cover of episode Make Working Out Gay Again

Make Working Out Gay Again

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I've Had It

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Angie "Pumps" Sullivan
Monét X Change
Angie "Pumps" Sullivan:对在银行车道窗口办事效率低下、占用公共资源的人感到厌烦,认为这是对时间的浪费和不尊重。她还对在各种自助服务窗口磨蹭时间、影响效率的人感到厌烦,并认为这些人缺乏准备和时间观念。 Jennifer Welch:同意Angie "Pumps" Sullivan的观点,并补充说,快速行走和睡前观看犯罪节目是她个人享受的方式,这并不代表她不快乐。她还对医生迟到和服务态度差感到不满,认为医生应该尊重病人的时间。 Monét X Change:对迟到的人感到厌烦,认为迟到是一种不尊重行为。她还分享了她与“地下同性恋”(DL men)交往的经历,认为这种关系对身心健康有害,并决定不再与这类人交往。她详细描述了这些经历,包括性关系和情感交流,以及由此带来的伤害和失望。她认为,这些“地下同性恋”的行为是由于社会对同性恋的歧视和羞耻感造成的。 Angie "Pumps" Sullivan:对在各种自助服务窗口磨蹭时间、影响效率的人感到厌烦。她认为,在银行或安检等场所,人们应该提前做好准备,而不是浪费别人的时间。 Jennifer Welch:对睡前观看犯罪节目感到放松,并认为这是一种个人喜好,并不代表她不快乐。她还对医生迟到和服务态度差感到不满,认为医生应该尊重病人的时间,并提供高效的服务。 Monét X Change:对夸张的睫毛造型感到厌烦,认为这种造型不适合日常生活中,只有在舞台表演等特殊场合才比较合适。她还对“地下同性恋”(DL men)交往的经历感到厌倦,认为这种关系对身心健康有害,并决定不再与这类人交往。她详细描述了她与DL men交往的经历,包括性关系和情感交流,以及由此带来的伤害和失望。她认为,这些“地下同性恋”的行为是由于社会对同性恋的歧视和羞耻感造成的,并呼吁人们应该更加开放和包容。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


So are we supposed to start the podcast? Ready? One, two, three. I have to say that was a great clap. I'm really proud of myself. You know, I have to say to the listener, a couple weeks ago we decided to do YouTube Live for the very first time for iHip News. We were kind of nervous. It pumps claps and we both just looked at each other because it was probably...

The worst clap. The worst. In the history of everything that you've ever done with clapping. Yeah.

And we just skimmed right over it. Well, we knew. I mean, it was just like, we're live. We just have to push through. We were live. We were live. The show must go on. The show must go on. Pamps, what have you had it with? Okay, what I fucking had it with is drive-thru bank windows. I like the drive-thru bank window. What I fucking hate is the people that cannot get their shit together in the drive-thru bank window.

They don't have their deposit slip ready. They don't have their checkout. They don't have it endorsed. So I'm sitting behind them and I'm realizing what a colossal failure they are. And then they start chit-chatting with the bank teller like they're friends. I think the worst thing that's ever happened to bank tellers is when they put their face on the screen now because people think that means let's small talk about bullshit you don't care about, but you have to be nice because I'm the customer.

I always pick the longest line. I always pick the dumbest person to be behind. I fucking had it with drive-thru bank windows. You know, um,

These are just congestors, the people that congest the flow of traffic and the flow of business. It happens all the time. And it really happens in drive-thrus a lot, not just bank windows, but also food windows. And again, these yak mouths are stepping in, belaboring things that don't need to be belabored. They just don't. They don't. And here's the thing. Like when you drive up to a bank window...

You know that you're either A, getting money, which is going to require ID, or B, depositing, which means you're going to have to have your check endorsed. Like these are, it's not like you're caught by surprise by what's going to happen when you go in through the bank window. So how these people are not ready to go. It's the same thing with TSA. When you go through the scanner, you have to have your pockets empty. It's not a new rule. It's not this morning's rule. It's not today's rule. It's every fucking day of your whole life.

Every time you go to the bank, you have to be ready. And these people act like it's the first time and it drives me fucking crazy.

Well, let me tell you what I found on the internet recently. So, you know, we've always known that we were completely unhinged and off our rockers. Right. That's not news. Fortunately for us, I found some evidence to back up our insanity on the internet. Okay. First one was an Instagram post I saw and it says...

Study says people who walk fast tend to be less happy. This may come as a shock to everybody that listens to this podcast, but

But pumps and I walk like the wind. We walk as though our lives depend upon it. Our heart rates are up. Our arms are pumping. We walk with reckless abandon. We are very unhappy as evidenced by the title of this podcast. I've had it. And now we have evidence. And the study...

And I would say, check, I'm goal-oriented. Yeah. Check, I have introverted tendencies. Yeah. Check, I think I'm less happy. Yeah.

Here's the deal. I don't think I'm less happy. I think I'm happier because I'm getting to my destination quickly and efficiently. There's no lollygagging. There's no hem-hawing. There's zero fucks to give. I'm walking. I'm getting there. I'm accomplishing my task. Happy. Here's the situation where some people are less happy, which is walking quickly, but

Less happy happens to be my happy place where most people are less happy. That's where I thrive, right? That's where I shine. I'll outwalk anybody. And where all of those fast walkers are unhappy, unhappiness is my happy place. So put that in your pipe and smoke it internet. I found another article that proves how psychotic we are. Okay. And this one is, uh,

A psychologist, her name is Dr. Thelma Bryant. She was on another podcast recently. And she says watching true crime before bed is a massive red flag. Yeah.

