cover of episode The Pennsylvania Steal and the War in Ukraine - Escalation on All Fronts

The Pennsylvania Steal and the War in Ukraine - Escalation on All Fronts

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Human Events Daily with Jack Posobiec

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Jack Posobiec
Matt Schlapp
Mike Benz
Jack Posobiec: 本期节目主要讨论了特朗普胜选后的政治局势,包括对乌克兰战争的潜在影响,以及宾夕法尼亚州参议院选举中发生的疑似选举舞弊行为。Posobiec强烈谴责宾夕法尼亚州民主党违抗法院命令,非法计票,并呼吁共和党人采取更强硬的行动阻止选举舞弊。他还讨论了拜登政府批准北约远程导弹袭击俄罗斯的事件,并对这一事件的动机和目的提出了质疑。 Mike Benz: Benz对北约导弹袭击俄罗斯事件提出了推测性解读,认为这可能是特朗普和拜登之间达成的某种协议,目的是为了在与俄罗斯的谈判中占据更有利的地位。他认为,俄罗斯目前在战场、国际和经济上占据优势,需要可信的威胁才能促成和平协议。 Matt Schlapp: Schlapp就宾夕法尼亚州参议院选举中的选举舞弊问题发表了评论,他指出民主党长期以来一直在大城市进行选举舞弊,并强调保住Dave McCormick的参议员席位的重要性。他还谈到了CPAC在Mar-a-Lago举办的胜利峰会,以及CPAC的国际活动。 Jack Posobiec: 对宾夕法尼亚州选举舞弊的强烈谴责,以及对共和党人行动迟缓的批评。他认为民主党人为了权力和金钱而窃取选举,并呼吁共和党人采取更强硬的行动,例如组织抗议活动等。他还将宾夕法尼亚州的选举舞弊与对乌克兰的战争联系起来,认为这是战争机器的一部分。 Mike Benz: 对北约导弹袭击俄罗斯事件的推测性分析,认为这可能是特朗普和拜登之间达成的某种策略,目的是为了在与俄罗斯的谈判中占据更有利的地位,并最终促成和平协议。他认为,俄罗斯目前在战场、国际和经济上占据优势,需要可信的威胁才能促成和平协议。 Matt Schlapp: 对宾夕法尼亚州选举舞弊的分析,指出民主党长期以来一直在大城市进行选举舞弊,并强调保住Dave McCormick的参议员席位的重要性。他还谈到了CPAC在Mar-a-Lago举办的胜利峰会,以及CPAC的国际活动,并指出CPAC的国际活动对全球左翼造成了威胁。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the Biden administration authorize NATO long-range missiles to strike deep into Russia?

The authorization might be a negotiating tactic to prevent Russia from expanding territory before Trump takes office, or it could be a last-minute favor by Biden to curry favor with the war party. It also aligns with Trump's strategy of escalate to de-escalate, creating credible threats to pressure Russia into a favorable peace deal.

Why are Pennsylvania Democrats defying court orders to count illegal ballots?

Democrats in Pennsylvania are likely defying court orders to secure a Democrat victory in the Senate race, ensuring control over federal budget earmarks and contracts worth billions of dollars. This is part of a broader strategy to maintain power and influence in the Senate.

Why is the media not covering the Pennsylvania election fraud more aggressively?

The media is less likely to cover election fraud when it benefits Democrats, as they are part of the D.C. Uniparty ruling class that benefits from maintaining the status quo. This selective coverage allows them to protect their interests and those of their allies.

Why is CPAC focusing on international conservative movements?

CPAC's international focus is aimed at countering the global left's dominance in foreign diplomacy and cultural influence. By promoting conservative values internationally, CPAC is challenging the left's narrative and building a global network of support for traditional values and conservative policies.

Why did CPAC endorse Trump early in the primary?

CPAC endorsed Trump early because they recognized his ability to disrupt the status quo and bring about necessary changes in Washington. His willingness to listen and his understanding of the issues facing the country made him the right choice to lead the conservative movement.

The escalation of the war in Ukraine with NATO missiles authorized to strike deep into Russia raises questions about the incoming Trump administration's foreign policy.
  • NATO missiles have been authorized to strike deep into Russia, a move that could escalate the conflict.
  • Speculation suggests this could be a tactic to create a negotiating position for Trump.
  • The war in Ukraine is economically and diplomatically draining for the U.S.

Shownotes Transcript


All right, folks, the election is over and Donald Trump has won in a historic landslide. Now we are throwing the conservative conference to celebrate victory, but also to plan the work ahead for the road to come.

