cover of episode S2 E10: Discovery

S2 E10: Discovery

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In The Dark

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Madeline Barron
Madeline Barron: 本集探讨了卡蒂斯·弗劳尔斯案中检察官Doug Evans未披露的关键证据,以及潜在嫌疑人Willie James Hemphill。调查显示,Evans隐瞒了对弗劳尔斯有利的证据,违反了布雷迪规则,这在Bobby Joe Townsend案中得到了证实。此外,调查还发现,另一个嫌疑人Willie James Hemphill在案发后被警方问话,但相关证据并未被披露。这些遗漏的证据可能对弗劳尔斯案的判决产生重大影响。 Doug Evans: 检察官Doug Evans始终坚持认为Curtis Flowers是Tardy家具店谋杀案的唯一嫌疑人,并声称已向辩方提交了所有证据。然而,调查显示,他隐瞒了关键证据,包括证人Kenny Townsend的报告和关于Willie James Hemphill的调查信息。Evans在Bobby Joe Townsend案中也犯了同样的错误,最终导致Townsend的定罪被推翻。 Willie James Hemphill: Willie James Hemphill声称他在案发后被警方问话,并被视为主要嫌疑人。他表示警方调查了他的不在场证明,并拿走了他的鞋子(Fila Grant Hill)、指纹等证据,但这些信息并未被披露。他被关押了11天,这与警方在法庭上的证词不符。 Bennett Gershman: 法律专家Bennett Gershman指出,如果存在并隐瞒了关于Willie James Hemphill的证据,这将构成布雷迪违规,可能为Curtis Flowers争取到新的审判。他强调检察官有义务披露所有对被告有利的证据,即使这会使定罪变得更加困难。 其他参与者:其他参与者,包括Bobby Joe Townsend、Rob McDuff、Jack Matthews、John Johnson、Wayne Miller和Alexander Robinson,他们的证词和说法进一步证实了证据被隐瞒的事实,以及Willie James Hemphill作为潜在嫌疑人的存在。

Deep Dive

The podcast explores the overlooked investigation of Willie James Hemphill, another suspect in the Tardy Furniture murders, and questions why his interrogation details were not included in the official file.

Shownotes Transcript

Prosecutors have always said that Curtis Flowers was the only serious suspect in the Tardy Furniture investigation. But we found a document showing that another man, Willie James Hemphill, had also been questioned just days after the murders. Who was he? Why was he questioned? When we finally found Hemphill, living in Indianapolis, he had some very surprising things to say about the case.