cover of episode Into the Multiverse | 6

Into the Multiverse | 6

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
节目叙述介绍了伊朗多所女子学校发生的疾病爆发事件,症状包括呼吸急促、肢体麻木等,数百名女生和老师受到影响。事件可能与社会抗议活动有关,女生们成为社会与国家冲突的受害者。 记者Movi报道了该事件,并指出事件可能存在心理或社会因素,部分病例可能是心理成因的,但这并不否定中毒事件的可能性。她采访了教师和受害者,描述了她们的恐惧和焦虑情绪,以及由此产生的集体歇斯底里现象。 检察官Ana Collins在法庭上处理毒品证据时出现不明症状,疑似芬太尼中毒。她描述了当时的情况,以及随后接受治疗的过程。 医生Ryan Marino指出,意外接触芬太尼不会导致中毒,此前DEA的警告视频夸大了芬太尼的危险性。他解释了芬太尼的特性,以及中毒的实际症状。 警察局长Tom Sign表示相信意外芬太尼中毒是可能的,但他自己的经历可能并非如此。他谈到了对芬太尼中毒的误解可能导致延误救治,甚至造成不公平的法律后果。 Movi认为伊朗女子学校疾病爆发可能存在心理或社会因素,部分病例可能是心理成因的,但这并不否定中毒事件的可能性。她强调了社会和政治环境对学生心理健康的影响,以及恐惧情绪在事件中的作用。她认为,即使部分病例是心理成因的,也不影响事件的严重性和重要性。 Movi的报道深入探讨了事件的复杂性,既关注客观事实,也关注受害者的心理状态和社会背景。她试图在客观报道和理解受害者之间取得平衡,避免简单化或片面化。 Movi的报道展现了记者的专业素养和社会责任感,她试图揭示事件背后的真相,并呼吁社会关注女性和女童的权利。 Ana Collins的经历突显了芬太尼的潜在危险性,以及对中毒症状的误判可能造成的严重后果。她详细描述了她在法庭上突然出现的不适症状,以及随后接受的治疗。 Ana Collins的案例引发了人们对芬太尼中毒症状的讨论,以及对意外接触芬太尼的风险的重新评估。她的经历也提醒人们关注一线执法人员和司法人员的心理健康问题。 Ana Collins的案例也引发了人们对大规模心理成因疾病的关注,以及对社会压力和集体歇斯底里现象的讨论。 Ryan Marino医生从医学角度解释了芬太尼的特性,以及中毒的实际症状。他强调,意外接触芬太尼不会导致中毒,此前DEA的警告视频夸大了芬太尼的危险性。 Ryan Marino医生的观点挑战了公众对芬太尼的认知,并纠正了某些误解。他强调了科学证据的重要性,以及避免恐慌和误判的重要性。 Ryan Marino医生的观点也为理解和解释类似的集体歇斯底里事件提供了新的视角。 Tom Sign警察局长对芬太尼中毒的可能性表示认可,但他同时指出,对芬太尼中毒的误解可能导致延误救治,甚至造成不公平的法律后果。 Tom Sign警察局长的观点体现了执法部门对芬太尼问题的关注,以及对公众教育和风险评估的重视。 Tom Sign警察局长的观点也反映了执法部门内部对芬太尼中毒事件的复杂性和争议性的认识。

Deep Dive

The chapter explores the mysterious outbreak of symptoms among girls in Iran's girls' schools, the context of mass protests, and the suspected poisoning as retaliation for the uprising.
  • 51 girls became ill and were sent to the hospital.
  • Dozens of outbreaks were reported in girl schools across Iran.
  • Parents blamed local officials for not protecting their children.

Shownotes Transcript


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Previously on historical, why don't you think they believe you? please? I was the only guy.

yeah. How is this? And what happened to me? You a psychogenic.

That doesn't. How is IT mass steria? That makes no sense to me. The human mind is a very powerful thing. Historia is alive and well.

