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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Carlos Juico
Nick Friedman, Lee Alec Murray和Leah President讨论了对Bobby Althoff播客成功的看法。他们认为,Bobby Althoff的成功并非偶然,而是精心策划的结果,她可能是一个行业策划的人物,其播客的成功是预先计划好的。他们分析了她的播客风格,将其与其他成功的女性内容创作者进行比较,并指出其成功之处在于其独特的风格和对观众心理的精准把握。他们认为,Bobby Althoff的成功案例值得学习和借鉴,但同时也提醒人们要警惕行业中的各种营销手段。

Deep Dive

The discussion revolves around the theory that Howie Mandel was held hostage, with hidden messages in his social media posts indicating a cry for help.

Shownotes Transcript


What was the last thing that filled you with wonder, that took you away from your desk or your car in traffic? Well for us, and I'm gonna guess for some of you, that thing is... ANIME!

Hi, I'm Nick Friedman. I'm Lee Alec Murray. And I'm Leah President. And welcome to Crunchyroll Presents The Anime Effect. It's a weekly news show. With the best celebrity guests. And hot takes galore. So join us every Friday wherever you get your podcasts and watch full video episodes on Crunchyroll or on the Crunchyroll YouTube channel. Crunchyroll

we have audio listeners because i never like listen to a podcast just audio i've done it a couple times but ever like listen to the whole thing yeah but there's some episode i think back on it would have no context or like you have to see what we're saying in the video for for you to understand yeah or you're gonna think i'm like weird uh loki like podcasts are meant for like audio only but i feel like the way that we talk it's it's you can't just listen yeah you can't just listen on audio because we do like

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Because my voice can only show so much. But my body language says so much more. Exactly, exactly. There is, I don't know if you've seen that girl that did a podcast with Drake. Oh, Bobby? Yeah, Bobby Althoff or something. Super funny, fam. I have a theory. What? Crazy. Who is she? I don't know. That's the thing. So she gets out. Theory right now? Uh-huh.

She's an industry plant, fam. It's not even a theory. Loki is true. Yeah. My theory is she's like an actress. Some big network...

Saw potential in creating a show just like this. Yeah. Now, if you, if you take a look at it, um, what's very similar, you know, chicken, chicken shop date. Yeah. Very similar vibe, right? Who's another big female, I guess, creator can say very similar to like the Emma Chamberlain effect. You know how it's like very calm, very just real raw, almost awkward. Yeah. That's her character though. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. Low key. Yeah.

it's just all planned it's just all like you're gonna play this part of a person we're gonna invest in you bring on the biggest guest possible yeah boom it's meant to explode meant to go viral yeah every episode because look look what she had she had drake i don't know how she got drake but right after that she had yadi and no and before that she had like uh marco marco yeah

I swear, like, I was reading comments, and, like, I think she is a comedian. Is she? Yeah, because I don't know if you've heard the other girl comedian. It's the Asian one. That one that was on Under the Influence, where she has that awkward little tone to her. Who is it? It's not Awkwafina, right? No, definitely not Awkwafina. I don't know why I can't say Awkwafina, but it's, like, some other Asian girl, and she's like, hey, guys. Like, it's very, like, awkward tone. Yeah.

And like back to the theory where you said FaZe Rug is making more boring content. Now maybe the whole podcast game is like, hey man. I told y'all, look, I'm telling you right now.

There's gonna be there's gonna be a change of everything and we're just gonna want to watch like boring shit Now it's just like our conversations no more theories. Just like yeah, what'd you do? No, this is gonna be the same This is gonna be the same but doesn't mean like you wouldn't take part in like other content. That's kind of more chill Yes, eh? Yeah, cuz I think I think the reason that is is just because we're so It's dead after just overstimulated. Yeah, and we have more fun kind of in

Calm settings because we're not usually in them. I don't know because it's like, okay, say you went to Hawaii, right? When you came back to Toronto, it felt like home though, right?

Like you were happy to be- What do you mean? Because like you said you were in more chill situations. But like this right here, the city. I love the city. I was ready to come home. Because like Alberta is straight mountains and shit. But day four, everyone's like, yo, I'm trying to go back to the city. I'm not going to lie. Word. Yeah, it's like that. Did you have that in Hawaii? I don't know. Because in Hawaii, to me- Yeah. And this is going to sound corny as fuck. Okay. But to me-

Home is where family is. Yeah, no, that's nice. So if I'm with my family on the trip, because I was with my family on that trip, I could have stayed there forever, to be honest. Really? Yeah. No, it's so crazy to think. I feel like even if my family was out there, but I was born here for so long, I don't think I would stay in Alberta if my family was there. Hawaii, well, Oahu is kind of different because it is kind of city.

There was like sprinkles of Toronto in there, feel me? - Really? - Even the food is very kind of like Toronto-esque. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Like it didn't feel too far off. Like I could actually live there and like feel no ways. Like it was literally kind of like the same as home. - Facts. - But I think the moment you have homesick isn't necessarily, I think the homesickness is because of the people you love rather than like the settings. 'Cause I feel like you can always put yourself into settings even if you put on like a headset or even if you just put on music or whatever, you can put yourself in a setting.

But you can't kind of replicate the connection and love you feel with somebody.

That is true. Because literally the only thing, the first thing that I said when I got off the plane, I was like, yo, the air smells polluted, but I love it. Word. Because Alberta air was so clear. It's so fresh? Yeah, so fresh. Hawaii's like that too. Oh, yeah? Yeah, Hawaii's like that. You can tell. You can tell. And then I always wonder now, like, how bad is our health going to be because just living in a city like that? Facts. Because I know New York,

You could have like respiratory issues if you stay too long with pollution. I know China's a big one and I'm just wondering like how much different would your life be or even just like your energy and your overall wellbeing if you're in a place where it's like just fresh and the environment is healthy.

Forget you yourself, but the environment is healthy. Would that force you to become healthy too? I know. And you know what's crazy? It's like those cities that like have the good air and stuff, not a lot of people. That's like a tourist spot. A lot of people are in the cities with all pollution and stuff like that. So it's like, damn, man.

It's crazy how cities are still like tourist spots though. Yeah. Like people really want to come out here for some reason. I know. I don't know. But I think it's the grass is always greener on the other side thing. You never know. And I always say like I still say this is they are my hometown, my home city. Mm-hmm.

Has the greenest grass in the world. Oh, Toronto? No. Oh, I think. Yeah. But I still say it to this day, fam. I still say it in my neighborhood. Greenest grass in the world. I don't know, man. Still to this day. I went to Alberta. It pretty had a lot of grass, man. But I think it's my own, like, I guess perception. Yes, my bias on it, bro. Like, no matter what, it's going to be greener there. Bro, I remember I went to the street one time just to drop you off. And there was 12 cops there.

It's not bad. But it's so crazy because it's like, that's like the hood part of where we're from. And the gas is super crazy. It's like there's hella nature there. But like, you'll see 12 cop cars on that street. Because everything grows there, bro. Everything grows. Business grows. Crime grows. Everything grows. The brain grows. Yeah, yeah. You know? And honestly, I think it takes like, theory right now, I feel like,

the darkest, deepest depths of the world are like the places that have the most, I guess, things going wrong. Yeah. Come out with the best stories. Come out with the best stories. Mm.

I don't know. Because I feel, hear me out. Yeah. The stories we always hear of like, let's say people living in luxury. Yeah. You heard one and then all of them sound the same. But a story that sounds of hardship or sounds of like terror, horror, whatever it may be. Yeah.

