cover of episode Why Is Gold Falling After Trump’s Election Win?

Why Is Gold Falling After Trump’s Election Win?

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The podcast discusses the factors contributing to the fall in gold prices post-Trump's election victory, including rising bond yields and a strengthening dollar.
  • Gold prices dropped 3% following Trump's victory.
  • Rising bond yields and a stronger dollar are driving the sell-off in gold.
  • Higher interest rates make treasuries more attractive compared to gold.

Shownotes Transcript


On radio, on youtube, streaming live, on invest talk dot com and for our podcast subscribers, this is invest talk, independent thinking, shared success. Invest talk is made possible by K P P financial, a registered investment advisor firm serving clients throughout the united states. Here is K, P, P, financial chief executive officer, financial adviser just in inclined.

Good afternoon, fellow investors, and welcome back to invest talk. This is our tuesday, november twelve, twenty, twenty four addition of invest stock. Appreciate tuning in for this hour, and i'm excited to impact your questions as well as the current market conditions that continue to evolve in a very interesting way post election. And there's still a news to to figure out and to analyze as we go through a this this a new administration and what policies they are likely to put in place and how that will fect brother economies, brother asset markets and individual sectors and companies. And so we'll take a look at all of this on today, show as best as we can and follow along and day to day. And i'll give you updates as I see information come in and keep you a breathe of uh, with the markets evolving and expectations for asset Prices now is let's dig in into well in a object in a bit, will digg into the market performance and run down some show topics but as usual, will tackle this color question first.

Hi Justin. A look this fed from charlet, north CarOlina. I'm looking to check your inputs on arby symbol A B N D arbi.

I'll listen your response on the podcast. Thank so much. Have a wonderful new guy.

All right? Looking at A B N B going to to tell everybody what they do, but they went public back in those that late twenty twenty, around one hundred and fifty dollars per share hit a high up around what levels is around two fifteen, two twenty somewhere that range. But it's been in a downtrend really ever since late twenty twenty one, like as in the whole growth sector.

And this is along with IT. And this continues to make a series lower highs and lower lows when you zoom out to, I say, a weekly chart. So in the downturn since the IPO on a longer term basis as well as on the shorter term basis, it's a recent high back in march was around one hundred and seven dollars per share.

Recently had a low of one about one ten and now it's up to one thirty three. So uh, it's in a nice downtown in in the reason for that downtown is also expected the fall this year from four twenty seven to four dollars and a penny this year. And those accidents for this year and next year are coming down, coming down.

So talking about four dollars and earnings on one hundred and thirty three dollars stock, it's over a thirty multiple for company whose once again there business is shrinking a to a degree. And I think the various reasons for this, I is the consumer is uh, starting to write size there, the travel budget in a post code, everyone was itching. You get out and do the things that they have always wanted to do, taking those big vacations.

They weren't able to. And a lot of them i've done that. And so the demand for travel is slowing, at least that growth of travel. And I think also when IT comes to airbnb s, they started to become more sah. Hotels are becoming more more competitive in many intensity a renting an air B N B.

So I think airbnb will have its place, but I think the growth will continue to slow, and you can see that in the revenue side as well. The first quarter of twenty twenty three revenue is up twenty percent year over year, and it's been trending lower and growth ever since. And last order revenue growth is only ten percent.

So if ten percent revenue growth negative top or bottom line growth profits. So what multiple you willing to pay you really to pay authorities lus multiple for something that is shrinking in this profitable ability? Now IT is very profile.

Twenty two person return, equity return as the capital seventeen precure law, about four billion. But that four billion is is falling, right? One for four point three billion out of four point one billion.

And it's of flat lining and looking like a rolling over. And that's why the chart is rolling over as well. So certain ly a name to keep on the watch less, but that needs to, I think of one more leg lower, one more leg lower and an extensive legal.

I'm talking back to the all time lows around eighty five that area. I think I would I would love A B N B, but the technical right hour to poor. And I would be patient on IT to find one last flush well below one hundred dollars per share.

And that's where I pick up air B. N. B. Thanks for the call.

They will like ground to cover over the next forty five minutes or so. And our main focus point today is about gold. And gold has been selling off since the trump l election.

