Care about me fam. One thing you can notice is like I'll look away and I'll do other shit But you don't have to worry cuz they're not seeing me. Yeah, I can go like this on the whole podcast Nance won't see my side unless the Kayla decides to put that edit in yeah one time like I show my nipples like this They won't see it because it's on me. Yeah one time I fucked Cuz whatever ads if you if you scroll, maybe it's like five episodes back what time you were sitting like this
I saw that. I saw that. I saw that in the ad. It was on my phone. Bro, was that your ad? No, no, because I'm usually good at like, before I export it, I check it. Yeah, you watch it. But then it was like literally only one person. That's how you know every man skips our ad. Yeah. Because only one person commented. And I seen it. I went to it. I'm like, there's no way I messed up. Half the ad. Half the ad is just like this. Me on my phone like this.
It's okay. Now, for our sponsors, we do our ads. Yeah, we do it properly. We do it properly. It takes a lot to learn from stuff. Exactly. A lot to learn from. No, but one of the times you had me stuttering on the ads crazy. I was like, did I? Welcome to...
And everyone noticed it, man. You guys get on her ass, man. But it wasn't me that edited it. It's my sister. Because at some point, I'm like, nah, I don't want to edit this no more. But I have a question for you because I'm editing my vlog. Okay. And with my content, I'm like, it takes a lot of time to edit it.
But do you think I should use that time for myself to film more instead of edit? But will my story get across if it's not the right way? That's the question. But it's like, what are you going for? Quality or quantity? And I know you. This time it's quality. Now it's quality. It used to be like quantity, but now I'm like, I want quality. Exactly. No, but I noticed in like some of your vlogs in the ghost ones, it would be a good watch just because there's story to it.
When you're playing with someone's emotions and you're like building it up, it's not even it's considered not a vlog no more, you know That's true. It's just a video. It's just it's just like a video a vlog is someone boring going like hey What's up guys? Welcome to my day to day. That's actually true, right? I should stop calling the vlog. I should just start calling the videos or like short films Yeah, a vlog is very basic. You feel me? Like it takes one a creative to actually make a video. Yeah, you're right actually because
You would never say like a Mr. Beast video is a vlog. No, because it's a video. Yeah, there's a lot of storytelling. Do you think life would be more interesting if you had your own narrator? Aren't you your own narrator? Oh, shit. Are you? Yeah, because don't you go throughout your day like. No, but I don't say like to myself. Oh, you don't? Carlos is going to go brush his teeth.
I don't do that shit. Really? No, I'd be talking to myself like, oh, I'm about to take the bus. I'm about to do this. I'm about to do this. Let's see where the day takes us. You feel me? Really? That's what you do? Yeah. You don't? No, in my head, I just say shit to myself. I'm like, oh yeah, okay. Yo, that looks dumb. I'm excited. I do the same thing. I do the same thing. You watch this guy. He's going to mess up. I do the exact same thing. Like if someone's about to fall, I'm like, oh, he's about to fall. Yeah, yeah. But I'm thinking in my head, imagine I had like a...
Like a Morgan Freeman. And he's like, he's narrating my whole life. Even the boring parts of me just sitting on the couch saying what I'm thinking about, but not exactly what I'm thinking. Yeah. See creative minds like that though. It's like, okay. In your dreams, do you have a narrator? No,
You don't, huh? I don't have a narrator. Yeah. That's tough though. If I had a narrator in my dream, that'd be tough. I feel like the more creative you are, the more, the more in tune you are with your dreams, you know, or like more spiritually, uh, in tune with like, okay. Do you think, do you think dreams meant to have a lesson to learn from, or do you think it's just like a dream? A dream is a dream. No, no, no. I think, okay, this is what I think. So,
I think all the dreams that you can remember when you wake up mean something, mean something, but all the dreams of like, Oh, crush flying. That doesn't mean shit. But if you remember it, then, then, and you actually feel the pain of that dream. Yeah. And it's like, it's a lesson. And this is what was fucked. Cause, uh,
recently just like two days ago i had this like crazy dream where i actually felt like the pain you know you felt like real physical pain real physical pain of the dream i was like whoa why am i not waking up it's like usually when i die in a dream it's like i wake up but yeah this time i was like torture yeah so this is what happened so i was like driving uh down the gta yeah and you know those um
Like those tunnels that you drive by and like you can go through. Yeah. Yeah. Like those bridges. Underground bridge. Yeah. So I was driving through like multiple one, two, three. And then randomly I look out like the side of the window and I, I hit like this concrete for some random reason. There's concrete like a blockers. Oh shit. Like a barricade. Yeah. And, and I flip over. Right. Damn. And in my dream. And so like my feet are like,
Like this. Oh, so you felt. So like I was feeling that pain and I was literally walking. Like I felt like I was walking with that pain and I was trying to find anyone that I could talk to. Like I'm in pain, I'm in pain. But everyone was just driving me, ignoring me. Right. So I'm like, what the fuck is this? And suddenly I wake up and before this, it was bad timing because I did a full body workout. So I'm like, fuck, it transferred into real life. Oh, so it's from your sore. Yeah.
Yeah, it was kind of from my soreness too. But then I realized, like, I looked into it more. Yeah. A car accident dream is telling me, like, it's a sense of, like, vulnerability and personal transformation. And literally the week before, I was working out hella. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was back on, you feel me? Yeah. And it was like a wake-up call. Like, okay. It's telling you something's going to happen. Boom. Like, this is the time where you can change up, you know? Word. Exactly.
In my head, in my head, I thought you were going to like, say the whole time your foot was like in a cramp like this. I'm like, yo, that's why I felt like that. Like I was clenching my feet in my bed like this. Your foot was like this. I wish, bro. I wish because I was fucking feeling that shit, man. Yo, the funniest thing my mom told me before. So my mom said she had a dream, right? Yeah. She said she had a dream of like,
Okay, this is gonna sound weird, but she had a dream of Jesus and you touched like Jesus's hand It felt like super soft. And then when she woke up, she's like I wonder what I was touching And the only soft thing the only soft thing like in the bed is what my dad
That's what she said though. That's what she said in her dream. That's hilarious, man. I guarantee you, fam. Low-key, I think this is what happens. I think we hear stuff outside of our physical body when we're dreaming and it translates. It's like it hears something but our brain perceives it as something else. So let's say I had an alarm clock. You probably had dreams like this before. You'd hear a...
But in my dream, it might be like a police siren. Okay, okay. And then now I'm running away from the cops. Yeah, yeah. Right? So it's like, damn, so real world hints will just add to the plot. Mm-hmm. So do you think if you dream about a ghost, there's actually a ghost in your room? Because it's like, what if that ghost is trying to get into that dream? You know, like it's from the outside to in. You never know. I don't know. The thing about ghosts is like,
Because we don't understand if ghosts can go into that realm too. We don't understand realms, period. We don't understand realms, period. We don't even understand technology sometimes. So to think like a spirit, something that we don't understand can go into your dream, which is another thing that we don't understand. It's like chess and checkers, fam.
Like maybe it can happen. Yeah. I don't play that game. It's like Chinese checkers type shit. But I think fam, because my aunt, she had a, oh, I think I told you this story. How like my cousin, he was like reincarnated by, yeah, by like my aunt's grandpa. Yeah. My aunt's Lola. So my mom, she's been having dreams too. And like,
She's been seeing... Okay, I have a question for you. Okay. Do you think when a family member shows up in your dream...