It's always the most amazing stories and it usually comes from like a dark place. No, real shit. Because it's like when I was, when we were traveling too, all my friends were like scared to do stuff, like go up on the gondola or like, and we had this, we rented this one car, right? Yeah. We were supposed to get a nice one, but we ended up with like the shittiest like Dodge Caravan. Like the tires were breaking down, like it needed an oil change and stuff. Oh shit. And we were riding through the mountains, right? But that's the story that we'll remember. Like we're not going to remember that

- Imagine if it broke down and you have to push that shit up. Oh my goodness. - I was telling the guys like, if this broke down, always stay positive because we're gonna remember this rather than, oh, we were just driving through the mountains.

Like nothing went wrong. You feel me? Cause I was, I was hanging with JB. Yeah. And then his boy had a Lambo. It was so funny. He was running out of gas and it was pouring rain and he's running out of gas and he had to make a turn. Right. But it was traffic. Yeah. So JB looks over and he's like, yo, imagine we have to push a Lambo in the rain. Yeah.

See, you're going to remember that. But the story would be crazy. All man's hop out and push the Lambo in the rain. That's crazy. Take it, take it. There was another story that happened in Alberta too. So you know that like that big gondola? Yeah. That goes up and like you can see all the views. Like it goes all the way to the top. It's like seven sea and towers, I think, right?

shit that's that's all yeah so there was an option to go in a closed one yeah or one of those ski lift ones right and and uh i think chern was scared of uh like heights and stuff so he would he wanted to go on the closed one oh yeah we all said we all said for the story we have to go up on the ski lift fuck that story bro we went right this is three and three yeah that's not three guys so we went and

on the middle, the gondola stopped. - Oh, that's crazy. - Because the wind was too crazy. - Oh shit. - So imagine, Charon's regretting his decision 'cause last minute he changed. The gondola's going like this. - Yo, that's fucked. Wait, how many people could you fit on the gondola? - Three. - Could you fit another? - Yeah, low key. - Shit. Oh shit. You ready? Fam, me and Josh were supposed to go on the trip. We had a feeling. Nah, don't go, don't go.

What if me and Josh made it just heavy enough? We made that shit just heavy enough, bro. Yo, but taken, that's not the only thing that happened. So we went up, right? And we were still going up and we saw a bear with its cubs, right? With cocaine. No, no, no. So we saw a bear with its cubs, right? And that's when it stopped.

We were underneath the bear. So BG starts throwing shit at the bear. Why the fuck? Provoking it? Yeah, so they're provoking it. And you know, like, when the mother sees, like, someone attacking his cubs, it's going to start going after you, right? So the cubs start climbing the tree that we were at. Oh, shit, that's crazy. And just when it climbed the tree, the gondola started moving. That's crazy. That's crazy.

So the cup, the cup's gonna jump too, right? It could probably get up to you, fam. That's what I'm saying. That's fucked. So that's what happened. We almost died, fam. Damn. But imagine you guys were there, man. Yeah, it would've been, I don't know. Yeah. And you know this, I always trust my gut now. Yeah. If something feels a little bit off, I'm gonna listen to it. I'm gonna listen to it. I mean, nothing went wrong, so, you know, maybe it was wrong, but. I guess, I guess. But the thing is, like,

No, recently, just like the story I just told you, I have senses of like, there's blessings that way. Like I should go this way because there's blessings towards there. So for a long time,

So for people that don't know, I'm actually working on a short film. - Oh yeah. - And I'm using my computer a lot. And I noticed like my neck is always hurting 'cause I use a laptop. I don't really have a good monitor. So I asked Robin before, I'm like, yo, I need a monitor, but specifically a monitor with a headphone jack. And it's hard to find that now because a lot is Bluetooth connected. And usually like there's no headphone jack anymore. You just use Bluetooth, whatever. So,

Yesterday, just last night, I went to go throw out the garbage and went downstairs and what do I see? A nice ass gaming monitor, like shit, exactly the size I wanted. And then I even called Rob and I'm like, yo, look at this fam. Like I found this. He's like, yo, isn't that, is that 32 inch? That's exactly the inch you asked me for. Yeah, fam. And it gave me two. So I went downstairs and I found two monitors and there's, the other one was another Asus monitor and

bag this in the morning my sister asked me oh since i'm gonna be editing more for the short film can you buy me a monitor yeah no that's how the fuck that's too coincidental fam it's like because it's like god knows you're you you need it for for a bigger purpose so he's gonna plant it yeah and it was just there i'm like whoa no some coincidences are too crazy yeah like every single every single time i see things in in that light like shit it's

it's a coincidence and you're blessed with something. Don't just think of it as, oh wow, what a coincidence, blah, blah, blah. Nah fam, a lot of the times like those are put in your path for a reason and you're supposed to take advantage of those. 'Cause a lot of times we think, oh, my life isn't special.

yo, you can make your life special. Just, just think it's special, right? I, um, my, my mom, she told me a story. Yeah. Just recently. This isn't related to that story. I just want to say it, but cause I was just thinking about it. Hmm.

once upon a time there was like this um there's this indian prince or no indian king actually okay and he was i think he was in london london england yeah one day he went to you know the rolls royce like manufacturing company okay that's the one with the stars in the roof i like yeah rolls royce the car super luxury car goes in and asks to test drive a rolls-royce but the indian king

Obviously in England at the time, this was like early, I want to say like 1920s, 30s, something like that. Now they didn't want to let him test drive it. Why? Because they're racist, you know, this and that. He looked like a bum in their eyes. Now, also he wasn't wearing his nice clothes, like the king uniform, this and that. Like he wasn't wearing good clothes. He looking kind of bummy. So they said, no, we can't give you a test drive.

The next day, what did he do? What did he do? He went ahead, wore all of his like king crown, everything, all his nice clothes. He went inside fam and he told the owner, buy me seven Rolls Royces. I'm going to get it. Yeah. I'm sending it to India. Okay. And I'm making them the street cleaners. Whoa. Like pretty much the garbage trucks of India fam. So he was so petty.

He turned the Rolls Royce to ruin the brand into the street cleaners of India. Damn. So he bought seven Rolls Royces. He bought seven of them, turned them into like the garbage trucks. And when he was, he was dressed by me, he got disrespected, right? Yeah. So no, he got finessed.

Bro got finessed. How? Because that's like the sales tactic. Like you treat mans like shit, so they come in and buy seven Rolls Royces. No, but that's also just racism too because they're just racist, fam. But I was like, if you look at the flip side, low-key got finessed. Kind of, but at the same time, it ruined the brand for quite a while. Yeah. Because then people would say, oh, you want a Rolls Royce? Those are the street cleaners in India. You want to buy a garbage truck in India? What are you talking about? Garbage truck in India?

Exactly. Imagine, right? But I think it's like the pettiness in him got like a great story out of it, you know? Yeah, for sure. Like the first thing like I did when I got my Jeep, I drove around all the people like I hated, the neighborhood, and blasted the music and hopefully they were there. But they weren't there. Yeah.

So that was God telling me like ah nah, you should probably just stay humble. Just stay humble. - Yeah, you know what I mean? - What do you want to get out of like doing things like that though? - I don't know like-- - Like specifically. - I feel like in the moment, like I would be mad, like satisfied and like damn, like look how far I came. Like you were talking shit about this and like I have this moment of like damn, I did that.

So it's definitely for yourself rather than like, yeah, rather than everybody else. If you got like your, um, your clap back or get back in a different way. Like, let's say, um, let's say it wasn't necessarily them, but another person shows appreciation towards something that you achieve. Does that equal the same respect or I guess lack of respect somebody else didn't give you?

