cover of episode Vol.06 对话NTU汪炳华教授--从律师到大学教授:该如何看待职业选择以及文科生就业难?

Vol.06 对话NTU汪炳华教授--从律师到大学教授:该如何看待职业选择以及文科生就业难?

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PS: 本期全程为英文采访,Transcript见底部链接




08:50: 工作经验为何是MMC录取的必须要求?/Why is working experience a must for admission to MMC?

15:50: 冒充者综合症袭击着我们每一个人/Impostor syndrome hits everybody

19:05: 智力不是优秀的唯一标准/Intelligence is not the only criterion for excellence

27:50: 文科职业待遇偏低的背后,是性别?还是经济发展?/What is behind the low pay of non-STEM jobs? The gender or the economic development?

32:55: 关于传媒职业的价值错配/The Mismatching between salaries and Comms’ works

38:30: 金钱不是唯一的职业选择标准/Money is not the only criteria for career choice

40:20: 从记者到律师,再到大学教授:如何看待职业选择?/From a journalist to a lawyer, then became a Professor: How to choose your career path?

50:07: 什么是正确的人生选择?如何做出正确的选择?/What are good decisions? How to make good decisions?

52:17: 人生迈入30岁,我们要关注什么?/In our 30s, what is important to us?


Si tu vois ma mère ( Midnight in Paris.) -- Sydney Bechet

We are -- ONE OK ROCK【本期书目】

Macmillan Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialised World--David Epstein

