Tianna Bartoletta joins me today for a great conversation! We talk about her career, writing, health
Maurica Powell is Director of Track & Cross Country at the University of Washington. She specifi
Emma Coburn joins me on the podcast today. Emma s a 2-time Olympian in the steeplechase, a Silver me
Mohammed Ahmed joins the show today! He is having a speedy year, and recently ran 12:47 5,000m at th
Anna Turner, Sports Dietitian with St. Vincent Defining Sports joins the show for her third time tod
Lopez Lomong is a 2X Olympian and just ran a new 5K PR at the age of 35 at a Bowerman Track Club Int
Addie Bracy joins me on the show today! She runs for Nike Trail, she’s a running coach, a ment
Shelby Houlihan and Karissa Schweizer join me on the podcast today! These Bowerman TC ladies just sl
Duane Solomon recently announced his retirement from track and field after a long and successful com
Mary Cain joins me on the podcast today! Mary was the youngest American athlete ever to represent th
Ashley Keller is a personal trainer with Glow Body PT, providing challenging and gentle prenatal and
Diane Nukuri joins me today on the show! Diane grew up in Burundi and competed in her first Olympic
Dani Jones recently joined Team Boss to be coached by Joe Bosshard for her professional running care
Gary Cantrell; aka “Lazarus Lake” joins me on the podcast today! He is the legendary rac
Hi friends! I’m really excited to bring you an episode today from The Illuminate Podcast. Fait
Nick Willis is a 3-time Olympian specializing in the 1500. He runs for New Zealand and lives in Mich
It’s Lindsey. I am coming to you with a quick update. Normally this is where you would be listening
Aisha Praught Leer joins me on the show today! She represents team Jamaica and trains out in Boulder
Emily Infeld and Elise Cranny of the Bowerman Track Club join me today on the show! This is the last
Returning guest Amelia Boone joins me for a Friday Fun episode! Make sure you check out my first epi