Phil Town is a hedge fund manager and author of 3 New York Times best-selling investment books, Inve
Long term investing that provides low risk and high rates of return might sound imaginary, but we kn
With any type of investing comes a certain level of risk. While it is great to celebrate our victori
This week we’re taking a small break. We’ve chosen one of our favorite episodes from the past that y
This week and next week we're taking a small break to spend some time with family. But don't worry,
This week we explain what to do with your money while waiting for the next great company and how sit
Why don't the most successful investors live near Wall Street? This week on InvestED Podcast we'll e
How do you determine the value of a business? This is the topic we have been focusing on for the la
What is a real investment? This week we discuss how to spot a ‘real investment’ by using a company’s
How do you find company financial data online? This week on InvestED we’re answering a question from
Here is an easy way to think about value investing: Investing is like going to a garage sale and buy
How do dividends factor into the valuation of a business? This week on InvestED we answer this frequ
This week on InvestED we discuss why you need to start investing in your financial life and stop let
Why is investing a lot like yoga? This week we acknowledge the fact that investing is a practice, mu
This week on InvestED, we’re breaking down how to invest like the best investors in the world. We’ll
It’s our One-Year Calendar Anniversary on the InvestED Podcast! One full year of learning, growing,
This week on InvestED, we’re talking about real estate investing and discussing the importance of vi
How can a company that appears to be dead still be a valuable investment? Ben Graham used to buy com
What is payback time? This week we discuss the calculation of how long it takes to get your money ba
Do you know how to value a company? This week on InvestED, we dive deeper into the four methods of v
What does meditation have to do with investing? This week we drill into the depths of great investin