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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Carlos Juico
Gavin Ruta
Gavin Ruta:万圣节的起源和习俗可能与招魂或吸引负面能量有关,一些评论认为庆祝万圣节会使人更容易受到超自然力量的影响。他本人童年时在Spirit Halloween商店有过不好的经历,认为商店里存在负能量。 Carlos Juico:一位占星家认为所有星座都与恶魔有关,接受星座性格会导致被恶魔附身。恶魔需要宿主才能生存,接受星座性格会导致被恶魔控制。这位占星家本人也曾深陷其中,最终意识到星座的负面影响。逝去的祖先可能通过某种方式观察着后代的生活。很难区分灵魂和个性的界限,灵魂是个人对人和事物的道德观和真实感受。经典笑话“为什么鸡过马路”暗含死亡的含义。关于蟹老板的监控理论,他利用监控来监视比奇堡的居民,这与比奇堡居民具有放射性的理论有关。精英公司利用数据监控客户行为以实现资本主义目标。互联网直播的危险性,以及由此引发的现实生活中的冲突。一位中国博主模仿Logan Paul的行为,在废弃停尸房直播,结果发现尸体。士兵们普遍会做关于他们第一个杀害的人的梦,这可能是罪恶感造成的。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


Mom, Dad, I humbly suggest you save some money and shop Amazon for back to school. It's for my growth, meaning my body's growing at an alarming rate. And clothes you buy me this year will be very small very soon. Plus, the clothes I love today will be out of style tomorrow. But at least your wallet doesn't have to be my fashion victim.

if you shop low prices for school at Amazon. Hopefully this is helpful. Amazon. Spend less, smile more. This summer, during the biggest sporting event of the year, Peacock turns to two broadcasting legends for the Olympics coverage you can't find anywhere else. Um, I think they mean us. Oh, s***. Um...

This is so perfect because it matches you. You're a serious character. I'm the meme one. I'm not even like the Joker. I'm the meme version. You're the meme Joker. So I'll hit the pose right now.

Welcome back to another Halloween episode. Yes, sir. Holy f***. Halloween's low-key our best time. I know. We always have to... We gotta double down on the Halloween episode. I don't know why, but you guys love it so much. So hit the like button right now, because I know you guys love the Halloween episodes where we dress up and s***. Facts. Hit the like button right now, bro. Look what I have to wear. Bro, if you really bag what I'm wearing on my face right now, it says... So we got this s*** from the dollar store. It's white cream. White cream makeup. Fam, no ingredients on the back.

I actually don't know what this is, fam. All it is, there's a translation in French and the weight. Don't worry, bro. You're safe, fam. Don't worry. My shit's starting to itch, bro. Let's hurry it up. Bro's like, he's going to break out because of this. It's worth it, fam. It's worth it. Because the Halloween episodes are my favorite too. Yes, sir.

Speaking of Halloween, I just want to get into a little bit of the lore of Halloween and shit. Because we talked about it before. Yeah, we did. It's like all the dead people rising on that day. A lot of people don't realize, because the comments on our last episode, I just want to address those comments. So they're saying, if you actually celebrate Halloween, you're opening yourself up

to the ideas or spirits attaching to you. That type of shit. And there was a Satanist, like this is real, like a famous Satanist. And he said, he's glad that the general public at least one time a day of the year that they celebrate Satan. And everyone's like, "Yo, what are you talking about? What day is that?" He said, "It's Halloween."

And that's f***ed. Nah, that is f***ed. Because it is like about that ghoulish shit. It's all about like spirits and stuff like that, right? That's why I didn't like going into Spirit Halloween because since I was a child, I had trauma going in that store. Because of clowns? You're scared of clowns? No, no. Clowns and just like, I don't know. It's just, it's never good energy when I'm in there. You know what I mean? Like I might be overreacting, but fam, we went in there and it was like. No, there's some bad shit in the back. In the back, they have like upside down crosses and stuff. That's what I'm saying. F***.

That, bro. And it was full. Oh, my God. If you guys could smell what we smelled in that Halloween store, fam. Like, you know when you can smell must? Oh, you know what it smells like? It smells like Chuck E. Cheese. Yeah, yeah. Chuck E. Cheese. Oh, my God.

It's like you can feel the must on your face and then you take a sniff is like oh my god. It's bad It's bad air fam. It's whenever too much people are in one spot low-key You know what I realized Toronto just loves lines. Yeah, I don't know if any other cities like this But Toronto specifically no matter what they just open a freaking Dave's hot chicken. Yeah line down the block and

bro, they're not even getting like shit for free and they're not getting anything for sale. Yo, they just want to line up to line up and they love following people. Exactly. Like if a group of people is doing something, they look in like, oh, let me do it too. Yeah. Bro, my sister, you know the crumble cookies? Yeah. Because it's super big in the US. Fam, she lined up for that, I think for four hours. Holy shit. And only got a free hat.

And just, she had to pay for the crumble cookies. Fam, if you're online, I'm expecting, okay, I might get some free shit, like maybe some free cookies. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Still pay full price for the cookies. Damn. Only got a little hat that you're probably never going to wear again. Damn, bro. See, at those times, you have to figure out, like, are you, why are you really, like, following all these people in that line? If everybody's going in one direction, you're going to get a lot of money.

Do you just trust them because the population or do you trust yourself first? No, I have that question, bro. Yeah. And it's crazy because I usually trust the population because it's like, oh, if there's a trend. Yeah, me too. It's so easy to fall into that trap. It's so easy. And just even growing up, that's kind of what we're taught to do is like follow what everybody else does. But no, it's not. There was some crazy shit that I seen too. It's like, I didn't know that a lot of kids...

We're not allowed to watch Spongebob. Yeah, yeah, yeah. When they were kids because supposedly if you watch Spongebob, parents thought that if you watch Spongebob it would make them stupid because Spongebob was stupid. Yeah, and Patrick. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Patrick, yeah, yeah. Yeah, my dad was telling me like his co-workers they wouldn't let their kids watch Spongebob. He's like, oh, you know what? I'll let you watch this. My other friends, they won't let you watch that. That's so crazy. Like Spongebob, out of all the things, I feel like Spongebob is the least harmful thing.

I know. Because it's such a positive show. I don't know. But now that looking back at it, now looking back at it, there is some dark humor in it. I'll lie. But it's supposed to be like for everyone to enjoy. Yeah. And the kids aren't supposed to get like the dark stuff. It's only the parents that would get it. Yeah, yeah. Facts. But I don't think it's to the point like you shouldn't let kids watch it. And you, like kids are going to find out to watch stuff anyways if it's available, you know? Oh, you know where we were talking about the last minute costumes? Yeah. Bro, Doodle Bop. If someone went out to Doodle Bop,

And someone hit the That's hard. I should have done that. Yo, how would you draw that though? No, you just do white. You do the white paint and then like, I don't know, scribbles, scribbles. I don't know. I don't know. Is that count as white face, man? I don't know.

Okay, speaking of people following into one thing, and this kind of ties into like spirituality and shit. But there was a, this is like a known astrologist. And she came out on TikTok. This went viral. But she pretty much said that every single zodiac, all of those signs are demons. And you put...

putting on the personality and accepting who that zodiac is and that personality is is you becoming more and more and manifesting more into that demon yeah because bro we know we know a shorty that has rocks in her living room just lined up on the table but yeah i

I'm not going to speak about that, but she has that spirit in her house, man. No, but if you think about it, it's like if you're told to be somebody because you're told to be somebody. Because demons can't live on their own. They have to have a host. So if you accept it, it takes over you and you become it. And that's why you see people like, oh, I'm so much like my sign. I'm so much like my sign. It's because you kind of manifested yourself to be like that.

And that's where it gets deep into astrology because that astrologist was really saying like she used to be so into it and then when she realized, yo, this is demonic. Like it took over her life. She said, I think her sign is Gemini. Okay. And the trait of Gemini is they're like two-sided. Okay. Like they have two voices almost. And when she started accepting it more and more, she became two-sided. She became almost having two voices in her head. Ew, man. Crazy. Crazy.