And I have to say, I find it incredibly relaxing to watch a little homicide before REM. I do too. I mean, like literally, I start the show knowing I've got about 15 minutes in me. As soon as they find the body, they start investigating the murder and they're leaning towards a suspect. I'm out like a light. It's like a lullaby. And you know what?

Here is evidence from a licensed psychologist that this is a massive red flag. And again, I'm just going to say where some people are in red flag in Shark City on Asshole Island, that's hashtag my happy place. Absolutely. I like a little homicide before bed. I love a little homicide before bed. I would even say that I would walk really quickly to get to my bed.

to watch Homicide before I go to bed. So then I'll double down on all of the unhappiness and all of the red flags, and I will thrive and shine in these venues. Absolutely. Like, I don't sleep as well if I'm not watching Murder Before Bed. I don't. So I just thought it was interesting. We've always known this about us, but now we have evidence that

that backs it up, that we are completely unhinged assholes. Right. I mean, I think there's enough anecdotal evidence out there for that. But now we have actual psychologists saying it. Yeah. We have scientific studies. Yeah. That's great. I agree. Welcome to I've Had It. I'm Jennifer. I'm Angie. Kylie, you can tell the listener about how quickly Pumps and I walk.

You guys got me in a fight with my girlfriend because we traveled together and I've traveled with you guys now for like a year and a half. Okay. The way that I was walking in that airport to our next destination every time, she eventually had to grab me and be like, fucking slow down. I know you travel with gin and pumps and I see it. You need to stop. Because I just kept leaving her in the dust because I'm on y'all's weird pace. Yeah. I mean, it is like...

We're going to die if we don't get there right now. Yeah, that's exactly how I feel. And some people say that's unhappy, but that brings me great joy. The risk of fatality at all times is my hashtag happy place. It's not some beach. It's not me sipping some fruity cocktail with an umbrella in it. It is the risk of homicide and or watching homicide. That's where we shine and that's where we thrive. Right.

You do. Even if we go on like a nice stroll in some city, you're like, let's go enjoy the gardens in Boston. Yeah. It is 900 miles per hour. I don't even get to see the gardens. We have to walk so fast. Yeah. You're kind of slow walker though. Not according to Anna. Right. I mean, we're, I'm glad to know the training is working. You know what? Here's the deal. Just in the short time that we've had this podcast and the 30 cities that we visited, we've

I think that we've probably added with each stop a year to Kylie's life. Agreed. Because this is a person who maybe, and I'm not, I am not exaggerating here, listener. She maybe gets a thousand steps per day. This is also a person who intentionally dehydrates. This is also a person who shuns exercise as though it was a mega church. Yeah.

I cannot tell you what we are bringing to the youth, specifically the lesbian youth in this country, because Kylie, I think you're going to live a lot longer because of this job. You're saving gay lives. Right. Particularly yours. Exactly. We are saving lessee lives. That's as ally as you can get. It doesn't get any more ally than this. No, it doesn't. Adding years to your life, wisdom pockets every day. Yeah. Yeah.

That's incredible. What about you, Kylie? Do you watch Homicide Before Bed? I actually had to stop watching Homicide Before Bed. Why? Because I was paranoid every night. I slept with a knife. I had a pillow knife. What? Wait, what kind of knife? Hold on. Like I would just go get it from the kitchen and I would just, in my home that's perfectly safe in a nice neighborhood, I'm like paralyzed with fear.

And I realized once I stopped watching like Criminal Minds before bed, listening to my true crime podcasts, I'm completely changed. I have a lot of questions about this knife. I do too. You call it a pillow knife. Where was the knife located? Under my pillow. That's psychotic. Yeah. Right. And how, like, is this a big knife?

Um, it depends. Sometimes, like, if I would hear a noise, I would walk off with that knife, and so the next day I'd have to get the next knife. So sometimes it's bigger, sometimes it was smaller. Like a steak knife that would cut your finger easily? It's like my old kitchen knives. I don't know how effective they would have been, but... Because what if you put your hand under your pillow when you went onto your side? It never cut me. Kylie, I'm very concerned about that. I don't sleep with it anymore because I stopped watching True Crime before bed. What if Judy would have gotten that knife under the pillow? She would have been fine.

So it's really, it was like in your brain, it made you feel safer because if it won't cut your hand and it won't cut Judy, it's probably not going to cut an intruder. I also would, I don't think I would rise to the occasion like I hope I would. No, I think I'd try in the corner. It's very concerning, Kylie. All right. What's going on on the World Wide Web? So recently-

You guys went off on Disney adults. Oh, yes. You may recall. Yes. It blew up on TikTok. Okay. And the Disney adults are very mad. Oh, good. I don't even know you posted that over there. Tell us what they're saying. So some of them, I'll read you a couple of the best I could find. But because they're Disney adults, a lot of them were really lackluster hate comments. They were like, you're a total maleficent. You would be the evil stepmother. Okay.

Just embarrassing. But I'll read you the best I could find. Okay. Jay writes, please slip to the other side of the veil sooner than later because I can see the old under the facelifts. Grim reapers. That's the best I've got on your people. Here's the thing. If your argument is...

against somebody is to attack their appearance, that's an ad hominem attack. It doesn't, you're not defending the Disney adult. No, you're not saying being a Disney adult is great. It doesn't hurt my feelings that you attack my appearance. Like that doesn't hurt my appearance. I don't know who the fuck Jay is. I don't care. I'm never going to have any interaction with Jay again. Right. There's nothing I can do. This is the way I look. But I'd like some meat on the bone.

