Each week, renowned editor-in-chief of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC), Val
Harlan M. Krumholz, MD, SM, Editor-in-Chief of JACC, speaks with Ania Jastreboff, MD, PhD, in this 8
In this episode, Dr. Valentin Fuster discusses five key studies from the January 2025 JACC issue, co
In this episode, Dr. Valentin Fuster discusses a comprehensive network meta-analysis published in JA
In this episode, Dr. Valentin Fuster discusses a groundbreaking study that uses machine learning to
In this episode, Dr. Valentin Fuster discusses a study published in the Journal of the American Coll
In this episode, Dr. Valentin Fuster discusses the five-year results of the SOFT TAVI trial, which c
In this episode, Dr. Valentin Fuster highlights five cutting-edge cardiology studies from the Decemb
In this episode, Dr. Valentin Fuster discusses a groundbreaking study on cardiac MRI predictors of a
In this podcast, Dr. Valentin Furster discusses a groundbreaking study on the role of oxidized phosp
In this podcast, Dr. Valentin Fuster discusses a study on the impact of renal and liver function on
In this podcast, Dr. Valentin Fuster discusses a study on the significant impact of seasonal influen
In this podcast, Dr. Valentin Fuster discusses a study on the long-term outcomes of two surgical app
In the December 2024 issue of JACC, Dr. Valentin Fuster summarizes five pivotal clinical studies, in
In the December 10, 2024 JACC issue, a study from the EXCEL trial examines the link between bleeding
In this episode, Dr. Valentin Fuster delves into the latest research surrounding the use of the mitr
In this episode, Dr. Valentin Fuster discusses the ASSURE DES trial, which compared aspirin monother