you want to
If you want instant fame, boom. Beef it out. We got to beef with somebody still. There's a Toronto Hooper. There's a Toronto Hooper that, you know what I mean? He blew up off beef, but on the court. That's true. You know what I mean?
yeah the rice gum thing is interesting because he really started with um with beefing with just tiktokers yeah kids yeah kids uh musically people and then it became it became proper influencers like celebrity influencers exactly even fousey tube they faked the slap remember that oh yeah but that was like obvious to be honest yeah but even still like it gets your it gets your attention but like i feel like it's like the ones where it's like okay in that video it was specifically like
stable and then once the slap happened the guy went like this so I was like come on bro if you're doing a fight video it has to start like this it can't be stable and then go like this you know what I mean it's too set up but one thing that I didn't know about the conspiracy about how Diddy was connected to Michael Jackson's death
This one is true. How? So, uh, we all know Michael Jackson, like hated the, the industry, like the rap, the, the music industry. Yeah. Cause on an award show, he went up and like when he got his award, he's like, these, these, um, artists do so much and these companies take advantage of them. Right. And he's like, I'm leaving, uh,
I think it was Sony he has? He has stocks? He basically owns Sony. Oh word. Because he has 50% of whatever Sony makes. Yeah. So he's like, I'm leaving. I don't think they'll like this. Right? So how does this relate to Diddy? Diddy, his head security, his name is Fahan, I think. And Fahan, he, when Michael Jackson died, before he died, he was Michael Jackson's head security. Right?
Oh, so he snuck a spy in? Fahan, he's like the Lester people are saying in GTA. Because whenever you're unemployed by Diddy and you get into police or you get pulled over, you call Fahan and he'll get you out of everything. So they had police help. So Michael Jackson died 2009. Fahan graduated in business school.
uh to in 2008 business how do you go from a business diploma to the head of the number one musical artist in the gender in this generation yeah yeah right away you got connected exactly so that's why this investigate investigation is going on right now that that fahan was part of his murder and diddy is connected somehow with michael jackson being drugged or whatever it may be right yeah because he was uh the second person on the scene when michael jackson died
Damn. Yeah, and he went to the... What is that? The court? He tried the... Yo, there's bear shit going on with Diddy as we speak. Bear. Like, right now, I think right now, they just raided his house in Miami. Two. No, two. One in LA, one in Miami at the same time. For human trafficking. Yes, bro. And he's on a plane to somewhere. I think he dipped to, like, Cape Verde or whatever. See, that's the thing. It's like, that's where this whole conspiracy theory is going now. It's like...
Are they going to fake a Diddy death? And we're going to hear one of those stories like, it's like Tupac. Oh, he's chilling in an island. Because this is the thing. Because this is the thing. He's not necessarily running from the police.
He might be running from the elites. Yeah, yeah. That's worse. Yo, because now that if you get caught, it's pretty much you being caught and then forced to snitch. You know what I mean? Because it's either your life or your life. You know what I mean? Like life in prison or just your life. So he has to choose one. That's why he's really, really trying to get out of there. And that's why he's probably been protected many times. What's interesting is...
I saw this TikTok. I'm going to show it to you. Okay, okay, bet. But it's explaining how P. Diddy, when he was coming up in the music industry, you know, Bad Boy Records is... Yeah, Bad Boy. Yo, one of the things that's fucking interesting is...
P Diddy on Biggie's car when the night Biggie got shot. They put a sticker on like the tires. I seen that and it said Diddy 2020 something. Yeah, so it marked which one was Biggie's and then that's when he got assassinated. Yeah, I remember that. That's crazy. Yeah, yeah. That's crazy. So check this out. When Bad Boy Records was on its come up. Watch this clip. Yeah, yeah.
I was thinking to myself the other day Uptown Records started with five people Andre Harrell So there's like a whole team I'll be sure Wait, she's just airing out his team? Just watch, just watch And Puffy And Kim
was the longest working employee and she was there from the very beginning she was andre's personal assistant so check this out so pay attention so these are all the people that were with diddy making the the label right okay okay kimmy's dead she's dead he's dead andre harrell is dead the only two left
Puffy and Al. Now, check this out. Al, fam, okay, we're not gonna get into this part too much yet, but he's known to go with Diddy to a bunch of these orgies and, you know, like, men stuff. Yeah, the Diddy stuff. Yeah, the Diddy stuff. And Al almost. And the other guy almost died, too. Isn't that interesting? That is interesting. Heavy D was found dead face down, and he...
So I'm not gonna play the whole thing cuz you might get copyright but pretty much all of them died from either a heart attack Except for Kim. So check this out yo, so three of the guys died of a heart attack Kim she was she was found dead due to a supposedly ammonia ammonia right now
before they announced that it was ammonia, there was a police investigation where they found toxins in her body that said that she was actually poisoned. But all of that changed and they put a whole new case file all under the bus. Wow.
