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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Gavin Ruta
Leah President
Lee Alec Murray
Nick Friedman
Nick Friedman:分享了他在度假期间保持健康饮食和健身的经历,并指出度假会打乱正常的健身计划,这使得长期坚持健身变得困难。 Lee Alec Murray:同意Nick Friedman的观点,并补充说,如果一个健身计划无法坚持到假期结束,那么它可能无法长期坚持下去。 Leah President:讲述了她旅行时经常忘记带牙刷的经历,以及一次因为没有牙刷而不得不使用手指沾牙膏清洁牙齿的窘境。她还分享了在露营时忘记带牙膏和牙刷的经历,以及由此产生的不适感。 Nick Friedman:讲述了他小时候因为口渴而不得不使用浸湿的纸巾吸水喝的经历,这突显了他当时面临的困境和求生欲。 Lee Alec Murray:分享了他旅行时忘记带牙刷的经历,以及在没有牙刷的情况下如何应对的经验。 Leah President:讲述了她和朋友在露营时遇到的尴尬情况,以及他们如何处理在公共厕所的窘境。

Deep Dive

The episode begins with a discussion about personal experiences of wonder and transitions into humorous anecdotes about personal hygiene and survival tactics.

Shownotes Transcript


What was the last thing that filled you with wonder, that took you away from your desk or your car in traffic? Well for us, and I'm gonna guess for some of you, that thing is... ANIME!

Hi, I'm Nick Friedman. I'm Lee Alec Murray. And I'm Leah President. And welcome to Crunchyroll Presents The Anime Effect. It's a weekly news show. With the best celebrity guests. And hot takes galore. So join us every Friday wherever you get your podcasts and watch full video episodes on Crunchyroll or on the Crunchyroll YouTube channel. I'm getting shredded, bro. I know. I'm getting shredded right now. I know.

I feel like I could run freaking a marathon right now. Right now? This is prime condition. If someone wants to fucking box me right now, it's wraps. It's crazy because my girl went on a little cottage trip. And for, I think it was like three, four days. The whole time, I was doing blessed. I was eating right. I was going to the gym. But when you go on vacation, it's wraps. It's done. Oh my god. That's what I'm saying. It sucks. Everything comes back, bro. But that's the real test is the vacation test. Yeah.

I think if you start a routine and it doesn't make it past vacation, it's not gonna stick. Which sucks because you're not working out. If you go to Mexico, it really takes a lot for me to go to the gym and the resort. There's no way I'm doing this right now because I'm supposed to be relaxing. You know what I mean? One thing. Okay, let's say you're on vacation, right? This is kind of gross. I'm not gonna lie. Is it hard for you to brush your teeth?

Brush my teeth? On vacation? Maybe it's just me. I don't bring a toothbrush. Ew. No. Every single time, man. I have to buy a toothbrush. I have to get the hotel toothbrush and shit. Because I always forget to pack it. Low-key. Because it's crazy. Because the hotels usually have everything for a shampoo, conditioner. But there's no toothbrush. People brush their teeth. There's no toothbrush. Exactly. I was so down bad one time. Ew. How long? So down bad. How long have you gotten without brushing your teeth? No. Like...

Long? Yeah. When I was a kid, I didn't brush my teeth at all. When I was a kid, though. I'm talking like SKJK. Mm-hmm.

I would avoid my mom to brush my teeth. Yeah, I don't know. But anyways, going back to my story, I was so down bad. No toothbrush. There's toothpaste in the crib because somebody was brushing his teeth. I took my finger like this. With the toothpaste. Oh my. And I'm going like this, bro. Dirts. I was going like that. No, I had to do that too for camping. Like, I always forget my toothpaste and shit. And then I think I went like two days straight, no toothpaste.

No brush until I got home. And then you know that when you come back from camping, the washroom's there, shit. It smells like shit as soon as you get there. It's survival mode. I don't know why, but it's like one of my boys went to the washroom. He's like, yo, the most awkward thing is when the stall beside you is a guy shitting, and it's like, who's going to drop the bomb first? You guys are literally waiting. So it's like, fuck it. I put headphones on, and it's like the one where you can't hear the outside, and you just let it go, bro.

Damn. Yeah, it's so awkward. So I literally, if I'm going on a camping trip for two days, I'll literally, like, shit before and then shit when I'm home. Like, I won't shit there. Damn, so you're holding it for, like, five days? No, like, two days back. But if it's really coming out, then I have to go. Yo, that's crazy. Yeah, bro. Nah, I can't do that. I have to, like, every single morning, I have to let it loose. Every single morning? I have to drop off the kids, like, in the morning, bro. Because if you don't, I feel like you're just carrying all that weight on you. Yeah, yeah. I heard something, too, where it's like, uh,

Uh, brushing our teeth is actually not even like healthy for us because it's like the foods that we're eating before we brush our teeth. That means brushing our teeth like symbolizes that the food we're eating is bad. Yeah. Yeah. You're not supposed to eat it. Yeah. We're supposed to be eating like healthy. Exactly. Like green. Yeah. That cleans, that cleans your shit for itself. It's hard to know for sure though, because I mean like we're supposed to be eating meat and stuff. Yeah. At least depending on who you're talking to, they'll tell you. Yeah. Yeah.

And meat, I think that's the biggest causer of plaque. And that's why you get plaque in your teeth is because you eat a lot of meat and the oils and shit, like cholesterol. But I remember this one story. This is the most down bad I've ever been in my life. Let me hear it. So my mom, she used to go to physiotherapy, like massages and shit. And we used to go to this, you know, the rec center? Yeah. So we used to go to the rec center.

Keep in mind, this is kind of like after hours. Everything's closed except for the massage parlor. The massage therapist. So me and my sister, we had to wait for my mom in this waiting area. Bro, I guess because I was a kid, I was so active. Men were thirsty. But I didn't have anything to drink. No water bottle, no nothing, right? But there's one thing inside the waiting room. There was that, you know, the jug thing, the water thing.

Yeah, the water fountain type thing. Okay, okay. No cups. You went like this? Ask me what I did, bro. You either went like, you did this? I wish. You went like this? I wish. What the fuck did you do? Bam, I was down bad. I don't know. I don't know how creative I got. But I think I blame it on Bear Grylls. Because I used to watch Discovery Channel all the time. And the survival videos of Bear Grylls. Bro, you know what I did? What?

I took some tissue paper. I put it under the water and went like this. Okay. And with it, it would be filled with water. I went like this. No way! Yeah. And in my head, that was like the most genius idea in the world.

Ew, so you're drinking tissue. More times I could have just went like this. I could have went like this, but it was pretty low to the floor. I would have had to bend like that and shit. But that's still, but no, squeezing this. Wait, so you were like this? Yes, bro. I took the freaking tissue paper. I wet it with water to drink. And I did it a couple of times because I couldn't get enough. Wait, was your mom watching this or no? No, my mom's in the massage thing. Don't kill me. What did your sister say? Like, what the fuck are you doing?

I don't know. Imagine the receptionist. She wasn't there. She wasn't there. Oh, okay. She wasn't there either. Because after hours, nobody's in there except for like the therapist. Bro, that's the most thirsty I've been in my life. Yeah. That's crazy. I never felt that much thirst. Like it's dry. That's fucked. You know you're thirsty when like your throat's like itchy and then you're like this. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I had to. I had to. Did you ever do this thing where it's like, I don't know why all guys do this, but like when you're in the shower and water's running down your body. You go like this? No, no. Have you ever just gone like this? And then drop it? Yeah, drop it. Yeah, that shit happens to me all the time. Huh? Nothing. No, my fault. My fault.

What'd you do? Was it that bad? Nah, nevermind. That's too crazy for the podcast, I gotta say. But there's another thing you can hold for water. Let it drop. Let's not talk about that one. Anyways. Anyways. There's a conspiracy right now. So what's going on in Hawaii? Maui. You heard about it? The forest fires.

wildfire in Maui crazy yeah fam that was where I wanted to retire my parents in the in the the town of Lahaina so prayers go to everyone that lost their house anyone that lost their life anyone that is damaged from the fire it's it's tragic it's terrible but

There's a conspiracy going around. And I first heard of it through TikTok. There was this guy. And he's a local of Lahaina. And pretty much he was saying... He was saying, usually when a wildfire like this happens, there's signs. You can tell, oh, it's season. It's coming. Right? And he said, there's something fishy going on. And he doesn't know what it is yet. And it's really weird that...

They've always been trying to, I guess, claim the land or buy the land from the city of Lujano, but it's like historic. So they couldn't do it. They couldn't build anything new on top of it. Because if you go there, it's very, it's very like traditional. It's not new. Like it doesn't look modern. Yeah. Now this is what's crazy. So there was, there was pictures and a lot of speculation that it might've been planned. Yeah.

