cover of episode The Age of Unenlightenment

The Age of Unenlightenment

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I've Had It

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Angie "Pumps" Sullivan
Jennifer Welch
以幽默和讽刺风格主持《I've Had It》播客的室内设计师和电视人物。
Jennifer Welch 和 Angie "Pumps" Sullivan:她们高度评价The Good Liars,认为他们通过批判性思维和简单的问题,有效地揭示了右翼的思维缺陷,并对他们的行为可能产生的积极影响表示肯定,即使这种影响可能有限。 她们还对互联网上充斥的负面信息和自我比较感到厌倦,并认为人类不应该持续关注自身周围环境之外的事情。她们分享了自己曾尝试一天不使用手机,但因为拜登宣布不竞选连任的消息而放弃的经历,并认为持续关注新闻能让人对局势有更多掌控感。 她们还讨论了Truth Social上的内容,认为其内容极端且令人难以置信,广告内容也十分荒谬,并推测特朗普可能已经破产。她们认为特朗普一直以来都是个骗子,利用追随者来赚钱,他的NFT销售对象多为不了解其本质的老年人。 她们还表达了对人们未经允许就抚摸自己狗狗的不满,并分享了自己过去曾很糟糕,现在已经有所改变的经历。 最后,她们对卡玛拉·哈里斯持积极态度,认为她给了民主党人投票的理由,并认为是时候选举一位女性担任总统了。 Jason 和 Devrom (The Good Liars):他们分享了自己最初的“The Good Liars”行为艺术始于占领华尔街运动的经历,以及他们在RNC期间的所见所闻,包括Grindr崩溃和暗杀未遂事件。他们一度认为特朗普可能会改变,但最终他还是没有。他们还讨论了RNC与会者普遍持有反堕胎的立场,以及他们对互联网负面信息和自我比较的厌倦。 Jason表达了自己对互联网上充斥的负面信息和自我比较的厌倦,并承认自己沉迷于手机,但不会戒掉。 Devrom分享了自己曾尝试一天不使用手机,但因为拜登宣布不竞选连任的消息而放弃的经历,并认为持续关注新闻能让她对局势有更多掌控感。她还表达了自己对手机上接收到的信息感到不满,并认为人类不应该持续关注自身周围环境之外的事情。 他们还讨论了Truth Social上的内容,以及特朗普的支持者对1月6日事件的看法,认为特朗普让他的支持者只相信他一个人,并认为如果特朗普再次当选,对美国民主来说将不是一件好事。 最后,他们对卡玛拉·哈里斯持积极态度,认为她很有能力和才华,并认为是时候选举一位女性担任总统了。

Deep Dive

Jennifer and Angie recount a comical incident where they got separated on the New York City subway. Jennifer describes her experience navigating the subway alone, encountering panhandlers and missing her stop, while Angie explains her athletic sprint to catch the train.
  • Jennifer and Angie got separated on the subway in New York City.
  • Jennifer gave $20 to panhandlers and missed her stop.
  • Angie sprinted to catch the train, leaving Jennifer behind.

Shownotes Transcript


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So are we supposed to start the podcast? Ready? One, two, three. Welcome to I've Had It Podcast, a show where one of the co-hosts has not been laid in 42,786 days and counting. The clicker goes click, click, click, click, click, click. I'm Jennifer. I'm Angie. I'm

Listen up, listener. As you know, we have been rolling out our Sexless in the City New York in-person interviews. And today we want to share a story with you all of our trip to New York. So Pumps and I were leaving the podcasting studio.

And we like to ride the subway. Love it. Love public transportation. We like to dart around the city on the subway. We like the people watching. We like the active nature of traveling on the subway. So we go through. We do our Apple Pay to get through the gate.

And we go down the stairs and the train's there. And I just start running for it. And I run and I make it on and I turn around and Pumps is there and her arm's coming out and the door's just closed. And literally, it's like a movie. We both put our hands and our faces up to the window together. And we were both like, it's hitting us like, oh, my God. Pumps goes, I'll find you. Jenny, I'll find you. And I go...

Get off on 53rd and 5th. You can do it. She was like, okay. And then the train takes off.

And I turn around and it is like rush hour and the train is completely packed. And I turn around and everybody just kind of laughed at me. We were separated on the subway, separated in the city. No, we were separated in the city. And it was so shocking to both of us because we both tried to put our hands in and it was not like an elevator that opened. It was like you're fucking getting your arm cut off if you don't move your hand. I mean, I wish we could have seen that there was a video because your face.