Nobody ever heard of it after that. Yeah. And no media covered it. Obviously, he didn't get away from it. No media covered it. Nothing like that. Gone. Wait, so you know that stamp that you're talking about? Yeah. I mean, that sticker. What does it represent again? Because it's like... No, that's just to mark a vehicle, fam. So let's say I'm a mob boss, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I'm like, you know, set you up type shit. I set you up to the hitman. Like, oh, which car is it? Don't worry. I put a sticker. Oh, no. That's what it meant. Yeah.
Oh, yeah, that's stupid. That's crazy. That's stupid, fam. I don't know why the mafia... No, but yo, fam. Knowing all these stories, fam, Diddy had power, fam. Because the Fahad thing, if you got in trouble, just call up him. You know what I mean? The Diddy stuff is crazy. And there's something to add on to that. In the Biggie song, I love it when she call me Big Papa. Yeah. Did you notice in the bathroom scene that really predicted all of the future stuff?
Wait, what? So in the bathroom scene- I didn't bag this. So I seen some guy, he's like, "Look at the music video again and how back then it predicted all of the Diddy stuff." So Diddy was actually in this music video. Yeah. It's a little thing, okay? So I'll show you. So there's like a bathroom scene, stuff like that. And just keep watching. Do you notice anything?
There's a girl in the men's washroom. Yeah, well, bam. But the Diddy stuff, you know what I mean? It's like, they kind of predicted, why is she peeing in a urinal? So people are saying like the, do you get it? Wait, what? Say again? Oh, so she's a guy. Yeah, type thing. And then Diddy, there was a, at the beginning, he's there too. Why would Diddy be in the music video? And why would he be in the washroom with that girl that was peeing?
Oh so that's like his thing. Yeah. I didn't bag it. I didn't bag it. But yeah we can see that stuff. Oh shit. I see. And back then that wasn't like. Yeah. That was unusual. So it's a hidden like. Hidden yeah yeah. You bag it. Because apparently it's been a joke in Hollywood about that stuff. Yo.
People are saying Jamie Foxx being sick might be P. Diddy trying to get rid of him because he did... Oh, in the interview where he said, I can't do it because... Was he sick? No, you know, Jamie Foxx almost died, fam, last year. Jamie Foxx almost died last year. And one of the people that spoke about it and kind of spoke about it with...
kind of like a hidden something might be up here with Steve Harvey. And Steve Harvey pretty much said something along the lines of, yo, Jamie Foxx is very healthy. You know, he's a very fit guy. I don't know how this could happen. He said something along the lines of that, which is interesting because it is true. Like this guy really takes care of himself. So the speculation is,
because he's so involved with what happened back in the day about the you know the orgies and whatever sex trafficking who knows what it might be not saying he's guilty but i'm saying like he might be involved or know information about diddy yeah
that could go out you know yeah that sucks like like going back to what we were talking about how um you take uh you get something in your life but then something gets taken from you that sucks on um diddy's uh sons that are trying to get into the music because he's uh i think yeah his his oldest son and his youngest son both do music yeah now look like you were born with a rich parent and then now you're attached to all of them you're attached everywhere like they're both in jail right now
Oh, really? They're in jail too? Yeah, he fled and left his sons in Miami and LA. I guess they're accomplices or something. Exactly. So now you got to deal with all that just because your dad did some dumb shit in the past. Yo, so okay, if anybody doesn't know, you know the reason why Diddy's under investigation for sex trafficking? Oh, just for sex trafficking. You know why though? What?
why so there's there's allegations of men like multiple girls coming out and saying yo did he you know okay i know that yeah pretty much did the what's his name the bill bill cosby yeah that's pretty much what you did but there's like a couple girls that came out and said that stuff and as of right now like there's been investigations and
The police started looking into it. It was only until I think his ex filed a lawsuit. The lawsuit was settled, but the moment she did that, everybody's eyes started turning and like, yo, let's look into it. Police started looking into it and found all of these different girls that had different stories. Boom, boom, boom, boom.
It's just countless things. Apparently, apparently one of the things were like actual that asked sex trafficking. So we'll see where it leads. I mean, we're going to see in the news or something. Yeah. One more thing about, I'm going to say about the situation that we can move on. But Lecrae, the rapper. Yeah. He was also in Hollywood one time and he came out on an interview and he said, one of his managers, he said, I really like your spirit. I think Lecrae is a Christian rapper or like he raps a lot about God. Yeah. But he was at a party, one of Diddy's parties. And his manager said,
leave right at midnight. And when he was leaving at 1130, he said, when he went upstairs, he saw a man's going at it. You know what I mean? And he already felt like if he went upstairs, upstairs, he would see some shit else. So he left. Yeah. But that shit is real though. It's real, bro. If you guys haven't watched that movie already, The Eyes Wide Shut, the Stanley Kubrick movie, that's all about those type of parties, fam. And the moment Stanley Kubrick made that film,
I think like a couple weeks after it released, Bro was found dead. And what's crazy too, oh my God, when they were making that film, there was actually a lot more scenes that he wanted in the final cut, but the studios wouldn't allow him to put it in. And then he died. And then when they released the film, it didn't have those scenes
Yeah, it didn't have those scenes. So he got censored. Yeah, and he got cut off. Like, he's just gone. Fuck. Because he was about to expose. He was about to blow the lid off this place. I'm surprised Cat Williams, out of everyone, hasn't been investigated on because he's chilling. But he's exposing everything in a way where it's like, it's so funny how he exposes. Because I don't think they have anything on him. I think that's why. Don't you think that men's would make stuff?