Or do you need it specifically from that person that I guess did you wrong? I think it has to be direct. Cause it's like, there's a storyline and then I move and I move and I move and I continue the storyline. And then at the end of the story, it comes back to that person. You know what I mean? So it's like, it has to be direct. There's no way that I'll feel happiness with an indirect person, you know? Word. You know,

So it's like a personal thing? So you hold like a grudge to somebody like nah you gotta respect me one day. Well yeah like now I don't but it's like just having those moments like sometimes I feel for it. Because I think about it now it's like

Like, what if you're supposed to get your back, but it doesn't have to be that person. It just has to be. You know what I mean? What if it's like, you don't have to get your respect from that and fuck that person. Why do you want the respect anyway? Yeah, that makes sense. When somebody else shows you love, it's just as equal. You know what I mean? So it makes up for the respect or like the...

the love you didn't get yeah from someone someone there you got it from someone that really cares but now it's like i i think like sometimes i don't want to get like i don't want to burn bridges because it's like maybe that person that i drove through the neighborhood will help me in the future you know i mean but then he won't he won't help me no more because i did what i did you know it's like sometimes i always think about karma is like karma always comes around you know i mean

Yeah, that's true. I see that. Like, I never want to do somebody dirty no more. I feel like, in my opinion, yo, I just had this freaking, like, epiphany last night. What happened? So check this out. If you really take it in,

There's good things and bad things we can do in life. What if we just always did good? Yeah. And why don't we? No, because like... Because you said it was a balance though. Like, I don't think it would balance that. No, no, no. I mean with choices. Oh, with choices? Like, obviously there's scenarios and things that come in your path that you can't fucking... You can't do. You can't like change. Yeah. But...

The things that you can, you can choose to do good or bad, right? Yeah. Now, we all ask for what? We all ask for a good life. So why don't we do good? Yeah. No, because it's like...

You're tempted so much by, like, evil to do those things. Because obviously, like, when you have emotions, that's brought up by, like, what you think is perceived. And a lot of people can get straight and, like, and get mixed up in, like, what is good and what is bad. So maybe that revenge is actually good for some people because they don't know what's good or bad. You know what I mean? Mm.

I don't know. I feel like people just don't, um, just don't realize it yet. You know, I think that's what it is. But recently, cause I'm always on like, I want to have a purpose. So it's kind of like the same analogy, but if you think about it, if I want a purposeful life, that means like everything I do must have purpose.

Right? Like every single second or every single minute. And even if it means like relaxing, like that's a purpose. So going back to coincidences, do you think anything in your life was coincidence or no? No. No? It always had...

Yeah, I think of it that way, but not everybody should, I guess. I don't know. Or maybe it's good to think that way, but I don't know. Everybody has their own life. And I don't want to say, shit, because your mom died, that's a coincidence, blah, blah. That's fucked. Coincidence is mixing me up because it's like, you don't remember that Katie Yup thing? It's like when she was tapping the mukbanger that was supposedly kidnapped, and she was tapping on the glass. Yeah.

I don't know if that was a coincidence and shit like that. So it's like, there was also a theory that back in 2020, Howie Mandel was actually being kidnapped. Do you remember that? No. So I don't know if you remember, but everyone on TikTok thought that he was being kidnapped because he was posting like these weird pictures and these weird videos. Like he would post a picture like randomly under the bed, like going like this. What the fuck? Yeah.

And then No but he's a comedian No no But at the same time It's like Is this a coincidence Because when he started Making videos Yeah People were like Is he trying to tell us something So So People commented Everyone If you're in danger Wear the color purple The next video He wore purple Oh shit And obviously It's like a cry for help That's what I'm saying So it's like Is that a coincidence So it's like

A lot of people did stuff that was less obvious. They're like, okay, if you're in trouble, throw up a peace sign. And then he, fam, he did peace signs. So it's like, what is true and what is not? And I'm going to show you this video. I want to see if you think this is, like, he was doing this on purpose. Because this is the weirdest one. Okay? I want to see if you see the hidden messages. Hi, everybody. Howie Mandel here. Creativity in just under a minute. Just take a regular shopping bag.

See, why would he post this? This is so random. What's he doing? Arts and crafts. For some- for no reason. Look, he's shaking. Okay, ready? Peep the hidden message. Yeah, what's he writing then? Shoe stuff.

So randomly, he posts a picture of arts and crafts. Yeah. So look, if you see it, S-O-S. He made the triangle. He was like shoe stuff. Oh! He made the thing. And look, the shoe on the S is a five and a five. When you dial 55, you call the police and it's like, and they ask you, are you being kidnapped right now? Nah, that's crazy. Why would he do that? Is that a coincidence or not? That's fucked. Okay.

See, but bro is a comedian too. So we don't know what's true, fam. But why would he post himself cutting out a thing and writing something? That's so random. I don't know. But bro, like, why are you going through all the work to make all these subliminal messages? You have a phone in your hand. Dumbass, bro. You have a phone in your hand and you're making TikToks. Call somebody.

That's actually facts though. But you never know. Maybe it's like if he picks up the phone and calls someone, the guy that's kidnapping him is like, yo, what the fuck are you doing? We don't know. Yeah. We don't know. But it could also be, that's the problem with especially creator or entertainers. Yeah. Because they're entertainers now.

Where's the line of real life and what they're doing to entertain facts, right? It got so bad that people were like remember that one time where we're obviously known for theories Like people will obviously flip our lives into a theory based life now So yeah, like oh look at the back something's happening in the back of the shit like no man. That's not happening I

Shit don't affect me no more. Nah, but it's dope because that's our whole brand is making theories off of shit that looks like coincidences. Or at least that's just how we think. You know what I mean? And I think it's fun to think like that, but you shouldn't take it too serious because if you think of it too seriously, then it's never ending. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Then you think like a dust on the floor means yo, you're gonna make a million dollars tomorrow You know, you could make a theory about anything. It was sound real. Yeah, it's the way you express it Yeah, do you get disrespected when like they call you a different name or like they call you a Like no jumper people called me no jump all the time. I know because I get pissed off is like Then they'll say yo, no jumper and then ask you for a picture. I'm like wait, I know but

It does sound similar. I don't blame them. You know what I mean? That's just a clear sign of like, oh, maybe you have to brand better. Yeah, exactly. I was so prideful because usually the way it is, it's like, they call me Carlos. They never say, going up to Carlos and say, are you Gavin? And the one time it happened, I was actually like, I was crying. Like, damn. You already got...

Because I think in our content, we don't really say our names as much. We don't have an intro. We don't have an intro like that. But I don't know. Do you want to change things like that? No, because I think I was honored when... I remember we interviewed Bart, Joe, and Tim. At the end of the podcast, they're like, yo, bro, we don't even know when you started. We thought it was a conversation the whole time. Yeah, that's what it is supposed to be. It's supposed to be that. It's just supposed to be... Look at Joe Rogan's podcast. The reason his number one...

it's because it's that's just a just a conversation it's not it's not necessarily like i'm interviewing you he has questions he has like things he wants to talk about something yeah and you learn every time yeah you should jorgen's the goat fam yeah fam and if it wasn't for him i wouldn't be doing a podcast right now to be honest yeah and if it wasn't for like gary v and all these other people i used to watch wouldn't be doing this shit bro yeah i know i forgot that you you looked up to gary v that's such a like that's a big one for me yeah that is a big

It's a huge one. But I don't know. This guy's kind of like ghost right now. I haven't seen his content in a while. A lot? Bro, step over the marketing, fam. Maybe that's a hint. Like maybe he's off social media doing his own thing. You know? I think he's still making content. He's just not getting on my For You page.

