cover of episode Trump vs. The Regime: The Warmongers Make Their Move

Trump vs. The Regime: The Warmongers Make Their Move

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Human Events Daily with Jack Posobiec

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Jack Posobiec
Jack Posobiec: 本期节目主要讨论了特朗普再次当选总统后的政治局势,包括选举舞弊指控、参议院席位争夺战以及社会各界的反应。Posobiec 详细分析了Mark Elias试图推翻选举结果的举动,以及宾夕法尼亚州州长Josh Shapiro的干预行为。他还评论了传统媒体影响力的下降和新兴媒体平台的崛起。此外,Posobiec 还讨论了社会上不同群体的反应,包括千禧一代和Z世代对特朗普的支持,以及4B运动的兴起。 Mike Benz: Benz 从参议院在政府中的作用出发,分析了民主党和共和党内“永不川普”派别试图阻止特朗普政策的举动,以及Mark Elias在其中的角色。他指出参议院对总统任命、弹劾程序和条约批准的权力,以及这些权力如何被用来阻挠特朗普政府。他还讨论了蓬佩奥等人物的立场以及他们对未来政府的影响。Benz 还分析了民主党内部的分歧以及他们对特朗普胜利的反应。 Evita Duffy: Duffy 主要分析了千禧一代和Z世代对特朗普的支持,以及4B运动的兴起。她指出,年轻男性对特朗普的支持率很高,这与媒体格局的变化以及对现状的抵制有关。Duffy 还分析了4B运动与中国文化大革命的相似之处,以及它对社会的影响。此外,Duffy 还讨论了天主教徒对特朗普的大力支持,以及卡玛拉·哈里斯的反天主教立场。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did President Trump receive the largest share of the Catholic vote for any Republican candidate in American history?

Trump's fight against communism and his respect for Catholic traditions, including hosting public Rosary services, resonated with Catholic voters. Additionally, Kamala Harris's anti-Catholic stance, such as her opposition to a federal judge due to his Knights of Columbus membership, alienated many Catholics.

What role did the Senate play in thwarting the Trump administration during his first term?

The Senate controlled high-level political appointees, conducted impeachment hearings, and could filibuster, effectively checking the executive branch. Democrats captured the Senate in 2018, enabling the 2019 impeachment hearings and delaying approval for Trump's loyalists.

Why is Mark Elias, a top Democrat strategist, fighting so hard for a Senate seat in Pennsylvania?

The Senate is crucial for checking the executive branch, including approving political appointees and conducting impeachment hearings. A Democrat-controlled Senate could thwart Trump's agenda, making every Senate seat vital for the Democrats.

How did the media landscape influence the election results, particularly among younger voters?

Younger voters get their news primarily from podcasts and social media, bypassing legacy media. Trump's engagement with these platforms, including podcasting and TikTok, allowed him to connect directly with younger audiences, bypassing traditional media biases.

What is the significance of the 4B movement among Gen Z women?

The 4B movement, originating in South Korea, advocates for no sex, no marriage, no giving birth, and no dating men. It reflects a backlash against perceived gender inequality and is gaining traction among Gen Z women in the U.S. as a response to cultural and political shifts.

Why did Gen Z men shift significantly towards supporting Trump?

Gen Z men, who grew up during the Me Too movement and saw higher rates of suicide and lower college enrollment compared to women, felt beaten down by societal pressures. Trump's message resonated with their frustrations, offering a counter-narrative to the perceived demonization of men.

How did Trump's foreign policy stance, particularly his emphasis on peace, impact the election?

Trump's focus on peace deals and reducing America's role as the world's police contrasted sharply with the neocon and neoliberal agendas favoring global intervention. This shift appealed to voters tired of endless conflict and seeking a more isolationist, America-first approach.

What is the potential impact of Mike Pompeo's possible appointment as Defense Secretary on Trump's foreign policy?

Pompeo's history of advocating for a $500 billion fund for Ukraine's reconstruction and his pro-NATO stance could signal a continuation of interventionist policies. This might align with the 'blob' agenda, potentially undermining Trump's America-first foreign policy goals.

Mark Elias deploys lawyers to challenge Dave McCormick's victory in the Pennsylvania Senate race, focusing on rejected ballots due to lack of registration, ID, signatures, and dating.
  • Mark Elias sends teams of lawyers to Pennsylvania to subvert Dave McCormick's victory.
  • Challenges focus on ballots rejected due to lack of registration, ID, signatures, and dating.
  • President Trump supported McCormick, unseating Bob Casey.

