Twenty years ago, you met Luke Danes...backward cap, plaid flannel, pouring the coffee. For the VERY
It happens in Gilmore Girls World from time time. An actor appears on the show as one character and
Luke and Lorela : Cute phone conversations and an "about to kiss" moment interrupted by a marching
This is your pop culture for (S5 E1 "Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller"). See for
It's the Season 5 Premiere!Sookie steals the episode during that scene with Luke once the cat was le
Everyone (and we mean everyone) had a LOT to say about the Season 4 Finale! So, we're going one more
This is your pop culture for S4 E22 "Raincoats and Recipes”.See for privacy
Luke and Lorelai Kissing.Emily and Richard Fighting.Kirk Naked Running.Inn Opening. Rory and Dean ca
You asked for her...we got her! She's "CRAZY CARRIE DUNCAN" portrayed by Jill Brennan-Lincoln. She m
Who was that lady with Miss Patty in the opening scene of “Last Weeks Fights, This Week Tights”?!?!T
This is your pop culture for S4 E21 "Last Week Fights, This Week Tights”.See
Now, it's really getting good.We continue to dissect the Scott (Luke) and Lauren (Lorelai) face acti
Scott has a major surprise for us that we did NOT see coming! It's a big reveal right at the start
This is your pop culture for S4 E20 "Luke Can See Her Face”.See for privacy
Yep! He's TJ's Brother on GG and IRL! The phenomenal David DeLuise joins Scott as they share cherish
Mud wrestling, Dean and Lindsay arguing, Jess returns! Is this episode a ten out of ten, or what!? H
This is your pop culture for S4 E19 “Afterboom”.See for privacy information.
We're taking your calls and answering your questions.Go!See for privacy info