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Human Events Daily with Jack Posobiec

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Jack Posobiec
Kevin Posobiec
Jack Posobiec: 本期节目讨论了特朗普政府的政策,包括加强边境安全、遣返非法移民、关闭教育部等。同时,还对参议院的领导层进行了评论,并表达了对未来政策的展望。 Kev Poso: 在节目中,Kev Poso主要参与讨论并对Jack Posobiec的观点进行补充和回应,例如对边境政策、移民问题和参议院领导层的看法。 Stephen Miller: 米勒的观点强硬,他谴责非法移民对美国造成的损害,并呼吁"美国优先"政策。他认为非法移民夺走了美国人的工作,并对美国人的生活造成了威胁。 Gavin Wax: Wax 对特朗普政府的组建和政策方向表示支持,并认为麦迪逊广场花园的集会是成功的,证明了特朗普与民众之间的联系。他还批评了参议院共和党领导人与民众脱节,缺乏对MAGA运动的理解。 Mike Davis: Davis 认为对特朗普及其支持者的法律诉讼是政治迫害,并呼吁对那些滥用职权的人进行追究。他认为情报机构和执法部门被政治化和武器化,并强调了"精确互惠铁律"的重要性。 Jack Posobiec: 本期节目讨论了特朗普政府的政策,包括加强边境安全、遣返非法移民、关闭教育部等。同时,还对参议院的领导层进行了评论,并表达了对未来政策的展望。 Kev Poso: 在节目中,Kev Poso主要参与讨论并对Jack Posobiec的观点进行补充和回应,例如对边境政策、移民问题和参议院领导层的看法。 Stephen Miller: 米勒的观点强硬,他谴责非法移民对美国造成的损害,并呼吁"美国优先"政策。他认为非法移民夺走了美国人的工作,并对美国人的生活造成了威胁。 Gavin Wax: Wax 对特朗普政府的组建和政策方向表示支持,并认为麦迪逊广场花园的集会是成功的,证明了特朗普与民众之间的联系。他还批评了参议院共和党领导人与民众脱节,缺乏对MAGA运动的理解。 Mike Davis: Davis 认为对特朗普及其支持者的法律诉讼是政治迫害,并呼吁对那些滥用职权的人进行追究。他认为情报机构和执法部门被政治化和武器化,并强调了"精确互惠铁律"的重要性。

Deep Dive

The significance of Madison Square Garden rally in President Trump's election victory and how it resonated with the American people.
  • Madison Square Garden rally was a massive success and a key part of the narrative formation.
  • The consultant class failed to understand the power of the rally, but the people did.
  • New York City as the cultural center of America and Madison Square Garden as its symbolic heart.

Shownotes Transcript


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A commentator, international social media sensation and former Navy intelligence veteran. This is Human Events with your host, Jack Posobiec. Christ is King. For a small fraction of what we spend upon...


The fact that these senators declined to come onto your show and Rick Scott was the only one here making the case to the American people, I think just goes to show that these people are going to indeed continue Mitch McConnell's direction and leadership for the Senate, which is simply unacceptable. We need strong leadership that won't repeat 2016 and block President Trump's agenda. One other thing I'll be doing very early in the administration is closing up the Department of Education in Washington, D.C.,

and sending all education and education work and needs back to the states. We have seen one estimate that says it would cost $88 billion to deport a million people a year. I don't know if that's accurate or not. What price do you put on national security? Is that worth it? Is there a way to carry out mass deportation without separating families? Of course there is.

Families can be deported together. We were prepared for all scenarios. In each one of those scenarios, it was, how is Donald Trump going to finagle his way back into the way? How is he going to use undemocratic principles? What measure of intimidation and underhanded shenaniganery will this man use? And it turned out he used our electoral system as it is designed. And in that moment, I thought, well, f***.

F**k us. F**k me. I was wrong. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard today's edition of Human Events Daily. We are live from West Palm Beach. Not just me, but I'm here joined with my illustrious co-host,

Mr. Kay Pozo himself. What's up, Kev? Illustrious. I like that. I like that. A little bit illustre. A little bit of illustres. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard today's edition of Human Events Daily. Today is 11-11-2024, Anno Domini. Kev, it is the anniversary of the end of World War I, the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th year.

Interesting. World War I, eh? World War I. You know what else today is? It's Veterans Day. It is Veterans Day. And so I would like to say happy Veterans Day to all the veterans except Tim Waltz. No, no, not him. Everyone but you.

