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Human Events Daily with Jack Posobiec

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Jack Posobiec
Kenny Cody
Roger Stone
Jack Posobiec:就2024年总统大选的结果进行了分析,重点关注特朗普的胜利,以及宾夕法尼亚州参议员选举中凯西的败选和沙皮罗的反应。他还讨论了特朗普政府的政策,包括驱逐出境、对庇护城市的制裁以及解决经济和文化问题。Posobiec强调了特朗普赢得天主教徒和郊区白人女性选民的支持,并认为特朗普对受灾地区的关注有助于他在北卡罗来纳州的胜利。他还批评了尼基·黑利在竞选期间的言行。 Roger Stone:对特朗普的胜利表示祝贺,并认为美国即将进入和平与繁荣的黄金时代。他分析了特朗普的胜利对美国政治格局的重大影响,认为这标志着美国政治的重新洗牌,类似于罗斯福在1932年和1968年的政治重组。他认为特朗普成功地组建了一个新的联盟,包括天主教徒、郊区选民和一些原本支持民主党的选民。他还讨论了特朗普政府面临的挑战,包括如何平衡不同政治力量,以及提防那些表面上支持特朗普,实际上却与他利益相悖的人。Stone还批评了蓬佩奥在对特朗普的调查中所扮演的角色,并对尼基·黑利的能力表示质疑。 Kenny Cody:讨论了特朗普在阿巴拉契亚地区的受欢迎程度,以及他关注受灾人民的努力如何有助于他在北卡罗来纳州的胜利。他强调了特朗普与马斯克合作,为受灾地区提供互联网服务,以及特朗普对农村地区和中下层民众的关注。Cody认为,特朗普的胜利巩固了共和党作为工人阶级政党的未来。 Jack Posobiec: 对2024年美国总统大选的结果进行了详细的分析,特别关注了特朗普的胜利以及共和党在其他关键州的成功。他强调了特朗普在关键摇摆州中获得天主教徒和郊区女性选民支持的重要性,并分析了这些选民群体发生转变的原因,包括对民主党政府的不满以及特朗普政府在经济和社会问题上的承诺。Posobiec还讨论了宾夕法尼亚州参议员选举中,民主党候选人凯西败选后,以及州长沙皮罗的反应,并对选举结果的延迟公布表示质疑。 Roger Stone: 从政治策略家的角度,对特朗普的胜利进行了分析,并对未来四年美国政治走向进行了预测。他认为特朗普的胜利是美国人民对现任政府不满的体现,并预示着美国政治的重大重组。Stone强调了特朗普在竞选过程中面临的巨大压力和挑战,以及他最终取得胜利的意义。他认为特朗普需要谨慎地组建新的政府团队,提防那些表面上支持他,实际上却与他利益相悖的人。Stone还表达了对特朗普政府未来政策方向的期待,包括经济复苏、社会问题的解决以及对美国人民福祉的关注。 Kenny Cody: 从地方视角,对特朗普在阿巴拉契亚地区的受欢迎程度进行了分析。他强调了特朗普对受灾地区人民的关注和帮助,以及这如何影响了他在北卡罗来纳州的胜利。Cody认为,特朗普的胜利是美国人民对民主党政府不满以及对特朗普政府承诺的认可。他认为特朗普的胜利巩固了共和党作为工人阶级政党的未来,并对特朗普在未来四年可能采取的政策方向进行了展望。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the Catholic vote swing so heavily in favor of Trump in the 2024 election?

The Catholic vote swung heavily in favor of Trump due to his public embrace of Christianity, including praying the rosary in public and praising Catholic figures. This contrasted sharply with Joe Biden's perceived faithlessness, leading to a historic landslide for Trump among Catholics.

How did Trump's campaign strategy target suburban voters effectively?

Trump's campaign targeted suburban voters with ads focusing on issues like transgenderism in sports and illegal alien issues, which resonated particularly well during the final weeks of the campaign. This strategy helped split the suburban vote and was a significant factor in his victory.

What role did the Maha movement play in Trump's 2024 victory?

The Maha movement, which included figures like Bobby Kennedy and Elon Musk, helped bring in a significant number of suburban swing voters. This movement, along with effective messaging, contributed to the massive suburban swing for Trump.

Why is Roger Stone optimistic about the future under a Trump administration?

Roger Stone is optimistic because he believes Trump's victory signifies a return to a golden age of peace, prosperity, and security for America. He sees this as a testament to Trump's resilience and the American people's dissatisfaction with the current administration's policies.

How did Trump's outreach to rural and disaster-affected areas impact his election?

Trump's outreach to rural and disaster-affected areas, such as his efforts during Hurricane Helene, demonstrated his commitment to the American people's needs. This genuine care and willingness to help, even before taking office, resonated with voters and solidified his support in these regions.

