cover of episode America's Legal Eagle

America's Legal Eagle

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I've Had It

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
专注于打击数字骗局和保护个人隐私的个人,特别是在 AI 生成的虚假讣告方面。
Pumps: 本期节目中,Pumps 谈到了她因工作、家庭和社交压力导致的倦怠,以及她如何通过 BetterHelp 在线心理治疗来应对这些压力。她还分享了她对美国社会现象的看法,例如她对美国购物中心千篇一律的建筑设计、对那些在红绿灯处猛踩油门炫耀的男人的厌恶、对收取宠物租金的不满,以及对卡车司机在车上安装"truck nuts"的愤怒。她还表达了她对节日商品过早上市和节日装饰物滞留时间过长的不满。此外,她还谈到了她对约会软件的看法,并与其他嘉宾一起讨论了在公共场合使用免提通话的问题。 Jennifer Welch: Jennifer Welch 与 Pumps 一起讨论了美国购物中心的建筑设计问题,并建议重新设计购物中心,将停车场移至后方,打造更美观、更友好的购物环境。她还谈到了她对节日商品过早上市和节日装饰物滞留时间过长的不满,以及她对那些占用多个停车位停车的人的厌恶。她还分享了她对约会软件的看法,并与其他嘉宾一起讨论了在公共场合使用免提通话的问题。 Holly Madison: Holly Madison 分享了她对洛杉矶随处可见的紧凑型汽车停车位的不满,以及她对那些在网上过度分享感情生活细节的夫妻的看法。她还与其他嘉宾一起讨论了在公共场合使用免提通话的问题,以及对强制性工作聚会的不满。 Bridget Marquardt: Bridget Marquardt 分享了她对宠物租金的不满,以及她对那些在网上过度分享感情生活细节的夫妻的看法。她还与其他嘉宾一起讨论了在公共场合使用免提通话的问题,以及对强制性工作聚会的不满。她还谈到了她对妈妈牛仔裤和迷彩图案的看法。 Kathy: Kathy 分享了她对美国购物中心餐厅的厌恶,以及她对美国城市规划的看法。

Deep Dive

Pumps comparte su irritación con los hombres que aceleran sus autos en los semáforos, comparándolo con un llamado de atención no deseado. Jennifer está de acuerdo y bromea diciendo que tal vez la gente se siente atraída por Pumps y le coquetea con sus motores. Ambas reflexionan sobre la naturaleza de estas exhibiciones y lo que podrían significar.
  • A Pumps le molesta que los hombres aceleren sus autos en los semáforos.
  • Jennifer bromea diciendo que los hombres podrían estar coqueteando con Pumps.
  • Especulan sobre las motivaciones detrás de este comportamiento.

Shownotes Transcript


Pumps, doing the podcast, our other jobs, being mothers, maintaining friendships. Sometimes I just feel like I have burnout, like I cannot face another meeting, another conversation. And I realize I'm just so disconnected from the world that I need to take the time to schedule a session with my therapist from

After I do it, I feel so much more centered, so much more grounded, and so much more functioning. Listener, if you're thinking about starting therapy, give BetterHelp a try. It's entirely online, designed to be convenient, flexible, and suited to your schedule. All you have to do is fill out a brief questionnaire and get matched with a licensed therapist, and you can switch therapist at any time for no additional charge.

Find your social sweet spot with BetterHelp. Visit slash had it today to get 10% off your first month. That's betterhelp, H-E-L-P dot com slash had it.

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Listen up, patriots, gay-triots, and nay-triots. We have a new podcast that has dropped. It's called IHIP News. It's Monday through Friday, every day, 15 to 20-minute hot takes on the political landscape of the United States of America, always served with a side of petty grievances.

We are on all the available platforms, Apple, Spotify, Google, whatever. You get your podcasts and YouTube. Please go rate, subscribe, and review so that we will chart upwards with America's greatest legal mind, pumps. Pumps, what does an eagle say? Caw-caw. A little bit more enthusiasm. Caw-caw. That's it. That's, that's. Caw-caw. That's the patriotism that this country needs right there. Ready? One, two, three.

Patriots, Gatriots, Thatriots, let's go America. Paps, how are you today? I'm great. I had a great clap. I know everybody's thinking me talking about it, but it was a great clap. It really was. I mean, you know what? You did it for America. For America. What's going on? Isn't that your little diamond song? Yeah. Paget Paps. So this is the talent section of your Miss America? Yes. For my toddlers and tiara moment. Yeah.

Are you okay? No. Okay. I've never been okay. What have you had it with? Okay. What I've had it with, and it's always white men, always, always, always fucking revving their cars. Enough. Vroom, vroom. Like so loud. I was at an intersection. This guy was doing it. And I just was like, you're a fucking twat. Like enough. Nobody wants to look at you. You're not cute. No one thinks you're cool.