The forest fire. Yeah. This is a conspiracy. This is just a theory, right? How? Check this out. I'm going to show you a picture. Okay. Forest fire being planned. Check this out. So this is in Maui. Okay. This is what they've seen. This is the day. Laser beam? This is the day of the fire. Yeah. Earlier they caught a picture of almost like a laser coming straight down from the sky. Yeah, yeah.

And that's what they saw. Now, what's even crazier, somewhere else in the States, there was a

There's these other sightings of almost like a green laser. And they're wondering what's going on, what's going on. This is on video. I don't have the video right now because it's hard to find. But it started a huge fire in the city. Holy smokes. Yeah. And this is just before it. So theory is that they wanted the land and they weren't making money off of it. So what did they do to their people? They're going to get them out. They got them out of there. But how? How?

But if you want money from your people... No, they wanted them out. Oh, they just wanted the land. They wanted the land. Because that's really like... That's the smartest way to get them out, to be honest. But fuck. Killing him in the way? It's crazy. I don't know. It's obviously just a theory. I don't know for sure. I'm not saying this is what it is. Where did you see that video? Was that on news? It's probably not on news, huh? It's not on news. They're not going to say this shit on news. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, because I know like...

What are these flashes of light going on during the fires in Maui? People are seeing like, it looks like there's still laser beams. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's fucked too. Now, this will get scary because prior to this, there's been a lot of, I guess, research and development of this thing called direct energy. I forget what it's exactly called. It's pretty much like a laser. Direct energy weapons. Yeah, yeah.

And they started making it and sending them into space. So they can weaponize it. And then let's say there's like a target they want to hit. Some real Alice in Borderland. Straight up from literally the sky. Some real like Avengers level threat. Yeah. I'm saying.

That's crazy because the Alberta forest fires too, everyone was saying like... You know how helicopters go over the forest and they're supposed to burn down certain trees? But they're saying that shit was planned too just because they're doing it in the most windy time in the biggest forest. Why would they do that? You feel me? It's like...

It's obvious. People have common sense. So why would you do it when wins are happening? Do you think a lot of these fire? Because if you bag it, why is there so many just now?

And people want to say it's like... The aliens? No, climate change, global warming. Oh, climate change? Nah, I don't know. If that's their direct plan, they're trying to get us out to do somewhere or trying to get us out to go somewhere else. I don't know. Or maybe just be afraid of aliens. What if they're like, oh, yo, this is aliens that did it. Yeah, yeah. I don't know. Fuck.

When I saw the video of that guy, maybe I'll try to find it, but he was literally concerned, fam. And he's a local. No. What broke my heart, too, was when all the families were literally had to swim in the water just to survive. Yeah, because everywhere is on... Yeah, I can't find this video no more, fam. And what sucks, too, is because you were literally just in mouth.

No, no, no. I was in Oahu. Okay, you were in Oahu. But you were in Hawaii, though. That's so crazy how that's such a big spot right now. And that happened. So probably a lot of tourists were in Maui. You feel me? No, it's always. Yeah, that's the tourist spot. So I was like, oh my God. Imagine I went right after you and I went to Maui. That's crazy. Man, we were going to go there again. We just decided to go to Oahu this time. Yeah. It's crazy. I don't know, bro. Hopefully...

The sad thing is, I don't know if it's gonna be the same. Because what I really loved about that area is all... It's untouched. It's like a feeling you get when nothing's modernized, nothing's taught. It's like...

You don't get that vibe anywhere else. Yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? And then it's hard to find those type of vibes. And the tourists, it sucks for the actual people living there because it's like, oh, the tourists only care about Maui when it's nice and looking nice and they can go explore it. But as soon as forest fires happen, they're not doing nothing to help them, you know? I mean, there is a lot of initiatives right now. Yeah, there's initiatives, but it's like, you know, a lot of people are not really like, okay, that's not my home, so I'm good. I'm not thinking about that.

Like, I'll feel ways, but, you know, which sucks. What do you think? The crazy thing is, like, if it's your home. That's literally their home, and they have nothing else on their back. Like, what would be, like, your plan? Let's say just Toronto, out of nowhere. Like, knock on wood, but, like, out of nowhere. Boom. Something crazy happens. What's the next move? I don't know. Fly to wherever's safe, to be honest. Where would you fly to first? No, I'm just thinking about not even just...

Damn, this is sad, but I'm not even thinking about safety. I'm thinking about everything I lost behind. I don't really care. Because I feel like I'll be safe. Feel me? I'll be safe, but my family will be safe. We'll get out of there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But what I'm thinking is the shit I can't control. Like this stuff. You know those... Are you sentimental? Kind of, but not really. Like I can...

I prioritize my safety before any sentimental shit. Yeah, I know. Me too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I'm saying because you do that, you leave everything else and then it like just withers away. You forget about. Damn. I think, I don't know why, but I'm mad sentimental where even if it's like, you know, like a concert ticket or something. Oh, yeah. I keep those. Yeah, I keep those. Yeah, or like I even have a rose from prom. Oh, yeah? Like a piece of like a petal of the rose from prom. I have like,

I have like my first gray hair. First gray hair? No, you don't. Yeah, that's how my first gray hair. A man's going to clone you. Be careful with that. Yeah, like I have shit like that. I don't know. Am I weird for that? No, I don't know. But you know though, the black mirror shit? Yeah. Some guy did a funny skit where it's like if everyone had their body counts on their head,

So, I don't know why they didn't turn this into a Black Mirror episode yet, but so there was this guy sleeping in the bed with a chick. Yeah. And then they both woke up, right? And his body count went up, but her body count didn't go up, right? It's still at zero. So the guy's like...

We just had sex. Like, what's going on? Like, why isn't your thing going up? And she's like, oh, no, it's probably glitching or something like that, right? The guy's like, wait a minute. No, we literally had it last night. So the girl's like, okay, you win. And the guy's like, what do you mean by that? The girl rips off the fake band-aid. Underneath, it's like a thousand bodies. Ew.

And it got so intense. The guy's like, what the fuck? Like, I'm calling the cops. And then the girl's like, oh, yeah, call the cops. I'm going to tell them that you beat me up. So she starts beating herself up. She's like, ow, why'd you hit me? Ow, why'd you hit me? And the guy's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Is this short film? No, it's like a little funny skit on YouTube. Oh, okay. But imagine that shit, like, was on her hands. Damn, bro. I mean, not to, like, knock on people, but, like,

As long as you're truthful, I feel like it's the same. Yeah, I don't really care. As long as you're with me right now, nothing in the past hurts. You know what I mean? That's hard to say, though. Let's say there's stats right beside you. Not even a number, a body count. Forget about body count. It's like stats. Let's say everywhere you walk around, you have your overalls. Damn! Woohoo!

That's crazy. Like it's 2K fam. You walk around and then you see like 5. Or like you can just open it. It's like a hood. You can decide to open his overall. Let me see. Nah, that's fucked. And see what's going up, what's going down and shit. Oh my god. That would be crazy. I feel like a lot of people would not get talked to the way they would. Because you're not going up to a 50 overall no more.

Like, you would go up to a 50 overall without knowing it, but seeing the stats right there, you're not going up to a 50. I feel like I'm a little bit more optimistic, though. I feel like people that are quote-unquote underrated, let's say the introverts or the people that are kind of outcasts, they'll find a way to kind of make more friends and almost be able to interact with people more because of that. Like, people are willing to go up to them because, oh, they see potential. But does that shit become transactional?

becomes transactional then probably because I don't know you see that potential in that person and you're like oh maybe I can use them for something cause if you wanna get deep yeah you could just do that already with like social media yeah there's this new feature I think in the IOS where it's like you can tap like this and you give all the details about you

Yeah, I have that. I have that on my card. Remember, I made a card and I can just tap on people's phones. Oh, really? I didn't know that yet. Yeah, I have one for you if you want. Okay, let me get it. That's like my business card. Yeah, yeah. Okay, but I was in my room. Did you hear me when I was screaming?

Nah. Because, yo, okay, out of every theory that I'm ever going to tell, this is probably, like, my most favorite I'm about to tell. Yeah, yeah. Hopefully you don't know this because it's about to ruin it. So there's a theory that Drake and SZA have been making songs about each other for the past, like, years. Word. Do you know this? Nah, I don't. Okay, hold on. Let me show you. So we can start by the most recent. So, yeah. Telekinesis.

SZA's feature on Utopia. When we were listening it, Carlos was like, "Yo, SZA with Travis Flo?" No, that wasn't Travis Flo. Guess whose Flo that was? Drake? Drake on Marvin's Room. Marvin's Room was a conspiracy theory was about SZA because they dated before. Marvin's Room- Listen, listen, listen. So listen, listen. Let me hear it. Listen closely. Oh, it is! Listen, listen.

Yeah, I know I recognize it Yo, that's crazy, I knew it sounded familiar Holy shit So telekinesis was literally SZA's Marvin room for the girls Yeah And it's way more than that Okay, so let me see On 21 Savage's song with Drake Mr. Right Now Drake goes Said she wants to fuck on some SZA Wait, I used to date SZA back in 08

You remember that one? Wait, so he did the ear back then? Yeah. Damn, how long has SZA been in the game? No, a long time. I didn't know that. And then hold on, there's more. So some people that are saying that SZA smoking on my X-Pac was about Drake. No. Because they're talking about X's. SZA drops a song, smoking on my X-Pac.