And we will talk about why that is, whether of other topics on the docket as well. One isn't regards to a bank of cy out of germany. And this is a company called e votes, E V tok, E V tok A E V T O L.

And IT is a company that makes electric vertical take off and landing vehicles. okay. And and sorry, it's called William that I apologize. I was called William and i'm going to dig into the story because IT will teach you a lot of lessons around these type of names and cutting edge technology companies and where they can yeah like I was like my tesla and can go and away others, you can go very south, so will look at that story. And then also, I want to hit on something that is .

is important .

to understand about the united states is that we have a very dynamic economy. All of our problems and all the issues that you see and and hear about, we have a lot of great strength. And one of them is our started culture and ability for people to start new businesses, pursue their dreams and build dynamic companies that innovates and and and grow the economy and create jobs.

And so I wanted to look at that because it's very important to have this context. I know you could talk about a lot of negative things, but I want to hit on one that very, very positive. So will look at that topic.

We also have voice bank calls and regards to R T X corp. As well as couple call strategies. And then lastly, we have some questions that came into view the comment section over on our youtube channel.

And of course, I welcome your financed investigation questions. Right now we're heading into a short break, and on this site, i'll talk about today's market activity and take questions on the best talk any time. Listen in line for eighty eight, ninety, ninety.

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voices to see that the without Carina.

could you come on the goal G O L B and Justin .

line and look, ero are always ready to provide unbias dancers. Be patient. Don't russian anything.

Understand what you own. I probably trim here, but I don't see any reason why you'd want to sell voice.

Bank calls are very important, but so are the spontaneous questions that come .

in during the invest live stream to if you've never called, what are you .

waiting for? Let's go another all, tell your friends live a, live a little weekdays from four to five pacific time.

that makes sense.

Reach eight, eight.

eight, ninety nine chart.

the numbers are in investor now with more than sixty million loads justin cline and luka o are ready to answer your finances investment questions twenty four or seven investor eight eight eight ninety nine chart.

could take a look at the market today IT was a the first real negative day since the time victory and we had the small caps down a little over one percent actually nearly two percent at one point seven five percent you the s m p down about thirty basis points there and the aztec was down slightly as well you had some big mover shop ify was certainly a big winner on the day but you you had some you some big losers like tesla tesla was down about six percent on the day and if i pulled up the heat map of the s m p five hundred you can see actually paul this this is the rustle three thousand there we go one or another piece and video is up a little bit the broadcaster down about one and a half percent call come down three percent apple google were about flat microsoft and amazon up about one percent or some other big losers here airbnb that was down about three percent on the day you like the health care stocks were down and i think that's where you can continue to see that's what i think the market getting right i do think that the health industry the medical industry is going to see some h struggles are around their their products and the ability to raise prices on those products seta and so i think the weakness out of health care does make a lot of sense i do you think we're getting a little bit overboard overall in the broader markets and i think we need to at least consolidate from here you know big move post election and as i said the top the show there's still a lot to be determined with who is going to be part of administration what their priorities will be and how that will feed in to a policy and ultimately asset class movement so uh you think parts the market are getting bit ahead of themselves and you saw a a bit of a recognition i think on that today with some of those names coming back now hope you are telling your friends and family about our podcast being available in video form as well over in our youtube channel and we questions submitted over there from nicholas collins four to six zero says i am working and wondering so what you think of v i properties v i properties pulled back as of lab i think as a quality company and i would be a good buy at this point and i wanning what you to go this company or first off let me correct you a bit i know this is in some ways the man to expert in many ways not this is every okay so this is a real state investment trust is not the company right so it's what these are uh what i read is is basically they pass through entity they reads if they pass on ninety six percent of their their cash flow on the shareholders then they get to um they get to they get to avoid taxes at the corporate level now you pay IT or the dividing receiver pays ordinary income tax on this yield so eels five point five percent that is tag going to be taxed in a taxi ble account at your ordinary context rates to understand that number of one now what is the vg do it's a read that owns acquires develops experiential real set assets across gaming hospitality and others and we like vi uh i i know we've we've own vi uh in the past i believe IT on some vg bonds as well and so we really like their assets overall now is pulled back stocks is pulled back from higher around thirty four down two hundred thirty one today and i think it's a good support frankly obviously these are coming down because of higher interest rates and which is not going to be immune to that and i think that's one of the reasons for the cell off but i do think this is a good buying opportunity IT owns some great assets IT owns bunch of a big time golf forces IT also owns the m g m grand and sorry nothing g m g s palace for remember correctly in los vegas they recently purchased so they have some high quality properties consistent cash flow and good balance sheet and so of the rats that are out there especially in the gaming entertainment sector we like b g v i c i is the symbol that's roll in to another listening question now.