Oh, geez. No, Kev, we're already into it. We're already into it because we've got, look, we've got a massive, the America First agenda has already begun. Because look at the names we've got. We've got Stephen Miller. It's Miller time, ladies and gentlemen, over at the Deputy Chief of Staff of the White House. Someone who always puts, unfailingly, unfailingly puts America first.

first and this is the guy who told us again and again it's america only america only and then kev talk to me about our our new our brand new borders are our borders are jack listen i just took a buzzfeed quiz online that said tom homan is in fact my spirit animal and can be yours you you take a lot of buzzfeeds quiz kev i do i do this is the only one you need to know this is what only one you need to do today who are some of the other options for spirit animals kev

- Listen, there was none. There was none. - They were all Tom Homan. - It was four and they were all Tom Homan. - It was Tom Homan, Tom Homan, Tom Homan, and Tom Homan. - What do you think about Toho? - Toho? - Yeah. - A little bit of Toho. - No, what I said on Twitter was,

I want Tom Holman, if we can save a lot of money. So once the deportations begin, which obviously he'll be doing by himself with his bare hands, that I just want him to go down to the border and then stand there and just glare. Do we have that shot of the Tom Holman glare from 60 Minutes? I mean, guys, this was, I mean, the all-time just cold stares. He doesn't even need the laser eyes. No, he doesn't need the laser eyes. He's the only guy that when you put, there it is. Look at that.

He's the only guy when you put the GigaChad filter on him, his face doesn't change. It just stays exactly the same. This guy, of course, Cecilia, to put the families together. It's the end, folks. Look, President Trump needs our support now more than ever because now we're getting into the nitty gritty. Now we're getting the work done. Now we're getting our hands dirty because we are going to have to break a few eggs to make an omelet when it comes to this. And that's why you need people who are hard workers

Nosed street fighters like Tom Holman and Stephen Miller getting in there. Huge show today. We're down in West Palm Beach. We'll give you all the insight on what's going on in the President's Transition Team as the week continues. Human Events Daily, 1776 at We talk about influencers. These are influencers, and they're friends of mine. Jack Posobiec. Where's Jack? Jack? He's done a great job.

- All right, and we're back, [email protected]. You got the Posho brothers down here, West Palm Beach, where it's all happening just across the immaculate blue, turquoise blue waters of the inner coastal at Mar-a-Lago, where your new America First government

is currently in the process of being formed. It's in the womb, shall we say. It is being incubated. It is being created before your very eyes. But let me tell you something.

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So, we're

We're back here. We're talking about the new America First agenda, the America First administration, which is being put together right over, right across the intercoastal waters from where we're... Or should I say waters, Kev? The intercoastal waters. That's right. The waters. The waters. When I first started doing media, I had to tell myself, it's waters. It's waters. But

- No it's not, it's waters. - It's waters? - It's always waters. - Is it waters? All right, it's waters. - And it's not a lake either. They call it Lake Worth, it's the ocean. - No, it's the intercoastal. - It's the intercoastal. - But I wanna talk about Stephen Miller. I wanna talk about Stephen Miller. Producer Fuzz goes, "There's no D in water." Excuse me, there's two actually, there's two. Wood-ders, wood-ders. It's like wooden, water, made of wood.

So, Stephen Miller coming in, Deputy Chief of Staff, this goes to show you that President Trump, that look, he's not all talk. It's not all talk. And I wanted to play very quickly, very briefly, the Stephen Miller clip from one of, I'm not sure which rally this was, but one of the last rallies that President Trump gave. Oh, I want you to think for a minute about the decades of abuse that has been heaped upon the good people of this nation.

Their jobs looted and stolen from them and shipped to Mexico, Asia and foreign countries. The lives of their loved ones ripped away from them by illegal aliens, criminal gangs and thugs who don't belong in this country. I'm not just saying that. You've read the stories. It happens every day. You read one of these heartbreaking headlines.

Who's going to stand up for our daughters? Who's going to stand up for the girls of America, the women of America, the families of America? Who's going to stand up and say the cartels are gone, the criminal migrants are gone, the gangs are gone, America is for Americans and Americans only?

Ladies and gentlemen, it's Miller time and America is going to be living the high life now. America first for Americans only. I wanted to bring on now the man who really played a massive role in the organization of the Madison Square Garden rally. And we're going to we're going to try a little bit of technology over here. We've got him on the side screen. Ladies and gentlemen, Gavin Wax, the president of the NYYRs. Gavin, how are you?

- It's great to be here, Jack, and Brother Jack, and looking forward to this discussion. - Brother Jack, you like that Kev? - Sure. - Sure. - There you go with that. - I'll let him slide, he let us in. - So Gavin, what's amazing to me is looking at how all this shook out, there were so many people who said,

The Taylor Swift tweet is going to cost him the election. The white boy summer is going to cost him the election. This tweet or this comment or this statement or this whatever it is, you know, this policy will cost him the election. And then the very last one was Madison Square Garden. They said Madison Square Garden is going to ruin the election and he's done. And as it shook out, the voters looked at Madison Square Garden and it turns out, you know what? They loved it. Gavin, just if you could for a moment,

And there's a lot to get into, but if you could for a moment, I think it bears repeating. Why is it that the consultant class didn't understand the power of Madison Square Garden and that rally, but the people did?

