Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy

Conversations with the best investors and business leaders in the world. We explore their ideas, met


Total: 521

This week’s episode is part of an experiment and so requires a longer than normal introduction. I’ve

This week’s conversation is about artificial intelligence and interplanetary travel. Its about conte

In episodes one and two of Hash Power, we explored blockchain technology and cryptocurrency investin

In episode 1 of Hash Power, we explored blockchains as a technology—how they work, why tokens (also

Welcome to the first episode of Hash Power, an audio documentary that explores the world of blockcha

My guest this week is David Tisch, who was instrumental in building and fostering venture capital in

The investment strategy discussed in this week's episode is diametrically opposed to my own value te

My guest this week is Meb Faber, who started a podcast similar to this one right before mine and was

My guests this week don't need to be introduced. In celebration of the one year anniversary of inves

My guest this week is Pat Dorsey, who was the longtime director of equity research at Morningstar, w

My guests this week are both veterans of the podcast, Jason Zweig and Morgan Housel. They are two of

This week's conversation is about performance. More specifically, it is about the ins and outs of st

Several weeks ago my conversation with Leigh Drogen on quant investing proved timely and popular--be

My guest this week is a version of me—a funnier, cooler version who has a PhD and served as an activ

My guest this week is Rishi Ganti, who invests in what he calls esoteric assets. I'm not sure what t

I am drawn to a group of investors that I call practitioner philosophers. These are people who have

A future guest just told me, every band has a song about being in a band, so today I give you my ver

If you told me a year ago that I’d be learning critical life and business lessons from the founder o

My guest this week is Andy Rachleff, who is the CEO of the automated investing platform Wealthfront.

I’ve often joked that this show should be called “this is who you are up against,” because I am so o