cover of episode #279 – Staying Indie vs Raising VC, Getting an MBA, and Disrupting the App Store with Emma Lawler of Velvet

#279 – Staying Indie vs Raising VC, Getting an MBA, and Disrupting the App Store with Emma Lawler of Velvet

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Indie Hackers

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Channing Allen
Cortland Allen
Emma Lawler
Emma Lawler: 本期节目主要围绕Emma Lawler的创业经历展开,包括她之前成功的项目Moonlight(一个为公司匹配开发者的平台)以及目前专注于简化用户认证和支付流程的项目Velvet。她分享了从独立创业到获得风投融资的心路历程,以及她在芝加哥布斯商学院学习MBA的经历,并详细阐述了Velvet的定位、目标用户以及长期愿景。她认为Velvet等工具将促使独立开发者的兴起,并最终颠覆应用商店,创建一个用户拥有更多控制权的跨平台数字产品生态系统。她还分享了自己对Web3和AI的看法,以及如何平衡工作、人际关系和健康。 Channing Allen: Channing Allen主要从个人的角度出发,分享了他对纽约和旧金山生活和工作环境的对比,以及他如何平衡个人生活和创业。他认为纽约的多元化和活力更适合他。 Cortland Allen: Cortland Allen与Emma Lawler和Channing Allen一起讨论了资本主义、科技发展以及AI对就业市场的影响。他认为,在快速变化的科技环境中,持续学习和适应至关重要,并鼓励听众考虑成为独立创业者。

Deep Dive

The episode begins with a reminiscence about high tea in London, transitioning into a discussion about alternative social activities that don't revolve around alcohol, highlighting the increasing popularity of alcohol-free socializing and exploring different options for such gatherings.
  • Reminiscing about high tea in London.
  • Discussion about alcohol-free socializing.
  • Alternatives to alcohol-centric social events.

Shownotes Transcript

Emma Lawler (@emmaryanlawler) talks whether crypto is dead, VC vs bootstrapping, getting an MBA after a successful exit, why NYC beats SF, trading sleep for work, whether capitalism leads to perverse incentives, and how she plans to disrupt the App Store with Courtland (@csallen) and Channing (@ChanningAllen).