And I like seeing how... Because there was a point in time where... You can see it in the podcast too when we had Gigi and we talked about the spiritual shit. Yeah. Where we kind of believed it, remember? Because it's easy to look into it. And you had like... There was a point in time where we had the cats on our set. Because we were like, oh, this will grant us money and stuff like that. But then now it's crazy because you see the progression from it. It's like, oh, you started...

getting into faith and it was straight God now. Yeah, yeah. There's no more of that bullshit in our set. So it's crazy. Yeah, you've seen the progression? And the thing is when you make that switch, there's nothing that can stop you because there's no like

There is mystery. Yeah. But the mystery doesn't have to be fearful because you have faith. And that's one thing I learned. Yeah. And it's good that we kind of like devoured in that because it's like if we never seen that side, we might have never seen how bad it actually was. You know what I mean? Yeah. Because if we just did that side and never went back to God, we would have just been stuck there. Because it takes one to know one type of thing, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Like, you have to be able to be, like, in the dumps to see what the good is. Yeah. That type of shit. I know. Because low-key, like, I really look at a bunch of these people who were past drug addicts or they're really down bad in their life and then they change their life around. They have so much wisdom and so much life lessons the average person couldn't even comprehend. But the fact that they went through that in their journey, they just have, like, a craziest story to tell. Yeah.

and their own story to tell because we can hear about like other people's documentaries how they live their life the experiences they went through when nothing hits the same like your own yeah because you you were there you felt it you lived it and everything like that that's why i wonder if like this is going back to like another thing i said before but that's why i wonder if like my life is like a simulation for other people to watch to watch yeah i had that thought yesterday too is like what if we're just someone is watching us that's kind of fucked

Like this all right now is just like a movie and then you...

And then you have an audience. It's so fucking weird. It's super weird. What if, theory right now, what if all of your dead ancestors watch through your vision? That's weird. Crazy. Everyone jerking off right now is like, oh, fuck. It's like a Twitch stream. Yo, imagine literally all your ancestors. Because if you think about it, ancestors go time and time and thousands of years ago.

Till now. So they could probably tap in because it's still your bloodline, right? Yeah. Bro, what if it really is like that? The afterlife is really like, they can just see, oh, let me see what he's doing. My great-great-great-great-grandson. And then sees what he's doing. And then depending on how, I guess, how much things are going on in your life, the more watchers you have. Mm.

Or depending on how good you're doing. It just increases and increases. No way. It's like donos. It's like subs. You have subs and shit. Like you see $20 on the ground. It's like that was an ancestor donating that to you. Yeah, bro. No, but low-key that's cool because it's like once we go and like our time is finished, bam, I want to see what comes after me. You know what I mean? I think that's how it is. I would love to believe and

I think it might be like that where you pass on to the next life and you can act on earth as like an angel or something. Yeah.

Something on the next realm, but you're still present, you know It's like my son and daughter like I'm watching my son and daughter grow up and like they turn into loser I'm like I'm up in heaven like fuck Like do you think that happens right now? Like people are up there like clouding each other of their sons I'm like us right now be like they're probably not clouding us cuz we actually did some shit with our lives You know what? Cuz I had that theory before is like

would people really care but this is the thing right now i feel like when you're in paradise or in the afterlife i feel that there's no worries or there's no problem like even if you're going through like the worst of the worst

It will all lead back to great because great is paradise in the end. As long as you believe and that's what's for you type of thing. So I think if we did have ancestors watching us and shit, I don't think they would clown us and judge us. They would be more like,

"Wow, look at this guy." - I don't know. - I don't think it's more like a... - I feel like our ancestors, 'cause we say some crazy stories about our ancestors, right? - You think they'd be turning over in their graves or something? - Not because it's like, okay, say my ancestor was like a pirate in the Philippines. - Yeah. - And like he lived that crazy life and then he's looking down at you like, "Damn, this motherfucker turned into a podcaster of everything?"

Maybe, you're right though. But like when you're in the boxing ring and you're like doing your Muay Thai, it's like, yeah, this is what I tune in for. It's hard to know. It's hard to separate fucking like soul and personality. Yeah. Like, damn, it blows your mind to think like, what is your soul? Is your soul also your interest? Soul also your interest?

I don't know. I don't know, fam. Or is it just the passion for your interest? Because you can have passion. Like, you can be very passionate about something, but you can take that passion to something else. Then what's included in your soul, though? It's blank, no? It should be blank. No.

Your soul is just a... In my opinion, your soul is what you care about with other people and other scenarios. Oh, like your morals? So your morals... Yeah, I believe that's what your soul is. Okay, okay. Like how you feel, how you truly feel about things. Okay, yeah. Then I don't think your hobbies and shit are part of your soul. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I don't know. But that's why I'm wondering if... Let's say you pass, right? Mm-hmm.

Is your soul just everything that you loved and not hated? Or is it both? You know what I mean? It has to be both. They can't just take the good stuff. What the hell?

There's got to be a balance. Yeah, right? Yeah, yeah. Because, yeah, yeah. It's implemented in you. But if it's heaven, is there bad? That's a question. Yo, you know what's crazy? I didn't bag this till now. You know the joke, why did the chicken cross the road? Yeah. You know it's mad dark? What? How is that dark? It's dark as fuck. I didn't realize it. Okay. Listen, why did the chicken cross the road? What's the answer? To get to the other side? To get to the other side. Yo, wait, wait, wait. As in...

as in to the other side fam nah nah chill because it's crossy road bro he's crossing the road because his car is gonna cross the road so to get to the other side but if he gets hit by a car

That's the other side because he died, fam. That shit is dark. No. Did you make that up? Did you make that up? No, I heard about this. No, this is real. Because what I'm thinking is like, whenever I saw that cartoon when I was a kid, there was a road and then the chicken on this one and then his home. So I'm like, okay, to get to the other side, to get to his home. Yeah, right? That's not a tattoo. No, it's not.

Because that's not the joke. The joke's supposed to be, like, deeper. And that makes sense. I guarantee now, my little cousin's about to come up to me, like, the next banjo, he's like, bro, you ruined the fucking chicken one now. Yeah, because chicken cross it to get to the other side. Yeah. The other side. That's fucked. Yeah, fam. I didn't realize it at first. Did you ever talk about, um...

Cuz you said something about Spongebob, right? Yeah, yeah. Did we ever talk about the Mr. Krabs surveillance theory? Have we ever talked about that? No, what is that? So I think this is recent, maybe. I don't know if we talked about it, that's why I'm asking you. But there's a theory how Mr. Krabs, you know how he loves money? Yeah.

And he would do anything for money, right? Yeah. There's a theory because in one episode, he has a room and Squidward and SpongeBob, they accidentally find it. And in the room, there's a whole bunch of like

screens uh-huh yeah I I I see that room before yeah yeah and they're surveilling everybody and then one of them is like in Sandy's house while she's brushing her teeth and shit oh no I don't remember that you don't remember that so Mr. Krabs just has bare cameras and then he has hella fucking like screens in this room surveilling all the bikini bottom so theory goes that

You know the theory how they're radioactive and shit? Theory goes that Mr. Krabs, since he loves money, he took money to surveil everybody in Bikini Bottom and kind of sell them out to whoever's like studying them or who even knows for what reason.

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Welcome to another round of Drawing Board or Miro Board. Today, we talk brainstorms with UX designer Brian. Let's go. First question. You thought you'd see everyone's idea in the team brainstorm, but you've got a grand total of one. Drawing Board or Miro Board? Drawing Board. In Miro, the team can add ideas now or later. And with privacy mode, we can keep them anonymous until they're good to share. Correct.


And he's wild. For a limited time, visit slash brainstorm now and get a free business plan trial to unlock even more brainstorming tools like private mode and voting. That's slash brainstorm now.