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This is what happens when the fourth turning meets fifth generation warfare. A commentator, international social media sensation, and former Navy intelligence veteran. This is Human Events with your host, Jack Posobiec. Christ is...

Face the people at your home to hear the sound in this room. It is so loud in here. It is so loud. It really looks like ancient Rome here. This is sort of the conquering Republican Caesar who's going into the Colosseum and everyone's cheering and he's got his political gladiators with him. What do you guys think about my version of the Donald Trump? Check it out.

Well, check the flag here. It was thrown right around. With a sack. It's still not even Thanksgiving yet. And if we're having meltdowns, you know, every tweet or every appointment or all those things, I mean, it's going to be four years. I'm sure you've heard them because I've heard them. This is what I'll say about the nominees that the president has put forward, is that they are persons who will shake up the status quo. And I think what the American people have

have believed and what they've delivered with the mandate in this election is demand that we shake up the status quo are you expecting to close down entire agencies like

Joe and I went to Mar-a-Lago

to meet personally with President-elect Trump. It was the first time we have seen him in seven years. When Lakin Riley refused to be his rape victim, he bashed her skull in with a rock repeatedly.

America has given the okay for Ukraine to use American missiles and fire them into Russia. So President Biden had been hesitant to allow these strikes with long-range U.S.-made missiles before the election. So now that we're post-election, what changed, the politics or the war?

Well, ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard today's edition of Human Events Daily. We are here back live in West Palm Beach. The Mar-a-Lago editions of Human Events Daily continue. Today is November 18th, 2024, Anno Domini. Folks, let's look at the horizon right now. Let's look at the landscape. NATO missiles have just been authorized

to strike deep into Russia. This, of course, comes as Biden isn't even in the United States. Who gave the order? Was this Kamala Harris? We don't know. Although based on my reporting, we've got out that the Joint Chiefs, even the ones who are pro-Trump, are actually all behind this. They are rubber stamps for the war party. So understand,

President Trump was just delivered an incredible mandate by the American people to end the wars overseas.

But the people who are being enriched by these very wars are they themselves standing to continue them and continue everything that's going on. Next up, and we're going to have to talk about this in extents detail, and I'm going to take a segment later in the show to specifically deal with this. Pennsylvania Democrats defying court orders.

Defying. John Fetterman says it's perfectly fine. Newsweek has the article up. Is Pennsylvania counting illegal ballots? What do we know? Yes, they are. They obviously are. In four counties. We're going to go through this piece later in the episode. Because, you see, when Democrats do it, it's just counterintuitive.

counting every vote and making sure voters aren't enfranchised. When Republicans do it, it's election denialism and insurrection. We understand the stakes, but folks, look at this. Look at this right here. Boom! We got the entire collection. Time Magazine, President-elect Donald Trump. Boom!

Boom, special edition, President Trump magazine. Yes, and again, right there, right there, Time, special edition, your 47th president. So I'm gonna hold these up. I'm gonna hold these up and say, take a look at that. Take a look at that, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, 'cause you're gonna be working for me very soon. I know you came down here to kiss the ring.

This is your future. And in fact, Joe and Mika, you are the ones who made this happen. We couldn't have done it without you. So please, please stay exactly the way you are. We're just going to change the show from Morning Joe to Morning Mika. And of course, you are going to get a wonderful co-host named Stephen K. Bannon. Jack Posobiec, welcome.

Coming back here, Human Events Daily continues. 1776 at Live from Mar-a-Lago Editions. You know, they talk about influencers. These are influencers. And they're friends of mine. Jack Posolik. Where's Jack? Jack? He's done a great job.

All right, Jack, we're back live, West Palm Beach, Florida, the Mar-a-Lago editions continue. Folks, how do you survive a communist apocalypse? Well, you watch Human Events Daily every day. Check. Follow Poso on X. Order Amazon. Go to Amazon and order Bulletproof this Christmas. But the one thing you're forgetting that could make the biggest difference for your future and your family's financial future is checking out today's show sponsor, Allegiance Gold. You need something stable.

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Don't risk your financial future betting against these forces. Act today. That's or call 844-577-POSO. All right, I want to get Mike Benz in on here right now.

for the Foundation for Freedom Online. Now, Ben, this crazy news over the weekend, NATO long-range missiles being approved by the Biden administration to fire into Russia, into the internationally recognized borders of Russia.

What is going on with this, Benz? What can we expect? Is this a negotiating tactic? Is this a way to try to prevent Russia from taking more territory before Trump gets in? What is really going on, and why are they trying to make the Ukraine war expand?