It's not shit unless it gets shit is just enough. It's not popping up in the algorithm. Yeah, bro. Just fell off That's not what I'm saying. That's not what I'm saying Gary Vee. Yeah, it's not all what I'm saying but recently I've been Cuz just how just how I did with podcasting. I really take part in the podcast So I watch a lot of podcasts. Yeah, no, I kind of see like how hosts communicate

Good ways to fluctuate your voice and speak. And that's what made me a good podcast host, right? Now, since I'm working on a short film, what do I do? You have to look at how people direct and stuff. Yeah, I have to watch movies and shit. Study film. Study film, yeah. And that's what I've been doing. And I low-key been doing it, like, subconsciously because I just always watch film. Like, what do you mean? I just always watch. I just always watch movies and I always, like, break it down in that way. Like, I'm always, like, making theories about it. Yeah.

it so it's like a perfect match i'm like super excited like damn here we go right when did you have this vision of like creating this shit was it like because obviously creating a movie you don't just think about you just don't wake up and like i'm gonna make a movie yeah what's it like that loki no no no i always had like plans yeah so in my phone i have a notes app and like in the shower in the car ride or whatever i'm i'm doing right like i have a random idea for a scene or even just like a

almost a coincidence or like a, even if it's like a speech or a verb they're saying, whatever they say, right? Even a name. And I just put it all into this database of my notes for future film ideas. So what I did, I'm like,

Fuck. Each one of these could be its own separate film, even like scenarios and shit. Why don't I just put it all together? Let's see what happens. Fam, I noticed that because like sometimes when we're at Denny's and like we're having a conversation, Carlos will be like, yo, I'm turning that into a short story and he'll write it in his notes. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, do that. If you, if someone hacks Carlos' phone and goes on his notes, you're like... Fam, billion dollar ideas are on my phone. I swear to God, billion dollar ideas are on my phone, bro. Yeah, fam. Like, nobody's trying to hack me, but... Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I'm saying? No, because I noticed with the guys, too, is, like, we all slept in, like, the same bedroom. And, like, when we took each other's phones, we wouldn't even go to, like, the Instagram. We would go straight to the notes. Like, what's, like... What's on the notes? Yeah, well, like, what's your true self? Because that's a deep shit. Yeah, that's your true, like...

You may be depressed and you might type your thoughts in a note, fam. All right, let's pop it over right now. No, no, no, no. Why? Because my notes are kind of weird. Are they? Yeah. I want to see what you would see. Let me just open it. I'll read. I have a schedule. I have obviously like the shit I'm working on. Yeah. I don't know if I wrote any like specific emotional shit in here. No, I've always. Yeah, look, look. You wrote emotional shit? Yeah, look, look. Okay, so you want me to read this? That's kind of weird.

Fuck. Our goal. So, May 23rd, 2023, I said, I've always worked best when I have something to prove. For the longest period of time, nothing was really motivating me. Everything was proven already. They started talking again, so I feel like I'm back. I love when they talk. Shit puts me in another mode. Exactly why I got revenge iced out and I wear it around my neck. Those who go against me never win. I thought people would have figured it out. God and Nana watching me from above, I can never lose. Mm.

And this you know what I wrote this when men's are roasting me about the math shit word Because they were talking like they were dissing me and stuff like that. Yeah God and men are watching me nothing. I can't lose. Mm-hmm. So you have a lot of like, uh, I guess personal Yeah, like feelings personal feelings. You just you just stress out on yeah, and then just write it out Yeah, so instead of like journaling just put in the notes. Yeah I have a journal. Okay, so I don't really have no thing in here like I

Oh, let's see. I don't think there's nothing weird. These are just like tattoo ideas, fam, to be honest. Let's see. Yeah. All right. Yeah, like none of this stuff is even personal. I'm trying to find a personal one. Yeah, yeah.

It's literally the one that's tatted on me, but I know that God put you in front of me. That's the only thing I know that's personal. I thought you would have some like, like personal shit. Nah, that's in my, that's in my, my journal, but my journal is mad narcissistic. Like, man doesn't want to read that, bro. Man doesn't want to read that. Like, man's what, everybody's going to fail. You feel me? Like, everybody's going to get insecure if they read my journal, bro. That's fine. That's fine.

It's like you know how Drake in a song like this is you like subconsciously. Yeah. You're like damn that does that relate to me? Is he talking about me? Is that what it is? No it's like it's literally just like my view on the world. Fuck. I wouldn't want to read that. Imagine on shoes. Like you're reading clothes and they'll be like holy shit. Nah but like maybe I'll just publish it one day. Fuck it. It's mad narcissistic though. Yeah. It's like shit that remember when I said like

There's certain things I don't want to say on the podcast because I don't want to be perceived that way. And it's for the purpose of like...

Would you really want to listen to somebody that sounds like they don't listen to you? See now imagine if Kanye had a journal like that because do you feel like uh in celebrity like when you get up in the ranks Like to stay humble because as a celebrity you need to be a narcissistic like it needs to be about you, right? Do you think you can get it off by um by writing it like in your own private time? That's how you stay humble because you're you're at the same time. You're being narcissistic, but nobody knows about it So do you think celebrities like that?

the humble ones write it in a journal or do something else to be, you know, because I feel like nobody's like, like humble, humble, you know, like there's still this type of feeling where like, oh yeah, I like to brag sometimes. Anybody, anybody I interact with, I never, I never like be narcissistic with them. Yeah, of course. Like anybody I interacted, never. Yeah. Like it's usually just internal. Yeah. But I think, I think it's just,

What a journal is, necessarily, is just your internalization externalizing. It's not really writing what you want to say. It's what's already there. And you're just showing what's there. That's how I see it, though. It's like how drunk saying is like sober thoughts? No. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like that, yeah. What's the term? There's another term for that shit. No. Like thoughts...

thoughts you're not supposed to have what's that what's that term oh um you know what i'm talking about yeah i know exactly what you're the the the thoughts that you're not supposed to have and then intrusive thoughts that's exactly what it is intrusive thoughts that's exactly what it is but you just put it out and then because it's because do you think intrusive thoughts are still truth

because you thought of it you know i think that's the most truth when you have an intrusive thought yeah so i think no but also nah i disagree i disagree i disagree i disagree no no because i just thought of my intrusive thoughts like some shit is not valid it's just like i just thought of it nah intrusive thoughts are not nah nah relax no intrusive thoughts are because say like

You see a guy walking and your intrusive thoughts are roasting the guy that's valid like I have different intrusive thoughts I don't know bro. I don't know if that's not my intrusive thoughts all I'm saying Someone needs to scan your brain bro. That's not what I'm saying, bro. Bro's trying to get me in a recall right now Nah like it never mind never mind Let's move on to a story I have to say

bro's gonna give me your allegations bro i don't even know what you're thinking about bro but yeah tell me a story all right okay um oh you know the the 824 film that's coming out oh yeah i saw about that yeah the the raccaraca one it's supposed to be like the scariest yeah gory yeah so i have a question for you actually if you had a if you had a chance like with a genie giving you three wishes would you take it probably

What would you wish for? Wish for... My family was healthy. All my friends and family are rich. Yeah. Probably, last one, I don't know. Probably, that's my two wishes. Alright. So, what if I told you, because you're guaranteed what? The wishes. Oh, I'd probably ask for the last one to be for more wishes. Now, what if I told you...

Sure, you get those wishes and they're granted. But what if they grant things that take it back? Now, think about it this way. What if you become a millionaire, sure, or you get money, blah, blah, blah, and that's what you wish for. But it means something else that happens in your life that takes away from your life. So it's like, I asked for a million dollars, but I die at like 24, some shit like that. Mm-hmm.

You asked for your family to be healthy, but all your friends are dead get sick. Fuck man So would you still take the wish? Hell no, but do I know that if I didn't know that I would still take it You know, I mean now when you wish for something Yeah, I feel like it's a it's like a sense of we think it's always good But as we know some things are always too good to be true to be true now there's this story and

You ever heard of a monkey paw? No. Monkey pox? Monkey paw. Like a monkey paw. Oh, isn't that something luckier? I don't know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So there's this thing called a monkey paw. And pretty much it's like a hand of a monkey that will grant you wishes. Oh, shit. So what's crazy, this is what the A24 film is about. And Jordan Peele, he's a...