It just grossed me out. And it's just been on me. And of course, we all know what I'm going to say. Then I'll be a penile shamer. But I'm just saying that's what I thought. Well, you are not only America's greatest legal mind, you are America's most prolific penile shamer. I mean, truly. If you know, you know. You could make a coffee table book.

that said, I'm not saying you have a small penis, but... And then just do a picture book. Yeah. Flipping through. First would be car rivers. Second would be men and alpha male classes. I mean, just, I could go through the list. The Tesla truck. Yeah.

That thing drives me crazy. Every time one of those comes up on the side of me, I'm like scared. Like it takes me aback. Let's go back to your original grievance. You're sitting in a stoplight. Yeah. You're stopped and the car next to you is stopped. Everybody's stopped. But then the car next to you starts revving at a red light. Right. It's like a cat call back in the day. You know what? You didn't think I was hitting on you? I don't know. But I mean, what would he do if I like slammed it and parked, walked over and said, let's go fucking now? He'd do it.

No, he'd run away scared because his little penis would suck up. Turn into an innie. It'd turn into an innie. An innie. So maybe people are hitting on you all. It's happened to you a lot? It's happened twice in the last two months. I tell you what, Kathy. I think pumps is working the intersections of the United States of America and people are noticing and hitting on her via their engines. Vroom, vroom.

There you go. I mean, it is. I just, when you're hot, you're hot, I guess. I don't know what else to say about it other than you're hot. Yes, America. Did your talent earlier on the episode? One or two of my many talents. Jack of all trades. Yeah. All right, let me tell you what I've had it with. Okay. I've had it with the architecture of strip malls in the United States of America. Yeah, that's bad. It's awful. They're just these boxy little strips. Yeah.

with this concrete parking lot in front of them and it's depressing. It doesn't make me want to do any mood altering shopping. No. It's not attractive to look at and it's epidemic. It's everywhere. You go over to Europe, they have these quaint darling little retail strips with apartments up above them. We just have this wretched architecture and

You can even go look at the new architecture in suburbia. And you could be in the suburbs of Oklahoma City, the suburbs of Dallas, the suburbs of Los Angeles, Georgia. It doesn't matter. I mean, Atlanta, it doesn't matter. They all look like the exact same center. You've got the Target and then like the pet store, either Petco or PetSmart or whatever. And it's just there's no originality there.

It is like where I think people go to just say, I guess I'm just going to live out the rest of my days and shop here. It depresses me to the core of my being that the urban planning in this country needs a complete rework, a complete rework. In fact, I think they need to gather up all the Gatriots.

and disperse them into the suburbs and just completely get out a bulldozer, doze all of it up and just completely rework the entire thing. The whole thing needs a rework. That's a great idea. I'm telling you, we need to make them walkable. Yes, I agree with that. We need to make them a little bit more diverse. We need to have less corporate stores, more local stores. They need to be a little bit more fab, a little bit more cutesy. It's just...

It's so depressing. And the more I see them, the madder I get about it. And you know what's always crossed the street from all these strip malls? What? Shitty architecture of a shitty megachurch. Yeah.

There's no beautiful cathedral or anything. Not like I'm going to go attend it, but at least I'd like for it to be attractive. You could look at it. I could look at it. You could appreciate it. Maybe some unique stained glass instead of the, oh, look at us. We're the hipster church and our preacher wears true religion jeans and we have a screen where the cheerleading squad is projected on. I've had it. I'm telling you, there's just, the suburbs need a rework from top to bottom.

Yeah, I was thinking when you said that about Europe, one thing that they have over us is our stores are so big. It's just so massive. Everything's big over here. Wouldn't it just be better just to have a little – because I get into a mall and I'm overwhelmed immediately. Like even if I'm like going in for a blue skirt, I start like sweating. I just don't like it. There's too much stuff. I like a smaller space. You know what's interesting? It's probably not interesting. In fact, it's quite boring.

But I remember the first time I realized that all targets were not on one level. Like in New York City, like 20 years ago, 30 years ago when I went and it was two stories. It freaked me out. I couldn't wrap my head around it. That they build up? Yes. Yeah. I had no idea. Yeah, they build up. They build up. Because you're from the plains, the plains of the United States of America. We have all this land and we just spread everything out with our shitty little strip malls.

No originality. They're just like boxes. Zero, zero originality. Listeners start looking as you drive by these strip malls.

at how depressing they are. And you can't even really even see them because you have this parking lot in front of them. Can't we reimagine these things where the parking lot is back behind them? And then in front of the stores, we have a nice sidewalk with some grass, some greenery, some landscaping, maybe some awnings, a nice patio restaurant.

I'm Angie. What am I supposed to say? No, that's it. You are Angie. I'm Jennifer. I'm Angie.

Made me question who I was. I just usually say I'm Jennifer first. So, I mean, it just, I like that you're switching it up. I like it. You're keeping me on my toes. Variety is the spice of life. It really is. And you're keeping me on my toes. And really, honestly, you should introduce yourself first. You are the star of the show after all. Kathy is our producer. She's here today. Kathy, how's it going? It's going pretty good. I'm about to blow your mind with a new nickname for pumps. Oh. So this is a five-star review from

And it says, is Pumps America's greatest legal mind? Or is she America's greatest legal eagle? I like that. That's so good. Yes. That's great. The legal eagle. The legal eagle. Legal eagle. That...