I mean, your face was just like, like just despair. Well, because I feel like

And this is probably a shortcoming of mine, but I feel like in situations like that, that I'm the leader, that I'm going to lead you from point A to point B. I'm going to guide you through the subway, and I feel like you need me. And that might be codependency on my part because you're fully capable of doing the subway and everything, but I feel like I have a fiduciary duty to be your escort in these situations. Right.

So the fact that the door closed, I mean, I just, I was like, and her hands were right up in our faces and it was just the glass between us. Yeah. It was like the end of the rom-com. It was. It was that bad. And I will say this. I had City Mapper. Everything was, or isn't that what it's called? City Mapper? That's it. But here's the thing that would have never happened if my leader had been on the subway. So we're sitting there and these two guys get on and they start talking about...

The homeless population and what they need for the homeless. And everybody looks down. None of the real New Yorkers even lifted their head. It was like it was invisible. Codependent queen from Oklahoma gets out her wallet because I think I have a $1 bill in my wallet. But I only have a $20 bill. By this time, they've got their eye on me because they know I'm the sucker. Oh, yeah. And you're unattended. I'm unattended. My leader has abandoned me. Oh, yeah.

So I gave him the $20 out of guilt and codependency. I don't think that would have happened if you were there. You would have been like, put your fucking wallet up. I would have said, do not look at them. And that's not where it stops. Tell them what happened next. Oh, then I missed my stop.

I was supposed to get off at 53rd and 3rd and I got off at 53rd and Lexington. No, you're supposed to get up on 53rd and 5th and you end up getting off on 53rd and Lexington. Yeah. So see my feeling that I need to be in charge of you on the subway. Yeah.

It's proven. And so, yeah, it was. And I have to say, you guys, we have the Find My Friends. I tracked her. Oh, you did? I didn't know this. I saw that you went down to third. You saw that I missed my stop. I saw it. And I thought, you know, she knows Manhattan enough to know that she can get from third to fifth. Yeah, no, I can get around. I've done the subway by myself.

But it's better with mama. But it's better because I don't have to think. Who's your mama? You're my mama. Who is your mama? You're my leader. You're my mama. You're my subway person, although I was abandoned. Okay. Listen, she wasn't abandoned. Here's what happens, listener. I'm an athlete. Okay. Oh, fuck.

We've turned this into an athlete story? So I saw the train pull up and I was able to do the math in my head. If I ran at a particular speed, I could make it. And I mean, I ran like the wind. I just right on that subway. Well, here's what happened. You were halfway down the stairs and then you took off like a rocket. Right.

I mean, it went from walking down the stairs. That's what they call unbridled athleticism. I thought it was just like, I'm going to hurry the shit out of this. It's just I didn't know we were calculating speeds and doing time drills and pace in our head. You wouldn't know that. Right. Because I was not an athlete. That's right. That's right. Right. You wouldn't know that. And so that's why you missed the train, lost $20 and ended up on 3rd Avenue. Those are the consequences. Continuing and didn't get laid.

Not one time during your whole entire isolated on the subway. You're still sexless. Still sexless on the subway. All right, listen. Listen up, listener. So during our week in New York, we were able to interview a lot of people in person, which we love. And today we want to share our interview with Jason and Devrom of The Good Liars. They've been on our podcast before. Mm-hmm.

We Bond-a-rama-ed with them. I mean, Bond-a-rama-ding-dong with them at the DNC. Love these guys. They are smart. They're good people. They're hilarious comedians. And you've probably seen them on social media where they're the guys that go to the Trump rallies and within 2.5 seconds –

Without being dicks, they have these Trumpers in an intellectual headlock by just using critical thinking and asking very simple questions. And I think it's a very important service that they do to show the inherent flawed thinking on the right. You would have to think that at least one person at every rally they've talked to has a think after it. Like, huh.

you know, had some internal dialogue that maybe switches their mind. I appreciate the optimism. I appreciate that, Pumps. But I don't think so. I don't think it ever clicked. You don't? No, no. All right. So now let's hear our interview with the good liars.

Patriots, Gaytriots, Veytriots, we are here in New York City with, I feel like we're friends. I do too. We are. We are friends. We've spent time together where we're not recording something. That's right. We've just spent some quality time together, some QT. Hung out. That's what we're doing today. I want that to be the goal of today. So this is the Good Liars, Jason and DeVrom. See, Pumps and I have this kind of, I don't know if it's an insecurity or a disparity of

people that we meet, we feel like, oh my God, we really love the good liars. Right. And then we think, I wonder if they love us. No, the feeling is mutual. You don't need to feel that way. We talk about you all the time. Okay. Well, I just want to- Okay. We disagree on this one. No, no, no. We love you all. Okay. Yeah. We've loved seeing you at the DNC. That was very fun. Very fun. Yes. We love what you do. Did you guys go to the RNC?