His studio is actually called Monkey Pa Studios. Yeah, it's interesting. But I looked into it and the mythology around it is fucked, bro. So the original story of the Monkey Pa was pretty much this father and a son. They're playing chess one day, right? And they're waiting for his friend to come over. And his friend, he's a general. And he was away...

traveling doing war this was back i want to say early early early times not not anything modern okay okay but the general comes over and he talks to the father about what he's seen and he talked to him about this trinket that he brought with him which is the monkey paw now what he told him was this monkey paw it came from an indian like witch doctor

So pretty much what happened before the general got his hands on the monkey paw, he knew another, I think a sergeant was, he's the one that got it from the witch doctor. And the last thing that the sergeant wished for with the monkey paw was death itself. Huh? He wished for death. He wished for death.

now reverse psychology no bro so if you think about it whatever he wished for you know i mean it made him kill himself after yeah check this out so he said you can wish for something i already used all my last wishes so it's it's next for somebody else to use but if you wish for something something else might happen that you didn't see coming so like oh so it was like all good but he didn't want to test his luck

So he's like, fuck it. I'm going to just kill myself. No. Something else happened to the general. I mean, to the sergeant. But anyways, the father takes the monkey pot now. And he looks at it. And he asks around the room like, man, what should I ask for? And the son goes, yo, ask for money. So the guy goes, the dad goes, I wish...

for 200 000 pounds like this is he's in the uk okay and the monkey paw goes like this yeah so there's like three there's like three goes and then he drops the monkey paw on the floor and everybody in the room was like yo why'd you drop it like it moved in my hand and nobody believed him nobody believed him yeah now what happened the next day

They're wondering, man, was that shit even real? Like, where's the $200,000 coming from, right? Blah, blah, blah, blah. His son, he's about to leave the house. They're having breakfast. He's like, oh, I'm about to go to work. Like, he works at like a mill, you know, the wheat and shit. Like, I buy, son. And they're chilling. Like, they're talking, yo, how are we going to get this $200,000? And then they get a knock on the door. What the fuck? It's some guy, no way. They get a knock on the door and opens up.

is two men okay and they're wearing suits they have like fedora hats and glasses and they pretty much say we need to talk to the parents of and they say the son's name oh shit the son he fell in the mill of of the grain and killed himself because he accidentally slipped now because it's the company's fault quote unquote they're gonna compensate them

And he gave the father a check. 200K. The father looked at the check. Dog. And he dropped to the floor and fucking started crying. And the mother's like screaming and shit. And it says 200,000 pounds. Now, I guess even scarier, bro. Fuck. So they end up depressed and like, shit, we pretty much traded my son for money. Yeah.

and for weeks i want to say like two weeks they were crying and like just depressed they didn't know what to do one day the father and the mother they were just sleeping on the bed and she gets up like super excited like yo i have an idea and she says to the to the father where's the monkey pa i know what to do so she grabs the monkey pa the father's like oh what's in the cupboard grabs the monkey pa yeah and she said i'm gonna wish for him back

No, but she gives it to the father to make the wish okay because he has two more filming the father takes in like he feels kind of hesitant but the mother's like no we have to really have to I mean he's gone like they can't live anymore so he wishes for his son back now nothing happens I think I know what's gonna happen nothing happens and then they're just chillin and

and all of a sudden like they hear like a noise at the door they hear a noise at the door fam and then in the father's head he's like thinking holy if this is my if it's a curse right yeah it's probably gonna mean his son's gonna come back to life yes because that's what he wished for his son to come back to life but somebody's gonna die no but how would he come back to life because he was thinking about the last time he saw him

Dead at the mill was when his body was chopped up into pieces that he couldn't even recognize So he's starting he's starting to think like shit. I wish I wish my son back He's gonna come back a monster. He's gonna come back like a zombie is gonna look frightening, right? So they go towards the noise downstairs the door and the mother like hurry's like, oh, it's the Sun It's a Sun and like raise open the lock now the father is

He starts to feel like super guilty. And he grabs the monkey paw, makes a last wish. Yeah, just kill me. He just makes a last wish. The mother opens the door. The last thing the father hears is just the mother screaming. Holy shit, man. Screaming. And the monkey paw goes like, right? He made his wish. When the father comes back downstairs, he sees nothing there, just the mother screaming in terror. Now, what do you think he wished for?

I actually don't know. And it's up to like... It's up to everybody to decide. So he wished for his son back and the mother was there and his son wasn't there. Because he made another wish. What the fuck? But his mother was screaming in agony, right? I don't know. I don't know what he wished for. So there's obviously like a bunch of theories. But the first theory is that he wished for the son to rest in peace. Oh, like kill him again? No, pretty much to rest in peace. Because if he was brought back to life, that means he's... You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Then...

The mother probably saw him. She pretty much just like traumatized herself forever. Because he was like chopped up. Yeah. And shit, she just like, she ended up going insane because she saw her son come back to life. And then now he's gone. Just poof, gone. Yeah, yeah. Crazy. Wait, so was that, is that the plot of the new A24? No, it's not. Okay. Now it's a sick plot. Yeah, but this is the story. This is like,

I think it's, I don't know if it's folklore or based on like a true story. No, if this was a true story, that would be crazy. Because this is one of those, it's literally like one of those, the muffin man type of shit. It's low-key based on like true things. The monkey paw was probably real. The general was probably real. But who knows about like other stuff? Maybe it was, it played out in a different way, right? Yeah, yeah. But a lot of that stuff is probably based on like true stories.

True events or true stories that they heard. See, no, I was thinking like the second wish when he wished for his son back. I thought that the whole thing was like the son would come back, but then the mom would die. Like it was just like he wouldn't get the pattern and he would just keep wishing like good shit and like bad shit would happen.

You know what I mean? It's like, oh. Do you like wish bad and good? Yeah, and then like maybe his third wish, oh, I wish my, all my family come back, but then he's the one that dies. I thought that's how it was going to play out. That would have been a crazy plot twist. That's a good movie. Yo, make that into a short film. That's like some Thanos shit. Everybody, everybody's gone now. You know what I mean? Like,

There's some Thanos shit for you. No, but that's crazy because it's like, damn, maybe like sometimes it could be good, but other times it could be really bad. I don't know if you heard about the story recently too. It was four kids that survived 40 days in like the deadliest jungle, the Amazon rainforest. Nah, I haven't heard about this. And this was all because they said a duende helped them. What the fuck? Yeah, so listen. So I think it was, there was four kids on the plane. Yeah. A

A mother and a pilot. Yeah. So they were flying over the Amazon rainforest. And suddenly the plane crashed into the middle of the jungle. Right? The four kids survived. Mom and pilot dead. Shit. The kids ranged from... I think it was... The oldest was 14. Nine, four, and there was a one-year-old. Damn. So imagine 40 days...

You know what the Amazon rainforest has? Jaguars, spiders, - Poisonous shit, man. - Everything, right? So everyone's saying that the search team went out, they found clues of like diapers, baby bottles, but they couldn't find them.

So everyone's saying that the, even though since they couldn't find them for so long, even though they found clues, it was like one of the Lord of the Rings type thing where it's like, you know, the Lord of the Rings, when you put the ring on, you become invisible to everyone.

So that's the theory. Because it's like the Duende took them in, helped them survive. These kids in like one of the, you know, it's deadly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then as soon as like the rescue team came, they got sent off. So they still haven't found them? No, they found them. Oh, they found them. Yeah, after 40 days. So that's what they told them, the Duende. Yeah, no, no, that's like the theory.