About a year and a half ago, in december of twenty twenty two, a group of students at at school for girls suddenly came down with mysterious symptoms that no one could explain. IT reportedly starts with an unusual gas sml. The girls began experiencing shortenin s of breath nonnamous ss, and the arms and legs difficulty walking.

Over the course of a couple hours, fifty one girls become ill and are sent to the hospital. The symptoms resolved themselves soon after. This isn't happening in library or in any american high school.

It's happening at a girl's conservatives in the holy city of calm and iran, and it's just the beginning. Across the country today, sixteen provinces reported dozens of students falling mysteriously ill. Dozens of outbreaks like this are reported in girl schools across iran over the coming weeks.

It's all happening on the heels of mass protests that had erupted after a Young woman named masa, a mini, died in police custody in tehran. SHE had been detained for wearing her his job run. It's now suspected that girls are being poison in their schools in gas attacks as retaliation for the uprising. Parents are angry at what many see as a targeted attack on girl's education, and they blamed local officials for not doing enough to protect their children. News reports flood the internet, showing Young girls lying in hospital beds.

This girl says, first.

we sml gas in the classroom lak .

this girl .

says her whole body was not SHE couldn't walk before it's over. The outbreak spreads due over one hundred schools with as many as seven thousand girls and their teachers becoming ill.

And so IT was kind of a war. IT was a war between society and the state, and these school girls were fighting in IT as a day.

Movi is an iranian american journalist and covered the suspected poison exam ground there for the new yorker.

And so the stakes fell like this arly high for what a fourteen year old or fifteen year old should be contemplating.

as IT says, that the outbreak seemed to minor to her at first, but then I spread so rapidly, and then a journalist friend of hers covering the story .

was detained by police and went, journalists start getting I stead for reporting on something. There's something there. Something is happening, and they seem very serious. 嗯。

as a day is not new to this kind of reporting. SHE had been based in tehran before covering middle east, with a special focus on women in militant groups. But still this story in particular was a hornett nest, the possibility of state or state adjacent actors sabotage girl's education isn't just some scenic that someone plugging out of nowhere in this country with these politics, with the rights of women and girls under siege.

It's more than just possible as they believed IT was happening and IT was bearing out in her reporting. But SHE also found herself bumping up against this other thing, given the details of the outbreak. Mysterious symptoms, sudden n onset, inconclusive testing can find almost exclusively to one social group. Some sort of psychogenic component seemed possible as well, not for all or even most, but perhaps for some. You'd heard fragment ant of IT in .

her reporting. I spoke to teachers in schools who were clearly just very, very tense and frightened. And they would sort of say, like, that day I just, I was wearing three masks.

I was hot. We were all frightened. IT had happened at another school, like, I don't even know if IT was real. Like someone came and said we smell something and then we all started to feel flutter y and I don't know in the end.

And I spoke to victims, of which there were thousands who are struggling with the fear of .

what was happening, because these were Young girls. They were very a motive. They were all frightened. They were constantly on whats up with each other at night, don't go to school, we all have to stay home, sort of wapping, each other, up into a frenzy. I mean, I know that this is a word that we can use, but I don't. I mean, they were that h word IT seemed possible that there was a contagion of fact.

I think it's so interesting that you that that you said the h word, 哦, yes.

why the h word takes us into this sort of Victorian literature gothick space, the super gendered, that is a word that comes with very heavy baggage. And I don't know how we can sort of decouple IT from that so we can use IT in its sort in a more informed way.

My hope is to decouple IT because I think I think IT explains things that are happening now. Psychogenic illness is is not in all or nothing thinking that can explain some cases of a mystery illness without negating the rest.

The problem is, once you started acknowledging possible psychological or sociological components to an outbreak, IT immediately sounds like you're dismissing the whole thing, like you're making something seem like was nothing. And when the something is whether or not thousands of girls are being poisoned in their schools, IT can get nearly very fast. In the end, osd y's story on the school poisonings had enough to deal with without drawing too much on the possibility of the other thing. But now, with a little distance, SHE suspects that a lot of the cases SHE reported on, where, in fact, psychogenic, if only for one very simple, very powerful reason, because why would IT not be?