Well, I have a bit of a strange take on this. And admittedly, it's entirely speculation. I have no clue what's really going on in terms of the back channel conversations between the Trump transition team and the semi lame duck Biden administration. But we do know that Trump and Biden met personally mano a mano last week at the White House. There is the famous picture of them

shaking hands with Trump with that mischievous grin that he gave to Mitt Romney seven years ago. But I can't peer through the fog of war on this, but I have a strange, funny feeling that

that there's a non-zero chance that this may have been something that Trump and Biden discussed, particularly because we have not seen a public statement from Trump disavowing this or saying that it is going to be immediately rescinded on day one. There is actually a kind of funny utility in a Trumpian logic that

to having the outgoing Biden administration authorize something without it being the formal diplomacy channel or posture of the Trump White House in the sense that Trump, I think, is a fan of this negotiating art of the deal strategy of escalate to deescalate. That is, the issue right now, as I've been saying for many, many, many months now, is that

Russia is winning. They're winning on the battlefield. They're winning internationally. They've reconnected. The blown up Nord Stream is effectively being replaced by this power of Siberia pipeline from Russia into China. They're also rerouting resources into India and then sort of laundering it into Europe. Russia actually

re-overtook the U.S. in terms of gas exports into Europe, despite all the sanctions just a few months ago. So militarily, economically, diplomatically, the U.S. is getting crushed. There's no reason currently for Russia to agree to a peace deal in which they need to step back territory in the Donbass or in Crimea to the world as it used to be before the 2014 coup.

In order to achieve that diplomatic victory, there need to be credible threats to the Russian people. This is blob's eye thinking, not my personal views, but as they see it,

The whole play around long-range missile threats has not been, in my view, to literally cause World War III, but to threaten it and to have sort of Russian bodies coming home in body bags and to sort of create a Vietnam situation politically inside of Moscow. And so,

My hunch on this, and it's knife's edge. Again, I have no clue. I have no insider information. But if this authorization takes place and what transpires in the next two months are limited long-range strikes to weapons depots, military facilities, without inflicting casualties or without inflicting civilian casualties such that the threat is there,

that sort of cultivates an anti-war movement within Russia because people don't want their children getting harmed. It could actually help Trump at the negotiating table to have something to offer in exchange for favorable terms for a peace deal. What are your thoughts?

Well, I do know that I caught Mike Walls earlier, and that's all very interesting. I can certainly see that line of thinking. But I would put it, I think, more with the Warhawk side than I would say Trump, because, again, that's in line with this regime change type of thing.

Because, all right, like, you know, go back to it. The entire point of why the United States and NATO wanted to push for Ukraine into the country and Ukraine's entry into NATO was to hope for regime change within Russia. They wanted to get rid of Putin. They think they can get rid of his regime. They think they can inculcate all of the things that you were talking about. But the difference being, of course, that there's wide support for the war against Ukraine.

NATO because all of Russia across the spectrum actually views this as a threat, except for like the young liberals in the country. The hardliners want Putin go even further. They're saying, fine, if they want to attack inside mother Russia, then you should go ahead and attack Kiev or attack some of those NATO capitals. Why not? They don't care one way or the other. The issue is

I think as well. And I will also, by the way, I will say that publicly, publicly, we don't know whether or not this is part of what you're saying or not part of this potential dance. But we do know that Mike Waltz, who current Congressman Mike Wilson, I don't think he's resigned actually the way Matt Gaetz did, but he's been appointed as Trump's selectee for national security advisor, that he went on Fox News this morning and said that they were not

that they were not briefed by the Biden administration on this decision whatsoever. And what's really interesting, though, and this actually speaks to your theory that something might be going on, is that the Ukrainians have been asking for this all along. They've been asking for long-range attack on his authorization and the equipment to do so from day one of the war efforts. The question is, why would it

come only at the very end. There's clearly something going on here. People who are looking at this from a high-level perspective know that this isn't being done just without any reason whatsoever. It's clearly being done because of some reciprocal force that we're seeing. And yes, I certainly do see that idea of escalation to de-escalate part of the deal potentially being involved. The question, of course, does Russia or the North Koreans who we hear are involved

come in on the back end of this because at the end of the day at the end of the day I actually don't think that Zelensky is that empowered to want to continue the war I think what he's more interested in is saving his own skin from the likes of the Azov battalion and others who are going to come after him should the war effort fail

Right. And there are still no elections in Ukraine. In fact, he's actually losing in the informal polls that have been circulating for the past several months. And there may continue to be no... Well, didn't he say he was going to be a one-term president anyway when he first ran? I mean, he's talking about running for re-election. If that term is a thousand years, then, you know... Yeah, right, right, right. You know, emperors also have a one-term... True, very true. presidents in a certain way, too. But...