good morning let's talk i have a question on running a cover call strategy i currently have been running a cover call strategy on ticker d r i n primordial as of the election the stack shut up i meet a point or right i don't really want to roll IT this because looks expensive to do so and i was wondering could i just buy a hundred more shares or however many shares and let that option get assigned and then you know my brokers would just know to take the higher price shares or called hier pressures away that way i could keep my lower costs based shares and avoid more capital gains tax willy just looking to see if if first the way to do that to void extra taxes or if you think that would be advisable just to roll that option into the next month IT expires here on the fifteen th and november let's on the show things guys this.

well if you keep the same strike and you want to roll IT into the next month you're gonna a credit for that you're going to make a little of money on that so if you don't really want to sell IT that's probably the best way to go about IT is to just roll out another month or two and now what you talk about is one way do IT as well right by the hundred shares the underlying and tell your broker that you want last in first out so when you're looking settings in your broker account you can usually set to first in first that meaning the first lot that you bought say you bought this company over year go for one hundred shares a that is your first purchase first then first out and then if you ought one hundred today or tomorrow then that would be the last lot okay and you can set IT to sell the last lot over the first lot so there's a one a way to do IT what i would do i just roll IT out same strike you will get to create don't want to sell IT right trigger that couple of gains that's the way i would handle the situation they are moving to a break to come in the o shoes this a call at eight eight ninety nine years in paying on you will be next.

Investor, your questions are free. The answers are unbiased. Justin incline is here now. Eight, eight, eight, ninety nine. chart.

Go take a live call, Chris. From main looking at GLD berk gold, do you honor to look about IT?

yeah. Hey, Justin, thanks like I always for taking my call. I appreciate IT.

Uh, I own IT. I owe IT for a while. I'm in add about fifty.

I just rote IT up you know itself about a months ago like I was really sit and good with IT then they missed earnings, which kind of caught me off god of feel with the Price of gold. That would be an easy b. But I guess production costs really went up.

So they didn't make earnings. They're claiming next quarter, they're gonna earnings, but it's up in the air as far as i'm concerned. And now there's I know they are mining interest in Molly and there's a australian company is running into some problems there.

So do you feel like this is all kind of because I have a four position position of the six percent of my portfolio. Um do you feel like that's enough? You know questions in the act.

I know you guys had had IT to that. You know maybe should trim some before IT goes any lower. Do you think it's pretty stable where it's at now?

Well, IT is at support and you're like we do this is one of our smaller mining positions. What we do like IT and it's about thirty billion dollar market. They have Operations like you said all over the world there some copper minds as well, which we like.

And yeah, they did miss earnings, but he was still solid eighteen percent revenue growth. Earnings growth is twenty five percent. And you're looking at profits for next year of a dollar eighty six on the seventeen dollars dock. So something that um looks like you're going to continue to get earnings growth, uh, accelerating into next year trading that you know a high single digit for looking multiple that to us very attractive. So uh, I think this is an area where you would want to pick them up.

So like I said, their their support here between got sixteen dollars and seventeen dollars uh now than seventy no two right now um and did get a little bit of a bounce today today, today closed well off. Its lost lost today was around sixteen eighty two, closed around seventy two. So uh, decent reversal.

A lot of the miners did find a little bit support today will see if you get to fall through to be outside tomorrow. But this is definitely into some good support. So I wouldn't be jump ship here. In fact, I would be adding to and if you have room for IT.

right? great. Thanks for, thanks for your advice.

Appreciate you. Have a good day. Thanks for the call. And that brings me to our main focus point today, and that is about the falling gold right now.