No way. Listen, I'll show you more. Come and See Me by Party Next Door. No. Featuring Drake. No, that's about SZA? And 2AM by SZA has the exact same flow. I'll show you all these songs after. And then SZA drops a track called Seek and Destroy. What does Drake drop? Search and Rescue. It's the same shit. It's the same shit. Hold on, look. No way. I didn't know about this. Control the tube. Just chop this up so we don't get caught. Yeah.

No way. Come on. Holy shit. Hold on, there's more. Hold on. They haven't collabed before, right? No. That's our... Party Next Door song. Yeah. Listen to SZA. Bro! No way. What the fuck? Yo!

That's crazy, huh? I never bagged her like that. What the hell? I mean, I don't listen to a lot of... I'm going to listen to her now. Yeah, I don't listen to SZA a lot. So I didn't know this was going on. That's great. I know there's like theories she's dating Trav right now. Yeah, Trav. A lot of people are saying that's Travis's work husband. I mean, work wife. It probably is, to be honest. Because every single song they made together is better. Yeah.

Like I wouldn't be surprised if next year they have like a duo album. That's literally the equivalent of like a nurse going to work and like the guy nurse massaging on her back. Oh, oh. Imagine you're making banger after banger. You got to be, you got to be like jealous. Okay, okay, okay.

I don't know if you knew this. Okay. Well, what do you think is the most cheated profession? Cheated profession? Sorry. What do you think profession... Guess cheated on the most? No, cheats the most. What profession cheats the most? What do you think? Anything service. So masseuse, bottle girl, everything. Oh, stripper probably. No, there's one. There's literally one job that cheats the most out of any other profession in the world, bro. What is it?

It's a nurse. Oh, a nurse? Why? Because of the long hours? I don't know. Yeah, it makes sense. Long hours, you're away from home. And, like, there's other people. You got to be, like, nurses, like, guy nurses are fit. Because you got to, you feel me? Push around the carts and shit like that. But then it goes to the theory, like, are Filipinos red flags? Oh. Oh.

Because what's 80% of nurses? Oh, it comes back around. Filipino. Chill, chill, chill, chill. That's crazy. Crazy. No, no, don't even say that because mans are going to flip that. That's so crazy, actually. Crazy. No, mans can't do that. No, no, no. Filipinos are green flags, man. Yeah, we're green flags, bro. I hope. I hope.

No, but I think there's a thing of when you take care of somebody, you like fall in love with them because you're already using that emotion. So I could see like, let's say your job is to care for someone. You would get feelings. Let's say you have to take care of like an elderly woman. Mm-hmm.

you would have feelings for them when they pass away, no? You know what I mean? Because you're always there, you're always taking care of them, you're always caring for them. And just the emotion with it, you wouldn't do those things for someone you didn't care about. So it's hard to fake it. Yeah. And I think it's like, co-workers in general, you're seeing that person every day, even when you're a teen. Most teens are getting into relationships through work.

You know what I mean? Because it's like, instead of going out, I can go to work where this person always is. And boom, the relationship forms there. When you see a person so much or like you listen to a song so much, you're going to start liking it. You know what I mean? Even if it's in your area.

You think that's how most people get in relationships these days? Yeah, most likely. You don't have to say relationship. If I hang around you that much, I'm going to start acting like you or I'm going to pick up on shit that you do and I'm going to do it myself. True. Damn. Do you think we're work friends? Work friends? Yeah, I think so. Low key. Low key.

Damn. Because realistically, one of my friends said, he's like, yo, why don't you and Carlos go on vacations with each other? I'm like, it makes sense because our work time, it matches. Like, we can go wherever we want, but we don't. I know. Because I feel like that's so much. Yeah, it is. Because I feel like men will get sick of each other. Yeah, exactly. If I see you all the time, if I see you every single second. Facts. Like, bruh. I don't even think I want to see, like,

No, that sounds bad. No, no, no. But I don't even want to see my significant other that much. I still need my time. Yeah, no, I get that too. I always want introvert time. The best times is literally when I drop off my girl and I'm going back in the car and blasting my own music. That's the most bliss for me. But yeah, aside from this, yeah, men probably wouldn't be talking. Yeah, that much. Which is crazy. I think...

Yeah, because I think when you work with somebody, it's a sense of professionalism too. Exactly. You're not trying to like, I don't know. And I think that's better low-key because the friends, when you get best, best friends, like childhood friends, and you mix it with business, then it gets emotional because it's like, if you ever move on, it's business at the end of the day. But if you're like, oh, fuck, it's hard to leave my friend in the dust like that. This is my day one, you know?

It's harder. There's no understanding. There's no understanding. Yeah, that's so true. Yeah, if there's no understanding, then it's fucked, man. Exactly, exactly. But I think that's the same thing with the relationships, too, because I feel like, let's say your girl is in a position where she's happy on her own and you're dependent. Yeah. What's the mature thing to do? Okay, so she's good on her end. But you're dependent. What's a mature thing to do? No, that's good, though, right?

ah nah she's her own individual I'm on my own individual you're not your own individual you're dependent oh okay my fault what's the mature thing to do is to like leave right is to like find dependence in yourself no yeah to be honest if your girl isn't like um complying with you and like like at least switching her I don't know yeah actually I don't know probably leaving to be honest

Cause I think, I don't know, I think if you rely on someone so much, what happens to you? You know what I'm talking about? You know those animals that they only live off of another animal? Like, there's this parasite shit in a fish. I don't know if you've seen it. It looks crazy. So it's literally like a bug inside of a fish's mouth. And it lives there and it eats off whatever the fish eats. Literally lives in his head.

Do you become a parasite if you're dependent on someone else the whole time? And is it like a symbiosis thing or is it like someone's always winning? I think somebody's always winning because you're not growing. Oh, actually, no, she might not be growing either.

Because it's like, if she has to carry your weight the whole time, she's worrying about you rather than herself. Yeah. Right? And she's gonna obviously get tired of that and that's when shit breaks off. Because until she realizes that, whoa, whoa, this guy can't even do shit for himself, that's when shit breaks off. You know what I mean? Yeah, I know. That's like a mature way to look at it though. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because if we're talking like young relationships...

I feel like you have to learn that anyway. You have to see where you're at. Because you're not going to know. How do you know from the inside out that, oh, I'm doing something wrong? I know. Can you really tell yourself you're doing something wrong or someone else has to tell you?

I think you have to, bro. Because even if you do it, do you even realize it? No, you don't. But others will see it from the outside and tell it to you, but you'll still probably be like, oh, shit, I was doing that the whole time? You know what I mean? It's weird. I don't know. Yeah. Because I like to think, damn, that's a hard one because I think every single time somebody's told me something about myself, it's some shit I already knew.

But that's just me being like in my head and shit. Yeah, ignorant. But I don't know. Low-key, I'm just ignorant like that. Like somebody tells me, oh yeah, tell me something new then. That's like, you know, Eminem. What Eminem? So, 8 Mile. When he's like,

Tell me something I don't know. Oh, okay. And drops it, right? Mandela effect. Drops it. But there was no drop. Remember in Eminem's movie, 8 Mile, where he drops the mic after he disses himself. He says all the disses the guy was going to say. Yeah, yeah. Disses himself. And he hands him the... He drops it like, tell them something they don't know about me. Yeah, yeah. And he drops it. Boom. Mic drop. Big scene, right? That was never there? Never existed. Mandela effect. No, no, no.

That was probably a parody then. No, it never existed. No mic drop. But you know when somebody raps, raps, raps, and then they drop the mic. Where did that come from then? Didn't Obama do that too? We all thought it was 8 Mile. It wasn't. Who was it? Eminem never dropped the mic. He actually passed it to him like this. What the fuck? Like gently. No. Really? Yeah. Wait, then where did it originate from? I don't know. Probably some other rapper or something. So the whole time...

Yeah, but we thought it was like from 8 mile because the rap battles and shit Obama did it too and he's like he said something and he dropped it Good thing good thing because I was like, okay if Obama didn't do it then that's a Mandela effect Yeah, but not in like the rap battle surprisingly really maybe it was from like oh no nevermind I was gonna say stomp the yard, but there was no mic in that. Yeah but the Eminem thing is smart because it's like when when everybody says something about you, but you already know it and

Can anything affect you? No, I used to do that too. When men were making fun of me in school, I used to... Or you're going to say my eyes are small, shit like that. All the racist shit I would bring up to them and they're like, whoa, what the fuck? It's not even fun no more, bro. I know. And then that's how you get them. So you think... Low-key, there's this psychological power you can use. Damn, we're going to use this all the time for everyone now. Check this out. So...