Like, give us a good argument. Try to convince me that I'm a crazy person. You really wouldn't take that much to convince as evidence to the first 10 minutes of this podcast where I laid out a scientific case as to how nutty we are. All right. Who's next? All right. Mount Papa writes, I'm not a Disney person, but I'd honestly hang out with the weird ones over YouTube bundles of joy. Janilsa writes,

Speaking for all of Disney adults, I would like to say, go fuck yourselves. I like that. That's a little more spirited than that. Yeah. I like that. That's better than the Maleficent and all that. It's like...

That's why you're a Disney adult. It's embarrassing. Because you're talking in Disney characters. But that... But I like that. That Disney adult is savage. All caps, go fuck yourself. Right, I like it. She spoke on behalf of the entire Disney adult community. I respect the hell out of that. Go fuck yourself. Yeah, I like it. Okay, something I found in the comments that people were commenting that I don't know if we've talked about. Maybe you know.

But Ron DeSantis got married at Disney. You knew that? What? I did not know that. His wedding was at Disney. Yeah. Okay. Just the fact that he got married. First of all, he's a Disney adult, which fucking gags me. He wears kitten heels. He wears kitten heels. Which is why we call him Governor Kitten Heels. But then he attacks Disney.

You know why? Because Disney broke his heart. Disney broke his heart? With their gay woke agenda. Yeah. What a fucking dick. What a pussy. What a pussy with a teeny tiny teeny weenie. There she goes.

Dick talk again. Well, but Ron DeSantis, I mean, he has little dick energy just oozing out of every pore. You can see it on a still photo how bad it is. I mean, do what you want to do. Swing for the fences. But God, I mean, talk about, you know, merging two things that are a lot. A wedding is a lot. Going to Disney is a lot. And then you put them together. It's just a lot. Yeah.

I just don't get it. I'm never going to get it. I guess I'm doubling down. I just, I don't understand it. Here's an article. DeSantis says he insisted on no Disney characters at his Disney World wedding. Then why fucking bother? Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Republican, says he issued an ultimatum when he got married at Walt Disney World Resort in 2009. No Mickey Mouse wedding photos.

I'll tell you what, that is an alpha male move if I've ever seen one, Patriots. He released a book last year, and it's called The Courage to Be Free. And he talks about his fairytale wedding to journalist Casey Black DeSantis. And he says...

Casey's family was what one might call a family of Disney enthusiasts. They loved going to Disney World. He wrote in a chapter titled The Magic Kingdom of Woke Corporatism. Yeah.

Being the dutiful groom, a.k.a. Pussy Kitten Heels, I deferred to her. He is a true patriot, isn't he? It's just a profile and courage against Disney for years. My question, do you think he wore the white boots? I don't know. It's his big day. I don't know, but that would be great.

For this episode of I've Had It, we have proudly partnered with eHarmony. Pumps, out on those dating apps, you get people who are like, hey, what's up? It's so boring and it's so impersonal. That's why I like eHarmony. They have a compatibility quiz so you can avoid bad first dates. Here's what I think is pretty cool about eHarmony, and I didn't even think about this, but a lot of people just have like a copy and paste tagline that they send out, like casting a big wide net.

Well, eHarmony has disabled the copy and paste post for first messages. So you get better messages that lead to better conversations.

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Pumps, did you know that when you use the internet without using ExpressVPN, you leave yourself incredibly vulnerable to hacking? I had no idea. It doesn't take much technical knowledge to hack someone. Just some cheap hardware is needed. A smart 12-year-old could do it. Can you believe that? No, I can't because...

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And things that Governor Kittenhills hates, but we actually love. Love. We love drag queens so much. And today we have listened to our listeners and our listeners have been begging in the comment section, please, please have Monet exchange on I've Had It. So because we care about our listeners. That's right. And we care about...

the gay agenda, and we care about supporting drag queens. Let's welcome to I've Had It, Monet X Change. She's a comedian, an opera singer, RuPaul's Drag Race winner, host of the podcast Sibling Rivalry, and budding pop star, a total overachiever, the sensation, Monet X Change. Monet, what is up?

You know what? I am good. I am so happy to be here. You know, most Queens at 9 a.m., if they work to get on a call at 9 a.m., they will look like the Crypt Keeper. But I am giving you glamour. And I'm very happy that you guys are having me on the podcast. Thank you so much. We are so happy to have you. And, you know, we like to just kind of talk about petty grievances. The pettier, the better. We find it therapeutic.

My fave. Yeah. So tell us what you've had it with. Girl, I've had it with so many things. I mean, where does the list goes on and on and on? One of the things that really pisses me off is late people. And if either of you are the late girly, I'm sorry, but I'm just over late people. I'm not missing my thing because you cannot...

Get your shit. Oh, can I curse on here? No problem. Yes, it's mandatory. Because you can't get your shit together. Like we said, the event starts at 8 and you want to leave at 7.50. Girl, it's LA traffic. It's going to take 20 minutes to get there. And we know people do not think

not think about it's parking. Like people think that once you just get in your car, you leave and you arrive at the place and that's it. No girl parking. And yes, LA has a lot of valet. I'm a valet walking girl, but sometimes there's a valet line. And even if it's just for dinner, like I want to get to the dinner at a nicely time so I can enjoy all the good appetizers and have all the cocktails. You know what I mean? So late people really, really, really,

irritate the fuck out of me. And I am trying my best to be sweet when someone is late, but I've, I'm in my 34 years of life, I'm just over being late and waiting for late people. Well, I'm 49 and I can tell you that the sweetness over tardiness will erode because I am not so sweet when people are tardy. I despise tardiness. I think it is the ultimate thing.

sign of disrespect. Now, if you're running late and things happen and you send a text to the person with whom you're meeting and you say, hey, I'm 15 minutes late, that 15 minutes is a very valuable 15 minutes that you can return an email. You could masturbate. There's all kinds of things that you could be doing in that 15 minutes. But when people show up late and act like

Nothing happened. Nothing happened. It incenses me. I think it is so disrespectful and rude. Disrespectful.