Yeah. No, I was just going to say like, oh, maybe he just might be a pedo fan. Because why is he doing that in the first place? Because I've seen, remember the stories I talked about where it's like that one like a child like predator? Yeah, yeah. He went around the city and literally put cameras everywhere. So that's the same shit. Loki is like that too. Yeah. But I think if you think about it on a deep level,

These companies, these fucking elite companies that just want to keep running capitalism, that's the greatest way to see your customer. Low-key, yeah. Because you see it every day and you pick up on things. Yeah, and you can see how they react. And you can see where you can capitalize. Them, if you really bag it...

what business people really want to do is limit any errors and get you exactly where they want you. And if they could do that with all the information at their hand, they would. Yeah.

They would make it so automated. Fam, I think it's getting so dangerous that eventually picking up your phone is almost like a death sentence that you'll be trapped to. That's fucked. And it kind of is like that already. Yeah. Like you're literally, it's hard to let go. It's hard to let go. But imagine the point where it gets to death sentence

deadass like your brain cannot let go like it's a drug type of thing I don't know what technology is getting fucked and it's like you can see it in like the IRL streams too like even just being on the internet is scary right yeah so Ice Poseidon that guy that I think you talked about he's the last human yeah so he went IRL right and there was a guy as soon as he he came out of a store he

The guy, like with a fat scooter, he rode straight into him. Oh, shit. Almost breaking his leg. So the guy rode and pushed it off last minute, jumped out. Oh, fuck. And he was like, fuck you, you scammer and shit like that. He was talking shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it was like, the only way that he could have found him was because he was watching. Because of the live stream. Exactly. Yo, that's what's dangerous, bro. And there was recent news. I don't know if you heard about this. A Chinese guy pulled a Logan Paul.

In the forest? No, not a forest, but like he went into a morgue. Why? Yeah, so I think everyone knows about the Logan Paul one where he went into... Was that Japan? It was Japan. Japan, yeah. And there was like the S-Forest and he filmed some guy, right? So this guy, this Chinese guy was different. He went into like this abandoned morgue. Yeah. And it was dark, super dark. And I think there was like drawers or hatches, right? That you could open. It's like lockers. Lockers.

And to everyone, like everyone in the chat was saying, yo, might as well just open one, right? You're there. So he was going, he went into one drawer. Oh, no, no body. Went into another drawer. No body. Then the last one, he opened it. Feet. And the person was laying like this. All you could see, the guy started screaming and running. Fam, I'm like, okay, you know what's there. You know what's there. Is that worse than the Logan Paul one? Because...

You know what I mean? I feel like it's just as bad. It's just as bad. I think the Logan Paul one's worse because he traveled far. And he made fun of it. And he made fun of it. Yeah, he did make fun of it. But the guy, as soon as he's seen feet, got out of there and started screaming. Yeah. The worst thing is disrespecting the dead because they can't do anything. Exactly. That's the worst thing to pick on or make fun of because...

What are they gonna do? They can't do anything. That's the most cowardly thing you can do. Yeah. You know what I mean? If you make fun of somebody that's in front of you, then you have a little bit more balls. Yeah, facts. Yo, low-key, you seen those videos with the big rushing guy and then he goes around and like picks on people? No. So there's this big rushing guy and then he just like...

I think there was one video, he was pretending to be an Uber Eats delivery guy. No, he was an Uber Eats delivery guy. What the fuck? But he was pranking the person that got it, the client. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he comes with a bag and meets up with the client. He has a burger in his hand and he's eating it. Like, oh, it tastes pretty good. It tastes pretty good. Here, have some. He's like...

it's alright you can have it and he's sweating he's scared cause bro you ever see a big guy are you really gonna like argue with him I mean yeah Loki I won't I'll report it after but I'm not fighting him during the thing yeah and then all he did was like

He's just eating his burger. Yeah. And then the guy's like, oh, okay. Oh, fuck. I can't do nothing. And he walks away. But he's like, nah, it's a prank. It's a prank. No, but that's the smartest shit you could do though. Because, you know, Street Beefs. I think there was a Street Beefs episode where one guy called out like a big...

bodybuilder right yeah and then the the judge was introducing him and on this side uh the big bodybuilder come out and like he came out all these and stuff and the dad when he saw his son calling out that was his opponent he's like okay stop this oh really yeah he was like he literally went up to camera he said stop this like he looked at his son he's like do you want this because look how big he is compared to you this is not even fair you're not in the same way and his son's like

I feel like the son just lost all confidence right then and there. Yeah, because if you say that, who the fuck? But it's right, though. Like, if my son was going off against that, I was like, bro, use common sense. You're not gonna... That's true. You know what I mean? That is true. You don't have to prove to anyone that you got the dog in you. You know what I mean? Yeah, that's true. The smarter version is just... Because it could fuck you up for life. Yeah. And then you don't know... Yeah, it could literally be the death of you if you make the wrong decision. Exactly. Would you really want to die over what? Your pride? Yeah.

No, you have to... Like, if you were to lose your life, it has to be for something, like, very, very important to you. What would that be for you? I guess just family. Yeah, I was just gonna say, someone, like, hitting my mom or dad. Yeah, it would just have to be for family. Yeah, I would crash out. Oh, my God. If I seen some shit, I would literally turn into this. The Joker...

Like if I heard fam, anything touched my mom or dad fam, it's mad. She gets dark, bro. She gets dark. Yo, because I was watching this. Do you know Zerka? Yeah. Yeah. He was having this debate with Sneeko. And this was the best fucking debate I heard. But he was pretty much saying how God, our God is the most loving. Because he was having a conversation with Sneeko and he said, what's the most loving thing you could do?

And he said, I don't know, like, care for somebody, blah, blah. And then he goes, no, something deeper than that. Have you seen this clip? No, I haven't. So he said something deeper than that. And he was like, I don't know. I don't know. What is it? And Zerka goes, the most loving thing you can do for someone. Would you take a bullet for your mom? And he said, yeah, I guess I would. Yeah. Would you say that's the most...

loving sacrifice you can give like yeah, probably Dying dying for somebody right now for someone you love. That's what God you would only love You don't you love someone so much if they you would die for them. Yeah, and that's what our God did that's and then she goes like because you know, he converted from Christianity to Islam but you and then circa is the opposite. I think he converted from Islam to Christianity. Yeah, I

So it's just interesting seeing that debate. No, because it's like, I feel like Zerka gets painted in a bad light because a lot of clips I've seen about him is like, he's a 35 year old loser. Like he just picks on kids. Right. But like, I've seen another clip where he pages somebody about his necklace. So there was an industry guy at his house and he was wearing this necklace and they had like some triangles or some, it was, it was triangles or symbols of a satanic ritual. Right.

right and he paged him he was like whoa that necklace you're wearing is actually really bad and then that guy that was wearing the thing he said yeah i praise uh it's like lakum it starts with l i don't know exactly but as soon as he said his name like lakuma or something

Zirka was like, how do you know about that? Wait, why? Because that L word means like sacrificing bodies and stuff like that. And then he was like, you industry people know something we don't. And then it was fucked because the industry person came up to the camera and went like this to Zirka. It was like this. So everyone's saying that Zirka was cursed because he exposed that guy wearing the necklace. He literally went up to the camera beside Zirka and he's like,

Oh shit. So he put like some next witchcraft on him? We don't know though. We don't know because Circa was smart enough to know about that and he exposed him in front of thousands of people. Yo, that's fucked. It is fucked. Like you can tell. It gets deep bro. Like these spiritualistic things, there's a whole realm and a whole world of people studying it, different type of like ritual, different type of

like meanings of things and if you just walk out into the regular world you would just see what you want to see without being educated you know i mean like it's only until you're taught things that you realize there might be deeper meanings to it yeah because we can just walk out into the mall and just see like ads on the wall but is the shape in a certain way to appeal to us is it

Is it all just like something to sell? You know what I mean? Trying to take our money. Propaganda. Trying to change our image on things. Probably is, fam. But how can we avoid it? We can't. You feel me? We just have to be... Do our due diligence and research. You know what I mean? And be aware. Yo, you know what Jet told me? I was having a conversation with him. And we were talking about spiritualistic shit. But he told me... Because you know how I was going to go to the army before? Yeah. Yeah.

He told me like, I think he had a friend that was in the military. But he said there's a common...