What's each thing here is I was talking about gold Prices pulling back, but and they are for sure yeah well off of their highs just a few weeks ago, but we're basically back to the same Prices that we had in late september. okay. Uh, that's when the Price of gold was at the same level.

So you're not talking about a major break is still above its hundred moving average. And what was probably likely headed there, which would be a the first major, major support level, just about fifty dollars below where IT is right now. Now what is causing this cell off? It's pretty simple.

The dollar, the dollar and interest strates interests have moved higher and we know higher interest. Its typically mean me mean higher real rates. And then you you see the alternative of investing in gold means putting IT into things like treasury's and earning some sort of the yield ld.

And so when yields go up, that's where you get the cell of a in in gold, then you have the dollar. The dollar strength is taking a little bit of steam out of a lot of commodities. And the question and my mind is, are they really going is the dollar really going to continue to move up, not typically some some correlation, least the short term between higher rates and the dollar.

So higher rates means the higher dollar. And that as you seen as of late, however, you know that trump is a set as long as about of his bice present jv. They want a weaker dollar.

And so I I think longer term, medium term really that the dollar is unlikely to sustain its recent rally. And I can easily see, uh, that finding weakness as we had into twenty twenty five. So you know those are the main reasons why the dollar has sold off.

And if you look at so why the gold is all the office, because the stronger dollar and platting golden silver are the most negatively correlating commodities to the dollar. So that's why you're seeing weakness out of there. So I know are asking about IT.

I I actually think there's pretty good strength. And one thing you have to look at when you're seeing Price movements is saying, okay, is this Price movement more or less than what what the reality is a based on other factors, right? So meaning A A good example would be earnings.

Okay, the earnings honor stock looks really bad, but the stock has really go down that much or maybe even thing goes up. What does that tell you? Well, you, that all the cellars are kind of gone and you are likely rally in vice versa, right? The company blows out earnings that looks great, but the stock really goes up.

That means it's too tired. And so what I often look at is when you see asset Price moves, is you say, okay, is that that yes, it's indirection ally. That's correct because of the stronger dog, because of higher rates.

But is this a cell off that is, uh, proportional or not? And the reality here is, is not really portion meaning. I think there is still a decent amount of buyers, especially in the east, talking about we've talked about china and russia and other countries that are using gold as more reserve currency than the dollar and treasuries.

Seta is the new kind of reserve asset of bricks countries and elsewhere and uh, the consumer out of china as well, which doesn't have a lot of options when IT comes to store storing wealth into real estate that's doing poorly into their equity markets, doing poorly. Gold has been the most stable. And so that's what you continue to see money flow there.

So I I actually think the cell off is but and also needed really was over pot for extended year to time. And the next best talk will look into this topic. Holiday s are on at the rise as a holiday season approaches, traders are intensifying.

Their tactics will dig in to that story tomorrow. Off for now. I'm just in client, really take your calls at eight, eight short.

Every investor is working to build a secure financial future. The more you learn about how the market works, the Better your chances for success. Investor eighty eight, ninety nine charge.

Could take a live call, nick, from hayward looking at S. M. C. I.

Yeah, just and I know they have some kind of the issue gone on, but they drop so much. I have a few shares and I will wonder i'm i'm down just a little bit. I'm wondering, well, if they will come back in your opinion, what you are. Well, the first is IT will .

IT will unlikely to ever get back to one hundred and twenty dollars per share like IT was in march. okay. So this is, I think, one of those examples, the type of companies where a people are going to buy this to think, oh, look, IT was trying at this.

IT has to go back to that level at some point. No, no, no. Stock is guarantee to go back to that level. Now that's number one. Number two is they have accounting issues.

And so you know, to look at earnings and say this is their lovable profitability that is reasonable and based on twenty one dollars for sure. Turning out now that this is quoted court cheap because you don't know exactly based is counting areas what what that really means OK. And so I don't think of IT that way.

Think of IT more is sold off as a certain amount of demand because of the type of servers that IT creates SATA. But one, one big red flag on this name was always it's free cash low. Free cash low has been negative for all this year.

So if their business is doing so well, why is a free cash flow negative now? Um I do think it's from tankle respective. It's oversold and probably do for bounce, but that's IT beyond that beyond buying this for bounce.

