When Heather isn't headlining theaters across the country as a top stand-up comedian or being the pe
Chris Franjola is here, and we get his impression of Johnny Depp on the stand. Is this court case ju
Kravis got married in Italy! The Virgin Mary played a large part. Dolce and Gabbana dressed the brid
Spencer Pratt is here and he has been watching the Johnny Depp trial uninterrupted for weeks. Heathe
Kourtney and Travis have their second wedding. Only one more Kravis wedding left. RHOM Lenny and Lis
Did correctional officer, Vicky White really commit suicide while on the run with her prison lover?
Heather interviews Jill Zarin and her daughter Ally Shapiro in their LA hotel. They record another '
Justin is here! Heather and Justin discuss Dave Chappelle’s unfortunate attack at the Hollywood Bowl
Chris Franjola is here! Kim wore Marilyn Monroe’s dress and we get into the history of Marilyn and h
Brandy and Julie are on Juicy Scoop with Heather and they dive into the hot topics starting with Net
I just got back from Coachella an hour ago and I’m already ready to recap it for you. The Johnny Dep
Black Chyna is suing the Kardashian women, minus Kourtney and Kendall, for $100 million claiming the
Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard defamation trial is bringing a major juicy scoop. Was Amber a victim of
Heather and Justin are going to the Bridgeton Ball! Erika Jayne went off on Twitter and we reenact t
JLo got a green stone for her sixth engagement and a second ring from Ben Affleck. Will Smith has be
Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker got married in Vegas but admit that they didn’t have a marriag
Comedian Chris Franjola is here to discuss Will Smith entering a wellness facility and what his futu
Comedian Josh Wolf and Heather talk about when Josh wrote on Jada and Will Smith’s show which is ver
The Slap watched around the world even though nobody was actually watching the Oscars when it happen
Kylie Jenner’s son is no longer named Wolf. Teresa’s Luis from RHONJ is being sued for $113k. RHOC’s
Comedian Fortune Feimster is here to reenact what may have happened when Luann got drunk and sang at