Like, they have the power to do that. No, but remember what I said in the other podcast? If they know... If the only things they see in you is the true you, it's hard to make some bullshit up. Like Dave Chappelle? Yeah, exactly. Like, if you do bullshit, then yeah, maybe they can make up some bullshit. Yeah, yeah. But if you just stay who you are and, you know, always stay exactly authentic...
It's hard to do that, especially to a man like Cat Williams where it's like, okay, if he's talking about all this stuff, why would he go switch up like that? Now it becomes a thing of with Kanye, if they're really trying to, this is getting deep. I like it though. If Kanye went missing or whatever, knock on wood, but it would be too obvious. So that's why they can't. You know what I mean? That would be a full-blown investigation right off the jump. Yeah. You know? That's true.
so those type of celebrities like they stay themselves and you know they they show that character because it's their protection not only that right because imagine they didn't say these things and then they were looked at as like oh he's a loose thread yeah and he never spoke about it bro that's true that's true disappear into the shadows fam yeah that's weird bro celebrities is i don't know irks me out that's why you don't go to those parties yo you know what andrew
Dead? What? So, make sure you do. Yeah, let me censor that. Yeah, censor that. But what the Top G said just recently, he was talking about the parties and how he got invited to one of those big parties back in the day. And he was telling Ryan Garcia this too, that that's literally how they get everybody. They invite you to the party,
They catch you on camera doing these things and they purposely like drug you, make you under the influence so that you're susceptible to these things. And they get you like that. Yeah. Remember how you were talking about how Taylor is just, what's that word? Reincarnation of like the- Like a Satanist. Bro, like I've heard so many stories of like how celebrities will go, but then something else will reincarnate. And there was one about Princess Diana.
Oh really? Have you heard about this one? How fam, it was a four year old boy. He said that in his past life, he was Princess Diana. What the fuck? Yeah. And this was all over, I think it was UK or British news. Right? And this is how it all started. His dad had an old note, right? That he gave to his wife. Yeah. And on it was Princess Diana. Guess what the four year old said? What'd he say? He said, that was me when I was a princess.
That's a crazy thing to say as a kid. As a kid, four-year-old boys. He said, I'm a princess, right? And then he said, after that, he said, yeah, I was a princess before the sirens went off.
oh that means as soon as princess diana died when the englands came he knew he remembered and then he as as soon as he grew grew up he started mentioning uh prince william and prince harry he referred to them as his sons that's weird yeah that's weird but no this is where it really gets he's still alive no yes bro hold on i'll show you
It was a weird fact that he knew. Oh, right before Princess Diana died. I mean, no, right before Princess Diana was born, she had a brother, older brother named John. John died as a baby. So Princess Diana didn't even get to meet John, right? Yeah. This kid goes on an interview, said, I have an older brother named John.
How would that kid even know about a person that Princess Diana didn't even meet in her life? So he really connected somehow. Yeah. And this is the one that I was really weirded out. He described...
A castle. He said, when I grew up as a princess, I lived in a castle with unicorns. And then there's unicorns in the castle? No way. Whenever Prince Diana went on holidays, I think it was in Scotland. She stayed in a castle. Yeah. On the top are two unicorns. Oh, shit. Yeah.
Bro, I'm like, what the... There's no way he would know these. Yeah, exactly. So how would he know that? And everybody's saying like, yeah, that's... But he probably doesn't know this stuff anymore, right? Because now he's older. Yeah, I think so. Actually, I don't know. Because I have a theory about that. Yeah. Could it finish though? No, that was it. Because they... So I think he was born... It was 18 years after the whole incident. So he's...
for right now so I don't know what he is right now. So check this out. This is a theory I had because there's something that connects with me about it. So I have a memory as a child about seeing and feeling as if I'm home and seeing mountains with snow on it. But as a young kid and my whole early childhood I thought that I could look out and see mountains with snow.
But fam, I'm in Scarborough. There's no mountains with snow. No, but what's crazy is I had that memory and it's like a reoccurring memory type of thing. I remember this shit and seeing it as if I was there as a child.
But where would I have been? And I didn't travel. Yeah. I didn't travel. I was still young. Like, I didn't remember. That's why I'm so curious about that memory. Anyways, there's a theory that the reason children, when they're first born, they don't remember anything is because the only things that they remember at that time are still the memories of their past lives. Okay, yeah, yeah. And then if...
If you can somehow, I guess in the brain chemistry, access those memories and still be able to remember them and speak them out, it's stuff about the past that you can remember. But as you get older, obviously those memories get erased and then you're filled up with the new ones. Yeah. No, that's weird because it's like, what if it hits that brain nerve and then all of a sudden you're not even Carlos no more. You're like the guy in the mountain that was in your past life. You know what I mean? Yeah, it's weird. That would be weird. But it's... I don't know. Maybe I'm just...