To be clear, I actually sold some some puts with what below here what below the current Price, about twenty thirty percent of where is that now um just because I see that as baas lows is probably going to go in the short term. But that's all you can say about IT that this is likely to have some sort of abouts beyond that, that thought an investment at this point because you don't understand what the business really looks like. Okay, met IT.

As as far as you can go, I can tell you this, a good investment and maybe an incredible buying up and the market may be uh, way to down on its true prospects as a business. But when I go look at free cash law ago, well, some things wrong here. You can't have that negative free aca billion dollars trained to twenty two months, but it's going to be making you know two twenty one last year, two eighty seven this year and then three fifty four next year.

Those with the anal estimates, obviously, all that's going to be adjust and become down. But who isn't job with a very profitable company? And you know that's why we like to focus on cash flow and not just what the report earnings are because that can I can be food.

So um for once yeah I think it's good reward beyond that sale. T V T. Let's make a .

two questions that.

oh, well, appreciate IT. Hopefully good luck with that and good luck with that bounce that make lets make a two in a row. This one came in IT earlier from listening lost bikes on eighty eight ninety nine year.

Hi Justin and luke, happy veterans. This is rob from lost vegas. It's one of to get your analysis and R, T, X CoOperation symbols.

R, T X is in the airspace and defense sector. I picked this up back earlier in the year, but one or four, and that had a nice run up. The represents about three percent of my portfolio.

Just wanted to kind of pick your brain if this to be an ideal position, specially with the new administration coming in. Should I hang on to this? Or are there maybe just sell the positions to use a in other other areas? Looking for to entering in the next podcast?

Thank you. I thank you for that call. Looking at R T X racy on a corporation. And I will say from a technical perspective, I am actually seeing some pretty poor negative divergency.

Um IT is near and all time high, but IT did have a pretty big reversal recently, october twenty first. So even preelection and it's had a baLance in the election, but it's still below those highs. And I don't like that.

I don't like that from a techno perspective. You a think that with the both move in the markets that IT would and make IT all time high, especially because it's not far from that all time high, around hundred and for sure and hundred twenty three and change. So it's pretty close to that.

But I worry about a couple things the first is if you trump talks about not liking wars, now he is the room is that he's going to point marker rubio as his as his um was the national security advice uh secretary state excuse me, he's pretty neal conniff and a pretty howkins h when IT comes to israel and you know the rest of the world and so know I think that's one indication that maybe his his red isn't matching his um appointments. But you know that's still a rumor, still T B D. Uh in addition to you know how much are we going to continue to spend on military, uh, especially big weapons projects that a that rather un would um execute on.

And we know that the cost of the debt is now higher than our military budget. So I think there is going to be in some ways, some cleaning house. And I think there's a lot more risk to the downside here than the upside. So I would be based on socially, based on the chart.

The rest of IT is just kind of my general feeling about um the trends within the government spending and spending on military um but the chart speaks for itself really this is starting to lose momentum, is starting to get barrier h and I would be selling IT not such a bit on a similar type of company, but more speculative. And there is some lessons here. This is the company called Lilliana, and this is a startup that looking developed, electric vertical take off and landing vehicles.

You call E V toes, E V toes. And basically, these are electric helicopters. And this is a german company, and it's applying for was called self administration proceedings, roughly equivalent to chapter eleven here in the united states.

And what the inching here is that the A A lot of the governments around the world have been lending to these type of companies in order to keep them a float. And germany is saying enough is enough. German's Green party, which is the member of the governing coalition, blocked and expected one hundred million dollar euro loan to extend their life.

And this is of the first within the industry because other countries like the U. S, france, china, brazil, even the U. K. Are or attempting to support this industry in some way or another.

Now here in california, there is a company to job ain GLB y is the symbol or ah they're listed on but a nearly one of those names that is a continued to be down in cipo back in the fall of twenty twenty when I I Q IT around ten thousand dollars per share. Now that's at six dollars and thirty two sets is also britain's vertical ero space, brazil eve air mobility that they're all receiving some sort of government eight. But if you look at William uh and you you see that it's trading uh as a penny stocking uh, now and that's after a twenty and twenty one select fifteen, twenty, twenty one.