It's like them talking to you from from the dead. Mm low-key I had a theory about that too. If you see a family member in your dream, this is my personal one Yeah, it's like and you had a bad relationship with them They're trying to get off all that bad tension, but because they missed out in the real world. They can't do it no more So they do it. Yeah, so check this out my mom She had a dream of I think one of her relatives older relatives and she she used to take care of her right now
When she had the dream and she woke up, she realized, yo, this is the death date, the death anniversary of that relative. Oh, shit. So it's almost like it's a nudge like, oh, I'm here. Yeah. Like I'm here. Isn't that crazy? Also, this is fucked. But if you ever smell flowers randomly in the house and there's no flowers around you,
That's a sign a spirit is coming to visit you. Check this out. So me and my mom, me and my mom, we were washing dishes, right? Now our soap does not smell like flowers. I just want to say that right off. Our soap does not smell like flowers.
Me and her, we're just laughing. We're like doing dishes. We're laughing, like having a great time. And we're like, I go, you smell that? It smells like flowers. Like it smells like a garden, like a straight up garden. Right. And my mom goes, yeah, what's that smell? And then we're like, and my mom's face goes like this. Like what, what, what? She goes, they say when you smell flowers, it's someone that passed. Yeah. Like a relative to you or random. So random.
No, like, just a spirit. Okay, a spirit. Now, my mom...
I think it has something to do with you know how at a funeral what do you give what do you give the body flowers give the body flowers yeah that's the last thing that they're with so the theory is like when you smell flowers around you and there's nothing there it's like a spirit that has that sense of the flowers that's with you and my mom right away she went and called my Lola
And he's like, what is the death anniversary of Lolo? Like, what is the death anniversary? And it wasn't, I don't know if it was actually that day, but I think it was his birthday. Yo.
It was his birthday. Not even. Yeah. That's. So like he came to visit. To visit. Yeah. Cause I've never had that. I've never had that. That's so crazy. Right. Cause me, when me and my mom were, we're like, just, we're just chilling. Like it's, it's a strong smell. Okay. It's not like a little bit. Like you just, you just smell it a little bit. Nah fam. Like it'll hit you in the face. Like type of smells like flowers. Like it smells like.
Fresh roses. Nothing in the crib smells like roses. This is in your house though, right? So it can happen to you. It doesn't even matter if like the place is like cursed or anything. It just can randomly happen. That's a crazy thing. And my Lola, she told me like, if you ever smell lavender, it's me. I'm like, what? Why are you saying that? Why are you saying that? Man, please. My smell is going to be this.
So don't freak out. I know your grandpa didn't tell you what his smell is going to be. But mine is going to be lavender. Yeah. My little one's like, yo, if you smell lavender, that's me. Why are you telling me this? So if I smell lavender in the future, fam, I know who's visiting. You just dap up the air like, yo, what's up, grandpa? I already know who's visiting, bro. There's a video I want to show you, bro. Okay, show me. So there's this kid, right? He's looking in a mirror. The parents are recording him and recording.
When he looks away from the mirror, the kid's face is still there. So they're saying his reflection got possessed by a demon. Check this shit out. Look at this. Is this a fake video? No, this is real. This is real. This is going viral on Twitter right now. I can never trust Twitch after that. Look, look, look. Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Nah, nah, chill. Chill, chill. Wait, hold on. Does it sync again? Let's see if it syncs again.
- I think so. - No, that's fucked. No, that's- - So check this out. I was watching it, right? Damn, right when I was watching it, I got like the chills bro. I felt like I actually saw like a real demon though. - No. - And check this out. I only feel that when I really sense like evil in something I'm watching. So,
Before, remember I told you that story I was watching? Which one? It was like the house with all of the Conjuring stuff. And then the idol, remember? Yeah. So there's this other picture. And I don't know if I talked about this before, but it's a famous painting. If you look at it, like you just feel sick to your stomach. And if you look at it too long, you're going to vomit. Like straight up. I forgot exactly what it is. Search it and leave it down in the comments. Actually, don't search it. Don't look at it. But...
the moment you look at this picture and I was looking at it for a little bit, I was already like feeling like a headache. Like I felt like, no, I can't look at this. No. Cause remember the challenge of, um, that I talked to you about, uh, in past episodes where it's like that guy who stared in a mirror and lost his mind. Um,
Fam you can't do that And it's like It's something about Ancient mirrors too The ones that look Like real royalty Where it's like Damn yo Those are for sure haunted Because they come from They're super old So they have to be Carrying something That wants to get out They seen some shit Yeah And literally I always have my mirrors From my bathroom And my standing mirror Facing And whenever I Catch myself
uh seeing them like connect i always close my door so i get oh when the mirrors connect yeah yeah because it's literally parallel yeah if i open my washroom door because it becomes an infinite because of infinity because a mirror and a mirror exactly so you know you don't know what's what's coming out of there still i always i always wanted to like stand in front of the infinite mirror and then just try to like catch one lacking stop like putting a headlock no no like i'll go like this and peek out and i'll see all of my faces peek out right and go back like
Caught you That's definitely an irrational fear because when I'm when I'm like washing my face I'm always like, you know, like oh Because after that a movie with the guy who comes in and kills the girl. Yeah, I forgot what movie was cycle cycle Yeah, but I always like catch myself like oh
you feel me at night too just punching the the shower curtain for no reason one of my biggest fears before was like um somebody somebody living in the attic oh yeah because uh i watched this movie i think it's called like 128 days but it has nothing to do with living in the attic it's just like these people they hid in the attic i'm like damn it must be easy to just like hide there yeah yeah the the the movie we watched frogging i didn't even know that was a thing that people just go into random houses and literally just
They don't do anything except hide. Yeah, that's real dark web shit, fam. I know, man. Why do you think people do these dark web things? Because I guess they're homeless or they have nothing better to do. That's my only two guesses, fam. Because why are you going to a random person's house and just chilling there? Yeah. And vlogging it. That's not even a vlog. That's a video. It's not a vlog. It's a video. That's so far.
Oh, oh, also something I also found out, like a real story. Yeah. I don't know if you want to tell the story before I tell my story, but it's like this girl who kept dreaming about some random lady and she kept appearing in her dreams. So it was very similar to you. I don't know if you want to tell this story. Should I say it?
Or if you want me to just continue with my story. Okay. Just continue. Continue. I'll say mine after maybe. So this is a true story. Her name was Sarah, right? Yeah. And she went out into the public and said this, right? So every time she was dreaming, she dreamt about like a lady with like black hair and she gave her a name. Her name was Aurora, right? So I think, um, and like every time she dreamt about it, she would see it in separate dreams. So like you, how it would be one dream, uh,
Wake up. Oh, I remember that person another person and she would come in her dream, right? Yeah, it would get to a point where she was so frustrated that she would Lily wake up and try and search Aurora to look on Facebook No, because she had a clear picture like black hair all her facial features, right? Yeah. Yeah, so time passes by She moves on from her life like she doesn't see Aurora in her dreams, right? Now we fast forward
Her and her friend are in like a gas station, right? They're about to pull up. I mean, they're about to pull out into a highway. So randomly, she gets a call from an unknown caller. Instead of going into the highway, she literally stopped. I don't know why she did this. She stops and picks up the number. She answers the phone. Nobody's on the phone. It's just like beep, beep, beep, right? But the car behind her, fam...
Got impatient, swerved in front of her and went on the highway before her. Guess what happens? A white, a white civic crashes into that car. That was supposed to be Sarah. If she didn't pick up and stop on the phone.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. So who was on the phone? So look. So after she sees the crash, she talks to the police. No one survives the crash, right? Yeah. She goes back home. She's like, who was this phone? Who's this phone number? She calls it.