This is for everybody that gets bullied. Okay. Lads that get bullied. All you really have to do is just look at them in the eyes and wait. I've seen that. I've seen that. Because it's like the awkward silence makes them talk even more. And it's like, oh, they get insecure about the silence and stuff like that. The only time somebody is bullying, bullying you, bullying somebody else, is because they're mad insecure. They have to. It's like there's this thing in the animal kingdom. Yeah, yeah.

The weak animal makes a lot of noise. Why? I don't know. To make itself look bigger? To make itself look bigger and keep everybody away. So they hear the noise like, oh, I don't want to go near that. So the one with the weak, I guess, grasping themselves and they're trying to pick at the other people, knock them down so they're all on the same level. I'm saying? Let me take a sledgehammer. Yeah, yeah. But realistically...

this guy's out here. Yeah. Frail. Facts. That little Uzi. Yeah. That's, that's what it's like. Um, uh, the,

The guy with a whole bunch of money is not gonna do a lot of talking, but the broke guy is gonna run his mouth. You know what I mean? Yeah, the broke guy always talks. Another psychological thing, since you're a Hall of Fame gaslighter, I want you to rate this method. So the new method dropper is like, if a girl... If you're talking to a girl and she ever... And you ever notice her, like, falling out of interest with you and shit like that, there's a new method that drops that includes, like, your friend. Yeah, yeah. So...

In every guy group, there's always going to be a guy. There's always that guy, like the prettiest or the most handsome out of the group, right? So you're going to use him, right? So since you're on a hierarchy with your friend and you're down here...

Your friend, you're going to have to tell your friend to go and talk to the shorty that you're talking to. And then, so now the hierarchy is like this. So she thinks that, oh, she can never go down, right? So your friend tells the girl, drops the insane bar and says, oh, I don't think you're pretty enough or interesting enough for me. And that's the pretty friend telling the girl that. So the girl will now go back to you because you're not giving no more attention to her. And she'll go back down the hierarchy.

Wait, wait, so is it your girl or just a girl that's... No, it's like a girl that you're talking to and she loses interest in you. So you have to take your friend, risk her up, tell her, oh, you're not interesting enough. She'll go back down to you. You get that? Oh, I see. So it's planting bait for her to go after your boy. Exactly, and since she didn't get it and her ego is down now, she'll go back to you.

Which is a crazy game plan. Yo, that's so sad, though. That's a gaslighting Hall of Fame method. I ain't gonna lie. Is that gaslighting? That is. Because you gaslight her into thinking she's not shit.

oh yes like that is pretty smart fam that's pretty smart who came up with this i don't know i saw i saw some tiktoker and he was like he had a whole like paper and pen like he was going at it it's pretty smart but it's sad it is sad like i'm i'm so big right now on like i hate deception fam yeah like the biggest thing i really really don't like is when there's agendas trying to be pushed and we try to consume content what we think it's gonna be about yeah

And boom, all of a sudden, oh, it's about this. Y'all didn't know? Fuck, I thought I was watching Transformers. What am I watching now? It's some next agenda, bro. And that's how they deceive you. I hate it because it's all deception. It's like they won't be able to get your attention. They won't be able to like...

brainwash you unless they do it through something you are interested in. So they take over and deceive you through your own interests. Yeah. Has it happened to you? Messed up. Well, what's the thing that pisses you off the most? I can't even say it. You can't even say it? No. Oh, okay. I can't even say it. Damn. Yeah, but it's shit like that. It's like, bro, I'm out here. I'm trying to watch...

I'm trying to watch content like I thought I was going to watch and all of a sudden it has to be political. Stupid. I mean, sure. It's not even for art no more. It's for purpose. It's for like...

Politics equals money equals power. That's how it runs though. So it's like you can't even be mad at that. You know, I mean, I'm mad I'm mad bro Deadass like I'm out here trying to watch cartoons No, but realize this like we're watching cartoons as kids Fine because it wasn't so political now the kids now are

They're watching shit and it has to be political. Why? It's dumb, bro. It's dumb. And then it's all a plan to make us hate each other. Yeah. Stupid. Just love one another. That's all. Just love one another. Because if we're always consuming content and our kids are consuming that content, the future is going to be what? It's everybody's going to be fighting. And when everybody's fighting...

Where do we turn to the people in charge? Like if there's riots in the street, if there's fighting. But that's the best for them though. It's the best for them because that means they'll put trust into somebody of higher hierarchy or status to actually control it. Be like, no, we need, look at the, we need help. The higher ups hide so much, I promise you. So that's what they want. They want us to fight and want us to like go after each other.

They want fire in the streets. Whole time, some shit is going down that they're pushing. Maybe it might be the Epstein shit or the other things, but we're fighting. We don't notice that. You know what I mean? So it's easy distractions. Yeah. There was this crazy news broadcast. I think this was in the 70s or 80s. But there's this guy. He pretty much stormed in to the live news and...

Went with gunpoint to the news broadcaster. Like, you know, the reporter? Yeah. He went behind him like this with a strap. And then he gave him a note. On live television. On live television, bro. Check this shit out. What the hell? And there's a video? There's a video. Oh, that's sick. That's sick. So...

This is what happened. So this happened, oh so it's in the 80s. So August 20th, 1987. So all of a sudden this guy comes from behind him with a gun. And he gives him a note. He gives him like something to read out. Points a gun to his back and says, read this. Who's standing here and would like me to read

This is kind of crazy. So check this out. So.

What he said is crazy. And it's kind of relevant. Okay, what? It's kind of relevant. That's why it's scary. What did he say? He pretty much said... I'm going to read everything he said. There's a document. So one of the first things he said was... One thing he said was his father... Yeah.

was actually part of the CIA. And this was true. Like, his dad actually did have ties to the CIA. And he was able to get information on certain conspiracies. Okay. Some of these conspiracies turned out to be true. Whoa. One of them being the JFK assassination. You read that? That was planned. And he said that

this is a real thing that's gonna happen. Now check this out. - What the fuck? - So one of the things he said, and this is relevant right now, he said his physical father is in fact a clone created by the CIA and alien forces. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. So there are aliens down here. - That's what he's claiming. - Okay. - Who knows if this guy's crazy or he's speaking the truth,

Nah, gun to the back of my head, bro. For you to go on live television and do this shit? Yeah. And back this. I think he was trying to do it in a place of, in a place of like justice. Hear me out. The gun wasn't real. Okay. It was a BB gun. And after the guy read everything on the paper, he said, by the way, this is just a BB gun. I'm not going to harm you. Okay. So maybe he's just a troll, but like,

He just wanted his message across. So this is everything he said. He said, phones were turned off at Roman Psychiatric Hospital in Cincinnati for 48 hours after his arrest. Oh no, this is, sorry, this is the report on it. No, he just dropped every single conspiracy theory. And that's the best place to do it, huh? Yeah. That's like the biggest middle finger to the elites. So this is one of the things he said. He said, he demands that the Air Force release all information on UFOs.

He demands that information about Hangar 18 at Wright-Patterson would be released. Holy smokes. He said the CIA doesn't trust people on computers. And which we figured out later in the future became true because there's surveillance. Now check this out. There's a secret group led by the president's own staff. Think about that shit, man. Own staff. There's a secret group...

A secret group. You know what I'm saying? That's fucked. That's fucked. This is like all secrets. Wait. You know what I mean? Yeah. This is conspiracies we heard before. One of them was he asked for a congressional investigation and federal protection. I don't know why. I guess because he was like going to be targeted or some shit.

Also, this guy died. Okay. They killed him right after? I don't know. I don't know. This guy, like, disappeared. And this one's weird, but he says, There are beings around with the power to teleport instantly and do the same to others, who can read minds and control minds, and transform matter into other forms and create it at will. The fuck? No. Interesting. Yeah. Bro.

For a man to go... I mean, he could have just been crazy too. But fam, did you see the worm? The worm that like... The biggest worm that they like... De-clawed out of like ice or something? Oh, I seen that actually. Yeah, and like I read something too. It's like, okay, so since turtles... You can put turtles in ice for...

100 years and then you you pick it out. It'll still be healthy mmm So imagine like oh, I think Josh said something about this shit, but Antarctica yeah, we don't know what the fuck going down there Yeah, everything is an ice right now pick it out. Oh, we're still less Josh's theory He pretty much said

There's a disease somewhere somewhere in Antarctica somewhere in ice And yo, did you know like Antarctica used to be green? I didn't know that shit. There used to be green land. There used to be life there used to be life So imagine what could have been there and his theory was what if there was a disease? like even a quote unquote zombie infection

that melts out and comes back and reinfects the world. You know what's fun too? There's a long, long time ago, I think this was in the 80s as well. There's people working on a movie in Egypt. Now, they really, really wanted to make the movie so realistic, almost raw and get real Egyptian rituals in it. Real, I guess, faces of Egypt.