Shownotes Transcript


Ladies and gentlemen, the wait is almost over. Bulletproof. The truth about the assassination attempts on Donald Trump is now available for pre-order. Go to Amazon right now and get your copy. Make sure it's secured so that when it releases on October 22nd,

You will have a copy that you'll be able to show everyone the truth about what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania and what happened down in West Palm Beach. You can also get a signed copy at Make sure to sign up today. This is what happens when the fourth turning meets fifth generation warfare. A commentator, international social media sensation, and

and former Navy intelligence veteran. This is Human Events with your host, Jack Posobiec. Christ is true. President-elect Trump named co-campaign chair Susie Wiles as his incoming White House chief of staff. She's going to be the first woman to ever hold that job. Look at what he said in the past week. He literally said that he was going to exact vengeance. You still don't understand how you lost. He ran on immigration. Don't say me. I'm not a Democrat. He ran on immigration.

He ran on immigration. He ran on inflation. I'm not here paying attention to any of the things he ran on in addition to the events. He ran on the issues that people care about. As a journalist, I hear you about girding ourselves for this moment.

As a human, I deleted Twitter today as an act of self-preservation. Leaders of some of America's allies, including France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and Japan, have all sent fairly standard messages of congratulations to President-elect Trump. But here in Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is notably enthusiastic.

calling Trump's victory history's greatest comeback. I would like to take this opportunity to offer my congratulations on his election as president of the United States. If he does what he has been promising, you know, before the inauguration, if he makes a phone call, if he says, Vladimir, let's meet, I don't think it would be beneath me to call him myself. So you're willing to talk to Trump.


withdrawal of IDF troops and for people to be able to return to their communities. I think all of us have to come to grips with legacy media is just not as important as it thinks it is. And so if you just look empirically at the numbers, Joe Rogan's more important than any of us. He clearly wants Trump to win. He hates her. Yeah.

Well, Jack Posobiec posted on Twitter that there was a physical altercation between Jill Biden and someone from Kamala's staff. Associated Press has called McCormick the winner in the Senate race here in Pennsylvania. Incumbent Bob Casey is not conceding yet. He says he wants to wait for more ballots to be counted.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard today's edition of Human Events Daily. Today is November 8th, 2024. Anno Domini. Mark Elias! Oh, Marky, Marky, Marky. Well, Mark Elias is getting down into my state of Pennsylvania. And I got a report that is going absolutely viral right now. Exclusive reporting for Human Events that Mark Elias

has deployed teams of lawyers throughout Pennsylvania. What are they doing? They're trying to subvert Dave McCormick's victory. President Trump pushed Dave McCormick and the Republican Party across the finish line in that race, unseating Bob Casey.

Now, what Elias is doing after the ballots have already been done, they are challenging ballots that were rejected due to lack of registration, lack of ID, lack of signatures, lack of dating. They're doing all of this, getting this from a Pennsylvania attorney. And we know about the election integrity lawsuits that were filed in the week prior to the election in Bucks County and then later in Cambria County where we got the ballots.

where we got the voting extended, which of course the media then lied about. So this is the situation. We want all legal votes counted. We want all certifiable votes counted. If someone isn't willing to sign a ballot, if someone isn't willing to put their name to something,

then how can we be sure that that person isn't someone who voted down the street at another precinct, who went somewhere else? No, no.

This needs to be taken care of, and it needs to be taken care of swiftly and quickly. And so we are working with folks on the ground. I'm in contact with Scott Presser, Cliff Maloney, The Chase. And with early vote action, we're going to see what needs to be done. Of course, election integrity lawyers are already on the case. 37,000 votes are what they would need to come up with. Quite frankly, they don't got the votes. You don't got the votes, Mark.

And Bobby, well, Bobby Casey, who's never done anything with his life, is going to have to get a real job. Maybe, I don't know, Bobby, maybe you can go work frying some French fries as a fry cook at the local McDonald's up in Scranton. Maybe they would have you there. You might have to put, I don't know, you might have to put a little bit of a hairnet over that unibrow, Bobby Casey. You might have to take care of it, so you've got to wash your hands and that unibrow, Bobby. Honestly, Bobby, just shave it off.

Just shave off the unibrow completely, Bobby. I would say for the hygienic needs of the people of Pennsylvania, if you actually believe in the hygienic needs of the people of Pennsylvania, Bobby Casey, you will shave off that unibrow before you get anywhere near.

Nat Frye counter at the back of McDonald's. Gotta love it, folks. And Mark Elias, well, he'll be your number one customer. I mean, look at that guy. He's never seen a sit-up in his life. Stay tuned. Human Events Daily, right back. We've got all the latest breaking news, 1776 at They talk about influencers. These are influencers. And they're friends of mine. Jack Posobiec. Where's Jack? Jack? He's done a great job.

All right, Jack Posobiec back live here. Human Events Daily. Folks, the most important gift you can grab for your loved ones this Christmas is the iTarget Pro laser training system at Look, I love the iTarget Pro system. You guys are going to love this too. We mess around with it. We, you know, we train on it. We're not messing around, but we get down there and it's me.

