cover of episode Rolls-Royce CEO Tufan Erginbilgic: Transforming an Iconic Brand, Pioneering Energy Transition, and Leading Strategic Initiatives

Rolls-Royce CEO Tufan Erginbilgic: Transforming an Iconic Brand, Pioneering Energy Transition, and Leading Strategic Initiatives

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In Good Company with Nicolai Tangen

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Tufan Erginbilgic
Tufan Erginbilgic: 我认为成功的企业转型需要坦诚面对问题,并与员工进行有效的沟通,激发他们的积极性。我在正式上任前进行了内外评估,以便更好地了解公司现状并制定转型策略。我发现公司内部存在巨大的挫败感,因此需要迅速采取行动,而不是拖延。我上任后迅速调整了领导团队,并与他们一起制定了转型计划。通过重新谈判合同,并与航空公司建立合作伙伴关系,改善了公司的盈利能力。制定详细的战略并将其与组织目标对齐至关重要,这需要一种包容的领导方式。我重视人才,并通过调整领导团队和绩效管理来推动文化变革。文化变革不仅仅是培训,更需要通过战略实施和绩效管理来推动。我们在转型过程中与员工和工会进行了充分沟通,确保了他们的参与和理解。成功的转型需要改变思维模式,专注于战略进展和快速交付。我通过持续学习和实践来提升自己的领导能力。我从每一次经历中学习,而不是模仿某个特定的领导者。董事会对企业转型至关重要,需要支持管理层做出重大变革。如今的CEO需要考虑所有利益相关者,并应对能源转型和数字化转型带来的挑战。能源转型对航空业至关重要,需要政策支持来推动可持续航空燃料的使用。我们在窄体飞机市场拥有竞争优势,并致力于开发更节能环保的发动机。我认为中国公司将在窄体飞机市场扮演越来越重要的角色。小型模块化反应堆是实现净零排放目标的关键技术,尤其对欧洲而言。地缘政治变化对我们的国防业务影响有限,我们的增长主要源于自身业绩的提升。我的动力是创造影响,并为公司带来其他人无法实现的改变。我通过优先排序和团队合作来提高工作效率。我通过运动和阅读来放松身心。文化在我的生活中非常重要。我建议年轻人专注于学习、相信自己并充满热情地追求目标。 Nicolai Tangen: (问题引导,未表达核心观点)

Deep Dive

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In this episode, Nicolai Tangen is joined by Tufan Erginbilgic, the CEO of Rolls-Royce, to discuss the transformation journey of this iconic company. With over 20 years at BP, where he led the downstream business to double underlying earnings and triple returns, Tufan brings a wealth of experience in driving change in complex organizations. Since taking the helm at Rolls-Royce in the beginning of 2023, he has launched a bold transformation strategy focused on long-term progress, breaking away from loss-making contracts, simplifying the company's structure, and investing in cutting-edge technology. Under his leadership, Rolls Royce has seen its best stock performance in 30 years and paid its first dividend in five years.

Join us as Tufan shares his insights on leading a turnaround, the cultural shifts necessary for sustained performance, and the importance of strategic progress in the aerospace and defense sectors. Tune in for an engaging conversation that delves into leadership, innovation, and the strategic vision driving Rolls-Royce forward.

The production team for this episode includes PLAN-Bs Pål Huuse and Niklas Figenschau Johansen. Background research was conducted by Kristian Haga.

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