I mean, in the end, if you have so many Young girls so fearful of the state that they think their state is making them in like that in and of itself is an illness like that to me as a reporter uh and is a citizen of that country is is really fascinating and important um and IT doesn't mean that it's a any less significant or momentous if psychologically some part of the spectrum of what we saw was fear because to be fearful of your state is very profound and terrible thing.

The amount of stressed that that must have created .

this summer when I was back in the life of a teenager, you know, time is really fluid, right? So like, so what is IT like now? I like, I was totally changed and we're fine. And like, we're on to new things. Like, like, now we've .

moved on.

It's not lost on me that some people find the word hysterically so insulting that they're heston's to even say the title of the show out loud. IT is an old creepy word, and IT does have very heavy baggage. But dancing around IT also means dancing around our ability to take IT seriously and understand Better the conditions that might give rise to IT.

On today's episode, one more stop before we head back to leave. This time, it's ohio to look at something that's been going on there for years and it's still going on. And whatever this thing is, it's right, not uncomfortable sweet spot between you're willingness to accept that massive aria is alive and well and you're absolute certainty that I could never happen to you. I'm dantin sky from wondering and pineapple street studios this is historical episode six into the motivation.

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Ana Collins is partial to the word dope.

I say dope for everything, and most people do not.

Not dopp isn't that's a dope? SHE means dopp.

As in drugs, most people called dope like dope is marijuana matters. Math that knows study by I call everything though .

ana was raised in highland county, ohio, and for the past thirteen years she's been the county prosecutor here and here dope is ever present. Ohio is one of the highest overdose rates in the country. Anka says. Drug trafficking cases make up more than half of her case load in highland county, and she's clearly good out.

We were trying to remember, I don't know that i've ever lost a drug trafficking case time. I been in the prosecutors office. So I was super confident with our case.

confident that when the trial gan of two meth traffickers in march of twenty twenty two, SHE was expecting to keep the streak going right.

Good morning.

But something happens on trial day three, to make her less concerned about keeping the street and more concerned about keeping her shit together. Period approach .

to witness IT happens .

as he is questioning a witness understand exhibit after exhibit building her case. But things goes south for america, just as he is presenting exhibit ninety two. The exhibit inside of manilla evidence pouch are two digital scales.

which we always find in traffickers houses, because that's how they way the dot.

So he says to the investigator on the stand, do you recognize these? And he takes the scales out of the bag and he says, yes. And he says, what are they? And he says, they're digital scales. That's how they way they do, pretty standard. But then he put them .

back into the bag, and I took the bag and kind of tweeted, voted IT up later down on the table. And that's the last thing that I remember.

The next part SHE only knows from watching the courtroom video. Same as we are, we see her introducing another exhibit .

going to hand you was previously the mark just dies .

that at ninety six, and all of sudden SHE looks kinda bly almost like someone had snuck a pair of roller skate on her feet.

And then I leaned on the judge's bench, which is something I would never do, is completely disrespectful. I just would never do that. And the judge looked at me and said, are you okay? And I said, yeah, I think I just need a minute, have my judge.

Take a break.

Down goes Collins. The witness jumps off the stand and catches her just before they hit the floor.

They will take about .

ten and breakfast.

You can not leave room if you wish. Remember the application here.

When the medics arrived, Anita is barely alert, and one of the medics is to her doll face.

You've got to tell me how you're feeling. And I remember look at at her and saying, I don't feel anything at all like I don't feel my fingers, I don't feel my toes, I feel nothing at all. And Chris sexton was the other parameters, and he said, oh my god.

Sh, let's give another dose. By this time, they they have put an iv in me, and they started giving me narky. And through the iv.

Marcam SHE says they had already given her one dose administered through the nose like nasal spray. Now they were giving more intravenously. Why not?

So nick n is only used for one thing, and that is a tree and opposite overdose.

The anika is rushed to the hospital where .

SHE stabilized at the hospital. I know that I was loopy, like when my my daughters came in, I guess I said, hey, girl, hey, when they came in, which is not something I would do.

