cover of episode Mystery Down Highway 1

Mystery Down Highway 1

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Internal Affairs

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Josh Mankiewicz
Josh Mankiewicz:本播客节目聚焦一起发生在加州一号公路Big Sur路段的失踪案,失踪者为25岁的Arely Garcia。节目组希望通过播客节目的形式,向大众公布案件信息,寻求线索,帮助警方破案,早日找到失踪者。节目中详细描述了案发经过,以及失踪者家人的痛苦与担忧。同时,节目组也指出,此案件与其他类似案件存在相似之处,都发生在同一地区,受害者都是年轻女性,这使得案件更加扑朔迷离。 Veronica Garcia和Ellie Mendoza:作为Arely Garcia的姐妹,她们在节目中表达了对姐姐的思念和担忧,并表示对姐姐失踪的原因完全不知情,希望能够尽快找到姐姐,解开这个谜团。她们的陈述充满了悲伤和无奈,也体现了家人对找到失踪者的迫切渴望。 Josh Mankiewicz: 本期节目重点关注Arely Garcia的失踪案,希望听众能够提供任何可能有助于破案的信息,帮助警方找到Arely Garcia,并为她的家人带来答案。节目组呼吁听众认真倾听节目内容,留意任何可能与案件相关的细节,即使是微小的线索也可能至关重要。

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Hi, I'm Josh Mankiewicz with a preview of Dateline Missing in America. In our podcast's third season, we share six new unsolved mysteries, and we hope somebody listening may have a clue that could help crack one of these cases. Could that someone be you? Here's Dateline Missing in America.

Tucked between the Pacific and the mountains on California's central coast, Big Sur is a 90-mile stretch of breathtaking beauty. The author Henry Miller said, "It was here in Big Sur that I first learned to say amen." To see what he was talking about, you'll need to brave Highway 1. Its two lanes wind above steep cliffs with waves crashing below.

There are places to pull off to soak in the views. It's the vista of a hundred TV commercials. On September 22nd, 2022, something happened here that you'll never see on any postcard of this slice of paradise. On that morning, a bright red Honda Accord cruised south down Highway 1 and pulled over just past mile marker 56. Who was in that car? And what happened before and after that moment?

are questions that haunt a family. The Honda belonged to 25-year-old Arely Garcia, and she hasn't been seen or heard from since that morning. It's been like a scary movie since the day it happened. Like, it's just been a nightmare. And we pray every night that she comes home. Veronica Garcia and Ellie Mendoza are Arely's sisters. Is there any reason why your sister would be in Big Sur? No idea. It's still a mystery to this day.

A mystery that, to Arely's family and others, sounds eerily similar to another case. They're both young, you know. They're both women of color. They both went missing in the same area. It is very shady for sure. I'm Josh Mankiewicz, and this is Dateline Missing in America. Today's episode is Mystery Down Highway 1. We first covered Arely's story in September 2023.

Her family was desperate to find Arely then, and they're still searching for her. Please listen closely, because you or someone you know might have information that could help solve this case and give Arely's family the answers they're looking for. Thanks for listening. Search for Dateline Missing in America to start listening to Season 3, and follow us now.

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