cover of episode Rep. Gary Palmer & Why Policy Trumps Everything

Rep. Gary Palmer & Why Policy Trumps Everything

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Jason in the House

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Gary Palmer
Jason Chaffetz
Jason Chaffetz: 本期节目讨论了俄亥俄州克利夫兰地区失踪儿童数量激增的问题,对这一现象表示担忧,并呼吁社会给予更多关注。他还评论了参议员梅嫩德斯的指控案以及参议员费特曼的穿着问题,认为这些事件反映了美国政治中存在的问题。 Chaffetz 认为,对参议员梅嫩德斯的指控案以及参议院道德委员会的处理结果存在疑问,并对舒默参议员的任命决定提出质疑。他还批评费特曼参议员在参议院穿着不当,认为这是对参议院的侮辱和不尊重。 Chaffetz 认为,这些事件反映了美国政治中存在的问题,并呼吁人们关注这些问题。 Gary Palmer: Palmer 分享了他从小在阿拉巴马州贫困家庭长大的经历,以及他家乡人才辈出的故事。他讲述了他大学期间克服困难,坚持参加橄榄球运动的经历,并认为体育运动能够培养人们应对逆境、处理失望以及团队合作的能力,这些能力对生活和领导力发展都非常有益。 Palmer 分享了他从商学院毕业后,参与创办并领导一个保守派智库的经历,以及他如何从一个非专业人士逐步发展成为该领域的专家。他解释了他创办智库成功的秘诀,在于他专注于筹款和招聘优秀人才,而不是专注于学习政策细节。 Palmer 分享了他决定竞选国会议员的经历,以及他如何克服低知名度和公众质疑最终赢得选举。他认为美国政府的效率问题,以及行政部门权力过大的问题,正在导致宪政危机。他鼓励人们不要放弃,继续参与公共事务,并为国家做出贡献。

Deep Dive

Jason discusses the alarming number of missing children in Ohio, questioning why there isn't more national outrage and urgency about the issue.

Shownotes Transcript

Today, Jason talks about the concerning number of children that have gone missing in Ohio in just one month and looks to follow up on the story in future episodes. Plus, he breaks down the shocking indictment of Senator Bob Menedez (D-NJ).

Then, Jason brings on the stupid with Senator John Fetterman’s (D-PA) refusal to wear a jacket and tie on the floor of the United States Senate.

Later, Jason speaks with **The Chair of the House Republican Policy Committee Congressman Gary Palmer (R-AL). **They explore why deep dives into policy do more to help the everyday lives of their constituents than does much of the rhetoric heard on Capitol Hill. Plus, they also discuss how sports can prepare one for all facets of life, and how Rep. Palmer's time in the private sector adequately made him ready to best serve his constituents in Congress.


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