That is brilliant. And it was there in front of us the whole time. But some sharp as a tack listener took Legal Mind and our mascot Eagle, merged them together. Legal Eagle. It is top notch. Five stars.

The best ever. No refund needed. I'm trying to think if I were going to do two sounds. Okay. Like the lady skills of justice. Okay. What does that sound like? See, that's what I'm saying. I'm tripped up a little bit. If I had a, if I had like a sound before. What about like, I object. Yeah. What about I object. Okay. Some kind of jargon. Objection. Okay.

That's pretty good. It's unbelievable. I just need a little dance move to get with it. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's fantastic. Kathy, what do you think about the strip malls in America? I hate them. And you know, the like the even shittier ones than you're talking about. Yeah. The restaurants in those people that eat at restaurants in a strip mall. I wouldn't step foot.

They're like seafood party. Yeah. And people go. And people say, you know, God, America, everybody's so riled up all the time. I think that we're, and I agree, the politics are shit show. We talk about it all the time. But I'm kind of looking beyond that. What can we do for these broken people? At least make it an attractive place to live. Think about it like this. Paris, if you remove all of the buildings, topographically, it's not that phenomenal. Right.

But they've made this amazing, beautiful city just because it's great to look at it. And here we could make these amazing, beautiful cities. But instead, we make these boxes with these parking lots that are just morbidly depressing. It's disgusting. It's depressing. You know what? Since you are America's legal eagle. Yes. Maybe we could file a class action lawsuit. Yes.

What are we going to, like, your buildings? Alienation of beauty. Beautification. Alienation of beautification. Object. Okay, one other review. This one is a one-star review. Oh, I like these. Titled Liberal White Women. And they say, these women are baffling dolts. They don't live in reality. They're vacuous. Skip. You know what I appreciate about that?

It's just, again, the time and the care. Yeah. He went and he found our podcast on the app. He or she found it.

Maybe listen, maybe didn't. Maybe they just saw a clip, but went and found it and then click down to the review, type that out and then hit submit. That's a lot of time and care. It's effort. It's effort. And you know what? I don't have for things that I don't like any effort whatsoever. So I really appreciate that. Yeah. And I'm just, I like the liberal women. I love that. That's what I was going to say. I mean, if you're going to call me a liberal, a liberal whore, I'm all in. Yeah.

Yeah. Maybe he should have reworked that. Listen, one star reviewer, because we know you're still secretly listening. Hate listening. Go ahead and edit that one star review and maybe put liberal whores. Yeah. Yeah. Because it kind of sends her the message that she's getting laid. But as our listener knows, Kathy, how many days are we going on now? Like seven? 8,000. 8,000. 8,000 days since the legal eagle has been laid.

8,000 days. I love the legal eagle. The legal eagle is chef's kiss for sure. America's legal eagle. That's right. You know what I love? I love that we're taking the listener on the journey that is being friends with the Welch's and the, um,

Constantly changing nicknames. That is like if you are friends with the Welches, you've had 55,000 nicknames. Yeah. My dogs. Your kids. My kids have had a million different nicknames. I have had a million different nicknames. Josh is the worst, but I feel like as you've been married, you've become more like that. Yeah. He was the originator, but I think you just by process of just being together for a hundred years. Yeah. You just have become nickname girl. Yeah. I've started calling Tubby Robert.

Did Josh start calling him Robert? I did. Did you start? Yeah. I feel like he's, you know, he's nine now and Tabby just sounded like a child's name. So I started calling him Robert in his, you know, midlife of a French bulldog, mid to late life. And I just, I think he looks like a handsome debonair little gentleman. And I just started calling him Robert and he really quite likes it. He does? Yeah, he really does. Tabby and I have bonded recently. Yeah. Yeah.

He just came in the bathroom with me. I know. You know, that's when you know a dog loves you, when they go pee with you. All three came in there today. I was like, okay, guys, here we go. See, listener, what you don't realize is that a lot of you just have dogs that probably just are dogs at home. Pumps and I have dogs, and our dogs are working dogs. Yeah. They are fully employed. Pumps recently adopted Oliver Glizzard.

And Cha-Cha is a complete working mom. She works here full time while raising him. She does. And so does Robert. Robert helps in the raising of Oliver Glizzard. And so it's just, there's a lot of things going on at the I've Had It podcast studio. But first and foremost is the well-being of canines. Absolutely. I'm going to say this. The architecture is attractive.

It's 100% attractive because you did it. Well, no, I didn't do the architecture. Oh, that's right. But the building is great. The architecture is really fantastic here. I've had a podcast. You wouldn't have bought it if it wasn't great. I wouldn't have. So that's a given. I wouldn't have because we all know how shallow and vapid I am when it comes to things of the aesthetic.

We have some guests today that we're super excited about. Let's welcome to I've Had It, Holly and Bridget from the Girls Next Level podcast.