Yes. We did? We didn't get... We weren't invited inside the RNC. We were outside the RNC. And like we were talking about right before we started recording, that was the same week as the assassination attempt...

So we were actually in Pennsylvania. We left an hour before it happened. And then we decided to almost cancel our trip because we were like, what's happening? We were going to leave the next day for the RNC. And we're like, this is a strange time in politics. This might be really intense. And maybe we'll sit this one out. And in good liar's fashion, for like 24 hours, we were like, maybe we should sit it out. No, we'll buy flights right now. Right.

So it was like, no, and then a very quick yes. When you found out that Grindr was crashing, I mean, there's just a lot of stuff going on. Yes, yes. It was a whole party there. It was still a party. And then I think we were just wondering like, oh, is Trump...

is there's this moment where there's an assassination attempt. This is a really crazy thing to happen in the country. Maybe Trump is gonna change and like, it feels so stupid to say it now. We had a moment where we were like, maybe he's gonna change, maybe he's gonna pick Nikki Haley as the-- - He could have. - He could have like, ridden that to winning, I think, like if he didn't become himself again. So he had like 36 hours of not saying anything totally insane and then by the end of the convention, Hulk Hogan was like ripping his shirt off

You know what psychiatrists call this thought that you all had? It's the definition of insanity. Yeah, you know, the same, that you have the same expectation over and over again and expect a different result for nine years. Yeah. It's true. Yeah. So this one's on us, I guess. We were like, on this day, Donald Trump finally became president.

president. Yes. He had a presidential moment. Like waiting for it. Didn't happen. Didn't happen. So we went there, we went to the RNC and it was like people were in a great mood. And then pretty much all of them said abortions are happening after birth. Right. So it was just a party of

That kind of thing. Just a typical part of it. Yeah, just a typical part. All right, let's get to our brand a little bit. Okay. Grievances. All right, let's start with you, Jason. What have you had it with? Mine is a big one. Let's hear it. Because I'm gonna start way up and actually I'm gonna start close. I'm gonna start close to myself and be very personal here. Okay. So I was on my phone the other day

And I was scrolling, you know, like let's just call it doom scrolling, just going through. Every single thing I was seeing was making me either unhappy about the world or unhappy judging myself against other people. And the good liars, we like live on the internet. We live online. Like that's where a lot of people see us for the most part. But my thing that I've had it with

is the internet. It's the entire internet. Whoa, whoa. The entire thing. And just like, I want to just like take a step back. And this is not like a new thing. People are talking about this all the time. But like, there was a time when you didn't pick your phone up

right when you wake up and then like feel something about something that has nothing to do with you or compare yourself to somebody else right away. And then when you go to sleep, you do the exact same thing. I mean, maybe this is just my problem with being addicted to my phone, but I've had it with it, but also like a true addict. I'm not gonna quit.

Let's be honest here, I'm not gonna quit. But at least this morning I had that thought and I'm gonna say that now, but now I have the urge to check my phone just by calling. How long did you take off when you had that thought? I mean, how long were you able to stay away from it? Well, I tweeted about it first. I had a tweet and went, no, I'm so sick of this. No, not very long to answer your question. Fair, fair. I agree with you. It is something that's like,

I like it like when we came here, we use city mapper and we're able to take the subway like real New Yorkers and we're schlepping around and it's fantastic. But there are so many times where I'm like, I hate this.

this phone. I don't like the information that I'm receiving. I don't like the information I'm putting out. You know, like if you, I just, sometimes it's, you're just too available to people. And what Jason was saying about how it doesn't actually affect you in the moment, but you have a feeling about it. I don't think humans are supposed to constantly be considering what is like outside of their immediate surroundings. Totally. I don't think it's good for us. I

I completely agree. So let's get off the internet. Let's all throw our phones in the garbage. Not until November 6th. Okay. We have to stay on it. Okay, so here's the last time I did it. Like, I'm not getting on my phone the entire day. So I started a movie on Netflix. I had my phone completely off. It was the day Joe Biden said...

said he wasn't going to. Oh, really? Yes. You didn't know? I had no idea. It was a Sunday. It was a perfect day to take off. My daughter comes running in the bedroom. She's like, oh my gosh, Joe Biden's not running for re-election. I was like, that's not true. That's not true. And then I turn it on. I'm like,

But how did that affect you? But how did it actually affect you besides just not being in the know and like for a little bit? I think it scared me at first, like something happened. Like I think I have this, if I'm on Twitter all the time and I'm constantly searching the headlines, then I have more control over what's going on than if I'm just out of pocket for seven hours. Right. So what control do you have? Yeah, I have no control. You could have called Biden and been like, I don't like this. Yeah, what's going on here? But I didn't even know it happened until...