What does Roger Stone think about the potential political realignment in the U.S.?

Roger Stone believes the U.S. is on the cusp of a complete political realignment, similar to those brought about by Franklin Roosevelt and Richard Nixon. He sees Trump's coalition as a new alignment that could redefine American politics for decades to come.

Why does Roger Stone support Rick Scott for Senate majority leader?

Roger Stone supports Rick Scott because he believes Scott is a true outsider who has consistently supported Trump. He contrasts Scott with John Thune, whom he sees as a weak, Karl Rove-controlled candidate, and argues that Scott's track record as a governor and senator makes him the better choice.

What challenges does Trump face in balancing various forces within his administration?

Trump faces the challenge of balancing various forces, including those who supported him from the beginning and those who are now seeking positions of power. He must carefully choose allies based on their actual track records and commitment to his agenda, avoiding those who may seek to undermine his policies.

Trump's victory in the 2024 election was marked by significant wins in the Catholic vote and among suburban women, signaling a shift in voter demographics.
  • Catholic vote went for Trump in the biggest landslide for a Republican in history.
  • Trump won with white suburban women and white women outright by 52%.

Shownotes Transcript


Ladies and gentlemen, the wait is almost over. Bulletproof. The truth about the assassination attempts on Donald Trump is now available for pre-order. Go to Amazon right now and get your copy. Make sure it's secured so that when it releases on October 22nd,

You will have a copy that you'll be able to show everyone the truth about what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania and what happened down in West Palm Beach. You can also get a signed copy at Make sure to sign up today. This is what happens when the fourth turning meets fifth generation warfare. Oh, no. Thank you, sir. Thank you.

a commentator international social media sensation and former navy intelligence veteran this is human events with your host jack posobic christ is the fight and we will continue to wage this fight in the public square to fight fight to fight

When we fight, we win. While I concede this election, I do not concede the fight that fueled this campaign.

Yesterday, I also spoke with Vice President Harris. She ran an inspiring campaign and everyone got to see something that I learned early on to respect so much. She has a backbone like a ramrod. We are about to enter a political period that will have consequences for the rest of our lives. We cannot give up. We now find ourselves in times of fascism.

and authoritarianism. We are the only 248-year-old multiracial, pluralistic democracy in the world. And shall we keep it? A lot of our fellow Americans say we shouldn't. Time to fight for it. Donald Trump, you racist clown! Donald Trump, you racist clown! Donald Trump, you fascist clown! What's that? The $7. What's that?

Butter is $7? Yeah. What? Is it framed in gold? If the Trump administration requests it, would the Massachusetts state police assist in mass deportations?

No, absolutely not. I'm told that his legal team is going to try to make sure that sentencing never happens. As we know, their usual strategy is always to just try to get things delayed. But here they're going to argue to the judge that the sentencing should never happen because now that Trump is president-elect,

They will say that he is entitled to the same constitutional protections as a sitting president and should be protected from state actors, and in this case, state prosecutors. No matter who you voted for, I think all Americans can agree it's going to be a rough Thanksgiving. Really, right?

Right now, challenger and Republican Dave McCormick is leading over Democrat incumbent Bob Casey by nearly 50,000 votes with 96% of the ballots recorded. Now, Casey has held the seat since 2007 and is seeking his fourth term. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard today's edition of Human Events Daily. Today is November 7th, 2024. Anno Domini, we won.

The work now begins. Not only do we win, we won resoundingly. And the data is still coming in. Catholic vote absolutely went for Trump in the biggest Catholic landslide across the Rust Belt states that's ever been seen for a Republican in American history. Next up, the suburbs. Trump won with white suburban women.

I'm going to say that again. Trump won with white suburban women and he won with white women outright 52%. It worked. America chose daddy over diddy.

No more wars. The deportations will begin on day one. And by the way, any sanctuary city that refuses to comply will immediately, immediately lose all federal funding. It's gone. You will not get a single cent of federal funding if you do not comply with the federal government and federal law. It's as simple as that. It's as simple as that. We're going to fix the economy.

