Welcome to the Joel Osteen Daily Podcast. Joel & Victoria Osteen inspire people to reach their drea
When you let go of limiting beliefs, you make room for increase. God wants you to have more than eno
What God has planned for you is greater than anything you've dreamed. Get ready for Him to exceed yo
How you deal with difficult people is a test of character. If you'll choose to take the high road, G
Don’t let one bad season keep you from pursuing your destiny. God wants to do something new in your
if we’re going to stand under the trials of life, we have to learn to walk in peace. God gave us His
God didn’t create us to be average; He created us to live in victory! His supernatural power is flow
You weren’t created to just endure life. Make the decision to enjoy life and the people around you.Y
God wouldn't have given you that dream without the ability to accomplish it. You are filled with the
When God laid out the plan for your life, He lined up everything you need to fulfill your destiny. I
If you want to see favor, you have to stay thirsty for the dreams God put in your heart. You may not
Our thoughts can either limit or empower us. When you stay focused on God’s promises, you will be em
God wants to fill us with new strength. When you make it a habit to strengthen your inner man, your
In life, it's easy to let disappointments steal our passion. You have to make an effort to stay enth
There are some moments when God will take you further quicker than you ever dreamed. Because of His
What you're facing today may seem greater than you can handle, but you have to remember that the Cre
You may be surrounded by difficulties, but the Most High God is surrounding you. The forces that are
If you're going to fulfill your destiny, you have to learn to let the negative things go. God knows
Keep believing, keep expecting, keep stretching, keep taking steps of faith. That closed door isn’t
Don’t let a difficult season keep you from recognizing the good things God is doing in your life. He
Trails and tests are necessary to help us come up higher. When you let God mold you, the seeds of gr