cover of episode 时事评论:今昔徐甲


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明慧广播电台:本文以老子与仆人徐甲的故事为引子,讲述了徐甲因过于看重金钱而错失修道机缘的故事。这个故事被用来比喻一些人过分追求物质利益,而忽略了精神追求,最终失去宝贵机会的现象。文章指出,类似徐甲这样只关注眼前利益的人,在历史上屡见不鲜,如今也依然存在。 文章以一位台湾学生起诉神韵艺术团为例,说明了现代社会中仍然有人重蹈徐甲的覆辙。文章同时批评了《纽约时报》对神韵艺术团的负面报道,认为该报受中共影响,报道带有偏见,并忽略了神韵演员以及众多法轮功学员在精神层面的巨大付出。 文章指出,神韵艺术团的演出并非以盈利为目的,其根本目的是为了揭露中共对法轮功长达25年的迫害。法轮功学员们参与神韵,以及其他反迫害活动,都是出于信仰和自愿,他们不计较个人得失,默默付出,这与徐甲只顾个人利益形成了鲜明对比。 文章最后总结,徐甲的故事值得世人反思,告诫人们不要只关注眼前的物质利益,而忽略了更重要的精神追求和信仰。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the story of Xu Jia and Laozi, and what lesson does it convey?

Xu Jia was a servant of Laozi who followed him for 200 years but was fixated on unpaid wages, totaling 7.2 million coins. Laozi revealed Xu Jia's true nature as a long-dead skeleton, showing that Xu Jia owed his life to Laozi, not the other way around. The story highlights the folly of prioritizing material gain over spiritual enlightenment.

Why did Xu Jia seek legal action against Laozi, and what was the outcome?

Xu Jia sought legal action to claim his unpaid wages, totaling 7.2 million coins. However, Laozi revealed that Xu Jia was a long-dead skeleton, demonstrating that Xu Jia owed his life to Laozi, not the other way around.

What is the significance of the story of Xu Jia in the context of modern-day atheists?

The story of Xu Jia serves as a cautionary tale for modern-day atheists, illustrating the consequences of prioritizing material gain over spiritual enlightenment. Despite witnessing Laozi's teachings for 200 years, Xu Jia remained fixated on money, missing the opportunity for spiritual growth.

What is the connection between the New York Times and the Chinese government regarding Falun Gong?

Since 2001, the New York Times has maintained a special relationship with the Chinese government, often repeating the CCP's slander and attacks against Falun Gong. This relationship was established after a meeting between the newspaper's publisher and Jiang Zemin.

Why do Falun Gong practitioners continue to support Shen Yun despite financial hardships?

Falun Gong practitioners support Shen Yun not for financial gain but to raise awareness about the persecution of truth, compassion, and tolerance in China. The performances are a means of exposing the ongoing persecution, which is why practitioners are willing to invest time, money, and effort.

What role does Hong Qianqian play in the New York Times' coverage of Shen Yun?

Hong Qianqian, a reporter for the New York Times, has written articles attacking Shen Yun. Her father, Hong Zhaohui, is affiliated with the CCP's United Front Work Department, which is responsible for overseas infiltration and intelligence gathering. This connection raises questions about the impartiality of her reporting.

What challenges do Shen Yun performers face, and how do they overcome them?

Shen Yun performers face significant challenges, including long working hours and low pay. Despite these hardships, they are supported by the broader Falun Gong community, which provides voluntary assistance, such as guarding vehicles and promoting performances. Their dedication stems from a commitment to exposing the persecution of truth, compassion, and tolerance in China.

  • 老子与仆人徐甲的故事,徐甲跟随老子两百年未得工钱
  • 徐甲一心追求金钱,错失修炼机缘
  • 故事比喻部分法轮功学员错失修炼良机

Shownotes Transcript