There was a spack member of the spack craze. This is one of those companies they thought, and now it's likely to go bankrupt. And there's one lesson to you there that there's not really anything new into the sun.

And when you get too much liquidity and markets, people do stupid stuff with that money. And obviously, there was waiting much equity in markets in twenty and twenty twenty one. And this is one of those casualties.

But this isn't just about living am, is about the sector as a whole. And the markets obviously a lot less bullish on the sector as they were just a couple of years ago. Almost all of these E V told, uh, companies are either gone or lost most of their value.

And really, it's about new technology that does not have proven economics, does not have a really proof that this is a product that is in in need and that can be turned into a profitable business. When you get those type of companies, it's almost guaranteed to fail because, uh, they turn into vehicles of unintended there, I guess, uh, vehicles to simply raise capital and keep the dream alive rather than get to an ultimate n product because often times that n product is uneconomical. Now William was projected to lose another one point two billion euro over the next five years, which is twelve times the cash that they were expected to raise by the end of this year.

Shows you yeah, we're going to lose twelve. We're going to lose one point two billion. We're going to raise one hundred billion this year.

But guess what that means? You need to raise continually a hundred billion pretty much every six months for the next five years. And other companies have a similar ratio.

Job is at ten times mean, there are so much to lose ten times more money than they have on hand at the current time over the next five years eve. The one at a brazil four times now that is owned eighty that owned by embraer. Think of boing of brazil. And so you know least they have some ways to keep that that going. But you can see that these are these .

are policy .

type companies that are no longer working. And so the lesson here is, don't bet on these thing of the space member, the space craze. I think, I think S P C is the alive, right, virgins gaca.

You know, that is a high of eleven hundred dollars per share sport. Adjust that that that seven dollars. So don't investing companies because that sounds cool.

And you're dreaming of, you know that the next big innovation is going to change the world because ninety nine and one hundred nine point nine percent of one hundred of them don't work out. You lose everything. And a good guide is okay.

Maybe it's a start up, maybe it's a new company, but are going after our market that other companies have turned profit in, that other companies have have, have proved the concept of a go to market strategy. And this is a new way of looking at IT, a new way of making IT happen. And maybe they can get there, but companies that are chasing some nebulous thing, the sky are a bad ways to uh to invest as though take a live call, nick from seattle looking .

L P L A yeah hey.

Justin has got do you .

all right yeah so on. But um LPL 嗯 financial, it's a new stock to me to provide a vital services from my what I understand and broker services as well. Um i'd like that they have like high, high retention, high customer retention due to switching cost um and especially they've had strong revenue, strong revenue growth. Um it's lately IT looks like it's had been in the in the low teams um as well as pretty good Price earnings ratio um and they are buying back stock, right, which is just pretty good as well. So i'm looking to get your your kind of review on on this company and and what you .

think of is yeah looking LPL financial holdings and these this is the type of broker that a somebody like us would use. Kp financial. We've looked at LPL with.

We've done the diligence some years back when we are looking at different brokers to potentially use, and lpa was one of them, along with the T D swab finality at set up. Now we are at swab as who we use for our clients as the kastoria. You is one a third visor to have a third party custodian swab like LPL, like the l seta and LPL the dimensions LPL.

And if or swab or e trade is that there's no real retail side of the business. These are all advisors that custody their assets through LPL holdings. And so when you want to move all your clients to a new advisory firm, yes, this is you know a an issue is that um there there are sticky and I don't want to have all clients have to redo paperwork.

I've done this before. We've done this a kp financial where we switch brokers and we had to have all our clients filled out newspapers, get their account set up, gets assets to move nature. You lose a couple of clients because you can get hold of them or they just decide to to go to something else with their money at sea.

So it's not something you typically want to do, especially on the advisory level, where, as you know, on the individual level, if you have a if you have account fidelity or each and you want to move the swap, you know that's pretty easy. Money tends to move, uh, pretty easy using of the a cat process. So I like what you're looking at, like this type of business.

So the question is, has this recent move, is this kind got a head self now it's gone from one hundred and eighty seven back in August to three hundred and twenty dollars per share. Now that's a pretty, pretty big move. And I would say it's over bot and needs to go through a consolidation period.

