cover of episode Amy Reveals The Best Advice She’s Ever Gotten About Men

Amy Reveals The Best Advice She’s Ever Gotten About Men

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I Choose Me with Jennie Garth

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Amy Robach
Ginny Garth
Kathy Schwartz
Susan Knoll
TJ Holmes
Amy Robach: 在交友软件和网站的选择上,付费的并不一定比免费的好,大城市因为选择太多反而更难找到合适的人。交友软件容易让人陷入比较的陷阱,导致无法珍惜眼前人。她分享了自己在不同交友软件上的使用体验,并强调女性经济独立的重要性,将其作为给女儿的教诲。除非要合并家庭,否则不必过早讨论财务问题。在考虑财务问题之前,应该先确定关系的独特性。 Ginny Garth: 到了她这个年纪,更看重财务上的平等合作,而不是依赖对方。她认为高尔夫球场并非寻找单身男性的好去处,并分享了她对远距离恋爱的看法,认为这取决于个人需求和关系阶段。她还分享了自己父亲教导她要独立自主,不要依赖他人的经验。 Kathy Schwartz: 她认为嫁给有钱人并非易事,并分享了她对女性在约会中保持真实自我的看法,认为不必为了迎合他人而改变。她还分享了自己对择偶标准的看法,最看重的是吸引力、幽默感和自信,并认为幽默感比单纯的自信更重要。 Susan Knoll: 她认为做真实的自己很重要,不必为了迎合他人而改变。女性的强势有时会让男性感到害怕,但在约会中,女性是否需要让男性主导,存在代际差异。她分享了自己重返约会场景的经验,建议倾听直觉。 TJ Holmes: 要与强势女性相处,男性需要有足够的自信。他相信缘分和宇宙的安排,并认为人生中发生的每件事都有其意义。他认为不应该强迫男人结婚或改变他们的财务状况,应该在合适的时间进行“我们是什么关系”的对话。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do dating apps often lead to a mindset of always looking for something better?

Dating apps perpetuate a comparison mindset by offering constant options at your fingertips, making it easy to always seek out someone prettier, younger, or richer.

What is the best way to start dating again after a long period of not wanting to date?

Listen to your instincts after taking time to work on yourself and find your strength as a woman. Be authentic and don't play games; men appreciate knowing you're interested in them.

Is it advisable to date long distance, especially after a certain age?

Long-distance dating can be tough, especially if you're looking for a partner to be with day in and day out. However, if the relationship is already established, it can work if both parties are committed and plan to see each other regularly.

What should be the order of importance when considering a partner: confidence, humor, or attractiveness?

Attractiveness is often seen as the most important, as it encompasses many qualities including humor and confidence. Humor is also highly valued, as it can make a relationship more enjoyable and less stressful.

Why do some people believe that everything happens for a reason in relationships?

Belief in the universe or fate suggests that people come into your life for a reason, season, or lifetime, and nothing is random. This perspective can help in accepting the ups and downs of relationships.

How should one approach the topic of finances in a new relationship?

Financial discussions should be had when the relationship becomes serious and exclusive. It's important to keep your eyes open and understand each other's financial situations before merging households or families.

What advice would you give to someone who has been in abusive relationships and is afraid to date again?

It's crucial to be yourself and not play hard-to-get games. Men appreciate knowing you're interested in them. Being authentic and showing who you are can lead to more genuine and mature relationships.

Is it acceptable to set up one guy friend with multiple female friends?

It's generally better to introduce one person at a time to avoid making anyone feel like they're part of a 'meat market.' Let the guy make his own decision after meeting each potential partner individually.

The hosts offer advice on how to re-enter the dating scene after a long hiatus, suggesting to listen to instincts and be authentic.
  • Listening to your instincts and being authentic is key when starting to date again.
  • Some hosts suggest going to places like golf courses to meet single men, though this may not always be effective.
  • Being yourself and not playing games can lead to more genuine connections.

Shownotes Transcript

Our hosts continue to answer everything and in doing so, Amy shares the advice T.J. gave her about men that changed everything!Plus, long-distance… to do or not to do, that is the question, and are hosts help you navigate money matters when it comes to relationships.Ready to find love again? Want dating advice?Email us at: [email protected]) or call us at 844-4-I Do Pod (844-443-6763)Follow I Do, Part 2 on Instagram) and TikTok)

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