You know, the fact that, as you said, it did come at the very end, this could be sort of like a last minute Christmas present for Biden and the Biden family to cozy up to the blob and do one last favor in a sense to curry whatever favor may have been lost during the Biden-Harris factional divide. There could be that at play.

It just strikes me as, given the fact that Biden put on the Trump hat, asked for it deliberately, gave that big grinning smile, I have never seen Joe Biden smile as widely as he did during the concession speech that he gave the day after Trump won the election. I get the sense that

I mean, Trump is a pretty transparent player when it comes to his truth account. He frankly sometimes can't even help himself, especially when a political opponent makes a hardcore political blunder, as is very easy to see this new long-range missile authorization as.

I mean, that's right. We just got about Ben's. We've only got about a minute and a half left. I know you have to run, by the way, I'll just throw out there while we're on the subject that it was in tail end of the Obama Biden administration. The first time around that we saw that last minute meeting and that trip from Biden over to Kiev just on our last minute. Do you think that we could see some of those last minute efforts like that here happen again? I actually think we're going to see continuing efforts.

One of my big fears is that the, you know, and I'm open to the Marco Rubio, you know, selection as Secretary of State, but the fact is, is Marco Rubio was part of the Senate gang working to Trump-proof NATO against an incoming Trump presidency six months ago. The fact is, is there will be ongoing, constant shadow diplomacy between blob members of the Republican Senate and House, as well as Democrats.

all virtually all the democrats to ukraine in order to have a sort of remember billions of dollars billions upon billions on the line go follow mike ben's the foundation for freedom online mike hit me up i'll uh i'll talk to you later brother 1776 human events continues working long hours i'm always listening to human events with jack posobic

All right, Jack Posobiec back live, Human Events Daily, the Mar-a-Lago editions. Ladies and gentlemen, President Donald J. Trump is back.

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Christmas is coming, and it's never too soon to give those close to your heart the gift of being awake, not woke, with Blackout Coffee. That's slash poso, slash poso, promo code poso20. The Democrats are currently trying to steal the Pennsylvania Senate seat from John Cornyn.

Well, John Fetterman is up on TV talking about this. We got Dave McCormick and Bob Casey right there. Dave McCormick and Bob Casey. Now, the margin was 42,000 votes between the two of them. And yet Democrats in four counties, what do they all have in common, mind you? All four of these counties, well, what they have in common there, dear listener, dear friends,

is that they're all Democrat-run counties. Philadelphia, Bucks, Montgomery, and Center County right in the middle of the state. We knew Bucks County would be one of the ones that they played games with, and they're playing games. And so I'd like to play a clip now

where the senator of Pennsylvania, John Fetterman, I just mentioned him, goes on CNN and has a little comment to make. And I want to take everyone. Come here. Come close. Come close. Get closer. If you're watching on your phone, come close to your phone. If you're watching on the TV, come close to the TV. Don't worry. Your mom won't get mad. I want all of you people out there

that fell for the John Fetterman, Uncle Fester PSYOP, the Fetterman 2.0, the, oh, John Fetterman's a base Democrat. He's almost like a Republican. He agrees with us on so many issues. He's a good guy. He's a moderate. I want all of you to hear this clip, and I want you to hear it very carefully. Let's play this DNN.

Behind Dave McCormick, Democratic officials in at least one key county, Bucks County, voted to count about 115 provisional ballots that are missing a signature despite the Pennsylvania Supreme Court previously ruling that those are invalid. I want you to take a listen to how one Democratic Bucks County commissioner justified her actions.

I think we all know that precedent by a court doesn't matter anymore in this country, and people violate laws anytime they want. So for me, if I violate this law, it's because I want a court to pay attention to it.

So the Washington Post editorial board called that, quote, corrosive to democracy, unquote, and said, quote, county officials do not get to decide whether a legal requirement is material and must be followed. Courts do. And they have spoken clearly, unquote. What's your take? What's your response to that Democratic official deliberately announcing that they're going to defy court orders and count these provisional ballots?

Well, again, I'm not going to chase every kinds of quotes, things like that, because I think you just pointed out that it refers to about 115 ballots, and that's not going to have an impact on this race at this point. So where are we now? It's very, very close, and I guarantee you if Dave McCormick were in the opposite situation,

All right, so I got a message in here from Still Boneless over the break. He says, my nose is on the computer screen. Please tell me when I can take it off. No, absolutely not.

