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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Carlos Juico
Gavin Ruta
Carlos Juico:在菲律宾,人们的生活节奏缓慢,更加注重享受当下,不那么焦虑。菲律宾的交通看似混乱,但由于司机们的互相配合,反而比北美一些城市的交通更高效。这种合作精神体现了菲律宾人的集体意识和互助精神。 Gavin Ruta:西方社会与菲律宾社会在互相帮助方面的差异可能源于资源的稀缺性。在菲律宾,由于资源相对匮乏,人们不得不互相合作才能生存。 Carlos Juico:菲律宾是一个被低估的国家,拥有许多有才华的人,值得更多关注。长期居住在菲律宾需要改变原有的生活方式和理念,需要适应当地慢节奏的生活方式,减少对物质的追求。 Gavin Ruta:在菲律宾的贫民窟,孩子们虽然生活贫困,但他们保持着干净整洁,这体现了他们对生活的积极态度和对自身环境的尊重。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


Mom, Dad, I humbly suggest you save some money and shop Amazon for back to school. It's for my growth, meaning my body's growing at an alarming rate. And clothes you buy me this year will be very small very soon. Plus, the clothes I love today will be out of style tomorrow. But at least your wallet doesn't have to be my fashion victim.

if you shop low prices for school at Amazon. Hopefully this is helpful. Amazon. Spend less, smile more. This summer, during the biggest sporting event of the year, Peacock turns to two broadcasting legends for the Olympics coverage you can't find anywhere else. Um, I think they mean us. Oh, s***. Um...

I mean we never missed a day. We still never missed one episode. No but for us, for us. I'm talking in terms of us.

I haven't talked to you in two weeks. We're back. It doesn't feel that long though. It felt like I was away for like two days. But realistically, shit. Apparently, everyone else felt like I was gone for like a month. Really? That's what people told me. My boys told me I was away for like a month. That only happens if you're waiting for your return. I never thought about you coming back. So I'm like, okay, yeah. This guy doesn't miss me, bro. That's crazy.

God doesn't miss me. Yo, but anyways, if you guys didn't know, I went to the Philippines. I came back just...

like two days ago. I was there for maybe like a week and a half. That was my first time ever in the Philippines, so I have a lot of experiences and stories for y'all. But before we start the pod, I just want to shout out my homie Murphy that made a Jumper's Philippines rug. Oh my god, so tough. This is so sick. Holy. Yeah, he hit me up on my DMs and then he's like, bro, can I make a rug for you? I said, let's go. So he made this.

Just look at the detail though. Oh my god. Because I made a rug before. It's hard to get it like this sharp. Yeah. Like everything about it is this far. The colors, the line work and everything. Yeah. Take a look at that. Yeah. Go get it. Clean.

The Filipino flag is a great touch because like imagine it was just like a blue background. Yeah, it's so perfect. It's way cooler like this. When I came home, I was genuinely happy. I'm like, yo, I want to show this off. Yeah, so he sent me a whole letter. I don't know if he wants me to read the whole thing. But if you guys want rugs yourself, go check them out. It's at Rugman Murr. His name is Murphy Bryant. Shout out, bro. Shout out, Murphy, man. Yeah. Coming back from the Philippines. How was it, bro? Yo. Yo.

You said it was life-changing, right? Yeah, it is. I don't know if I can say life-changing, but it's definitely mind-opening. One thing I will say is it makes you look at your home differently. So since home is Toronto, since home is the city, you compare it. It's like, okay, could you live there? And I feel like every time you go on vacation or some shit, that's the first thing that comes in your head. Okay, could I actually live here my whole life? Yeah, yeah.

I definitely could. Yeah? I definitely could live in the Philippines my whole life. I respect that, though. Like, me too, fam. If I got old, imagine just, it's always warm. You don't have to worry about cold weather, but you're chilling on the island. Yo, everybody in the Philippines is almost like, they're living slow motion. Like, it's not even... What do you mean by that? Slow motion? Yo, trust me. It's, it's, they're not worried about anything. Oh, okay, yeah. They're just happy. So, everybody out here is, everyone's in a rush. Everyone is driving, like...

as if they have to get somewhere as soon as possible. If not, they're going to get in trouble, blah, blah. And when you're in traffic, everybody's like, yo, fuck this guy. I got to get to my place. Fuck the other guy. You know what I mean? But in the Philippines, yo, especially in Dumaguete where I was at, everybody driving, there's no street lights. Yeah, obviously. There's no street lights.

They say you drive off feeling. Yeah, if there's a lane, you go. Yeah, that's what it is. So you come to an intersection, busy as shit, and you'll have a car in the middle of the road just turning on its own. But everybody else, it's not like, yo, don't let him go, don't let him go. Because out here, it's that mentality. Over there, everyone's working together. It's like, oh, okay, I understand. He has to go. He probably has somewhere to go. I mean, I'm going to get to my place. It's not like I'm going to rush. I'm going to get there.

But, you know, why is it such a thing like in Western society, we don't help each other as much as there? I don't know. I think it's just like the scarcity because they have to kind of work together because they're a third world country. But here, it's like we have a lot, but...

Even though we have a lot, it's like we think, fuck, we don't at the same time. Exactly. We're competing against another chance. It's weird. Because, yo, on paper, the traffic thing might look worse than LA traffic. But, fam, it's faster than LA traffic. It's faster. But how? Because you're working together. Exactly. That's the problem. Because it's like strength in numbers. It's like if you have the...

the synchronicity of it and everyone's kind of on that same timing, then it's no problem. But if everybody's almost like against each other, nothing gets solved. See, and now I, and you probably understand now this is the Filipino pride. Like they, whenever Philippines is mentioned, maybe like 25% in Olivia Rodrigo, they get so hyped because it is an underrated country. You know what I mean? Like it deserves way more hype than it is. You get what I'm saying? Like, yo, yo, you see it on the world. Yo, Philippines, Philippines.

They're happy because it's like yo, we should get more spotlight. Yeah, cuz You know, we do get a lot of spotlight I think yeah, I personally like obviously this is bias But we have like some of the most talented people in the world. We do look yeah many Talented people especially singers like Bruno Mars We take the half

But I would say if I would stay in the Philippines, it would be a thing of like,

I would have to leave behind my old ideals or my old way of living. You get me? Because to live there isn't to live there like this. You get me? Yeah. So that's the big kicker. It's like, yeah, you could live there, but would you still live the same lifestyle? Probably not. Yeah, you wouldn't, but it's like, how quickly did you adjust to it? Probably hella fast, no? Because I'm used to that, kind of. Yeah. Because it's not like I'm very...

I guess like merchandise centric or what's the word like materialistic. Yeah. I'm not very materialistic already. It's just, I take part because that's what my society tells me to do. And it is what it is. It's just like for kicks and jokes and fun. But,

There's a moment where it becomes your life and you never want it to be that. So putting yourself in that environment where it's impossible. You can't live like that. You can't live about luxury and materialistic shit. Because they just don't have it. And if you do have it, you're getting targeted. So you probably don't even want to show off. It's not even a thing to care about, really. Did you see anything that...

you saw that was like, like you said, instead of like life-changing, more like mind-opening, like did you go into like the poverty parts? So for my film, for Spider-Man Raph when I was filming, we went to the slums, bro. Yeah, good. We were chilling with all the kids. All the street kids. Where did all those kids come from? It was the street kids. Yeah, literally. And we were doing like a whole tour of kind of their village and stuff. It was fire. Like, yo, this is what, I'm going to say this.

Man, none of them smell bad. They smell pretty good. Like, you know how out here in Toronto, the buck teas, they stink. They stink. Yo! Like, no offense, but in the Philippines, it's not like that. They're clean. That's good, fam. They're clean. Even though they have so little, they don't smell bad. They're not dirty, really. They prioritize, hopefully. Yeah, they're actually clean. Like, the only, like...

smelly stuff I could say about the Philippines was the food market which is like the meat and stuff which is supposed to smell but

But when we were in the street kids area, no, it wasn't even bad. Everyone kept DMing me. I hated this because whenever you posted those kids, you'd be like, yo, Gavin, I see you. Especially that one kid. Everyone took a screenshot and circled and sent it to me. They're like, yo, Gavin, I didn't know you were in the Philippines. The one screaming at the spider. Oh, that one? Yeah. Jokes.