I have no idea where that came from. No, because a lot of people when they talk to me, they're like, yo, Carlos, I feel like this isn't his first time living. You know what I mean? Yeah, but I've heard that many times because it's like, I don't know, you just do a lot. But I don't know if that's because of past lives. I don't know. Yeah. Maybe like how you said that you want to do a guitarist. Maybe you were a guitarist back in your past life. You know what I mean? Yo, I think about this a lot.
So this gets deep, right? Yeah. If you were the creator of the universe, how would you want the world to be? And how would you want, I guess, let's say you're the creator. Since you're the creator, you would want to make like amazing stories within it, right? Yeah. If you were to go back in and play it, how would you do it? Damn. I have no idea. Right? It's an interesting question. Because that's a lot. And I thought about it. I'm like, oh, shit.
It happened. It's Jesus. Literally, that's what Jesus did. So there was this TikTok I watched, and it's pretty much saying how this was coming from a writer. There's this writer, and she was writing a book. And fuck, it was a famous book. I totally forgot what it was. It's something like a lot of us read. Leave it on the comments if you guys know. But it's a super famous book. And they talked about this one character that ends up becoming in the book.
It's a very prominent character. And the writer said, that character is actually me. And then this lonely guy that I wrote in the book, I felt sad for him. That's what she said. I felt sad for him. And I thought he needed someone to love. So I wrote myself in it because I think that's who would love him the most. Oh, shit. And if you think about it, that concept, that's exactly what God did, fam. Like literally made the story happen.
And decided, you know what? I'm going to write myself in because no one's going to love them as much as I can love them. That's facts though. How's that? Right? Yeah, bro said, yeah, I don't get it on the inside so might as well. Oh my gosh. Right? Yeah. I think about that sometimes because it's true. It's like we think we're running around this world as like
I don't know, just our own stories, but there's a whole story to everything, I think. And even though it is our own perspectives and shit like that, a lot of it can connect in ways that we don't really fathom. Yeah, that's true. Because I was usually 50-50 on that topic because I used to believe that, oh yeah, from birth, yeah, we have a number, boom, this is our path. But I feel like...
Once you connect to the, I don't know, once your spirit and soul connects higher up, there's a path that God does want you to go through. But it's like once you connect higher, it's like that path that you're going to go and succeed in
He already... He can't do anything else with that no more. Now you're on your own. But he led you all the way to there to go do it. That's where I'm at right now. The scariest thing to me is thinking about if you had to live Jesus' life. Yeah. That's so scary. I'm thinking about it and like...
Because you would have to be okay with dying and suffering. For the people. If I were to tell you right now, you have to do this and you don't know the future, but you have to be willing to do it. Yeah, it is crazy. It's crazy. And then look, now we're here because of him. I think about that concept. It's crazy, right? Even the past life stuff, someone told me it was crazy how all the big Gen Z podcasters are born on November 11th.
So they were Nick from Suburbs Talks, November 11. Jason from 949, November 11. Me, November 11. That's interesting. Yeah, that's weird because we all get the C and how C is meant for communication. But that day specifically has three of probably some of the biggest Gen Z podcasts. That's true. So I was like, damn, was I meant to be a podcaster? You know what I mean?
Yeah. You think it's determined like that? I don't know. I have no idea. Because after the, who's that guy again? I fucking forgot his name. It's been so long. Because, yo, I want you guys, everyone listening right now, I want you guys to think about moments just in regular activities or even just in school or whatever where you did something and it felt like as if you're meant to do it. You're meant to be there, yeah. Because a lot of times when I was doing presentations and shit-
It felt as if, fuck, I'm good at this, but I was still shy at the time. You know what I mean? I was still like, man, I would never do this as a job. In my head, I would say that shit like, I would never do this shit, but it's just weird how life ends up like that. No, there's a certain spirit, fam. It's like, never say never type of thing. I feel like the moment you say that, it's...
it's gonna happen you know the numbers they never like it yeah yeah okay like your brain turns on like oh i cannot i have free will yo i literally said like i say this all the time but when when tick tock first came around yeah i saw my sister on the app like yo you'll never catch me on that i literally said that like later on or oh yeah yeah you catch me out here making outfit videos
Yo, that's only for real, real Carlos fans. Yo, there's so many people that only know me about that before. They didn't know that you started with actual fashion content. Yeah, man. I swear, like, people don't know this. I fucking ran hashtag streetwear. Hashtag streetwear on TikTok. I was running that shit for the first...
Like two years of TikTok. I swear. He was the OG fashion creator. Yeah, I actually was. But it's only because nobody else was making that content. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's why. That's fucked. Because then it became a thing. Because it's still the wild west of the TikTok. Like you don't know what to post yet. Everyone's just doing their own thing. Most people were just doing memes. Yeah. And at that time, I was like...