Pumps, our ability to suck and then wake up the next day and suck more than the previous day is undefeated. It's unparalleled. We are the champions. If you would like to see how bad we suck, please join us in Seattle in September or New York City in November for, you know, just some world-class shit talking. That's right. Live. Live and in person. That's right.

Listener, Pumps and I have discovered Lumen and you should too. Lumen is the world's first handheld metabolic coach. It's a device that measures your metabolism through your breath. And on the app, it lets you know if you're burning fat or carbs and gives you a tailored guidance to improve your nutrition, workouts, sleep, and even stress management.

I had no idea how important metabolism is to your health and how you feel. That's right, Pumps. Your metabolism is your body's engine. It's how your body turns the food you eat into the fuel that keeps you going. Lumen gives you recommendations to improve your metabolic health.

It can also track your cycle as well as the onset of menopause and adjust your recommendations to keep your metabolism healthy throughout hormonal shifts so you can keep up your energy and stave off cravings. Listener, if you want to take the next step in improving your health, go to to get 15% off your Lumen.

That's L-U-M-E-N dot me slash had it for 15% off your purchase. We would like to thank Lumen for sponsoring this episode.

Pumps, doing the podcast, our other jobs, being mothers, maintaining friendships. Sometimes I just feel like I have burnout, like I cannot face another meeting, another conversation. And I realize I'm just so disconnected from the world that I need to take the time to schedule a session with my therapist from

After I do it, I feel so much more centered, so much more grounded, and so much more functioning. Listener, if you're thinking about starting therapy, give BetterHelp a try. It's entirely online, designed to be convenient, flexible, and suited to your schedule. All you have to do is fill out a brief questionnaire and get matched with a licensed therapist, and you can switch therapist at any time for no additional charge.

Find your social sweet spot with BetterHelp. Visit slash had it today to get 10% off your first month. That's betterhelp, H-E-L-P dot com slash had it. Ladies, how are you? Great. Thanks for having us. I just have to tell you, I'm like read your book randomly. Like I hadn't watched The Girls Next Door, not interested, but I bought your book, Holly's book, Rabbit Hole Down the Rabbit Hole. Uh-huh.

And I got so fascinated with it. I binged watched all the girls next door up until when you left. Then I watched all the secrets of Playboy. It just blew my mind. And I just found you both so engaging. I really like wanted to be your girlfriend and hang out. So I'm a huge fangirl right now. So apologies for that. Because I just. Thank you. I just was like, these are girls I want to hang out with. These are cool girls. Okay.

Okay, now we're going to start with the favorite part of our episode and it is to discuss petty grievances. And I'm sure that you all have many. I'm going to start with you, Bridget. Bridget, what have you had it with? I think the first thing I put on my list was pet rent. I want to know what that is.

You guys don't have it? It's like doggy daycare? No, it's where you want to rent a house or rent an apartment and they say, okay, yeah, so here's how much it costs per month. And then here's how much you have to put down as a deposit. And then here's how much of a deposit you need for your pet. And then here's how much you need to pay extra every single month for each pet. Okay.

And it's like 50 bucks a month. I have two cats. So 50 bucks a month for each cat. And I'm like, no, that's what the deposit is for in case they mess anything up. I don't pay rent on my cats. Do you charge people rent for their kids? These are my kids. So like, I am not okay with it in any way. In fact, I'm so against it. I want to start.

I had no idea. That's a total racket. I knew that there was a pet deposit back from the days that I rented.

And I remember the pet deposit, which makes sense. But the pet rent, that is a total racket. That is a total grift. And I agree with you. You know, Pumps is an attorney. And I think we're calling her the legal eagle of the United States of America. I think you can hire Pumps.

and sue your landlord because your pets are not being treated the same as if you had children. And I would say that this is a racial, sexist type bias towards a childless cat lady, in my opinion.

Right. And I don't think that's very fair, Bridget. And America's legal eagle will take your case on and she will go into court and kick ass. I can assure you. Yes. I want to I want to start a whole lobby against it. I agree. I want to start a petition. I agree. Because I know a lot of people agree with me. Yeah, that seems crazy. I'm with you. I've heard of pet deposits, but you don't pay it every month. And I would say if you're going to have a

A fee every month that should be against kids. They're far worse than animals. A million times worse. I'd much rather go to a restaurant that the co-diners had their dogs with them than their children. Yeah, absolutely. It's just it's not even an option. I'd rather be on an airplane full of farting canines than one toddler on the plane. Absolutely. Yeah, 100 percent. I would, too. All right, Holly, what have you had it with?

I hate, and they're everywhere in LA, compact car spaces, parking spaces. I don't know why they're there. I don't know if it was some kind of incentive at one point to try and get people to buy like smaller, more fuel efficient cars. I don't know why, but they're everywhere in LA. It's hard enough to find parking as it is. I drive a Range Rover. I park in them anyway. I don't know why they don't just make ordinary sized parking spaces. And I get annoyed every time I see them. And there's so many.