Okay, so to all you people who said that John Fetterman was a great guy. He's like my Uncle Fester. He's based, he's cool. We love based Fetterman. Wow, isn't he so great? Look at him on Joe Rogan. Look at him calling out Kyle Harris. He's awesome. But when you see, boys and girls, when a Democrat

has the opportunity to actually call out Democrats when it's something that could threaten the power of the Democrat Party. Something that could threaten the balance of power in the United States Senate. His own same Senate seat by the by.

That's his colleague, Bob Casey. Every single day that John Fetterman has served in the Senate, he's served it as a co-senator of the state of Pennsylvania. My senator, by the way, both of these interesting individuals are my friends. And I love them so much in the United States Senate because it's based Fetterman. We love them, don't we, folks?

Who cares? Who cares? It's just a couple of votes. Where's the Republican? So Pennsylvania just got a Republican elected Attorney General, Dave Sunday. He hasn't said anything. Where's he at? Totally AWOL. Just gone. Just totally gone. Now, I did speak. I will say that Chairman Watley has been great on this. Chairman Watley, I had the opportunity to speak to a couple of nights ago at Mar-a-Lago.

He says there are lawsuits inbound immediately. Fantastic. That is wonderful. But to all the people who are like, yeah, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, it's like, do you guys think that you can just, you could just spend a couple of, a couple of months focused on Pennsylvania and look away? The minute you look away, the Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania,

The bad things that happen in Pennsylvania will continue. The Pennsylvania crew gets in there. And John Fetterman, when he goes on CNN, it's like, oh!

Don't even worry about it. Who cares? Don't worry about those votes. It's just a couple of votes here and there, a couple of votes here and there. It's no big deal. It's no problem. There's nothing to worry about. Go look over there. If you want Donald Trump's cabinet,

If you want them seated, if you want them actually getting into power in the United States government, then you need to hold Republicans' feet to the fire right now.

All right, let's sit there. You want to talk about election denialism? You want to talk about defending democracy? The Democrats of Pennsylvania will steal elections every time you give them the opportunity to. Fact. Josh Shapiro and his lapdog, Al Schmidt, the traitor, sitting up there, Secretary of State in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. They don't care. This is why Al Schmidt was put there.

A guy who's a fake Republican. He was put there to do this job. That was the deal he made with Shapiro. That's why Al Schmidt has totally let himself go because he hates himself. Look how fat he got. Look at how much food he has been consuming. He's stress eating because he knows deep down the guilt.

This is a guy who originally ran as a Republican in Philadelphia to try to clean up elections. And now, now he's stress-eating up there in Harrisburg. Why? Because he's a liar. Because Josh Shapiro is also a liar. Because all of these, and by the way, and it's all connected, right? Because Josh Shapiro was the same guy who was signing the artillery rounds that were being sent over to Ukraine.

when we held the event with Tucker Carlson in Redding, Pennsylvania. Do you get it? This is the war party. This is how it works. So here's the question to all the people out there. If you actually want democracy, if you actually want court orders to mean something,

Understand this. They're not securing the election. They are securing a Democrat victory. They're securing a Senate seat. Because all of the money that goes into the election is nothing compared to the amount of money that a senator controls when it comes to the federal budget. The earmarks, the contracts, everything.

Don't you get it? It's billions upon billions of dollars. So a couple million here, a couple million there is pennies on the dollar compared to how much a senator controls. That's what this is about. That's why they're sitting there blatantly telling you, blatantly telling you that they are going to count those votes regardless of what the court says.

So the Republicans, I want to see some more fight. I need to see some more fight, guys. I need to see this. I need to see Republicans out there. Maybe we should, I don't know, maybe we'll have to organize some flash mobs outside these courthouses or something like that because this is getting absolutely ridiculous. You guys lost the election.

You lost the popular vote. Donald Trump won in a historic landslide, period, full stop. And as such, as such, Donald Trump was the choice of the people. And Dave McCormick was the choice as well. And I'd like to see more from Dave McCormick in addition, as well as from Dave Sunday and all the Republicans in general when it comes to this.

This is your election, and you guys stand to lose right now because they are stealing this from right under your noses, right under all of our noses, right in broad daylight. And John Fetterman goes up there on CNN and says, who cares? Who cares? Based Fetterman. Yeah, based Fetterman. Don't we love him, folks? Don't we love him? Look, this is the D.C. Uniparty ruling class that's sitting there in front of you.

that they want to bring up and dredge up all of the salacious rumors and false allegations about Trump's incoming cabinet nominees while an election is stolen right in front of your eyes, while a Senate seat

is chipped away at, is chipped away at, is chipped away at, until eventually, until eventually they say, oh gosh, look at that, we found the ballots. We found the ballots again. It's sickening. And you have a media that could care absolutely less.