We're going to end wokeness. We're going to do everything. We are literally going to make America great again. And it's as simple as that, folks. It's as simple as that. But let me tell you something about my great state of Pennsylvania, where there's a guy by the name of Bobby Casey who has lost the Senate race. He's lost. There's no mathematical path forward for him in this Senate race. And yet Josh Shapiro's

Silence is deafening. Josh, we all know you want to run for 2028. And my sources in Harrisburg were telling me that Josh Shapiro and his team were clinking glasses when they saw that Kamala Harris was going to lose. Why? Because he wants to run for an open seat in 2028. So mark my words, Josh Shapiro 2028 has already begun. So Josh, let me ask you something. Why is it that you

participating in election denialism. Go tell your boy Bobby Casey that he lost. Go tell him to concede. Go tell him that we don't want a recount in Pennsylvania. Go tell him that he needs to stand up for democracy. That he needs to respect the will of the people of Pennsylvania that have voted him out.

out of office. This do-nothing senator who has sat there sucking off of the taxpayer teat for 18 years. And it's done. It's done, Bobby. And Josh, the fact that you can't muster up the strength in your little 5'3 body...

to actually get him to do something, just show something, Josh. You got no stroke. You've got no stroke whatsoever, even with your own people. Human Events Daily continues. Roger Stone joins us next. You talk about influencers. These are influencers, and they're friends of mine. Jack Posolik. Where's Jack? Jack, he's done a great job.

All right, Jack.

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Ladies and gentlemen, the work begins. Resounding victory, but the work begins. There's a lot of wood to chop and a lot of road to hoe. Transition has already begun. The jockeying for position has already begun. And the knives are out, as they were. So I wanted to bring on someone who is a veteran of multiple administrations, a veteran of multiple campaigns,

and someone who knows this world better than I think probably anyone on the Republican side of the aisle. Ladies and gentlemen, legendary political strategist Roger Stone joins us now here on Human Events Daily. Roger, how are you feeling today?

I think America is about to enter a golden age, a golden age of peace and prosperity, a golden age of security for our people. This is a great, great day for America. It's also a testimony to the personal resilience and the strength and the stamina and the courage of one Donald J. Trump. Imagine the pressure of knowing that in one day,

you will know whether you're going to literally be stripped of everything you own and die in prison and be completely and totally discredited and destroyed, or that you may have an opportunity to go down in history as one of the giants of this country. I can't even imagine what that level of stress would be like.

So I think the American people chose wisely. They chose in a very strong voice that they're dissatisfied with the policies of the current administration and where it has brought us, that they remember well the peace and prosperity that Trump brought the country. They want to return it, but now they even want to expand it. So it is a great day. It is everything.

that we prayed for. It is everything we said the rosary for. It is everything that we had hoped for. I must say, I'm astounded by the strength and the breadth of this victory. It is just a great day for America.

Oh, Roger, and you mentioned the rosary there because some of the exit polling that I'm now looking at in particularly the seven battleground states are showing that not only did President Trump win in a landslide, but...

There was a landslide in the Catholic vote, the largest vote share for, I believe, any Republican candidate in history among Catholics. And of course, we know that Catholics are well situated in 25% of the Pennsylvania electorate, huge chunks in Michigan, huge chunks in Wisconsin as well. You and I down there at Mar-a-Lago praying the public rosary, the first time the rosary has been prayed in public,

Down at Mar-a-Lago, the public embrace of Christianity by President Trump, posting the St. Michael prayer, praising Mary on her nativity, on her feast day. Then also, again, with All Saints Day. Roger, it really is a testament to a lot of work from a lot of various people. And to show that the Catholic vote had that huge swing, it really has to speak to the efforts of yourself and so many people on that front.

Particularly in view of the fact that Joe Biden, you know, of course, claims to be a Catholic, although seemingly a faithless one. This is a shift.

that began in the 50s, picked up speed in the 60s as Catholics were traditionally Democrats. They initially voted for Richard Nixon, then they voted in record numbers, but still not a majority for Ronald Reagan. We were interrupted by Watergate, which we now know was up there with the Russian collusion hoax as a fraud upon the American people, a coup d'etat, although a bloodless one.

And they went in record numbers for Donald Trump in 2016, but still mostly, not overwhelmingly, but still a majority Democrat. But then they came through in this election. So this was the answer to our prayers, that our fellow Catholics' eyes be opened, that they see the stakes and see who would stand up first and foremost for life, who would stand up for life, who

Who would stand up against this crazy concept of transgenderism as being high on your political agenda and using the law to enforce it? You know, the other night at Mar-a-Lago, Jack, I was speaking to a guy who's in the pharmaceutical business. He's not a big pharma guy. He's just a producer of some, you know, longtime standard drugs. And he said that,

There's a huge shortage in the country of injectable testosterone. And it's one of the drugs that his company sells and has, of course, been on the market for many, many, many years. And I said, well, why is that? And he said, well, the states are buying it to stockpile it. I said, but for what purpose? And they said, well, to inject eight-year-old girls, to prepare them to be transitioned.

I can't even. And he said, you can imagine the states, California, New York and so on. I mean, this is a this is a repugnant idea that government would do these things. But I think we're going to stop all this through the grace of God. We're going to get back on his path on the path to greatness.