If she's not 10 minutes early, she thinks she's late. I mean, she starts panicking to get out somewhere. I'm doing better on lateness, I think. You're better. I just value my time immensely. And so I project that onto other people to say, hey, this is my most precious commodity is my time. So if I'm running late, I let somebody know. But if I'm not five minutes early to something, I feel like I'm late.

Well, I'm more of like a two minutes earlier or like right on time. But people like you, I'm trying to be more like you. I'm trying to be the girl that's there 10 minutes early. I really am. But I'm more of like a – if we're supposed to be at 9, I'll get there at 8.58.

or right at 9 o'clock, but I agree. And also, I used to date someone who was... We would set a thing to be like, we're going to a show at 7, and so I'm like...

he's like so what time are we leaving i'm like well you know the train takes us 20 minutes to get there and we have to like think about walking so we should probably leave at 6 30 he was more of a well let's leave it like 6 45 i'm like and it was like it was like a routine every time we would try to go somewhere he would always be late and that's the reason why we're no longer together missing out on all of this so how did that work out you fucked yourself

You fucked yourself with the tardiness, Brian. Yeah. But, you know, it creates a lot of anxiety because you value time. And here's the thing. I think if you've reached a level of success, you've learned how to manage your time. Time management and success to me go hand in hand. And people that disrespect my time, I just –

I have no tolerance for it, which is why I hate doctors. Yeah. They think their time is so much more valuable than anybody else's. They really do. And it's like, just tell me, have them text me. I mean, they're texting me 47 times to make sure I'm coming to the appointment. Text me and say, you know, the doctor's running 30 minutes late. So we're going to push your time back. Great. I can do errands for 30 minutes. Yes.

But trapping me in your office with HGTV on is just not going to cut it. By the time I go back, I'm fucking mad. Completely. Oh, my God. We live in Oklahoma. And I'll tell you what. I took my kids once to this pediatric dentist. And my kids are back there getting their teeth cleaned. I have two sons. And this is when they were really little. And they had Fox News playing in the lobby.

I paid my bill, snatched my kids up, got in the car, Googled a new dentist, and I never went back ever. And my kids went to school with the children of the dentist. And he asked me at some like ice cream social, hey, Jennifer, why aren't your kids coming to see me anymore? And I said, I'll tell you exactly why.

that Fox news, I will not pay you money to sit there and listen to that jet stream of bullshit. I'm not doing it. And he was like, whoa, I told him. Oh my God. I love that. Honestly, I want kids just so I can do that one day. Like everything about kids. I don't think I'm a kid girl, but I would, I would love to have kids just so I can do fucking fair shit like that. I love that. I was like,

I just see you walking up there, you paying your money, you snatching the change back and you never look back. I just, I love the whole thing. I did. I told the kids, I was like, I don't care who his son is. We're not going back. Fox News is poison kids. And they were like, okay, mom.

But I agree on the doctor thing. Like there was this fucking great dermatologist here in LA. Everyone was talking about this. And I had been recommended by so many people. And then so I make an appointment. Like you said, I had to press C to confirm 19 times. I said yes 14 times. I had to send a pigeon saying I was going to come. I did all the things.

And then when, like, my appointment was, like, 11 o'clock or something. And when I took, I did not see him until, like, 12, 15. I was sat in that chair in that, with no Wi-Fi. And they have, like, lead paint on the walls. And no cell phone reception can come in. So you're just stuck with your thoughts for an hour. And I was like, this is insane that I'm waiting this long. And, I mean, I did have, like, the best facial ever.

It was incredible, but I never went back because I was like, this is crazy. I'm not waiting an hour for you, doctor. Yeah. I start getting there and I start getting on that loop of what all I could be doing. And I usually like to schedule like in my mind, like, okay, I've got this doctor's appointment. I'll be done by 1.30. Then by 2, I want to be doing X, Y, and Z. So then by 4.30, I can turn on MSNBC. I'll be done with my day. And then it's like, it just spirals. Like, okay, I'm not going to get this work done because I'm sitting here waiting for this jack off.

And then what really bothers me is when you go into a doctor's office and they don't say, oh, my God, I'm so sorry. I had an emergency. A lot of times you can tell that's just how it rolls. Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah, 100%. Not to mention the fuckery with you call, you tell them what's wrong with you over the phone. Then you go into the exam room and you tell the nurse what's wrong with you.

It's been and you've written it down in the documents. You've told this story three times. And then the doctor walks in and he's the most clueless motherfucker on the planet. You're like, why are we doing all this circle jerk? If you don't even know what the hell's wrong with me. If you haven't read my chart or heard any of the feedback that I've given, I mean, stand up. You're already an hour late. Stand outside. Review the notes, if nothing else, before you walk in.

Yeah, for the third time. So what's going on there? I'm like, I done told Rebecca, Cindy, and Rachel what's wrong with me. Ask them.