Well, listen, it's a great question. I think it just shows how out of touch and out of sync and out of lockstep the consultant and even more broadly the donor class is in the beltway. They don't understand where the pulse of the nation is. They don't understand. They've never understood whether through incompetence or purposefully the donor.

roots and the base of the Trump movement, of this MAGA movement. They don't understand it. They don't understand his appeal. And they never understood the realignment. They never understood the trend lines. They never understood what he was doing, because in many ways he's operating on a very different level than them.

in more ways than one. And this MSG rally, which thank you for the credit in the opening, we were happy to play a part in, was a massive success. It was a massive way to tie things together at the end of this long campaign cycle. And like you mentioned, it was part of a narrative. It was part of a narrative formation, how they've tried to frame things through this entire election season that, oh, now this latest joke about Puerto Rico, this is the end for Trump. And like you said before,

or it was the Taylor Swift endorsement, whatever it was, these things did not matter. They pushed it, they pushed it, they pushed it through their media apparatus, but nothing stuck. This stuff never mattered. You could look at it through Google search results in terms of the

Puerto Rico joke versus Joe Biden calling the supporters of President Trump garbage and trash. All of these things failed to move the needle because we've hit a point right now in the American body politic that the respect in media, the trust in media is at all time low. President Trump has taken advantage of it. And the types of narrative formations and attack lines that they worked in the past don't work on a gentleman, on a president who was just that. He was a president. He was an incumbent. They saw what he did for his four years. Calling

Hitler doesn't work anymore. All it does is rally up people that are fully on your side. So they never were able to move the needle among these lower propensity voters and among these voters on the margins who could have swayed one way or the other. All they had was this nonsense to gin up the support of their base, which is really, I think, the goal because they realized their down ballot chances were really threatened. And I think some of the people in the inner circle of the DNC probably knew that the top of the ticket was a foregone conclusion away from them.

That's exactly right. And at the end of the day, people knew who Donald Trump was and that Donald Trump was a man of the people. And you know something? The American people are ready for some straight talk. And I'll just say this about the Madison Square Garden rally. Number one, the organization was impeccable. It was one of the greatest things that I've ever seen. I even know Democrats who have come up to me and said, I've never seen anything like that in politics. I've

I've never seen anything, you know, quietly behind closed doors. I've just never seen anything like that before. We had to get some kind of punch in on it because it was just, it was too powerful. And I think at the end of the day, it's not about,

you know, it's not about like, Oh, did you agree with what someone said or not? It's about, do you want to live in the kind of country where we can just tell jokes again? And a joke can just be a joke and a comedian can be a comedian and someone who's there as a shock comedian is

going to do that and i guess you and like and i'm a polish guy like if i walked up i know i'm gonna get the polish jokes you know what i mean like and and you know what i and by the way and kev you remember when we were little right like we would get the polish jokes you know what we would do we'd fire them right back because we'd have all the italian jokes that would pop right out and all the irish jokes and everything else after it and that's just how it was we got polish jokes from this guy right here we're trying to get in we did actually yeah

0 : He said that we don't serve in any pierogies tonight. 3 : There are three guys. 0 : How do you answer these allegations? Gavin?

Well, listen, I just want to give your viewers just a quick glimpse in the Polish jokes I grew up in. There's three guys walking in the desert, an Italian, an Irishman, a Polish guy. A guy walks up to them. They all have a different item, says to the Italian, why are you carrying a water bottle? He says, well, obviously, if we find an oasis, I can fill it up, drink some water, replenish myself. Goes up to the Irish guy, says, why are you bringing a fan? He said, I could cool myself off, you know, fan myself if it gets too hot. Goes up to the Polish guy, says, why are you carrying a window? And he says, well, I can open it up if it gets too hot out.

here. So we love our Polish jokes, folks. We love them. And yeah, it was great seeing you guys, Kevin, Jack, the whole family. But listen, that was a massive success. It certainly moved the needle. People were talking about why was President Trump spending so much time in New York. New York is a microcosm. All these issues we're talking about from

the border, to crime, to the economy. New York has subsets of all different types of voters from across the country. He had his big rally in the Bronx that we were also a huge part of. The Bronx moved 22 points to the right, one of the largest shifts, not just in New York State, but the entire country. A lot of these communities are Puerto Rican, they are Dominican, they are Hispanic. He had huge shifts with working class Hispanic voters. That was part of

you're looking at on the screen the harlem bodega run obviously msg had a huge impact media capital of the country you're hitting the whole tri-state area we saw numbers in new jersey also move up i think new jersey is going to be a state in play uh in the coming years and the coming cycles and i think this just all goes to show that they were moving for the national popular vote they were looking for a mandate people say the popular vote doesn't matter it matters as it comes to narratives it matters as it comes to framing it matters as it comes to governing with a mandate and be able to

to put these senators and all these other rhinos, their feet to the fire. He won a victory that no other Republican has won since, frankly, Ronald Reagan. So the party is his, the country is now going to be under his guidance, and I think we're looking forward to a fantastic four years ahead, Polish or not.