Like how everyone has the idea like, yo, this has been done already or this has been done already. But it hasn't been done on that specific app. You know what I mean? So like men's, if men's were smart, they would do that on the app. You know what I mean? Because now what do you see? Fashion podcast. You know what I mean? We were the only ones that did it. That's why like we blew up first. But yo, everyone can do it. It's there. Yeah, everybody can do it. But also you have to have that. It factor. Yeah, you have to have that factor that people just like. Yeah.
You know what though? I think that factor is really only dependent on what you want to show the world. You get me? Because I feel like everybody can do it as long as you're not afraid to do it. You get me? Because I think a lot of people have interesting personalities, but not everybody shows themselves. Yeah. Because why though? Why do you think everyone's so afraid?
It's like that thing where it's like, oh, I wear an outfit some other guy's wearing and I feel comfortable. But as soon as I wear a different weird outfit like this on the train, then I feel, you know what I mean? Because not everyone's doing it. I think it's just that mentality. I want to tap in, like, exposure therapy. What's that? How, like, I started doing the turtles in public. Oh.
Oh no, that's like... Like exposure therapy is like going up to random men and like initiating shit that would be cringy to you so it would be normalized. Yeah, yeah, I know what you mean. Yeah, yeah. Honestly, like you can test me, ask me anything to do in public, I'll do it. That's normal to you, yeah. Like I feel like I really don't care no more and I feel like I'll actually do anything. Like as long as it's legal, you feel me? But not that, I'm talking about...
What'd you talk about? Okay, imagine this, right? Imagine you have nothing. Like, you're put into, like, a box of just nothing. Okay. What would your thoughts be? Thoughts? I guess it would be whatever you're thinking about at the time. No. Oh, like, I have past thoughts? Like, you just put me in now? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Put you in right now. Boom. For example, you put into, like, a jail cell. Like, God forbid, but you know what I mean? Like, you have nothing to think about. What are you thinking about?
Yeah, just like shit. Why am I in here? I should have done shit differently. Now check this out, right? That should be regular. Like us thinking about whatever we want to think about. But we don't get the chance to do that anymore. Why? Because we're so consumed. Take that in, right? And personally, what I think is the most in tune to yourself is when you have those moments of...
Right? Facts. We don't have that no more. Yeah. And when I think about it heavily, those are the times where I was daydreaming, where I'm thinking about shit. Any time I had a great idea was during the moments of myself going...
by myself by myself just thinking about shit that's how you got the podcast alive yeah that's how i did the podcast i have like came up with the socks idea that's what came up with the film everything but if you bag it the moment we start picking this up brain takes away it takes away from the moments of that so it actually works in advantage for competition of people that already have
I guess their staple or their placement in the world. Because you already... You go on your phone, you know it's there already. And no, you're stopping other people from accessing it. You get me? You're stopping other people from accessing great ideas. So you're pretty much putting a limit on what they can do in life. Because this is their handicap. But you can look at it two ways. You can look at it, okay, if they consume the content that's inspiring, they go ahead and think differently. Which...
Which I think is the true way. I think people actually do get inspired by content. But the other way too is where I'm a victim to it as well.
You get so consumed, you don't even take in what you're watching. Sometimes I forgot what the fuck I was watching on the thing. They call that brain rot. Yeah. Do you know the cat memes? Yeah. I started getting a hell of cat memes. I'm like, what the fuck is going on? But it's spent time. Yeah, but it's like shit that you would see as a kid that would entertain a kid. It's like, why is it entertaining me right now? You know what I mean? It's brain rot.
It really shouldn't be that entertaining but my brain's dead so I'm not really bagging what I'm watching right now. You know what I mean? It's weird bro. I have a theory. I think every single content we're about to see coming up that's gonna go viral is gonna be shit that we saw on TV. On TV. So like what? So I think the renaissance of... Because a lot of the stuff we see online is stuff that we've seen online before.
But I think that type of content is done. I think now it's going to be what was on TV before.
Okay, I guess but that's already kind of happening. It's not really a prediction Yeah, but I think we're gonna see is gonna be a little bit more prominent now the crazy the craziest thing I seen that is getting I think it makes sense cuz you know how Young and the Restless yeah that that show had like drama. Yeah, it shows and drama. So there was this girl who um who said who did I marry? Do you know about this and she had like 50 parts and every
Every part. Oh, I did see that. Yes, bro. I did see that. Every part. We got Millie's. Every part was like, what? 10 minutes, 15 minutes of a girl just talking. Yeah. But that kind of reminds me. That kind of reminds me. Of like a teleseries or whatever. Yeah. Because I'm like, I'm invested in the drama. There's a plot and there's an ending. You know what I mean? Yeah, fags. Because you think that's what it's going to be? It's just different packaging, bro. We're getting the same drug, different package type shit. That one is crazy because she actually like,
low-key, I watched one episode. It wasn't... It was okay. But it's like, men's were still like, you know what I mean? It reminded them. It was locked in, fam. It's true. Yeah. You ever hear about the Jared Leto theory? The what? You know the actor Jared Leto? Yeah, yeah. What about him though? So...