Okay. When we emailed with your team prior to you coming on, you sent us your list of grievances and I don't know what this is and you're going to have to explain it to us, but it's something you've had it with and it's D L men. What is that? Girl, let me tell you D L men. Okay. So I, as a DL men is shorthand for down low men, which are men who, who, uh,

Who you, who I have engaged in sexual activities with, but they're in the closet or they're straight or, or they normally don't do this. This is like the first time. But like literally all throughout like my twenties, that's like all I did was fuck around with DL guys. And I've just had, it's bad for my mental. And in my new, in my new album coming out, I'm great. I'm probably one on May 17th.

A lot of the songs that I am singing about are the result of DL men. DL men that I have hooked up with. DL men that I've been in love with. DL men that I've let fuck me raw. They are all up in Peru of this album. And I am letting it go because as I have entered my thirties, no longer nary a DL man will I interact with. Only men who are open and gay and honest with themselves. The amount of married men.

I have again given blowjobs to the back of a bathroom. It is insane. And I just I've just had it no more, no more, no more, never, never, never, never again. So Monet, I have I'm an interior designer when I'm not a podcaster. And I have always found gay men to be my best friends from age 18 on. So I've always been around a gaggle of gays.

And I have always been so fascinated and shocked at the amount of quote unquote straight men that traffic in gay stuff. Right. Here's the thing. I support gay stuff. I'm a huge ally. But so many of my gay friends would fall in love with some married man who was

I mean, the guy was totally closeted, but he had a wife. Maybe he was like in the church or whatever. And they just got their hearts broken. And it was so sad to me, the amount of men that...

are having to be so duplicitous because society tells you you've got to be straight and all of this stuff. Really, they want to be gay. Right. Yeah. That's what they want to do. So they're stuck in this. But the people who have the courage and the support group to come out of the closet, pay the price to this. But, you know, we just were talking about our patron the other day about these alpha males, you know. Yes. Alpha males. And they do these alpha male boot camps. Crazy shit. Our producer, Seth, showed us this video. Yes.

of this alpha male boot camp and these guys were wrestling with each other and

And they're basically, they're dry humping and they're kind of giggling and talking. And I said, you know, these guys just want to do gay stuff. That's what they want to do. They're wanting to do gay stuff, but society's told them they can't do gay stuff. So they're going to the alpha male bootcamp to roll around and feel hard cock. Right. Because that's what it looked like. This video was crazy. Alpha male bootcamp? Should I go to an alpha male bootcamp?

It is the biggest group of little dick energy. For sure. Just absolute wannabes. I mean, they run around screaming in each other's face, going backwards, screaming, I am a man. I think the alpha male boot camps are DL men, which are also LD men. Little dick. Do these men have small penises? Yes. Yes.

They do? The deal men have teeny weenies? You know what? I will say, not always, but most times they're not, especially in New York, honey, these Dominican men. But you know what? But they are still toxic and they're poisonous. And you know what? The fact, it's just so meretricious, right? Because they're like so shiny and cute on the outside. And you're like, oh, look at this nice guy. And he's like into me and he's coming into this...

Because, okay, so I used to work at a hardware bar in New York City, which is on 10th Avenue. And around the corner was a bar called Fairytale Lounge. Fairytale Lounge was a T-Girl bar where there were lots of trans women and their admirers. And, you know, they would all hang out there. Anytime that guys wouldn't get lucky at this bar, they would come around the corner to Hardware.

and they would like see big drag queen me. And again, this is me. Like there, there is, I am not a trans woman and they know that, but they try to pretend like, Oh, I thought this. I'm like, no, that's not what you thought. You know exactly what this was. I just finished a show for two hours on, I've been standing on stage. I've been telling jokes. I've been dancing. I've been singing at the end of the show. I look like, uh, I look like, uh, uh,

a melted chocolate chip cookie. I look like the wig is melting, my lashes are falling off. You know exactly what this is. And we would go over to my apartment and we would do the do and do whatever. And then you never hear from them ever again. And then, well, sometimes in the interaction, they're like, wait, what's that? I'm like,

Oh, for God's sake. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Pump the brakes. Pump the brakes. So you're making out with somebody and then your penis comes out and they faint. Surprise. Yeah, they're like, oh, my God. I didn't. You didn't know. But you were so prepared and ready. And actually, you're doing a great job, Rick. It's always, it was that all the time. They're like, wait, I had, I had.

I had no idea that was out there. Okay, let me ask you this. Okay, so you have the ones that are just sexually charged in a homosexual way. Are there any DL men that you've had like emotional intimacy with, like pillow talk and kind of where they're really seeking like that kind of homosexual companionship outside of sex?

Oh my God, yes. And those would be the ones that would really get me. In fact, I have a song called Streetlight that I wrote on this album that's just like valid, like really like about this topic about DML, like really through and through. And it's because of that, like having this...

Like we would have sex and we would like be chilling in the bed afterwards and then talking about everything, talking about, yeah, well, you know, I'm going to go to Portugal this summer and I love doing this. And I have, I do car shows and like, what do you do? Yeah, and drag. Oh my God, you perform every weekend. That's nice. I definitely want to come to more of your shows. Like, I just love your vibe. You're so dope. You're so cool. And like having this pillow talk you're talking about, right? Just talking and

And feel like you're making this real connection with this dude. And in the back of your mind, it rolls. You're thinking like, wow, like,

Like, this is just a hookup, but like, this is, this seems really sweet and this seems so kind. And, you know, like, and then we, and then you exchange numbers and then like for a day or two, you're talking on the phone, like a regular like date you went on. Right. And you're thinking, wow, this could, this really becomes something. And then specifically this dude comes to find out, like he, we, we hook up, we ended up hooking up like regularly for like,

I would say about three weeks. He would come over like twice a week and we'd hang out. We'd hook up. We would never go out. We would like order food to the house and we would like eat in the house, whatever, and hook up and fuck and talk, whatever. And then he disappears. That's like four weeks. I'm like, well, that was just like a whatever. Come to find out, I stalk him on Facebook. This is back on Facebook. I stalk him on Facebook. Come to find out, he is married to a woman and he has two kids.