It dials three times goes to voicemail. You know what it says? What hi, you've reached Aurora Aurora in her dream. Well, Lily saved no Lily saved her from dying, but she called her So yeah, so Aurora called her at first, but this is the crazy thing Aurora when she talked to her she had she didn't know how she got her number and she said she didn't even call and
So what was it? What the fuck? So what was it? Nah, it's a realm switch, bro. That's what I'm saying. It was a realm switch. It's like a multiverse type of... Like a glitch. Yeah. Fuck. So what was it, fam? It was just like yours, fam. I'm telling you. Maybe that person that you reoccurred will literally save or push you in the right direction in the future. You never know, man. Okay, okay. I'll tell my story. I'll tell my story. My dream... Pretty much, I was just in the desert. Yeah. And...
It was like a really nice mountain view. And I was parked up like just in a random parking lot. So I get out of the car and I'm just standing there. And I'm just enjoying the view. Then I see another car pull up right beside me. So out comes this couple. There's this guy. He's kind of tall, like the white guy. And there's a girl there too. And they both get out of the car and they kind of like, you know, like, yo, what's going on? Like, say what's up.
And the moment, like, I saw the girl, I'm like, holy shit. She said it to me. She goes, didn't we meet before? And then right at that moment, I remembered that.
in a dream i had last week yeah i dreamt and it wasn't even like a serious thing it was like i was at this um this park with a fountain and i was just like walking by i was doing i was doing another quest like i had a different mission in mind yeah but i was just walking and i just saw this girl for like a second and i dipped and she said don't do you remember me oh that's insane like yo so i'm like what the
So anyways, I don't know what happens in between that, but I end up, I end up like catching a ride with the guy and the girl and we're headed over to like, I guess their place. But I ended up at their house and I'm just like looking at it. Everything feels so real. Now,
what i can describe is the whole room was very like emma chamberlain like like very knickknacky very like colorful and it's honestly kind of like our crib okay and it's honestly kind of like our crib now that i think about it more and there's something like mad comforting about it so i sat down i was like on the couch i don't know where the guy went i think he like he's just in the kitchen or whatever okay but she was asking me questions and then she asked me like a super serious question
Like it was some deep shit. And she looks over to me and asks a question and I just fucking wake up.
And then my heart is like racing. Yeah. And I don't even remember. I don't remember. See, that's why I'm, that's why it's like thing is like, what if she had like a, that question, like had something to do with real life Carlos, you know, it's like, it's bugged or maybe it wasn't even a question. Maybe it was like a statement and you just thought it was a question. Like, you don't know what came out of her mouth, but to be honest, talking to people in a dream is still kind of crazy that you even understand her saying, Oh, like, uh,
uh do you remember me that's insane already yeah because you don't usually talk to people in dreams your dream is you you ever hear about like the question bias effect what's that so if you ask a girl what are you trying to eat today or like just just say like um in a sense of you're not you're not trying to ask the question but you're asking a question in a different way and then they're going to give you an answer so a great example of this is there's this tick tock that went viral and it goes
the person you miss the most is about to call you. Who is this person? And it said, the person you thought of right there. That's who it is. So do you think in the same sense of the dream that our dream is giving us a question to answer, but it's the first question that comes up into our head. So the first thing you thought of as it could have been this is actually the answer.
You get me? Okay. So what you interpret it as is exactly as it is. So that's why you didn't understand it because it's like whatever you interpret. Yeah. So whatever I thought of first is exactly what she was asking. Damn. You get me? Do you remember it? I actually don't remember it. I don't remember. But because if you think about it, every single thing...
because dreams come from who from us so whatever we created that's what our brain is telling us and that's what it meant because it came from us yeah first place it dreams don't make sense to nobody a lot of yeah but you yeah yeah yeah me like you'll have talking bananas and but that might have made sense to you didn't make sense to gavin yeah
Okay, but before we move on from dreams, I have one theory about it Yeah, is that did you know that everything in Indiana Jones was actually a dream? Nah, what that and it was just all Han Solo when he was stuck in the carbonite. So listen, oh And there's hints there's him. Yeah. Yeah. So Han Solo, you know in the real world He's like he's really broke and everyone wants to collect money from him. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, Indiana Jones lives the total of
Like the life that Han Solo wants to live. He's like a treasure hunter, you know? And he wants to like gather money. Like he's rich. Like that's him. He's going on adventures, stealing the treasures and getting away with it. Exactly. Han Solo was a bounty hunter looking for the bounty. Exactly. So now, and there's another hint. So there's a plane in Indiana Jones that says OBCPO. So like Obi-Wan and C-3PO. Oh, so it's like a code in C-3PO.
So in Indiana Jones, when he's looking for treasure, one of the pillars has a picture of Obi-Wan Kenobi and C-3PO. And it makes sense because you would only see that in Indiana Jones' dream. Because Han Solo was dreaming about it. Mm.
and like the the writers of uh uh indiana jones and uh star wars yeah yeah are very close so that's why they would leave hints george lucas and steven spielberg exactly so they would leave hints to that yo that makes sense so that shit was all a dream damn okay hold on let me think yeah so han solo he was put in for like the whole movie pretty much yeah he was he was stuck wait wait wait was he was he trapped in for the whole episode
And when did Indiana Jones drop? No, I only know that Han Solo was stuck and that's when it started. That's when the dream started. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know when it dropped. I forgot. You don't know when it dropped. Yeah. Okay, I want to talk about a movie I just watched. Yeah, Guardians. Check this shit out, bro. I have a theory too. So I watched Guardians of the Galaxy, right? I just want to say this. Best action sequence in all of Marvel. Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Hands down. I watched half of it on TikTok. Yeah.
- What the fuck? How? - It was like part, I think I watched 30 parts. - You're scrolling through and you're watching like part on part on part? - Yeah, so every part was five minutes. - What the fuck? - And I knew you were gonna come up with theories, so I had to watch it quick. So I was like, what can retain my attention span? TikTok, oh boom, let me just grind these out. - Word.
I have a theory, so check this out. You know the dog in Guardians of the Galaxy 3? I think the name is Cosmo. So that dog, that's actually a real dog in real life. Did you know that? No. So there's an actual dog the Soviet Union sent into space named Cosmo. And it was a test experiment. Check this out. I have a theory the reason that dog has telekinesis. So remember in Deadpool how...
for a mutant to get its powers, they had to put him inside of like this chamber, almost like suffocating him and forcing his mutant gene to go into fight or flight that he would adapt and then his real power would come out. That's how they activated the mutants, right? So in real life, during that mission with the dog going into space, there was a malfunction and the dog's rocket ship
The air ventilation and the heating system broke. Yeah. And the dog died. Mm.
Now, this is in real life, but in Guardians of the Galaxy, if we use the Deadpool theory and how the dog got its telekinesis powers, it probably was put in that same situation like Deadpool where he's almost dying, forcing himself to get the mutant gene. The dog forced itself to get the mutant gene because it's the same thing. The ventilation and the heating. You're in space. That's Loki on next level. I've never heard anyone say that theory.
Nobody knows about that. I'm the first person to say that shit. Because how would you connect that shit, like a dog to real life that went up to space? Yeah, that's real. The name is Cosmo and it was like, I'm pretty sure it was like a USSR mission. Yeah.