Because when Democrats do it, they let you. When you're a Democrat, they let you do that. Maybe Billy Bush could do a video about that one. And maybe we could have Paul Ryan leak that too. Oops, Paul, did I mention that? Oh yeah, that's right. Paul Ryan was intimately involved. Intimately involved, so I'm told, with the Billy Bush tape. Send us your comments, your questions. We'll have an update from CPAC coming up next.

And Jack, where's Jack? Where's Jack? Where is he? Jack, I want to see you. Great job, Jack. Thank you. What a job you do. You know, we have an incredible thing. We're always talking about the fake news and the bad, but we have guys, and these are the guys who should be getting policies. All right, Jack Posobiec back live here, Human Events Daily. The Mar-a-Lago editions continue.

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in the description below. All right, folks, I wanna go through on this because this is big. I don't wanna skip over, I don't wanna skip over this Senate race in Pennsylvania anymore. This is key, folks.

89,000 votes went to the Libertarian candidate, John Thomas. Currently, it's 3.395 million for Dave McCormick. For Bob Casey, it's 3.378. So let's do the math here. Let's do the math here. 3.395, 95 minus 3.378. You're talking about...

You were talking about only 18,000 votes between the two. That's how much it's come down to now. This is getting close, folks. And they've already flipped Bucks County back to Kamala Harris in the process. And so we got this in from over the weekend where, or excuse me, over the break, where Scott Pressler, this is great. So they are going to be holding a meeting on the 20th. Okay, so Wednesday morning,

November 20th, 1030 a.m.

Scott Pressler has posted attention Bucks County to every Pennsylvania voter. The Bucks County Board of Elections is trying to steal Senator-elect Dave McCormick's seat. On Wednesday, they're having a commissioner's meeting and we need to show up in big, peaceful numbers. I'll be there in person. That's November 20th, 2024, 1030 a.m. That's during the Bucks County commissioner's meeting. Everyone, go there, be on the ground, be with Scott Pressler. This absolutely cannot go

unanswered. I want to bring on now Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, the head of CPAC. I wanted to get his comment on all this. We wanted to chat about, of course, the great CPAC summit that was held down at Mar-a-Lago. But of course, this is so pressing. I feel like I've got to get you in. Matt, how are you? Great, Jack. Good to be with you again.

Look, when we see this going on with the Pennsylvania Senate race, after so many years of defend democracy, of election integrity, this coming up with Josh Shapiro, with Al Schmidt, these people who told us again and again that MAGA extremists can't be in charge of the voting process when they are the ones who are flagrantly voting the law. Matt, what can we do here?

Well, I mean, immediately we have to shine eyes on the problem. The good news is that because so many of us were out there since 2020 exposing what they're doing in these major cities, in these big blue areas that now even have mainstream outlets covering the fact that it seems odd.

seems odd, number one, that we're counting votes so many days after the election. Seems odd that it's taking so long to count votes that they're not even checking signatures on and making sure that they're legal citizens. It seems so odd that this is all happening in a way where there's no transparency, nothing's on videotape. We're not seeing what's happening. So I love the idea that Scott is calling on people to go down to where the counting is. And we got to put maximum pressure on these politicians.

They've been doing this a very long time. I worked on the presidential election in 2000. I sat around with all these lawyers I see on TV who chastise people like me for saying that there was so much election fraud. And they told me within the Bush campaign that they steal it in these big cities all the time. And that's what they do. They don't follow rules-based voting. We have rules-based voting in this country. And my guess is those rules are not being followed right now in Pennsylvania.

I know Chairman Watley the other day was talking about lawsuits that are going to be filed. They're going to be incoming. Dave Sunday coming in as Attorney General. I have to imagine this is something that he could look at because we're talking about municipal, you know, county-level officials in four counties. So let me go over the list again. It's Philadelphia, Bucks,

Montgomery and Center counties. So these are four counties, these are Democrat commissioners, and it is only in these four counties do we see this going on, by the way. We don't see this going on in any of the other, I guess, what, 63 other counties of Pennsylvania. They don't seem to have a problem, but for some reason, some strange reason, the Democrat counties seem to have an issue of it. Wow, it's inexplicable, isn't it, Matt?

Yeah, do they not do math in blue counties? I mean, this is what's changed.