Kamala had already accepted. Oh, right. Yeah. I mean, I was weighing. That's funny. Yeah. Because there's like a, you missed kind of like a big uncertainty. Like a big moment in your history. The one day you tried to take off. Right. And now I'm like, I'm just glued to this thing until November 6th. Well, that's the lesson. Yeah. Just never. Are you guys on true social?

No, but like I will go and check it. You signed up for it? I think I'm Patriot something. Oh, nice. What are you, Liberty something? I don't know. She has a burner account. She's on Truth Social quite a bit. Honestly, I mean like it's hard for me to have empathy for these people, truly, because it's by choice. But what's going on at Truth Social, it's no wonder these people –

are fucking bananas. I mean, the shit going down on there is just like other, like unbelievable that he was the former president of the United States. You mean just what he's posting or what other people are posting? What he's posting, all of like him is Jesus posting.

Right, right, right. All the grifting. The same stuff people wrap their cars in. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's just, I mean, you've seen it up close and personal, but it's just so shocking to me every time I get ivermectin, every other. Oh, the ivermectin. The ads are crazy. The ads are crazy. The ads are the craziest part because it's like, buy gold, buy ivermectin.

Ivermectin, yeah, like all this stuff. Trump grist, one after the other. $100,000 watches though, I'm thinking about trying to save up. Should we just do it? We could have it every other day. We're of the opinion, we think he's broke.

We do. I think he's rich person broke. I don't think he's broke like the way we would be dead ass broke. But I think all of these grifts, because she follows the court cases like crazy. You're talking about hundreds of millions of dollars that he owes, plus legal fees. He's trotting out a couple of private planes now. He hasn't really been doing real estate stuff. And we interview Michael Cohen quite a bit. And he's always inflated his...

Worth, which is what he's been charged with as well. And I just feel like Melania's book, she's in the grift now. They've trotting her out. She's got these necklaces. I don't think he's a B billionaire. It could be, but it's just, he's doing things the way he's used to doing them, I think, which is just capitalizing off of his...

his name and his fame. And I think he knows people will buy this stuff. So I don't know if he's broke or not. Which is impressive considering they've been hit so hard by inflation. Right. They can barely buy bread and eggs. Complaining about all that stuff, the price of groceries, but I got to get my $100,000 watch. But I think that it's also, if you look at it, go back and look at Trump through the years. He had Trump stakes. He had Trump University. It's not like he was totally hurting for cash during those times.

Yes, he's always inflated as well. I think he's just a grifter and that somebody comes in is like hey Lee Greenwood's doing a Bible you want to put your name on it and will you get 30% and he's like, all right I'll do the math here. Oh, I could make five million dollars up. Yeah, sure. Let's do it. I don't care. It's a Bible I don't care Bible is the best book in the world. It's the same It's like Trump stakes all over again, but now he has a

a passionate group of people who will buy everything that he puts out there. So I think he just can't. He can't help himself a little bit. But the one thing that I do think, the one thing of value that he put out there were the NFTs. People who own them, you know, you look at it every day. Yeah. I read that a lot of people that bought them were waiting for them to arrive in the mail. Oh,

They're like older people and they don't understand it's not a real thing. Yes, they thought they were baseball cards and they've been waiting for them to arrive in the mail. That's why he said, so that's the new grips. The second one, some of them are real. You get like, you get it in the mail because they're probably just like. Those homoerotic, don't you think those Photoshop's are kind of this homoerotic like version of Trump? It's really weird. I think it's just, that's just how he looks. He's muscular. He's got his spandex.

It's just going to be really, really strong. He can, um, yeah, fly a jet or whatever. Yeah. Right. All right. What have you had it with? Uh, okay. So this one is smaller than the internet. Um, entire. Yeah. Smaller than the entire internet. Um, I've had it with people, uh,

Petting my dog on the street without like asking without consent with no consent So I'm walking my dog and she's a very cute dog. So I get it You're gonna want to talk to this dog. Yeah, then they just grab her and then I'm like, oh, you know I don't know what to sue this person is right and then they pick her up sometimes people will just pick up the dog and be like, oh what a cute dog and yeah, and and so basically

I'm trying to teach her how to like bite someone. Right. If they pick her up. Self-defense. I can't explain. Yeah. So I'm working on that if anyone out there could teach a dog how to bite a stranger in the face. I have a take on this. So I have a really attractive dog as well.