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So look at this. There was a post that came up. We're talking about Pennsylvania still here and the United States Senate. There was a post from the PA Department of Senate. And Josh Shapiro, who we all know wants to run for 2028, has his grubby little mitts all over this thing. Because what's Josh Shapiro up to? Well, he went over to his buddy Al Schmidt at the Pennsylvania Department of State, and he got them to put out a tweet. A tweet that the Pennsylvania Department of State has never done before in any race in its history.

Throughout the day, the department has communicated with counties to continue to conduct a secure election where every eligible vote is counted. Listen to this. We estimate that there are at least 100,000 ballots remaining to be adjudicated, including provisional military overseas and election day votes. They've never posted something like that. And then they say at least 100,000. What do you mean at least 100,000? That's a political statement. At least 100,000. Tell me exactly how many. Deal in specificity. Deal in concrete numbers. That's what...

a government agency is supposed to do. But a political statement is to say, oh, and we know what he's doing this. He's saying a specific number that includes potential to overcome the margin of the loss of Casey. That's why they posted this. So he's running political comms for Casey. This is what Shapiro is doing. Shapiro is running political comms for Casey by putting this tweet out. We mentioned it on the live stream last night with Charlie Kirk.

So, Mark Elias, who's completely, again, yes, by the way, Mark Elias, election denier. Mark Elias, insurrectionist. Mark Elias, against democracy. Democracy has been decided. The people have chosen. And yet, Mark Elias has decided that he doesn't think that the people should have their say. So, to help us understand and zoom out a little bit on why the Senate is so important, that Mark Elias, who really is the top attack dog of the Democrat Party,

apparatus and the regime apparatus, we bring in Mike Benz, another son of the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Great to see you, Jack. So Benz, why are they so incensed about this Senate seat that Mark Elias himself has been deployed here? Walk me through what his role is and then the role of the Senate.

Well, the Senate is really critical. While the lower chamber, the House of Representatives, has control over the purse strings, it is the Senate which is effectively the key check on the executive branch.

For example, all political appointees have to be, at a high level have to be approved by the Senate. The Senate approval process for members of the cabinet. It is the Senate who conducts the impeachment hearings. It is the Senate which is capable of the filibuster.

And also senators serve six year terms. And so they are effectively, once you have them in, you have them in for a much longer period of time. And so all of these things proved critical for the Democrats to be able to thwart the Trump administration during his first term. When the Senate was captured by the Democrats in 2018, this is what allowed the 2019 impeachment hearings.

This is what was one of the big checks on the ability to get to get approval for certain so-called Trump loyalists. So right now we are witnessing and we have been witnessing for several months this. By the way, right off the top of the bat, the easiest one to say is Rick Grinnell. I think Rick Grinnell had to wait 18 months. Jeffrey Clark had to wait something like 27 months, just an insane amount of time. These are appointees.

who are fully vetted by the president that he wanted in his administration. And it was Rick Grinnell for an ambassadorship, and it was Jeffrey Clark for assistance at DOJ. So again, these people fully credentialed, had all of the accreditation, had gone to all the right schools, done all the right things, had the resume, and yet they used the Senate to hold it up.

That's exactly right. And so I think part of what they're trying to do for Trump term 2.0 is to slow and run out the clock. I think at this point, the Trump train is such a juggernaut that it's very...

I think at this point they're already skating to how can we make this effectively a four year lame duck session. And then once the Trump era is over, we can deal with a regular mere mortal on the other side because there's nobody who has the command, the charisma, the mythology, frankly, of Donald Trump in modern American history. But if they can essentially control the Senate through a Democrat,

or failing that enough rhino Republicans to have an effective

an effective never Trump coalition be the 51 vote majority, then they can stop the ability, for example, for Trump to enact a foreign policy that is against the wishes of the blob. And you could very easily see that happening when you look at some of the senators that are on the Republican side who share that same interest with the Democrat side on foreign policy grounds, they could very easily hold up secretary of state, secretary of defense, intelligence community appointments,

by creating this coalition essentially between the Democrat Party and the never Trump wing of the Republican Party. So this is why every single Senator counts in that regard, because if there is a sort of loyalist majority in the Senate, then there's no brakes on the train.

Trump gets the judges. Trump gets the appointments. Trump gets to be unfettered in terms of BS impeachment hearings that get rammed down his throat. Trump gets the judges. Trump gets no filibuster potential from the Chuck Schumer contingent. So this is why Mark Elias is fighting so hard. They are effectively fighting for their political lives.

And this is a huge reflection point and inflection point in this entire movement because with a victory like this, one that has been so large that quite frankly, I think it took the regime by surprise. I think that there were some indications that they thought Trump would win, but not with this resounding mandate that he received from the American voters. And this

And this has caused them to pause. So you notice there was a very interesting line that Kamala Harris used in her concession speech where she said, "We are committed to a peaceful transfer of power."