This is my- this is actually my theory. I came up with this. Is it bad? It's kind of bad, but it's interesting. So I have this theory that the actor Jared Leto, you know he's the one with the cult. Yeah. He's the one that also made Morbius. Yeah, we talked about it. My theory is Jared Leto got cursed.
To make terrible movies ever since he started the cult. Ever since he started to pretend to be like Jesus. Check this out. So after he started his cult, which happened I think around 2016, right? 2016, also one of the biggest flops in cinema history. The Suicide Squad. One of the first ever flops of a superhero film. The Suicide Squad was amazing.
Pretty much like everyone said was terrible. I kind of like it, but a lot of people say it's terrible. Now, check this out. Ever since then, he's just had flops on flops on flops. Check this out. We'll go down the list. Go to Jared Leto movies, right? It's pretty bad, fam. I'm not going to lie. He was getting hits on hits on hits of films. And all of a sudden, it just went downhill. So, one of them being...
Now, check this out. This was actually supposed to be a great film and it was on its way to it is a great film, but it's on its way to being like a huge blockbuster hit. Blade Runner 2049. OK, great film, but it didn't really get its praise. Now I'm thinking like, what the fuck? Like, how come it didn't get its praise and what was going on at the time?
Because it didn't meet its estimation for box office and shit like that. Then you're like, oh, fuck, wait. Jared Leto was in that movie. I forgot. And I started looking at all the movies that Jared Leto was in. The Outsider on Netflix. It was like this Yakuza gangster film about this white guy that goes and assimilates himself into the Yakuza. Bro, it was supposed to be fucking fire. It didn't do good? Terrible film. I watched it. It was ass.
Like terrible in sales or terrible film? It was just terrible. It was just not a good film. And then boom, what else came out? Morbius, which is trash. Okay, another one. House of Gucci. That was supposed to be a big film. I've never even heard of that. Lady Gaga, Adam Driver, the guy from Star Wars. Man, this was supposed to be a great film. It didn't really hit. Also a fail. Um...
these are all older yeah Pentagram yeah all these other ones are kind of older but yeah a bunch of these films were just ass so he got blacklisted by God oh great one Justice League Justice League was supposed to be crazy Jared Leto's in that shit too
So he got blacklisted. It's not even that. I think theory that because he started a cult and tried to pretend to be like Jesus, fam. Yeah, that's why. God just like. Yeah, that's why he got blacklisted by God. Like, yo. Chill. Watch movies now.
No, I believe that though because it works right away. Yeah, crazy. You know how man's in Mexico when I told it before, like how they're mocking Jesus in the parade? Yeah. What happened right after the floods, fam? It's right away. Yeah, crazy. Like you want to make fun of me? Bet. Because it literally started, I think 2016, he had his first like cult meeting. Yeah. And then after that,
yo like every single movie after that was just whack I'm telling you fam and you know oh my god you know the how you used to do the egg rituals yeah so I don't know like I don't know why it's such a big thing on TikTok right now a lot of people doing it right no no but the specifically the Appalachian Mountains
is trending on TikTok. So it's like the whole thing is like if you even stay in those mountains, you would either hear knocks or whistles. And the whole thing is like if you even knock or whistle back, like you'll allow that spirit to...
to come back into your house and fuck with you. So there's one guy, like how that other guy, he's like, I saw a black guy. I mean, I saw a guy with black eyes. He's doing that whole thing. And he already has 20 million views on his video. I'll show you after. But he went to the Appalachian Mountains for work. And he's just videoing with his friends. And he sees something crazy. I'm never gonna, I'll just show you the video and let's see if you see it. But it's trending right now. Six days ago, watch.
See if you see him. I don't know. I just... Like, I feel like I need to go to the doctor, but, like, I'm constantly just, like, nauseous. Oh, shit. And I don't really know why. Like, I have tried to... Oh, what the fuck? Bam. Bam. I'm surprised you caught it at first because I didn't catch it at first. I don't know. I just...
I feel like I need to go to the doctor but I'm constantly just like nauseous and I don't really know why like I have tried to... - You saw that face? - Yeah, yeah. - And obviously people are like this is a prank, that's a guy with a mask. So him and his friend go live on TikTok and they start, him and his friend do the egg ritual. So they're doing it, they're doing it, his friend cracks the egg
Chat check it out. Let's see if there's any points or anything weird. Yeah, his egg is fine The guy that's been haunting in the video. Yeah in the video cracks the egg. There's blood with the egg No, that's the first egg second egg. Yeah, it was again cracks it blood
he does it three times there's still blood there was blood on every egg that's fucked that's when you know and all the chat is saying look specifically on the video at 308 or something you'll see the same face on the ceiling that was behind you nah they're hearing whispering they're hearing everything in the video what the fuck
Bro has to go to a church fam. Yeah, no more egg rituals. Like go straight to church. Holy shit. Yeah, that's crazy. But it's because you went to the hotel in this area or what? No, because Appalachian Mountains is usually known for spirits, bad spirits. Where is this? Appalachian, I don't know. Is that in the States or where? I think so. It's a book of trips though. Are you crazy? Wait, where is it? Appalachian Mountains. Yeah, North America. Yeah, look, you want to see his second egg? You saw that? Let me see.