And they even said it in Guardians of the Galaxy. Like, oh, the Soviet Union sent me up, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now I have another theory. Okay. So, spoiler, in Guardians of the Galaxy 3, that's the first time we hear Groot. No, I was going to say that one. Check this out. First time we hear Groot say, I love you guys. He spoke English, right? Check this shit out.
i have a theory uh the reason he said i love you guys isn't what we think oh okay so so we think it's because he learned english right yeah that's what we think check this out so in in gardens galaxy 3 gamora in the beginning of the movie she couldn't understand group yeah she was like i am group like y'all y'all are making it up right she's like that right
At the end of the movie, Groot goes up to Gamora and says, "I am Groot." And then she goes, "Oh yeah, I'll be there in a second." And then she stopped. She's like, "Wait, I can understand you." So theory, at the end of the movie, Groot, I think the more time you spend with him, the more you can understand and it translates to English or whatever language that you're accustomed to. So at the end of the movie, when Groot said,
Love you guys. Nobody won. Nobody was like shocked and shit Nobody was shocked because it just sounded like that in their head But it what he actually said was I am group exactly and the audience could under could understand that too Yeah, it would be different if like the character when he said that they gave a different response But it gave everyone like the audience feels like you're in it because the more time you spend with um
Groot boom you can understand it. So I think I think um that director actually Proved that oh really? Yeah, he literally went through here because I was just watching I was just watching him like yo, this has to be it Yeah, so James Gunn confirmed that that the guardians of the galaxy theory So when Groot like you have to know him and connect with him to actually understand it So and to add on to that, why do you think Thor? Understood Groot right away. You know because oh
He actually took Groot lessons. Yeah. So Rocket mentioned actually in the movie, I think it's like, if you're rich, you can take these like language lessons. And since he was part of royalty, he had access to those lessons. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then he had, he did like, oh, I took some Groot in high school. Something like that. He said that. Now,
You know what Groot's real name is? No. Bautista. No, no, no. Groot has a real name. Oh, wait. Groot is Vin Diesel. Yeah. I'm thinking about the other guy. No, no. So Groot. You know what? No, not like actor-wise. Like in the movie. You know what his real name is? No, no, no. What does Thor call Groot? In Infinity War and in Ragnarok, Thor calls Groot Shree. Oh, so his real name's... And Thor, he took Groot lessons. Yeah. So he understands Groot.
So his real name is Tree. Groot's real name is Tree, fam, this whole time. So what is I am Groot then? I am Tree. I am Tree. He's just saying, I am Tree, fam. That's what he's saying. Which is true, he's a tree. Of course.
Real talks? Yeah, fam. That's what you are. Hot take? No, that's not even a hot take. Fantastic Four was better than Guardians of the Galaxy. Fantastic Four? Wait, the old, old one? The old one. Oh, the Jessica Alba one. Yeah, I fucked with the Fantastic Four, man. Yeah, Fantastic Four was hard. But Fantastic, like the Guardians of the Galaxy characters...
kind of are similar to like the Fantastic Four because it's random characters. It's like ugly ass characters. It's like a tree. You have Rocket. Oh yeah, the raccoon. And then you have like Bautista ugly as hell in that movie too. I don't know what the fuck he is. But there was also a theory that kind of got debunked though that every...
In the Guardians of the Galaxy poster They would expose Who dies Oh shit Did they actually Yeah so search up Guardians of the Galaxy 1 Yeah Look at the color of The words It's yellow Huh This
Yeah, so no, it's kind of like what do you call this? It's kind of like what they people are saying It's kind of represents like wood and stuff who all the music who dies in the first one guru Yeah, so look up number two Number two is blue who dies in Guardians of the Gaon do oh shit and it is it is red and red and the
- It's a bit of yellow, yo, 'cause Yondu's eyes, right? - So now Guardian, but it kind of got disproved, but Guardian is the Galaxy 3. - Yeah. - So, but actually it didn't really kind of get debunked. - It's white, it's just white.
There was another one I was looking at yeah, it was like it represented rocket because they had red and had like the Raccoon whiskers. I don't know if they took it away or anything. Yeah. Yeah, I don't think it's here Yeah, but he kind of did die because remember he got like he'll know you did that. Yeah, he did die low-key spoiler So all I said spoiler spoiler. That's a fuck spoiler. I gotta tell a story though. Okay, I
So before I went to go watch Gardens of Galaxy 3 for the first time, I was out with my boy, shout out Sanjay, and we went to go to a sneaker shop. So we pop up to the sneaker shop. I haven't bought kicks in a long time, right? And I'm looking at everything like, yo, I don't like any of these kicks no more. Like nothing here is screaming my name like, yo, buy me. Until I saw one pair. And there was one pair on the table, fam.
it caught my eye right away cardio it was the rocket raccoon vape stuzz and i didn't get to go watch gardening i was gonna go watch it that same day like an hour later and i looked at him like holy these are hard and i asked the guy yo how much are these and he goes
they're they're 550 or yeah i think he said five he said yo yo they're 550 you want them blah blah like i'm gonna think about it i think i should watch so i told myself i should watch the movie first to see if it's worth it yeah and then buy it because like what if i don't like the movie fam just the box alone i need you to put a picture of the box the box is insane it looks like an action figure with the rocket raccoon like logo and everything it was crazy anyways i go watch the movie it's a banger and i go back
to go get the sneakers the next day. So I go walk into the sneaker store and I go up to the table and what do I see? The kicks are still there. They're still there. So I'm like, yo, can I buy these? You said like 550, right? Like, yeah, yeah, I got you. And then he brings them over to the counter and he goes, I will hold on. And he picks up his phone. Like, yeah, no worries, no worries. And he starts calling somebody. This guy starts calling someone. And he goes, yo, how much are these?
And he's on the phone for a minute. Yeah. And he goes, I, um...
That was the wrong price. I'm gonna have to give it to you for like 950. 950 is so... I'm like, what the fuck? 950 is so crazy. Y'all added $400. Yeah. After the movie. Bro definitely watched the movie. Saw how goaded it was. And then upped the price. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. And even before that, he told me, yo, these been sitting here for like six months. Obviously, because the movie hasn't come out yet. Yeah. He told me like, yo, these been sitting here for six months. This was the other day.
So literally, if you bought it, you could have fucking saved $400, bro. Yeah. Fuck hot box. I'm playing, I'm playing, I'm playing. Damn, bro. Nah, but y'all, y'all sussed me out. I'm gonna just say that. Yeah. I,
I expected good customer service. I was there on time, feel me? I was ready to cop my sneakers. Y'all set a price. I came back. It wasn't the same price. No, real shit. Y'all will never get my money, ever. I never gave you guys my money and you still won't get my money. Y'all sussed me on that. No, sometimes...
It's like maybe it wasn't it wasn't meant to be you know and then maybe you'll fall upon like a Rocket raccoon based on like hanging off a wire and you're like yo, this is way crazy now You know what it was. It was another test like always trust your gut I was my gut was screaming my gut is screaming. You'll buy these right now There it was screaming to me Carlos buy these kicks right now. I know you're gonna watch them We just go buy them. Yeah, yeah life fuck and it would have been it would have been sick cuz I could award them to the theater Exactly. Oh my god
Oh my God. Rocket raccoon, uh, shoes to, to galaxy. Yo, you're a super fan. Yeah. And the fact, the fact that the whole movie was about rocket. Yeah. Like, damn. True. But yeah, no, no, I, I be doing that sometimes where it's like, cause there was one piece on grilled. I like sometimes when I,
I troll on grilled. Yeah. I troll way too hard. And like, I regret not buying it for a good price. Cause it was a good price. So it was a Balenciaga, Bernie Sanders sweater. So like the campaign logo. So it was old Balenciaga. Oh yeah. Before they had all their, that's like 2016. Before they had all the controversy. Right. So I said, okay, it was like price that like,
$300 you don't see Balenciaga going for $300 anyways, right? So my ass decides to troll and I'm like, okay $200 I'll buy it right now just to try and get the right price, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so he goes nah, bro That's way too long making no money on it, right? So I go I bet in a week because I say I know you're not gonna say I do the passive-aggressive thing that you do I say I know you're not gonna sell it
So in a week, I'm going to check back. And if it doesn't sell, sell it to me for $200. She's like, I bet. And then I come to him literally every week. I say, yo, I know it's still on your page. You feel me? And then it's like, oh, you haven't sold it? Sell it for me for $200. He's like, broke boy should stay away from Balenciaga, bro. And he just blocks me. Sells it the next day. I get so pissed. Yo, broke boy should stay away. Yeah, no, I actually felt hurt. I was like, damn.
like okay you didn't you didn't deserve my money then nah real talks like um i think i think certain pieces are meant for somebody and then like maybe they're not maybe like that would have caused controversy on the podcast okay let's let's talk about that now yeah so if i wore balenciaga on the podcast would you guys freak out you feel me because i mean i mean because our viewers they know the lore yeah they know what's going on anybody else though like it's
To me, it's just Balenciaga. You feel me? I like the logo, so I'm going to wear it. So something like I have here. Oh, yeah. Okay. So backstory. Gavin was going to wear this shirt on the podcast. And before we started recording, I'm like, yo, you got to take that off. I'm like, dog, are you serious? It's a...