Egyptian practitioners. And during the movie's filming, what they did, they were conducting ancient Egyptian practices, like real rituals. The crazy part was, after filming, shortly after even just doing one of the rituals, everybody got sick. Literally everybody part of the movie got sick. And

The doctors were shocked because the disease they were infected with was something from ancient Egyptian time. What? This is a disease that's not prominent right now. This is not a common disease you get. This is something you would get back in ancient Egypt time. And they all got sick with it. And that movie still came out, huh?

No, I think they canceled it or something like that. Imagine whoever watches it. Since they're performing the rituals on your screen, the people would get sick too. Yeah. Probably. On some incantation. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I think... Because they say those Egyptian pharaohs and tombs and esophaguses, they all have curses if you mess with it. See, now it's like theory. The reason why Egypt...

cancelled on Travis not because of all the controversy it's cause Travis bringing too much bad energy into the thing where it's like oh everything's gonna go to shit here if you throw a concert again oh man all the bad energy on the people again if you want to

Yeah. Yeah. Well, hopefully it's good energy because like, I mean, he's working kind of like his dondo music now. I know. But also something I discovered too, which I didn't notice. So one guy, an Epcot, you know what Epcot stands for? Epcot Disney. Yeah. So people are saying this conspiracy too. Epcot is short for Epstein's Cottage. No way.

Because look, one of the ex-Disney employees exposed one of the buildings in Epcot. And there's videos. What the fuck? So the guy goes in and it looks like, remember when you were talking in the first episode, you're like, Nightcore. You've seen that

room before yeah of colors yeah so he goes in it's like red rooms purple carpet it looks funny right he's going around it door after door opening it there's weird paintings on the wall and shit like that posters everything so i think one of the the girls the lady in the uh the building goes oh excuse like imagine the most like evil gentle tone she's like are you supposed to be here the guy goes yeah yeah i'm supposed to be here the girl's like no you're not

I need you to get out like in the most evil tone. Yeah, right so the guy's like oh no I'm gonna keep exploring. He's like okay if you're gonna keep exploring I'm gonna call the cops and then like so the guy's like okay I'm gonna go with you and stuff like that the girl keeps trying to distract the guy like oh, how's your day? Even though the guy's going like oh what's in this rooms like nope nope. How's your day? Like how are you doing? Like let me walk you down here. I'll show you the video. It looks so crazy, bro. Let me see Look at that shit

Oh, that's- yo wait, is that the 33 Club? No, this is like a- There's something else? It's an abandoned building at Epcot. What the fuck? Yo, I feel like I've been there. See, like, it's like they don't know, like, they don't want anyone in there, bro. Shit like that though, like, that looks so familiar to me. Really? Yeah, like- I've never seen some shit like that.

Yo, you know what's weird? What? Yo, when I was a kid, right? My parents took me to Disneyland like really, really young. Three years old. Land. The one with every island. Disney World. The one in Florida. Yeah, yeah. So that's where we would have like Epcot and all that shit. I don't know, but ever since, I remember having dreams of like me exploring...

Like almost like an amusement park. And it's reoccurring dreams. Okay. And every single time, it's always like the exact same buildings, the exact same like past. Yeah, but it's reoccurring. Yeah? Yeah.

It almost felt like it was real. It was weird. Ew, what the fuck? So now I'm thinking like, you know how there's dreams when you're a kid? You don't know if their dreams are real? You think that you're- What if I actually went there and I just don't remember? And you don't remember and now it's coming back to you? Nah, that's crazy. I don't think so, bro. It's probably just a dream. Yeah. But what I'm saying is like, it's a reoccurring dream where I could- I know exactly the layout. I remember like the buildings. I remember specifically there's this one building with like

Like these ducks and then you shoot them with water. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's weird. Really? But it really resembled Disneyland. Uh-huh. But that's probably just my subconscious thinking about my trip there. Word. No, I had this other one when I wasn't getting good sleep also. It's always the ones where like I'm not getting good sleep and then the days I nap, like that's when the fuck dreams...

come around. So I don't know why, but I had this rental car that I was driving in and there was this little road and it was super dark late at night, right? This little road where I was supposed to be driving in and you know that there's houses on the side, a fence, a fence on the other side. So it's like you're trying to exit that plaza, right? And I start driving and as soon as I see it comes close, there's people

people that's like girls on the ground going like and they look up and I see their face and I'm like oh fuck I think I ran over them and as soon as I like run over them I like I wake up and I'm like what the fuck I seen their face like there's the two white girls in my gym and I seen their exact face

And they're like, go get that guy. Because one girl I missed because she laid down flat and my car missed her. But the other one I think I ran over, which is fucked. Yeah, it's so crazy. I don't know. This is like a fever dream? Yeah, it was a fever dream. Dead ass. Interesting. And like I was on the chase. But as soon as I realized I was in a dream, I woke up like, no, fuck that. I don't want to be in this dream no more. Damn. Yeah. Did you eat something before that night?

I don't know. I don't know. But I just wasn't having good sleep. And then I napped. Loki, whenever I eat dairy, I just have like crazy dreams. Really? I don't know why, but it's always in this apartment I'm having the worst dreams. Really? Yeah. I don't know why. I mean, I have some crazy dreams, but I have crazy dreams in general. Like literally last night. Not last night. Sorry. The night before that. Yeah. I had a dream.

That I was swallowed by a whale. Swallowed by a whale? Yeah. I was swallowed by a whale. And I was like stuck in this guy's mouth, fam. Yeah, I swear that's a magical school bus episode. I don't know. No, but I don't think of whales and shit. But check this out. So I want to know if this is true. Okay. Because I would not know this information. But in my dream... And I was swallowed by the whale. I wasn't scared. And then it was because I had information that...

Yo, because of the oils on my skin, it creates a mucus in the whale that the whale has to spit me out. So I'm curious to think like, is this some real information? How did it get in my head? This guy picked up a Scientologist, fam. No, no, no. Like if a whale actually swallows me...

Pause. Would it spit me out? Or would I be stuck in there? You'd probably die in there, fam. No. Yes? If a whale swallows you. Fam, this is not the movies where there's a whole stomach and you're still on your shit. It is like that. No, but it's not exactly like that. I was just not exactly like that. But you're going to be stuck in there. He's not going to throw you up.

You heard the story of Jonah? No. In the Bible? No, no, no. You never heard that story? Well, Jonah and the... No, no, no. So I started researching about stories. And then one of the stories I do remember is in the Bible. The story of Jonah. He was disobeying God. And he was scared to do something. He was scared to confront people with God. And pretty much God punished him. Like, you can't cower it away and you can't do that.

so i think he he like fled on a boat and he fell off the boat and he was swallowed by a whale now when he was swallowed by the whale that's when he was like repenting and like asking like oh forgiveness and everything and he put like faith that he was gonna get outside he's gonna survive and then that's when he was released was when he like put full faith and said okay i'm gonna do whatever

he wants me to do. Yeah. So you're saying your dream was your Jonah? No, no, no. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying like... You had the exact same dream. I had like a similar... No, but it's true. Like bro was inside... I think he was in the well for like three days. Yeah, yeah. Really? No, I don't think so, bro. I think you're stuck in there with a bunch of shit where you wouldn't be able to survive unless he like shits you out right away. Maybe I watch too much movies. Yeah. Low key you do. No, but... Because everything becomes a fucking thing. Every like little scene becomes like, oh yeah, I saw that in a movie.

It imitates real life. I guess. Life is a movie, bro. I guess. What if everything right now, like your whole life, your whole concept of what life is, everything you've seen, your experiences with friends, you going out on dates, you going exploring and shit, it's all just one movie. We're just replaying it. You're not even Gavin. What do you mean? Who am I then? You're somebody that's watching what happened to Gavin.

What the fuck? No, no, no. That's too much. That's too much. That's too much. Crazy, right? You're on play. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're on play. You're not Gavin, but you're experiencing Gavin. You get to experience him because that's what you decided to like. And then what happens when I die or whatever?

Then you get out of the simulation. Then you pick another movie you want to watch. What the fuck? And then I can live on another. I can play Carlos' movie and then I'm Carlos? Yeah, what if it's like that? That's so weird. No, no. What if you're scrolling? It's like Blockbuster. You walk around like, oh, this looks cool. Yo, you know what's crazy? Imagine that shit you're saying is true and you wake up as somebody else because you pause

your movie is like let me go out to this TV and let me play that movie yeah and so now you're living through him but that's crazy no that's too much I feel like I feel like I feel like even if you switched right yeah but if you switched you wouldn't notice like you wouldn't know you wouldn't notice like oh I wasn't uh in another movie yeah you wouldn't know you didn't know cuz cuz you're just the you just the waddy yeah yeah the audience

That's kind of crazy. Oh. You're the audience. And on the, I forgot to mention, in the Epcot building that I mentioned, there was a big balcony. You know how the Squid Game people have like, oh, like where the elites watch? Yeah. In that same building that the guy was looking at, there was like a viewing. That's kind of crazy. So that's why Epcot, Epstein's Cottage. Since his shit, his island got like. What the fuck does Epcot actually stand for though? I don't know. Let me search it up. You know Disney how with Frozen and shit like that? What?