And I'm like, how are you finding the time to come to my apartment and spend all this time with me and having like a full wife and two kids? Like, how are you managing all of this? And how did she not know? And like, how are you doing this? Like, this is so insidious that you were having this whole kind of

relationship thing and you have a whole separate it used to really fuck me up and that's not just one that's like one story of the like 50 times that has happened to me it's crazy but how could it not I mean the betrayal of that and the expectation that you are authentically yourself and you are 100% showing this person who you are and available and there's no lies and you're not being duplicitous and you feel that this person is giving you the same thing

Only to find out you're like maybe like a line of cocaine to them. Something they snorted and then moved on to the next buzz. And that would be leveling and devastating. Oh, yeah. It's definitely resulted in lots of therapy. But come on.

on the other side and realize that it's not about me. I mean, it's about these dudes. And so when I, so when I, so when I write this song, these songs in this album, because you know what, it's always the through line was we would never meet up in public. We would never hang out like in the light. You know what I mean? It was always like,

after 11 o'clock or only on this weekend. That's the through line for all these things. So that's how I would start to get to tell, like, okay, I know exactly what this is. And again, I have some part in it, right? Because I was like knowing in the back of my mind what this was, but still hoping it would be something else, knowing that it would never be was also through line for me. You know what I hate about this so much is the –

Society puts so much shame about homosexuality or drag queens or anything to do with LGBTQIA plus community. And then you have the bravery to come out, be an inspiration to people. And to be in situations like this that might re-trigger shame or something about that would not make you feel good. It would be a very unhealthy space for you to be in.

Oh yeah. It, it, it, it 1000% is, but you know, that's why God invented better help. And so let me figure a lot of those feelings out. So thank God I'm not wallowing in that anymore. I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've chucked it all to Jesus and my life is better.

Good for you. Good for you. Good for you. Even though I'm an atheist. Same, girl. Same, same. Well, I'm more agnostic. Like, I know there's some fucking alien crater out there that made all of this, but I don't know where it's at. I don't know what galaxy it is, but organized religion? Bullshit.

shit. Totally. I've had it with that. That's a lot of the problem. A lot of these DL men, that's where they get all this idea to be DL because it's rooted in all of this religious shame, but that's another podcast and another therapy session entirely Monet. Let's get petty again.

We started this podcast, it kind of blew up and all the people were like, we want merch, we want coffee cups, we want hoodies, we want t-shirts. You and I, I mean, it's a miracle we're even able to walk up here and sit down at these microphones, but the prospect and the potential of making merch and sending it to all of these listeners just was so daunting.

It's overwhelming to think, how are we going to get the merch to the people that paid for it? Thank goodness we found Shopify. Listener, Shopify is the global commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business. Shopify helps you turn browsers into buyers with the

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Be like pumps and use Viator. You can download the Viator app now and use the code Viator10 for 10% off your first booking in the app. Find the perfect travel experiences for you. Do more with Viator. Monet, what is a moth lash install? Explain to two Gen Xers what the fuck is this? I don't even know what that means. Okay.

I recognize the contributions that drag has given to the world and people see the high glam, the beauty, how fierce drag is. But one of the things I think is,

women out there doing sometimes, and I see it oftentimes, you know, here in LA and New York are these like moth lash installs. So it's not just, you know, everyone wears fake lashes. And normally you go like a little, a little, a little Ardell lash or something really subtle. Nowadays, I see girls with the full on, they are like the biggest lashes brand.

On their eyes. I'm like, girls, girls, girls, no, no, no. Like, everyone, please, you have the freedom to express yourself, but please stop wearing those crazy lash installs. They're, like, as thick on the inside as they are outside, and they are, like, the long 301 lashes, and they're, like, a good, like, two inches off of your eye, and I'm trying to talk to you, checking out at the Rite Aid, but I can't focus because...

I'm talking to you, my papers are just blowing in the wind. I can't even hold my paper because the breeze that your eyelash...

The tornado you're creating in front of me at the checkout line is crazy. So I have had it with those. They were time for two years. Please stop wearing these crazy lash installs to your, not even to go out to the club. Maybe if you're doing a Broadway show, I would say they're okay. They're not okay for any other season. Not even drag Queens are wearing lashes as big. It's crazy. Here's the problem. Okay. Now I know, I know exactly what you're talking about. I just didn't know it was called that.

But I see these girls that are 21, 22. They have on not an ounce of makeup. They're in their Lululemon athleisure and they've got these fucking tarantulas out there. And they're like, I love my lashes because I can just take off all my makeup and I don't have to wear any. And I'm like,

Actually, it looks like you forgot one step in your makeup removal process. You forgot to take off the drag lash. And I want to remind you that you are not a drag queen. Drag queens, this looks great on. It works.