I mean, he's really attractive. Totally. He's not very modest about your dog. Photogenic. Second best dog. He has a megawatt smile. I mean, everybody wants to pet him, but he doesn't like people. He's French. He's a French bulldog. And you know how the French can be.

And he very much, yeah, he's a little uppity. He doesn't really like, it's not like an American dog that will just go lick anybody. He's more discerning, you know, and people want to pet him and he doesn't want it. And I have to say that sometimes I'm a hypocrite though, because if I see a really attractive dog

and I'm not with my dogs. Like I could pass you on the street and we don't know each other, we're not best friends. We're friends, we're not best friends, we're friends. Okay, all right. I disagree, I think we're best friends. Okay, great, thank you. I'll go up and then right as I'm petting the dog, I'm like, this is not good, you didn't get consent. This person doesn't like this.

But you would probably, you'd probably bend down and you'd probably let the dog come to you a little bit. Yes. People will walk over and pick her up every once in a while. What kind of dog is this? She's a miniature long-haired dachshund. I'll tell you what, weenie dogs have made a huge comeback. They have. But you start, she's 10. She's 10 years old. You started a long time ago. You brought the dream. I got her on a dare.

10 years ago, my friend said, I'll buy you this dog in 10 seconds unless you say no. And I was like, well, I probably shouldn't have a dog right now. I'm very irresponsible. I don't have a stable income. And he was like, nine, eight, seven. I was like, I'll take the dog. I'll take the dog. So, yeah, 10 years.

And you just love her? I love her. Just don't pick her up, you know, on the street. I think that's universal though. No one should pick up somebody else's anything without consent. Yeah. But what about the petting? I think a petting... That's fine. Let the dog, like, do this and let the dog come to you and then it's great. I make sure the dog... I put my hand out first to make sure the dog's interested. Yeah.

Yeah, but no, I agree with you. Sometimes it's a little bit too aggressive. I particularly don't like it when children try to pet my dogs. That irritates me more than adults. Yeah, it's a wild card. You don't know what you're going to get. You don't know and you don't know where those hands have been and I just, I don't,

particularly, I'm not a huge kid person. I like kids. I mean, I like my kids. I like her kids most of the time. That's about it. I was going to say, kids just pretty much ruin everything. This little girl ran up to my dog, Basil, and she's a dachshund, so she's low to the ground. And she was saying, sitting or standing? I can't tell. Sitting or standing? I can't tell. That's fair. Screaming. Sitting or standing? I can't tell. And like reached for her, lurched for her.

And it was a scary moment because Basil was like, I might bite this kid. Right. That would be the one you don't want her to bite. Right.

Listener, this may come as a total shock to you, but Pumps and I have not always been this pulled together and rock solid. In fact, we used to be rather screwed up when you say Pumps. I would say damn near psychotic. Totally. And we have written a cell phone expose. One could even say it's a manifesto. And the book title is...

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Pumps, our ability to suck and then wake up the next day and suck more than the previous day is undefeated. It's unparalleled. We are the champions. If you would like to see how bad we suck, please join us in New York City in November for, you know, just some world-class shit-talking. That's right. Live. Live and in person. That's right. Okay, I have a question. How did you guys start...

the good liars how did this come about and what year well do you remember occupy wall street yes so um we thought it would be funny if we dressed in some thrift store suits as investment bankers okay and we went and we occupied occupy wall street so we were like we're gonna we're gonna be here longer than you guys are because if you don't leave and we make any less money

We're going to have to sell our fourth houses in the Hamptons. We won't be able to do as much cocaine as we like to. And we thought we were like doing a bit like we thought people would kind of catch on.

And because it was so extreme that they would know that we were doing a bit, they did not. People joined us. Real investment bankers joined us. We called it Occupy Occupy Wall Street. And they were like, yeah, we are better than these people. And then the media kind of caught on it. We just were getting more and more extreme. But it was like more and more believed that.

And so we thought there was room for kind of comedy in the real world like this. I think it's helpful. I think that what you all do is really helpful because I think sometimes...

People are stuck in this thing, whether it's a cult or a sense of community or a combination of both of those things. And some of my favorite stuff that you do, because I was so tortured growing up around all of these evangelicals growing up, is when people say, oh, no, we need to have the Bible in all classrooms. And the superintendent of our state, who y'all should really go after, his name is Ryan Walters, he is putting the Ten Commandments in every classroom.

