JDM's weekly video content in an audio-only format. On the go or at home, JDM is about reaching
Be encouraged with this End Times sermon as Jesse teaches you how to stand strong in your beliefs an
In this passionate Board Room Chat, Jesse and Cathy show you how to rightly divide God's truth so th
In this classic message, Jesse shares humorous true stories and power preaching that will help you s
When things aren't going as planned, do you question God? Jesse teaches you how to build up unwaveri
Jesse shares that it doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, or what mistakes you’ve made i
Have you limited the Lord’s work in your life by tying His hands with unbelief? Jesse gives you a sc
Do you know what Jesus’ Resurrection promised you? LIFE! Celebrate Christ’s Resurrection with Jesse
Do you realize what happened when the veil of God’s temple was torn at Christ’s crucifixion? Complet
Cathy brings you a dynamic teaching that will ignite your spirit and excite the love and purpose Chr
Get wrapped up in God’s glorious majesty with this powerful message from Cathy. You’ll learn how to
Do you realize that you were created for more than one generation? Learn how God’s calling on your l
Draw closer to God as Jesse teaches you how Jesus Christ made it possible for you to abide in the Fa
Is your faith spoken of wherever you go? Jesse inspires you to let your light shine and be the impar