Like why do I have like panic like oh my god like the anxiety. So his friend's eggs is good. Yeah. Look at him. You'll notice the red. Oh that's fucked.
He did it three times. That's kind of fucked up. All the same shit. That's not even... It's not even the points. Like, you know how you can usually see a face? That's wild, bro. Actually, it's blood, bro. Nah, fam. GGs. I think when... Ah, yo. Yeah. Because at that point, you just have to dip. Like, what are you going to do? What are you going to do now? Yeah, you can. Yo, I think... What do you do? Like, let's say you actually have no other choice to do anything. You're haunted and you...
Like, where do you go? Yeah.
No, like real talk is like, let's say you're cursed or whatever. Like, what are you going to do, fam? If you don't have God, fam, where are you going? Yeah, that is true. Like, man who don't believe? Yeah, like, what happens to the mans now? Yeah. If you bag it, though? You get me, though? Because there's dead-ass some people that don't know what to do. Because we're always saying like, oh, if that happens, just pray to God. But the mans, like, say a... That's what I'm saying. That's exactly what I'm saying. Like, what are they up to now? Yeah, I don't know.
I actually don't know. They would probably do like some other ritual, but I feel like that doing more rituals. Like imagine you took like an atheist and then he gets haunted. Exactly. And then now he believes, but what's he going to do fam? Like low key. Maybe that's like the turning point. Like that's where he goes. Or has to get baptized or something, right? Like,
Yeah, right? Yeah. To be honest. That's a checkpoint for him. Yeah, that's a checkpoint where he changes his whole life. That's one of those ones where you're close to dying and you live life more grateful now because you've seen death. That's crazy though. Yeah. Nah, fam. Because I'm thinking about it. That's actually a scary way to live. If you don't have anything to...
Especially if you see something like that, right? That's like that thing where it's like, would you live knowing that a snail is always following you? You wouldn't because even the thought of anything following you is creepy. Oh, the snail, like if he touches you over time? Over time. Like it's not a good way to live. Like, oh fuck, I'm going to die soon. I'm going to die soon. No, bro.
You know what, though? The snail will probably catch up to you just like how regular age would, no? Yeah, but that's the point. Because it's a deeper question. That's what's happening right now. But we're just not thinking about it. True. Oh, yeah, that's actually deep. Because we all have that snail coming to us. Did you fear death? Because when I was a child, I used to fear death a lot. After the first hurricane happened, I was like, oh shit, I could actually die. That's when I started fearing it.
It's a moment when you're a child, right? There's like this one moment when you're a kid and you just realize like, yo, this isn't forever, right? And it's scary. It is scary still. Like I remember there was videos of my cousin where it's like, they would be like, mom... Like she was just eating like food. Like mom...
don't die on me or like I know you're not here forever and it's sad knowing that your mom that your kid finally has that realization I'm not gonna be here forever you know what I mean but at the same time you have to find beauty that's why you spend more time with your mom yeah damn I'm thinking about like a life without faith is kinda scary still yeah cause it's bland like what are you gonna look up to
Yo, that's actually kind of deep. I always think about it like this too. Do you ever think like the moment you're born or the moment you start, I guess, to have consciousness, almost everything like you believe or almost everything that you think will happen kind of comes to you? Or is that just me?
Like I get what you mean like date like I don't I don't say everything because definitely not everything but there's certain things and you feel almost as if um It does do everybody else have those feelings or is it just me like I actually have no idea Cuz no definitely people do cuz okay for example for me like I would be I'll be a kid and then I would look at like an action figure and literally imagine myself like yo yo, I'm gonna I'm gonna like be a spider-man like like I actually said in my head like yeah shit, but I
Obviously, it was a joke or like a little thing, but it felt deep at the moment. Yeah. And then later, it makes sense though. And it's shit like that, like where I would watch a movie and I would feel something in the film and then I'd be like, damn, this is like, it's really, really hitting. Yeah. And then later in life, like that shit actually appears. Yeah, no, but this is like...
If everybody had the same faith, then everybody would be one. You know what I mean? But that's why like on earth, there's people that, you know, don't believe as much and have less faith. And that's why people don't get deep into stuff. I mean, you had a lot of faith. So there's like, oh, yeah, let me do this. You know what I mean?
They ever tell you about that thing I think I said it before on the podcast, but it still sticks with me It's very relevant. So I remember seeing on you know, the Sports Illustrated kids books. It's it's it's not like the oh the model one It's a sports sports on right? But anyways, um, like Isaiah Thomas. Yeah. Yeah those ones those ones literally um, but in one of the pages it showed like a
I showed like a palm reading thing, right? And I was reading, I was comparing to everybody in the room. Because we were kids, right? I wouldn't say like grade five, grade four or whatever. I remember it like this so vivid to me. And then one line was like faith. And one line was like fame. And I look at my palm like, yo, I don't know which one's what. And I think it's the same.