I think it's exactly right. And Roger, someone else that I think deserves a lot of credit for leading this campaign through so many headwinds is Susie Wiles, someone who just really came to bat, someone who hasn't really taken much of the limelight herself, but really just kept her nose down, showed up to work every day, did everything she needed to do. And you really have to say it that

I don't think there would have been a 2024 if there were no Susie Wiles.

I completely agree with that. Look, I have known Suzy Wiles for over 30 years. I met her when we were both working for Ronald Reagan. She is one of the most effective, low-key, quiet, efficient, thoughtful political operatives in American history. I put her up there with Mark Hanna, who elected William McKinley. He's the man who invented the handbell.

which seems pretty simple to us today, but in those days wasn't simple at all.

a master of mass-based advertising, consistent, you know, before we had television or radio or any electronic communications. She is a woman of enormous fortitude and patience. Donald Trump is not easy to work for. He's a wild animal. He's his own man. He does things his way. It's why we elected him, by the way.

Because he's not some cookie cutter, blow dried politician reading off the talking points written by some 28 year old. He's his own man. He's not managed. He's not handled. He's not packaged. He's not a

controlled, and she did an excellent job. She took a lot of slings and arrows, but the people mostly who hated her hated her because they ain't her, as they say. They aspired her job. I also must say that Chris LaCivita, the field general who took a lot of flack, but who I knew was the right man for the job, delivered, absolutely delivered.

I think they jointly deserve huge credit, but particularly Susie Wiles. I would hope, and I know nothing, but I would hope- Just one point on- Go ahead. Oh, sorry, go ahead. Go ahead. I would hope that the president can take her into the White House.

Agreed. And one point to lay down on Chris LaCivita that worked very well that I saw on the ground in Pennsylvania was the strategy of holding back dollars for advertising until the very last few weeks of the campaign. So rather than waste all of it up front, holding it back to understand which messages were the ones that were necessary to put Donald Trump into the White House. And it was those votes,

targeting in the suburbs on the trans issue, on the illegal alien issue, these ads they had up during the Philadelphia Eagles, Sports Talk Radio, and the game itself.

These really were, I think, the margin of victory was those suburban voters being able to split the suburban vote. It's looking as we're still calculating some of the numbers, crunching a bit of it, but it looks like the suburbs split 50-50. And you've got to give credit to the messaging and the operational game that went into those final weeks of the campaign. And that was Chris's plan all along. In addition to...

the fact that when you look on the kamala harris's side she and we'll talk about this in the next segment we've got a minute to the break she ended up her campaign in 20 million dollars in debt with these massive concerts that nobody went to where bob brady the democrat chairman of philadelphia said the concerts were just traffic and i was there with

with my brother. Quick break. We'll be right back around the horn. We've got Roger Stone, legendary political strategist. We're going over, crunching the numbers. Huge Catholic landslide for President Trump. Huge, you know, splitting the vote in the suburbs. Huge victory there and walking through what the next Trump administration will look like. 1776 at 1776 at It gets you all the access you need.

I'm always listening to Human Events with Jack Posobiec. All right, Jack Posobiec, we are back live here, Human Events Daily. We are talking through...

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Join me, switch to America's only Christian conservative mobile provider, Patriot Mobile. Go to slash poso or call 972-PATRIOT for your free month of service today. Roger, so we're talking about the fact that President Trump was able to split the suburban vote. This is something that I actually identified early on during Election Day.

We saw that Philadelphia was down. We saw that the rules were up and that the suburban vote was also up. And I heard a lot of people telling me, and this is in Pennsylvania, but they were extrapolating it out. They were saying, wait a minute, the suburbs aren't good for us. That's the abortion vote. And I said, hold on a second, that that suburban vote is going to be affected by a number of things. And I talked about Chris Lasavita and the ads that were run on the transgenderism, transgenderism in sports, trans surgeries for illegal aliens, and

That's number one. Then number two, you cannot discount the power of the Maha movement. This is Bobby Kennedy. These are Democrats for Trump, Democrat turned Republican in the case of Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk getting on board. So many of the people involved in this movement, I guarantee you, led to this massive suburban swing for Trump. And that led

of course, shows the I believe that they have earned their place in a President Trump administration. And of course, that is what President Trump has promised all along. So the question, Roger, is now the job of President Trump. Now the the task before him is how does he balance out all of these forces while building his cap?

Well, Jack, I've said this before. I've said it on your show. I think we're on the cusp of a complete and total realignment in this country, a political realignment like the one Franklin Roosevelt wrought in 1932. Prior to that, African-Americans voted overwhelmingly Republican because of the Civil War. But because of the depression and the economy, Roosevelt changed that.