But I do like which you're looking at. I do like it's business. I think I think after consolidation period, maybe chop side ways here around three hundred lars per share, maybe gifts back into three seven, three seventy five area.

I started two thousand two seventy february. That would be a great place to pick me up. So I like what you're looking at, good business, good baLance, good profitability.

And I think pull back for consoler dating period IT would be a bye for me. Thanks for the cop. There is investing.

And just in client, we have one goal here. Each every weekend is help you achieve your own version of financial freedom. And I work continues after this final breaks, which questions are now at. 爱你, 爱 吃。

Invest talk is ready twenty four seven for your finance and investment questions.

I'm hoping you will give me your take on or math technology. O R, A. Is that a good idea to sell your losses in A I R A and just use whatever you have left .

to reinvest into Better stock? Don't forget to call the ninety nine short.

Invest talk, tell your friends they can listen live, download the free part or watch invest talk on our youtube channel, and they can leave their financial investment questions anytime. Ninety nine.

hi, just in a look. This is Kevin from south california this week. How entier take her p LPR jumped a lot on earnings and been moving up a lot to past month.

I feel like it's gotten too much fundamental. I intend to buy some put on the stock. It's still going up. I'm wondering as far as strategy you goes, would you wait for IT to kind of I to look for a lot of volume at a high and and the girl and buy them or even buy a few now maybe six months out and for two, pull back and appreciate your that.

thanks. Well, you why we want to buy those puts in a couple of time periods. One is something right right now where it's overboard and did have called dog candle yesterday and looks to potentially be topping.

Now that's potential. That doesn't mean it's going to uh, certainly can just consolidate from here and continue hire. Your ride is very expensive, but obviously their technology is is needed just the matter.

Really worth hundred thirty four billion dollars that trading for right now. That's the tough question. So you know if you're buying a long term puts, this is probably a good place to do IT. You know, buying puts that go out to maybe twenty, twenty six and beyond. Now another way to look at IT do is you wait for the damn the break, meaning wait for a true indication of this.

The thing is topped mining breaking, say, the fifty moving average, which IT hasn't done really since this a moves since may um and that would be saying, okay, now we're going to a create correct period and the multiples urge me a multiple attraction seta uh and that could be from a much higher level too um and so that would save you a lot those are two ways told. Look at IT if you really think is talking now obviously you d want to take advantage but I would wait till I see that I waited the eye meaning some weakness from the chart that tells me, hey, move that downtrend is actually taking hold. I've got another live call, bill from newly caliphs you're looking .

at mark yeah hi Justin. You know um I noticed a lot of the health care stocks that pulled back ah recently if you could come in on that. But I I don't only emerge I about a couple years ago that I sold at like hundred fourteen dollars, but I was thinking of getting back into IT now that it's dumbleton hundred um what do you think is a good value to get in is at all and preparing IT like alvi, which I hold and I was thinking i'll buying some more of that too.

Frankly I would I think all these drug stocks are do not touch at the current time. You know you have R F K, I adding rf k uh role in the uh election of of trump is underappreciated ah he had a very strong following over.

He was polling in the high teens at one points and he had a huge following among Young people and now he's going to be part of some part of the administration that seems now we don't know exactly what role that is yet, but obviously he continues to talk about IT. Trump talks about you. He's me charge of help.

Maybe that's head of H H H H S. Who knows exactly what this role will be, but obviously he's pushing for more deployment of alternative medicines than your typical farmer drug. So um uh so and and so I think that this is could be a giant c change in the healthcare industry if he takes hold.

And I think this would be very detrimental to a lot of the drug companies. And so I think that's why you're seeing that real to weakness. And Frankly, until further until I get more evidence, i'm going to take this on its face.

I'm going to think that this is really this is real um even trust said you know stay away from oil but i'm going to you know you can be in charge of health care and getting you making make amErica healthy again and so I I I and I don't think his views are give more people pharmacology drugs just based on you know his his retort c and so um that's why you're seeing this weakness out of these names. And I continue to say don't touch. I think there could be A A lot more downside for most of these names, and I would be very, very underway.

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