cover of episode 55. “My top 5 lessons from one year of interviewing couples about money”

55. “My top 5 lessons from one year of interviewing couples about money”

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I Will Teach You To Be Rich

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Ramit Sethi
Ramit Sethi:在播客一周年之际,分享了从采访50多对夫妻中总结出的五个重要理财教训,涵盖了改变金钱观念、无负罪感消费、警惕理财误区、夫妻双方共同参与理财以及建立共同的富足生活愿景等方面。他还介绍了自己的新书《Money for Couples》以及一些辅助工具,例如帮助用户取消不需要的订阅服务的Rocket Money,写作辅助工具Grammarly,以及帮助人们设计富足生活的日记。 Ramit Sethi还强调了理财中心理因素的重要性,指出人们常常低估心理因素对理财的影响。他鼓励人们改变负面金钱观念,例如“我不擅长理财”,并学习理财技能。他还建议人们设定一个“无忧消费额度”,以便在不影响财务健康的情况下享受生活。 在谈到房产投资时,Ramit Sethi提醒人们警惕理财误区,例如“租房等于浪费钱”的观念,并建议人们在购买房屋前仔细计算所有成本,包括隐性成本。 Ramit Sethi还强调了夫妻双方共同参与理财的重要性,指出这有助于共同规划未来,并增进感情。他分享了几个案例,说明一方独揽财务或沟通不畅可能导致另一方感到疏离和不被重视,甚至寻求外部帮助,造成问题。 最后,Ramit Sethi强调了建立共同的“富足生活”愿景的重要性,指出这有助于夫妻双方在金钱方面达成一致,避免冲突。 Tammy:与伴侣因购物花费发生争吵,并感到不被重视。她描述了与伴侣因她在Target花费250美元而发生的争吵,并表达了她的不满和受伤之情。 Elizabeth:对自己在理财方面的表现过于苛刻,常常用“愚蠢”、“恶心”等负面词语形容自己,这阻碍了她学习理财技能。 Ashley和Greg:这对夫妇虽然拥有高净值,却对日常开支斤斤计较,例如在购买蓝莓时过于节省,这反映了他们对消费的负罪感。 Eric和Elena:这对夫妇在购买公寓时没有充分考虑隐性成本,例如维护、维修和物业费等,这导致他们对购房的财务状况缺乏清晰的认识。 Jeff和Lisa:Jeff将家庭财务完全交给Lisa打理,这导致Lisa感到孤独和不被重视,而Jeff则逃避责任。 Katie和Cal:Cal将家庭财务完全交给Katie打理,这导致Katie感到压力过大,并寻求母亲的帮助。 Carolyn和Gavin:Carolyn对家庭财务缺乏兴趣,这导致她和Gavin在理财方面沟通不畅,并经常发生冲突。 Jack和Gemma:这对夫妇对“富足生活”的愿景存在差异,这导致他们在日常开支方面发生冲突。

Deep Dive

Ramit Sethi reflects on the top lessons learned from a year of interviewing couples about their personal finance experiences, emphasizing the importance of understanding money psychology and communication.

Shownotes Transcript

Personal finance can seem complicated, but most issues are linked back to two core influences—how people think and feel about money. Where they land on those scales has a wide range of possible manifestations (skimping on frozen berries, anyone?). 

One year into the podcast, and a handful of these themes have become very clear. Tune in to this special solo episode as Ramit breaks them down. Check out the free resources below if any of these scenarios sound familiar to you—or you’re just ready to deepen your understanding of money and what it can do for you.

Programs & Resources

- → Money Mindset Mini Course

- → Conscious Spending Plan

- → Guide to How to Talk to Your Partner about Money

- → Ramit's 3 step guide to buying a house

- → Rich Life mini course 

Connect with Ramit

If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here).

Produced by Crate Media).