A lot of them were Jumpers fans. It was crazy. Really? There's no way. Yeah. Yeah, a lot of them were Jumpers fans. The kids. Yes. Okay, so here's the thing. This is what's interesting, right? Yeah. Because I specifically wanted to go there to film the spider fighting. Yeah. Because that's a thing like...

The kids before, when they had no toys or electronics and technology, they would play with spiders. And that was a whole, like, almost game. It was... I forgot what the word is in Bisaya. I think it's called... I forgot the name. Anyways. But they're fighting spiders. And just like how they fight chickens and just how they fight everything else like that. It became like...

Culture. It became culture. So that's honestly one of the only places that you could still find that. Like spider fighting. Spider fighting is there in the Philippines. But it's less common since all the kids are on their phone. And that's just the reality of it because phones are cheaper now. Everybody has access to it. So a lot of them are just playing on the phone.

Or watching Jumpers Jump. That's crazy. No, like, that's the crazy thing about me. Because it's like, in the Philippines, like, if you and I go, I wouldn't expect a lot of people to... You know what I mean? Even though it's a highly listened, I wouldn't expect it because it's like...

a third world country, you know what I mean? It's like, I didn't know the influence spread that far. - It spreads far still. - That's fucking crazy. - It surprised me too. - It makes me so happy, bro. - The first time, and when they say what's up to me, they don't say jumpers jump, they say Carlos.

They say my name. That's insane. I would be so gassed. The first time I got recognized there was on this ferry to the next island. And it was like a taxi driver. He's like, yo, Carlos. Carlos? Yo, what the? Yeah. And when you're at Cebu, I think it's called Seaside Mall. Uh-huh.

Hell of fans, did you ride a jeepney nah, then you didn't know driver? You guys were moving like a full-out tinted van let me guess tinted van yeah, yeah No, but when I was in the mall I

There was a lot of people. There was a lot of people. Because we were there during a sinolog and it's like a festival for the Santanino. Bro, there's so much. Word. You have to just be like... Because, yo, if I take one pic...

Might be there for the whole day Oh in the malls did they um cuz last time I went there's a long time ago But in the malls they have um, what do you call this metal detectors? And you have to go through and they check your pockets for any good. Yeah, they do that. They still do that Yeah, they do that every single bank. I think even some restaurants. Mmm They have a they have a security guard with a shotgun. Where?

Yeah. You know, when I went and I was little, we would buy these plastic toy guns. Yeah. And we would ride in, like, the back of the truck. Yeah. And we got pulled over by the military because they thought the kids were riding, like, on some blood diamond. Blood diamond. I'm coming to kill everybody. That's crazy. It was a camo gun. And the black, you know, like. The tip? The tip was black. Oh.

Oh. Yeah, yeah. It's supposed to be orange. Yeah, yeah. So it would look like a thing. A toy gun, yeah. When I was in Dumaguete, though, and that area, what it is, it's a lot of, like, universities and schools. Oh, so damn. So it's hella young people, right? Right. Now, there's one specific university. Oh.

That's supposed to be like super haunted. Word. Yeah, like mad haunted. I think a lot of my family went there. A lot of my cousins go there right now. But they told me a bunch of stories. Damn. And the stories are crazy. The stories are tough. You have to get into the haunted stuff. All right, so check this out. So there's this one tree.

And this is in Silliman University. It's an acacia tree. Now, there's a lot of acacia trees all around the school, but there's one that specifically sticks out because it's super symmetrical. It's almost like perfectly symmetrical. But why? The reason it's so symmetrical...

It's because they used to use that tree to hang the prisoners of war during World War II. Because back in World War II, the Japanese invaded the Philippines and all the prisoners of war they had, they would keep in that area of Silliman University. So that whole area, it was a prisoner camp. It was the Japanese war camp.

crazy and they turned into a university they turned into university that whole area now um i have a cousin and he has a friend that has a third eye holy here we go so so they were they were like uh chilling in the yard right yeah and i don't they didn't really hear the the story of that tree yet but one time they were they were just chilling there

And he noticed his classmate, the one with the third eye, he noticed him and he was like staring, just like in awe, like this. And then he was asking him like, what do you see? What do you see? And he said he saw people hung. Oh, no way. From the tree.

Bro, because you can see, right? You can see the spirits. But nobody else. Yeah, because you have to be gifted to see it. So supposedly, if you have a third eye and you go to the acacia tree, the symmetrical acacia tree in Silliman University, you might see people hanging. Because that's what they did back in World War II. Yeah. Crazy. And there's like...

The university students probably see a lot of dead people there, though. Because it's like... If you got hanged there, you would probably die there. So, like, your ghost would circle the area. And there's more than that, too, because...

Even when they had like prisoners there, they would torture them. They would do all these different things. It was the Japanese, right? Bro, the Japanese like torture methods were crazy. Like one of them, they used to put like a bamboo and grow a bamboo under you. They used to do like water drop torture. The water drop torture is insane. You heard about that? So water drop torture back in, I think it was World War II, the Japanese would tie you down, have like a drop of water just drop on your forehead, right?

For days and days and days. And you just get annoyed? No, bro. So did you know? You know how the Grand Canyons were made, right? Yeah. Over time, the water split it. So over time, the water would cut into your skull.

and leave it in indentation that's what happens with rocks that's how rocks are formed is through water movement but it takes like time I know and that would like a slow death is worse than a fast one yeah that's torture like that's torture I'm pretty sure they would already go insane before they even died

Like, because the feeling of it just constantly, constantly dropping on your forehead, it would make you want to almost kill yourself already. If it does that for an hour, I'm out, fam. Crazy. I'm like holding my breath or something and dying. Oh, shit.

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That's slash P-O-D-K-A-T-Z 13. Terms and conditions apply. So there's another story. And because the whole area is considered haunted, my cousin, she had a personal experience there where they all do dance.

And there's like a dance hall, the specific area where they practice. And there's one like washroom they can use to change.

But they never use it because that same washroom is the same washroom I'm pretty sure that they kept ever since the war. They haven't changed it. Like it literally looks like from like the 40s or the 50s or whatever. But what would happen is they used to go there to change. And one time there was her friend went up there by herself. She went up there by herself, right?

And then she was by herself, by herself. And she had to change. The problem is, I'm pretty sure there was no lights. Because it was that old. It was that old. There was no lights. I think there was a window, but the time they practiced was nighttime. Okay. Or it's dark. Yeah. That's so crazy. So by the time they're practicing, the school's kind of shut down. Okay. And when she was there changing, yo, this is from what she said.

the door was like creaking a little bit like this obviously scary like oh what the fuck yeah alright little creak a little creak okay it's whatever and she's changing changing changing door boom boom I would've I would've

Yo, and then ever since, she told all of the other like dance members and then they don't even change in there no more. So what they would do now is they would all go to the dance hall instead of going to the washing to change, they would just close their eyes. They would still go in it though? No, they would stay in the dance hall, close their eyes and then change. Everyone just closed

So they don't look at each other, right? Yeah, yeah. That makes sense, bro. No, that pissed me off because that's like how a white person in the horror films, like, they trip on their shoes or something. It's like, it's super obvious. Like, you shouldn't do stuff. You know what I mean? Like, tie your shoe before you start running. Like, why would you go in a dark thing knowing that it's... You know what I mean? But some people obviously don't believe in it. It's usually...

It's usually the people that have, like, experiences in their family. Like, okay, yeah, this is a haunted type of thing. Because some people don't even believe in ghosts. Yeah, but believe it or not, it's like, that thing hasn't been changed for the last... You know? Yo, they wanted me to go there and do, like, ghost hunting. And do a ghost hunting video. I might do it when I go back. Yeah, you're insane. Don't come back. I might do it when I come back. Yo, like...

Apparently, there's a lot, a lot more stories. And... Oh, there's another one. So, this is from my cousin as well. My other cousin. Okay. Yo, they all go there. I don't know why. They all go to the same university. But...