Permanently, it appeared until recently, when now Republicans are gaining back those voters under the leadership of Donald J. Trump.

Or like the realignment we had in 1968, in which blue collar Catholics in the Midwest and the industrial Northeast began voting for Richard Nixon and more conservative policies. And Southern white voters who had previously been Democrats, voted for JFK, began voting Republican.

That coalition didn't really fully manifest itself until 1980 with the election of Ronald Reagan. Ultimately, it's the coalition that is reassembled by Donald Trump for his narrow win in 2016 and now reassembled

bigger than ever in this past week's election. So they can have Dick Cheney. They can have the McCains. They can have little Adam Kissinger. Kissinger, I've had enough to hear with that guy. They can have them. What's that feel about Josh Shapiro? Well, I don't know how tall he is, but they can have him as well. 5'3". 5'3". Really? Well, interesting. Stand up, Josh Shapiro. Oh, pardon me. You are standing up.

So the point here is that he has this new coalition, but now he has to deliver for it. And I agree we do need to make America great again, but we also need to make America healthy again. And I have no doubt whatsoever that President Trump is going to

keep his commitments to Bobby Kennedy to make sure that we review the process by which drugs are legalized in this country. We're going to take a hard look at how they're poisoning us through our food, through the processing of our food. This is, I think we have a golden age

in the area of making the country healthy again, and also tackling the problem of chronic childhood disease, which is out of control. So I'm very optimistic about this new coalition.

And one thing that you and I both know, Jack, is that when an outsider, whether it's Jimmy Carter or whether it is Ronald Reagan or whether it's Donald Trump, when he beats the establishment, by the way, all three of those candidates beat the establishment, they then seek to swallow you up. And they can't beat you and they can't destroy you. They then try to co-opt you. So Brzezinski was essentially forced on Carter.

Carter, you know, turned his administration over to the Democrat establishment globalists and they destroyed him and the country. This was also true to a certain extent under Reagan. His greatest single mistake was making George Bush the vice president. That gave us the Iran-Contra scandal, in all honesty.

We saw it in Trump's first term when we had people like General John Kelly and H.R. McMaster, Mike Pompeo, who, as the CIA director, put forward the idea of assassinating Julian Assange, assassinating him. This is not a conspiracy theory. It's a fact.

Roger, Mike Pompeo as well, and I've posted the clip up on my ex-account, and it's going viral at the moment. This is an individual who not only did he work against President Trump's interest vis-a-vis Assange, but he also went on Fox News in 2023, just last year, talking about supporting Jack Smith's appointment.

the completely illegal investigation into Mar-a-Lago, which included the Mar-a-Lago raid, by the way, and talking about how President Trump was putting American soldiers at risk by maintaining documents which were, by the way, his

his own personal documents that he owned and controlled completely legally as a former president of the United States. So no, Mike Pompeo, Donald Trump was not the one who was putting soldiers at risk. It is warmongers who put soldiers at risk when they send them off into wars of adventure around the world.

Well, Jack, I would hope you would send me that clip immediately after the show. I would like to have that. But this is, of course, par for the course. So right now, I'm sure that President Trump is being besieged by the job seekers, the job seekers who were never for him, the job seekers who didn't support him, the job seekers who wrote him off.

when he was facing this tsunami of lawfare against him. They're always the first ones in line seeking this job or that job or this appointment or that ambassadorship. But I think today,

You have a different Donald Trump than you had in 2016. I think he is, because of the Russian collusion hoax, because of the two phony impeachments, because of the theft of the 2020 election, because of the relentless attack of lawfare against him in the federal and state courts, he's wise to them now. Therefore, I think he's going to choose very carefully and very wisely

based on people's actual track records. What have they done? What have they said?

Where do they stand on the important issues that define whether you're part of the globalist elite and the warmongers who seek to profit on war or whether you are a common sense American committed to peace and prosperity? So, you know, that's going on right now. It's well, well, Roger, I do want to say, though, that in this new world, we do have to make allies.

And that's why I believe that Nikki Haley should have a role in the administration, because I believe Antarctica needs an ambassador. Well, she would fit right in. Look, Nikki Haley is so dumb. When she was appointed UN ambassador, they had to get a globe and show her where Israel was. She didn't know where it was. And the sad truth is that...

Donald Trump probably appointed her to the U.N. because it had cabinet rank. It was the only job she was willing to leave the governorship of South Carolina for, which allowed her lieutenant governor, Henry McMaster, who's one of the best governors in the country. Henry McMaster's fantastic.

He's a great man. I've known him since the Reagan days. He's one of the greatest governors in the country, certainly one of the greatest governors in the history of South Carolina, strongly supported Donald Trump in 2016, strongly supported him in 2024 over his fellow South Carolinian, Nikki Haley.