Yeah, like I'm just going to say it. I mean, and again, as much as it pains us as Philly guys to say this, but it's it's no, it's just you got to also understand where reality is, is New York City is the center of culture in America and the cultural center of New York.

is Madison Square Garden. If this were ancient Rome, then the Colosseum of Rome would be Madison Square Garden today. So why would he go there? Because he has to. It is the Colosseum. The Colosseum is where Maximus will put on his greatest performance, which he did.

in which we all saw. I guess, I don't know, that would make you Pompeii maybe? I'm not sure which one, or maybe one of the gladiators? I'm not sure. One of the guys who got wrecked in the first round. Yeah, Gavin's a gladiator for sure. Hold on, we got a quick break coming up. Send us all your tips, all your questions in right there. What's going on? President Trump's transition, America being made great again, right in front of your eyes.

Long hours. I'm always listening to Human Events with Jack Posobiec.

All right, Jack Posobiec back live, Human Events Daily Mar-a-Lago in Dishon, right down here in West Palm Beach. Folks, Donald J. Trump is the president-elect. Hoorah. And to make America great again, there's a ton of work to be done. And the way I start my day is with a hot America First cup of Blackout Coffee. This coffee is 100% Americana. Blackout Coffee is 100% committed to conservative values.

From sourcing the beans to the roasting process, customer support and shipping, they embody true American values and accept no compromise on taste or quality. Look, I love this stuff. There's no way I'd be able to power my experience, everything that we do, all the stuff that we did that last month, that last push, me and Kev Poso here, without rocking our blackout coffee up and down the highways and byways of the greatest commonwealth of the nation, greatest in the nation, Pennsylvania.

So go to That's some blackout coffee drinker right there, isn't it? - It sure is. - He's got some blackout coffee right there he's drinking. There you go. So make sure you go to and use promo code POSO20 for 20% off your first order. Kev, you getting some Christmas presents on the - Yes. - Kev is doing all of his Christmas shopping this year at - I got a couple books, got a bunch of coffee. - Maybe some books, but really, you gotta stay up when you're reading the book.

So, you get the coffee. So give everyone close to your heart the gift of staying awake and not woke with Blackout Coffee. That's,, promo code POSO20. By the way,

got some mail in here uh poso bros if the trump admin stops funding the ngos and cuts off the benefits to the illegals won't won't most of them just self-report they're here for the freebies i don't hear anyone talking about that approach great show well i'll tell you guys right now that's exactly what the plan is the plan is for the ngos that's all getting yanked the

- I think JD and Tucker talked about that. - Yeah, JD and Tucker talked about it. That's specifically what JD's plan is. That's gonna get pulled. By the way, the criminals will be forcibly deported. There's no question. The gangs, Trend de Aragua, Tom Holman is getting just completely let loose on those guys. But when it comes to

the vast majority, I would say, you're gonna shut that off, then tax on remittances, so tax on money sent back to Mexico or wherever else your point of origin is. And finally, finally, it's very simple, one word with a little bit of an addition, it's called E-verify, E-verify. And what does E-verify do? That makes it a crime to hire or rent a house.

a house or apartment to an illegal alien. We will go after anyone who is hiring or giving housing to illegal aliens. So guess what? Guess what? You're not going to have anywhere to stay. You're not going to have, and we always should have been doing this all along, but that's the issue. Gavin Wax is here. He is our guest. Gavin, I wanted to know if you'd like to weigh in on the question we got in from email there regarding self-deportation.

Listen, I think it has to be part of the plan. I would love to see a daily deportation counter clocked down on every major network, including your own. We'll have a live number of deportees reporting straight from the White House, and we can keep track of it like we did during COVID. I think that'll be great for morale. I think it'll be great for boosting support. We'll have a hotline where you can call in. I think we need to do these sorts of things. And look, I think

Self-deportations are going to be a massive part of any successful mass deportation plan and campaign. I'm glad that it's being discussed because I think it's a huge component thereof. And I think you deport, let's say, the breadwinner and the rest of the family is going to naturally follow. So I think there are ways to cut down on the costs, cut down on the logistical burdens and make this a much more smooth and efficient process, which it will have to be if we're going to make this country great again.

and take back the rights of our own self-governance. - Speaking, well let's, Jack, don't you think, wasn't Trump's first tweet after being elected about helping Democrats against their debt, right? - Right, yeah, pay the debt, 20 million in debt. - So in the efforts of unity, if you and your family

self-deport and perhaps give your name, whatever, wouldn't you think that would be better for when you come back legally? If Trump's out there saying, come back legally, we want immigrants. Wouldn't you think that would be better merit for coming back in? I think we'd be more than happy to pay for a plane ticket. Very