But fucking Susie running up to yoga class with no makeup on with drag lashes. I've had it. It looks ridiculous. It was crazy. And you're right. Like not a stitch of makeup on and you just have these.

insane lashes on. It's just, it looks so quiet. So I just, I've, I've had it with those. I've had, I've had it. Stop. Please stop with those lashes. Yeah, they're bad. And I have fake lashes. I mean, I've had them for like six years, but I don't think mine look, I mean, they're not super long. No, yours are normal. You don't have tarantula lash. It's tarantula drag lash that

that only drag queens can wear when they're performing. Right. Notice Monet right now does not have on a drag lash. Why? Because Monet's not in drag and she's drop dead gorgeous. Let's see that cheekbone again. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Okay. Monet, we're going to play a game with you called Hat It or Hit It. Oh my God. Welcome to Hat It or Hit It. I would hit it. Hat it.

I hit it every day, sometimes twice a day. All right. Had it or hit it. Frenemies. Okay. Oh, no. Hit it. I love a frenemy. Bob the Drag Queen. We do a podcast together called Sibling Rivalry, and we are frenemies for sure. And we've made a very successful career off of being frenemies. So hit it. Yes. Like it. I kind of like a frenemy. We were with a friend this weekend that has a frenemy, and, I mean, we delighted in their conversations because they're like,

you can tell they love each other, but it's just kind of enjoyable. One of the, the girl that we were with, she went to, went out of town one weekend with another friend and her friend of me was like,

I can't believe you didn't ask me. And our friend responded, this wasn't about you. And the frenemy responds, exactly. You didn't even think about me. That's exactly my point. It wasn't about me. And we were reading the text exchange.

crying. Frenemy energy is fucking gold. It is so good. It adds a little spice to life. What's life without a little spice? Absolutely agree. Okay. Had it or hit it, flats.

Oh, had it. No, no, no, no flats. If you are out in public, honey, you need to stunt on these hoes. You need to be giving glamour. I mean, look at this wall of heels I have here. That's not even...

Half of my collection. I love a high heel. And I'm not into like the little conservative. If you're wearing the little Hillary Clintons, get out of here too. You need to be having at least a four-incher on, honey. Yes. Glamour. Sexy. Stilettos.

I think I'm past my prime because I cannot wear super high heels. Really? They hurt my feet. They hurt my feet. But when we're on tour, I put on my heels and then we have a VIP meet and greet and I keep those heels on and I serve it to every individual that has paid money to have their photograph taken with us because I care about our listener. She puts on her fucking ugly ass Walmart slippers for the VIP meet and greet. I think it's disrespect. Disrespect.

It's not disrespect. It's just comfort. Selfish. I want to not have to be worrying about, oh my God, my feet hurt so if I feel bad, I can't be nice. So I have to have my flats on. But here's the thing. This is how I know karma's real. When I was a young lawyer, I would go to the courthouse and women that are my age now would wear flats with their seats. And I thought,

Who the fuck are they? I mean, they look stupid. I can't believe they're wearing that. When I get that age where I have to wear flats to the courthouse, I mean, that's it. It's over. I have now become the lawyer that wears flats to the courthouse. Like, it's bad. Karma is a bitch. Yeah. I'll tell you what. It hurts. Like, the pain as you get older, gravity. Yeah. In so many ways. It just rains everywhere.

It rains down, Monet. It rains down. So I always recommend the platform heel where there's a little bit of platform under the toe to me is a lot more therapeutic than – and one of my favorite shoes of all time is just a pointed heel.

hateful, evil, go fuck yourself stiletto, pointy, flat on the bottom, then a spiky heel. I mean, just evil. I mean, the most hateful thing you've ever seen in your life. I fucking love this. It's almost orgasmic for me. I can only wear them briefly. I'll have to like take them off, walk and then put them on.

where I want people to see them because gravity is not good to the old. Well, you just described that heel and I literally climax. It's so fucking fierce. I mean, but also, but I'm also a fan of like, I will only wear it. Like people backstage know this, my assistant, I have slippers that I wear to the stage. As soon as I'm getting on stage, going to heels, do the little, do my stand up. As soon as I come off the stage, put the flats back on. Cause I agree. There are so many Queens. And let me tell you this. And I, I,

And I know a lot of them that have to get double hip replacements because the heels like fuck up your hips and your knees. So I, they're really, I'm one day going to have a double hip replacement. I know this. Um, but for the time I'm living my best life. That's right. You got to do it while you're young. Had it or hit it unitards.

Ooh, like in what context? Okay, I'm talking 1980s Jane Fonda, a unitard where you put that thing on and it is spandex up over your pee-pee, up.

All the way on. Maybe a leg warmer. Maybe a heel with it. But a unitard. Oh, yeah. Hit it. Let me tell you something. I work out. I work out in those. Like in the gym. Oh, I work out in full spandex Jane Fonda wardrobe. Because here's the thing. I want to make working out gay again. And here's why. At my gym, there are too many straight fucking dudes wearing crop tops and short shorts at the gym. Now I don't know who's gay. I have no idea who's gay at the gym.

So I have started the initiative to reinstate people wearing unitards. And straight guys, they are too in their head. They would never wear the unitards. But the gays and the girls will wear them. So I'm all about the gays and girls and days wearing unitards to work out. And I actually have a line of them coming out this summer. Oh, good for you. Perfect. And I'm going to send y'all some. Please do because we will wear them. And here's the thing. I don't think I'll wear it. Any chance that we have...

to promote the gay agenda. We are 100% on board with it. Anything that we can do to promote anything gay, gay stuff, gay people, gay unitards, gay exercise, we are at the top of the list advocating to do it. That's right.