And he just asked for, what, $6 million to put Bibles in every classroom. Public school. Mandatory. Mandatory Bibles. All grades? All grades. All grades. I'm Jewish. I grew up in a town where there were not a lot of Jewish people. And so...

everyone was always trying to convert me to like, they were like, like, I like you, you seem like a really nice guy. And I just don't want you to burn in hell for eternity. And that was like a very constant thing. I'm always inviting me to like young life events where I would be like, they would know they'd be like the Jews coming to talk to him. And then I would get like a whole hour, like sermon directed at me in front of all my friends. Um,

So I can't imagine going further and then being like, and the Bible's at school and everyone else believes this and everyone else celebrates Christmas and you don't. I appreciate it when you ask them about, do you think that you should have a book that has murder in it or is harmful to children? And then you say, well, the Bible, do you think the Bible should be in schools? They say yes. And you say, okay, what about the part where...

you know, somebody gets their dad drunk and has sex with him. Two daughters. Yes. Or about God killing the children with the bear. And that's what I think is important because critical thinking, you know, when you study history, you're like, this was the age of enlightenment. Right. And it was like this era. And oftentimes when I'm on the internet, your biggest grievance, I think...

Are we living in the age of unenlightenment? Like what is going on here? Well, to my point, I think the internet has done the opposite of what we thought that it was going to be, which was like we're going to exchange ideas and it's going to be – you're going to get news faster than ever before. But really it's just like you're getting –

Fake news, literally fake news, conspiracy theories. You can spread them a lot more easily than you could before when there was like four news channels. Now, there's been good and bad and all that stuff. And I don't, the cat's out of the bag. You can't do anything about it now. But just thinking about what you just said, just this last weekend, J.D. Vance did an event with this guy. What was his name again? Lance Wallow? Wallnow? Wallnew? Yeah. Yeah.

And this guy went on television after the first debate and said that he believes that Kamala Harris is a Jezebel. Oh, yeah. And...

practiced witchcraft at the debate. But there was some hope. There was some hope. He said that if Donald Trump donned the mantle of Elijah, that he could overcome. Yes. And good news. So we went into this event and I talked to a woman there who was a follower of this guy and was not there for J.A. Vance, was there for him, and asked her these exact same questions. She wanted the Bible taught in every single

every single school, public school. And I asked her about the two dads, sorry, the two daughters having sex with the dad. And at first she said, that is pornographic, that shouldn't be in there. Then when I said, so you don't want any, like two daughters getting their dad drunk and having sex with them? She's like, oh no, you'd not ban the Bible. And then I listed like five things.

She was totally okay with it. And her reason was if it's in the Bible, it's okay. Whereas if it was in another book that they put out that said the exact same things, they'd probably be protesting it and burning it. Isn't that the same permission structure that Trumpers use though? If Trump says it, it's okay. I mean, you hear that a lot. I mean, it's that same set of permission structure that they use for excusing a lot of his stuff. Right.

Would you want to vote for a politician that slept with a porn star? Well, no. But when Trump did it, it was okay. Would you want to support somebody who tried to subvert democracy? No. Oh, but when Trump did it, it was okay. It's kind of that same permission structure. Well, I think it has to do with what you're talking about, the age of unenlightenment or disenlightenment or whatever you call it.

He gave people permission to not trust anybody but himself. He basically told, you know, anybody who would listen that he was the only one, he was the only place you could come for information. So I think we're seeing like the fruits of that now and like since January 6th, like, oh, he, you know, specifically tried to stop the certification of the vote for president, did not allow for the peaceful transfer of power.

Anybody else? I cannot imagine what these patriots would be saying. Right. But when Donald Trump did it, it was like a peaceful tourist visit. And he's just a little dust up, if that. And he's just trying to make sure that the next election is even more secure. Let's not look into it. Let's not find out that, you know, all the court cases went against them, but maybe one or two, you know,

that literally every single thing, they followed it to its end, all the audits and everything. Nothing has come of it, but Donald Trump says it's okay, so it's okay. And we are headed into another election, and they have still feel that this is unresolved. Right. Well, I got news for you, DeBrom.

If Donald Trump wins, then January 6th is okay. By the will of the people. The United States of America is basically saying that is okay. And then what can you say to that?