Anna says that her daughter's teller SHE most likely had experienced an overdose of the system oppoi fenno, a rather on a variant called tera floria final. How anio believes there was residue of the drug in that evidence back with the scales in IT, the bit ninety two that he had to introduced a trial, according to the cdc, fatal is fifty times and more poor than heroin.

So even a very, very small of malt adjusted. We've had an .

impact on me.

the hospital, they said, there's no doubt that's what's happened to you. They absolutely no doubt.

So that wasn't twenty twenty two. Let's back IT up a few years now, twenty sixteen on jack rally.

deputy administrator, the drug enforcement administration. And only take a minute today to talk to you about something very important as a manufacture. You could kill you.

and that's fatal. In two thousand and sixteen, the dea released the safety alert video to all the countries police departments. But how final was so potent that even touching IT, just being exposed to IT at all, could kill you?

But don't just listen to me. Listen to these two hard work and cops in which fatal almost get the best up in .

the process of ceiling the bag. And then these two cops detail their own experience of what even just incidental contact with final did to them to start to force a habit. I got the back and I close IT up, forcing the era out of IT.

So I get a good seal. And when I did that once been proved up into the air, right now, our face and we up inhaling IT. My feeling, my body was showing down. The video is only a couple minutes long that I thought was that I, but it's more than enough time to hit the major theme double hard again feat neal can kill you.

The D, E, A report came out. A, I went to every police partner in the states.

I even had a copy of IT. Tom sign is a police chief in newtons nel, ohio, outside since anadi, the final wave was just beginning to crash down hard in their community. When science saw that D, E A video and the report that went along with IT.

D, D, A said, if you are coding code exposed, which mean if you got on your skin or got airborn, you could, over those q sign.

calls a press conference to discuss how they would proceed, given the concerning news about the no I was wanted.

the officers who repeated IT, I stood up in a press conference and said, we will no longer feel test, but not because look at D A. Put out this report is how dangerous this stuff is. I stood up and repeated that report because that's what I believe.

But then a colleague gently point something out to chief sign.

Since I stepped off, the health commissioner goes made up about too sure about this. He is, think about IT nurses and doctors deal with fatal every day. That's not happening to them. And I was like, huh?

IT economic sense, right? Final is an incredibly dangerous drug we've used, but IT is also one of the most useful drugs in medicine and surgery for imaging pain. Medical teams come in contact with IT constantly using just basic precautions, and IT doesn't seem to be an issue.

And I thought, well, that's really weird, but maybe just because it's in a control environment. So then I started talking to people that use that all. And i'm like, where you guys wearing gloves and mask and what is wrong with you? How could I use IT if I, wearing gloves and mask, Carry for our pocket? They prepare our gloves IT, and they would say the only time I get any reaction from IT is if I injected or snore IT.

But then things get really wild. Because just as toxicologists and other medical experts begin questioning the fact in that T E A video, something else begins to happen how you feel right now because he said he's floating his legs yeah. Toaster videos of cops over dusting on fitting after just accidental exposure come rolling in IT happens in jeffson county, alabama.

IT happens in kansas city. Thousands of videos collapse and passing out, shaking heart. Computations just run being near .

the drug and share. Bg, what you're about to see is traumatic body warrant camera footage involved in one of our deputies who was exposed to feat all during this patrol shift.

OK, there isn't a lot of great data on how often this is happening. So we gathered IT ourselves by our count, the number of reactions to accidental final exposure reported by the media since the da report came out in two thousand and sixteen, three hundred and thirty two accounting.

You don't see what dealers. You don't see IT with nurses, doctors. This is really a phenomenon isolated to the criminal justice system.

is happening to police, to prison guards, to court officers. And now, as we've heard a criminal prosecutor, nichols and ohio, who collapsed after touching drug evidence in court, mysterious symptoms, sudden onsets, confined almost exclusively to one social group, and as suspected cause for which there seems to be little to no proof except a dea warning video from two thousand and sixteen, that now seems highly dubious.