Okay. Fab ladies. I love that. I will send y'all some and please just promote the gay agenda. I will do it for the gay agenda, but I have a real problem with camel toe. So that's why you know, she does. I have been telling her for years to be vigilant with camel toe prevention. She walks in this recording studio and I look down and there's a goddamn camel toe looking right back at me. And I've told her multiple

times. How do you not feel that? Be vigilant. When you stand up, look at your twat. Check the tail. When you sit down, look at your twat. Build this into like breathing air, looking at your twat, making sure you don't have a camel toe. It's been going on for years. Yeah. Well, girl, I have, I walk around the gym with a damn moose knuckle. I don't care. You're welcome, boys. Get a little shout at the gym, honey. Okay. Had it or hid it. Inspirational quotes.

Had it. I cannot with the inspirational quote. Even like the inspirational Instagram story post after like a fight with your boyfriend. I'm like, girl, we know what this is about. You see on the Instagram story, be like, you know what? Life goes on the more that you learn to let go. I'm like, oh, here we go again.

They're broken up. They're getting back together. And you know what? People are weaponizing inspirational quotes to send these coded messages on Instagram. I have had it. I've had it with inspirational quotes, inspirational quote culture. However, Monet, I do love to watch a fucking meltdown on Instagram. Yeah. I fucking eat that shit up. I mean, I lap that up like it's nobody's business. Yeah.

Yeah, it's like you're in the front seat of a car pileup on the freeway. You don't have to drive by and wonder what happened. You're seeing it happen in the palm of your hand. Like, ooh, this is good. This is good. It's good stuff. It's good stuff. I also have been one to go to...

a home goods and get some inspirational pictures and put them on my wall. But this has been my twenties. I don't do that anymore, but I used to be that home goods girlie and get the glittery thing that said live, laugh, love. You know what I mean? That was me for a while. I'm so glad you outgrew that. I'm an interior designer and I can tell you nothing reeks of bad taste like word art. Word art is just great.

Tragic. I mean, I would write you a citation right here and now if I saw some word art behind you. The stilettos are far better. Okay, last one. Had it or hid it, reality TV.

Oh, hit it. I am obsessed with reality TV. I'm not ashamed to say it. I love reality TV. I love the housewives. I love traders. The new show on NBC traders is so good. I mean, I'm a child. I'm a reality teller. I'm only here because I was on reality competition TV. So I love reality TV.

We watch, we're big into politics, which is basically morphed into reality TV. Pumps is constantly giving us updates of the Donald Trump trial, which share with him what Stormy Daniels said on the stand. Okay, this is my favorite because I fucking hate Trump. And it's, she says, or they said, did you have sex on the bed? And she said, yes, briefly. Okay.

I love some subtle shade. I love it. Subtle shade. That is so shady and so cunty. Oh, I love that. That's so good. Yes, you did. Briefly. Briefly. Briefly.

I love that. Oh, that's so good. Well, Monet exchange. This is been one of my favorite episodes. I want to have you back on. You are like, I feel like we're a throuple. I do too. I honestly do. I'm going to move to OKC. I'm going to move to Oklahoma city. I, you know what? We'll move to New York. That would be better. You wouldn't like it as much as we're really cool.

But not a lot of other people here are. Yeah. Well, you know, I did stand up because it's called Brick City, right? Bricktown. Bricktown. Yeah. Yeah, I did. I did it at the comedy club there. And I sold out for two nights. And it was great. I love the people who came to the show. Well, the people that are going to come to that show are cool as shit. Here's the situation with being progressive in a red state.

You're really progressive because you're on the front lines. You're in the trenches. You're taking grenades. So you're like, yes, I'm progressive. Yes, we stand for the gay community because you see the attacks on it firsthand and you see the government's bullying people in your community where when you live in New York and L.A., you can just walk outside and breathe liberal air and you don't have to think about these fucking things.

We see it all the time. That's why we're matter and hornets and start a podcast called I've had it because we live with these fuckers all the time. So anyway, Monet, we love you. Thank you so much for coming on our show. You're a treat. Thank you for having me. This is such a great way to start my Monday, my Tuesday morning. I love it.

Bye, Monet. Bye. Thank you. It had been a long time since we had had a drag queen on and I felt the void. I felt like our content was hammered dog shit. And so I would like to thank Monet Exchange for coming on and reviving and resuscitating this fucking face plant hammered dog shit of a podcast that is ours. She is a breath of fresh air. Funny, insightful, honest. I love her. Love. Absolutely.

I love her. And I love the whole, you know, we should do a whole episode on frenemies. It's a great, it's a great dynamic. It is. We get those texts from our girlfriend this weekend. We can get the text from our girlfriend and do some dramatic readings. Listeners, you should send a,

Kylie, some frenemy text exchange. Ooh, that's a great idea. I think they would be great dramatic readings. Maybe we can have a drag queen on to read some. I love that. Although, you know, I'm partial to your dramatic readings. Oh, pumps. You always have done dramatic ratings and I love them so much. I love you, pumps. Love you. All right. Listen, to end it on just a sweet, inspirational note. Inspirational. Inspirational note. Let go.

Let I've Had It do all of your petty grievances. That's right. Subscribe to us. Our after show starts right now. What else do they have to do, pups? Five Star Review on Apple. You can find us on YouTube. You can subscribe there. We have Patreon, Documentary Club, Girl Please, Rock Hard Cock Chats. We've got lots going on on Patreon. We'll see you next Tuesday or Thursday or both. I'll tell you what I've had it with. Let's hear it.