Phenomena that every single soldier goes through. Oh, shit. It's like the third man syndrome too? Similar. Okay. It's similar. So apparently, whoever your first kill was, like your first blood. No. There's a common phenomena. Almost every person that has killed somebody has the exact same dream. Fuck, that's so weird. And the dream is...

the person they killed leaning over them in their sleep. So you're just like sleeping in your bed and they have a dream of the person that they killed looking over them, looking over their body. And the crazy thing is like almost every person that has killed somebody has had that dream. And if not, they might be lying. What do you mean lying? They might have not wanted to speak about it. Okay. Yeah. But there's people that deny it.

But they say no, it's because of this and this. So is the dream like how that dead person comes up to him like, bro, why'd you do it? Like a guilty type of dream? I think so. It should be. Yeah. Because if you really kill someone, bro, there's no way you don't feel any guilt. I feel like that's where it comes from too. If you don't feel any guilt, the next dream you have will make you feel guilty. You have to feel that some type of thing.

I think, yo, what if that's real? It's almost like spectic mode. And then you just want to fuck with the person that killed you. But at the same time, it's like, then how do you explain all the mass murderers who go in court and laugh at the parents? You know what, bro? I think they're just sick.

Like in the head type of thing. Oh, sick in the head? Yeah, I think they're just like... Do you think they get those dreams too or are they prone to it because they're just too out there? Maybe they do. But how often are we able to prove that or hear from it, right? Like even dreams, talking about dreams itself, it's so hard to have proof to it because we can't see what we have in each other's head. Until there's a way to put that into digital form and even still you could probably manipulate it. Yeah.

But how would you really be able to tell what's inside their head exactly? Like low key, even just the human experience, me experiencing life is so different from you experiencing life, right? Yeah.

And it's hard to know exactly what everyone does and everyone feels. And we think we know what it is. But until you're actually in that person's view and almost life, then you can really tell the difference. That's why you don't judge. That's why you don't judge. Because who knows? What if there's an underlying pain that they walk with every single day, but you wouldn't ever know? Because it's something so deep that they would never bring up to you. And sometimes your friends are like that.

That's so true. It's because it's like a lot of the... Because you see a guy that goes to court and does the... I don't know if you've seen that one guy who's like... I think he killed like 14 kids, right? Damn. And then he was like, oh, free me. I'll be home soon, right? But if you really bag it, that guy probably wasn't raised...

Like a lot of people are not going to see his story. Yeah, that's true. That's what I'm saying. But like he was probably raised in a bad household. Like he had all these problems which made him do that. But obviously it's like... It's not an excuse but it's still a thing of let's try to understand what happened. But I don't think at that moment it's like you can't because...

already there's people been killed like you've taken away people yeah it's fucked that's fucked bro you could never be a judge because you'll be too like too double-sided double-sided because i feel like the judges that are really good like you have to stand on one thing yeah stand on thing i stand on i stand on sides but it's very understanding i still understand everyone's point that but i think the judge's thing is to is to i guess understand both sides

The jury is the one that actually makes the decision, right? But for the judge, I feel like you have to sympathize with a side too. You know what I mean? True. Because if you're sympathizing for both, no one... No murderer would get... That's what makes a judge fair. High key, that's what makes a judge fair. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe, right? Yeah. Damn. Yo, imagine if every single day you walked around, you had somebody...

Not like a person, but you know in Legend of Zelda, Navi? Oh, yeah. It's like a flying around NPC. Yeah, yeah. That one. Like that? What if you always had something like that with you walking around before you made a big decision?

That's not... I wouldn't like that. I don't think I would like that. Because fam, that's like a cheat code. If I had someone, go this way, you're going to make a million dollars. That's fucked. I would rather go make a wrong decision and just end up there. What if it's not so... I guess like... So what's the use for it? No, it's kind of hinting. Like...

You go through that door, you might win a million dollars. I don't know, though. But I don't know. People with anxiety would start shooting at you. That's a voice in your head. But I don't know, though. Yo, across the street, you might die. I don't know, though. Fuck. You know how stressful that shit is? Yo, Loki...

Loki wouldn't be sick though. That's why Zelda has problems, fam. Because he's always going... Like, even the Pinocchio with the guy... Who's that little green guy? Jiminy Cricket. Jiminy Cricket. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's probably so annoying to that guy because he's like, bro, let me make my own decisions. But he's like, they're like, you got to do the right thing. Because it's the conscience, bro. Yeah, it is the conscience. But I guess you always have your own conscience anyway. So you wouldn't need somebody else's. Yeah. But...

I guess you need somebody else to just have a friend. But I feel like those mass murderers and those killers... They don't have a conscience? They don't have a conscience and are probably soulless. If they go into court and they're like, ha ha ha, fuck all the different... I think there's just a chemical thing. They just can't feel certain... Maybe empathy or whatever it may be. That's probably what it is. For example, the Joker. You watched the movie, right? Fam...

that's that's a great example loki this on theme but the joker the reason he has such a backing and this is why it's so realistic is because all the people they kind of related to his situation where everybody felt like yo they don't care about me they don't care about this class of people we're the because there was the poor versus the rich joker was representing the poor yeah because the rich were like

putting the poor people even lower and lower and lower. He's really the real, Loki's the real hero for that because he took everyone that was feeling like low and probably suicidal. You know what I mean? That's why it's crazy. So what's right? I don't know, man. You don't know what's right, fam. That's the thing. Because I don't, I can never say like somebody is exactly wrong. Like I can tell somebody's wrong or right, but I can never say like they're doomed forever and they can never be forgiven. I can never say that.

Carlos does this thing when you're about to make a wrong decision. He makes this noise like... You do it like... Are you sure you want to go that way? You always do it like...

My sister does that too. Oh, for real? My sister does that. Yeah, you guys own that? Yeah, I do that stuff. You know what I mean? My sister does that too. But yo, I've also, this is some crazy, since I'm wearing the makeup. Yeah. So there's some crazy clown story, some real life clown killer story. Oh shit, yeah. With a crazy plot twist, right? So the girl that was the victim of it was Marlene Warren. I don't know if you heard of her. Nah.

So this woman had two kids and I think she was married to some guy, but I think he passed away, right? So she remarried to another guy. I think his name was Michael Warren, right? So they had their family all set up and a couple years go on and they start having fights, like petty arguments, right? And Marlene even told her mom, she was like, if anything happens to me,

My husband is the one you're gonna have to blame because he's been like trying to harass me. He's trying to assault me. He's trying to everything, right? So he's leading up. Yeah. So there was one night where Marlene was just there with one of her sons, right?

And she hears a knock on the door. So she goes out and she sees a white, I think a white Chrysler parked in front of their house. She's like, I've never seen this car before. And she opens the door after looking through the window. Fam, there's a clown at her, in her house with a balloon and flowers. The clown doesn't say anything. She gives Marlene the balloon. She gives Marlene the flowers. Takes out revolver.

straight to the face shot her in the head in front of her son yeah so everyone was like okay we already know who this is this is the husband yeah right the husband comes back home she's like what happened to my wife the kid's like no i know you did this i know you did this fam whole time the husband had um allies saying no he was at this place he was at this place so the police is like

What the fuck? Who did this? Right? So there was like some... A spirit Halloween type store. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like across the road. And they interviewed like the cashier. He said... It wasn't a guy that was here. It was a girl. She bought the same clown costume. She bought the red and white face paint. So...

Turns out the whole time, Michael's having an affair with that one girl that killed his wife. Oh, shit. So I forgot her name, but it was the person that was literally having an affair with Michael. She said, fuck that. I want you out of the equation. Bob, I'm going to go to your house in a clown costume. In the clown costume? Yeah, in the... I don't know. She did have to do it. But why in the clown costume? I don't know. Just because? Yeah, just because. What the fuck? Yeah, it's fucked. This is a real life clown killer, fam. What the fuck?

She couldn't choose something else, bro. That's what I'm saying, bro. It would have been easier to just... I mean, yeah, Loki would have been easier to go as yourself. But I feel like she thought that, okay, let me have some makeup on at least. And try to disguise myself. What do you think the mythology of it is? Because just even the way a clown looks, why does it look like this?