- One way, just the one way. - I'm worried about the one way. I'm thinking about the one way first. - They still got, yeah. - The two way is a longer conversation. - I put that clip up from when we saw Tom, right, at the Rod of Iron Festival. He was saying, listen, you come to this country illegally, we shouldn't want that. And then he says, I didn't drive

to this festival at 150 miles an hour to get here because I didn't want a ticket. Like there's common sense. It's pretty common sense. Well, Gavin, speaking of common sense and speaking of smooth processes, one process that has not gotten pretty smooth lately is this latest regarding the Senate.

majority leadership and so mitch mcconnell is stepping down huge race is open um a lot of conservatives backing rick scott i'd love to see rick scott there but you're also seeing a lot of people in the senate line up behind the tune and line up behind corn i believe we have a clip a recent fairly recent clip of thune and corn and that i'd love to play if we have that guys

Scott, let me ask you before we go, ever so briefly, to summarize Capitol Hill response so far as you've been able to gather it to the civil verdict in Manhattan today against former President Trump.

Two reactions worth noting from Senate Republican leadership. John Cornyn of Texas told CBS News he simply doesn't think Donald Trump can get elected president. Quite a statement from Senator Cornyn. John Thune of South Dakota says America is going to have to decide whether it wants to deal with, quote, all the drama after this verdict and the other investigations. Not exactly a robust endorsement from top Senate Republicans for Donald Trump tonight.

Very, very strange. Gavin, should we have Senate majority leaders that are trashing President Trump after the E. Jean Carroll case in New York? Does this make sense to you? Is that the kind of people that is that the kind of leadership in the Senate that the American people just voted for?

No, absolutely not. They're completely out of touch and frankly stupid. These are people that had no idea the impending landslide that was about to happen on behalf of President Trump's campaign. They are totally out of touch. They're totally disconnected. They're corrupt. These are empty suits. What do these guys stand for? What do they believe in? They certainly don't believe in MAGA. They certainly don't believe in the MAGA movement.

I don't know what they believe in. I think they're guns for hire. I think they're empty suits. They'll say and do whatever they're told. They're owned by the lobbyists. They're owned by the Beltway. And they want to keep business as usual. And I think this is a huge fight that needs to be fought and needs to be fought to a true conclusion, a victorious one, because if we don't truly have a trifecta government, meaning we control both houses and the presidency, we are not going to be able to enact the democratically-

voted on mandate of President Trump. We're going to have issues like we saw during the first term with Paul Ryan, and obviously McConnell as well, who were working their way through the system, through the back doors, acting like snakes and trying to sabotage the entire agenda. So we have the House. Well, you know, since you mentioned...

- Gavin, real quick, real quick. Since you mentioned snakes, it would certainly be remiss if we did not mention President Trump's tweet over the weekend, his truth post, where he, after a lot of chatter here on Human Events Daily, he decided to come out publicly and say that Mike Pompeo and Nikki Haley will not be welcomed or invited into the new Trump administration. - Let's go. - Kev, would you say we're on a little bit of a rhino hunt?

Listen, the fight for America has begun. Oh, did you say Gavin or Kev? Sorry, I said Kev. Kev. The rhino hunting has commenced, sir. The bad guys are on the run. Gavin. Let's go. Gavin. Where's my safari hat? Let's put on our safari hats, man, because it's time for the rhino hunt.

I love it. I love it. The Brothers Poso on the safari hunt sounds like a bandit group in Poland, but we are in a great position right now. I think the rhino hunting season has begun and that post honestly was brilliant. It was beautiful. And I think it put to bed a lot of concerns many people had on the right about the makeup of this new administration. And since then, the rollout of many of these big names filling in these spots have been so far so good. And I think

goes to show that President Trump was willing to withstand the massive pressure from donors, from insiders, from the lobbyists, from the Senate GOP, from the establishment to push these two losers, namely Haley and Pompeo, back into his admin. But all these guys were duplicitous.

All these guys were traitors. All of these guys were waiting in the wings, hoping that he would fail, hoping that they could sabotage, hoping that they could subvert, and slowly but surely they're being struck down. So I think now the fight has shifted more to Senate leadership, and we need good leadership there. We need leadership that's willing to do, as President Trump discussed, recess appointments,

We cannot waste two years trying to fill up all the different appointments, whether it's for the judiciary or elsewhere, by a Senate GOP that wants to just drag its feet. We need a leadership there that's willing to do what it takes to pass a legislative agenda that's going to make this country great again.

If we don't have that, well then we're gonna have major issues from day one. And we need to go into this as strong as we can. And I love that we're holding their feet to the fire. I think it's absolutely pathetic that in this country, supposedly free republic, that our Senate, the elected representatives in the Senate are allowed to vote by secret ballot and their constituents and their supporters

and their donors have no idea who they're voting for. It's an absolute disgrace. The only people that should get the secret ballot are American citizens at their own ballot boxes, but our representatives, whether in the House, whether in the Senate, whether in state legislative bodies, every vote they take, every decision they make should be fully transparent and should be fully

visible to the American public to analyze, to critique, and to discuss. And the fact that they're getting very scared about the pressure campaign online shows that they don't have the best interests of the American people in mind. They have the best interests of other individuals, whether it's lobbyists, donors, you name it. And that needs to stop. That needs to end. And that's how we're going to clean the swamp.