But I really think that the president appointed her to the nothingness job at the U.N. where no policy is made in order to allow Henry to become governor when, of course, he was handily reelected. So, again, there were people in the closing days of this campaign who are going, oh, you must have Nikki Haley out on this stump for you. Why? She didn't get any votes. The votes that she did get were Democrats. Well, Nikki Haley...

herself goes on Fox News just a few days before the election and is trashing President Trump. And we've got that clip up as well saying, how dare he not have me on the campaign trail? How dare he not have me on the stump? And why would anyone who is a Republican, even if you are someone who wasn't a full Trump supporter, why would you do something so damaging to our chances just days prior to the election? It's completely beyond me, Roger.

Yeah, I don't expect to see her being appointed to anything. And she had many people lobbying for her at the end of the campaign that she needed the limelight. She needed Trump, needed to campaign with her. That was never going to happen. Look, he was gracious enough to let her speak at the convention, but she didn't get any votes. Go back and look.

the states she did best in were states with open primaries where they could flood the Republican primaries. It was a fugazi, as they say. Roger, quick break. We'll be right back here. The legendary Roger Stone, ladies and gentlemen, Human Events Daily, 1776 at Do you have any questions for Roger? Jack, where's Jack? Where is he? Jack, I want to see you.

Great job, Jack. Thank you. What a job you do. You know, we have an incredible thing. We're always talking about the fake news and the bad, but we have guys, and these are the guys who should be getting policies. Jack Posobiec, back live, Human Events Daily, folks.

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Roger, I mentioned the vertically challenged governor of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, in our previous segment. And there is a situation that is unfolding here in the state of Pennsylvania, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, where Senator Bob Casey, the incumbent do nothing senator, he's an empty suit and everyone knows it, has effectively lost the campaign. There are no

conceivable or mathematical paths to his victory. And yet the AP refuses to concede the elect to to call the election. Bob Casey refuses to concede the election. And Josh Shapiro has put out a statement saying that while Donald Trump won the presidential race, there are still other races where votes are yet to be count. Roger, what is going on right now?

Well, Jack, I have not seen any of this, so I'm reacting to it now. Where are these alleged votes from, may I ask? So here's what's interesting. Here's what's interesting. This is not what...

So, in Arizona, Kerry Lake's vote is out in Maricopa County. So we're waiting to see where that comes in in Maricopa. Well, they are being... Maricopa County is being Maricopa County. It takes a long time to go and count all the votes. You know, those ballots, they come into the vote centers and it's hard to get them all. They go the old razzle-dazzle there, you know, with Stephen Richer. And then...

In Nevada, of course, it is Clark County, Las Vegas, in Detroit and Wayne County in Michigan. We have the issues there in Milwaukee. You have the issues in Wisconsin. But in Pennsylvania, the votes that are out are not the votes of Philadelphia. They are, in fact, votes of rural Cambria County, which is where Johnstown is located.

This is a 70-30 Trump County and it is a place where it is the place where there was a scanner issue on Election Day and so the ballots were held open the polls were held open for about two extra hours. So those votes that are going to come in are going to split at high margins for President Trump. The Philadelphia vote is pretty much already done however there is a question about some provisional ballots that have yet to come in many of which are military and overseas. So that

So that's the state of play right now. Well, I was trying to look it up on my phone as you discussed it. Look, as we know, the Democrat machine in Philadelphia has developed voter fraud to an art form. That's what they do. Yet it's very clear to me that they are manipulating. I think they're manipulating in Arizona as well. Seem to have been trying to do that in Nevada. I think that it is highly unlikely

that our candidate David McCormick lost in Pennsylvania. I think he won. I think that they're now furtively trying to find some way to steal it from him. This was also, I think, is most probably the case in Arizona. I also saw that Jackie Rosen was just declared a winner in Nevada. Now, I

always thought, now the election is over, I can say, so he thought that Sam Brown was inherently weak candidate, but Trump's margin there and Trump's breaking

the old Harry Reid machine through his proposal to do away with the tax on tips, which destroyed the Democrats among members of the culinary union. Those are the hotel and casino workers union that used to be the backbone of Senator Harry Reid's Democrat machine. They delivered victory for Trump.

by a surprisingly comfortable margin. And they should have mostly been brown voters as well. So remains to be seen. But look, Josh Shapiro knows that Barack Obama cheated him out of the vice presidency. I don't think, by the way, that in the end,

Even if Kamala Harris had chosen Josh Shapiro, I think he probably would have lost Pennsylvania anyway. You've raised, Jack, some serious questions about Josh Shapiro's handling of a murder case in which he had a personal relationship with some of those involved. I think that needs to be explored extensively. The people of Pennsylvania need to know what happened in that case.