Any of them. Yeah. Do you have in LA the signs that it says this spot is reserved for expectant mothers? Yes. That's the dumbest thing. I've only seen that at like Babies R Us. Yeah, that was with You Had a Baby and the Expectant Mothers. I just think it's bullshit. They have them now like at our Trader Joe's. I've seen this. I've seen it at Lululemon. And do you want to know what America's Legal Eagle does? I park right in it. I've actually told people before they're like,

said something to me. I'm like, I'm expecting like, fuck off. I mean, like, that's not a law. You can't enforce it. It's a courtesy, but that's a courtesy. I don't want to give. I mean,

I just don't. That's just, everybody has to schlep around their kid in the fucking car seat. So do you. Yeah. And it's harder once you actually have the baby. I agree. Like send me across the parking lot. So much easier. Yeah. And on the same vein, I had this other day, I was trying to find a parking place. They had like a little sliver for a motorcycle. I'm like, oh.

Are you fucking kidding me? We took a whole spot for this motor. Just bugged the shit out of me. I'll tell you what I've had it with. And this is going on in parking lots all the time.


The lot was completely packed and I'm like craving the exercise. I'm running late for class. I never run late. I'm a complete nut and I'm circling and there's this one Lexus.

And he's 80% in his spot and 20% over. And he fucked me so hard because I could not get in that spot. So I have to go, you know, two streets over. I'm running into cardio tennis. I played like shit the entire class because of that Lexus. Yeah, his fault. There's nothing more maddening than like car hostility. The other day I went, I haven't told you guys this.

So the other day, I'm pulling out on my street, out of my street onto a busy street. And there's this gray BMW SUV behind me. And there's this like...

truck coming down the road and it's kind of like starting and stopping and going so I thought this guy's acting weird I'm gonna wait for him to pass so the car behind me just starts laying on the horn like he's just laying on it and I'm like I'm gonna wait for this I'm putting my arms up like I'm gonna wait for this truck to pass so the truck passes and I pull out and then the guy pulls out next to me and he gets right in the lane next to me and he honks on the horn and looks at me and I just went ahead I went full white trash I rolled down my window and I just went

And just flipping the bird. And it felt so good to be that unhinged. And I was going to the hair salon and I walked in. I was like, I feel so great. I went bananas. I full-blown road rage. Rolled the wind and I'm, fuck you. Yeah.

It was so satisfying. Yeah, well, when somebody's an asshole like that, they get it. They deserve it. Yeah, definitely. I mean, it's a little bit scary here in LA right now. Like, I get it. Like, I get road rage, too, because I feel like the way people drive says a lot about their personalities. And there's so many assholes out there. I can't stand it. And, like, when people get in the turning lane at a stoplight and then they zoom around everybody, like, I wish –

evil things on that person. They're not okay with it. The way they drive. That's how I look at it. I'm like, you're going to get fucked. Yeah. No, totally. I just, I like pray that there's a cop on the next block that just saw him do that every time.

Okay, let's talk about some other things you guys put on your list. Bridget and Holly, let's talk about truck nuts. Oh my God. This is a big personal pet peeve of mine. And I don't even know why it upsets me the way it does. But when I see it, I want to do harm to the person in the truck. I agree. And I will...

speed up next to them and I will give them a dirty ass look. I might even say something nasty to them, but if they're parked and I see it, I will throw my chewed up gum in the back of their truck. Bridget, I like that. And I want to key it, but I won't get in trouble for that.

I love that reaction. That's so relatable because sometimes I just see stuff and it just fucking pisses me off and it literally has nothing to do with me. But it can just trigger me. And I agree about the truck nuts because we live in Oklahoma City and we see these truck nuts gallivanting and lollygagging around.

And it's just, lo and behold, they always have some Confederate flag bullshit bumper sticker on it. I believe it. And it's just, it's so gross. But let me ask you guys this. And Pumps, I know her brain already went there because it's all she thinks about. I know it is. Do you think that the truck nut driver maybe has small nuts? Well, he has small something. I don't know if it's nuts. Okay.

But like, what if I was driving around with a vagina hanging off the back of my car? Don't you think that that would be like indecent and people would be like, you can't do that. But truck nuts that we're okay with. God, guns and balls. It's just all right there. Now I agree. Bridget, Holly, do you think it's small penis too?

Something like that, or just a really immature sense of humor. And just, I didn't know they existed until Bridget told me about them. And now like my phone was listening. So now it's like on my feet. I'm seeing like, you can put on your Crocs and stuff like that. Yes.

Yes, everybody's sending me this picture like, Bridget, you could get truck nuts for your Crocs. I'm like, first of all, I don't wear Crocs. Second of all, I would never put truck nuts on them. There's a Christmas ornament too. Yes. What?

Yes. I get sent – people think – because I've ranted about this on our podcast before, and people have been sending me everything truck nut related. I'm like, seriously, you guys? It makes my blood boil inside. Okay. So we have a lot of things for America's legal eagle. Number one, we have to sue the people that are fraudulently charging pet rent.