Look, it's as simple as that. And I've had so many people pushing back saying, oh, no, we can't do this. We can't do this. We can't do that. And it's very simple. It's because they want the favors. They want the political influence. They already want the contracts. And you can see it going in over and over down there at Mar-a-Lago where I'm telling you it is like for the Game of Thrones fans out there, that is King's Landing right now. And

you know, if you don't play your cards right, it's going to be your head in the place of where Ned Stark's one. By the way, Gavin, minutes ago, and seeing as it is the... Well, it's the anniversary of World War I, but I don't know if you know that...

During the communist occupation of Poland, the actual name for the battalion of the anti-communist underground resistance was called the Cursed Battalion because that's how the authorities referred to them. The Cursed Soldiers, the Cursed Battalion. So members of the Cursed Battalion were always the ones that the commies were trying to shake down. Gavin, where can people go to follow you, man? And oh, by the way, tell people where to get tickets for the gala.

Oh, absolutely. We have a blast this year. The Brothers Posobiec will be there as well. December 15th, Cipriani Wall Street. We had President Trump there last year. You can get tickets on our website, They are going fast. We're going to have Steve Bannon speaking. We're going to have Nigel Farage speaking. We're going to have a lot more speakers coming out soon. December 15th. Excellent.

Thanks, Gavin.

human events daily. We're rocking it here at West Palm Beach. All the inside information, what's going on at the administration, the new administration that's being put together, what's going on in the transition, who's in, who's out, who's up, who's down, who's left, who's right. I'll tell you something, nobody around here is left. You get left behind maybe, but you're not going to be on the left. You're only going to be on the right. And one man who's always right is Mike Davis of the Article 3 Project. What's up, Mike?

How are you doing? Thank you for having me. Now, Mike, I got to ask you a question. So what did Letitia James do to you? Did she like run over your dog or, you know, maybe one of your children or something? I feel like this is almost getting personal. It's a mischief night. Was it a mischief night?

Well, I would say this. I mean, I was you know, I'm speaking in my capacity as a private citizen. I'm not going to. So I can make all disclosures, all disclosures, all disclosures, folks.

the click wrap agreement that I have to go through in order to speak now. But I would say this, when the American people heard the evidence, the allegations against President Trump for two and a half years since the Mar-a-Lago raid, they heard about these four different bogus criminal indictments. They learned about Tish James's civil fraud lawsuit in New York for the non-fraud of paying back sophisticated Wall Street banks.

in full on time as agreed with interest. There was no fraud. The American people rendered their verdicts last Tuesday and President Trump won in a landslide. And then her response is to go out and do a press conference

saying essentially the election be damned. She didn't expect that election, but the election be damned. And she's going to continue her lawfare against President Trump. That's why I had such a very strong and personal reaction against her. And here's the thing, and it has to be said, and, you know, I get that he's not going to bring it up on his own, but

Stephen K. Bannon is facing another trial with Alvin Bragg in New York, which, last I checked, I think begins next month. Yeah, it's ridiculous. This is the ongoing lawfare against...

President Trump, his top aides like Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro who already went to prison for asserting constitutional executive privilege going back 250 years to George Washington. They're going after Trump supporters on January 6th who they politically persecuted according to the Supreme Court's Fisher decision in June. They're going after parents outraged by gender chaos and

in schools and the resulting rapes in high school bathrooms are going after

pro-life Christians who are praying at abortion clinics, including throwing in prison a 75-year-old Christian under the FACE Act while they give amnesty to Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, every Biden who has taken over $20 million that James Comer, House Oversight Chairman, has been able to identify going from our worst enemies into every Biden's bank account. It seems they're giving amnesty to

The much more deadly and destructive BLM and Antifa riots, as you know very well, Jack, you wrote a book on it. Hamas rioters. And by the way, Kevin, Kev right here was next to me in pretty much every single one of those riots. Yeah. Can't confirm. Can't confirm.

I wouldn't mess with either of you guys, but those little Antifa boys sure wanted to pick fights with you. I mean, it's just crazy how the Biden-Harris Justice Department let their side run wild for four years, and they sent the full force of the intel agencies and the justice system, not only in the Biden-Harris Justice Department, but in their Democrat

satellite offices like the New York Attorney General's office, Tish James, the New York City Manhattan DA office, Alvin Braggs, the Fulton County DA's office, Fannie Willis, Chris Mays, the Arizona Attorney General. This is obvious lawfare. It's obvious election interference. You know what makes this

so obvious, Jack and Kev, is that Jack Smith said that the election has nothing to do with his prosecution. Election be damned, he's just going to keep going forward, violate Justice Department policies on election interference.