Why would you ever say that in a concession speech? That should just be maybe something that your press secretary puts out. Why would you have the candidate themselves make a very odd statement like that, which had nothing to do with her race? Well, clearly her campaign, clearly what...

to me it seems like is she was signaling a message to the militant wing of the left and saying to the Antifa networks, to the BLM networks, the Free Palestine networks that, guys, hold on, not yet. We are going to wait for...

for a certain moment, particularly, I think it will be a policy moment, and I've had some discussions about this, where I think what they're waiting for is the most likely one to me would be deportations. That when the deportations start, that's when we pull the trigger, but also a message to say, we are going to stand down for now because we have to figure out how to subvert

to nullify and as well as infiltrate this new movement. Because look, we won the election, but that doesn't exactly mean the regime is gone, does it? Oh, absolutely. And I think you're totally spot on. I think part of their inability to actually galvanize a kind of 2020 style street movement in this case has been the splinters that have developed within the Democrat Party.

For example, Joe Biden was beaming like a kid in a candy shop or like a president in an ice cream parlor during his concession speech. I've never seen a president so happy the other side won while making the concession.

I think it sort of validates what people suspected Joe Biden was thinking when he put on the Trump cap several months ago. We've heard many reports, I believe you yourself have even broken some of these, of the splinters within the Biden and Harris wings of the Democrat Party. Then you had the fact that

The Biden-Harris regime was simply not good to their friends. There's that saying, for my friends, everything, for my enemies, the law. But the fact is, is

They actually isolated many of their friends. They actually locked up many of the BLM leaders and hit them with FBI investigations as soon as they proved to be no longer useful after 2020. The unions, which are actually the key linchpin of street paramilitary rental riots,

We know, for example, in 2020, it was David Pondhorzer and the AFL-CIO who had these shutdown DC protests ready to go. If Trump were to have won the electoral college, we know that the AFL, that same AFL-CIO, the largest union in this country, frequently works with the Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. State Department

in order to help conduct rent-a-riots abroad. That's why they were nicknamed the AFL-CIA instead of the AFL-CIO in the 1960s and 70s. There was also an entire branch of the CIA cut out National Endowment for Democracy called the Solidarity Center, specifically for galvanizing the street protests through the use of unions. But then we came and saw that the Teamsters, one of the largest unions, not as big as the AFL-CIO, but...

They voted 63, 37. Quick break, Benz. We've got our clock hitting us up right now. I want to get into all of this and talk about the fact that the unions did not play a huge role in Pennsylvania. Huge information. Understand how power in this country really works. 1776 at Long hours. I'm always listening to Human Events with Jack Posobiec.

All right, Jack, we're still back live, Human Events Daily. Folks, Donald J. Trump is the president-elect again. And to make America great again, there's a ton of work to be done. And the way I start my day is with a hot America First cup of Blackout Coffee. This coffee is 100% Americana. Blackout Coffee is 100% committed to conservative values, from sourcing the beans to the roasting process, customer support and shipping. They embody true American values and accept no compromise on taste or...

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We're speaking with Mike Benz from the Foundation for Freedom Online. And Benz, what this really is about is this is the counterweight to President Trump's talk of speech and all the activity that we've seen around peace, around these world peace deals that suddenly are flooding in from all over the place. And I see a lot of people are tweeting about it and saying, oh, this is great. You know, we're going to have peace now. It's awesome. The wars are ending. But it's like, guys, hold on a second, because this is

there's still a lot of people making a lot of money off of war, off of conflict. There's no money in peace. And so, yeah, we see those phone calls being made, and we see all of the things that are happening, but at the same time, understand that the players who want war are all still there. One of them, by the way, Mike Pompeo, is trying to get into the new administration.

A guy who was just a few months ago speaking at an event that was underwritten by Victor Pinchuk, a Ukrainian oligarch, who was the number one donor to the Clinton Foundation, and a guy who was on the board of the Ukrainian...

KievNet telecom service. And so all of these elements are still there. So you've got the outside elements, you've got the subversion elements, and then you also have the infiltration elements. Mike Benz, that's what the stakes are.