Soviet Union shirt? Now, I don't know. I don't know. I just said maybe not just because of controversy. But I'm like, bro, you know they're at war, right? Yeah. But right now, that's like the hottest Vermont's piece. Yeah. Technically, that's not the right flag. Yeah. Technically. Mm-hmm.
But still, it's, you know. Yeah, because I did my research. I'm like, okay, communism. Okay, that's... To some people, that would be iffy. But to other people, it's still okay. So it's half and half. It's not like bad, bad, you know? So I'm like, okay, I'm aware regardless. But then I know just the way you guys reacted to that last Twitter thing that I said. There's no way I was going to put that shit on the episode after. You feel me? I was going to come back.
I was going, I literally, I was going to come back and with hella theories, you feel me, be on my A game, you feel me, to recover, you feel me? Yeah. Honestly, if you did wear that, I feel like they would go crazy again. You think so? Leave down in the comments. Leave down in the comments. I really want y'all to tap into that one. I'm curious. 100%. Because, yeah, because you putting it on, you have to like know what comes with it. I have to know what comes with it. Exactly. But to me,
When I wear it out in public, I don't care. Because you know why? Because it's Vetements. I like that logo. You feel me? To me, it's nothing. To me, it means nothing. I just like it. But in the same way, like... Okay, you know the swastika? Yeah. You know the actual shape of the swastika? It came from something else. And it wasn't... It wasn't Nazis. It was actually... It was a Buddhist symbol, I believe. It was either a Buddhist or Hindu symbol. But it became...
The symbol for that. Because... You know what I mean? His name... The guy with the mustache. Yeah. He's like... Yo, let's use this for our marketing. Yeah. I saw some... Yo, there was this... Clothing designer that created a swastika chain. Yeah. Right? But he created a swastika chain. And he had the... You know that other logo? It's like the... The stop logo. Like... Oh, yeah, yeah. Like Super Society logo. Yeah. So he had that. And he made it into two pieces. So you would have the swastika. And then you would layer the other one. Oh, okay, okay. But...
it got into controversy because when he's swinging his neck around, it would be two separate pieces. But obviously, something like a swastika, obviously I know the backstory like that. I know it's terrible of what happened. So obviously, I'm not going to wear that shit. Yeah, you got to know. You got to know at least something. Nah, because being on...
I feel like for us being on social media, being like on the internet, we have to know our idiom, especially if we're going to talk about certain topics. Like you have to know about what's going on. But if you just put something on and you didn't know, I wouldn't blame that person necessarily, but I would understand why people would be upset. I wouldn't be like, yo, blah, blah, blah, blah, cancel this guy.
I would just be like, yo, he probably just didn't know. Yeah, I know. And being young too, at this age, you're going to mess up at some points. And especially, it makes it worse if you're growing in front of a camera. I can't hide what's inside because obviously I'm going to be in front of the camera every single week. And maybe it might come out and I might make a mistake. So like how J.R. Smith, he was in the NBA at like 18, right? When he was growing up, Iman Sharper told this story. He said...
He didn't know any better, but he had to grow up in front of all the crowd. And that's why they said, like, yo, you have to really know who you are because at the end of the day, everyone who's watching doesn't know what you're going through. It's like, at the end of the day, the only person that knows who you're going through is God. Mm-hmm.
So I was like, when all that shit was happening, I was like, the only person that can really judge me, I don't care about no comments. You feel me? God, if God judges me, then I know something's wrong. Yeah. But that's the only person I'm concerned about. Yeah. Yeah. Everybody, everybody grows, but not everybody grows in front of people, in front of the audience. Exactly. And you see back then how I was, you told me to stop reading comments before. Yeah.
Back then, oh my God, if that Twitter thing happened, I would be fucking- You can't be reading comments period. Yeah, I know. And I didn't. I didn't. I was laughing at it. I was like, okay, good. But even like good comments and bad comments, I try my best to like-
reply to good comments yeah but even still you shouldn't let that shit get to your head because then you get an ego and you become yeah you become somebody you're not and i feel like that's a lot of people when they get into like the influencer game is they have this perception of themselves that is created because of other people influencing it yeah and not necessarily them and i personally think it's dangerous just because it's like an unearned confidence it's like that's that's like
a statue made out of the cheapest clay. You get me? So it looks strong. It looks mighty. But you, you hit it a little bit. It cracks. Yeah. But the ego, the confidence that's built through actually building shit properly with putting in the work, with looking at yourself in a certain way, because you put in hours, because you did that journey, that's a different type of confidence that nobody can crack because you,
Those people aren't feeding that confidence. The people aside, they don't feed the confidence. What feeds the confidence is the work you put in. It's the energy you put into yourself. And then if it's the opposite, then it's like when they stop giving fuel to the fire, what happens to you? Yeah. No. You know what I mean? That's so facts, bro. Because it's like, there was another quote that I read. It was like...
uh if i i forgot who said this you might you might know but it's like if i had eight hours to chop down a tree i would spend six hours sharpening my axe and that that goes to life too it's like as soon as i started like i had a lot of things going like i was like okay maybe i should work on clothes more i maybe i have to improve on the podcast more maybe i have to do streaming yeah right but as soon as i stopped all that and i just worked on myself yeah and like i i developed habits
shit started falling together. So it's like, instead of like just chopping down the tree randomly, you got to work on yourself first, fam. Yeah. That's what it comes from. Everything will fall once you, you know, I've been trying to, I've been trying to preach that because it's like, it's like if you take this version yourself and then there's a crazy opportunity ahead, right? This version of yourself may not be able to handle it. Yeah. If it's not ready. Yeah. So,
The fear of not being able to handle an opportunity that's coming to you should keep you up at night to better yourself. That's some like type of shit. No, it is bro. Do you know though? Like,
He's not actually a world champion? Huh? In kickboxing? He lied? He lied, apparently. Damn. But I think what it was, so apparently he fought for this like, this fight organization in Europe. It's like Kiska or whatever. So he did have wins. He did have wins. But hold on. I want to get it right. But bro was actually trapped.
Not that bro is trash, but like... Yeah, we're just calling it. We're going to call it Andrew. Let's just say top G. Okay, top G. I think he had like 74 wins, something like that. But only 34 of his wins are documented. And what's crazy, when he was fighting for the title, the small regional circuit freaking pool of athletes and fighters for him to fight, there was only like five guys, man.
Something like that. So he beat those five guys. Yeah, but the person he beat to win the championship had like a record of five and two. Or like five and three. Something like that. Yo, seven fights? That's it? So he was a world champion in that league, but that league is like playing in Panoiba. It was like house league. It's like playing in Mabuhay Cup. Feel me?
Chill, chill. I've never won. I'm playing, I'm playing, I'm playing, I'm playing. No disrespect, no disrespect. It's serious, it's serious, it's serious, it's serious. But it ain't no NBA. It's not, it's not. It's not no NBA. But you got me? Yeah, I get what you're saying though. But.