And number two, we've got to eradicate truck nuts from this country. I think it could solve a lot of problems personally. I do. Yes. And I think we have the attorney, the powerhouse legal eagle that can do it for us. I love that. Okay, Holly, you mentioned Christmas ornaments. And this brings me to one of your grievances regarding holiday merch. I'll let you share with our listener what grind your gears about that. Yeah, like I love celebrating holidays, kind of long-term-ish, but every year it's getting like...

more and more drawn out, but drawn out earlier to the point where like Disneyland already has like their Halloween decor up and it's like mid August and it's so hot and it's not the time. And then you get to target and they put out the stuff so early, it sells out so quickly. So if you're like getting ready for trick-or-treaters like a few days before, you can't even go get the Halloween candy anymore because it's all gone. And then you get to

And I don't know why this happened or why the shift or why stores don't just keep the holiday stuff out long enough for us last minute shoppers. And I'm over it. Totally. I just was last night. I was at Walgreens and I saw the big Halloween candy aisle and I thought, it's not even fucking Labor Day. I've just had it with all these holidays. Like everybody has their Christmas decorations up before Halloween. That's not how it goes. Yeah.

You do Halloween. Then you do Thanksgiving. Then you do Christmas. It's just how life works. It's just the plan. And these people with these Christmas lights up before Halloween in my neighborhood, it just goes all through me. Can't stand it. Let's talk about on the opposite end of that. Let's talk about the people that leave their Christmas lights up a little too long. Like into February, I'm out. I always drive through the neighborhoods and I always think, alcoholic, drug addict, I

Alcoholic. Loot.

You know, it's like February 5th. I'm like, get your shit together. At least unplug them. So they're illuminated. Yeah. At least at the bare minimum. Yeah. I don't, people are just not honoring these unwritten rules that we have. Right. Yeah. And the Christmas stuff coming out, it just, it, that really irritates me. Especially when I'm sweating my ass off, you know, and it's like, I want to have a full sweater on and some pumpkin spice. Now they're doing

Pumpkin spice. Coffee's already out. Did you know that? You drink pumpkin spice? I remember I used to go to Texaco every day and get it. Texaco? It was my favorite. Loved the Texaco pumpkin spice better than Starbucks anything. Loved it. Oh, I do remember that. I always got hit on in Texaco too. I mean, I cannot go into a Texaco without somebody hitting on me back in the day anyway.

Before she were getting hit on, before y'all joined us, she was just telling us her grievance was when she's at an intersection, these cars that are stopped are revving up. That's not what I'm saying. These men next to her are revving up. And I said, do you think they're hitting on you? She goes, well, it's happening a lot. It's happened twice. Maybe y'all, let me ask you guys this. Wait, I've been having that happen a lot too. What kind of car do you drive? An Audi, like little SUV. What do you drive? Well, those are pretty fast. I have a Tesla. Okay.

Oh, so you think they want to race me? Yeah, I think they want to race. Well, they're either trying to get your attention or they're trying to race. But I've been having so many people trying to race me. And I'm like, I don't care what car you're in. My car is faster than yours. It's just it. There's no question about it. And I'm not going to sit there and like.

play games with you. Like, no, I don't race on the freeway. I don't race on the streets. Like go away. Get a real. Okay. We have to do some serious girl talk here. All right. And this is just a very private conversation between us and our listener. Okay. And the listener knows that it's been thousands, literally thousands of days since pumps has been laid. Thousands. The last time she was laid, she, um, she had an, uh,

affair with a married man. She didn't know he was married. She was an unwilling mistress. And that was the last time. And this is just barely post-COVID, would you say?

Yeah. When was COVID? You know, all that's a blur. We're talking like 2020, 2021. They say 8,000 days, which I think is a lot of years. I think we're at 9,000 days since the episode started. It's been a long time. And let me just tell you what she talks about all the time on this podcast. Every episode, we start talking about penises and the sizes of them. Just because men totally are obvious that they have-

You see what I'm dealing with here. It's just awful. What do you think? So I think we should put her on apps. And she thinks that's like, because we're Gen Xers and that's kind of like, for our generation, for some reason, dating apps seem like desperate. Like go back to the era and it seems like...

I think that I'm going to get a serial killer. Well, you probably. I mean, I just, that's my red flag. If there's a red flag, I don't want one. I want 7,000 and I want to go as fast and hard as possible. So I just think that would be a real problem for me. Did you say fast and hard? Dirty minding.

I mean, if you're just looking to get laid, dating apps might be it. But I feel like guys go on dating apps just to like ream through as many women as possible. I just the quality of guys on dating apps is not it. But if you're just looking to have sex, like get it.

What are you looking for, Pumps? I don't think I could just like she always tells me you could go get laid at lunch in an hour. You could just go do it. And I'm just like, I just don't think I could. She could. I mean, it's possible in the world. But I just don't I don't think that's me. Do you guys? Like I want somebody to have like potential to be something before I'll sleep with them. There has to be some kind of attraction or something. Do you guys date?