And there was no science or studies or research done behind IT. IT was just his belief that if you were exposed to IT, you could over do and die.

Belief is really powerful. I am.

Belief is more powerful than truth.

Esc knows these aren't the sounds of holiday gifting. Oh, oh, OK, thank you. Well, they're not the sounds you are hoping for.

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This fear of mental being so poor that I could cause over those through kind of accident contact has been around for a while.

Ryan marino is an E. R. Doctor in ohio. Actually, he's a doctor or three times over, triple board certified in addiction medicine, emergency medicine and medical toxic logy.

By his count, he has treated hundreds of overdose victims, the majority from fennel. He could hardly be more front center to the federal disaster that is rabbit h communities for years. So it's ugly. Ironic that he, of all people, has become the public voice of final. Not that scary. A couple months ago you put out a chAllenge that said, if any dog filmmakers can get the funding and enough legal representation, that you would roll around naked in the joy Martini glass for a federal on camera, just approve IT was IT. What are you .

trying to say? right? I mean, this myth is just won't die. So whatever I could do to stop that, and I think that I think that would be funny too, of some.

Well, apparently podcast insurance doesn't cover a giant Martini glass stunts. But we get the point. The big part of marino's life now is spent belly hooing. The scientific facts of final, starting with, you will not accidentally overdose on final just by touching IT .

final on the street. That is in drugs. This is final. That comes in a solid form, usually sold as a powder when it's being sold or pressed into pills. And so that solid powder does not cross through your skin very easily. You would have to take large quantities of IT mix IT into some sort of liquid solution and hold IT against your skin for a very long period of time. Like I og hours.

I actually spoke to one pharmacy to accidentally doubt his hands in forty million ads of liquid final no overdose. Another fact, you will not overdose on fit. No, he says, by accidentally breathing IT. Is.

is that not true? No, it's not true.

You can't accidentally breathe one in.

Not accidentally know if you were snorting fant or snorting a powder. You could possibly over those.

and even unintentionally, like if a glad of IT proofed into the air, according to the american speciation of medical toxicologists, you would have to be standing in that cloud for over three hours to inhale even one hundred micrograms.

offending again, final, that's in three drugs as a solid salad doesn't just turn into gas. And we do know too, that through another law of physics, we have this concept of vapor pressure, which is kind of the ability of something to transition into, like a gases state, or eri zed, spontaneous ly and feral has a very low vapor pressure. And so under, like any sort of Normal conditions on the planet earth, final in a powder form, sitting somewhere is not going to athalie is .

IT theoretically possible for a person to inhale ough eri zed vennel to overdose?

You could walk out in the street and wiley coyote could drop a piano on your head. Like that is, I guess, something that could happen. But we have enough actual evidence and data and understanding event will to say this is not a real risk. Like, sure, you could fall down into a wind tunnel and have millions of dollars of no blown directly into your face, your nose, your mouth, your lungs. I guess that's always a possibility, but it's not something that I worry about.

Are you familiar with the multiverse? Do you would be if you read many common books, as I did when I was a kid, or if you've seen a marvel movie in the past fifteen years? The multiverse began appearing in marvel comics in the one thousand nine seventies to help make sense of all the contradictory storylines involving in the same superheroes.

So regular earth, the earth we live on is technical, known as earth six one six. I don't know why that a number IT just is. And on earth six one six, spider man under that mask is really understand ing.

Queens native Peter Parker, right? But there are other earths in the multiverse, alternate realities. Earth one six one zero, for example, is exactly the same as hours, except in that one.

Peter Parker dies in a fight with a Green garland on earth. Nine, eight, two. It's exactly the same as hours, except here.

Peter Parker lives and he gets married too. So that's nice on earth. Two, one, four, nine.

Spiderman man is still Peter Parker, but no joke. This is true. Captain in amErica gets promoted, so he's known as kern nel america.

