cover of episode [Greatest Hits] Why the world needs to hear from more women in business

[Greatest Hits] Why the world needs to hear from more women in business

logo of podcast ill communication: copywriting tips & sales strategies for small businesses

ill communication: copywriting tips & sales strategies for small businesses

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode of ill communication, I’m sharing another Greatest Hits episode, and this is one that I know really struck a chord with many of you. It’s why the world needs to hear from more women in business. 

Have you ever struggled with self-confidence and self-worth? You’re not alone in feeling like that. 

Women are generally socialized and conditioned not to trust our own expertise and when we do, we are often not heard or ignored. It's no wonder we struggle to show up and present ourselves with authority, confidence, and command! In this episode of ill communication, I’m sharing some tips to help you build your confidence muscle and shut down the negative nelly in your brain so that you can start showing up and sharing your voice.

Topics covered in this episode include:

  • One expert who can help you massively grow your confidence 
  • What a supportive community can do for your confidence levels
  • The power of being scared… and doing it anyway
  • The truth about why we need more diverse voices


The world needs more beautiful voices like yours. Tune in to learn how to share it with confidence! 

Show notes are always available at!!

Resources Mentioned:

Listen to episode 100:

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