Because there's no way, like, everyone believes that these kids are surviving 40 days with no food and shit. You know what I mean? So the mother died. Yeah, mother died. Shit. It was just the kids, bro. But the grandma also came out and said, like, that kind of busted the theory open. Where it's like, the 14-year-old was part of a tribe. And...

Since a little kid, they're used to surviving. Oh, surviving in the wilderness. And finding water and stuff like that. But still, 40 days is kind of crazy, though. That's a long time. So I believe the Duende shit, man. I think... Do you think if you were lost in the wilderness, you would start to hallucinate and then create characters and stuff? Yeah. Bro, when we were taking a hike, I think Charon said something like, Yo, I hear our name.

That's wrong. And that's when Brandon said, no, that's just, what do you call those? Um...

When the you don't you're not supposed to listen to them or something fuck I talk about them all the time Oh skinwalker so oh skinwalker. Yeah, so Brandon was like oh no he said it's so call me Oh, no, that's just skinwalker. I was like what we you guys are on a mountain, right? Yeah, we were on mountain away from everyone and all you hear is Sharon Yo, check this out fam. What so there's this ongoing

I think it's a conspiracy or if it's just a phenomenon. But if there's two people climbing a mountain, I know you're with two people, but we were six, two people climbing a mountain.

There's this phenomenon called the third climber. You heard about this? So a lot of climbers that go with like a duo, they climb a mountain or they go on a huge trek. And they come across another climber that guides them and tells them how to complete it. But the moment they complete it, they can't find him. Like a random person? Like a random person. No, never mind.

Cause Loki we saw like a bunch of people they would say hi to us randomly but I think that's just Canada. They're just saying hi they're saying what's up bro they're nice. That's what I was saying. But there was two there was two like there was a couple beside us and they took some neck short route and we couldn't find them on the hike except we found them at the top. Oh shit. So it was kind of weird but So they like teleported. No but Loki we were like yo they just went on the sidewalk to fuck.

But that was the whole thing. But that's kind of crazy. Yeah, that's a real thing, actually. Like, people, a lot of, there's a lot of cases, like, Google it, the third hiker. It's either the third hiker or the third climber phenomenon. Because, fam, you're up in nowhere. You're up nowhere. It's like, you don't know if that's a ghost or a thing. Because the Andrew Dawson thing, he saw, like, a tall figure in the mountain. I don't know if I was tripping or I was losing sleep. But when, like, the whole thing was mountains. And I swear at the top, people are going to obviously call me crazy. Yeah.

But I swear I saw something very tall. I don't know. I don't know, man. And if you're watching this government, I swear I didn't see it. It's just BG, fam. It's a tall guy. It's a tall guy. No, but yeah, fam. I don't know. I think what it is ends up becoming is like you're in a mode of survival and you just, I guess, hallucinate somebody to encourage you to finish it.

Or it could just be like a spirit of somebody that passed away on their hike. That's what I'm saying. Like that is a spirit lost on the travel. And I'm wondering if you go to Mount Everest, you know how many people died in Mount Everest? How many people actually died in Mount Everest? It must be a lot, right? Look, let's see.

How many deaths at Mount Everest? At least like 30, right? 310 people died climbing Mount Everest. That shit is definitely haunted. 310? That's a lot, fam. Yeah.

Take in, like, there was this glacier we went to, too, right? And you're not, there's, like, a little thing, a gate, where you're not supposed to pass. Yeah. Right? And everyone decides to go up the glacier. And there was rumors that, I mean, not rumors, but it was a true story, where the people walking up the glacier without, like, a line or, like, one of those sticks, they slide down the glacier and die, right? So I didn't go on it, but Brandon, Sharon, and Mick went.

And they had to cross a river. Right? And the river, to cross it, there was like three really thick sticks. Right? And they crossed it, but...

There was, like, these group of people that started fucking around with, like, the thing. And they started dancing on it. Oh, shit. And taking, like, underneath. I thought it was super shallow. Yeah. Right? And this is water next to a glacier. So, you know, it's cold as fuck. Yeah. So, one guy does, like... Like, he goes in, like, all fours. And he tips over. Oh, fuck. And Eric has it on video where the guy...

Luckily, there was hella people there to get him. But imagine he was there on his own. He would have froze to death. He went to the neck. No. We thought it was like you can stand up. He was like this holding on to the sticks. Because if you fall into freezing water, your body paralyzes. Yeah. Because you can't. Hypothermia. You get hypothermia. Because you freeze. It's freezing.

Fuck, man. That's crazy. But those signs are there for a reason. So, like, even though you're, like, a traveler, like, be careful, like, where you go. Yeah. It's fucked. Damn, I really want to go on an adventure now. That's what I'm saying. No, like, we travel, fam. I want to go on an adventure. I definitely want to do, like, a treasure hunt. Mmm, that would be sick. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Low-key, like, if we made a treasure hunt around the world and we said, oh, yeah, you have to, we'll give you these tickets and you just go around the world, that could make hella money. Like, that's...

No, I had a business idea like that actually and when I was in Bahamas like yo There's some islands like you can buy and it's not like for example, mr. BC bought an island It's not that crazy of a purchase. I think you could buy an island for a million dollars Yeah, like certain I like small islands in the middle of nowhere blah blah But if you were to make that whole island into a treasure into a treasure with clues with like a

Steps you have to do, riddles, everything. Fucking the whole shebang, right? Damn, bro. That would pull in a lot of tourism. That's some kid shit too. Like, it will bring out your inner childhood. Yeah. How long do you think it takes until they make Jeffrey Epstein's Island a tourism spot? I don't think they will ever. You don't think they ever will? No. I think they will eventually. I...

Actually, now I'm thinking of it. They made, like, the Holocaust a tourist spot. So... And that's way worse. I agree. 100% way worse than Jeffrey Epstein. But, so... Did they tell you about that... There's this place in the States. It's, like, a big triangle. And they...

And then these two girls, they went there. Bermuda? No, no, no, no, no. What is it? I don't know what it is. It's just like a weird, I guess, land monument that these couples made. Yeah. I think it might even be like a mini pyramid too. There's a mini pyramid in the middle and it's just like a big, big, big monument in the middle of like a field and shit. Okay. But...

I don't know what they say it is. I forgot exactly. But these two girls went to go and go check it out. And like, oh, what's the history around this? Blah, blah, blah. Now at the end of their tour, the lady tells them come to the middle. Okay. Now you guys have to sign this certificate that you finished and just sign it. Sign right here.

And then the girls go like, sign, what do you mean sign? Like, no, you have to sign this because it's the end of the tour. Yay. Like sign your thing, sign your certificate. And they're like, no, we're not signing shit. Right. The lady starts getting violent. Holy shit. It's like, no, you have to sign it. Like you have to sign it. Right. Now, I don't know what they did to get away, but they got away. But these girls were talking about it on a podcast and they pretty much said like,

it felt almost ritualistic because the whole place was kind of built in a shape of something irregular. They're in the middle of a fucking pyramid. There's symbolism there that seemed kind of like ritualistic.

What if they signed it? What would happen? Probably fucking... They probably signed their life away. They would probably like either get poisoned or died. And they got away. What do you think? What do you think would happen? I don't know, fam. Like maybe you sell their soul. Who knows? What the fuck? Who knows? Yeah, that's kind of weird. But imagine that. Like it's...

It's shown as like a... A tourist spot. Yeah. Where they turn it into something else, you know? Or it is something else. Yeah. I think they turned this... There was some lady called the Toxic Lady. And I think they made her whole story into like a whole tourist spot too. No way. So like...