But then they are both infected by a zombie virus. Stay away from earth. Two, one, four, nine. What am I pretty on about multiverse s for because I think that is the situation we're in here with final and a lot of potential historical situations that we're dealing with. Two words where everything is exactly the same except one thing, a small difference, but one that has not gone, effects that grow until one day you realize we are no longer even on the same planet.

I I don't believe for a minute I touched IT and then overdose. I don't believe that's what happened, but I do believe that I adjusted IT somehow.

Nichol's, the ohio prosecutor, believes that he picked up that evidence back with the digital scales in IT and some trace amount of final got into her system and SHE odey right there in court.

When I squeeze that evidence bag, I didn't have gloves on, but if I would have touched, you know, my mouth, my nose, my eyes, or inhaled IT when I did that, when I shed that bagg up and inhaled IT, that's probably what happened because I squeeze the bag together because .

you're doing the things. When you close the bag, you like squeeze to get the air out, like when you're putting a in a bag.

right? That's exactly right. I squaze back together to get the air. That's probably when IT happened. But I have no doubt that I inhaled IT injustices that somehow I don't .

fault anybody for believing in. At a time everyone believed that I was one of them.

Chief sign, the ohio police chief. He believed accidentially over this was possible.

Once too, he did experience something. Then I don't know how you quantify this into a documented pocket, whatever IT is that heart was real.

real, but just not a final overdose .

happening right now. High land county .

atterley recovering .

in the hospital .

after handling drug evidence while in court. In fact, authorities say no can had to be used on that attorney. So when an is over, those in court hit the news.

And the new station was looking for an expert to give his two cents. Chief sign blesses heart, raised his hand. Here isn't the five o clock news.

You can't just touch fatal and it's you're very unlikely to over .

those from just touching fwend somebody that as an expert in .

overdose like fight, he was a police, he was a police, a police tree of a local .

right of like a ton of like .

three thousand .

burn first, obviously I think he does not know me at all. Basically A I, A fae, a national television or not national television, and infuriated .

me just being mad, just doing about IT, not doing something about IT. IT felt on anago. I actually called .

him on the phone the next stage because I was so furious.

I understand why he was upset. I understand why he was upset at me.

Aneka gives chief sign on a friendly jingle.

and we had a length. He was pretty much a one sided conversation with a lot of loud voices. But I was not personally offended by IT because I did understand her position.

In the video, Collins is seen grabbing her chest, and her breathing rate is very rapid. From science point of view, her symptoms were not consistent with federal. Here's what he said in the news report.

It's actually the exact opposite, is very slow heart rate, very slow breathing again, you often hear people sore or googling that is actually the breathing in the lungs kind of shutting down. So it's the exact opposite.

Collins was given, here's doctor marino, the toxic logic on what if final overdose would actually look like if you were .

having a final overdose, your heart rate would slow down, you would not know you were overdosing ing, you would not feel scared. We give obo is including final two, people who have serious medical issues, people who are dying to help with fear, with suffering, with all of those things. And so what they actually do, the the literal opposite.

But what he usually sees in these accidental over those videos.

I feel my heart racing, I feel anxious, I feel terrified and the symptoms are are much more consistent with anxiety, panic, um many you and something called the nosey boo effect.

the no sea bo effect. If you really, truly believe strongly enough that something bad is happening, that something is making you sick, you can have actual physical symptoms in your body. But emeka says that what they show in the news was only a small part of what happened to her. If the whole thing had been shown, SHE says you'd see the kind of shutting down that he was looking for.

You lose total control. I told my husband next day that if they would have told me, I would have peed myself on the floor in the court, and I would not have been surprised.


I could feel nothing like, you know, at other times I was freaking out. I mean, with no, no question that I was freaking out panic mode because in fighting that off.

I can't dispute that you had some reaction. I am only disputing or am asking you to question was IT actually in overs?

There is another reason that cheese on is .

skeptical because in lack of two people so far, if IT was real and we were able to confirm, you would be the first one in the united states actually. And if that was confirmed, that important information .

has ever been a blood test that confirmed that somebody over those had a second and fit over to.

I am not aware of any.

