cover of episode Day Forty One Is Coming | Joel Osteen

Day Forty One Is Coming | Joel Osteen

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Joel Osteen Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen: 本讲座的核心观点是,人生中总会遇到40天的困境期,象征着考验和挣扎,但要相信41天一定会到来,代表着转机和突破。他引用了圣经中诺亚方舟、耶稣受试探、大卫战胜歌利亚等故事,说明即使在困境中,也要保持信仰,相信上帝的帮助,最终会战胜挑战,迎来新的开始。他鼓励听众保持积极的态度,感谢上帝,相信转机即将到来,不要被困境打败,要相信自己可以打破负面循环,创造新的未来。他认为,41天代表着轻松、成功和恢复,是上帝让你超越过去的时期,带来更大的成功和机遇。困境有时是上帝对你的考验,考验你的信心和态度,在困境中的态度会影响你何时看到第41天。 Joel Osteen: 他分享了自己接手教会后,经历了40年的困境,但第41年迎来了更大的成功的故事,鼓励听众相信自己的第41天会到来,带来意想不到的成功和机遇。他强调,人生中都会遇到巨大的挑战,但要相信上帝会帮助你克服。你就是那个能战胜挑战的大卫,上帝会使用那些看似弱小的人来战胜挑战。第41天将到来,你将战胜挑战,迎来新的开始。上帝是信实的,他会帮助你度过难关,上帝已经预定了你的转机,困境即将结束。相信上帝的帮助,你将战胜挑战,进入应许之地。

Deep Dive

Joel Osteen discusses the faith of Noah during his 40 days of rain, emphasizing how Noah's obedience and perseverance led to his survival and a new beginning.
  • Noah's obedience and perseverance during the 40 days of rain.
  • God's faithfulness in sustaining Noah despite the storm.
  • The importance of maintaining faith and not giving up during difficult times.

Shownotes Transcript

God is faithful. He has you in the palm of His hand. We all have seasons in the desert. When you’re in one of those 40-day periods, remember that Day 41 is coming. You are closer than you think. You’re on the verge of breakthrough!

Your best days are still ahead, and together we can make a difference in this world with the message of God's hope and love. To give

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