Why does it look like that? I don't know. You know? Like the shape, the colors, why is that so prominent? Even just in old times, like the jester times. Yeah.

It's interesting. Because it doesn't look funny. It looks more scary than funny. It looks kind of scary, right? So maybe there is a deeper meaning than clowns and they were supposed to be funny. Maybe they actually were just like the straight killers of the town and that's why they dressed up like this. Oh, maybe it's like to throw your mind off because if Marlene saw a person in a mask, oh, fuck, I'm dying.

But it's like, oh, it's a clown? Yo, that's a good point. Because a clown is supposed to be friendly. Exactly. So back in the day, like clowns would be just fun. Yo, yo, that's why. Yo, theory right now. So originally, because we know clowns are supposed to be for joy and happiness.

But what makes it scary is they put that edge to it of making it a killer. So joy and happiness becomes what? Becomes scary death. And it's like something that triggers in your mind where it's like if something funny goes to something really bad, it triggers a more scarier instinct in your mind. Like that's not supposed to be happening. You know what I mean? That's like there's this Rick and Morty episode, but it's something that's super cute.

But it's like the most dangerous thing in the world. But it strikes fear because it's like, that's not normal. It's not supposed to be cute. It's too cute. It's dangerous. Yeah, yeah. Then it becomes like a shorty. If she's too pretty, she might be dangerous. She might be dangerous. She might be toxic to you. Oh my, that's a perfect one. She might be toxic to you, bro. Yeah, 100%. Yo, that's a great...

Yo, are they modern day clowns, fam? Holy shit. All the pretty girls are like, yo, what do we do? They're trying to play you, bro. They're trying to clown you, fam. I know, yeah. You can't actually be dealing with that. That's why you gotta go for the medium pretty ones. Not the pretty pretty ones, the medium pretty ones. Yo, you know what I learned? So in comics, you know X-Men? Yeah, yeah. The...

Yeah, Wolverine, Wolverine. Oh, yeah. With the three claws. Or six claws, sorry. But he always wears what color? Yellow and blue? Yeah, yellow and blue. Yeah. Right? But the other X-Men, they don't always wear those colors. They usually wear like darker colors. Yeah. Now, why does Wolverine though have the brightest one, the yellow and blue? Why? Yellow is royalty or something? Nah, not even like that. What? Tag this.

Wolverine wears the brightest colors so that he attracts all the enemies to him what? so all of his teammates won't take the first hits and he will because Wolverine can his powers he regenerates and he can take the most damage so it's like him sacrificing himself making himself the target

So that his homies can be free type of thing. That's a W sacrifice to be honest. But one thing I found out with the mythology of like yellow, there's like a subconscious thing. I don't know why, but the color yellow. It stands out. It's the most iconic in media. Why? Think about it. McDonald's. Most iconic characters ever. Pikachu is what? Yellow. Pac-Man is what? Yellow. Kill Bill. Damn.

Bruce Lee is the yellow. Naruto, yellow hair. Name one. Probably has yellow, fam. Superman has a yellow logo. Batman has a yellow logo. The only one, I guess, is Spider-Man. Didn't he have a yellow and blue suit? No, he doesn't. But that's what I'm saying. There's gonna be... Minions! Yellow, bro! Minions is so popular. Fuck.

Shit is yellow. There's low-key. There's so many things that like they play with us and they use us for. They know, okay, we're gonna make it this and it will get this much people because of that. It's like almost so calculated. Maybe. It's too obvious. Do you know what I've seen in the, this is off topic, but you know, I went to the Dom Corleone concert. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Did something just fall from my face? I think it's a piece of the thing. It's a piece of the color. I was like, what the fuck?

a crayon but yeah um i went to the dom corleo concert and you know when artists have like um shit flashing in the back yeah yeah and i think this also happened with some other rapper but with dom corleo he had um a picture flashed in the back and it was his face and like uh jesus you know how jesus had the the thorns yeah thorns i'm like that's

That's kind of odd. You know what I mean? And then like when we went to Polo G, it had like the snakes. And then a rapper, I forgot what his fucking name was, but comment down below if you know. He got criticized because he had the Antichrist logo put up on his set for like five seconds. And all of this... And you know, imagine you're jumping in the crowd and your rapper is supposed to be like a Christian supporter. So you see this and you're like,

So it's anti-God? Yeah, it's anti-Christ. Everyone saw it. It was like, time out. Everyone started booing him. And I was like, whoa, that's kind of sick how they all realized that, though. Oh, so this is the first time they switched in favor. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he got criticized. He's like, yo, my production team, I didn't know that was up there. Yo, that's crazy. Never know, man. Yo, because at the same time, we don't know for sure if it is the artist or if it's the team behind them. Exactly, yeah. Because there's usually a team that...

will allow things to happen. So that's why whenever mistakes are made in media, I feel that it's already planned to be like that. See, that's crazy. Because you have like what? 12 men in the boardroom and they're all going to allow it? Oh my, yo, I just bagged that too. Like imagine like, say you don't want to, you don't sell your soul. Yeah. But your manager...

is a person that sold you know what I mean wouldn't that be yeah wouldn't that be selling your soul because you're a part of him you're part of his I guess it's just association though association I don't know if it's exactly yeah that's scary too cause you have to really bag that they might not sell your soul but they might give it to you in a different way like you might be partnered up with this guy

Which is fucked, yo. The industry, man. I think you're good, though. I think you're good. Because if somebody... If it's just, like, somebody that's on your team, it's not necessarily you. Because you could still make a difference. I guess, yeah. You know? But if you were the one to call the shot and you made the decision... Because I feel like everybody just has a choice. And if you made the choice, then it's different. But if somebody else made the choice for you...

That's true. That should be in the clear type. They were clowning on Yachty too because he went to Vancouver recently, right? And the pit was super small because I bet like a lot of people didn't want to pay extra for the mosh pit tickets, right? Yeah. So before he played Slide, he said, everyone, this is not a Yachty concert. Everyone from the top come down to the bottom. So everyone bum rushed. Like, you know, the Travis concert. That's how people got killed, right? Oh, fuck.

It like flooded. Yeah, so it started flooding. And he said, this is what I mean. Play the music. And everyone started jumping, right? The organizers, they're like, everyone go back to your seats or we're shutting it down. Fam, no one wanted to budge because they're having fun. Yeah, they're having fun. Cut.

cancelled fam damn so that was low key Yachty's fault I would that happened because fam you're calling everyone that's not good yeah that's dangerous still but that's what they want you to have fun and I see the appeal to it right you're supposed to have such a big moment there at the same time it's everybody's lives

which I would want a refund just because he said that because he's like yo bro if I'm in the pit and I paid for these tickets calling everyone down and ruined it for us

Yeah, that's messed up. That's messed up. That's messed up. So they jumped in. Yeah, everyone rushed. Like, it was a Travis Scott concert. Damn, bro. You know what I mean? That's fucked. Played two mosh pit songs, done. Damn, do you think I could do that at a Travis concert? I could, like, run into the... Probably, yeah, low-key. I feel like they would just allow it. They would allow it, fam. Not that I'm gonna do it. Yeah. Not that I'm gonna do it. That's a safety hazard. You're gonna see me jump in, Swanton Bob. Yo, I think...

I think the Travis concert that I'm going to go to, it didn't have that many ticket sales. Oh, he's not selling. Surprisingly. Is it because he was canceled for a bit and maybe he was thing? Do you think it's because of Astroworld that people don't want to go? Maybe. Probably. Or it's because like... Because it's a question in the air now type of thing. Or you can look at it on a deeper level. When he was like doing all that satanic shit and he did the Astroworld, he did the ritual with the big...

you know, the big ring. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He sold out concert. But since now he transferred to God's side. Oh, there's no backing. Yeah, there's no backing. But like, Travis is still going to do his concert because he trusts God. Like, okay, these are the people that support me. That'll come.