That's right. And going back to our conversation in the previous segment about the Senate, this is another one of the key things that the Senate does as opposed to the House, which is treaty ratification. So you're talking about peace treaties and potentially a renegotiation of America's place in the world order in order to pursue an America first agenda. Well, it is the Senate who ratifies the treaties of the president in order to be a check against

the president's foreign policy posture on the world stage. So every senator counts in that regard. But then, you know, on the Mike Pompeo issue, it's also worth noting that Pompeo also published an op-ed recently calling for a $500 billion fund for the reconstruction of Ukraine. Now, $500 billion is

is you add that to the approximately $300 billion that we've already spent on Ukraine, this will take us up to almost a trillion. And I'm not sure exactly what President Trump has in mind with respect to the role of Pompeo, who I think in some regards has done some things that are for the president, but in some regards have done things that are

could be seen as a betrayal or could be seen as, certainly if the reporting about the Julian Assange story is true, that is a pretty devastating indictment. From my understanding is the sources on that were anonymous in terms of when that story initially broke, but obviously, yeah,

if that is indeed validated, that would signal something quite terrifying for the world of independent journalism. But this is a story, I've heard now President Trump float Pompeo's name three times in terms of his role as a potential defense secretary. And I don't know if that is because Trump sees Pompeo as a loyalist or if this is one of those

donor concessions, or if it is something that may actually be one of the reasons that the blob has conceded. If they have faith that Mike Pompeo will be the defense secretary,

It's a strong signal that Trump will continue the intensely pro-NATO, intensely pro-Ukraine diplomacy that has been carved out from Obama through Biden through the Harris campaign. Even if it's given a different framing, even if there is certain MAGA glitter put on the

on the raw face of a war machine, I could see Trump doing that. I mean, he did that with John Bolton. That appeared to have been a donor concession at the time, even though Trump had misgivings about Bolton beforehand. And this is not an uncommon thing. I could see him placing Pompeo. I could see him placing Nikki Haley, potentially not because he likes them or because he thinks they're the best for the job, but because

It's a concession to donors. It helps consolidate the legislative branch of the GOP in his favor. It sort of puts a favor in the permanent Washington favor bank so that he can log roll that to achieve other agenda items. So it's sort of hard to pierce through the 4D chess thinking of the Trump mind.

And he's mentioned before about how he wanted Bolton around and used Bolton as a sort of bargaining chip for some negotiations. And so I don't discount that at all. But at the same time, when I want to look back on all of this, and rather than just singling out

Pompeo, what we need to understand is that these warmonger neocon forces are one. Ben, you were the guy who walked us through. We did the entire special. I guess we'll have to play it again. The Yankees and the Cowboys. And so the Yankees and the Cowboys are still there. And one aspect of them was defeated. But another aspect will be to attempt to infiltrate the new administration.

Absolutely. And you can already see that starting to happen. You know, all of the language has shifted back into authoritarian, right? Jennifer Rubin, I think, tweeted this morning or yesterday, it's the year is 1933. We don't have time for navel gazing about why we lost. All that matters is autocracy is back. And yet this is the sort of language that we use to overthrow governments around the world. We bring democracy to dictatorships.

And we've been here before. This is not our first rodeo with having Republican control over the House, the Senate, and the executive branch.

This was 2016 to 2018. And Paul Ryan was made the speaker and the censorship industry was constructed during that period. The, the FBI tortured the Trump administration during that period. There were mass defections from the Republican party to, to pressure the executive branch to pursuing a blob agenda. The Trump transition team has to be intensely piercing in its own

vetting and in its concessions secured from all personnel, their commitments, their sworn commitments effectively to not rerun the 2016 to 2018 period. We have a fresh shot at this point to be able to make positive change in the government. The last time that Trump had this sort of mandate, it was effectively squandered because of inside betrayals by the GOP.

And you could very easily see that happening again if Trump 2.0 is not wiser than he was before. - Well, and here's the amazing thing is that this 2.0, the 47th administration, it's not just sort of Trump by himself anymore. Now he's got RFK Jr., he's got Tulsi Gabbard, who is clearly not cut from that cloth. And on top of all of that, he's got JD Vance.

And J.D. Vance has made his entire name, he's staked his entire political reputation on fighting back against the idea of America as a global empire and restoring the idea of America as a leading nation state among nations. We don't have to be the world's police. We can simply be the greatest country in the world

And this is something President Trump, I actually watched an old 1980 interview of Trump last night. It was about an hour long. I watched every minute. And that's what he talked about. He was 34 years old talking about how you don't need to take control of these places. You just need to demand respect. And if you are strong and you command that respect, then you can get what you need.

And that's a such better way of looking at foreign policy than the neocon neoliberal agenda. So the neocon agenda is go blow up anyone or go pick a fight with anyone who doesn't agree with you. The neoliberal agenda is to construct these massive global governance schemes.

infrastructures to basically be the, what do they call it, the liberal world order, the rules-based world order, which of course has led to the construction of parallel and counter structures like of course we see now with the rise of BRICS. And so rather than trying to compete in some arms race with these guys, what Trump I think is really doing is hearkening back towards an almost 19th century version of diplomacy.