People voted for him after this happened. They knew this. They watched this happen. They saw him refuse to concede. And now they're OK with it. I agree. They would people would be saying that it was OK, but I don't think it would probably be the best thing for democracy. Oh, heavens. Are you all ready to play? Had it or hit it? Oh, gosh. Oh, my God. Welcome to had it or hit it. I would hit it. Had it.

I hit it every day, sometimes twice a day. Okay, had it or hit it, reality TV? Had it. Had it, yeah. But I've never been a reality TV person. I just tried to watch the Mormon Housewives show or whatever. The lead up to it, you think this is going to be this incredible show about how they all started having these swinging parties, but it's not. They're just like, and that was in the past, and now we're just regular people on camera wasting your time.

Yeah, I was kind of really let down about that. I got about two episodes in and I was just like-- This is what it is, what people are watching. So you wanted more, it to be more garbage than it was. Right, I wanted swinging, I wanted debauchery. You wanted it to be more reality TV as a problem. I watched too hot to handle to waste time during the pandemic. And anytime anything was about to happen, people were like, "You know what? "I'm sorry for getting so worked up. "I hope we can all get along more." You're like, "That's not what I want to hear." Okay, "Had It or Hit It Movie Remakes."

Huh. You know what? Well, you know, there are remakes that I like, but I'm going to say Had It. I'm going to say Had It. Yeah. I've had it. Wait, Had It is bad, right? Right. Had It is bad. Welcome to our podcast. Yes. We have done this already. I know.

This is two times. You think we're friends. I've had it. The good liars. You said best friends. Best friends. Not work friends, friends. Real life friends. What do you think the good remake is? I thought Top Gun was pretty good. But that's not a remake. That was a sequel. That was like a sequel. Was Twisters good? People say Twisters was good. I don't know if that was a remake either. All right. Had it or hit it Sunday fun day. I am all about the lazy Sunday.

I'm about a lazy Sunday. Because I don't like the Monday crunch. There you go. You might have the Tuesday. Sunday fun day leading into the Monday crunch. Monday crunch. I remember when I was in college in early 20s, I would always be like, it's the Monday crunch. I started off by eating salads, drinking lots of water, jogging. By Thursday, you know, you're right back at happy hour. You're like Donald Trump at the door and see, you're like, maybe I am.

I mean, it could be a good guy. By Thursday, you're like, "Hulk Hogan." We gotta kill everyone, folks. We've gotta have the bird. It's all over. Okay, "Hat it or hit it, Zodiac signs." Hat it. Of course, hat it. I'm a Scorpio and all Scorpios think that astrology is bullshit. So I don't believe in astrology. But you hear yourself, right? You're buying into it pretty hard right now.

Okay. Hat it or hit it. Gym selfies. Gym selfies. Gym. Like you're working out in the gym and you take a little selfie. I'm a private at home Apple Fitness Plus person. Really? So I am working out at home and I can take a selfie of myself and you'd only be myself seeing it. But I don't,

I don't think I would appreciate that. I've seen people do that in the hotels on the road. I do group hot yoga. And I think if I started snapping pictures in there, it would not go well for me. I don't think people would appreciate that. Wait, I want to talk about your yoga. I do not believe this. Are you limber?

I do the splits at every wedding I go to. Do it. For real? Yeah. Shut up. Do you do hands? I don't know if you noticed I was sweating profusely earlier. Did you come from hot yoga? My body will just go like, I think we're in yoga class right now. And it'll just be like. Really? At random times. Like if I get a little hot, it's like we're there and we got to cool you off. So let me ask you this. Are you in your hot yoga class? Are you one of the best in the class? Uh.

Tell the truth. It's okay to brag a little. I feel like you're not supposed to think about it like that. I know, I know. But yeah, I mean, no one else is dropping into the splits. When they say half split, you know, the yoga move where you go back. Yeah, yeah. I go into the full splits and I like look around. I'm like, yeah, I'm the only one doing that right now. Yeah, you are the envy of all yoga. Yeah.

How many men to women ratio in the class? We're about a strong 5% of us in there. Okay. Men? Yeah, we're usually on the only one. And you're popping in the splits? One or two maybe. I fucking love the splits in yoga. What's your favorite yoga pose?

Don't say downward dog. No, no. That's a good foundational pose. But I think, what's it called? Turtle. Was it the turtle? That I kept trying to get you to do? On our podcast, you'd be like, do it. You can do it. It's an absurd thing where you try and bend. Anyway. Favorite one. I think it's like a revolved.

warrior or something where you're in the warrior legs and you're like if my right leg was forward my left arm would be up and you're revolving this way because you get the like spinal twist and how do you go that's amazing you can do that because i can't do that it's really fun i got into it like two years ago and uh and i really like how many how often do you go when we're in town i go like six days a week but we're always gone now so it's probably was like 10 days last month

See, these are your Colorado crunchy roots right there. Couldn't get too far away from my raisin. I'm just very impressed. Okay, here's another one. Two more. Had it or hit it game shows?