In this country is when the two steps, the Democratic Party embraced Marxism fully. They don't even apologize for it anymore. And number two, the big cities became 100% controlled by these Marxists. So they use elections to try to stage coups, steal power, shave off the close races. And that's why we lose the close races in these jurisdictions. And like I said, the only thing I think is good is the RNC has woken up to the fact that

that they now have to embrace it. They always knew it happened. They just want to publicly embrace it. They now are publicly embracing this level of fraud. You have other mainstream news outlets covering it. But you're right, Jack, you're right to be ringing the alarm bell because we're all kind of exhausted from the election and we're all kind of elated over the presidential results. And this is right when they do their dirty work, when we're all distracted. So let's get right back focused

on the fact that without Dave McCormick's vote in the United States Senate, think about it, you're back into this kind of like where do the liberal kind of left-leaning Republicans go instead of Trump's toughest nominees, or not toughest, but strongest nominees. And so we're going to be right back in that soup. Dave's got to hold on to this race he legitimately won. We've got to prevent them from counting illegal ballots.

No, we got to run the prevent defense. And that's really what this is all about, isn't it? It's about blocking the Trump cabinet from getting in there because you're going to have these wishy-washy senators be able to say, oh, well, if we lose McCormick, we're down to 52. You know, now, you know, Gates and Tulsi and Hegseth, oh, it's, you know, it's a bridge too far.

That's what this is all about, isn't it? Yes. And Jack, right behind that is where 60 some odd days to the president gets sworn in. You have all the hijinks around all of those processes. Remember, it was always the Democrats who never accepted the election results. They didn't accept them in 2000. They didn't accept them in 2004. They didn't accept them in 2016. And then behind that, you could very easily have a member of the Supreme Court appointed by a Republican to

coming to the president and quietly saying that they want to retire, it's time to hang up the robe and we'll be right back into a Supreme Court confirmation battle where whoever Trump picks will be the sleaziest person you ever saw in the world within about 15 minutes. And so every Senate seat matters when they can just have a couple thousand votes here and a couple thousand votes there and prevent us from having one more victory, makes it that much harder for Mike Johnson to get the job done,

for the Trump agenda in the House and that much harder to push through constitutionalists to the Supreme Court so they know exactly what they're doing. They know what the stakes are. How about we not let them get away with it?

Look, it's as simple as that. Don't let them get away from it. And I love the fact that President Trump and so many people in the MAGA movement now have really adopted this new strategy and this new tenor. It's not going to be business as usual anymore. It's actually going and fighting them where they are. So if that means lawsuits, if that means getting aggressive, if that means getting in their face, again, this—

Dave McCormick was up by 42,000 votes on election day, and they've now chipped that down to 17. Now, I don't think there's enough votes out there to flip this. I really don't, but we have to see the difference. We've got a quick break coming up right now. I want to throw in, by the way,

Got a message in from Felice here that says, who is the threat to democracy exactly? Yeah, that would be Fetterman, who was probably a benefactor of this practice. And he's talking about prosecution. We should be looking at prosecution. That's what President Trump has said all along. Stay tuned. Be right back. Matt Schlapp, CPAC, joins us next around the break. Stay tuned.

Jack is a great guy. He's written a fantastic book. Everybody's talking about it. Go get it. And he's been my friend right from the beginning of this whole beautiful event. And we're going to turn it around and make our country great again. Amen. All right, Jack Posobiec back live here, Just got another email in from Todd who says, where's Mike Lindell? How many millions of folks...

are going to spend before we get some election integrity. No excuses, no rationalizations or justifications. No, I completely agree. We need that election integrity. We know Mike Lindell has done a ton. I want to see more from the Republicans as well. And I'm talking to people on the ground that are fighting this in court in Bucks County and others. Matt Schlapp here coming in. Matt,

So you just held this massive CPAC, essentially it was a victory summit at Mar-a-Lago. But what's interesting is you didn't, when you scheduled this, you didn't know that it was going to be a victory event, did you? You know, you sort of held the de facto victory celebration. But when you scheduled it, that was kind of rolling the dice a little bit because obviously these events have to be planned out weeks and months in advance. But you planned on,

on victory plan to win they say and so kudos to you because you were able to get in there uh and there are a lot of people that were you know kind of trying to play both ways but I appreciate you going chips all in and that's why you were able to receive just these incredible scenes that were uh that were now showing a little bit of the b-roll of on the side

Yeah, no, we've been all in with Trump the whole time. We never kind of got soft with him. We didn't get soft with him when he had a primary. I convened my board. We endorsed Trump. CPAC endorsed Trump before any votes were cast before Iowa. Some board members didn't like it. They were pushing for us to stay neutral this time. And