But perhaps this is his last attempt to exercise power before he launches his presidential campaign.

Oh, Roger, I think that's right. And by the way, the family of Ellen Greenberg has never once faltered in their defense of their daughter, saying that she did not commit suicide, that in fact Ellen Greenberg was murdered. But for some reason, Josh Shapiro doesn't seem very interested in doing anything about that. And Larry Klayman, who is now, or excuse me, Larry Krasner, who is the...

Soros DA of Philadelphia refuses to open the case and actually has a conflict of interest there. It's very interesting. Roger, we got a question in from one of our listeners as we're watching this. They said, do you have an opinion on the Senate race, the Senate majority leader race that appears to be shaping up the replacement for Mitch McConnell?

Yes, I do. I'm strongly supporting my own Senator Rick Scott, because Rick Scott was for Donald Trump. John Thune is a Karl Rove controlled marionette who will be even weaker as a leader than Mitch McConnell. And therefore, I'm strongly

strongly for Rick Scott. He was a very good governor. I didn't know at the time he was governor that he was as great a governor as he was, particularly when you compare him to our current governor, Ron DeSantis. He's been an excellent U.S. senator who's fought for the people of Florida and fought for the America First agenda. So I'm hopeful. First of all, I'm supporting Rick Scott and I hope he prevails. This is very much an inside game. And see, Rick Scott's not an insider. He's

like Donald Trump, he's an outsider. I would imagine that the odds are against him. But who else had the courage to challenge Mitch McConnell last time? No one, no one other than Rick Scott. Now, he was unsuccessful, but he did the right thing in that fight. So yes, you can put me down solidly for Rick Scott, a great governor and a very good U.S. senator.

Fantastic. Now, Roger, one thing I've got to ask you as we close out here the last two minutes with you, some serious questions still are on the table about the events of July 13th in

in Butler, Pennsylvania. Now, we've got the book on this, Bulletproof. This really, I think, will serve as a roadmap into learning more about what went on with the Butler situation, as well, by the way, as Ryan Wesley Routh, who will be going on trial on November 14th, just next week,

right there in southern Florida in that district. So Roger, tons of questions on this situation. Do you believe that President Trump will be able to get access to this information?

Well, as the chief executive officer, the Justice Department falls under his authority, perhaps he should consider a special prosecutor or an independent prosecutor, or he should ask a specific U.S. attorney, which he has the authority to do, to conduct a thorough investigation. The president could also appoint a commission.

He had talked, by the way, about appointing a commission headed by Robert Kennedy to examine the assassination attempts on presidents, which I'm very strongly for. Not only could we

right the wrongs regarding the assassination of JFK, but the assassination of presidential candidate Robert Kennedy. We should examine the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, in which I am writing a book and I can already tell you American people haven't been told the truth, as well as the assassination attempts on Donald Trump. So I think a presidential commission headed by our- - Roger, where can people go to get access to you and to those books?

Go to It's all there. Thanks, Jack. God bless you. Roger. Congratulations on a well-fought victory. Stay tuned, folks. Right back. 1776 at Jack is a great guy. He's a fantastic book. Everybody's talking about it. Go get it. And he's been my friend right from the beginning of this whole beautiful event. And we're going to turn it around. Thank you for touching me. Thank you. Amen.

All right, Jack Posobiec here, back live, Human Events Daily. We've got Kenny Cody on. He's a columnist at He's there in eastern Tennessee and had been really just involved with so many of the relief operations from the hurricane that swept through there and western North Carolina,

By the way, both states, of course, solidly going for President Trump. Kenny, you know, incredible, by the way, job this entire year. I understand you got to be at—sorry, you were down there with my brother at the victory party, at President Trump's victory speech at West Palm Beach. And—

Really, though, do you think that it was his efforts in highlighting the suffering of the American people and putting that first that really helped him in those areas?

Well, absolutely. As well, especially in Western North Carolina. I mean, we saw early reports of early voting saying that there was such an influx, people standing in line, staying through the weather, staying through their own conditions and their own destruction of their homes to be there in order to vote for Donald Trump. And I think that those relief efforts, him going there, him saying that the federal government bears some responsibility and saying, you know, in his victory speech, of course, we saw that he shouted out Elon Musk in 2016.

trying to talk to people, see what people need, and they needed Starlink. They needed internet service. They needed internet connection. And he reached out to Elon Musk personally and really reached his hand out to provide service and communication to the people of Western North Carolina. So I think just that hand out, like, let me help you. I'm not president right now, but...

