Host Jill Schlesinger, CFP®, tackles sometimes uncomfortable and even controversial money and invest
When you hear my unabashed enthusiasm and connection with today’s guest, Nicole Lapin, I think you w
This week on the BONUS call we talked to Brian from Seattle who was wondering if he should still be
We like to mix it up and try new things every now and then on “Better Off.” Earlier this month, for
Do you have a financial advisor? Are you looking for one? Do you know how much you're paying this
With Tax Day right around the corner, our guest, Ed Slott, CPA, is in the house to review some last-
On the latest BONUS call we talk to Kevin from California. Kevin and his wife were recently gifted
If you don’t know the name Jason Zweig, as a listener of the Better Off podcast, chances are you kno
This week on the BONUS call we do retirement planning with Barry from Pennsylvania. Barry and his w
This week on the BONUS call we talk to Karen from Kentucky who was wondering about an annuity. Beca
I’m going to assume that a good portion of you subscribed to the Better Off podcast have used either
For the BONUS call this week we chatted with Brian from Seattle who plans on leaving his Roth IRA to
A couple weeks ago, we devoted the entire interview portion of the podcast to the hotly debated Depa
On this week's BONUS call we talk about navigating the tricky world of student loans with Ashley. L
You will often hear me say that before you worry about the financial future of your kids, you need t
Fiduciary Definition, according to Merriam-Webster: a : held or founded in trust or confidence b
I promised you that on the “Better Off” podcast, we would tackle uncomfortable, and even controversi
Young. Check. Ivy League educated. Check. Obsessed with statistics. Check. Obsessed with politi
So here you are, listening to, or about to listen to the second episode of the “Better Off” podcast.
How does it feel to have nine consecutive books make the New York Times bestsellers list? Or to be o