Developing technical taste: A guide for next-gen engineers | Sam Schillace (Deputy CTO at Microsoft, creator of Google Docs)
In Depth
AI Chapters
What can we learn from market timing lessons?
How can you develop technical taste?
Why is asking 'what if' questions important?
The story behind building Google Docs
What led to the decline of Google apps?
How does The Innovator’s Dilemma apply to Microsoft?
What are the differences between Google and Microsoft?
What are the keys to building a winning product?
How can you become an optimist?
Why aren’t engineering teams smaller?
What does Sam predict for the future of AI?
How can we capture the value of AI?
How should you think about AI?
What advice does Sam have for future engineers?
What makes a great engineer?
What is one thing the best engineers do?
What is Microsoft’s new leverage?
How can you scale software in 2024?
What does the future of AI look like across sectors?
What do Sam and a violinist have in common?
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