They were, I think they were like doing volleyball. But for volleyball, they did like a training where they would have to run up the staircase. Okay. Right? Bro, this is mad creepy. Some guy got tripped or something? So they're running the staircase, like doing kind of their drills. And keep in mind, like when the extracurriculars happen, this is after school hours. So it gets later. It's at nighttime. Yeah.

And they ran up, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Okay? And then I do the next drill, go down, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. They come down, right? They ran back up, do, do, do, do, do, do. And when they get to the top, they see this woman and she's just nonverbal. She just stares at them. And then they're like trying to talk to her and she didn't say anything. So they ran back down and like, okay, let's continue our drill. Do, do, do, do, do, do. Walk back up, do, do, do, do, do, do. They see the woman.

and she's wearing like a white dress. - Oh, the white lady? Oh, GG. - She's wearing like a white dress. - GG's bro. - And if you guys know, for whatever reason, like all around the Philippines, all around Asia specifically. - Yeah.

There's this spirit of like a woman with a white dress and they call her like the white lady That's the most popular my mom's I think or my grandma's seen that so they did the dirty to go back down to yeah Gone so crazy. This is all at that University - yeah all at the university Yeah, is it a popular one like that's like the main one like say it's I think of Toronto like you know, I mean so

Over there, I'm pretty sure they have, like, high school attached to it, too. Oh, okay. So it's, like, a really big school. So you can go there from, like, grade one. And did you visit it? Yeah, I drove by it. I didn't, like, go inside or anything. Was there any, like, did you see, like, anything, like, since, like, you... Me? I don't know if you have a third eye, but it's, like, sometimes it gets activated. Me specifically, nah. Me specifically, nah. Did anyone else do? Like, see anything? Yeah, yeah. Like, Max or Ethan? Yeah.

Or like they felt weird vibes from anything? Nah. It was pretty chill when we were there to be honest. Because you were only in that little area, right? You didn't do like Davao or anything? Because it gets scary. I wasn't out there. But there's this island. It's called Sikihore. And it's like... They call that like the witch island. So it's literally like a boat ride away. My cousins all asked me if I wanted to go visit it because that's like... That's the place you see some crazy stuff. And I'm like,

Okay. Good thing. Maybe not this trip. Good thing you're in Davao too because there's this really scary sign there that accompanies a long road, right? So all the bus drivers and stuff, they warn the kids about this. So the sign says, Waving children, please wave back. Oh, shit. So that warns everybody that there's ghosts of children roaming around the area. So whenever they go, you have to wave back.

If you see a child there, you have to wave back. Or if not, they're going to haunt you for the rest of it because they think it's like, oh, you don't see me? I bet. Like a disrespect. Yeah, like a disrespect. So it's like a respect the spirits. Yeah, it's so crazy too because it's like people with disabilities. So like say you lost your hand, are not allowed to go in that area. Why? Because you can't wave back.

So, like, say a guy with no arms sees the child. Oh, fuck. Like, I can't wave at him. Yo, that's crazy. Then he's going to get haunted the rest of his life. Oh, fuck. Yeah. Damn. But they don't know that. Yeah, they do. Kids first don't know that. Just tell them. I'm just...

Just let them know. They'll probably give you a pass. Oh, shit. Oh, my bad. I didn't see you did that one. But there's been multiple stories of guys, of people seeing the kids and waving back. And all of them have been okay. But there's yet to be a story of some guy not waving back. So anyone in Davao fam, just make sure if you see a kid wave back.

If I see, like, a kid waving, I'll usually, like, just wave back at them. Imagine, like, you hit one of these. Because it's kind of rude not to. You're cooked. It's kind of rude not to. Yeah, yeah. Bro, you know what teased me? We were out in Cebu, bro. And this is during CineLog when it was, like, super busy. We're in the car. And then Ethan goes. And then since we're stuck in traffic, he's making faces at people in the window like this. Like, bro, what are you doing?

You don't know if that's also the mob. Imagine he's like... Yeah. And the guy's like... It was funny at some points. Like, people were laughing and shit. But then there were some people that looked cheese. I'm like, bro, if somebody comes here and wants to fight you, I'm not trying to go down. And you know how traffic doesn't move in the Philippines? It's not moving. And then the guy would be opening his door like, yo, you want to do it right now? It's right beside him.

You have to tell about the monkey biting story. Oh, the monkey bite story? What happened? Let me hear about that story. So we went to this monkey sanctuary. Yeah, yeah. Okay, my bad. The camera's cut out if you guys didn't see my perspective. But I'm going to go back to the story. Okay. So...

What's the story again? The Ethan monkey? Okay, okay, okay. So, Ethan, producer Ethan from my film. This guy, oh my gosh. So, we went to a monkey sanctuary and it was fun. Honestly, that might be one of my favorite parts of the trip

It just wasn't for Ethan. So we were out there. And right away, the monkeys loved me. I would just walk onto the grass. And then they just started climbing me. At one point, I had like three monkeys just chilling on me. You were like this. Yeah, there's like three monkeys just chilling. And they just... I didn't even have food or anything. They just liked me. They just like chilling. But...

Ethan, when he had the monkeys on him, he was already scared. This is the thing. Apparently, you're not supposed to look them in the eye. Or if you look them in the eye, you have to hold your ground and look like powerful. Oh, shit. You know what I mean? Because it's like an animal instinct. If you look weak or whatever, then they're going to take that as like, okay, I can do whatever I want. So...

This is what he said. He crouched down toward a monkey and he went like this, right? He like on his knees and he looked the monkey in the eye. Okay. But when you looked him in the eye, he looked away. He went like this. So when he did that, the monkey went, grabbed his arm and stuck his teeth like right in his arm like that. So he didn't, the monkey didn't bite him fully, but

He was able to push the monkey away. Yeah. But because he made the movement, it like dug the tooth in and it scratched him. Oh, shit.

So, yo. Did he scream? Like, what was it like? No, he didn't scream, but he's like, ah. He's like, ah. Yeah, it's like, ah. It's like that thing. He didn't, it wasn't, it wasn't a big deal, but it got scary because we started, we started thinking about like, oh, maybe the monkey has like some infection or whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you can get some disease.

So he said he looked scared because all of the other workers went to look at his bike and they looked shocked. Like the people that work at the monkey sanctuary there, they're the ones that look scared, bro. So he's saying he was scared because they look scared, which is fair, which is fair.

And we put alcohol in it right away. We drove him to the hospital. It took a bit to get to the hospital. But man, he was frightened because he started Googling symptoms. You can't do that. WikiHow, you might die in the next... Yo, this is when I knew he was scared. Because my cousin was like,

What are you saying? Like, you sure you want the shots? And then he goes, I just want to know if I have... He said it like this. Let me do my best Ethan impression. I just want to know if I have herpes. And the reason he said that...

The reason he said, it was so uncalled for, right? Because we didn't understand what he meant by that. But he Googled, he Googled like that monkey. And apparently all those monkeys have herpes. Oh, for real? Like it's a thing that could be transmitted. Yeah, yeah. I don't know if all of them have it, but like it could be transmitted by them. Yeah. So he was afraid like, oh, he's going to be stuck with it the rest of his life.

No, I go like, that's scary. It is scary. I'm laughing, but it's scary stuff. It's scary stuff. It happens to anybody else, like, damn. Yeah, yeah. But it was okay. We ran to the hospital. Okay. Yo, the funny thing is, when he got to the hospital, bro... What'd he do? So they figured out, like, he's an actor. Yeah. So...

They called us in to go into the room with him because he wanted company, right? Okay. We're all in the room and we just see the nurses and stuff. Can we get a picture, please? No way. No way. We were waiting for a good amount of time. We were waiting for a good amount of time, bro. And then they're like, can we get a picture? I'm pretty sure. The pictures took their time. Almost like everyone at the time.

We took at least like seven pics, bro. That's insane, bro. I would have laughed. And then in my head, I'm like, yo, when is he getting his shot?