Yeah, that's a good point still. You can look at it on a deeper level, but... Yeah. Because does... Yo. Does all of like fame, fortune, and all of that stuff come from an evil? An evil, yeah. And sometimes it does. And especially in the rap community, fam. If you're not rapping about shit no more, if you're not rapping about drugs, lean, you know, killing people, you're not gonna get that same pull. Yeah, a great point of that is...

You can look at an artist, let's say Kendrick, and he was always rapping about real shit. Exactly. They don't want to hear that anymore. They want to hear bullshit. They don't want to hear real shit.

As soon as Travis dropped the God knows, yeah, everyone was out still. Yo. Your shit probably dropped, but it's so fucked. And still to this day, people don't like Donda, and it's the people that don't, you know. Yeah, and it's funny. Is it a coincidence that Ye also produced his album that not a lot of people are coming now because maybe he's associated to Ye? Maybe. Because I know the Top G, I can't say the name, but a lot of people that still associate with him

they can't get any backing from companies at all. At all still. And that's almost like a death sentence and it sucks because what if you associate with someone before they were quote unquote canceled? Would you be considered canceled because you're still with them in the beginning? I guess it has to be like how soon, right?

I don't think so. I don't think you would. I wouldn't blame someone necessarily. Because if Drake said some shit cancelable and 40 wouldn't get canceled for that. Okay, but now let's say like you can look at Jeffrey Epstein's Island. Okay. That's the same shit. So let's say fucking Steve Jobs is beside Jeffrey Epstein. Oh, okay. Is that not the same shit? Fuck. You get me? Because we can't do it when it's convenient. We got to do it on. Yeah.

No, you have a point there still cuz like in pictures. Yeah, you guys probably did the same shit. Yeah, that's I'm saying See, I feel I feel we give a bias Depending on which genre of people it is Isn't that crazy? If like some country artists did something no one like yeah That's what I'm saying. It depends on the genre of people and the audience It's taken differently

A comedian, for example. Fans of a comedian, they're not going to cancel a comedian for saying outlandish shit. But when the comedian is on national television now and says something, then they might be canceled. Even if they didn't say something. Even if it's just straying to one political side or even just an ideal. Yeah.

they just want to cancel him they just want to take him out just want to throw him in the garbage because they don't match up to the agenda yeah because andrew schultz is friends with um that other guy that i said comedian he got canceled right before he went up to live television because he said the c word for asians oh really so he was supposed to be the next like big comedian was gonna be on snl yeah in an interview he dropped like the c word

And he got out of there. And Dave Chappelle, he's so funny because he took him on tour, right? Yeah. And he said, you know, I'm going to introduce my opener. He was about to be the next big thing, but dropped the C word. And he brought everyone that was cancelled onto his show. Oh, that's sick though.

And I think Andrew Schultz was like canceled a few years ago, but he ended up selling like selling out the Rogers Center like twice. So you can't really cancel, you know, a comedian. Because do you think everybody's titled to their opinion and are they allowed to say whatever they want? Yeah. Because back then you wouldn't get canceled. You wouldn't get canceled. Because if it's on a point of, if you don't like it, then just don't watch it type thing, you know? Exactly. My opinion. Why are you bothering him with it?

But I think it's different because me playing like both sides I think it's different when there's you know, there's gonna have such an audience and whatever you promote It's obviously gonna have an effect on the population. Yeah, so for example in a Disney movie and you already know bear kids are watching that right if you lean them to one side of an opinion, they're probably gonna grow up with that opinion. Yeah, you know the um, the Disney movie with the emotions, I

Yeah. Inside Out. Inside Out, yeah. So everyone was saying that they related the most to the sad one. So imagine every kid grows up sad now. Like, they want to be that character. Like, I don't think they made the happy character good. Like, I feel like he was like a bad character. Yeah. You know what I mean? It was more of the... Everyone remembers the angry one. The red, the hothead. Yeah, fam. Okay, I really hope I don't offend anybody. Yeah. Like...

I don't think it's that serious, but you know how there's a whole culture back in the day of like emo? Okay, yeah. And we made it cool to be almost depressed. Opium, opium. Yeah. Made it cool to be depressed. Isn't that like the worst thing possible? Why would you want to promote people being depressed and make it cool? And wouldn't you want to change it? Because if you're constantly promoting it, wouldn't you be stuck in that state? Yeah, probably. Isn't that fucked?

Hopefully I didn't offend people because I know there's people that mess with that like culture because it is a culture. But at the same time, it's like, why would you want to feel sad all the time? You know, I seen this story too, where it's like there was some guy named Alma, right? And he was a super like bad kid and depressed, right? But his mom gave him up for adoption. Yeah. Right. And I guess he, the only way to get out of it, like his only job was to go in the military. Right. So when he died, like,

No one came to his funeral and no one paid his fees, right? Yeah. So some guy took his body and put his body in like, you know those fun houses? Oh, you put it in like the live? Yeah, so he put his body in the laugh houses because he's like, there's no one, this body is going to waste. You know what I mean? Let me just put his body in the thing, right? And it's crazy because it's like,

all the kids thought that everything was fake and they knew that one was real, especially because whenever they went in the funhouse, they were like, this guy stinks. Like this mannequin fucking stinks, right? And it's crazy too. It's like they were filming something and wanted to use that funhouse as a prop, like a scene in the movie. And the director, he was like, I don't like how that body's...

looking right now. Can you move it? Right? So the director goes up to the body, moves his arm, arm falls off. What he sees in the arm is his bones and shit. He's like, wait, what the fuck? Like, this is a real person. Like, yo, can someone like get on this case? So they reported it to police, found out that it was Elmer in that, in that funhouse. Damn.

Yeah. But like, yeah, it was fucked. You know, there's some people that they donate their body though to, I guess not, not that. Yeah. But this, this was different because some guy was like, let me take it.

So he didn't have a choice? He didn't have a choice. Fam, he was dead. Oh yeah, and then he didn't have anybody watching over him. Exactly. He was like, no friends, no nothing. No one came to the thing. The only way to pay off the body was to get the body, I guess. Yeah. Which is fucked. Why do we make jack-o'-lanterns? Jack-o'-lanterns? I feel like, I swear it's like one of those things where it's to scare away the ghost. Yeah, jack-o'-lanterns are actually really good.

Because it's like light. Yeah, it's like the crow thing. Yeah, because I'm pretty sure light is what keeps away evil spirits. Facts, facts. But when it's dark, you celebrate Halloween at night. Oh, you know what's crazy too? Low-key. Because you know how back then everyone was dressing up going to trick-or-treat like all the kids and stuff? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So...

Yeah, this fuck. So, you know how Travis said, like, oh, the trumpets, like, all the rock bands are going on their last tour. Yo, yeah. All their evil people are going on their last tour. You see how Halloween is low-key fading with the kids? Oh.

Like, you can't say, like... And, like, everyone is being aware of this. Like, Loki, the artists are giving up. They're literally, say, putting the word S on their thing. They're literally just throwing everything out there. They're, like, they're taking their last all-in bet. Right? You think some shit's about to happen now? Because...

Maybe. Not a lot of people are dressing up for Halloween. They're not doing it no more. Yeah, because do kids... I feel like with kids, though, because we're a little bit older, we have to see from... Because I have younger... You know what I mean? Younger cousins, and I see them all the time. Yeah. I think they're still super into it. Word. The tradition of trick-or-treating, I still think it's a little bit... I felt like it is dying, though. I think in the sense of theme, because one thing is...

Because during the times we would watch on TV, everything on TV is Halloween. Halloween movies, Halloween shows, even just the in-between moments. Commercials are Halloween themed. You know what I mean? But the only things that would be Halloween themed are the content that you watch on YouTube now or wherever you see it. And it just depends on like if...

those creators want to make it that theme. That's true. If they want to like play into it. Yeah. Damn. I don't know. But that is kind of weird that all the rock fans are doing their last tour fam. You know that episode of Fairly Oddparents where everybody turned into whatever they dressed up as? Oh really? Oh yeah. That was crazy. I remember that shit. That was so sick.