But that's a great transition. We are calling out. Oh, you want to call them out, man? Yes, bro. That's the perfect fight. If Social Gloves and Misfits Boxing can have a man like B-Dave. No offense to B-Dave. You feel me? On a card. They should have us on a card to represent Filipinos because Saw Poppy just lost. They need a new... They need new boxers, bro. They need new boxers. And...
Because of that, we're calling out more fucking Alex Wasabi. And Guava Juice, man. And Guava Juice to box the other Filipino duo. The better Filipino duo. Everyone's already saying that I look like Guava Juice. Might as well fuck him up. You feel me? I think they say I look like Guava Juice. You look more like Alex. No. You can give more Alex vibes. I give more Roy vibes. If they were the duo. Leave in the comments. But...
But they boxed them. Yeah. And that would be a perfect...
What's another duo for a tag team boxing match? Exactly. That's perfect. What's a better duo versus duo for a tag team boxing match, especially this year? Fam, you guys just reunited. You guys are the old school and now it's the new school. We are the same as you. We're just new. Yeah, we're looking y'all back in the day. You know what I mean? So you combine old clout with new clout. You get clout, fam. So it's a win-win. Let's see. Let's see. Honestly, we'll take them. Exactly. Exactly.
No, honestly, if I get scared of anyone, I'm tagging him. No, but real soon, Alex, Alex is a good boxer. I've never seen Guava Juice fight, but I feel like that's more of my... He can definitely box too. Yeah, yeah. I'm going to say this. He can definitely box too. Don't underestimate Filipinos. Yeah, I will. I will. I will. But give me two months training under with Carlos. Oh, yeah. It's wrapped. I ain't going to lie. Yes, you can. Hey,
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Al Sousabi and Guava Juice. That's the fight of the year. That's gonna be the fight of the year. Yes, sir. My guy. You know what I mean? And then have Sal Papi like cheering us in the background. Or we do it like this. Since Sal Papi already wants to throw an event with KSI in the Philippines, we all just fight in the Philippines, fam. Yo, that'd be crazy. You know how perfect that will turn out? Because we're all Filipinos, fam. That's crazy. I love it.
- I'm saying, yo, that's the-- - Yo, that'd be the biggest of things. - They've already, they already want to do that with KSI, Mayweather, and Salt and Manny Pacquiao. - That'd be the craziest card ever. - Put us on the undercard. - KSI and Mayweather, Salt and Manny Pacquiao, us two versus Guava Juice and Alex Asafi.
I'm telling you yo everyone comment under crazy car under there under their video and say that link to their bit link to this video That's a crazy card still that's a freaking amazing card, bro. People would like paid us to see that I would be fly out Yo, okay, we gotta make that shop If I see if I'm getting fucked up I have to say yo
- Hit the tag. I'm fast enough to get out of there, so. - You just have to have long enough arms. Yo, you know what I learned? So this is crazy, 'cause I do this all the time, but you know only like 3% of the world can have that rumbling noise in their ears? You know what I'm talking about? - No. - So you know sometimes when you yawn too hard. - Oh yeah. - And you can hear the,
It's like the earth crumbling. Yeah, you hear the roaring in your ear. So only like 3% of the world can hear that roar. And no, actually do it on purpose. So I can go like this and I can hear it. Let me see. I don't hear it. Oh, you can't hear it? Wait. Do you clench your chin? I just go. No, I can't. You can't hear it? Oh, shit. It's just me shaking.
No, I can't. So you can do when you yawn though. When I yawn, when I yawn, I can't. I don't have to yawn. I can just go. No, cause it really like, I really has to like. I'm not clenching though. I'm not clenching. I'm just like, I'm like putting, putting pressure in my ears like this. I probably look stupid. No, I can't. I can't. Damn. Leave down in the comments if you guys can do that. Now check this out. There's another one. And this shit, I remember this was, was popping back in Facebook times. Yeah. So if you take your finger and you put it in your ear and scratch. Yeah.
Sounds like Pac-Man. No, no, I'm not gonna do that cuz that that's a trick, huh? No, it's for real. Oh like No, they'll do it do it it sounds like it's not a trick it actually does I got you No, it actually does it actually does inside your yeah just go and scratch it goes No, it doesn't sound like that
I don't know how to make the noise with my mouth, but it just sounds like... It doesn't even sound like that either. I should stop trying to make the noise with my mouth. But like, put your finger in your ear and scratch. It sounds like Pac-Man. I did not make... No, doesn't it? Listen. No, go like this and go... It sounds like it, right? It sounds like Pac-Man. It does. It actually sounds like Pac-Man. I'm not gaslighting. But it's not a... It's more of like a...
No, it's not a... It's a go... Yeah, kind of like that. I can't do it on that one. Did you ever have the Pac-Man freelance game? No, what's that? The one where it's like, you would... Oh, this is such a throwback. The one where there would be like lily pads or like trampolines and you would lily... Like it's not 2D, it's like 3D. You would go and you would bounce around the world. I think that was my favorite game growing up because that's the only one I really remember playing. Word.
- Word. - 'Cause that was that fun. - I don't remember that at all. - You don't remember that? - I do remember one thing though, 'cause when I used to go to a coin laundry, they used to have a Pac-Man machine back in the corner in the coin laundry. And every single time I have like vivid memories of this, I would get these like Lunchables, but they weren't Lunchables. - In the coin laundry? - No, no, no. There's like a grocery store beside it, but I would come back and it's like a Lunchable, but it's not. It's like a dessert Lunchable.
And I couldn't find any trace of it anywhere. But a dessert like a Hungry Man's? Like are you talking about Hungry Man's? It looks like Hungry Man's. It looks like freaking like a Lunchable tray. Yeah. But it's not. It's freaking, it was like frosting and cookies and like gingerbread and stuff. Yeah. So I'm wondering if this shit actually existed. It was assorted goods.
nah it wasn't a sort of good it's like you know how they had the lunchable with the pizza yeah so imagine it's like a lunchable but a gingerbread man or a lunchable and there's like a cookie oh yeah that's it's crazy i've never seen it's crazy yeah and i was trying to look for it online i'm like yo this shit doesn't even exist and thinking back at it it feels very dreamlike so i'm like fuck is this a mandela effect right now yeah this only exists my in my dream okay let's see if you remember this then you know those cereal straws
Yeah, I do remember those. Okay, okay. Good thing. I was gonna say, like, I don't know if they went to, like, the... The Corn Pop ones. The Corn Pop ones? Yeah, I remember those. And there was also Fruit Loop ones. And the Oreo. No, I don't remember the Oreo. There was an Oreo straw, too. I don't remember the Oreos. But I remember the Fruit Loop ones. It was, like, red. It had, like, assorted colors. Yeah, I remember that. I remember that. Yeah, okay. Good, good, good. That was only in Canada, I think. Was it? Yeah, because it was, like, broke mans in Canada only used to get those. Oh, I know another one. Thin Sations. Thin Sations. What about it? The Oreo Thin Sations. Do you remember those?
Oh, I do remember those. Holy shit. That's a throwback. There was one time where I ate so much sensations that I didn't like it.
Like they were so good. There was cookie. They're the cookie ones. And then there were the Oreo ones. Dog, I'm telling you, they make the thin stations. You're just going to eat the same amount of Oreos you would have done anyway. You know what I mean? The thin Oreos are crack. Yeah. Oh, the thin ones, they're crap. Mini Oreos and the thin ones. I don't know why they taste better than the original. They do taste better. But I think it's because there's more oil because it's like crispier.