I just got out of a relationship. So I'm talking to somebody. I'm in the talking phase. Nice. What about you, Bridget? I have been in a relationship. We are coming up to our 16 year anniversary. So I went literally straight from half for over seven and a half years to a 16 year relationship now. So there's been really no dating in my life.

Serial monogamy only. Yeah, which in a way I feel I listen to other people's story and I think I'm really lucky. Okay. And speaking about couples and dating, Bridget, you have one of my favorite grievances slash obsessions, like sometimes something I've had it with. I'm also equally obsessed with. And these are couples that post grudges.

too much about their relationship online. And then they even communicate with each other in the comment section. Yes. And it's sappy, sappy stuff. And I'm just like, this couple is having the biggest problems out of anybody. Yeah. I immediately think somebody's fucking around. No question. Always. Because why would you do that? This is one we have just been... I hate to give her any credit, but she broke...

this like trailblazer right when Facebook came out, when couples would do this, she'd be like, somebody's fucking around. They're getting ready to get a divorce. I mean, it was six months later. It was like, I was like, Oh my gosh, you are right. All the time. It's just such a red. Well, I knew it would be this post. Like I love my baby. He made me scrambled eggs this morning. And then he would respond. I'll make you scrambled eggs anytime. And I'm like, y'all fucking live together. Wow.

Yeah, touch each other. Like, don't show us. Why are you commenting to each other on Facebook about scrambled eggs? Who's fucking around? Who found out? Which mistress or paramour are you trying to prove that y'all are together for? It was so obvious. And of course, you know, the divorce comes and then they just delete it all. It's all deleted. Thank God for the screenshot. Yeah.

Okay. Do y'all want to play a game of had it or hit it? Yes. Oh my God. Welcome to had it or hit it. I would hit it. Had it. I hit it every day, sometimes twice. Had it or hit it. Mom jeans. I've had it with those. I think it's so dumpy and ugly and frumpy, but the problem is they're not going out of style. So I had to buy a pair just to stay in style. Okay.

But I've had it with them. Like, I put them on and I'm like, oh, I feel dumpy. And Nick just says, well, at least you're in style. What's a mom jean? Is it the high-waisted?

For me, I think of it as the high-waisted. They're, you know, not very well-fitted. They're just baggy. Yeah. Okay. I just bought a pair of those. It was a huge regret. She was kind of pushing them on me and pushing them on me. I went in. I don't try them on this door because I hate it. So I got them home, and I thought, these look fucking horrible. I mean, they just look terrible. I stand in the mirror and go,

Yeah. I stand in the mirror and go, these, I look like I look dumpy in these, but it is the style. Holly, what about you? I've had it with mom jeans. I like a really baggy jean. Like I just got off, you know, working like ditch digging or something like really baggy, not like fitted waist or anything like that. Okay. Had it or hit it camo. Well, I mean, I don't care if other people do it, but I've never been into it.

Yeah, I'm usually not into it, but like my son is super into like, he's eight and he's into like camo and Top Gun and building a fort and a base. So I'm low key hitting it. Okay. Had it or hit it, mirror selfies. I've had it with that because I've had it kind of with social media in general. I feel like I have to post. I don't have a choice, but like I just wish social media wasn't there. Yeah. Yeah.

We did it last week like three times. Yeah. Well, I feel like it's an obligation once you have it. Yeah. You know, like social media. Yeah. Once you have it and you do what we do for a living, you have to – it's your way to advertise so that people are reminded to go listen to your podcast so that your bills can get paid and so that your staff can get paid. But I'm with you, Bridget. Sometimes I like listening.

love social media and I'm like oh my god the internet is undefeated this is the best tweet I've ever seen or this is the best post I've ever seen and then like later that night I see the dumbest motherfucker on the world wide web advertising that they're fucking dumb and I think I hate the internet I hate humanity I hate everyone okay had it or hit it talking on speakerphone in public

Oh, this was one of mine. I've had that. I've had it so bad. Like I'm going to grab somebody's phone out of their hand and hang it up for them.

Like in the grocery store, they're having like full blown conversations walking right in the middle of the aisle don't care that you can't like get around and stuff like yeah and then I was like going to the park with my kids and like, Oh, what's this, and it does not even paying attention and I don't want to hear your conversation. I was also like waiting for a plane and somebody sitting next to me just on FaceTime with video and stuff and I'm like dude turn it off.

I don't understand that. First of all, the FaceTiming, I look like shit. I mean, I just, I answer that phone and I'm like, who is that ugly old woman? Like, I can't even believe it's me. And then the people talking and then they're kissing their phone. I'm just like, enough, enough. We don't need all that. Yeah. The only person I FaceTime is my daughter because my dog, because she wants to see the puppy.

Well, I'm totally fine with FaceTime and I'm totally fine with speakerphone if you're in your own home. Right. Privacy. Right. Yeah. Or in your car or something, but not when you're sitting next to me at the airport or walking through the grocery store or even just walking down the street. I see people just going, having a whole conversation. They're walking down the street. Had it or hid it. Mandatory work policy.