One lady, I think her name was Gloria Rodriguez. Yeah. So long story short, she called the hospital and said she had really bad chest pains, right? And then so the EMTs came to her house, rushed her to the hospital. And then as soon as they went to the hospital, that's when shit got weird. Yeah. Because as soon as they took the blood sample from her,

Everybody like that was working on her fainted. Oh shit. What the fuck? So that's why she's called like the toxic lady. So I think it was 23 out of the 37 workers. Yeah. Either passed out, got liver damage, got...

Got lung damage. Getting blood from her? No, it was the blood and the fumes that was coming out of her body. Whoa. Yeah. And taken, she only got called because she had chest pain. Yeah. So no one knew what was going on, but doctor's bones were decomposing just by standing next to her. Damn.

Take that in. That's why the toxic lady, bro. Damn, this girl's like kryptonite. Yeah. And then I think people were like at the hospital trying to, trying to look in and like, yeah. And like, Oh, let me see if, if my liver gets damaged, if I stand next to her. Holy shit. You know what I mean?

Is she still there? Wait, what? No, no. They, you know, when you get in quarantine and they put like something over you? Yeah. So they put something over her and like, I think that's when they like did surgery on her. Oh, wait. So she's dead. I think so. Oh, I was going to say like she's still alive. No, no. She's sitting in a spot like this. Like, let's see. It's like yellow shit coming out of her body. She's like, yo. No, that's fucked. Damn. Yeah, yeah.

Nah, because I think it's a little bit unethical to turn somebody into amusement. But you know P.T. Barnum? No, who's that? He's the guy that made... It's The Greatest Showman. I don't know if you... Oh, yeah, yeah, The Greatest Showman. Yeah, the movie The Greatest Showman. P.T. Barnum, he's the showman, the circus pretty much owner. Yeah, yeah. He curated the show, this and that. Now, do you think it's ethical for him to...

What he did like he grabbed a bunch of weird-looking people and use them for money I mean, it's not ethical but it is a circus like people want to see irregular things Yeah, that's a regular and if they if the people that were like weirdly looking had consent like yeah I'll do it then then go by all means if they're if he was paying him, right? Yeah, go cuz I have other two sides to it. I see the creative side yeah, and the the creative side of like

These people, shit, they can't get jobs anywhere else. I'm going to give them a job and then we can make money like this and it's creative. It's different. That's one side of it. The other side of it is he's literally profiting off of their misery. But who knows if it was misery? If you were, quote unquote, a carny and then you're just a show. People just look at you and go, whoa. If you didn't get a job in the real world and that's the only thing you could do, yeah, I would do it.

You know what I mean? Because that's the only way I'm getting paid. Would you feel good about it? Probably not. Would you feel better, like, if you didn't do it? I don't know. I feel it's, like... Because when we were at the zoo, too, I was like, damn, like, animals really just stand there the whole day and people look at them. Like, I wonder, like, what they actually feel. Like, damn, why is this person looking at me like this? It's true. It's true. I love the zoo, though. I know, but it's, like, at the same time, free to guys, man. Like, that sucks. That's why I want to go to, like...

That's why I'm saying I want to go to Kenya and I want to go on a safari because I want to see the difference. Wildlife in the wildlife. It's definitely different, fam. Wildlife living a wild life, not wildlife in enclosures and shit. In a box. That's kind of fucked. But I think Kenya is definitely way more dangerous. The zoo is like...

good to see animals because they're not gonna come out and attack you oh the lion will be beside you the lion will lick your toe fam that's what I'm saying it's not good like that's scary I've seen this one um I don't know if it was in Guinness World uh-huh or like Ripley's or whatever but there's there's dead ass safaris in one of those like glass things they put fresh meat on top of your cart oh and you drive yeah they drive it and then the lions like come through and shit

Imagine, holy shit. - Wait, how many people have died doing that? - I don't think people have died. I think it's just like there's bulletproof glass. - Oh, okay, okay. - And they're just driving, the lines like eat the meat. - That's kind of sick. I go like, that's kind of sick. - In the equivalent though, isn't that just like, you know the sushi body thing? - What? - The body sushi. You ever hear about that? - No, I've never, what is that, body sushi? - You don't know what that is? - No. - So there's like this whole, it's a rich thing. Like rich people do this.

They hire naked women to put sushi on their body. Yeah. And like eat it off their body. At buffet, like a buffet style type shit. So like, let's say you have a, I know some rapper had like a listening party and they had it. So a bunch of like naked women and then sushi on top of their body and then you eat it. What the fuck?

Yeah, it's a thing. You know the Filipino Kamaian? Yeah. That's not the same, bro. That's not the same. Relax. Hold on. Let me show you a picture of it. It's interesting. Imagine there was a collab. Ew. Ew. Ew, like this? Ew. Kamaian ex-naked woman. I feel like that's so gross, though. Like, I wouldn't want to eat off someone's body like that. No, that's definitely elite shit because it's like, you have so much money. It's definitely like a kink, right? It has to be.

Because you have so much money, like, might as well do that, you feel me? Let's see. Body sushi. Look at this. I don't want to look at it, bro. It's called natto mori. Oh, this is... Ew. See, look. This is a thing. What the fuck? Yeah, but only, like, elite people. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it costs enough for some... Terasno?

If I could be a sushi body model, that's not bad, fam. Yeah, I was going to say, for you, pay me nice. You know what I'm saying? No, think about it. Yo, think ahead. Think ahead. Look.

If you're a sushi body model, you're not really working. All you're doing is, you can sleep probably. I don't know if you're allowed to sleep, but you can probably just like stand still, sleep with your eyes open. If people are touching you, fam, you're probably not sleeping. You're probably not sleeping. But you think about it, it's good for networking. What? Hear me out. Look, you're invited, you're invited to elite ass parties. Oh,

At some point, you're going to finish your job and get up. No, they're degrading you. I'm going to lie. Nah. You're not talking to no naked model on the table. Facts. No, but there's going to be that one celebrity or elite person that goes, yo, can you say something? You know what I'm saying? Talk to you at least at the end. Yeah. Or if you're just chilling afterwards and then, you know what I mean, off your shift and you're in the mix. Yeah, that's definitely thinking outside the box. It's smart, bro. Because I remember there was this millionaire. I forgot who it was.

But every single time they want to go out to a bar, they would go alone, specific like high-end hotels and like resorts. Yeah. But not for a drink.

Bro would order like a ginger ale to make it look like alcohol. Okay. And he would just sit at the bar and just talk to the people there. And he did it for what? Networking. For business. Networking. And he got everybody's connections. And the people he was networking with were rich ass people, fam. Yeah. Now, my...

My uncle, he has a friend, I think, or like a client. And he's an Uber driver. Okay. But he's an Uber driver not because he wants to make money off Uber. Why? He's trying to talk to people, like network? Because he's selling his business. And I think he's a real estate agent or something with like real estate. Yeah, yeah. But he's just selling his business.

