Our passion- true crime. Our mission- to bring awareness to all cases. On Inhuman you’ll hear everyt
In June 1979, a fire broke out on the Ghost Train ride at Luna Park, an amusement park in New South
On September 23rd, 2019, Stephanie Parze filed an assault domestic violence complaint against her bo
The Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital, a public hospital in New Jersey operated for 67 years providing l
On Halloween night 61 years ago, 70 year old Lillian Armstrong didn’t show up for choir practice. Wh
The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel in Alberta, Canada has a rich history that has developed since it f
On August 20, 1989, José and Kitty Menendez were shot to death in their upscale Beverly Hills home.
In November 2015, Amy Vilardi went to her mother’s home to check on her when she found a gruesome sc
Laureen Rahn disappeared on April 26, 1980, from her home in Manchester, New Hampshire. At the time
Teri Jendusa Nicolai escaped her abusive relationship, but 3 years after her ex-husband threatened t
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In March 2020, 33-year-old Holly Boisvert was arrested in Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin. Holly had lived in
On November 8, 1954, 14-year-old Carolyn Wasilewski was brutally murdered just eight miles away from
In early 2012, 16 year old Skylar Neese started feeling like her two best friends, Shelia Eddy and R
The Jeff Davis 8, which is also referred to as the Jennings 8, is a series of unsolved murders that
The Academy at Ivy Ridge was a “behavior correction institution for troubled teens” that operated fr
Joseph Smedley was 20 years old when he went missing on September 27, 2015. Five days later, two fis
On January 26, 2011, 27-year-old Ellen Greenberg left work early due to an unexpected nor’easter tha
February 10th, 1990 was supposed to be a normal busy Saturday at Las Cruces Bowl in Las Cruces, New
On January 12, 1995, three evil individuals brutally tortured and killed 19-year-old Colleen Slemmer
This installment of Listener Stories includes some amazing survivors of horrible and scary situation