Right. But I think this time we're going to have to really keep a very close eye on people within the Republican Party to look for early signs of betrayal. I think when Trump won in 2016, there was this sense that, you know, Mike Pence had been, you know, the Iceman, the Terminator during the campaign. I don't think it. And I think when there were early signs of his resistance to, you know, to the other side of the West Wing campaign,

I don't think people really appreciated the threat of Pence's differences with Trump until it was too late. I think you can say the same thing about certain members of the House and the Senate.

I think at this point with the media muscle that has been developed through social media and through many of these media alliances with Elon Musk setting the bird free, with Mark Zuckerberg appearing to skate back towards libertarianism, with high-level influencers like Joe Rogan, Dana White,

and countless others. I think there is an opportunity to expose early those who attempt to essentially sabotage this administration, but we cannot take our eyes off of that and have to be willing to call out friends for moments where when we see early

um, to support this presidency because last time I think there was just about, no, I, I, we, and we can talk about everything that happened last time. And, and you would know because you had a front row seat, Mike, we're just about out of time. Um, this is going to be the next fight. Uh, put it this way. Maybe I'll see you down there in Southern Florida next week. Where can people go to follow you? Beautiful. Find me on X at Mike Ben cyber.

All right, Mike Benz, go give him a follow right now. The Foundation for Freedom Online. We're going to take our next break. 1776 at Send us your questions, concerns. I'll be talking to Evita Duffy coming up next. Where's Jack? Where's Jack? Where is he? Jack, I want to see you.

Great job, Jack. Thank you. What a job you do. You know, we have an incredible thing. We're always talking about the fake news and the bad, but we have guys, and these are the guys who should be getting policies. All right, Jack Posobiec back here, live human events daily. By the way, I've just been informed that over on X,

The illustrious cat turd has hashtag no Pompeo currently the number two trend in the entire United States. So even as we're talking, all of this is going on. Folks, are you prepared for the unthinkable ahead? We all need to pray for the best but prepare for the worst. And that means stockpiling emergency food before it's too late.

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and driving that were a variety of age groups. Millennials shifted further red than ever before, and so did Gen Z. And to do so, I wanted to bring on our Gen Z whisperer, my favorite anti-communist, Evita Duffy, the host of the Bongino Report Early Edition. Evita, how are you? Good to be here.

Well, so you were telling us all year, all year that you were seeing massive shifts in Gen Z. And I was like, all right, you know, all right. I trust you. I believe you. And now we now there's no denying it anymore. It's right there. It's in the data. So there's two big pieces that I want to talk about. So Gen Z writ large and then break it down by gender. The the bro vote.

And then the Gen Z girls, because these TikTok videos are going around like crazy of just girls dancing in MAGA gear and, you know, doing like the TikTok dance trends. But in MAGA gear to Trump songs all over the place, Trump basically took over TikTok while nobody was looking. So Evita, break it all down for us.

It's like we have young people finally coming out of the shadows who have been afraid to say how they really feel for such a long time. And they had permission to do it after what happened, this election cycle. But what's really interesting is you're going to see a lot of numbers come out about the generations. And a lot of times they'll lump in Gen Z or the older, younger millennials and Gen Zers. You'll see an under 30 vote.

And that tends to go for Harris. What you want to look at is the 18 to 24 year old vote, because at least the exit polling in places like Wisconsin, especially in swing states,

you're seeing that Trump won that demographic. And large, by and large, young men drove that. Women were far more for Harris. There's a big gender gap. It's greatest among Gen Zers and millennials than any other generation. As you get a little older, they start to come together more.

So there's a lot of things at play here, but I think the biggest takeaway is that Trump has really captured young men. And I think the changing media landscape plays a whole role in this. Trump tapped into podcasting. This is where young people are getting their media from. The legacy media has virtualized

virtually no sway. If you're under 30 years old, no one even owns a television anymore or has cable TV. Everything's on your phone. Everything's podcasting and podcasting and the internet has freed up the information landscape and people are able to have conversations and push back against woke culture in a way that they never have before.

And that's a really big part of this. It is a pushback. It's a repudiation. It's a backlash. And this is something that I was just talking to one of my friends that I've known in politics for 20 years now. And we noted that every landslide is a backlash. Every landslide is a response to something that's going on where people all get together and they say, no more.