When is he getting the injections? No, no. That means like it's not even that serious. If you're taking pictures with me, I would be like, okay, yeah, like there's a chance that I'm going to survive. Yeah, it's definitely not like a life or death thing. It's not like you got bit by a snake or like a rabid dog. It would have been rabies too. Rabies would have been super bad. But the monkey wasn't rabid. Okay. It was just like a regular monkey. It wasn't like, you know what I mean? It wasn't like that. It was just chill. Plus, it's a sanctuary, so I'm pretty sure they take care of them. Okay.

But obviously you want to be like safe. You want to be like, okay, like, all right, let's get him the shot. You should have recreated, you know, the young thug pic when he was in chill? What? No, no, when he was in the hospital and he was like this with his gown on. You should have recreated that. I like that.

It would have been put in the Rico family. It could have been a lot worse. Like if the monkey really stuck his teeth in deep. Yeah. Because it would have gone into blood. Yeah. Like it shed blood. He shed blood. But it wasn't like that crazy. Plus the monkey didn't seem like to have a dirty mouth. So it's all good. You know what's crazy too? Is like you should do a spinoff though with Ethan. Because you know there's like a mythical superhero called the Sun Wukong. What is that? It's the monkey king.

So he's one of the most OP superheroes, but he doesn't get no light on him. Wait, what is this? Is it like a Chinese superhero? Yeah, a Chinese superhero. And the crazy thing is, his main color is yellow. He's a yellow monkey, like a golden monkey. Oh, really? Yeah. And his main superpower, so you know the Hulk has his strength?

Yeah. He has something called the 72 earthly transformations. So people think that like, oh, he can turn into 72 different things. That's it. But fam, he can turn into whatever he wants. So imagine like I'm fighting you. Yeah. Right. I, if I had the, that transformation, I can turn into something that's more powerful than you. Mm.

So it's like, anytime I want to, I can become more powerful than you I want. To anything? Yeah. Oh, that's OP. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. And nobody wrote like a script. I mean, there is like a book on him. There has to be like...

There's no movie that has to, you know? Since your boy got bit, I think it's the perfect time. Because it's perfect. To make him the hero? He actually went through with him. And taken the 72 stands for. You have to take him out 72 times before he actually dies. Oh, shit. He's like the boss of multi-health bar. Yeah, so he comes back. Fuck.

So like you kill him, he'll come back in a bigger form. You know what I mean? Multi-health bar boss, bro. It's crazy. Nah.

The thing is, I brought... Oh, fuck. I don't know if I should say this, but I have a spider from the Philippines. You actually brought it? Like, how'd you get that? I don't know how I got it. I don't know how I got it, obviously. But it's out of my curve, you know what I mean? Now... Yo. So that spider, fam. I said it on my story, but...

Not only is it from the Philippines, it's been through like quite a few x-rays. Yeah, what the hell? Quite a few x's. We had quite a few layovers and shit. Bam. You can imagine the radiation. Oh my gosh, bro. That spider like contracted. And you didn't even opt out for the spider. Like you put him through, man. So if I get bit by that spider, a radioactive spider from the Philippines, I might actually become Spider-Man. Yeah.

Like I'll actually get powers though. Wait, but like Loki, like you carried it in that jar? Or like it, it like transported in that jar? Or like did you keep it in a, or did it fall in your pocket? No, it just, it just happened. I don't know. Really? That's interesting. Except like yo, like.

People get stopped for like a grain of rice. Like wouldn't they be suspicious of animals? I don't know. I don't know. Yo, board the patrol, bro. Tighten up, bro. I don't know. I don't know where this butter came from. I don't know. I don't know. It's just in my bag. It just popped up. I don't know either.

You should bring it here. I have it right here the whole time. Yo, but, like, I was looking into it. Yeah. I'm pretty sure there is, like, real studies. They try to take, like, DNA of different creatures and transform into, like, human serums. Yeah. Because for a long time, that was a real thing. Like, the super soldier serums. And especially in World War II, where they were really trying to figure out, okay, how can we get ahead of the enemy? Mm-hmm.

they really did try to make Captain America. Like, that wasn't a joke. From an animal, though. Not necessarily from an animal, but from everything. Like, they were trying to figure out, okay, what could we use? Now, you know the story of, like,

called zombies nazi zombies yeah the whole story of that was the nazis they were doing the super soldier experiments to try and pretty much change all of their their soldiers to become like invincible turning them into zombies but that's not too far off of real history because they really did try to do weird experiments on people and there was this one like ss scientist

that he used to do certain chemical experiments with people, especially people that have almost deformities with their bodies. Like, you know, people that are born Siamese twins or specifically triplets or twins. And anyone that has like a little mutation, if you had a different color eye, they would take you. If you had like an extra arm, they would take you and study you and try to figure out, okay, what are some genes here we can take and then splice it with different people.

Now, the theory goes that there's some experience that went horribly wrong and they created like creatures that still roam around today or creatures that might just be in hiding. So one of them being, you ever hear of the At Love's Past? I think I talked about it before. I think so. Yeah, yeah. So there's like hikers that went and they went missing, right? Yeah, yeah. Now, that was like around...

it's like northern it was it was cold but around that area there used to be like nazi bunkers where they used to do experiments yeah and there's a whole movie on it too that there could have been like creatures that escaped and were so mutated that became these like not abominable snowmen but maybe even just something completely different maybe something like

definitely a creature but like with human yeah you know like something different something that came from a human but was altered oh my gosh crazy yeah you think they're still roaming around like in like what do you call this like if you go into the Philippines and you see a buff ass monkey like that was one of the ones that got away

Who knows, bro? Because the bats are huge there, too. Oh, yeah. Oh, did you see a big bat or no? I didn't see any bats. Really? Okay. So they're scared of you. They're scared of you. I guess so. I don't know. I guess. But I was trying to find those big, big bats because I just wanted a picture with one. Yeah. I'm scared, though, that if I see a bat, it's going to... You know how...

You know how, like I said, with a monkey, if you look at it a certain way, it's going to attack you. Me being me and seeing a big bat, I would stare at it like this, bro.

So I'm scared if I see one of those, I'm going to be so starstruck. And look at it like this, and I'm going to get attacked. I'm going to be too locked in. I'm going to be locked in, and it's just going to attack me. And I'm like, oh. No, I didn't know that monkey thing too. If you look at it, because I thought that's only with dogs. Gorillas, gorillas. Oh, yeah, yeah. You know when you go like this? Oh, yeah. Imagine Ethan did this. Oh, yeah, you're wrapped. Maybe the whole army might go after him still.

Honestly, if you got bit by a dog, it would be worse. Yeah, because they're rabies. Yeah, and that's a lot. That's definitely a lot dirtier. There's...

cool monkey experiment that they did in Japan. So it's called the 100th monkey theory. Do you know this? Nah. So it's like, I don't know if we ever talked about this, but it's like, you know, collective consciousness? So like when a new idea surfaces and it goes from like a group, one group to the whole population, only if a certain amount of people learn it. So I'll tell you about the scenario. So what they did was, um,

They took sweet potatoes and they went into an island of monkeys. Yeah. Right? And they dropped the sweet potatoes off to the monkeys. And the monkeys are like, okay, yeah, we're going to eat it. Right? And then they changed it up. They took the sweet potatoes and dropped sand on top of it. And the monkeys started not eating it. They're like, oh, there's something on top of it. I'm not going to eat it anymore. It's not edible. Right? So what they did, they took two monkeys...

And they took them and they said, okay, with this sweet potato, you have to go to the water and wash it off so it's edible. Right? So they taught the monkeys that. And they sent them back to like the little island. So the two monkeys started teaching all the other monkeys.

on the island to wash off the sweet potatoes, right? Mm-hmm. And it got so, like, everyone, like, all the monkeys started doing it until it hit 100 monkeys that knew to wash the potatoes. Yeah. And then right from there, they said everything switched. So they went to another island of monkeys and they dropped the sweet potatoes and on the top of it, they dropped the sand. Mm-hmm.

The monkeys on the other island, they weren't in contact at all with them. And didn't... The monkeys from that island weren't in contact with the monkeys on the new island. Bam, the monkeys on the other island already knew what to do. So that, what is it? It's collective consciousness. They got the patch up, dude. Yeah, a hundred monkeys. So everyone's saying like, oh, uh...