I think I'm going to be. So let me make these connections right now and show you that I care about you. And this is going to be an example of what I'm going to do for you over the next four years and over the next few months during the transition. And I think that that care for Appalachia and that willingness to help those people that the government had really forgotten, but gotten about the mainstream media had forgotten about is one of the reasons why he dominated North Carolina. Not just close, not just close as he had it in 2016, the closest he had 2020, but really dominated the state.

And he stood out more than other leaders did and had margins of victory unlike any other Republican in North Carolina did. So I think that that relief effort that he was having as a private citizen submitted his victory in North Carolina.

Well, and this became a rallying cry, I think a national rallying cry, because as President Trump was discussing this, as J.D. Vance was raising the issue, as people could see the images flooding social media as, you know, pun not intended, but as their homes themselves were flooded, many of whom, by the way, are still going through this. And we can't forget about these people flooding.

We do need to keep promises there that our administration, our government currently was announcing new billion dollar giveaways to places in the Middle East, to places in Ukraine, whereas President Trump said, I'm going to put the American people and their needs first. And I think that became a sign to the nation and a sign to the people that this is a guy who has our back, so we should have his back.

Absolutely. I mean, I think that rural outreach effort that Trump has really promoted over the last 15 years, over the last 10 years, during his moves to the private system, before he ran for president, while he was a candidate in 2015, up until now, this rural connection that he has as an everyday man, even as a billionaire, even as a business mogul, even as a media mogul, he has always cared about these people.

And we saw really the efforts during Hurricane Helene where he went out of his way. He did not have to contact the richest man in the world, Elon Musk, in order to provide internet service to these people. But he did. And not really because he can win an election. You didn't see him out promoting and campaigning on that. I mean, you saw him mention it. But he's just like, look what I'm doing and look what they're not doing. He didn't say that once. He did because he cares.

He cares about rural Americans, cares about middle class Americans, cares about the poor class, cares about those who have been struggling with poverty, those who have been in these disaster areas that have lost literally everything. This is who he cares about. It is not their fault that their government and the mainstream media have left them behind. And that's always been Trump's best outlook. It's why he has submitted the most dominant electoral victory to me in terms of voter demographic in American history, because he cares.

because he is able to connect with these people in the middle class in a way no other president in American history has been able to, and for sure how no other Republican has been able to. So that outreach effort, that hand that he is sticking out, said, let me help you, and I'm going to help you out when I get these next four years as well, was a dominance for the Republican Party. It has cemented our future as the party of the working man, and it delivered Donald Trump the most dominant electoral victory to me in American history.

And it's incredible to see this realignment. Kenny, talk to me about how Appalachia was really the pivot point, the fulcrum of the realignment was Appalachia.

I mean, I think you just see people realizing how important these elections are. I mean, here in Cocke County, I took my grandmother, one set of grandmothers, my grandparents to vote, my grandfather and my grandmother who are 88 and 86 years old. I took them to the polls to vote. They wanted to go on an early vote.

My grandmother, my dad took my grandmother to vote. Every member of my family voted. All of my friends voted. Those who had not voted in 2016 or 2020 or in midterm elections in 2018 and 2022 all went to the polls to go and vote because they knew how important this election was. Because if Harris and Biden got elected, if Harris got elected, okay, in 2025, Harris and Wallace got elected,

They were going to forget about us in a way we have never been forgotten about before and that was reflective upon Hurricane Helene. We saw how Biden has treated us the last four years. We've been forgotten people. We have been a forgotten class of people. And we knew how important this election was. We had higher turnout in East Tennessee and higher turnout in Tennessee overall than in any other time about in American history. Like in Haywood County out here in Tennessee,

They have voted for Democrats the last two elections by 10 points, and I think it'll have 14 points each in 2020 and 2016. And Trump came within a point of beating Harris in that county just this year. And that's one of the first times in...

the last 25 to 30 to 40 years in Haywood County that any Republican even came close. And Donald Trump came within a point of Benning Harris in a Democratic-dominant county here in Tennessee. That shows that Tennessee was very much tired of Democratic politics. They were tired of cultural Marxism. They were tired of Democrats leaving the middle class and the lower class in Tennessee behind and in North Carolina behind. And I think that you're able to see now

that we are behind this president because he has shown us a hand, he has put a spotlight on the importance of prioritizing Tennessee and prioritizing areas like Appalachia.

Kenny, congratulations, man. You really just stepped up in this election. You stepped up with your writing. You've become a voice and really a figure for the people of your area. So congratulations to you, man. I tip my cap. Kenny Cody, go follow him and read all of his articles. By the way, President Trump has been sharing almost all of Kenny's articles as well. We did it, folks. But we have a lot of work to do and a lot of work ahead of us. Ladies and gentlemen, as always, you have my permission. Later, short.