That's literally Halloween, though. It's like... In, like, real life? No, they turned... Like, they became... Oh, they... Like, if someone dressed up as a snake, they would become a snake? Oh, that's kind of fun. Like, somebody was a mummy. I think Chester was a mummy, and he became, like, an actual mummy. Oh, shit. Yeah, and then... I don't remember that one. His other friend was, like, Frankenstein, and he became Frankenstein. But there was a really cool one, because one of his friends was...

He was like a fucking superhero. Yeah. And he turned into like a machine. It was so crazy. It was so crazy. Imagine only if we had that day on Halloween. It was like, in this day, you can literally be everyone you want. You would get the powers and shit? Yeah, you would get your powers. Oh, that's a great question. Who would you dress up as? Oh, fuck. Maybe Iron Man.

Iron Man? That would be- I feel like that's the basic answer, like going as a superhero. Iron Man? No, like going as any superhero. True. Superman 2? Superman would be crazy. Yeah, Loki, I would go as the Joker, fam. Imagine just being the Joker for a day. Joker's a real- he's a regular guy, bro. No, but imagine just, like, everyone fears me. You know what I mean? Like,

Like you see a joker in the subway and you're like what the hell is going on yo low key don't you think we can charge our bro I just was a charge that I'm flying I can breathe fire. That is kind of fire. That's hard That's hard. Yo, look at with your Pokemon. Yeah easily. Yeah, that's cool - Pokemon I wouldn't want to be like a celebrity because I feel that's whack. Yeah, that is why there's just a regular person with money and

Yeah, I think any mythical creature that doesn't exist would be the right champ. But what if? Because this is the way those scary demonic shit work. What if you take part in that Halloween thing where you get to turn into whatever, but you accidentally get trapped forever as that person? That would be sick. Forever Charizard? Yo.

And like you can't even link up with your parents no more because whenever you talk like fire comes out your mouth. Yo, that's sad bro. That's like a thing. That's like that movie we talked about Tusk. Oh yeah, Tusk. Where he turned into a walrus. That's so sad. I think that's one of the scariest things is being trapped. Like you can't change. That's sad. Especially when it's not your own doing.

Damn. Do you think ever that, you know how we have that second voice in our head? Do you ever get to one of those days where that second voice starts talking and you feel like,

Maybe one day that it'll just take over. Never. Whatever that alter ego of you is, one day will just... Oh, you're never... Not even Carlos no more. Low-key, everything about me and everything with me is for me. We're all on the same team type of shit. My fingers, we're all working together. My knees, we're all working together. My mind, we're all working together. Because if you really bag it, some person told me this, some people have the...

If you're on Instagram, you're kind of showing people the cooler side of you, right? Or like, that's not really the real you on Instagram, right? So somebody said that if you had an alter ego on Instagram, every day you wake up, you actually... And you log on to Instagram, you're already transforming into that alter ego. So you think you become who you try to be? Yeah. So you're not... So in life, the people that are really...

Locked into that alter ego. I would like to think my my Instagram version of me is the same though Yeah, Loki Loki. I would like to think it's the exact same because I don't try to portray someone I'm not mm-hmm. I literally just try to be me. Yeah, cuz if it's if it's to a point of um Like I'm trying to be somebody I would already be it. Yeah type of thing. I wouldn't try I

it would already just be type of thing. Because you can connect it with like maybe celebrities, the people that really sold their shit, they're not even themselves no more because they can't be. Because like they put on this persona for so long that it just turns out that, you know what I mean? Yeah, because the sad thing is

People have a thing that they people can't change but people always change we changed tomorrow. Yeah, you know Like man change tomorrow is no biggie. Yeah. Yeah, but the thing is because you see all the time look somebody um They go on a workout like regiment they come out these or they come out like looking super different Yeah, they changed. No, probably their mindset changed too. Yeah and their persona

also probably changed. So to think of somebody as a stagnant thing or as a, as a, this is what this person is, is almost impossible because everybody's moving all the time. Facts, facts, facts.

And if you think about the universe, fam, like, we're all just molecules moving. Shit changes, too. And, like, the saddest shit, too, is, like, always on New Year's, it's like, yo, what would you want to do the next year to grow? And then someone, obviously, like, the quote is, like, oh, I would...

I would be sad if I was the same person I was last year. You know what I mean? Like, there's no growth at all. Really? Well, why? Yeah. No, because that's true, though. Because, like, if you really bag it, say you made no progress, barely any growth from the last year, I would be sad, too. Like, shit. You know what? I wouldn't be sad because I know, like, I would still... Because to me, like...

Because you have to grow. Regardless, you have to grow in some way. There's no way in a year you don't experience something that doesn't make you grow. If you don't do that, that means you're actually not outside enough and living life. You know what I mean? That's why I would be sad. But the reason I say I wouldn't be sad is because it's not too late.

Yeah, it's not. But like, I thought that it would be kind of a disappointing, like, fuck, it's already been a year. Like, you know, like, come on, man. But I don't I don't look at it as what happened in the past. You should be worried about you should be worried about what are you doing?

You know, like, fuck the past. For me, what are you going to do? Like, cry in your bed? Yeah. Like, do now. Like, get up. Type shit. You want to make it to go. Like, it's as easy as that. But people don't realize that. And this is what I really, really bagged is the most successful people and the people that I see that always make it

to the top and I found this trend after watching so many documentaries recently that the people that succeed and the people that do well they're the people that look at things to do because it's challenging

Not because it's easy. The people that do it because it's easy are the ones that stay the same. But the people that do shit because it's challenging. You know the people that, like, you probably had older siblings, or I mean, older siblings or older cousins or role models that are like, yo, let's do it. It looks like it'll be hard. Let's try it. Mm-hmm.

Those are the people that are successful. Facts. And that's what I learned. Because, fam, to be, to change, and to change who you are,

Change is supposed to be hard. To mold something out of what it was, right? It's supposed to be hard. But you can obviously take easy steps to it. It just won't be as drastic. And if you want to be a great, you know what I mean? You want to be completely different from the average, you better be working fucking harder. You know? You better be working nonstop. Because if you want to be a goat... Because people say, oh, I want to be a goat. And then what? What are you going to do?

You better be working like even harder than who you see is great type of shit. Yeah. You heard that Kobe story where, um, so team USA was like on the most craziest street, like undefeated. Right. So Kobe, Carmelo, everyone after the game, they were like, Oh yeah, we're, we're about to hit the club. Right. And they're leaving their hotel room. Right. It's like, I think it's like 4am and all they see in the elevator is Kobe getting in, but he's not in the club shit. He's going to work out at 4am. Yeah.

After their win, they have every superstar. So they don't even need practice, right? Kobe's like, fuck that. Like, I'm going to go and work out right now. And it, like, led on to, like, this domino effect where they're like, yo, we really need to lock in right now. So everyone at 4 a.m. started working out with Kobe and, like, it put a smile on his face. You know what I mean? Because it takes one person to be great to change everyone else. Yeah. There's this effect. I forgot exactly what it's called. Oh, it's the four mile. Four mile? I think it's, like...

I forgot it was. It's like you can't run a mile in four minutes. Yeah. Something like that. Okay. But it was a record that could never be broken. Okay. Until one person did it and then like 20 other people did it in the same week. Damn. But it took one person to do it for everybody else to believe it's possible. Yeah, that makes sense. And then other people could do it. Yeah. But that's what makes it great, bro. You have to take somebody that does the unknown and isn't fearful of the fucking consequences and is excited about the challenge. Yeah.

to motivate somebody else because those are the rare traits, right? The average, man, 1%, we don't really like realize how much 1% is. 1% is very, very, very rare. Like 99, 99% of people wouldn't do it. To be a 1% person, you have to be different. Facts, facts.

You have to be like... And that's scary to go out there and be the different one. Yeah. It's like, fuck, you have so much to go. You have so much to complete. It's like 98%, 97%. Oh, finally people are catching on. But once it moves, you know what I mean? I think slowly, the way my development is going, I still partake in things that are fun and a lot of people do. Yeah.