You guys are so stupid waking people up in the Matrix. Say we're one person away from waking up and everybody starts, oh, yeah, that guy was right. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like, say you woke me up, so I'm 98 out of 99. So what if, like, someone watching is the 99th and then everybody's like, that guy on the podcast was actually right. I get it now. It's a crazy... Because it takes time. It's like that thing of...

So that pretty much is the monkey see, monkey do statement. Oh, yeah. So they... Yeah, monkey see, monkey do. So like they see something and then they copy it. That's literally the exact same in every society. Like you'll see people find success in one way and all of a sudden everybody else is going to copy and do the same thing. It's the...

There's another phenomena. I think it's called the mile in certain minutes. I forgot. I forgot exactly. But there's a world record that you couldn't run a mile in a certain amount of time. And there was one person that broke the record. But once they broke the record... It got shorter. In the same week...

Five other people broke the record. So it was only until one person did it and shown that it was possible that everybody else started believing it is. So the way the world works and the way I see it is the most gifted people and the people that can do incredible feats, they're meant to do these incredible things

to lift up society so that they can do great things as well. And they're gonna do great things that other people may not even comprehend or think about doing, right? So you might have one person that can run a mile in this certain amount of time, but one person might run the mile, shit, holding like rocks on his back or who knows, like doing it on a skateboard, whatever it may be. But the creativity gets higher and higher and higher.

And that's how we just advance. That's why, like, even in, like, the movie and stuff, like, representation is so important because just seeing another Filipino face on screen makes you think, oh, yeah, I can do the same thing. Exactly. Exactly. And that's why it's so serious. And that's why, like, it was a huge thing for black artist representation in movies and stuff. And that's why...

kind of the Asians are still missing. We're slowly getting there. No, low-key, we're getting there though. Yeah, but hopefully it won't even be a thing of representation. It will just be movies.

Because that's the goal. The goal is like we shouldn't have to, oh, where's the representation? Nah, there's movies everywhere. And there's movies that you don't have to say like aren't represented because there's just enough. Did you shoot like, are the kids in the movies the ones that you saw in like the thing? Yeah. Did you give them lines or like you're just like, oh, do this? No, like it's honestly almost like a documentary. That's fine.

Almost like a documentary. They were playing with spiders for me on camera and stuff. And then I did a competition. I was handing out cash and stuff. Did they speak English to you or no? You had to broken English? Well, some of them knew. Some of them knew. Because Philippines, they still speak.

English. Yeah, because they see a white guy with a camera. Obviously, it'll be him. They thought Max was super famous. You know what's funny? So this was in Cebu, but there's this girl and this guy. The guy took a picture with me, right? And he knew who I was. But we also took pictures with Max and Ethan in the pic, right? And then the girl walks up and she goes to Max like, oh, you're a TikToker? And he goes, no, he is. And she looks at me, because I'm Filipino. I'm Filipino.

She's not impressed. Yeah, she's not impressed. Come on, bro. You're one of us, man. You're one of us, bro. We're so drunk. Max should have done one of those Charlie DeMille-ish things. He did a renegade. Everybody would have... He could have said that he was like Tanner Fox or something crazy. Yo, he could. Yeah. He could say anything. What?

Yo, it became a joke, like an ongoing joke. We weren't serious, but like you could only buy land there if you're Filipino or you marry like a Filipino. Okay. So when you're at like the clubs and shit, we're talking to the guy, he's like, for the land! We make him talk to a girl, for the land! Oh, fuck.

That's one thing I will never trust because like, yo, if you're in the club of the Philippines, like most likely, are they IDing people? Like how does a club work in the Philippines? No, there's no ID. Now, Loki, you know how Ethan's a big hookah guy? Yeah. Like, yo, next time I go hookah with him, I'm not going to smoke out of whatever he's smoking. Do I have herpes? This is crazy. Did you laugh? Did you laugh though? Did you laugh when he said that? No, I couldn't. He was scared. I wasn't going to say that.

He doesn't have it. It's just like a fear. I know for sure our friend Ryan Kuda for sure would have bursted out laughing. Like he would have hit a knee slapper too. You know what he sent me? He was sending stuff like on videos. He was like, yo, is it glazing?

if your boy's on your deathbed and you cry. What? That's crazy. And like in the video, he's like, yeah, bro, imagine crying to another guy. And I'm like, yo, this generation is so fucked. There was another one he sent me. He was like, is it glazing if you tell your dad I love you? What? And then in the video, he was like, yeah, bro, that's glazing because you're telling another guy I love you. That's crazy.

See, there's a problem, bro. The problem. Like our society is headed somewhere scary, fam. It's not right. It's not right. Oh my gosh. Because it only takes, this is the thing. It only takes one person to act like that and be like confident in that perspective to make everybody think, oh wait, hold on. What's he saying here?

There was there was a no some guy that's going super viral drew walls. Yeah The guy that that dresses up and sets up a tripod and then he walks into target in the yeah, that's it, bro He went super viral and I've seen so many meme pages right of him just getting hated on and everyone's like Imagine setting up your tripod imagine you're 35 years old setting a tripod, right?

And then he goes back to back wins after that. So after all, he stormed all the losses, every like maybe a million hate comments. Now he gets ESPN. He gets a big brand deal with the Super Bowl. Boom, that's his first win. The day after he gets Drake to make a video copying him. And then another win, he got Tiana Trump to say, oh, set that camera up in my room. Bam, that's three wins right in a row, bro. Yeah.

You guys hated and made him more famous. That really just proves, bro, just do what you like. You'll find success some way. Yeah, because everybody's scared to do something because of the judgment. And then even though there's haters, they're not doing anything. They have no correlation to your success, really. You know what I mean? As much as people think it could affect you,

If you close your eyes, they don't exist. You know, you are in your own lane. You have your own goals. They have nothing to do with what you want to do. As long as you don't think about it or don't let it affect you, it won't affect you. That's it. No, but I get it though because if it comes to the masses like that and you're not really used to it, I get why he was blocking hella people because I would have done the same thing like, oh shit, this is a shock to me. One thing you're never ready for is internet hate because it's like, damn, you're really...

you don't even know me, but you're talking about me. It's kind of a shock. You know what I mean? So it's like, yeah, I understand why, but it's like, once you storm through it and you get used to it, yeah, you can't get affected. The thing is though, and I feel like this is the problem, is people take it...

to a level of like, okay, this is the reality. To me, reality is in front of me. That's why I see it differently. Like anytime like somebody hates and shit, like, okay, like what's in front of me right now? Is there people hating in front of me? If so, then it's real. If like I have people telling me, yo, blah, blah, blah, like I hate you, like in my face, like, okay, maybe I did something wrong. But like,

If it's all online... It might not even be real. Damn. You're telling me you're gonna take online seriously when everybody else online are posting memes of a Chinese beaver? Yeah. And you're still gonna take it to the same level? Instead of what's in front of you right now? This is reality right here. Right here. This is reality. You go online? Bro, there's people like...

Damn, you know what's on there. People are just making jokes of random bullshit. At one point, we're sharing Spongebob memes. Another point, we're sharing who knows what. So if you go on there and expect a true, I guess, taste of reality and what life is, you're not going to get it. Obviously, it's skewed. Everything on the internet is low-key skewed. If an alien went onto the internet and then thought that was the world compared to being here right now,

obviously there's differences yeah even yo if there's catfishes online oh 100 bro come on you know like the it's there's real and then there's the internet so you should never take it serious in my opinion fam you know um uh how we talked about uh how walt disney and like the frozen stuff like they only made the movie to uh cover up the thing yeah yeah hide it there was another thing that i learned so this walt disney does this two-point thing

Yeah. So do you know that theory about it? What? Disney went back and photoshopped all of his pictures because he had a cigarette in them. Oh shit, really? So like, you know the Mickey statue in the Walt Disney and he's pointing like this? He has a cigarette in between? He has a cigarette in between. Yo, that's fire. What the hell? Disney literally went back and airbrushed it just to cover up his cigarette addiction. That's kind of crazy. Yeah. Because you know how like Disney is supposed to be for the kids. Yeah.

So when they were coming up, they're like, Walt Disney is a smoker. Like he goes through three packs per day. He even died of lung cancer. That's how bad it was. So like he kept in all the photos, like I'll put it up on the screen, but he's doing this two point thing.

