cover of episode S2 E1: July 16, 1996

S2 E1: July 16, 1996

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In The Dark

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kittery Jones
Madeline Barron
Randy Stewart
Madeline Barron:本季节目讲述了卡蒂斯·弗劳尔斯的故事,他是一位来自密西西比州小城镇的非裔美国人,因1996年在Tardy家具店发生的四起谋杀案而被判处死刑,并被同一检察官审判了六次。尽管弗劳尔斯一直坚称无罪,并通过上诉推翻了几次定罪,但检察官却不断地重新提起诉讼。本节目调查了此案中存在的种族偏见、有问题的证据以及司法系统的缺陷。 Randy Stewart:作为受害者Bobo Stewart的父亲,Randy Stewart坚信Curtis Flowers有罪,并详细描述了案发当天的场景以及他儿子遭受的痛苦。他出席了所有六次审判,并表示对司法结果充满信心,甚至一度计划报复性地杀死Flowers。 Kittery Jones:作为Flowers的表兄弟和朋友,Kittery Jones讲述了他在案发当天与Flowers见面的经历,Flowers当时看起来很平静,并不紧张。这与检方描绘的Flowers的形象形成对比。 James Douglas:James Douglas是Flowers青少年时期枪击事件的受害者,他澄清了这起事件并非蓄意谋杀,而是意外事故。这与检察官Doug Evans在审判中提供的证词相矛盾,后者将该事件描述成蓄意行为,以损害Flowers的形象。

Deep Dive

The episode introduces the case of Curtis Flowers, who was convicted for the murder of four employees at Tardy Furniture in Winona, Mississippi, in 1996. The town was shocked by the crime, and Flowers was tried six times over two decades.

Shownotes Transcript

On the morning of July 16, 1996, someone walked into a furniture store in downtown Winona, Mississippi, and murdered four employees. Each was shot in the head. It was perhaps the most shocking crime the small town had ever seen. Investigators charged a man named Curtis Flowers with the murders. What followed was a two-decade legal odyssey in which Flowers was tried six times for the same crime. He remains on death row, though some people believe he's innocent. For the second season of In the Dark, we spent a year digging into the Flowers case. We found a town divided by race and a murder conviction supported by questionable evidence. And it all began that summer morning in 1996 with a horrifying crime scene that left investigators puzzled.