But slowly and slowly, I'm trying to drift away. And you can see this. You definitely see this. Slowly and slowly, I'm trying to find my own thing that I like rather than just do it because everybody else is for the experience. Because eventually, you have your experience. And I see it too. You don't fall into peer pressure at all because you're surrounded by everyone. That's the occasion. That's what you're supposed to do. But you're like, no, I'll do it in a different way. This is what I like. I'm not going to drink alcohol. I'll drink wine. You know what I mean? It's just good to...

Because what I want to inspire other people to is just do what you truly want. Because a lot of the times we feel we're obligated to do what we're supposed to look like or we're supposed to feel like. I don't know. And then when you play under other people's rules, then you feel like you're not in control. And what I learned a lot growing up is fucking...

you want to be in as much control as possible, but it is hard. Like it, it takes a different type of mentality for that. And it does take pain, but it's worth it in my opinion. No, because it's like, I feel like everyone gets into a phase of their years where I guess it's like outgrowing your parents because like you finally know what you want to do. Right. Yeah. But like, and you're like, you become logical and there's like situations where it's like you go to your parents and you tell them your ideas, but they don't get it because they've,

They're used to a lifestyle. And you're, as a kid, or since they see you as a kid, they're not going to take what your opinion says and try to get help from you because you're a kid, right? So they're going to push you away. Because I feel like everyone goes through that. Just outgrowing your parents is kind of weird. See, that's the thing. Is it disrespectful? It's not, though. I know, that's the problem. Yeah, that's the problem.

But they take it as disrespect. I think it's like the Filipino mindset. I feel like it's not even Filipinos. Everyone deals with it. Everybody's like that. There's definitely kids out there who are like, oh, you try and give your dad advice. No, that's disrespect. Don't talk to me like that because you're a kid. You don't know. You haven't lived this life. But fam, if your parents really understood you, they would take advice. You know what I mean? Yo, because... Obviously, no offense to...

a relative or any relatives but I would have somebody that they have aspirations to do something and I could really really like help them but they wouldn't want to listen and they wouldn't want to

pitch this other concept instead and do it this way and then they try it and it obviously doesn't work and I try and help them and show them like it would work this way if you just I don't know believe in me because you should believe in me because it becomes a thing of like okay now you don't it's almost like you don't give me credit for what I've done it's like you just want to prove me that I'm still less than you and it's not a thing of like being better it's just a thing of

I guess you're just not proud. You know? I get that, fam. Right? Yeah. But it's just, it's like an ego. And you're not wrong, too, by trying to help them because that is the right move. It's just like, they didn't take your advice. Like, that's. Yeah, it's just an ego that comes with it. I know. I don't know, bro. Like, sometimes pride gets into two people's way and is like, you can't cross. Ah, fuck.

it's that that's the hardest one especially when it's with somebody you really care about because it's like you want the best for them but they don't want the best in that way you know like they wouldn't want it to be because of that I guess they just want to do it on their own like oh I found this I found my solution yeah but why would you like come to me then aha you used to do that though too

to ask for people yeah you used to you can't say that because i get why people do that because maybe they just want to hear other opinions but they're always going to stand on what they stand on but it's like at the same time you did come to me for advice too but you just didn't no no no no but but okay it's different the situation is different because it's like um they wanted help they wanted help to do something yeah so they're asking me for help but they didn't want my solution to it type of thing

Okay. So they wanted me to help them with their way. So you're asking me for my time.

to help them yeah but in in their like way to work type of thing okay and it's not it's not like a it's actually like work yeah it's not you know okay but like it's hard to say it because i don't want to say it yeah but they were so set on their plan like like they would even hear opinions but they asked you anyways yeah they just say oh that's wrong got you guys oh that's wrong yeah yeah well okay fine all right i know y'all you could have been rich right there i guess

I don't know bro. I don't know though. I don't know though. Let them live whoever you know I mean. Do you have another scary story you ended off on? Yeah, I don't think I have another scary story. Do you have like a personal story? A personal story for Halloween? Oh, I might actually.

Yo, okay, so I have this story. And I don't know if it's a fucking... I don't know if it's like a Mandela effect or not. Because you know those times where you have a memory but you think it's a dream? But you don't know if it's real life? But it feels like real life? So we were walking down this street during Halloween. It was the biggest mansions ever. And we were getting the biggest chocolate bars and shit, right? Okay.

But I remember walking there, we did it, we did a trick or treat. Then we got home. Yeah. Because all my cousins are with me. We got home and you know that thing where we all look through the candy? Okay. Where was the chocolate bar? What? None of us had the big chocolate bars.

from the mansions that we visited. Wait, so what the fuck did you guys get then? That's why I'm like, wait, was this real? Wait, what? But we all remember going to these big mansions. But in our head, what if it wasn't? So where were you guys the whole time? You guys were like dreaming?

We don't know. No, that's kind of fucked. So you guys all went like this and no chocolate came out? No, no, no. We have like other candy. Okay, but just no chocolate. But we remember like getting like big fucking chocolate bars and going to this big like, and we're like, wait. And then the thing, the crazy part is too, the other Halloweens we tried, we couldn't find that street.

Yeah, fam. This is in the ends? This is like in Scarborough. This is like fucking... What the fuck? It's like near Malvern. There's like some hidden street that only shows up during Halloween? That's kind of fucked. Yeah, I don't know, bro. No, that's actually... No, like for real. This is just one... I remember it like to the T. Yeah, yeah. Holy fuck. It's crazy. So I think...

I don't know, maybe it was just us being kids and then our imagination running. Because I think as kids, our imagination makes shit feel different. No, facts, it does. Because I remember one Halloween. Oh, continue your story if you're going to finish. Yeah, no, continue. No, because one Halloween, it was back then when Halloween was popping, the whole community came out and did trick-or-treating, right? Yeah, yeah. So I was like, this is my first time going out. And the first house I visited was...

So there would be like a button you would press, like a doorbell thing. And all you see would, the garage would come out and there would be smoke. And back, this was my first house that I ever went to on Halloween. So I'm like, what the fuck is going on? Why is the garage opening? So the garage opened and there's like Frankenstein coming out. That's sick. And they start following you. And I'm like, no, I can't do this. I went home after that one house. Oh, really? Yeah, that's why I don't really, that's why I said. That you don't like Halloween. Spirit Halloween traumatizes me. Oh.

Because like, my first experience of Halloween was such a traumatic one. Oh, shit. Yeah. How old were you? Like five, probably. Okay, yeah. I pressed that thing thinking like, oh, I'm going to get candy. Fuck.

Yeah, that's like that era. It was normal that the person would follow you to your house and just stay there for a bit. What the fuck? Yeah, like, I looked out the window, Jason following a bunch of kids. I'm like, yo, this is insane. This is an insane day. Yeah. But that's like the lore of it and like the fun of it. But it's also weird. But to take part in weird, that's what you expect. You're not supposed to expect like regular shit to go on. Exactly, yeah.

Hopefully, though, I do have good memories of Halloween with kids going outside and we were able to bond in that way of, oh, we're kind of away from our parents. We're going to do some crazy stuff. And that thrill. Hopefully, it's still a thing because I really love those moments where it's not online because I feel like kids only get that online now. It's good to do it in person. Yeah, because I like when all our boys are here and like...

Obviously we don't have the TV but it's in my room so we're just talking. You know what I mean? Those are so like sick moments because that's all we can do is laugh. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that ass. And those are the important parts. Yeah.

And yo, if you guys are ever bored, just try that. Yeah, call your boys or something. Try that. And there's a lot of people that would like to start their own podcast too. It's really so simple. Just turn on your camera. Go like this. Exactly. Put the camera on. Boom. And just sit on a couch. Yeah. I think it was those other guys from Sweet Tea. They started their podcast by taping two phones on

the walls. That's crazy. Yeah, that's real. Because that's all they had, but shit, they made worth of it. Real shit, just bootstrapping. Yeah, exactly. Alright guys, thank you for watching this episode of the Jumper Jump Podcast. Make sure to comment, like, subscribe, and all that good stuff. Make sure to go on Apple, Spotify, keep downloading those episodes. Be careful on Halloween if you're going

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