Right? So every photo of him has the two points. And it's because he has a cigarette. Yeah. That's kind of cool though. It's like a hidden detail. And they took it a step further. So every Disney employee, when you ask them, oh, can you lead me? Where's the direction for the bathroom? They taught them to only point with two fingers. Oh, to make it normal. Yeah, to make it normal. Instead of going like this, they're like, they'll point this way. Yeah. How many fingers does Mickey have?

Is it 5? Or is it 3?

No, three is Ninja Turtles. Yeah, I don't know. He might have four. Maybe it is five. Maybe it just is five. Maybe it's five. I thought there was a theory there too. No, no, no. But the Mickey white glove thing, that still blows my mind. The Freemason shit, that still blows my mind. There's so much shit covering Walt Disney. Why are they trying to hide him so bad? Or make him perceive as a good guy? You know what I mean? I guess he kind of is in his own way. Yeah. Because...

Everybody has their edge to them. Like, for example, let's say like XXXTentacion, when he died, there was a huge controversy because he made good music and he was there for people that were like depressed and going through hard times. But he had allegations against him, which were, you know, like abuse and whatever you may call it. Assault, whatever. But the line of like art and the person, the great things that happen because of the art, are you supposed to attach it to the person as well? Or can you...

Can you take what's good from it? Because if you think about it, if you do that to one thing, everything else kind of comes with an edge as well. Like the reason we live here in Canada is because we took land from native people. I mean, obviously that's not an ethical thing, but we wouldn't have society like this if we didn't. So there's always like you take and reap benefits, but there was a side to it

That wasn't so great. And people forget that. That's the problem. Like when something new comes out or there's a new issue, a new social issue, we see the smoke coming

But we don't realize like what happens after the smoke clears. And when I was in the Philippines, this is what really like made me think heavy. You know the story of Lapu-Lapu? I think so, yeah. I think I've heard it before. When the Spanish invaded the Philippines or colonized the Philippines, I want to say invaded, depending on who you talk to. They colonized the Philippines. Magellan, he made like a pact with I think the king of Cebu at the time to go and...

to go and pretty much take out his rival, Lapu-Lapu. And he was like the Datsu leader or whatever. So Magellan said, okay, I'll do that if you convert to Christianity. He said, okay, you guys convert your people, boom, and then that's what the king did. He said, yeah, we'll convert to Christianity, blah, blah, blah. Take out my rival. He's like, okay. Magellan went to go fight Lapu-Lapu and died. He, now...

Obviously, they were trying to colonize them and change the country. But in a sense, did he not die for their salvation? To change them, right? So in the same sense, he's kind of like a martyr. But depending on which side you view it as, they're trying to change our culture. Obviously, we want to fight back. But looking at it now, the Philippines as it is, we wouldn't be majority colonized.

Catholic or Christian if it wasn't for those things. You know? That's why it's interesting. It's like, there's good things that come out of stuff, but people focus on the bad depending on what side you're looking at it. I think it was someone that told me that story because I was...

Some person asked me what was my religion and I said Catholic and they said oh that's such a Filipino thing I didn't get what that meant though. Because majority of Philippines is Catholic, Christian. Yeah. I didn't know that at the time. Now it's interesting right because it's like okay do you say oh the colonizers are bad this and that. Yo I didn't realize this but I looked into it like I did my own historic research. Okay.

Spain, it was almost like they were losing money on the Philippines in some ways, but they decided to still occupy it because they had a mission to change faith. It was almost like a thing of they're only there to change faith. But obviously there's some shit they did that was not ethical. So that's the debate. There is bad stuff and there is good stuff that happened.

Which side do you want to look at? Yeah. Because they both exist. That is true. And it's kind of weird because it's like you can't really take a middle. I mean, you can, but it's like...

Oh, fuck. You gotta stand on something, though. Yo, literally, like, for the Philippines, it wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for Spain colonizing and that wouldn't be the reality of it. But who's to say, like, it wouldn't be a better Philippines without them? Who knows? Like, we don't actually know. But we can see, like, what happened. Did you go and attend a church in the Philippines?

In the Philippines with Ethan and Max? Yeah, we went to a couple churches. Like, we looked at them and saw. Oh, you didn't attend a mass? Like, mass? No, no, no. No, their masses go crazy. We were out for a sinologo and there was like a... There was like a... What do you call it? Yeah. I forgot the thing, but we did like a prayer...

with like the santanino and stuff yeah you know santanino oh the santanino is like the baby jesus oh yeah i know the one with the curly hair yeah so the story of that is um when magellan came to the philippines for the first time he gave it to the king at the time that i was talking about i forgot i think his name is like ram ramo something yeah anyways gave it to the king

And that's when the king and his wife converted to Christianity. Apparently, they're the first two people in the Philippines that converted. And when he was baptized, he changed his name. To what? Carlos. Oh, for real? Yeah. Damn. Damn.

Yeah, and then after that, that's when he said like, oh, yo, go pack up my op. And he went to go fight Lapa Lapa and Lapa Lapa slain him, bro. Hey man, there's a good and a bad side, bro. Yeah, like that's the problem. We see stuff from one perspective, but there's always two sides to it.

to an apple. Did you, did you, um, wasn't that brown before? Did it burn off or something? Like what happened? Oh, this? No, I have another one. Okay. I was going to say, you should have got some, some stuff blessed there though, because they, they go like, um, I think, uh, the last time I was there, whenever like I got across, like I knew it was blessed by someone. Yeah. I got a, I got across there too. Yeah. Um, blessed specifically? Nah, I went to like, uh,

There's this bell tower in Bumagere that's very famous. If you go on Google Images, that's the first thing that pops up. But I didn't get anything blessed. See, that's super crazy because you had a great time only in a week and a half, right? And most of it was work. Yeah, and it was work. I was working five, four days. Like the...

A usual stay at the Philippines is a month because you have to you don't want to do that plane ride right away. You know? Yeah, yeah. Most of the time we're traveling though. Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm saying. Yo fam, when I'm going there, I have to take nine planes. What the fuck? Yeah, because I'm going to Boracay. I'm going to different islands. So that's nine planes in total. That's insane. Yeah, in a total of a month. You're going to that many islands? Yeah, yeah. We're going. I'm trying to see stuff still. That's nuts. Okay, is it better than Hawaii? Hawaii?

Was the vibes better than Hawaii? It's the same. It's the same? It's the same. I'll say... You always say that you would retire in Hawaii. I still would. I would still choose... To live permanently, I could live permanently right now in Oahu. Because it's still like Toronto too. True. Did you see anyone saying tabi tabi po? Nah. Did you say tabi po if you peed? Oh, I have a story for you, fam. Oh, let me hear it, bro. Yo, this is when we first landed. Oh my gosh. I unlocked the memory. So...

Yeah, I forgot about this. But on the way to the ferry, we were like in this part of the town. It was a little bit more like, you know, like a little bit undeveloped. But we're at the ferry and I had to pee so bad. I had to be so bad. But they had like a toilet. I'm like, okay, bless. So I went to go pee. And I was peeing, right? I was peeing, I was peeing, I was peeing.

And I kept peeing. I'm like, it wouldn't stop. And like, in my head, I'm like, okay. Yeah, it's just, I drank a lot of water. You know what I mean? Yeah. I'm going. What do you mean it didn't stop? Yo, it still didn't stop. I was peeing like, okay.

Okay, I drank that much. I had said less. Yeah, keep paying keep paying. Fam it's not stopping I've I probably like peed a gallon like it felt like it bro. I was there I want to say I leave like minimum three minutes three minute pee is free. Minimum It might be it might have been longer and then and then I'm like fuck why am I peeing this long? And I said tapitapipo

And it stopped. No! No! That's crazy. Yeah, I swear. Right after the time of the album. I swear. Like, I'm turning off, like, the... Yes, I swear, fam. That's fucked. It was crazy. It was crazy. Because I'm like, something's wrong. No, that... I knew something was wrong because it was too long. Like, it was almost, like, supernatural. No, that's crazy. Like, right away. Like, you know the... There's, like, a...