And then the day after Trump wins in a landslide on November 5th, Jack Smith leaks out that he's going to close down his office. So it just proves that this was election interference all along.

Well, and here's something that I do also want to get at because you mentioned the books and there was another book I wrote earlier this year on how to deal with communists. And I talked about how to crush communist revolutions. And I talked about infiltration, irregular revolution. One of the policies that I talked about was this idea of the iron law of exact reciprocity. And it's really simple. It's really, really simple. It's that which is done to us

must be done to them. And this isn't like, oh, you get me, I get you, it's gotcha game. No, no, it's very simple. It's the same principle that served us well through the Cold War. It's that if you come at us, we must come at you or else there's no incentive for you to stop coming at us. This is the reason, by the way, well, take a guy like Doug Mackey, for example, a guy who

missed the birth of his first child because he was being sentenced over a meme, over a meme. And I would get fine for the things that I want to say about that situation.

That's a guy, number one, like day one pardon, sure. But a day one pardon is not good enough for what they did to Doug Mackey. It's not good enough. The people who did that need to face justice. And it's as simple as that. I'm sorry, but his family deserves it. He deserves it. And every single person out there who makes memes and felt the chilling effect of what happened with Doug Mackey, they deserve it too. The United States of America deserves it. That's right, Leticia. Yeah, I would-

Mike, go ahead. I would say this. Remember, they went after, they politicized and weaponized our intel agencies.

and law enforcement, going back to Crossfire Hurricane, continuing through Hunter Biden's laptop, continuing through the Mar-a-Lago raid, and these four unprecedented indictments, Chris Mays' indictment of Trump supporters and naming him as an unindicted co-conspirator, Tish James' civil fraud lawsuit for the non-fraud of paying back Wall Street banks in full on time as agreed with interest. This is lawfare. This is election interference. When governments...

When government actors do this, when they collude among themselves along with people on the outside to politicize and weaponize law enforcement and intel agencies against their political enemies for non-crimes, that is a very serious federal crime. It's conspiracy against rights.

18 USC section 241, Jack Smith is very aware of this charge. He charged Trump with conspiracy against rights for January 6th for the non-crime of a presidential candidate objecting to a presidential election, which is allowed by the Electoral Count Act of 1887 and the First Amendment. That's why you don't see Hillary Clinton and Al Gore and John Kerry in prison for objecting to Republican wins. But

Jack Smith, along with these other Democrat prosecutors and other operatives, have politicized and weaponized law enforcement against Trump, his top aides, and his supporters. And Joe Biden's fingerprints are on all four of these unprecedented indictments against Trump. Remember, it was Jonathan Su, Biden's deputy White House counsel, who waived Trump's claim of executive privilege on behalf of Biden that led to Jack Smith's

two indictments in Mar-a-Lago and in D.C. for January 6th. It was Matthew Colangelo who deployed from the number three office in the Biden-Harris Justice Department to Alvin Bragg's office to resurrect a zombie case against Trump for the non-felony of a businessman settling a nuisance claim that somehow turned into 34 campaign finance felonies. It was

Fulton County DA Fannie Willis' boyfriend, secret boyfriend, Nathan Wade, who billed his time, 16 hours, $250 an hour, $4,000 to collude with the Biden White House, including the Biden White House counsel before Fannie Willis brought her indictment against Trump. This is a criminal conspiracy against President Trump.

It clearly is. And we've got a quick break coming up. And I'd love to do in the next segment is talk to you about perhaps some of the practicalities about some of the things that, look, we got the keys to the car now. All right. We got the keys to the Maserati. So where are we going to drive it? How are we going to drive it?

And we need to take these people down. These people need to feel justice. And if they don't feel it, they will never, ever accept it. So let's talk about that a little bit when we come back. Mike Davis, folks, 1776 at Where is Jack? Where is Jack? Where is he? Jack, I want to see you.

Great job, Jack. Thank you. What a job you do. You know, we have an incredible thing. We're always talking about the fake news and the bad, but we have guys, and these are the guys who should be getting policies. All right, Jack Posobiec, Kevin Posobiec back here, Human Events.

daily the mar-a-lago edition live from west palm beach by the way that uh that bumper that everybody likes where's jack where's jack i want to see you jack there you are uh that was actually at the new york young republicans gala last year that uh gavin is just talking about the one that's this year it's going to be december 15th that kevin and myself will be at chipriani's new york the same place mike davis you got you coming to the gala or what man

I'd love it. I don't know if those New York Republicans want to invite me. I'm probably too much of a ruffian for their crowd.

I don't know. If they could have Philly guys there, they can have Davis there. Chop it up with everybody. Chop it up with everybody. But New York accepts all comers. But I think, Davis, I think Kevin actually had a question for you. I did, Mike. And I'm just looking through Twitter here, and I see everything. Everybody posting about Veterans Day, all the honor and commitment that we've seen from our soldiers. And then we see Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, saying that nobody's above the law, right? And...

that Trump is out for reciprocity. Jack wrote about it. What's the path for justice and actual reciprocity for these corrupt officials moving ahead?