So you're eating that shit like chips yummy, so you end up eating the whole package because you could have just ate two Oreos But you ate like five so it doesn't really in your mind. Yeah, that's they fry it up more and all it's like filler Yeah, there was a burn Bernie Mandel effect. Do you know about that one too? Who's that? Where it's like so
Once you see something or you see something you want, you always see it around. There was two times when I experienced this. As soon as I bought my Jeep, I only noticed Jeeps on the road. You feel me? And then when I bought AirPods for the first time, what I noticed, everyone wearing AirPods. This was when it was still brand new. But I was like, oh shit, that's an effect. Because you started noticing it. I remember that with words.
What do you mean words? So let me know if anybody felt this too. But back in the day when I was watching hella like Disney Channel and just cartoons and shit. Yeah. I would hear a new word.
And then all of a sudden, everybody, every single kid would start using that word. And we never used it ever, like, prior to that episode that dropped. So let's say Wizards of Waverly Place, like, they dropped a word. That word became part of our vocabulary because we all watched Wizards of Waverly Place. And then it changed the whole population. Everyone was just saying it. Everybody says it now. So my question to you, fam.
Do you think there's things hidden in TV shows that made shit regular to us? Tried to make shit regular to us subconsciously just because we all watched it. Because in a sense, like, you could really brainwash the kids. Yeah, yeah, by doing that. Remember the movie you showed me where they held up Satan? And that wasn't a kid's movie. That wasn't a kid's movie. What the fuck? But, like, maybe, like...
I don't know, maybe, what do you call this? Zack and Cody was like subconscious, like, oh, you have to be a bad kid or like you either have to grow into this bad kid or you have to grow into a good kid. It was like giving us directions. Yeah, and it was subconsciously saying like the good kid is like lame and the bad kid is cool. I know, I know. Think about that.
damn crazy yeah and subconsciously they always say like oh the the dad can be overweight but the mom has to be hot and skinny like look at every single show good luck charlie bob duncan biggest yeah everybody's bigger but i mean every guy is bigger the wife is always skinnier so i think about these things like damn what do you what do you think ellis was in in those shows bro i know
I think one thing that's mad regular now is just like violence or like evil. Check this out. This is kind of crazy. But if you were to take your favorite playlist right now,
and only listen not to the music but just read out the lyrics what song would hit all the violent ones fam what song would hit no like if you're just reading what do you mean so no music no you just print out the lyrics yeah of your favorite songs and just read the lyrics don't even listen to the music would you still listen to that music
That shit is like wee-boo-wah-boo. It's like, you know, what's that Kanye song? The scoopity-boo, boopity-boo. You know, I wouldn't listen to that shit. And a lot of it is what? It's like negative things, right? But you put J. Cole on a poem. It's a poem, fam. It's a poem. Yo! Yeah. Like, listen, like Jay-Z and like you read the Jay-Z and like, oh shit, this sounds like actual art. But a lot of the times now it's just flavor. It's just like...
a quick hit of dopamine to get you excited about something. Now, what's crazy, fam, I have this theory. And I have this theory that they're really trying to regulate evil and make it normal. Make it normal to be evil. Make it normal to do evil. Think about it. We always talk about what? Oh, he's demon mode. Oh, he's demon. He's demon, right? How come y'all don't talk about angels? Why don't y'all talk about angels? I don't know. It's just we made demons cool.
Why? I don't know. Because that's what they wanted you to do. Because they wanted you to make it so regular that it comes into your life that way and it seems like it's nothing. So you take part in things and it just feels like, oh, we're just playing around. So instead of demon, new slang, yo, that guy's angelic. Yeah, exactly. Now, I want to switch this narrative and instead of promoting evil, let's make it cool to destroy evil. Yeah, no, real shit. Let's make it cool to like, fam, y'all want to talk about guns and shit? Talk about
fighting for the right reasons y'all want to talk about fighting talk about fighting for the right reasons no like petty stuff anymore no petty stuff like talk about justice talk about fighting for the right reasons talk about fighting evil yeah rather than using evil to fight victims like why like y'all wanna you know i mean it's we're on the same team we're all on the same team
And y'all want to hurt each other. That's crazy. Yeah, I don't know, man. New York and Chicago, man. You're going to have to tell that to them or tell that to the mayor of those cities because that's where it's really going down. Because music is the biggest thing there that they can all listen to and bond with. And that's the only thing that they talk about. Yeah, but it traps you. It traps you because it becomes enticing to you and then it really drags you in. So maybe just take a moment and just ease off of it just to really see what you're indulging into.
Because just like what we eat, you should do that when you eat too. Sometimes take a moment to just look at your food and like, okay, this is what I'm putting inside my body right now. This is what it looks like. Now imagine that food munched up and then put into your system. That's what it's going to look like in your system. Would you be appealed by it? Yeah. Now if not, maybe you should switch up. All right, bro. Put all those drill rappers in a Christian church, bro. Because I've seen one video where the drummer guy was going crazy and they were dancing. I was like, yo, that's good vibes.
But my friend in New York also is like, he always has to keep a tracker. So there's a tracker in New York is like who died recently. So it's like, Oh, five minutes. There would be like a beep, beep, beep. Oh shit. There's like a thing in your area and it would get the red dot. Yeah. Like a, like a red dot of where he died, what happened. And like, if you have to get out there because it's still going on, but that's how bad it is over there. And it's like, I seen also random video of,
of an Asian lady just going through Chinatown, right? And like this dude just, no, no, like no word said, randomly goes up to seize the Asian lady and just knocks her out. That's been happening, fam. You feel me? So it's like, even like, fuck man, if you guys are gonna take a trip to New York or anything, cause I know it is, even though there's hella violence, I don't, New York is still a hotspot for tourism. So just be careful of the places you go, especially if you're like,
You feel me? Asian, you know, a minority, you know. Like, I want to just change that whole narrative of y'all want to be confident. Y'all want to be brave to fight ops. Yeah. Like, nah, fight evil, bro. Y'all don't have to fight rival. Why would you fight a rival? Fight evil.
The actual evil. Maybe your rivals are evil, but who knows? You get me? This guy coming from a guy, Carlos, who was just like knock a guy out because he gets excited to fight. He's like, yeah. You're like, he's all motivated. Have we talked about that story? Let's talk about that story, bro. So funny story. Y'all will love this story. So we're out in the club. I don't usually club. First off, I don't, I don't usually club, but we're in the, I'm in the booth and I'm just chilling with people.
And I just see Gavin and Cheren. They walk up to me like Gavin with his scared face like this. And then Cheren's like... No, I wasn't scared. I said, yo, come slide. I was making my normal face there. Don't switch up your hair. There was a little bit of a tremble. Just a little bit. So they come up to me like, yo, you got to help us. You got to help us. These guys are trying to fight. Let's slide. Yeah. And then Cheren...
him being chair and i'm like i put my hand on his shoulder i go you sure you want to do this yeah i tell him like if we fight tonight like we're gonna fight yeah i mean and it's gonna be on you i told him you sure you want to do this it's gonna be on you like yeah let's go okay bet
I'm already in fight mode fam. When you put me in fight mode, my adrenaline spikes. All I see is violence. Like we're going to fight. We're going to throw hands. Fam, in my position, when I saw, I was standing, Carlos was standing behind me, but you can literally, you know, you feel the energy. And there was a, yo, there was this Filipino guy right next to me. And I knew Carlos was behind me. I'm like, I pray for this Filipino guy right now. Cause you're about to catch a fat elbow fam.
Yo, so we pull up and what's jokes is right when I step onto the floor, all of a sudden, yo, Carlos, what do you say? Oh shit, I watched your podcast. No, that happened? So check this out. You and Jaren walked ahead of me. Yeah. Everybody was like dapping me up in the back. I'm like, oh, yo, what are you saying? What's good? What's good? I think Mads took a picture. So Mads took a picture. I didn't tell you this part. Mads took a picture.