What does Epcot... Epcot... Meaning? Experimental prototype community of tomorrow. No, hell no. That's Epstein's cottage, my boy. That's what it means. Yeah. Experimental prototype community of tomorrow. What does that even fucking mean? Experimental... I don't know, but Walt Disney's like frozen bodies over there or something. Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm saying. I'm so curious. I hope this is true because this would be really cool. Yeah. If...

If it's true, like, they have the labs underground and, like, experiments going on. Because if you think about it, if Disney's that rich, 100%, they have a crazy research and development program. Probably. But it has to be secret. But... It has to be secret. Which is crazy. Disney employees get to see all this, right? Mm-hmm. If I was a Disney employee, I'm not getting paid enough to keep my mouth shut. Mm.

Or am I or is like Disney giving it these employees a bunch of money to just keep their mouths shut But imagine like I'm making minimum wage and I see something like that. I'm going out and telling yeah Unless I can blackmail and be like, oh I'm gonna flip the script Give me a million dollars and I won't ever tell and then boom I'm rich

I feel like you don't have a choice, bro. Have a choice to what? I feel like you wouldn't have a choice. Like, if... Fam, they can probably control you somehow. Whether it be financially, whether it be, like... If you're working at Disney in the first place, you know what I mean? That means you need money because you have a job there. Yeah, yeah. And if they control your job...

They kind of control you. But you can blackmail. If you want to stay there. Yeah, if you want to stay. But you can blackmail really easy if you wanted to. If you've seen some shit. There's a movie on Netflix right now. It's called They Clone Tyrone. Have you heard of it? No. They Clone Tyrone? So this is sick because it's almost like it's almost putting a theory onto regular life. How? So check this out. So there's a story. Well, in the movie, Tyrone.

This guy, he is a drug dealer. And pretty much what he does, he just goes throughout his day. He sees certain people and he just goes around doing his drug dealer business, right? At the end of his day, he gets ambushed and shot by a rival gang. But when he wakes up, he wakes up unharmed. Nothing happened to him.

So he wakes up and he goes back to his friend he was talking to earlier. And his friend's like, yo, what the fuck? You should be dead right now. But he's alive. He's like, no, I saw you get shot. I saw you like with my own eyes. You were shot. You were dead. You're bleeding. There's no way you could survive. So they start investigating. So him, his friend and this other girl. Yeah.

and the girl was a witness too to see his death they decide to investigate and they're walking around like the neighborhood where he got killed one of the buildings they see like an opening and they go inside and they follow like deep into the building and they see like this door

And this door, it turns into an elevator. So they walk into the elevator and it brings you down. So in the lab, they see like this white powder, this like white substance and then all these like chemicals. And in the back was a tray and on the tray was

A shape of a body. So he goes up to the body and he pulls off the cover and he sees it's him. So he's like, yo, I was cloned. But he's still him. No, because he got reborn again because he got cloned. But Tyrone is actually dead. He's the clone. Yeah, so Tyrone is dead because he got shot.

But they turned him into another person. No, he's just Tyrone again. He's still the same person. He's just a clone. But he got re-blogged. Now this is where it gets interesting. Remember the white powder and all the substances there? All the chemicals and shit? Yeah, because he's a drug dealer.

No. So the white powder that was in the thing, his friend is a pimp. But anyways, the pimp, he takes the powder and tests it out. He wants to see if it's, you know, if it's a snow. But it's not. He starts laughing. It's like, he gets hysterical and shit, right? This is not what it is, but it's funny. Yeah, yeah. Now...

One day, this is after the laboratory incident, and they're all like talking. They go to like a chicken shop. Yeah. And they're all talking like, yo, why? What even happened there? What we saw was real, this and that. And the pimp, he doesn't eat fried chicken, but...

Him, his friend. Yeah. So Tyrone and the girl were eating on like the chicken drumstick. And all of a sudden what happens? They're laughing hysterically. And he notices he's looking around the whole room. Everybody in the chicken shop is laughing, having a good time. And it's almost like they're in a trance. What? So what happened is every single one of their products in their whole neighborhood, they're

actually testing secret substances with mind control and trying to manipulate the human brain. So not only was the chicken like it makes you hysterical almost put you in a trance. They also dealt with like music and

They put certain frequencies in the clubs to make people almost zombies. Yeah. And not only were they doing that, they're cloning people. So everyone in that town... But they don't clone everyone. Okay. But why did they clone Tyrone? Why did they clone him? Why? Because of the things he was selling? His occupation. What is his occupation? Drug dealer. Now...

It gets revealed to him. I don't want to spoil it because it's really good. But it gets revealed to him and pretty much it explains how they only clone certain people who are quote-unquote expensive. So it's expensive. Why is Tyrone expensive? Because there's not that many drug dealers. There's not that many. They need certain people in the quote-unquote the hood to make it what? To make it the hood.

So they need certain people in there to make it what it is so they can experiment on them and keep

It's almost like an environment. It's almost like an aquarium. You need a piece. You need this piece so it runs. Exactly. It's like, imagine an aquarium and then you need the algae. You need the fish because the fish eat the algae. It all runs like an ecosystem. So they need him. So he couldn't die because they needed him. That's fucked. So anytime he would step out of line, they would clone him. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because that's a

essential piece of the puzzle. Facts. Oh, that's kind of crazy. It's crazy. That's a show though, right? No, it's a movie. But it's not based on a truth. That would be fucking crazy though. I mean, it's a theory. Imagine like the, what do you call this? The garbage cleaners and shit like that are actually just all clones because we need that shit. But nobody wants to work as a garbage cleaner. Oh, fuck it. We'll just clone them. Yeah. You feel me? You never know what's going on. So what if like there's certain jobs and certain positions that they need to be there and if they didn't,

shit would go into shamble, especially for their operation. They're running a whole operation on that area, that neighborhood, specifically that spot. So in order to continue the research, those people have to be in place. So it's all just like we're just the hamsters. The people and the things are just hamsters to them. Yeah. That's fucked. This hamster is like seeing, oh, how are they going to react to this? And they're testing new products and seeing, oh, this one works. This is good for that. This doesn't. Yeah.

But you need an ecosystem first to, like, try to test. And you know how they always test on animals? They test on, like, monkeys and stuff. They test on, like, animal subjects, and then they move to human trials. Where does the human trial stop? I don't know. When men start...

You get me though? Because if they do that for, let's say, medicine, wouldn't they do that with everything? In a sense, even, for example, a video game. There's video game testers that play the game. I had a friend before. His job was a video game tester. I'm sure every single product in the world was tested.

But where does the testing stop? To see their data and how it progresses. For example, one of the biggest things is the phone. Do they know everything about us now? Because we're constantly tested? I don't think the testing ever stops. It just evolves.

You know what I mean? Because, oh, yeah, they introduced the computer. Then they introduced the phone. It's like, oh, how far can we keep going with this? So now it's like, oh, take away the phone. Put it on your hand. Okay, now how far can we go with this? You know, I feel like with animals, animals die, like, if you inject something into them and shit like that. But humans, it's like you got to keep evolving with humans. Yeah. I don't know. It's weird. Fury? Yeah. What if...

Everything that's collected about us on our phone is used against us in a sense of like... It is though, yeah. What if this is all simulation, right? But how would they collect information from us? Let's say this is a computer program. When you play something, the data goes somewhere, but how does the data get collected? Don't you have to put something in? Don't you have to, I guess, opt in for stuff? What do we opt into?

This. Using our phone, using technology. All your interests and shit, your wants and needs are like this. And you know that weird thing where your phone's always listening to you? Maybe it is, man. Or maybe it is listening and it's taking down notes at the same time. So it's fucked. It's crazy. Yeah. There was also this sad story that it's kind of like that. It's like the reborn again thing. But this is a real life story, right? So there was, what do you call this?

There was this cliff in... I forgot where it was. I think it was Germany or something. It was like a 615-foot cliff, right? And a guy pushed off two girls, and one girl actually survived. A 1,600-foot drop, right? And this girl just graduated college, did all the... Like, was set for life. I think she was about to work in Microsoft for, like, a really good salary and stuff like that. But one day, they decided to go to, like...

I think it was Germany. I'll put the typo in just in case I said it wrong. But it's like, you know the Cinderella castle in Disney? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So they wanted to go to Germany to see that castle, right? So they were at it. And across from that castle is like a bridge where you can get better angles and better photos in it with it too, right? Yeah.

So the two girls were like just doing their own thing Random guy comes up to them. They're like oh, yeah There's this like really like romantic spot where it's like very secluded But the best angle of the castle is there I know everything here like I can show you right mm-hmm so the two girls follow that guy to the really secluded area and once it becomes like private no one around the guy tries to essay one of the girls and

Right? Grabs her, stuff like that. The girl's like pushing him away. Oh, I don't want to do this shit like that. The other girl, the 22, I think they were both 22, 21. The other girl punches the guy, like tries to get the guy off his, the friend. Yeah. The guy pushes both of them off the cliff. Damn. This is a 615 foot drop, bro. Fuck.