The hospital standard is usually a year n tox screen blood tests that a lab even Better. But in all the cases of accidental thing, no overdose, that we have been able to track three hundred and thirty two and counting the number of tox screens or a blood tests that came back positive for fetching l.

So the blood tests, uh, that they ran at the hospital did not test for all.

We now know that the blood test was not performed on the deputy, so we don't truly know if he had federal in his system as far as we can tell, one at a state prison in alaska, and even that one wasn't independently confirmed. But no positive tax screen in the original case of those two cops feature that D E, A video, not in any of the other three hundred and thirty one cases we track around the country. And not in the case of aneka Collins. Her talk screen, SHE says, was negative. I immediately was like.

I don't understand why nothing showing up if you're saying you have no dough is what here.

sae. SHE says her doctor explained IT.

and he said, very, too, very simple explanations for that first, at something that we're not testing for yet. And I know that pair of flor fit nall was brain new at the time. The other reason is, is that IT was such the only test drug test, only have a certain thresh hold where they show up. And if I was below that thresh hold, that would have been the other reason that I would not have shown up in a drug screen, right.

but still not below the threshold of impacting somebody if they were injured. Ted, that's exactly right. Does give you a little nuts that the tax report came back negative. No.

no. IT happens. I understand. I understand that happens. That is what IT is. If IT was something that I adjusted that they weren't testing for, that's not on anybody. He just says .

what IT is besides, says ana, they gave her nark. M, what does that tell you now?

Can only works on an opium. IT doesn't work on anything else. And then I can brought me out of IT. IT didn't last for very long, but I would bring me out of IT like I would stop to and know what was gone on for a few seconds.

But that could be chalked up to another psychological phenomenon. The thing about narcan is that it's made to treat suspected overdose. So if you're not overdose, saying now can won't hurt you.

IT won't really do anything. And if IT does do something, if IT does help revive you, that could be the placement effect. IT only works because you believe IT will believe gets you out of the psychogenic illness. Just like belief is what got you there in the first place. But amErica maintains its real, and it's happening all the time.

And i've heard about cases like that all over the place just recently.

He says that happened in their local jail to a deputy and a couple corrections officers, but that case didn't make the news. I mean.

I think IT probably happens more than we even hear about. People are just so tired to be and called .

liars that they .

don't don't talk about anymore.

And as far as whether we believe her, but what happened to her in court that day.

IT IT makes no difference to me. I mean, IT really doesn't. I know that that seems unbelievable, but IT doesn't.

I know what happened, everybody that was in that courtroom, that they knows what happened. I mean, IT, honestly, that makes no difference what people think. I, I, I know what happened, and that's IT.

You know, I gone to a fight with my producers about this episode. I mean, not a physical fight, but i'm not afraid of those trumps. They argue because they think i'm chicken shit, that after laying out all this information, they wonder why I just don't come out and say that I think aneka s was a victim of mass psychogenic illness.

That this example seems particularly clear cut, Frankly, Better than I thought would be, especially when he rejects IT so strongly, when he is so sure of her own experience. But here's what I ve also learned when another country says, I know what happened and that's IT or when someone in the C I, A but havana syndrome says that he has absolutely zero ed doubt or when a girl suffering in liberal new york says, I know myself. I know that's not IT.

The truth here is mass eugenics. Illness doesn't care what you know. This isn't about the known anything. This is about the unknown. That place where our understanding of neurology and psychology can't quite get at, at least not yet, was nichol's hysterically. I can't say for sure, but I don't think he can either.

And as respectful as we might want to be to let a person define their own medical experience without someone like me iping up their leg like a jaa. We also can't do the other thing. We can all go on living in different words that seem the same, but we're different facts apply because this is about more than just the people experiencing the symptoms.

So look, men, I get the human aspect of this, I get the human side of IT. I get there experiencing something. But here's the problem is when this starts causing the potential form more people to die, then I think it's important to tell the truth.

The fear of getting near final can slow first responders from helping people who are actually over dozing. Thear final means hospital sometimes separate overdose victims and could delay treatment for a safety protocols that take time and situations where there is no time, there's more. And it's not hypothetical.