Fucking a scene in Avengers where Thor has like ever flowing ever flowing drinks. Yeah, it like ever flowing right? Damn my shit was ever flowing. That's crazy. Like I'm I deadass don't think it would have stopped. Oh my god. That's a real ghost story fam. I'm surprised you didn't open with that. That's probably your crazy story. I forgot about it. I forgot about it. It's crazy. No because like yo whenever you're there I forgot to tell you like yo make sure you say tapitapitapit especially if you're in a like a maybe a more poverty or like a

deserted yeah like something a little bit more isolated yeah yeah bro it was weird yeah like it wouldn't stop it would not it's crazy like i'm i'm so certain like if if i didn't do anything i would have kept being like i'm so certain gosh imagine that happened like the boy like your boys and like they didn't know what they didn't know what to do they're like calling you in the woods like yo yo carlos

It was weird. It was super weird. No, because like whenever I searched up the ghost stories, the main reason why there's been ghosts was because of the tabi tabi po. Really? There's one. So there's a Filipino nurse that...

Was recording herself. Yeah, and her house was literally haunted. So this is what happened So I think it was on it was like our final exam right and she was like doing a demonstration so it was her in front of the camera and her little brother recording right and

So everything was normal. And she started talking, like doing the demonstration. And then the light flickered. Right? And the brother pans it up. Oh, what is that? What is that? And she's like, bro, it's okay. Maybe it's just electricity. Keep it rolling. Right? Yeah, yeah. So she keeps going. The demonstration happens.

something in the closet makes a loud bang, right? And she jolts and goes to the camera and turns it off right away. 'Cause she's scared, right? I'll show you the footage after. She makes a part two type video and she's showing everything. She's like,

guys, nobody in this, can fit in this closet. I swear it wasn't planned. My house is haunted. I don't even want to touch the clothes. But when she does, she goes, tabi tabi po, right? And like, she starts touching the clothes. And in the video, as soon as she says, tabi tabi po, there's like a, a,

Growl like you hear audio in the ground and she turns it out again. Yeah, right So it keeps going fam that night She sets up security camera and remember in the your story when she told them the door goes Yeah, yeah, yeah fam the closet door makes a little creak same shit Smashes but instead uh the in the the footage they see like a a head

No. Sticking out of the closet. Nah. Like a baby hand? No, no. Like a... I don't know. Like a human hand. A human hand. Stick it out of it. As soon as it goes... What the fuck? The electric fan turns on by itself. Smoke comes out of nowhere. Nah. As soon as they leave their crib, the same night, they witness like a car crash in front of their house.

So, and they're saying like everything, like what's going on? The ghost person says, if you weren't lucky enough, that would have been you. Oh, shit. Yeah, so here, I'll show you the video. It's fucked. Because she's so innocent. Like, she's just trying to make a video. So, look. Boom. So, she's like, continue it. Boom, okay. That's the first part. She sounds nervous, dog.

Yeah, she's frightened bro, yeah, okay here you see the smoke yeah Bro the electric fan turn on randomly dog. I'll try and Telling you bro

And how would you close that shit? You wouldn't. Yeah, you wouldn't. How would you close that? There's no way to grab it like that. That's what I'm saying. Damn. That's fucked. That one actually gave me goosebumps. That was a fucked video. Yo, I think it's because the Philippines is so spiritual. Yeah, I know. They have that many sightings. It's a different energy. Yeah, there's a lot of energy there. It's a lot of different things going on. Because you know the Philippines before they were colonized and before they were changed to Christian and Catholic? Yeah, yeah.

They had like a whole nother almost like tribal religion where they believed in

You know, like, the Tikbalang and all those things? Yeah. Those come from folklore of ancient tradition there. Yeah. Like, they used to do, like, um... What's the word? I think it's called abulario? Like, the spiritual healer? Oh, okay, yeah. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah. But they had, like, a whole different set of beliefs. And then when the Spanish came, they said, okay, abolish all these things. But I'm very curious...

If there's truth to it, only in the Philippines. Because you know how there's certain things that if you travel, it's common for there. And when you go to another place, they have their own different thing. What if it was almost a guideline of what you could see there? You know what I mean? It's like a guideline or like a...

like beware of these things because they exist there yeah and then the moment like everyone forgot about like and she started popping off oh fuck wait open the book open the book oh my god no i'm actually glad you didn't go in because you had a camera ready so i'm like yo if he i could have yeah it would have maybe ended up bad because obviously it's like you if

If I'm a ghost and you're recording me for entertainment purposes, I might fuck around with you just for fun. Damn. And if you piss me off, then I might just take that fun and like... Yeah, I might just haunt you for the rest of your life. You know what I mean? That's scary. That's a big thing I'm scared about is like... I don't want to bring nothing back. Yeah, obviously. And I'm not trying to like disrespect anything. Yeah. Especially with the cameras. You know what I mean? Yeah. That's not what it's about. Yeah. But low-key...

knowing Filipinos, like, they love attention. So maybe they'll mess with it. Like, oh, yo, let's do a show for the camera. Because I was going to say, like, have you watched the movie Twilight Zone? Isn't it a show? Yeah, the show. Yeah, yeah. Because when they were filming, that was probably one of the worst accidents caught on camera. Did you know about this? So, like, the main actor in one of the scenes when they were shooting the big film, she had to carry two kids across, like, a shallow part of water, right? Mm-hmm.

while a helicopter is following them. You know what I mean? And the helicopter was already flying, I think it was 25 feet above ground. Fam, helicopters not even supposed to fly that low. Right? So as soon as he did it and they like, they said, okay, ready, go. Like she, the person dropped the girl and,

and the back motor I think of the helicopter started like spinning out and the whole helicopter started going and it crushed the girl and it what's that word decapitated both of the main actor and the boy damn where is this oh

Oh, fuck. I don't know. This is on camera though? Yeah, it was on camera. The fuck? Obviously, because they were filming. But the parents sued the director because I guess the guy told them, oh yeah, the kids are not doing any crazy stunts today. They're just regular scenes. But then that happened. Yeah, because there's things you foresee. I'm pretty sure there's like, I don't know if I talked about it, but there's a movie that was cursed. Which one? It was... Fuck.

Oh, I talked about the Amityville house. Oh, yeah, yeah. It's the same thing where like... If you decide to do a story on it, because it's cursed of its nature, whatever is attached to it, you're gonna find yourself being cursed by it. It's like...

you disrespect the story. It's like that, the doll, the Robert doll. Because you disrespected it and said something about it on film. So that's why like, imagine if you make like, just a documentary on something, but don't know the full details about it. Do you automatically become cursed because...

because you're speaking bad nature on that. - Yeah, you should educate yourself like, "Oh, maybe I shouldn't, I can still do something, but maybe not in this way." You know what I mean? - So would you do the, like a haunted show, where you go and tour stuff? - With a ghost hunter? And we- - Oh fuck. That's super hard. - Would you do it? Would you do it? Like let's say they paid you like a big bag, would you do it? Or is it not worth like- - It depends what they want me to do. Like if we're only in there for like a minute,

Nah, we're probably not in there for a minute. Probably not. I'm not gonna... Because for all you know, fam, like in my head, this is like a plot. You end up filming something and your spirit gets trapped somehow just in like a...

Inner spiritual like lock so you know how there's um, there's people like that get trapped stuck in like death Yeah, like something bad happens to them and their spirit gets trapped to that area What if because you go and explore it your mind becomes like? Exploring that realm forever. So I don't know make sense to you but like let's say

let's say you know the the caverns in paris like the the bone city yeah yeah what if you get lost there and the story was oh they just got lost exploring it but in reality it's your spirit and your subconscious that's trapped in a forever loop of exploring that place yeah that's what really happens yeah

Yeah, no, I wouldn't do it. I probably wouldn't do it. Hell not. Anything curse, fam. But I don't know if it's worth. No, I don't think you're not. If you're not materialistic, you're not doing that for the bag. No, but not that. Just the adventure.

experience is it worth the experience it would be cool like the shit that we did was cool but it's um it's like i know it's not to a degree you know what i mean like when we went into that blue tunnel that's what i'm saying it's still worth an experience like it's still fun yeah to see you done something that nobody else has done before or something that like you survived that nobody else could survive exactly

Fuck, is it worth? I don't know. You know what I found out too? Oh my god, I shouldn't even be laughing about this, but R.P. Kobe, you know, they literally cursed him, fam. You know, in his last game, what toys they sold, I mean, they gave away in the front row? What? A Kobe toy that turns into a helicopter. No way. Did you know this? No, they didn't. They actually sold that? Bro, look.