The first girl, I think she was 21, died immediately. Holy shit. But the other girl, they found when people rescued her and got put back in the hospital, she was actually still alive. And what happened to her? She's alive and she's back. I don't know if she's back, but they're trying to recover her. But she didn't die instantly. When was this? This year. Oh shit. Yeah, recently.

I don't know if it's in Germany or Switzerland. Something like that. I think there's somewhere in Europe too that there's this swing. And it's at the edge of a cliff. Like the highest mountain. Oh, I've seen that. There's a swing there. Yeah, yeah. But that's like the best view of everything. I wouldn't do that. Fuck that. You would? I would. For the video. I would do like one swing. I'm good. The thing I have about me though, like... I'm scared, fam. Because what if I'm the lucky one? Really? Because... Yo...

Bag this. All swings break. Yeah. Over time. Over time. Yeah, yeah. Is it time? No, bro. I have that. Like, my most, like, my biggest fear when I'm on a roller coaster is like, oh, yeah, this has been going on. Like, there's rust on the roller coaster and shit. Is it, like, the time? Oh, I don't think about roller coasters. That shit will stand the width of time. That's fine. But we're talking swing. We're talking, like, rope. Duh.

My jeans break. That shit's been up there for how long? Years on years on years? Bro, how many times have I broke my headphones? That shit will break. No, that's any facts though. So I always think like, especially those dangerous situations, am I the lucky one today? Really? No, I would do it. But imagine you hit one of those ones where it's like, you're coming back and you're like, you're trying to stop it with your feet and you're just hanging on. Oh my gosh.

Nah. Or even the CN Tower. It's not worth it. The CN Tower view, the edge view or something like that. Oh, yeah. No, that's safe. Really? I don't trust. I wouldn't do it, but I know that's safe. Because who's liable? Like you are liable. Like the people aren't liable. Yeah, because you decided to go yourself. You decided to go, which fucking sucks. I feel like when you decide and it's your own choice to do something. Yeah.

You know what I mean? Yeah, see, oh, and the, you know the McKinney Manor, the haunted house where like, if you go, if you finish it, 20k in your pocket. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know that? So there was a couple guys that went and tried to expose it because like, By how? By showing them what they're actually doing there because you're not allowed camera phones or anything like that, right?

And the whole time, they exposed it and they had to sign like this NDA, right? Or like this contract. They're so smart because they said they changed stuff in the contract. The people at McKinney Manor were so dumb to send them the contract so they can send it back, right? So they got it. They said, and one of the things like, if you do any damage or you expose any videos, you owe us like a million dollars, right? They changed it if...

We expose anything or we break anything. We only owe you $1. They signed it sent it off the guy signed it Yeah, they went in with their little GoPros and shit like that and what do you call this one of them like showed them actually getting waterboarded like oh All the kinky shit that could happen. Um face painting clothes

pins on the thing like the whole thing is just like a kink fest like the guys are weird that run it are just like exposing all the kinks no that's the one so it's not even like an escape room yeah and the reason why you can't escape it because one of the last challenges is getting waterboarded you can't survive a waterboard damn yeah because they how are you gonna it's when they tell you this when they tell you to stop exactly and the guy's literally getting hosed down

With a tape and just a towel. That's fucked. And you can just die. Yes, bro. That's messed up. Yes. But that's some dark web, bro. They went out of their way and that guy literally got to the end, to the waterboard part and like gave up because obviously... Nah. And just leaked the film. Nah. It's not worth shit. I guess there's a sense of adventure. Yeah. But adventure only...

It only holds like so much of like a... Real shit, yeah. Are you really gonna be happy after that? I guess. But those guys like are trained to do that stuff. So it's like...

To go out, that's their career path. It's like Sam and Kobe. Oh, to explore? Yeah, Sam and Kobe. Let's explore it. Yeah. No, no, fuck that. I'm tapped out of the first one. If I see a little axe, even if it's like a BB gun axe, or no, no, BB gun, like a BB gun or like a chainsaw that's not even real, nah, I'm tapping out of it. Nah, fuck that shit. Where is this again?

I don't know. Texas? Texas? Yeah, Texas. They do shit big in Texas. Maybe. I think so. Damn, bro. I'm just waiting for someone to get their get back. There's probably somebody that went there and they got violated and they're coming back. There's got to be somebody like that. Like a Navy SEAL. They better John Wick that shit.

You know what I mean? You know the guys when we went to Disneyland? Yeah. And the Star Wars people walking around with the guards and like the big, the Darth Vader. Some guy was like, keep walking, pipsqueak. So the Darth Vader guy goes like, he's just looking at him. And I know he's mad. He's like, oh yeah, he's just roasting him. He's like, yo, are those your boyfriends over there? And the guy's like,

"Oh, why aren't you saying nothing?" And then the lady comes and is like, "Um, maybe it's because your language is thing." He's like, "I don't care. He's a little boy." I know as soon as his shift ended, he was looking for that guy. I know he wanted to fight back so bad, man. Yeah, because you don't know under there, they're probably cheese, bro. Because you can't see their facial expressions.

And then I see the video too. And you know the big canoe ride where you're going down like the water and you're supposed to get wet, right? Um, this...

I forgot what it's called. It's a big one. It's a big one. I know exactly what you're talking about. The water ride. Yeah. So some guy took a bucket of water and threw it on them before they even got wet. He did it at the wrong time. But he threw it at the people. The people looked pissed. They were ready to jump out of the ride and go after this guy. It was crazy. Yo, you know that ride? That water ride? Yeah. It's actually racist.

Which one? Yeah, so that ride, it was named before after this Disney film, like really, really old Disney film. I think it's called A Song of the South. Oh, I think I know what you're talking about. Let me search it up. Song of the South. Yeah, look. So it came out in 1946. And they used like blackface and you know what I mean? Or I don't know if they used blackface, but they did like...

They did some questionable things that wouldn't slide today. Yeah, yeah. But the ride is still there. Really? But it was kind of like racist, you know? Really? Yeah, it's called The Song of the South. But like the characters in it are still in the ride. The fuck? Yeah. Have you ever read the child book Tiki Tiki Tembo? Nah.

Really? No. Okay, so there's this children's book. Look over here. It's called Tiki Tiki Tembo. And it was like, I think it was a white guy who wrote this. And like one of the first pages is like, there was this Chinese boy and he was like saying, Tiki Tiki Tembo, no soul ramble, blah, blah, blah. Like some next... Wait, let me see it. Yeah. Some next dialogue, right? I might have actually read that. Yeah. So the whole time, the book is racist.

because the white guy, when he got interviewed and they were calling him out, he was like, oh, I just was writing down what I heard from my neighbors. Fam, tiki-tiki-tembo, no-so-rembo, that doesn't sound like Chinese. You know what I mean? That's so like... It's just like being racist. Yeah, being racist. So the whole book was cancelled. Yeah, but I think...

Shit slides before and it just comes up now and it won't fly. Nah. But at the same time, like, if I feel like if we're offended by it, then it means something. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like if if it's not really doing harm, would you care? Like let's say some racist shit happened to you or me. Yeah. But it doesn't like I don't know. Hmm.

It's hard to say. I don't know what I'm really trying to say here. No, I get you. If it's not a big deal, do we want to make it a bigger deal and then it affects more people? And then more people are mad about it. If it's a little thing, and what if the little thing wasn't even necessarily meant to be

Sought at that way or meant in that way like for example the joke Yeah, like if there's a joke said and it's like semi racist. Yeah, but it didn't come out of a place of like Oh, I'm trying to hurt people's feelings. I'm trying to like make that race down, you know, what if it's just out of place of like comedy and

Us putting attention to it creates it bigger than what it is. Then everybody's energy puts onto it. And now everybody's in a negative mood.

And remember what I was saying back when I was talking about the goal is to make everyone against each other? That matches up to the agenda, fam. I guess. But it's like, I feel like if one person gets offended by it, then it's a problem, like, already. Because if you're already hurt, that's hurting someone, right? But say, like, you're sitting down at a restaurant and you overhear someone being racist towards another person. Yeah. So you're saying, like...

And it might come off as joke, right? But you're not going to say anything to that person paging that person because it's going to create everyone like, whoa, whoa, what's going on? I don't think that's right. I feel like you should stand...

Like, if you see something wrong, like... No, what I'm trying to get at is, like, what is the goal? Peace, right? Yeah, the goal is peace. So maybe instead of... Maybe that joke turns... Like, if we're talking longevity-wise, that person's going to keep telling that joke and it's going to keep... It's going to, I don't know, maybe turn into something bigger. But what I'm saying... Would it really turn into something bigger? Yeah, probably, because, like... But does it turn into something bigger because of a...

because of an interaction that somebody really, really fights back at. Because that's when it would turn. Like, the situation you're trying to avoid is you, like, putting too much energy into it and making it such a big deal. Oh, that's crazy. That's what I'm trying to say, right? No, that's hard because it's like, if no one says anything, then it's literally just going to become bigger. Like, that guy's going to do it everywhere. Do you think so? Yeah, it's like, if you become, if you be racist to someone as a joke and no one stops you, when does it stop? You know what I mean?