Look, I don't watch them. So I'm going to say had it. So like I like game shows. Whenever a game shows on, I watch it. But I'm not like I'll be watching sports and it'll be like the 10th season of Can You Sing While Drowning? And I'm like, I've never heard of this show. So I'm going to say had it, but I would hit it. Hit it. Oh, man.

I love Price is Right. Price is Right, Family Feud. I'm hitting it. When's the last time you watched it? Whenever it's on, I'll watch it. Yeah, when you're flipping through a hotel. And I'll lose like three hours to it. Yeah. And I won't regret it at all. I agree. I think it's a great, we grew up in the 80s, so it was either soap operas, All My Children, shout out Erica Kane, and game shows. My mom learned English from soap operas.

Really? That's how she learned to speak English. Really? So she was a very dramatic person, I think, because of it. How could you do this to me? How could you do such a thing? To throw her in the toilet seat. How could you? Yes. My parents moved to America. My dad was born in Denver, but she's from Paris. Well, Morocco and then Paris. And then he was working all the time, and so she just had to try and learn English, and that was how she did it. It was soap opera. So I have a unique appreciation for them. Are you fluent in French? Yes.

Give me like a week or two there and I will be. Try something. You're just like a man of mystery. Right. You act like you're from this bumfuck town. Pretty mysterious. He acts like he's from this bumfuck town in Colorado and here he is popping into the splits.

Solving game shows. Do you want me to do it or no? Do the splits. Yes, do the splits. Oh yeah, they're stretchy. Okay, let's see it. What? Only pants that splits can be done. He rips them at any wedding. Okay, last one and then we'll close it out with the splits. Last one, Kamala Harris. Hit it, hit it. Yeah, I mean, what choice do we have right now in the country? There is no choice. Also, I think she's done a good job. It's not just what better choice do we have? It's like,

not by no means perfect, but she has really given, I think, Democrats a reason to to feel patriotic in voting for her. It doesn't feel like you don't. It's not just a hating Donald Trump vote at this point. It feels like she's taken the moment, seized the moment and given people. I mean, at the DNC, you were there. You could feel that people were

happy to be like ruminating in their patriotic feelings that I don't think Democrats are known for as much. So I think she's done a good job.

I think she's really talented. I mean, very smart. I mean, I'm super excited about her. Right. Yeah, I think she's smart. I think she's capable. I think that, I mean, to be the attorney general of one of, you know, the largest state, the seventh largest economy in the world, and a United States senator, she made Brett Kavanaugh cry, which always will hold a little soft spot in my heart. Right, Toby, you squeal like beer. Vice president. I just, I think it's time. I think it's time that we elect a woman, and I...

I really like her. I'm all chips in. Good liars, thank you. Thank you guys for coming. So we're like, we're gonna have you do the splits. We're for sure doing the splits. We're gonna put it on our Instagram as well. Because we're best friends. That's right. Because we're best friends. We're best friends. We're best friends. Everybody follow the good liars, our best friends. Oh, wait, cool. Let's plug a few things. Plug everything. Oh, yeah, we've got the podcast, The Good Liars Tell the Truth. You can get it wherever you get your podcasts. If you want to support The Good Liars,

You can go to slash thegoodliars. Five bucks a month, you get exclusive episodes.

It's the whole deal. And you can follow us on social media too. If you want. Do all of that stuff and support them because your support for creators like all of us goes such a long way. We've got to get to these places. And I want you to support them because they're our best friends. We're best friends. Best friends. Good to say. Until our next guest gets here and then he's our best friend. No! Wow. Boom.

I'll tell you what I've had it with. Listen up, patriots, gay-triots, and natriots. We have a new podcast that has dropped. It's called IHIP News. It's Monday through Friday, every day, 15 to 20-minute hot takes on the political landscape of the United States of America, always served with a side of petty grievances.

We are on all the available platforms, Apple, Spotify, Google, whatever you get your podcasts and YouTube. Please go rate, subscribe and review so that we will chart upwards with America's greatest legal mind pumps. Pumps, what does an eagle say? Caw, caw. A little bit more enthusiasm. Caw, caw. That's it. That's, that's. Caw, caw. That's the patriotism that this country needs right there.

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