What the fuck? Kobe Bryant collectibles on his last game. The action figure that turns him into a helicopter. What the fuck? That's a thing? Yeah. And you know the Kanye West ad with Kobe? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, the predictive foreshadowing. The one when he's on top of the roof and he's like dribbling. Yeah. Yeah, and he's like, oh...

The guy at the end is like, oh yeah, Kobe, greats come and go. And then Kobe, the last words was, yeah, but legends live forever. And then he throws a bomb on the helicopter where Kanye goes. Oh, shit. And it blows up. On the helicopter? Yeah, on the helicopter. What the fuck?

A few years go by, a cartoon makes a meme about Kobe of him dying in a helicopter. And he's holding the two. He's like, Kobe, can you pass me the trophies? And he's like, no, I don't pass. Yeah. And then the helicopter explodes. It's fucked. Do you think it's because they have to tell you? Or do you think it's just because it's just almost coincidence? I don't know. Because I feel like, I don't want to say it, but it's like, you know when...

Like art manifesting life? No, it's like when the... Because NBA and the NFL obviously is a business. Yeah. Right? And it's like, if you're... Not a lot of people are tuning in to the NBA. Yeah. You would have to do something so crazy for people to watch it again. Oh, yeah.

So say like around that time, they weren't making a lot of money. They weren't getting a lot of views. Views. So they had to do like a stunt to bring everyone there. Exactly. I don't want to say that's it, but it is a business. You know the WWE story like with Chris Benoit? Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So you know how like he murdered his wife and kids? Yes, bro. Yes. Yo, so there's a theory that...

it might have been like planned for what to bring back views no like almost as if like they knew this was gonna happen so just like the day before the whole chris benoit murder happened yeah you know what you know what there was what there's a wiki page that was open the day before it happened okay and

In the wiki page, it said that he murdered his wife and kids. But this was before it happened. So imagine predicting the exact thing on the exact day. So they looked into it. They actually cracked down on it. They actually went and found the person's house that wrote that wiki. They knocked on his door and found out who it was. And they interrogated him. Like, how did you know? Why did you write this?

He said he did it as a joke. Oh my.

But he somehow predicted it. No, there's no way. That guy got paid millions. I'll say that shit was a joke. You don't know, though. I truly think that it's all a script, too. Because, oh, last theory I have. The Super Bowl theory. On Sunday, this will prove if it's really true. So there's a Super Bowl theory going around where in the middle of the season, the NFL releases a logo of the Super Bowl based on when it's being thrown and all the settings and that.

and they choose two colors of the Super Bowl. So the past two years, they've been correct.

And they're saying this year it might predict it again. So look, last year's Super Bowl, when it was in Miami, the logo colors were orange and yellow. So it would be Super Bowl whatever, 2000 thing. It would be orange and yellow. That year, it was the Bengals and Rams that were in the Super Bowl. So they predicted it. And then last year in Arizona, the Super Bowl was green and red. And that matchup was the Eagles and Chiefs. There was both red and green. Wow.

So they know what teams are going to play. So this year, if they predicted it correct this year, it already came out. It's purple and red. So the really popular ones to win right now are the Ravens. They're purple. The really popular ones on the other side is the 49ers. They're red.

So imagine if this shit happens three times in a row. So that's the tell. Yeah, that's the tell. The mid-season logo. Yo, what if... Holy shit. So what if that's like a cue for people to bet? Like the elites, you know what I mean? Like not necessarily the elites, but the people that are running the game, like telling their homies, okay, this is how we let you guys know who to bet on.

That could be. Because just like how people... You know the people that count cards? When they go into a casino, depending on who they know, they'll see people doing certain actions with their hands. Oh, shit. Yeah. And when they walk into the table, they'll know if it's hot, cold, or just don't go. Oh, shit. So...

if you walk into the casino and see somebody at a blackjack table going like this, it's hot. That, that means it's ready to go. Oh yeah. So you go up to them or go to that table and you're able to like count the card, right. That's and get it on and get like a really good, um, what do you call it? Hand hand. No, man, that's crazy. So what if there's a lot of those things that we just don't notice, just like the toothpaste thing. If,

if you know and you're part of this crew that knows these little details about everyday life you'll see things differently so what if like let's say there's a sign in a restaurant that you'll know you'll be able to get like access to certain stuff like just like John Wick I don't know if you watch John Wick before but he's able to go to like a random building and because he's part of like the assassin League he can get weapons at that building and

but nobody else knows. It's just like part of that secret organization. That's sick. So what if that's all around the world, we just don't see it? If you're part of this crew and you're part of this group, you know the signs, but nobody else does. And it's just hidden in plain sight.

No, I played a poker with one of the dealers from a casino and it was just a backyard party. And when he told me he was part of the casino and he was a gambler, I mean, a dealer, I was like, whoa. And I was like, yo, is this shit actually rigged? And he looked at me dead in the face, was like, I can't tell you that. Like, he looked pissed that I asked him that. Yeah. You know what I mean? But I'm like, yo, what are you hiding? Like, he's probably the mob too because it's like, if you're part of that, you know the tips and tricks. They probably hire you to do stuff. Mm-hmm.

so i'm like yo i i think that's how it is bro it's like uh i think everything's almost a business especially out here yeah and depending on who you know you get to put on the right people like it's all connection at the end of the day like if i had a business and i was gonna bless somebody i would bless someone i know and actually care about rather than just like the regular joe yeah so that's why i feel like it's it's weird in this sense of

You live here in North America. Everything's centralized around that. And when you go to the Philippines and since...

You can't really be taken advantage of in the same sense. Yeah, yeah. Totally different ballpark. Yeah, it's a different ballpark. Like, you're worried about losing jewelry or, you know, fancy shit out here. Like, over there, you're just worried if you have food, bro. Oh, God. That's why I'm saying, yo, go for a month. Go for three months, fam. Like, it'll change your life, dog. Yeah, like, you figure out what's really important. And you get more grateful about, like, what you have. Because all these kids that I saw just...

out playing with whatever they got and wearing the clothes that they had. They're the happiest people. They're the happiest people and they have no idea the other kids across the world are playing on a PS5. But it's okay. They don't need that. And the fact that it's like almost impossible for them to get makes it better because they're almost not tempted or the knowledge of that isn't there for them anymore.

to be jealous yeah you got me like it's impossible to be jealous because you just can't it's like oh yeah okay but i'm not it's not for me but here it's like you know like if some guy's wearing jewelry oh you can you can spend your spend your funds in a in a certain algorithm for you to get it so since everybody has almost the same opportunity here yeah

People look at each other in jealousy or they they look at each other in oh he spent his time on that I'm a hate on him, but wait he did this so now I want that you know I mean And that's where it becomes like a rat race of okay like everybody's chasing their own desires But what happens to their own desires if other people influence them then becomes it becomes fucked up You don't know like what's a really reality. Yeah, I

We've been corrupted, man. Corrupted. Hey, man, we'll be back in the Philippines, though. Yeah, honestly, I'm going to be back there soon. Yeah, me too. So if you guys see me in the Philippines again, like, say what's up and don't be shy. Some Filipinos are shy. I'm not going to lie. There's a lot of people that just looked and didn't come up to me, like, more than usual. Well, yeah, it's intimidating to see a celebrity or, like, a person on the internet regardless. In Toronto, they don't care.

Toronto they just go straight up to you the Philippines don't be shy just come up and yeah I'll say what's up alright thank you guys for watching this episode of Jumper Jump Podcast make sure to comment like subscribe all that good stuff make sure to go down to Spotify Apple make sure to download this episode to give us a 5 star go on to Carlos' IG for his movie and mine to my clothing brand and yeah Jumper Jump out deuces