Because I didn't have two. I only had one. And they're both long. I think everybody has one. No, they have two. So there's supposed to be... Let me see yours. Yeah. It's two, no? Because this is the line. Or is it this one? I forgot. Honestly, I forgot. But anyways, it said something. I think it's...
There's something in the middle. I forgot. But yeah, yeah. But I was looking at everybody else and we're all looking at each other's, right? And I looked at mine like, okay, it's the faith one. I always said to myself, it's the faith one. Like, boom, boom, boom. Yeah.
And then damn, like... Yo, there was mad foreshadows when you were a kid. Man came a little bit famous too. No, like I'm just really baggy. Just a little bit. All the stories you've been telling me when you were younger is all just foreshadows. Yeah, I know. But it's like, when I'm thinking about my child, I don't really get no foreshadows. But check this out though. Check this out though. Yeah. This is the thing. This is where I'm like really thinking deep about shit. It's because if I were a director, right? And I wanted to direct my story,
I would leave foreshadows for myself. Okay. So that's why it gets deep, right? Yeah. Because what if, what if like, we know how our life plays out already? Oh. You get me though? But like, but like you're not interested in that type of stuff. You want to focus on other stuff in your story. Oh, okay. Isn't that crazy though? Right? You know what I mean? Yeah.
Nah, I don't think I would leave myself some foreshadows bro. I feel like you just gotta learn on your own bro. And then maybe that's scary. And then you saying that means you probably wouldn't put it in your story. So you saying that means that you wouldn't do it. Oh, that's weird. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. It's mind blowing, right? Yeah, because I'm gonna wake up. Yo, congrats bro.
You get me though? Yeah, I get it. So it's almost as if, and obviously it's God that's doing it, that writes the story. But it's almost as if he knows what you really want. And as long as you're really true to yourself, people will know what you truly want too. You get me? That's fucked. It's interesting. It's interesting shit. It's because you see a side of someone, let's say just a random person you meet on the street, you see a side of someone that they show to you. Yeah.
And it takes a long time for you to really see them, right? Like the true them. Unless they really show it to you, right? But they know their true selves already. Because your perception of yourself is completely different from what I know from you, right? Now, that perception though, God knows, right?
And maybe he even knows it better than you do. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Because maybe you're distracted by other things, but he knows exactly what you need. Yeah, exactly who you are. Exactly. You know what I'm saying? So what if, that's how, and it's not even a what if, that's exactly how our lives play out. No, facts. And whoever's true to themselves will find the path.
Yeah. Because, yeah, if I neglect my own path and I just be, like, fake towards myself, then where the fuck am I going? Nowhere. That's what I'm saying. It's like a cycle. It's a cycle, right? It's almost as if... It's literally almost as if that's the answer. And then the moment you figure that out, then you can actually go down what you're meant to do. No, facts. Facts. Because, fam, we started off, what? A lot of people don't know this, but street wear. Yeah. And then you...
tapped into your true self, fuck that. I'm going to say a theory because I like it. Yeah. And then boom, that's the path that he gave you. It was either street wear being fake or thing. Theory. Because I think about it all the time, bro. Yeah. The biggest thing I would hate is just regret. Yeah. Right? And I never want to be older and think back like, damn, I should have done this or that. Yeah, yeah.
making the right choices. Yeah, me too, bro. So I always look back at that and that's why whenever I'm making my decision, I really follow fucking, like I really have to follow my heart. Yeah. But to be honest, like that regret thing, I don't even like think about it no more. Too deep no more, right? Yeah, because it's like...
yeah it's not a regret maybe it should have happened this is the way yeah yeah exactly we don't know so how can we even second guess ourselves it's a mystery still it's a mystery still it's a mystery well yeah bro holy it's a bit too it's a bit too deep still yeah that shit gotta be 40th day now
Yeah, because I said it too like there was no foreshadows and I just said it yeah I wouldn't even leave my exactly you sing that would would mean like if you were to if you were to write your story Let's say god like takes you like yeah, let's write your story. You know saying and I'm like, maybe I don't want that one. All right But what he said you down here like yeah leave that put that spider-man I like that part this part, you know saying that's fun. Oh
- Yeah, that's crazy. It's crazy to think about still. Think about that one. That's why you have to be very grateful about like,
how your life is going, even if it's not going the right way at this moment. Just look forward to the future because some blessings are coming your way that you might not see right now. It's coming your way. I promise that. And pray for that too. All right. Thank you for watching this episode of the Jumper Jump Podcast. Make sure to comment, like, subscribe, all that good stuff. Make sure to go down to Spotify, Apple, download our episodes. Go follow Carlos on Instagram for his movie and mine for my clothing brand. Also,
If you guys made it to the end, leave down in the comments right now who you guys want to see on the podcast. It could be one of our friends, one of our influencer friends that are local to the city. Leave down anybody. Anybody you want to see on the podcast, leave it down in the comments right now. And everybody's been questioning like, oh, wait, why are they talking about this? It's because y'all watch the end of the video. Thank you guys for watching. Jumpers Jump out. Deuces. Deuces.
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