Just no more. No more of this. No more of you. No more of you telling us that everything is fine when we can see that it isn't. It's like the fall of the Soviet Union where people are just saying, we're done. We are totally done. It's like the Poles marching in the solidarity movement in the shipyards of Gdansk saying, we are done. You have no power. You have no clothes. We are out. We are

We're not doing this anymore. And we're just walking away. We're totally walking away. And it feels like that's what's going on. And so Trump has now kind of been they tried to brand him as, you know, Hitler and Nazi and fascist and all of these things. But what has come through with using the disintermediating power of X truth, social and podcasts is

he's shown that he's not the person that the media has tried to portray him as, that he's a normal guy who's actually, by the way, fun, has had one of the coolest lives of anyone who's ever walked the planet, and is just a generally really nice guy who wants to do something good for the country. And even if people don't always agree with the things that he says every time, I think it just caused his likability to soar.

but also showed that he had a sort of humanity that shone through on those podcasts. And then when she refused to do the podcasts, that sent the exact opposite message. So it's basically like, yeah, what party you want to go to? Everybody wants to go to MAGA party. Everybody wants to go to MAGA party. That's the hottest party in the world right now. And that's why you're seeing the reflection. And just talk to me a little bit about how it has totally taken over TikTok.

Oh, yeah, it has totally taken over TikTok. I will say that there's a lot of young women who are screaming and crying as well on TikTok and shaving their head and joining the 4B movement, which we can talk about if you want. But I also wanted to add that you have to put your...

So, Avita, are you planning to join the 4Bs? Are you going in with that? I know you're a huge fan of K-pop. I appreciate personal hygiene. I like keeping my hair. I am happily married. You have to explain the 4B because people don't always know all the latest trends. Okay.

So 4B actually originates in South Korea and it's this very anti-man movement. They're angry that they feel like there's a gender inequality. So they say, we're opting out. And these South Korean women have said, we're not gonna date. We're not gonna get married. We're not gonna have sex with men. We're just boycotting heterosexual relationships and we are just focusing on ourselves. And so now they're trying to do that here in response to Kamala Harris's law. So a 4B movement in America

The problem is some of them haven't gotten the memo that marriage is not on the table. So they're saying we're going to tell all of our boyfriends we're not going to have sex until marriage. That'll show them. And then all these right wingers have come out and said, that's base. That's awesome. Go for it. Wait to have sex until marriage. Trump is bringing back traditionalism and they don't even know that they're going for it. So very. So let me let me I've got it up here. The four no's.

of the 4B movement are no sex, no giving birth, no dating men, and no marriage with men. And, oh, okay, I understand. So I speak Mandarin, which is a little bit similar to Korean. So the B in Mandarin, the word boo is essentially the word no. So I guess in Korean, it's like B. So like,

So they're saying, you know, I could do it in Chinese, you know, for marriage. So yeah, same idea. Yeah, so do not get married. So

sorry, I don't speak Korean, but it's like, it's a little bit close to the Chinese. So I'm trying to like figure it out. But, but yeah, so the four booze and the four B movement. So this, this is now broken into the U S is as a, as a backlash. So, I mean, that's great. I love that they're taking themselves out of the gene pool. Well,

Well, it is actually in all seriousness, it is a problem that we have this massive non-meeting of the minds when it comes to young people, because actually we do want young people to get married and to find love and fulfillment. And, um,

So ultimately, it's a problem. I will say that the blame should not be on white women. That's another thing that we've learned from the results of this election is that white women voted pretty close to white men for Trump. The real problem was actually Hispanic women and black women. And there seems to be, I don't know, maybe some sort of internalized racism among the right where we blame white

white women for everything. And it turns out that based off of the numbers, that's actually not true. They weren't the problem. I'll also just say, Jack, if you look at young men and the way that they have lived and grown up, it makes perfect sense what happened with them. If you put yourself in the shoes of an 18-year-old man, when you were 11 years old, you had Me Too come around. And this idea that men are

are monsters. And then you go to college and you join the workforce and you see that women are getting opportunities and going into college at higher rates than men are. 80% of suicides in this country are from men, not women. And you just feel beaten down. And the only time that you can- Evita, we've got a quick break coming up. Please put a pin right there because this is, you are breaking down something really important. And unfortunately, the clock does not stop for us. 1776 at

Jack is a great guy. He's written a fantastic book. Everybody's talking about it. Go get it. And he's been my friend right from the beginning of this whole beautiful event. And we're going to turn it around and make our country great again. Amen.

All right, Jack, so we're back live, Human Events Daily. Evita Duffy is breaking down the 4B trend, which has been unleashed on TikTok as a response to many things, but has now been really exacerbated by President Trump. But Evita, I just wanted to say, so the fact that the 4B, which means the four no's in Korean,

comes from South Korea, that reminds me very, very much is extremely similar to something from the Chinese Cultural Revolution, which of course happened just next door to Korea, which was referred to as the Four Olds.

And in the Four Olds campaign, which was literally run by Chairman Mao, he instituted, he took the youth of China and put them into the Red Guard, the revolutionary left-wing Red Guard. And their job was to then attack and destroy the Four Olds. It was old ideas. And so no old ideas, no old culture, no old customs, and no old habits. So things like

Let's let's go back. So what were the four the four no's? Say the four no's again. Oh, I'm off the top of my head. It's it's no sex, no marriage, no giving birth, maybe no dating. I think that no dating men. So, yeah, you got it exactly right. So so look what they've done. They've taken the cultural revolution tenets of Chairman Mao and the four olds.

and they've just applied it to the gender cultural revolution here in modern culture. It is the exact same thing with almost the exact same title, but instead of it being about, you know, in that case, it was ancient Chinese culture. Now we're talking about essentially a gender revolt against society. It's literally from the Chinese cultural revolution.