I would say that the same thing that they've said to President Trump and Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro and Trump supporters on January 6th, nobody's above the law. And if they violated the law, then they should face consequences for that. And remember, what do they always say? If a grand jury indicts, that means their charges are legitimate. And so I think that if they haven't done anything wrong, they have nothing to worry about.

and it's as simple as that if you have anything wrong about right it's and davis why don't we just say it right back to them alvin bragg letitia james jack smith no one is above the law wow what a concept no one is above the law don't you like that doesn't that make you feel happy

Now, David, we got to ask. We got to ask now. Now, now there's a lot of shortlists running around for attorney general. Have you been asked? Have you heard anything about being asked? Obviously, we were just chatting with the break that you are not down here at West Palm Beach or are going into Mar-a-Lago. So so and I I'll I've heard something about this. But let me hear from you first. Look, I have made it crystal clear for many, many, many months that.

publicly, privately to the key people, I am not going back into government. I am very happy running the Article III projects.

I would, if I were, I was the chief counsel for nominations on the Senate Judiciary Committee, I know that I have 0% chance of getting confirmed to anything. It would take 100 senators in the Senate and I still probably wouldn't get confirmed. I would be, Grassley would give me his charity vote and I think it would end

his 65-year political career. My former boss, the incoming chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I am most useful to President Trump from the outside running the Article III project where I can say whatever the hell I want, whenever the hell I want to say it, and no one can stop me.

And that really is part of the benefit of being on the outside, that you don't really have those restrictions and those boundaries and those various things. But that being said, you do always have, what was it? What did Barack Obama say? I've got a phone and I've got a pen. So yeah, I've got a phone. Well, I've got a phone and I've got a Twitter and I've got an X and I've got human events daily. That's right. And we've got the war room. That's right. We've got the posse. And we've got real America's voice and we've got the posse and we've got everything else. We're back. We're back.

And we're back. It's as simple as that, man. Davis, I got to tell you, how excited, what were you most excited about on election night? The liberal tears. It was wonderful. It was, look, as I- That's right. No hesitation on the answer. No hesitation. How about dad? Remember dad? He's like, it hasn't rained in Pennsylvania. Yeah.

Oh, yeah. Our dad goes, he says, he says he hasn't rained in Pennsylvania in two months, but now hopefully the liberal tears will replenish the crops of our great land. That's right. It's almost harvest time.

I waited. I waited. So I knew we were going to win both the House and the Senate before I started to run my mouth. And I've been running my mouth quite a bit on social media, triggering quite a few people on the left with my trolling. And it's been it's been wonderful. Well, and that is by the way, that is that is a thing that that we do need to pay attention to. Mike Davis, Article three project. Where can people follow you, ma'am?, Donate there, follow us on social media and take action. And thank you guys.

appreciate it mike mike davis folks he's given he's we talk about liberal tears this guy's looking at liberal nightmares absolute liberal nightmares but like kev being in a driver's seat is it it's it's an incredible thing having the mandate that the the american people have given to the maga movement you still got to deliver right yeah you know it's time to follow through it's a real honor so there's something that i know you

It came up in the last administration very late in the last, December 21st, there was an executive order 2020 that came out. What was that executive order that you really feel passionate about bringing back? - Ah, that executive order on promoting the beautiful federal civic architecture. - Architecture. - Our beautiful buildings in the capital, all the white neoclassical federal style buildings. It talks to the symmetry, the order,

the justice that makes America great, really, and

It was, what, to prohibit any new buildings not being built in that style. Because, I won't name names, but a lot of them are wavy and looks like a... J. Edgar Hoover building. The J. Edgar Hoover building is a blight on the planet. The FBI building. It should be razed to the ground. Yeah, the FBI building is disgusting. Brutalist concrete. Looks like giant Lego blocks. It's just...

- Yeah, it looks literally like my six year old could draw a better looking building than that. I mean, it is disgusting. And the idea that our city, our capital city-- - Remember in Star Wars, that Jawa tank? That big brown Jawa tank? - Yes, I do.

That's literally what's near the National Mall. - The sand crawler. - The National Mall now. - Yeah, there's a giant sand crawler just sitting there. - Yeah, you got that. - And you got the old post office, which was Trump Hotel, right across the way. You got the Capitol building, which is gorgeous. - Bring it back. - You've got the White House, which is incredible. It's impeccable, it's immaculate. - Trump knows this. - Trump understands architecture and class and all the rest of it, folks. - Bring back the post office building. - Are you saying make America classy again?

I'm saying send me up on those Corinthian columns. I'll restore them myself. Ladies and gentlemen, make America classy again. Ladies and gentlemen, as always, you have our permission to lay ashore.