And then I have to go back into the thing. But keep in mind, I didn't start like dabbing everybody up until like I was finished with y'all. So when we walked up and I knew it was blessed to like interact with the supporters, was when I saw the mans and chan's just talking. - Yeah, yeah. - Y'all weren't throwing nothing. So I waited, I was watching like this. I'm like, okay.
Alright, they're just talking. Yeah, it's not gonna happen like these guys look their hands are up Let it know we don't want to fight. We don't fight. Okay. No hands are being thrown. It's all good No, but it's so crazy cuz it's like obviously if a guy touches my girl like that I'm at least throwing something like even though oh, yeah backstory. Yeah, I'll tell the whole thing So when before Carlos was here, this is before I tell him come slide. I
Charon, like, that guy randomly started touching weirdly on his girlfriend. So, obviously, Charon pushed him. I'm like, oh, shit. For Charon to push someone, that's kind of crazy. So, like, what's going on? I look and I'm like, oh, okay, they're talking, they're talking. So, Charon pushes him again and walks away. He's like, okay, I'm getting Carlos. I'm like, okay, what's happening? He's like, fam, that guy touched my girl. I'm like, okay, we'll get Carlos, we'll all slide. So, so, so,
Josh is already there and Denzel is already there. So Josh literally tells the guy, he said, "Fem, you have five seconds because you're about to die. Because look, there's three guys coming and gonna fuck you up right now." So the guy's already like, "Fuck, like this when we come."
Yeah, when I saw when I seen this pose, I'm like, oh, it's raps. No, he's and it was so funny cuz obviously you were interacting with the fans Yeah, and Denzel was talking to a girl at the time and buddy you both were like, okay. Yeah. Yeah I was like looking in yeah, like of course, I'm be like vigilant But since I was drunk, I think that was the only time I was gonna fight because this this is the my criteria. Mm-hmm We outnumbered them
if I could definitely take, they didn't look scary. So boom, that was another criteria. And you guys, we walked up like we were wrestlers. So it doubled the confidence. You know what I mean? It was like, it was like John Cena was like, Carlos came on like, and then it was like, chill, chill, chill.
But yeah, bro. Oh my god. Nah fam, Gavin only wants to fight if it's a jump. Jumpers really jumps though. No, real shit. Obviously. No, but realistically, if someone, if it's one-on-one and some guy touches my like, like, intent, I don't care. Like, I have to do something. Low key, you just have to fight no matter what. Yeah, no matter what. Because you're going to look like a bitch to your girl. That's the only problem. But I know Carlos was just waiting for Cher to throw because it wasn't on us to throw. It was the leader. You call everyone. What is it? You know, it's up to you. Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
That's what I'm saying. Like y'all could have handled it yourselves, but y'all come over. Okay. Boom. You call me over. We have to go down to business. You get me? So if we're going to fight, we're going to fight. Exactly. So I saw y'all and like,
I literally laughed. I don't know if you... Yeah, yeah, no, no. I heard it, fam. I heard it. Because I don't know what was happening. I literally started laughing. I literally started laughing because I seen what was going down. Because in my head, in my head, with playing in my head before I'm walking over there is the worst case scenario. Like, he's mad. Like, they're pushing each other already. They're like, they're trying to fight. They're rowdy and shit. So I'm like, okay, who's going to catch an elbow? Do I have to elbow this guy here? Do I have to kick someone? Do I have to push someone? Yeah, yeah. I'm thinking in my head and I'm looking around and I see Charon just go, blah, blah, blah. And this guy goes like this. I'm like, okay, it's wrapped. Yeah.
Oh, what are you guys saying? Oh, you want to fight? Yeah. Okay, you want to fight? Yeah, man. But it's good that man didn't fight because maybe something worse could have happened. Exactly. Like we would have... You feel me? Fuck that. And for y'all that go out and you find yourself in a scenario where you might have to fight somebody, I'm going to tell you guys a story because my uncle told me the story. So...
His friend was out in a club. And I guess they got into like an argument. It's probably something similar. They're just shoving each other. And the guy said, yo, let's fight outside. You want to fight? Let's fight outside. Now, this guy, I think he's like, he knows how to fight. Right. He's like, okay, yeah, I can take him. I can take a fight. I know how to fight. This guy walks outside. Fam, no questions asked. The other guy just pulls a knife.
Done. Fuck, man. Get stabbed many times, dead. That's it. Yeah. Raps. If someone, like, and he was probably, like, very chill about it. Like, let's go fight outside because he knows. Like, you never listen. You don't listen to a man who says calmly, yo, let's go outside. Because then inside the club, they can't use weapons because they're going to jail. Exactly. Outside, it's free. You never know. Somebody has nothing to lose. Yeah. But if you have something to lose...
Just abstain from fighting. If you don't have to, don't fight. But if it's a matter of like you have to protect yourself to survive, like protect yourself, fight to your last dying breath if you're doing it to survive. But to be in front of you, this opponent that you don't know what's going on in their head. Facts, facts. And you have the option to run away or just simmer down the whole situation. Yep. That's the best choice. A lie. Just be a pussy, bro, and call security.
I would do the same. Nah, for real. Just in case, bro. Cause you never know. Especially in America. Like y'all shouldn't be fighting like that with your hands, man. Like if a guy pulls out like a Israel Adesanya, like I'm ready to die for this shit. No, I'm not going outside. Carlos, security.
Guys. Nah, dog. Like, in the States, y'all got to be careful. At least in Canada, like, nomads are really caring like that. No, but I think that's a problem, though, because in the States, everyone acts normal because they know everyone carries something. Not everybody, but... Yeah. But look, look. In Canada, you know why these guys act so hard? Because they know... They know nobody has nothing. Nobody has it. So if you have it, you have a clear advantage, fam. You can win. That's your ego. That's like the Wild West, like...
You know what I mean? Like, if you want to beef with me, we're going to beef to the death. We'll lead. We'll lead the guy we met at the content creator. He said that he feels more safe in Atlanta than Toronto. Really? Yeah, because everyone's armed in Atlanta. But that's a good thing. Yeah, that's true. You feel me? Yeah, because you can't, there's no random like talking shit because if you talk shit, like you can get popped. Exactly. So just move. I think that's that, what they call like southern hospitality. Yeah, yeah. Southern hospitality. Yeah.
Southern hospitality. Hospitality. Why is that such a... Because we're Canadian. Southern. But I think that's why it is because like Texas and like Arizona and all those states, like y'all can just carry it like it's a pocket knife. Yeah, we can't even carry shit over here, bro. We can't even carry a pocket knife in Canada. Or a taser. I thought taser was good. You can't carry anything for self-defense in Canada. But if y'all are in Canada, I'm not saying to do it.
But a water bottle is heavy, especially the metal ones. That's how I'm going to say it. - You told me a skipping rope too. One of those metal ones. - Yeah, for skipping. - For skipping. - For skipping. Like a big metal water bottle. You know those like swell bottles? Those are good for hydration. That's what it's good for. That's what it's good for. You get me? It's heavy. It's quite heavy. Like it could pack a lot of water. You know what I'm saying? - It'd be perfect if we had a water bottle sponsorship.
Pack a lot of water, fam. Like a hydro flask with sponsors. Yeah, that shit is heavy, fam. Oh, but yeah. Imagine like a whole...
To drink? Yeah, to drink. Amazing. All right, we'll end it off there. I'm not trying to catch enough people. All right, thank you everyone for watching this episode of the Jumper's Jump Podcast. Make sure to comment, like, subscribe, all that good stuff. Go check out my other channel. Link in the description below. Go watch my vlogs. Yes, sir. Make sure to go to Spotify, download all those episodes, and rate the show a five star. Make sure to follow us both on Instagram. Don't forget to do that. All right, we love you guys. And Jumper's Jump out. Deuces.