People are literally serving jail time because they exposed a police officer defender.

Some units palio have begun charging drug users with assault the crime, simply exposing police officers defender in the course of a police stop .

or arrest to spend months or or years in prison, as these people have ah because of something that is scientifically impossible is deeply disturbing to me. I don't think people should be in jail for crimes that are not real.

And to make this perfect storm even more perfect, every time IT happens to a police officer, come on, come on. Chances are IT all happens on body camp. Warn off the possible exposure of something.

I'm get my, you got yours out. Mass eugenic illness, you remember, is a line of sight illness when others see that happening. That's how IT spreads. And police body camps, the tools that were intended to stop police brutality have unwittingly become the perfect built in vector first spread.

IT is powerful to see a police softer go down when you see an officer that believe they have been exposed, whether it's real or not. IT is a powerful image.

The psychogenic overdose creates a video. The video Sparks more psychogenic overdoses, which creates more videos. And the longer IT goes on, the harder IT is going to be for everyone to just make IT back to earth. Six, one, six, a world in common with shared experience.

So the next episode is our last episode, and we're going to head back to liberal in new york to see how that outbreak there finally came to an end. But first, one more quick story to get you in the mood. And I swear to god, this is the last time you're gone to hear a sentence like this.

Next one coming at me, I promise. But shortly after the outbreak in library ended, the girls at another high school begin to experience mysterious symmes that no one could explain. This school is in danvers, mass, achuthan.

Eighteen girls there came down with what they were calling hick ups s. tex. Grants and helps. As in leery, almost all the affected girls in damper played on the school sports teams.

But unlike in leery, there were no giant town meetings, no catastrophes in the media, no iron broke of, no effective girls and their families come forward in the press, no acknowledge from the school or the state that this might be an h word thing. Unlike in lei, the history around the possible hystErica in danvers never materialized. Eventually, the symptoms appear to ever resolved themselves.

In the end, the state quietly released report saying there was no environmental or infectious cause of the outbreak, no mention of mass psychogenic illness. However, an internal memo from a state health official would later be uncovered that said they couldn't rule in or out that possibility. But you know, it's really interesting.

We shouldn't be surprised that dangerous massachuset was able to keep a lid on their outbreak. In fact, danvers is a place that knows a thing or two about how to cover the tracks of a suspected mass psychogenic list. They had done that before in seventeen and fifty two.

That is when they changed the name of the village to danvers. A fresh start from what I had originally been known as as salem masaccio. Ts, goose bombs.

right? Here's my take away. You can call IT salon or you can call IT danvers. We're still dealing with the same old phenomenon, didn't call a massive aria or a mass syke genc illness or the age word. It's still real and it's part of the human experience.

And you can call late or you can call a late, but this outbreak is still going to end one where the other, and somehow, remarkably, people in leo, I find a way to pick one way and the other. That's next time on the series. Finally, of hysterical ical. Number one, I don't have conversion disorder. I never did tonight.

We have some news, some of the girls, apparently i've got Better over the past three weeks.

how you do know Better and I understand conversion disorder worked IT was accurate for those other girls that I worked for as soon as I was like, I have a real answer for you they were like, we're good.

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Hysterically is a production of wondering and pinup a street studios. Our lead producer is hendering milosis. Our associate producer is my ex a cava producer sophie bridges, managing producer eron Kelly, senior producer lena A C Z S. Additional production by SAndra Allen dian hunton is our editor.

Our executive editor is joe level fact checking by not sumi arg soca mixing by hand Brown, our head of sound and engineering is rosh mckey original music composed and performed by dina makey legal services for a pineal street from Crystal tupia. For wondering, our senior producers are lizy basket and clear chAmbers coordinating producer maria a basset senior managing producer callum blue historical is written and executive produced by meat on dantzic. Our executive producers for portable street are max laski and remus I asia saluda and geneva's burman. Executive producers for wondering are Morgan Jones, martial, lewi and gene sergeant? Thanks for listening.