And it really does. I mean, you brought that up in the break, Jack, and it makes perfect sense because this is what we are seeing at every level with the cultural Marxists here in America. It is a breakdown of family. It is a breakdown of relationships and gender norms. And even if you look at what was the closing of the Kamala campaign, what was her pitch to America? They were running pro-masturbation, pro-marriage.

pro-porn and pro-abortion ads. It's complete breakdown of the family, of the soul at every level. And that was her pitch to the United States. And I think that's part of why you're seeing more traditional groups, specifically Hispanics,

say, you know what, we're not interested in that. Even Catholics at a visceral level looked at what the Kamala campaign was pitching and said, this isn't American, this isn't Christian, and we reject it. And I think that that really struck the Kamala campaign by surprise. I think they didn't realize that there still is some traditionalism and some Christian mores left in America.

Well, speaking of the Christian mores and traditionalism, Evita, I'd be remiss if I didn't discuss with you the effect, the impact, and the massive Catholic landslide that Donald J. Trump just received the largest share of the Catholic vote for any Republican candidate in American history.

history and I remember that there were some people saying that oh we don't like this statement or oh we don't like this tweet but President Trump was fighting communism and President Trump showed so much respect to Catholics during this campaign posting the prayer to Saint Michael allowing us to hold the Rosary the public Rosary service that we held at Mar-a-Lago the first time that's ever happened

down there with Michael Knowles and General Flynn and Catholics for Catholics and Roger Stone and I had my family up on stage with my brother. My brother and I were passing our three-year-old, me and Tanya's three-year-old back and forth during the rosary and Our Lady of Guadalupe and even All Saints Day. Evita, why did Catholics vote for Trump in such overwhelming numbers?

So a lot of Catholics point to the specifics. The specifics are important, right? That Kamala Harris is a very anti-Catholic candidate. She not only skipped the Al Smith dinner, which nobody's done since 1984, but she also tried to say that a federal judge appointment was void because he was a member of the Knights of Columbus. That somehow if you're a traditional Catholic and you have Catholic values, that disqualifies you from holding off

This is a really radical take. But I think it was more broad than that, than just specifically Kamala being anti-Catholic. This is a radically pro-abortion administration to the point where they were actually and still are throwing pro-lifers in jail. And Catholics have been at the forefront of the pro-life movement in the United States. Nobody can deny that.

And I just think what's happening in America and even in the Catholic Church more broadly is that we are becoming more devout. This is what Pope Benedict said, the church is becoming smaller and it's going to become more pure at the same time.

we are realizing as we're heading into this very godless world of AI, replacing God with artificial intelligence, as we're looking to trying to play God in various ways when it comes to our daily life.

that we need to embrace the full tradition of the church. We can't be half in, half out. And a lot of Catholics have either left because they're not on board or they've become a lot more traditional. And because of that, Kamala Harris is a complete dichotomy to those values.

I mean, I can remember the actual day back in 2018 when she was lambasting this judicial appointee for the first Trump administration and over his involvement. And she was talking about this organization. Oh, they're you know, it's men only and they're misogynistic and sexist. And it's it's this deep, extreme religious movement. And I was like, wow, what is she talking about? And she goes, yes, the Knights of Columbus. I'm like the Knights of Columbus.

The guys with the coffee and the donuts that help you with the ushers to find a seat when the church is full? Those guys? Those guys are the ones that you think, this is someone who, you know, I don't think there's many things she cares about other than power. But I think I do actually think she hates Catholics. I actually think that in a general sense,

And there's other stuff out there about her not being a fan of Christmas trees and rolling her eyes and stuff that was trending a little bit earlier today. But Evita Duffy, in our final minute...

Just congratulations to you for being incredibly just right. You were just right the entire year, year plus that we've had you on and you've been talking about these trends and saying that we are going to see it reflected in the vote. You were 100% correct. And I think something that our movement does is not giving people enough credit when they get it right. And so Evita Duffy, you, my friend, were 100% correct. Take a bow. Where can people follow you?

Evita Duffy underscore one on Twitter and Instagram. Thanks so much, Jack. And like I said at the beginning of this, it's a lot to be hopeful for all of these numbers. Really optimistic. I couldn't agree. We got a lot of fights, but we have a lot to fight for at the same time. Jack Sobik, that is human events for today. Ladies and gentlemen, as always, you have my permission to lay ashore.