I’m in Atlanta for the Olympic Marathon Trials and had the honor to interview the NAZ Elite Wo
Sally Kipyego is one to be watching in Atlanta this weekend for the Olympic Marathon Trials! She is
Julie Stackhouse is a running coach and accomplished runner residing in Jacksonville, FL. When I rec
Lindsay Flanagan was the 5th American to cross the finish line at the Houston Half a few weeks ago i
Natosha Rogers recently won the USATF Cross Country championships and is on a big time comeback! Af
Kelly Vigil is the woman behind the virtual races that give back – More Miles More Fun! She re
Natasha Wodak just broke the Canadian Half Marathon record at the Houston Half Marathon in a time of
Malindi Elmore just broke the Canadian record in the marathon, running a 2:24:50 and placing 3rd at
Alison Wade is the writer and brains behind the Fast Women newsletter. She is the mother of two and
Amanda Napolitano just qualified for the Boston Marathon after 20 years of marathoning! Amanda ran
Dr. Kary is a Sports Performance Physician at St. Vincent Sports Performance. This will finish up th
Anna Turner is a Sport Dietitian with St. Vincent Sport Performance and I am so excited to learn fro
I am so excited to bring this special series with St. Vincent Sports Performance featuring world ren
Keira D’Amato is known as the “Running Realtor.” She recently ran a 2:34 marathon
Emma Kertesz is training for her second Olympic Trials in the marathon and just finished up her mast
Obsie Birru just placed second at CIM running a 5 minute PR in a time of 2:30:30 just a couple mont
Ann Mazur just qualified for the Olympic Trials in the marathon at CIM! She was a part of a really
Chris McDougall is the author of the wildly popular book “Born to Run.” He most recentl
Dena Evans is a running coach, mother of two (soccer mom!), and a passionate runner herself. She re
Christy Turlington Burns’ joins me on the podcast today! I was so honored to sit down with her at t