cover of episode S2 E5: Privilege

S2 E5: Privilege

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In The Dark

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旁白:本集探讨了Odell Hallmon(绰号Cookie)在Curtis Flowers案中作为关键证人的可信度。Hallmon拥有漫长的犯罪记录,包括贩毒、袭击和抢劫等。调查人员试图查明Hallmon是否在提供证词方面获得了任何好处,以及他的证词的可靠性。 Lee Bailey:作为Hallmon的律师,Bailey表示不记得2001年Hallmon向调查人员提供证词的事件,并且已经销毁了相关文件。他解释了检察官有时会与被告达成交易,以换取关于其他犯罪的信息。 Brad Carver:作为逮捕Hallmon的警官之一,Carver认为Hallmon与检察官或其他机构达成了某种协议,因此没有被长期监禁。他提到Hallmon以提供信息来避免指控而闻名。 Michael Gross:作为前狱警,Gross描述了Hallmon在狱中的恶劣行为,并对Hallmon的可信度表示怀疑。 Renee Hill和Craig Hill:作为受害者家属,他们对Doug Evans在处理Odell Hallmon案件中的纵容表示愤怒,认为这导致了悲剧的发生。他们认为,如果检察官早些将Hallmon监禁起来,他们的母亲和姐妹可能仍然活着。 旁白:Odell Hallmon的犯罪记录始于1991年,包括多次袭击、藏匿武器、贩毒和抢劫等。在提供关于Curtis Flowers的证词前几个月,他被逮捕四次,罪名包括贩毒、持有武器和抢劫。其中一项指控被撤销,另两项毒品指控甚至未被起诉。即使在成为证人后,Hallmon继续犯罪,检察官不得不选择如何处罚他。在2003年,他因严重袭击和抢劫被捕,但指控被撤销;同年,他因向住宅开枪被捕,但案件因证人无法找到而被驳回。2004年,他因毒品和非法持有武器被捕,面临“惯犯”指控,但检察官与他达成协议,撤销了大部分指控。即使在狱中,Hallmon也继续犯下许多违规行为。2014年,他试图撞击警官,并逃逸焚烧车辆,再次面临“惯犯”指控,但案件被推迟审理。最终,Hallmon因三项一级谋杀罪被判处终身监禁。

Deep Dive

Odell Hallmon, a key witness for the prosecution in the Curtis Flowers case, has a lengthy criminal history. His testimony about Flowers confessing to him in prison is under scrutiny due to his past involvement in drug dealing, assault, and robbery.

Shownotes Transcript

No witness has been more important to the prosecution's case against Curtis Flowers than Odell Hallmon. He testified in four trials that Flowers had confessed to him while the two men were in prison together. Hallmon has an astonishingly long criminal history that includes repeated charges for drug dealing, assault, and robbery. So how reliable is his testimony and did he receive anything in exchange for it? In this episode, we investigate the veracity of the prosecution's star witness.