I guess so. I don't know, there's two sides to that still. There's two sides. But I'm just on that idea, like I'm trying to really see where we're supposed to be fighting. Like is it worth like fighting over? Is it even a big deal? Like who's really getting, is somebody dying? Is somebody like, does it ruin their whole life? Or is it just like something in the wind? Like oh okay. And if we didn't put our energy into that, maybe we would've had a better day.

That's just the way I'm trying to see it. But I understand. I'm not saying, oh, let's not knock people for being racist. Yeah, it's fucking terrible. Terrible shit. They shouldn't be thinking like that. What I'm saying is, if we put so much energy into now hating that person and get everybody to look at this, this is a problem, this is a problem.

Now everybody's in a what mood? It's not peace. Short term, yeah, it's not peace. But long term, it is. Is it long term peace though? I disagree. How? Because now everybody's looking for something like that. Wrong or right? No, no, that's right. That's right.

Because one situation like that, now it's in your head and then you're looking for other people. Oh, is this person like this? Is this person... What's your thoughts on that? What's your thoughts on that joke some distance old said? And everybody's looking like, now I'm on this side. Are you on that side? Now everybody's fighting. I think it's going to end up like that anyways though. No, but that's exactly what I'm saying. It's going to end up like that anyways if we put energy to it. But if it's just like a blow in the wind...

Who is it really harming? Yeah. But people can push it off, though. It's like that's different people. Like a lot of people are different. Like they're not going to let shit go and other people will let shit go. So it's very hard. Yeah. You know what I mean? I don't think there's a wrong or right with that. There's no wrong or right. But I'm just curious, like how it would move if. Yeah.

We didn't take it seriously. Yeah, that's like a very 1% scenario where everyone's just brushing it off. Yeah, there is peace if that shit happens. Right? Because then it's not a problem. But I don't... Nah, that's not gonna fly.

I don't know. I think it's just a mindset. If you move on to the mindset of trying to find happiness and trying to actually find real peace, it's not... Because everybody tries to force their ideals onto each other. But instead of that, why don't we just try and understand maybe they're just out of a place. They're just saying that out of a place of like...

misunderstanding or shit maybe they think it's right they think it's okay I guess it's okay I guess education is the best part that you should educate them but I think the I think there's a right way and a wrong way to like I guess address it because if you're addressing it through hate like

let's say somebody's somebody's hateful will you hate them now because they're hateful so are you as bad because you're hating them because they're a hateful person but you're putting your hate onto them now yeah yeah

No, I get that. I get that. Right? And then where does that end? Never, to be honest. Exactly. That's what I'm saying. And then what happens? Everybody's fighting. Stupid. Yeah, I don't know, man. Right? I feel like that's just the balance, though. There will always be fights in the world. Tune in in the comments. I really want to hear you guys take on this because this is something I think about sometimes.

And I want to see who thinks in that way. The world peace way? Yeah, who thinks in that way. Because it's not very common that somebody will address it that way. Because everybody's so quick to do the easy, and the easiest thing is to be offended and not try to understand that person. Those are the insecure people. But the ones that are really just happy, genuinely, will probably just like, okay, maybe I can page them, but do it politely, but I'm not going to get...

Yeah, you're not gonna try and understand them. You're just trying to like put your pain onto them because they cause you pain. Right? And then where's like the lessons in that? Nothing. It's just fucking more, it's more fighting. It's whack. I know. But that's just how it's been and that's how everybody's like trained to be. Yeah.

Yeah. So now it's at its peak still. Yeah. Because it's like, damn, you say even comedians, like comedians say one thing bad. Oh, fuck. It's comedy, though. But maybe one person gets offended. Where's that line draw? I don't know. You don't fucking know now. Yeah. And it's too much of like, I'm on this team, so I should think of things this way. I know. Stupid.

amen y'all just love each other fam thanks right that's a great way hopefully that hit like to some people and yeah it kind of changes their mindset but tune down in the comments i want to hear your guys opinions on that hopefully one person is like yeah let me just be happy and not like page everyone else maybe i'm wrong too like i want to i want to know like yeah let me know yeah i don't know to be honest real shit yeah you guys should have your own podcast too so i can hear your your thoughts everyone has a podcast now bro

fuck now everyone's a podcaster or DJ or uh or OnlyFans model or OnlyFans model deadass holy fuck what happened to our doctors bro I seen some girl who was like um uh

The interviewer was like, oh, how much is your bank account? The girl's like, oh, 80K. She's like, oh, what do you do? I'm like, oh, Oh, easy. I go on Omegle. I do a hashtag, Feet Pics. Get customers there. They'll send me money. Holy fuck. There's so many easy ways to make money now, bro. That's good, though. Like, if you're sitting and you're broke and complaining, fam, no, there's no excuse, bro. Literally no excuse. I mean, if nobody's like...

Getting hurt for that. Yeah, no one's gonna hear that is black I will never like doubt anyone's hustle bro if you have to do it like if your back is truly against the wall Your real hustler will come out of you and if you don't have it then yeah, you're gonna be sitting Yeah, you're sitting there broke fam real shit. No, that's that's real. Yeah, find some way bro Yeah, everybody has a way just find out what it is. Everybody has something but man like

Especially on this social media, it's like, you'll think you're rich, and then, like, you'll go on social media right away, Instagram, oh, I'm Lil Tay, and you're broke. No, but, yo, a lot of the people on social media, they're not actually rich. Yeah, they're not. Like, you don't... Yeah, but it literally gets into your mind because it's like, holy fuck, this 16-year-old is literally richer than me. How is that? That's what I'm saying. Like, y'all should stop flexing, like, fancy shit. Like, who cares, bro? Oh, man, stop.

And for what? You guys are impressing who? You guys are trying to flex on who. It's dumb to me. Exactly. That Balenciaga shit. That shit's whack. Okay, let's talk about something. So you knowing that Balenciaga is satanic and you going out of your way to buy and pay hard-earned money to wear satanic shit. No, I think it's cool.

I just think it's cool. So you think satanic shit is cool? No, I don't think satanic. I think this design is cool. Like it's the Bernie Sanders shit. They just put their, it just happens to be Balenciaga. But you know what Balenciaga did? Yeah, I know how it, I know exactly what it means. I still bought it. That doesn't mean like, oh, I'm, I'm supporting them. Like, no. Really? You don't think so? I just think it's cool. So you gave money to the brand that supports like, you don't think it's bad? No, I don't think it's bad.

Work? Cause I think it's cool. It's like yeah, I listen to Uzi still. I'm not a devil. What is cool? I don't know. Cool like I like the design. Like that's it. Like I think it's cool.

Why didn't he get the Bernie Sanders one? Why does it have to be Balenciaga? I don't know. Exactly. That's my point. We're easily to let ourselves be brainwashed again, even though we know. For example, the Lil Uzi thing. Lil Uzi is a satanic fan. It's literally demonic. Men still enjoy. I think I'm just a fan of...

Especially in clothing like cancel culture like cancel culture if something's like canceled. Yeah. Oh, yeah That that's what's in trend now. Like that's I'll wear that you know, I mean the Gucci shoes be edgy Yeah to be edgy. I don't know. I just I don't know. Who do you mean? You don't know like I just think it's sick. No, but that's that's the problem I feel like I think everybody's like that. We're just trying to yeah, so like we know it's bad for us But we just do what's bad for us

Like, we ask God for a good life, and then we do wrong. Like, what the fuck? I don't know. Like, real shit. Like, we, like, ask, like, yo, can I do good things? You know what I mean? It's like...

And then we go out here and like do some bullshit. I don't know, man. Like Balenciaga's been trending, so I'm like, yo, let me put that shit on. Crazy. Selling your soul, fam. I'm not selling my soul. It's a hoodie. Stop deepening it, bro. Selling your soul, bro. It's Team Gods, though. You know what I mean? Crazy. Well, yeah, man. You don't have to page me like that. Crazy.

Satanic, bro. That's all I'm saying. If somebody has to say it has to be me. If nobody's going to say it has to be me, bro. You know what I mean? Because I'm doing a disservice for my, like, if I truly believe and I truly follow and I don't speak up, then am I really a follower? Good point. Good point. You know, I have to. Okay. That's true.

All right. Thank you, everyone, for watching this episode of the Jumper Jumping Podcast. Make sure to comment, like, subscribe, all that good stuff. Yes, sir. Go down below on Apple Podcasts, Spotify Podcasts. Make sure to download the episodes. We love you guys, man. Also, go check out my other channel. There's crazy content coming soon. Yes, sir. Very, very, very exclusive content coming soon. So go check it out. Make sure to follow us on Instagram, too. Jumper Jump out. Deuces.