And I didn't want to. And a clear majority of the board didn't want to either. I mean, he's a very unique man. I know some people on my board and across the country, he's not their cup of tea. They don't like everything about him. I think the parts of him they find unlikable.

are the parts I really like. I like the fact that he makes everybody upset. I like the fact that Joe and Mika feel like they have to go kiss his ring afterwards because he won and they lost. I like the fact that she and others have already started ratcheting down all their aggressive behaviors all over the globe. I like the fact that Vladimir Zelensky is going to have to start wearing a suit and tie when he sees the president of the United States.

think these are all great changes. And I think sometimes it just takes a street fighter to go in there and knock heads and make change. Look, I'm an unlikely ally of the president. My wife is an unlikely ally of the president. We live in Washington, DC. I spent a lot of my time advising people about how to navigate the swamp. I worked for President Bush.

We're unlikely allies, but we were so aware of the deficiencies of the process in the town that we embraced him aggressively because we knew it's exactly what the town needed. As much as I had a comfortable existence, it was wrong. And what was happening in our country and in the world was wrong. And it needed to change course. And Donald Trump was the only person who seemed to understand that. And we had this conversation in 2015 where it just clicked in my head. I'm like, he understands.

what we have to do. And the other thing he did is he asked a lot of questions, Jack. He was willing to listen. A lot of times politicians, they just don't listen. They just, they have their stump speech and they go and Trump always listened. And now he doesn't have to listen so much because he knows, he actually knows what he has to get done. Well, it's as simple as that, right? So he actually knows Washington DC a little bit better now. And talk to me a little bit about, I mean, you were there with the team. You were there with, got to meet Elon Musk. Um,

Javier Millay was in town and he was doing the Trump dance. I mean, how do you get Javier Millay up to an event like – I mean, it was incredible. It was absolutely incredible. Well, it was cool. We're going down there for CPAC Argentina next month. We're going in a couple weeks.

We're going to be in CPAC Japan and Tokyo as well in December. And the president actually contacted us and said, I hear you're having a CPAC at Mar-a-Lago, and I'd love to see the president, and I want to come to your event. So we actually, you know, he came to Mar-a-Lago for our event, which is a wonderful, wonderful compliment because he's a unique leader. Look,

The world is in a terrible position, and say for just a couple of leaders, Viktor Orban, and you've taken those trips with us, Jack, over to see back Hungary, President Bukele in El Salvador, President Milley in Argentina, and a few others, and Elon Musk, who's the champion of free speech, so it was great to see him. But it's not that many people, a couple of handfuls of people on this globe that if

they weren't being courageous enough to step up. And if all of us weren't helping them, I really think a civilization would have crumbled by now. Well, it's actually amazing because it seems like what you're doing through CPAC and these international trips, and you're right, I've gone with you to Japan and to Hungary a few times, Mexico City as well. You're actually showing that this is an international movement that

and that these conservative ideals are actually shared by people all over the world, almost every continent, different cultures, different backgrounds. But it's the ideology and the traditional values that are actually crossing borders. That's the real internationalism, not the false globalism that we get pushed from Washington, D.C., and Brussels and Klaus Schwab and all those types.

Yeah, no, it's really true. We stumbled upon it. But what these, I got a call from the foreign minister of Paraguay. I talked to the speaker of the House of Ecuador. These countries are all calling us saying, look, we really need to have this in our country. Why is that? You could say, well, it's just a conference. How is this making a difference?

It scares the hell out of the left, this global left, which believes that it owns globalism. It owns foreign diplomacy. It owns the zeitgeist that's flowing through all these countries to destroy families and destroy our values and to stop Christianity and faith. They feel like they own all this and they don't understand why we are stepping up.

And as CPAC has gone to these places, you know, Mexico City was very interesting. We had CPAC Mexico with Eduardo Verastegui. All this weird stuff started happening in our lives. Like we've gotten their attention. They are threatened by us.

and all the people that stand with us. And we're not going to stop. We're going to bring this message all over this God's globe. And I really do believe, because of Donald Trump's victory, that our enemies around the globe are scared to death right now. And now we have to move forward with aggression. Couldn't agree more. Matt Schlapp, where can people go to get more information about these international CPACs? And of course, the big one that's going to be coming up in February.

Well, let's be clear. We're focused on America first, right? So we got to get Trump's nominations in and we got to get the Trump agenda through. We got to make sure they don't steal this race from Dave McCormick and then go to and get all the information or follow me on all the social media platforms at MSCHLAP. All right, go give Matt a follow. He's doing the yeoman's work over there at CPAC. Ladies and gentlemen, as always, you have our permission to lay it short.