I've had it because I'm not super social. Like if it was mandatory, I'd literally go for one minute and then peace out. That's me. And Bridget? I can't believe it would be mandatory. Yeah, I'm not okay with mandatory parties. See, I'm not, I don't really like group activities that much. And I'm one of these people, like the minute I...

say, I RSVP to something. I'm like, oh yeah, that sounds fun. I'll do it. And about 15, 20 minutes later, this resentment starts boiling inside of me. And I've agreed to go. I've said, yes, I accept this invitation. I'll go there. And by the time the party comes to happen,

I hate the person that's throwing it so much because of my inability to draw a boundary and just say, I regret that I cannot attend this. That's all I had to say. I regret I will not be able to attend. And I instead respond, I enthusiastically will attend. And by the time that party rolls around, I am.

hate the people that printed the invitations, the people that designed the invitations, the tree that was the invitation at some point that grew out of the ground, the ink cartridges, the printer, the postman that delivered it or whatever email server. And it is just this ballooning resentment. And so any sort of mandatory group activity, I mean, I have had it. What about like the work parties when you guys

worked at the Playboy Mansion. What was that like? We had regular parties all the time. They were pretty fun, but for us, it was kind of unique because we like had to sit at the table with half almost the whole time or like we could dance like right in front of the table. If like he was up dancing, we couldn't really like roam around and explore and see what was going on or anything like that. So it was interesting. Did you...

Did you tell me he was bisexual in his book? No, her book didn't say that. Somebody said that in an article or something that he was bisexual. Do you all know about that?

I think he messed around with guys like before our time for sure. Like when he was younger. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I can't remember if I read it in a book or in that documentary. I can't remember. When we booked you guys to come on, she started, she was like, have you watched it? And I said, I haven't. Pumps is all in. Oh, I was so in. And then she went, you know, when you get into something, I'm the type of person when I get into something, I Google it and I deep Google it and I want to consume as much of it as possible. That's what pumps has done. Obviously, right when we get off this episode,

I'm going to be like tap the vein injecting. Yeah. You got to watch it. I'm going to, I'm going to start watching it. I need a new show. I had to even download some weird app to get it. Like. The A&E or something. No, it was like a tubu or something. Yes. On my phone. And I'm like, what the, but I'm doing it here. I am. I'm doing it. Yeah. But I loved your book. I thought it was very insightful. I enjoyed it. And I liked the show. And I, again, I,

I just want to hang out with the girls next level podcast. You guys are lovely. Bridget, I understand you have a new podcast coming out. Tell our listener about your new podcast. I'm obsessed with the paranormal. So I had a podcast on for four years called ghost magnet. And I stopped doing that for about two years. And then Reese launching a paranormal podcast called ghost bunny now. So it's going to be just talking to people about their paranormal stories from, um,

like investigators to researchers to just people that have a haunted house or a location, just everybody's stories. And this comes out September, right? September 10th is my drop date. Excellent. And then how can our, what are your social medias? So I'm sure our listeners probably already know, but just share your social media handles so that our listeners can find you.

I'm at Bridget Marquardt on Instagram, at Bridget on Twitter, and at Ghost Bunny Podcast on Instagram. And I'm Holly Madison on Instagram, Holly Jean Madison on TikTok. And our Instagram for our podcast is girlsnextlevel underscore podcast. I love it. You guys are lovely and darling. This has been so fun. We'll have to do it again. Thank you so much for coming on.

Thank you so much for having us. That was so fun. Thanks so much. Yeah, so nice to meet you guys. You too. Bye. Tell your mom hi. I will. They're darling. I love them. What a life though. I mean, to- And you're young. To have lived in the Playboy Mansion and, you know, and the, the geography or the landscape of

How that is perceived when they did it versus now, it's really changed. I mean, Me Too has really helped catapult women beyond.

That being like a goal for them. Right. But at the time, I just remember everybody thought he was cool, Hugh Hefner. Totally. When we were younger. Oh, totally. They thought he was really cool. And it's like, he really wasn't. No, he wasn't. And I think there's just a lot of exploitation of young girls. And he exploited them. Yeah. When you watch it. It's...

You can be a playmate if you do that. You know what I mean? I think that happens to a lot to women who move to California. They want to be actresses. They want to be models. And they immediately get exploited by men in positions of power and they get intoxicated by it. And then they compromise. And it's you're they're so young and get so intoxicated by that idea. And it's really sad because there's celebrities running around everywhere. You're in this huge house.

food all the, you know, like I have a room service all the time, but I love seeing, uh, these women, you know, claim their stories be so successful. They're really fun. It was just, you can just tell they're nice. Yeah. Like good people. Exactly. All right. We are on tour. Please check out our Lincoln bio. Follow this podcast, follow I hip news. If you're into politics, um,

Go to Patreon. Follow us there as well. And we will see you when pumps. We'll see you next Tuesday or Thursday. Let's hear it. I've had it with that.

with that.

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