Join us for Hustle Humbly where we hope you will build the confidence to find your voice and your wa
We are super passionate about the topic of systems, because systems lead to professionalism. In this
Inspired by an instagram post that Alissa was taking a random Friday off, here are our thoughts on t
One thing that seems to be common across the real estate industry is the shuffle of agents from one
We’ve all been there. Your client is mad at you either for something you did or maybe even something
Woo HOOO! We made it! This episode celebrates our first year of Hustle Humbly. Come find out the top
From closing gifts to how life changed after kids, this episode tackles a wide variety of listener q
There are so many ways to invest in real estate and we tackle even more in this episode. Alissa give
Do you have a retirement plan? No? Well, you wouldn’t be alone. Being 1099 independent contractors m
2020 has been anything but what we expected, obviously! It’s time to take stock of the year and take
Not to sound preach-y over here, but this episode is a reminder to “do your job”. What does that mea
Buying and selling a home is filled with emotions. Add in two agents, negotiations, obstacles and pr
In a world where it is so easy to get distracted how do we keep ourselves and our business moving in
Although quarantine brought most of our fast paced Realtor lives to a screeching halt, we are starti
Come follow along as we each take you on our listing interview. Make no mistake you should always tr
So maybe we aren’t the poster children for what you think of when you picture Realtors marketing the
In this episode we put on our buyer’s agent and seller’s agent hats and talk through the offer proce
This luxurious episode features two well-maintained brunette agents speaking on highly sought after
What happens when YOU are your whole business and life throws you a curveball? A new baby, personal
“Look for the bare necessities. The simple bare necessities. Forget about your worries and your stri
In the words of Alissa this is a “perfectly delightful episode.” Born out of quite a few requests fo