So he drives Uber for the conversations with rich people and specifically plants himself in rich areas just so he can get, you know what I mean? Clients in only those rich areas. And you're making money while you do it? That's kind of crazy. Think ahead, fam. Think ahead. If you're a girl, bro, like low-key, the service industry is perfect for you. And if...

in the same sense like you should do those service industry jobs in places of like high status or in places where you might get if let's say you're an aspiring actress in places that those type of people in that industry would be around i mean sometimes you gotta finesse like that though because if you could get the intel or like the insight of let's say let's say you know

a billionaire or like a group of billionaires but their secret like i don't know their secret um hobby is to go play airsoft and you know they only come at a certain time you go at that time you should go at that time play with them hang out with them blah blah shit in the same sense like tennis whatever it may be put yourself in that position and i think that's why people play golf like they don't really play because it's fun they play for the networking and like the conversation no real shit because it's like

Even if you're broke, say you're broke, but you're all your friends are millionaires. To me, you're still a millionaire to me. You're not broke because it's like a millionaire sometimes like has so much money that they're so helpful and they'll put you on at one point. Yeah. If you ask, you know what I mean? Yeah. So it's like you're like the, the, the quote is real. Your network, your net worth is your network. Yeah. Yeah. It is. Yeah. It's literally just, um, and we say it so much, but,

whatever you're around is dead ass what you become and what you'll continue to be. You know what I mean? It's like, if I'm always chilling, what am I going to be? Chilling. You know what I mean? Like, that's what I'm saying. And it goes back to what I was saying earlier. Like,

If I want to have a purposeful life, I'm going to make every single thing in my life. What purposeful. Yeah. So if I'm, if I'm doing a hobby, it's a hobby to get these skills out of. If I'm chilling here, I'm chilling here for relaxation. So I have rest for this project. You know what I mean? Other stuff. Cause a lot of the time, bro, at some point we get caught in a non-purposeful rut. Yeah. And you're just doing shit. That's like non-purposeful. Like,

- Yeah, I just- - I mean, just like, yeah, do it. Just do it. - I think you threaded that too. You said something about like, don't make other people's comfortability make you complacent or some shit like that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You said some shit like that, but that's facts though. It's like, damn. - 'Cause even though everybody, that's the thing, like, let's say you're in a room and everybody tells you, yo, be comfortable, be comfortable. We're all comfortable here.

but you're not yeah and you're like nah i want to go do something i want to go do something but everybody's telling because nah bro like be comfortable then what are you gonna be well when i need motivation i go straight to um the kanye west documentary because he's the he was going out everywhere just trying to promote himself like yeah whenever i need like thing like any motivation straight to that i i'm on my i'm on back of my job you know and and i think i think that's why um

We talked about this where like people in history. That's how he's gonna be gold He's gonna go down in history because not necessarily for everything he's done. Well because it was documented facts That's the crazy thing like you're having a friend that believes in your vision so crazy that he drops everything And at the end of the day cootie got paid how much for that documentary like it was all worth it at the end Yeah, but you know, you don't know that when you start. Yeah, you don't feel me. It's so crazy

You don't know. That's the faith you've got to have, though. Yeah, that's the faith, yeah. My best thread was just a recent one. Let me say my best thread right now. Oh, yeah, the vision? No, no, no, not that one. Oh, wait, there was a new one? Damn. There was a new one. So I said, manifestation is having faith in yourself. That's what it is. Manifestation, having faith in yourself. Having faith in yourself is having faith in God. Because God created you, so you have to have faith in what he created. He created, yeah. Oh, that's a bar.

For me, it's a bar. It's a manifestation. That's believing in yourself. You have faith in yourself. Yeah. Having faith in yourself is having faith in God because you created, you know, you have faith because God did the hard shit. Now you just got to do the easy shit. Actually, you just go do it. Just go try. He'll lead you that way, you know? Yeah. Well, you have to always like work at it because if you're just, if you're just like kind of going toward it, you're not going to, you're not going to get there.

you gotta actually make steps run fam yeah sprint towards that we only got what the average life is like 75 damn bro everybody's like yo i want to be successful early i want to be successful young how come i see you walking slow sprint yeah there's dumbasses that are millionaires at this age fam so you can do it but that's the thing like you don't necessarily have to get there in a rush though but if that's what you want don't lie to yourself and be like

Oh, I'm going to do this fast. All right, let's see it though. You know what I mean? I've seen something on TikTok too. It was like somebody graduated at 24 but got their first job at like 30. And then somebody was a millionaire at 25 and something like that. But blah, blah, blah. Long story short, everyone's on their own time zone. You don't have to follow everyone's path.

You know, we're all different. Yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah, like, no, there's no need to, like, look at somebody else's life. What's the point? What are you going to do that affects theirs? You know what I mean? You don't need to affect yours. Facts. Back to the Uber thing real quick. The craziest finesse. Yeah. Obviously, I'm not going to say his name and shit, but on the way to the airport, the guy was like, oh, can you cancel your order and ET me? I'm like, what?

- Oh, that's crazy. - And then, Cher was like, "Yo, don't eat TM fam." Like, I think he's trying to finesse us, but he's like, "No, no, no. Uber takes part of my shit. I just want to get paid full. So, eat transfer me and I'll take you to your place. And then I get the full money, you get your ride." I was like, "Okay, bless." - Yeah, there's some, like this actual thing. - Yeah. - There's some people,

that wait at concerts and stuff yeah that they just do oh yeah in LA oh yeah you saw it in LA too they do it in Toronto bro we went out there's the guy I was like yeah I'll take you back to your crib $400 I'm like yo chill yeah but at the same time people will take that because there's no other cars in the area there's no other cars man

There's no other card. It's smart. Get your bread up, man. Yeah. Like you feed, feed, feed who's hungry. You know what I'm saying? Like you see people are hungry over there. Like make, make the food that they want to eat. That's you make money. Those are Mexican people with the hot dogs at the end of the concerts. I know you guys make bag. There was, um, when I was in Hawaii, there's this like Filipino lady. Oh yeah. She's carrying like a box of a whole bunch of food and taking us on the beach. Right. She's not necessarily, I don't think she's allowed to do it. She does it anyways. They're also, she has a whole bunch of food. She's like,

He's selling pancit, fam. $10 everywhere. $10 for one thing, right? You bag it like, if you want to get food, you have to drive, what, 30 minutes, 20 minutes, wherever, freezing your food. But it's right there. Wait, is it one of those ones where she can't go on the island, so she has to stay on the water?

nah okay in jamaica you can't you can't go on the island if you're selling stuff you can't go on the island you have to stay in the water word so you you get a raft with a bunch of fruits ten dollars ten dollars come in the word yeah that's crazy i didn't know that yeah yeah that's interesting that's an interesting law yeah so they can sell stuff out of the water but if you're on a resort you can't go into the resort so but the water doesn't count as a resort so every day they they come in they do the little shift oh you want ganja you want you want fruits i bet and then you're out

they saw ganja too fast obviously everyone wants to smoke that's crazy that's crazy i didn't know it's like that in jamaica but the locals like they're on their hustle you can really tell a man's hustle like in in third world countries because they're doing their they're like whatever you think you couldn't think of they're doing there you know what i mean yeah but i don't know when i was in bahamas i didn't like the vibes too much because it felt very hustled oh yeah i feel like everything's just a hustle yeah like nobody really cares about you like you know just give me more money maybe you're just in the wrong part like the tourist part

Really? Even at the, even because I went to like a kind of quieter island. Yeah. When you're a tourist, you're a tourist. Feel me? Like you're just going to, you're just going to end up being sold stuff. That's kind of crazy. Everybody kind of treats you different. I don't know, but it's like, that's what it is. And you can't disrespect it. That's life. That's life. Yeah.

In Paris, the attention pickpocket. That's a thing? Yeah. When someone sees a pickpocket, they'll be like, everyone, attention. And everybody will look. Everybody looks at them. The guy's like, fuck. They do that shit? Yeah. On the train, obviously. That's crazy. So everybody just looks at him, he just stands there? Yeah, and you have to face it. You have to hug it. Damn. Yeah, which sucks because you got caught. That's embarrassing. Damn. Embarrassing.

Holy shit. Don't be a pickpocket. I know, man. All right. Thank you everyone for watching this episode of Jumper Jump Podcast. Make sure to comment, like, subscribe, all that good stuff. Make sure you go to Spotify, Apple Podcasts. Download the episodes, man. We love you guys, man. Also, go check out my other channel. Link in the description below. At Carlos Rico Channel. Jumper Jump out. Deuces.